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Volume 53, Number 8, 1967

A Technical Publication Devoted to
the Selection and Use of Lubricants


Published by

Texaco lilt., 135 East 42nd Street, NewYork, N.Y. 10017

J. H. Rambin,Jr., Chairman
of the Boardof Directors;M.J. Epley,Jr., President;A. W.Baucum, HarveyCash,J. W.
Green,J. H. Pipkin, ExecutiveVicePresidents; W.E. Avery,A. M.Card, W.G. Copeland,S. T. Crossland,C. H.
Dodson,M.F. Granville,BenHalsell, O. B. Hocker,H. C. Hose,L. C. Kemp,Jr., KerrynKing,J. W.Kinnear,J. K.
McKinley,J. I. Mingay,W.H. Ryer,H. O. Woodruff, VicePresidents;A. B. Steed,VicePresidentand GeneralCounsel;
W.J. Clayton,Secretary;E. C. Mitchell,Treasurer;k~~. R. Love,Comptroller.
Volume53, Number8, 1967
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LI’BRICATION",Cop*rtght .~ 1967 b~ "lc.x.*~o Inc. Cop)rtght undur International Cop)right Contentton. All rights Re,erred under Pan-

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T HEprevious issue of this publication described
surface mining and its lubrication require-
windingon drumsequipped with clutches should be
lubricated sparinglyto preventthe possibility of lu-
ments.This issue will continuethe article with
bricant reaching clutch faces. Othercables should be
someservice suggestions for surface mining equip- cleaned every 10 to 100 hours as necessaryand fresh
ment and an introduction to underground mining cable lubricant applied.
machinery. Aboutevery 500 hours cables should be immersed
for a few minutes in cable lubricant using a trough
Service Suggestions built especially for this purpose. Usuallythis is a
Someuseful hints on servicing various com- horizontal trough equipped with pulleys arranged
ponents of surface mining equipmentare offered as to keepthe cable submerged ~vhile it is run through.
follows: A burlap collar removesexcess lubricant before the
Air Compressors cable leaves the trough.
Keepvalves clean to avoid excessive discharge Chains
temperaturesand keepreceivers drained of oil. Serv- To lubricate the pins of silent chains, remove
ice air cleanersevery5 to 10 hoursin dusty areas. chains every fifty hours, washin diesel fuel or kero-
Ball andRoller Bearings sene and soakin hot gear oil.
Ball and roller bearings often haveseals to pre- Clutches
vent grease leakage, and one charge should usually
last about 200 operating hours. Use a low pressure Use low pressure gun and do not over-lubricate
gun and apply only a few shots unless the bearing is clutch parts. Lubricanton clutch facings will cause
vented. Forcing grease aroundthe shaft maydamage slippage and over heating.
the seals. Fill bearingsone quarter to onehalf full. Electric Motors
Brakes Inspect grease lubricated bearings every 2000op-
Donot over-lubricate wheelbearings, as excessive erating hours. If grease has deterioratedor if dirt is
lubricant mayreach the brakes. Since hydraulic present, clean and repack by adding grease to hous-
brake mechanismsoften contain rubber parts, use ing until about one-third full. Adda small amount
only approvedbrake fluids in order not to affect of grease every 1000 hours, but do not over-
themadversely. lubricate.
Check oil level of the oil lubricated bearings
Cables and Wire Ropes regularly. Washout bearings every 2000 hours. Do
Donot lubricate cables that drag in the dirt. Cable not flood bearings and wipe off excess oil.


