426 Lesson 1 Scope

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Unit Title: Locomotor Motor Skills Lesson Title: Locomotor Basketball Students: 14

Grade: 1st

Number of

Instructional Objectives/ Student Outcomes 1. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of locomotor skills 2. Students will be able to incorporate locomotor skills into other activities WV CSOS o W .S.! Students will demonstrate motor skills and movement forms that enhance ph"sical development that appl" to dail" life e#periences o W .S.$ Students will appl" concepts and principles of human movement to the development of motor skills and learning new skills that appl" to dail" living e#periences N S!" Standards o Standard # % &he ph"sicall" literate individual demonstrates competenc" in a variet" of motor skills and movement patterns. o Standard $ % &he ph"sicall" literate individual applies knowledge of concepts' principles' strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. o Standard % % &he ph"sicall" literate individual e#hibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. &ationale o (t is crucial for "oung students especiall" in the earl" "ears of elementar" school to know how to properl" perform locomotor skills. B" understanding how to perform these skills at an earl" age it will help them to be able to perform ph"sical activit" in the future. !rere'uisite (no)led*e o &he students in the first grade class should be able to understand and follow classroom guidelines as established b" the supervising teacher Bob )oble. Students should be able to listen to instructions without disrupting the learning environment. Students should be able to walk' *og' and run. ntici+ator, Set

o Students are brought into the class and are e#plained the activit" the" will participate in. &he activit" is similar to an activit" the" have pla"ed before but with minor ad*ustments. -ana*ement .rame)or/ o (ntroductor" +ctivit", 2%- Minutes o Lesson .ocus, 1!%1/ Minutes o 0losing +ctivit", 2%! Minutes "'ui+ment &e'uired o o o o o 4 cones 1 Basketball hoop $ foam balls 1 Stereo 1 01 entitled' 20hihuahua3

Teac0in* St,le o 1irect o 0ooperative Learning da+tations for S+ecial Needs 1. Student with a social4behavioral disorder will be allowed to wear a hat in this class. 2. Students with ph"sical deficiencies or students with trouble performing skills will receive assistance from the other teacher. Inte*ration )it0 Ot0er 1isci+lines 1iversit, o Students will receive opportunities to see me as the teacher demonstrate the skills as well as other students. o Students will also hear instructions as ( tell them to them. o Students will be able to choose gross motor skill the" want to complete at certain points. Content Se'uence of -aterial 2 (ntroductor" +ctivit" 5Strike a 6ose7 o .our cones will be place around the g"mnasium. Students will line up single file behind cone number 1. When the music begins students will begin *ogging around each cone. When the

music stops the student will strike a pose. &he teacher will then announce a new motor skill 5running' skipping' hopping' *umping' galloping' etc.7 for the student to perform around the cones. 1uring this time the teacher will be using a checklist as a pre test to note students abilities.

.itness +ctivit" 8 Lesson .ocus 5)MS Basketball7 o &eacher will group the class into four groups. 9ne group will be placed behind each cone. Students will go down court using the motor skill announced b" the teacher and then shoot the basketball into the basketball hoop. o 9nce the shot has been made students will run back to their group:s cone and the process will repeat itself until all groups are finished. 0losing +ctivit" o Students will sta" in their groups and perform an announced motor skill from the teacher. &he teacher will use a checklist as a post test to see how well the skill is performed. "3tended ctivities (f Lesson .inishes arl" o Students will continue to pla" the )MS Basketball game +ssessment of Lesson o ;sing a checklist ( was able to track students performance and progress before and after this lesson. ( tracked how well students performed the motor skills before the lesson and after the ma*orit" of the lesson was spent on practicing the skills. o +ll 14 students were able to run safel" and efficientl" before and after the lesson o (n the pre test onl" 1< students could *ump consistentl" down the court. (n the post test onl" 12 could perform the motor skill. o (n the pre test onl" = students could perform hopping efficientl" and onl" / could in the post test. o 9f the 14 students onl" $ could gallop consistentl" and onl" / galloped efficientl" in the post test ;sing data ( collected ( feel that ( should have not even practiced the running motor skill once ( saw that all the students knew what the" were doing in the pre test. ( feel that ( should have spent more time differentiating between hopping and *umping as well. 9ften' students would stop and *ump with one foot or hop with two feet. )alloping was the hardest skill for the students to learn. ( should spend more time performing galloping onl" so that the students can

perform that skill. Last' in the future ( ma" cut out the basketball shot because ( feel that it is irrelevant to the unit and the lesson and is therefore taking time awa" from the actual learning of the skills in m" ob*ectives. &eflection &his lesson was ver" effective for finding out the student>s abilit" to effectivel" use Locomotor Skills. B" using a pre%test' the teachers were able to find out if students knew the terminolog" as well as the skill. Students understood running' *umping' and hopping. But' students did not know what the word galloping meant. +fter a demonstration b" the teacher' the" understood the concept. But' the students were not able to gallop consistentl". &he" would move forward' take a few steps' and then move forward. Students overall were engaged in the lesson' loving the musical portion of the lesson. &he" also loved the creativit" the" had to use in order to move the ball down the basketball floor without using their hands or in different wa"s. ;sing competition at the first grade level was not as effective as it would be for older children. (f' for e#ample' the fifth grade class were to use rela" races' there would be more emotion because the competitive nature of the game. .irst graders were simpl" happ" to be moving' regardless of competition. 9ne could see the critical thinking that was taking place when students were tr"ing to figure out the different movements for gross motor skills. +t the end of the lesson' an improvement had shown from man" students who struggled at first. &he teacher was able to use the activit" to observe and correct or improve movement patterns. .or instance' a student struggled hopping on their left foot. &his student would not lift their leg high enough to clear out of the wa" in order to hop. +s well' the student would tr" to hop and land on the front part of their foot. +fter the teacher showed the student how to put their right leg behind their left thigh and e#plaining b" *umping and landing with their entire foot will improve their balance' the student made great improvements in the area.

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