Limitations For Research Projects

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1. Every student is going to state one topic of his/her own choice from the topics list
provided below. Not the instructor but the student is going to be responsible for
having the instructor register the chosen topic to himself/herself.
Group 1.1.History of Air Pollution

Group 1.2.Legislations on air pollution in Turkey.

Group 1.3.Legislations on air pollution in EU contries.

Group 1.4.Legislations on air pollution in the world.

Group 1.5.Effects of air pollution on humans.

Group 1.6.Effects of air pollution on animals and property.

Group 1.7.Effects of air pollution on overall ecological system.

Group 1.8.Properties of primary and secondary pollutants.

Group 1.9.Natural air pollutant sources.

Group 1.10. Mechanisms for the production of secondary pollutants in the


Group 1.11. Fuel burning and its effects on the environment.

Group 1.12. Types and properties of coals in the aspect of air pollution.

Group 1.13. Types and properties of fuel oils in the aspect of air pollution.

Group 1.14. Natural gas properties in the aspect of air pollution.

Group 1.15. Combustion of solid wastes and its effects on the environment.

Group 1.16. Combustion of hazardous wastes and its effects on the


Group 1.17. Combustion of medical wastes and its effects on the


Group 1.18. Air Quality Index (AQI) and its benefits.

Group 1.19. Methods for the measurement of SOx.

Group 1.20. Effects of SOx in the atmosphere.

Group 1.21. Methods for the measurement of NOx.

Group 1.22. Effects of NOx in the atmosphere.

Group 1.23. Methods for the measurement of PM.

Group 1.24. Methods for the measurement of odorous substances.

Group 1.25. Effects of odorous substances in the atmosphere.

Group 1.26. Odor Index and its use.

Group 1.27. Odor concentration and odor intensity.

Group 1.28. Methods for sampling in air pollution applications.

Group 1.29. Necessity for the use of emission factors.

Group 1.30. Production and effects of photochemical smog.

Group 1.31. Acid Rain: Its causes and its effects.

Group 1.32. Solar radiation and the atmosphere.

Group 1.33. Terrestrial radiation and the atmosphere.

Group 1.34. Properties of stratospheric ozone.

Group 1.35. Stratospheric ozone depletion: Its mechanisms and its effects on both
short-term and long-term periods.

Group 1.36. Production of ozone in the troposphere.

Group 1.37. Effects of tropospheric ozone

Group 2.1. Air pollution meteorology: Role of atmospheric humidity and

atmospheric pressure.

Group 2.2. Air pollution meteorology: Small-scale vertical atmospheric motions.

Group 2.3. Air pollution meteorology: Large-scale atmospheric motions around high
and low pressure zones.

Group 2.4. Transport of pollutants in the atmosphere: Euler vs. Lagrange


Group 2.5. Atmospheric stability: How do we decide atmospheric stability.

Group 2.6. Role of atmospheric stability on air pollution.

Group 2.7. El-nino: Its mechanisms and effects on the environment in the aspect of
air pollution.
Group 2.8. Global warming: Its source and its effects.

Group 2.9. Effects of nuclear energy and environmental risks of nuclear power
plants in the aspect of air pollution.

Group 2.10. Air pollution modeling: Approximations and computer applications of

worldwide acceptance.

Group 2.11. Source and effects of global atmospheric motions on air pollution.

Group 2.12. Production of chlor-alkali and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.13. Production of ethylene oxide and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.14. Production of dinamites and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.15. Production of ammonium nitrate-fuel oil and contribution to air


Group 2.16. Production of phosphoric acid and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.17. Production of ink and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.18. Production of soap and detergent and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.19. Production of sodium carbonate and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.20. Production of sulfuric acid and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.21. Baking process (bread) and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.22. Production of coffee and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.23. Production of wheat and flour and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.24. Copper processing and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.25. Zinc processing and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.26. Production of steel and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.27. Production of ceramic and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.28. Production of cement and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.29. Production of concrete and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.30. Production of glass and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.31. Production of lime and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.32. Production of asphalt and contribution to air pollution.

Group 2.33. Effects of stone querries on air pollution.

Group 2.34. Effects of petroleum industry on air pollution.

Group 2.35. Any other topic that students offer.

2. Every student is going to make his/her own research about the topic of his/her choice
and prepare a report in the provided format. The reports should not be more than 15
3. The research project will be completed in two stages. In the first stage, each student
will hand in his/her draft research report for reviewing. The instructors will review and
return it in his next office hour. The student then will make the corrections/revisions
suggested by the instructor and will hand in the corrected/revised report due the date
Stages Due date
Group 1 draft report 21.03.2008
Group 1 final report 11.04.2008
Group 2 draft report 02.05.2008
Group 2 final report 23.05.2008

4. Final reports will be handed in both written and soft format.

5. Every student is going to make a representation for his/her research on specified date.
Representations are not allowed to exceed 5 minutes.
6. Research projects cover 17% of overall grades. The projects will be graded as 50%
report content and 50% representation.

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