Engine Crankcases maintained between 160 and 180°F. This requires

The drain period recommendedby the engine the use of shutters or other coveringon the radiator
manufacturer covers normal operation, and gen- whenstarting up or operating at light load in cold
erally, oil should be drained from engines as in- weather. In hot weather, special attention should be
structed. Morefrequent oil changes are necessary paid to the fan belt, radiator and water jacket to
for any of the following reasons: abnormally high maintain the cooling systemat maximum efficiency.
oil temperatures, engines started and stopped fre- Thermostatsshould be checkedfrequently by noting
quently, enginesidled for long periods, dusty atmos- whetherthe radiator remains cold until the engine
phere, oil diluted to facilitate starting, or excessive has reached proper operating temperature as shown
contaminationin oil or on filter. Onthe other hand, by the temperatureindicator.
if the operating conditions are consideredmild, ex- Permanenttype antifreeze solutions are preferred
tended drain periods maybe entirely practical. How- for miningmachineryengines, since alcohol boils
ever, extendingthe oil drain period often results in at 170°F. and most cooling thermostats are set near
poor economy,since additional wear and deposits or abovethis figure for efficient combustionof the
due to greater oil contaminationcan cause increased fuel. Keroseneor salt solutions shouldnever be used.
maintenanceand shorter equipmentlife. Copperor EngineDistributors
white metal specks on the filter often serve as a
warningof incipient bearing difficulties. Usedoil Thelower part of the distributor is often lubri-
cated automatically from the engine. Whendriven
analysis is helpful in spotting unsuspectedproblems from the generator, however,separate grease lubri-
with gasoline and diesel engines, as well as estab- cation is usually required. The upper distributor
lishing proper oil drain intervals for a group of bearingmayuse either grease or oil lubrication. The
engines in miningoperations. wick under the distributor rotor requires two or
If possible,drainoil whileit is hot. If the oil filter
is also changed whendraining oil, add an extra three drops of light oil. Anoccasional touch of
grease to the camis desirable, makingsure, however,
quantity of oil whenrefilling the crankcase. Check
the oil level every 10 hoursafter the enginehas been that nonereaches the breakerpoints.
stopped for a few minutes to allow oil in the upper Engine Fans
parts of the engine to return to the crankcase.When Fans mounted on a shaft extension or other
changingbrands of oil, even if manufacturedby the engine accessory and having no separate bearings
samesupplier, it is advisableto drain crankcaseafter require no lubrication. Neither do those having
the first 24 hours to removeany old deposits which permanentlypacked bearings.
were possibly loosened by the newoil. Somefans require occasional grease application,
Crankcase ventilator air cleaners should be while others must be lubricated regularly with oil.
serviced whenthe oil is drained. Onetype of oil lubricated fan is equipped with an
Engine Air Cleaners overflow, while another is equipped with a stand-
pipe to insure constant oil level. In the latter type,
Air cleaners may be the wire gauze type in the reservoir is filled withoil and the excessdrained
whichthe gauze is either replaced with a new ele- by turning the fan until the filler hole is down.If
ment, or washedin kerosene or diesel fuel, dipped over-lubricated, the fans maythrow grease or oil
in oil and reused. Usually, any SAE50 grade heavy ontothe belts.
oil is satisfactory for coatingthe oil wettedtype.
The oil bath type requires inspection at regular Engine Generators
intervals to keepthe oil at the proper level and the Over-lubrication of generators maycause deterio-
oil cup clean. Put a screwdriver into the oil, and if ration of windings and deposit formation on the
the sediment accumulation is one-quarter to one- commutator.
half inch, the unit should be cleaned and refilled.
The entire assembly should be disassembled and EngineOil Filters
thoroughly cleaned every 500 hours. Carryover of Oil filter elementsshould be cleaned or replaced
at every oil change, and more frequently under
oil into the intake manifoldindicates that the engine
has beenover-speeded,the oil too light, the oil level
severe dirt conditions. Lowtemperature operation
requires morefrequent filter changingdue to con-
too high or the air cleaner too small. Donot remove
the oil cup whenthe engine is running. densation formingan emulsionwith oil.
Centrifugal precleaners should be emptied when Oil filters do not removefuel diluent or soluble
the glass container becomes half full. oxidation products. Therefore, crankcase oil must
be changedregularly regardless of the filter type. By-
Engine Cooling Systems pass filters, and evenfull flowfilters do not remove
To insure complete combustion and to minimize all of the finely dispersedsoot. Consequently,highly
contaminating the lubricating oil with unburned dispersant oils tend to turn dark quickly in service.
fuel and soot, engine cooling systems should be Thisis a sign that the oils are functioningproperly.


