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1. Who is the first point of contact to all account prospects? A. the BOM, B. Branch mana er, !. "eller #. customer ser$ice unit %. all of the a&o$e ' # (. All of these are functions of the !)U e*cept. A. +e&itin customer, B. Account openin , !. che,ue &oo- issuance #. B.! %. onl/ c ' A 0. "he ''''''''''''''''' t/pe of mar-et is the place 1here continuous &i++in 2auction ta-es place? A. primar/ &. capital c. secon+ar/ +. none of the a&o$e e. A . ! ' ! 3. In 4A5 theor/, if 6)A e,uals 6)7 an+ chan e in interest increases, net income 1ill? A. increase too, B. not chan e !. +ecrease. # cant sa/. %. a.c ' B 8. Which of these accountin techni,ues is not consistent 1ith the principle of 1ealth ma*imi9ation? A. N5: B. I66, !. 5a/&ac- perio+, # none of the a&o$e % profita&ilit/ in+e* ' ! ;. A teller recei$e+ 8pac-ets of N1<<< notes, 3 pac-ets of N8<<, 8 pac-ets of N(<<, 3pac-ets of N1<<, 8pac-ets of N8<, 0pac-ets of N(< an+ 3pac-ets of N1<. =o1 much in total +eposit +i+ the teller recei$e? A. ;>8,<<< &. ;(<,<<< c. >?8,<<< +. 8;8,<<< e. ?<<,<<< ' ! ?. When t1o or more parties come to ether, each controllin some resource of 1hich the other +esires, reachin an a reement on mutual e*chan e of the resources, it@s seen as? A. sellin process &. &u/in process c. ne otiation +. relationship mana ement ' ! >. Which of these is not a current asset? a. treasur/ &ills &. &on+s. !. computer e,uipments +. a . & %. ' ! A. A situation 1here&/ !ountr/ A an+ countr/ B enter into a forei n e*chan e, 1here&/ tra+e ta-es place in a countr/ ! an+ countr/ ! sells their currenc/ to countr/ B, is -no1n as? a. cross sellin &. None of + a&o$e !. Bi'lateral tra+e +. Bi'sellin ' A 1<. "he most important thin to consi+er 1hen i$in out a loan to a customer is a. collateral &. account statement c. capacit/ + character e. a . c ' # 11. BAll thin s are possi&le throu h oo+ net1or-in @. "his statement 1as ma+e &/ 1ho? A. &arac- O&ama &. &a/o aCa-ai/e c. Dohnson o-u&e +. ste$e for&es ' A 1(. )ellin is a&out persua+in the customer s to ac,uire the pro+ucts an+ ser$ices 1hich &est match their nee+s at a profit to the or ani9ation. "rue or false.. ' " 10. Mar-etin is a&out persua+in the customer s to ac,uire the pro+ucts an+ ser$ices 1hich &est match their nee+s at a profit to the or ani9ation. "rue or false.. ' E 13. Who is responsi&le for re$ie1in an+ challen in ris- information an+ escalatin issues to the &oar+? A. the e*ecuti$e &oar+ of +irectors &. the e*ecuti$e &oar+ of sharehol+ers c. the e*ecuti$e committee +. the ris- mana ement +irectorates e. internal au+it . control ' ! 18. In international tra+e'''''''''''''''' is the actual cost of oo+s, an+ ''''''''''''''''''''' is the actual cost of transportation of oo+s. A. fo&, frei hts &. frei hts, fo& c. frei hts +. none of the a&o$e ' A 1;. What is the thir+ step in the 8s process? A. set &. shine c. sort +. sustain e. stan+ar+i9e ' B 1?. Which of these metho+ of retail pa/ment +oes not necessaril/ re,uire a UBA account? A. africash &. mone/ ram c. 1estern union +. cFshEast ' # 1>. NO)"6O also refers to BOU6 A!!OUN" WI"= "=%M@ true or false? ' " :O)"6O also refers to Btheir A!!OUN" WI"= us@ true or false? 1A. Ban-s cash reser$e ratio &/ !BN G currentl/ a. 0<H &. 11H c. 38H +. None of + a&o$e ' # (<. A+e&isi an+ sons lt+ in$ests N1(<,<<<. "he inflo1 for the perio+ inclu+es, /r 1' 18-, /r (' (8-, /r 0' 3<-, /r 3' 3<-, /r 8' 08-, /r;' 0<-. usin the pa/&ac- perio+, the no of /rs 1oul+ &e? A. 8/rs &. 0.0/rs c. 3/rs +. in$estment 1ont pa/ ' ! (1. '''''''''''''''''''' is an in+irect ta* set &/ the o$t upon oo+s an+ ser$ices. A. personal income ta* &. :A" !. compan/ income ta* +. none of + a&o$e ' B


((. "he securities +ealer 1ho purchases a &on+ or note issue from an issuer an+ resells it to in$estors is a2an. ''''''''''''''''''''''' a. &on+ 1riter &. un+er1riter c. o$er1riter +. &on+ mana er 'B (0. "he follo1in are +iscounta&le instruments e*cept? A. +eman+ +eposit &. cp@s c. BA@s +. ".&ills e. all of the a&o$e ' A (3. All 4))! transactions are processe+ $ia +ocument mana ement s/stem calle+ IIIIIIIIII. A. U5M B.U!M !. UBA +. finnacle e. a . & ' A (8. "o pro$i+e 1orl+ class $alue a++in ser$ices in partnership 1ith our )B4@s, +e+icate+ to ser$ice ,ualit/, operations e*cellence,IIIIIIIII this is the $ision of? A. UBA &. UBA pensions c. 4))! +. +a&&a1alas ' ! (;. Win'1in is not the ha&it of interpersonal lea+ership. "rue or false? ' E (?. '''''''''''''''''' is not tra+e+ in the financial mar-et? A. t.&ills &. t.certificates c. none of the a&o$e +. onl/ a ' ! (>. Mone/ mar-et is the mar-et 1here short terms securities are IIIIIIII. A. sol+ &. purchase+ c. sol+ or purchase+ +. onl/ a ' ! (A. When no +irect in$estment is ma+e &/ the &an- in either BA or !5 it shoul+ &e reporte+ as IIII.. a. on &alance sheet &. off &alance sheet c. accrue+ +e&ts +. none of the a&o$e. ' B 0<. OBB implies that a counter part/ has the option to repurchase their "2&ills &efore maturit/. "rue or false? ' " 01. Eorm M is use+ in processin tra+e transactions on intan i&le oo+s. "rue or false? ' E

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