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HRNJ-Uganda alert, Media council summons journalist, media houses over news article. Kampala, 0 th!"pril!

#0$ % The Media Council of Uganda has summoned two media houses and a journalist over a news story about a cabinet ministers alleged plot to grab a deceased property. The Council summoned Uganda Radio Networ !URN" #a news agency and its employee$ Tom Malaba who is accused of authoring the controversial story together with Capital %M # a private radio station which reportedly broadcast the story. &'f no appearance is made on your behalf$ yourself$ your pleader or by someone by law authori(ed to act for you$ a decision be made by the Council in your absence in accordance with the law.) *rote the Councils +ecretary$ ,ius Mwinganisa in a summons dated March /0-1. The Minister of +tate for Tourism$ 2gnes 2 iror 3gunyu$ petitioned the Council alleging defamation and malice by the said parties when they wrote and carried a story titled 4Tourism Minister Accused Of Grabbing Deceased Sister's Property. +he was &deliberately trying to grab the lattes properties and alienating them from any member of their family$) the article 5uotes 2sha 3gunyu 6omuhendo$ a daughter to the deceased 7ucy %iona 3gunyu 2semo who was the ,residents +enior ,residential 7egal 2dvisor. 'n her prayers$ 2 iror as ed the Council to charge Malaba with professional misconduct$ suspend his practicing certificate for si8 months$ and have all the parties apologi(e to her in addition to paying her appropriate compensation. URNs 38ecutive 9irector$ +am :uma described the move by the minister as political; &+he is a politician using e8tra<judicial muscle to wrestle legal matters.) he told =RN><Uganda$ adding that they are ready to attend the said hearing due on 2pril //$ /0-1. &2ll documents were given to our company lawyers who are following the matter.) Capital %Ms ,rograms 9irector$ :eorge Manyali told =RN><Uganda. &The Media Council should guard against being used by politicians to settle political scores thereby undermining the freedoms of e8pression and information.) *arned =RN><Uganda National Coordinator$ Robert +sempala. For More Information Contact; Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda !lot "#$ %lock "& 'tensera Road (a)an*a +riangle ,one !-.-%./- 0"1"2 Clock +ower (am3ala- +el4 5&67-2"2-&0&812 9 5&67-2"2-7707&0 :-mail4 news;hrn*uganda-org 9 humanra*ournalists;)ahoo-co-uk 9 <e=site4 www-hrn*uganda-org; %>.?4 htt3499hrn*uganda-=log3ost-com

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