Engine Water Pumps tional lubricant applied as necessary. Opengears op-

Somewater pumpsrequire no lubrication, since erating in very dusty locations shouldbe washedfre-
they are lubricated either automatically from the quentlywithcrankcaseoil andvery, verylittle lubri-
engine or are permanently packed at the factory. cant applied. If gears mustrun dry, the speeds and
Others have a wick leading from an oil sump and loads shouldbe reduced,if feasible.
still others have porous bushings from which oil GreaseFittings
seeps to the shaft.
Greasefittings should be wipedbefore and after
Greaselubricated pumpsin whichthe grease does applying grease. Whena plug must be removedand
not comein contact with the engine coolant (when a fitting applied, it is an indication that this part
the grease is applied to an external support bearing) should be lubricated only occasionally. Mostparts,
should be lubricated with a general purpose grease. such as plain bearings, should be lubricated fre-
Those pumpsin which the grease does comein con- quently and freely by applying product until fresh
tact with the engine coolant (when the grease is grease showsat the point where the old grease is
used to lubricate the packing seal) are preferably forced out.
lubricated with a heavy, water insoluble grease.
If cooling systemsshowsigns of oil, it maybe an Rubber Parts
indication that either too muchor the improper Oils and greases maycause natural and somesyn-
grease is being applied. It should be remembered, thetic rubbers to deteriorate. Thereforetires, fan
however,that somepermanenttype antifreezes are belts, rubber hose, engine mountings,rubber bush-
two phaseproducts, and that oil in the cooling sys- ings on radius rods and spring shackles, and cooling
tem mayoriginate fromthe coolant. system connections should be kept free from fuel,
Transmissions and Rear Axles oil and grease. In addition, use only approvedfluids
in shock absorbers, brake cylinders and hydraulic
In most cases, transmission and rear axle lubri- control systems containing rubber diaphragms,
cants need not be changed more often than every plungersor seals.
1000 hours, although the level shot*ld be checked
every 50 hours. Checkthe drain plugs after heavy Steering Gear
rains or severe dust conditions, then drain and refill Keepthe steering gear housingfilled with recom-
if wateris present or if dust is getting in. Keepthe mendedoil to lubricate gear surfaces, bearings and
oil seals in goodconditionto preventleakage. Going steering shaft. Use a low pressure pumpto prevent
to a heavier grade of lubricant will not necessarily the lubricant from being forced up the steering
reduceleakage,since the heavieroil ust, ally operates column.
at a higher temperature, xvhich in turn reduces its
viscosity. Foamingor overheating in gear boxes Turntable Roller Path
often indicates too high an oil level. This ~vill also Donot lubricate (except doubleflange types with
cause leakage. Keepvents open to prevent pressure hookrollers.) Lubricantwill cause rollers to slide
bt, ildup inside the gearcase. and wearflat. Lubricatebearingson turntable rollers
sparingly to avoid drippageon paths.
Open Gears
Lubricants for open gears may be heated and UniversalJoints
poured, applied by brush or swab, or sprayed. Gears Someuniversal joints are provided with lubrica-
shot, ld be inspectedabout every10 hot, rs and addi- tion fittings. The ball and trunnion type should not
be over lubricated as the boot will becomefilled
with lubricant. Someroller bearing types require
disassembly and hand packing by an experienced
Wheel Bearings
Front wheel bearings generally are lubricated by
removing the wheels and repacking by hand. Some
rear wheel bearings have to be removed, while
others are lubricated automatically from the dif-
ferential, or are permanentlypackedat the factory.
Someare equippedwith a grease cup or fitting and
still others have a plug whichmust be removedand
a fitting substituted, the plug being replaced after
the lubricant is applied.
Courtesy o/ Euclid Division o! G~n~ralAfotor~ Corporation Gear-driven wheels on large equipment,like the
Figure 15 -- A cutaway view of a planetary drive axle. one illt*strated in Figure15, are usually oil lubri-


cated. Theoil serves both the gears and the bearings. adapted, not only for workingunderground,but in
Prematurewheelbearing failure often is caused accordancewith the size and nature of the vein or
by contamination with dirt and dust during clean- deposit to be worked.Accessto and from the mines
ing and repacking. Wheneverwheel bearings are is generally time consumingand tedious. This is
removed,they should be examined,washedcarefully particularly true in the transportation of machines,
in a suitable solvent and dried with air. After clean- parts and lubricants to and from the workingface
ing, grease should be packed around the bearings and shop or storage areas. This places a high value
and the bearingsreplaced. Greaseseals should be ex- on dependableoperation of machines, since produc-
aminedcarefully and replaced, if necessary. Bear- tion is geared to the machinesand maximum pro-
ings must be adjusted so that the wheel~vill turn duction depends upon continued normal operation
freely with no end play. Only a small amountof of equipment. The proper operation and continued
grease should be placed in the bearing housing, as performanceof the equipmentis directly related to
over-lubrication mayresult in grease leakage onto adequate and proper lubrication. Therefore, high
the brakes. lubricant quality, goodlubricant application prac-
tices and proper maintenanceare all essential to
Protecting Idle Equipment profitable miningin this age of mechanization.
In someareas, surface mining is seasonal, and High humidity, contaminating dusts and dirt,
often equipmentis idle for extended periods, and high operating temperatures, heavy work loads,
may be exposed to severe weather conditions be- water and corrosive conditions are all commonto
t~veenactive periods. undergroundmining, and constitute the main fac-
Effective engine preservative oils are available tors with which lubricants must contend.
for protecting the internal parts of gasoline and The problem of adequate and proper lubricant
diesel engines. Enclosedgear boxes, transmissions supply is lessened by use of especially designedcon-
and other systems containing lubricants not de- tainers and dispensers to ease transportation and
signed to protect fully against rust during idle pe- use underground. Minimizingthe numberof lubri-
riods should be drained, cleaned and filled with cants required is of primeimportanceand is receiv-
rustproof oil. ing muchattention. This eases the responsibility of
Air tools should also be protected during idle lubricant distribution and reduces the chances of
periods. Manyair tool lubricants are designed to misapplication. The ultimate goal of a single oil
provide adequate rust protection. Internal parts can and a single grease for undergroundequipmenthas
be safeguardedby lubricating the tool liberally be- not yet been realized, althoughoften operations can
fore storage. be properly serviced with three or four carefully
External parts of equipment and machinery are selected high quality lubricants.
also subject to the ravages of rust. Light mobile
equipmentsuch as cars, pickups and trucks should Access to undergrounddeposits is provided by
be protected from rust, even during periods of op- openings driven into and under the ground. These
eration. Effective rustproofing materials are avail- openingsare given different namesto indicate posi-
able whichwill virtually eliminaterusting and arrest tion and direction. Someof these terms are identi-
rust that has already started. The rustproof com- fied as follows:
poundscan be brushed, swabbedor sprayed to form Shafts: Vertical tunnels driven from the surface.
films whichcreep into remotecracks and crevices to Provides primary access for men, machines and
effectively control corrosion. Special application supplies and exit for ore.
proceduresare available for protecting inaccessible Drifts: Horizontal tunnels driven to the deposit
parts of automobilebodies. area from the side of a mountain.Also, passages
driven along the vein.
UNDERGROUND MINING Slopes: Inclined tunnels driven from the surface
The underground mining environment is quite to the depositarea.
different from that of surface mining. Temperatures Levels: Horizontal tunnels driven in the earth at
in mines vary from freezing to well above 100°F. any given elevation. These include drifts and
However,for the most part, temperatures are rea- crosscuts connectingdrifts.
sonably moderate, generally ranging from 50° F. to Winzes: Vertical or steeply inclined shafts sunk
60°F. except near the mine openings. Fresh air,
light and power must be supplied to underground from levels. Usedfor access and as passages for
operations. Poweris usually ACor DCelectric or
pneumatic, although internal combustion engines Raises: Vertical tunnels driven up,yard used for
are also used. Workingspaces are relatively con- access to and as passagesfor minedore.
fined and, as in mining of low seam coal, can be Inclines : Tunnelsthat are neither vertical nor hori-
quite cramped. Machinesused must be especially zontal.


Stopes: Openings from which ore is mined. They to be followed. In hard rock, drilling is done pri-
may be just large enough to allow men and ma- marily with pneumatically powered percussion type
chines to work in them or large enough to ac- drills. With softer materials, electric and hydrau-
commodatea multi-storied building. lically poweredrotary drills are predominantly used.
Mining explosives are of special design and com-
The Mining Cycle position to accomplish the particular job at hand.
The underground mining cycle is composed basi- In soft deposits such as coal, potash, etc., the release
cally of three phases ( 1 ) rock breaking by drilling of highly compressedair in the drill holes is exten-
and blasting. Cutting of the deposit face prior to sively employedfor fragmentation. Drilling is also
blasting is done with some of the softer materials used for installing roof bolts, which are used to
in order to facilitate and improve fragmentation provide supports for rock which might not stand
and minimize blasting (2) mucking or loading and otherwise without added internal trussing.
(3) transportation, i.e. hauling and hoisting. Drilling blast holes and direct fragmentation
both require large quantities of compressed air in
Fragmentation many underground mines. Figure 16 is an example
Fragmentation is necessary to facilitate handling of a six stage compressor used for such purposes.
the ore, waste rock or spoil involved. In this process,
a systematic pattern of blast holes is drilled in the Loading
face. The number and depth of the holes drilled The method of mucking, or loading is usually
depend on the nature and size of the ore or fossil determined by the choice and design of the mine
fuel mass to be broken, as well as the mining method hauling system. For maximumefficiency, the capa-


Double drum holst-both drumsclutched.

Single drumhoist.

Divided single drumhoist.

Single and multi-rope Koepehoists.

Double drum hoist-one drum clulched. Courtesy o! Nordberg,llannlacturing Co.

Figure 17- Schematicdrawings showingseveral mine hoist assemblies.

city of the systemmust be correlated with loading self-contained conveyor which moves the
rates. Different methodsof loading maybe classified materialinto rail or shuttle cars, belts, etc.
as follows: for hauling out of the mine.
( 1 ) Handloading, whichis virtually obsolete.
(2) Loading from chutes or bins. Hauling
( 3 ) Scraperor slusher loading. Slushersare oper- Hauling and hoisting are the meansof transport-
ated on wire rope arrangementsusually pow- ing the minedmaterial to the surface and essen-
ered by compressedair or electricity. tially ends the miningoperation per se. Concentra-
(4) Overshot loading. This entails use of me- tion, beneficiation, cleaning and drying of ores may
chanical loaders or excavators in whichthe follow in subsequentoperations, but are beyondthe
digging element crowds, lifts and discharges scopeof this article.
with a rocker arm motionback into a car or Underground hauling is done in many ways.
truck. The machineusually moveson rails or Manymineshave extensive railway systems, and the
crawler treads. Theyare used extensively in mined material is hauled in mine cars pulled by
hard rock mining. electric locomotives. The filled cars maybe moved
(5) Conveyor type shovel loading. These ma- to unloaders that emptyinto bins or chutes from
chines dig on forward motion and discharge whichskip hoists are loaded to take the ore or coal
on backwardmotion to a conveyorbelt that to the surface or, the loaded minecars themselves
in turn discharges to a hauling device. maybe skip hoisted to the surface for unloading.
(6) Continuous loading. This is done with ma- Otherminesuse endless belts to collect the ore near
chines having gathering arms that load con- the workingareas and moveit to stockpiles or clean-
tinuously as they advance. Theyload onto a ing plants outside the mine. Extensible belts which


can be conveniently lengthened or shortened are ice, adhesive, heavy residual oils with high film
frequently used to follow the movingface. Belts and strengths are desirable. Oftenthese productsare cut
mine cars are often fed from mobile hauling ve- back with a volatile solvent to aid application. On
hicles, operating betweenthe loaders and primary evaporationof the solvent, the tough, adhesivelub-
hauling equipment. ricant film remains.
In order to take proper care of the wealth of Due to exposure and hard service of the head
mechanical equipment used in underground min- sheave wheel, a high quality rust and oxidation in-
ing, it is extremelyimportant that intelligent and hibited oil or grease should be used for bearing
careful consideration be given to maintenanceand lubrication. Lubricationof the wire ropes and cables
lubrication requirements. used in hoisting was covered previously.
Lubrication of Equipment Mechanical Mining Machinery
Manymines have large shops underground or
above ground in which someof the equipment can theThe greatest progress in undergroundmining in
past several years has been in the expandedde-
be properly maintainedand lubricated on schedule.
However,muchequipment cannot be readily moved
to shops, and hence maintenance and lubrication
must be done at isolated underground locations.
Since production is often involved, these services
maybe hurried, incomplete or improper. This, of
course, is highly undesirable and maysubsequently
lead to early and unscheduledoverhauls.
Discussion of lubrication of various types of
equipmentused extensively in undergroundmining
operations follows:
Large drumhoists are employedin shaft sinking
and in hoisting mined material from deep under-
groundmineswith either vertical or inclined shafts.
Several arrangementsfor minehoist assemblies are
shownschematically in Figure 17.
The hoisting layout usually comprises a head-
frameerected over the collar of the shaft, or at the
top of an incline, and a sheave wheelat the top of
the headframe for each hoisting compartmentor
hoistway. Skips and cages are attached to wire ropes
that pass over the head sheave to the hoist drums.
The wire rope is woundand unwoundon the hoist
drums to raise or lower the skips and cages. An
important safety feature of skips and cages is a
device to stop themif the cable breaks. The head-
CourteJy ol NordbergManulacturingCo.
frame contains bins into whichthe hoisted material
is discharged. Thehoists also serve as a meansfor Figure 18--A closeup of a mine hoist clutch assembly.
men, equipmentand supplies to enter and leave the
Mosthoists are electrically driven through gear
and clutch arrangements, and often have two drums
that can be operated separately or in balance. Ex-
amples of each are shownin Figures 18 and 19.
The drums are driven through single or double
reduction gear sets that maybe open or enclosed.
Lubricationof the large electric hoist motorbear-
ings is usually accomplishedwith a highly refined,
mediumviscosity, rust and oxidation inhibited min-
eral oil. Mild EP gear oils are used for lubricating
enclosed reduction gears. Lubrication of open re-
duction gears maybe a problemif they are subject Courtesy ol Vulcan-Denver Corporation
to contaminationwith abrasive dusts. For this serv- Figure 19-- A large double drummine hoist.


velopment and use of mechanical mining machin-

ery. Because of the importance of proper lubrication
of this high investment equipment and the previ-
ously mentioned problems of providing mainte-
nance services in the operating areas, muchthought
should be and has been given to the selection of
lubricants and simplification of the lubrication pro-

Primary considerations for lubricating this equip-
ment include the hydraulic system pumpsand other
mechanisms, gearing, sliding surfaces and the vari-
ous machine and motor bearings. Therefore, the
hydraulic oil, gear oil, chassis lubricant anti ball and
roller bearing grease must be carefully selected and Figure 20--Hot Plate Ignition Test. Note how mineral oll
properly applied for optimum machine perform- ignites whensprayedon heated surface.
ante anti availability.
sufficient load carrying properties to prevent scor-
Automatic lubrication has been applied success- ing and galling of gears, including the shock loading
fully to individual pieces of mechanical mining conditions typical of underground mining. Gear
equipment, using both oil and grease for general lubricatk~n and general grease requirements of
lubrication according to the design and location of
some mining machinery can be met with one spe-
the parts to be serviced, kVhen operating mecha-
cially formulated semi-fluid grease type prnduct.
nisms can be served from a central reservnir, high
This, of course, permits simplified stocking of lub-
viscosity, mild EP oils have proved quite satisfac-
ricants in the immediate working area. The semi-
tory. Some machines are equipped with zone lubri- fluid grease must flow readily under gear box service
cating systems with easily accessible application
conditions, since snme splash lubrication may be
points, from which lines carry the lubricant to the
inw)lved. It also must possess sufficient viscosity to
less accessible bearings and gears. Careful checks
resist leakage, and to function properly as a chassis
should be made periodically to assure that none of
and general purpose grease on other parts of the
these lines are broken. If any of the lubrication lines
equipment. It shoukt have a high resistance to ad-
are broken or damaged, they should be replaced
verse effects of water and solids conta~nination so as
promptly. Lubrication buttons should be carefully
not to thin out or harden excessively in service.
cleaned before applying lubricants to prevent in-
The hydraulic oil lubricates the internal parts of
gress of abrasive dust and dirt into the movingparts.
the control valves, hydraulic cylinders, fluid motors,
Often it is convenient and advantageous to install pumps, and relief valves in the hydraulic system. It
a lubricant dispensing pump on an individual piece must protect these parts from excessive wear, pro-
of eqnipment for servicing other equipment in the
vide adequate rust protection and be compatible
area. For instance, installatinn on shuttle cars pro- with the seal, gasket and hose materials used in the
vides a high degree of mobility. However, the unit machine] Cleanliness is of extreme importance in
could be placed on the continuous miner, since its
hydraulic systems to insure proper operation and to
lubrication is more demanding, and the mobile aw)id excessive wear from abrasive dust and dirt.
equipment brought to it for servicing. The system should be inspected, flushed at intervals
Wheel bearings require a shear resistant grease and the hydraulic oil renewed as necessary. The nil
with gnod rust protective properties. Grease lubri- should resist deterioration due to heat and nxidation
cated motnr bearings require a product which cir- and resist formation of stick}’ gumsand sludges that
culates properly in the bearing, resists leakage and may impair performance of precisely designed hy-
possesses good rust and oxidation resistance. On draulic mechanisms.
equipment using motors designed to operate at The Bureau of Mines encourages the use of fire
usually high temperatures, such as silicone wound resistant tluids in underground mines, and has de-
ACmotors, a special grease with exceptional oxida- veloped a schedule of fire resistance tests fnr qualifi-
tion resistance and high temperatnre perfnrmance cation as permissible fire resistant hydraulic ttuids
characteristics is required for reasnnable service life. under their Schedule 30. There are three general
In general, wheel and motor bearings, (except those types of fire resistant tluids, namely: Synthetics,
operating under extremely adverse conditions), re- water-glycol compositions and water-in-oil emul-
quire relatively infrequent lubrication. This can be sions, s None of these fluids are completely non-
done at scheduled periodic service intervals. ttammable, but they all possess a high degree of fire
Gear lubricants should resist thickening and have resistance. The reader will note the dramatic ditfer-

ttuids give good performance which is comparable

in most instances to that obtained with mineral hy-
draulic oils, reduced consumption and lower oper-
ating temperatures. Oneof their main limitations is
that they cannot be used extensively at temperatures
exceeding 150 F. due to evaporation of the water
The emulsion type ttuids differ from mineral oils
in several respects. Becauseof this, certain care and
precautions must be observed in their use. When
properly handled and use~t, they perform satisfac-
torily and contribute to mine safety. Fluid suppliers
are familiar with the characteristics and capabilities
of their products, alld should be consulted if their
adoption and use is being considered.
The clutch n3echanisms on mining equipment,
and particularly miners, are very impnrtant items.
Figure 21 --Atomized Spray Ignition Test. The fire resistant They must functinn properly so that they dn not
hydraulic fluid does not ignite even whensprayed through a slip excessively or stick, causing overheating, over-
propaneflame at 2000°F.
loading and possible damageto the machines. Clutch
types and materials of construction vary appreciably,
ences in ttammability between mineral oil and a fire and in someinstances may be sensitive to the fric-
resistant ttuid in the laboratory ignition tests illus- tional properties of the oil. Whenthe machines are
trated in Figures 20 and 21. working continuously and under heavy lnad, rela-
In coal mining, the principal interest has been tively high temperatures can develop in the clutch
on the water in oil emulsion types because of their zone, especially with disk type friction clutch packs.
adequate performance at reasonable costs. The High grade rust and oxidation inhibited mineral
emulsiontype fluids owetheir fire resistance to their nils, such as those used for hydraulic tluid service
water content, which generally is in the range of 35 shoukt be used to lubricate these devices. In some
to ,i5 per cent. \Vhen these fluids are exposed to applications, such as in chatter type clutches, mild
sul~ficiently high temperatures, steam is formed, EP gear oils nr sen3i-ltuid greases have been used
thereby reducing local temperatures and displacing with success.
oxygen in the immediate area. This acts to blanket
the fire and suppress ignition. The lubricity of CIItt~I~,g Machines
water-in-oil emulsions is derived frnm the mineral Mechanical cutting machines like the one shown
oil and additives: the oil phase completely surrounds in Figure 22 are used for cutting coal, potash, gyp-
the water droplets in the emulsion. Service tests sum, and other soft materials at the face to improve
indicate that properly formulated emulsion type fragmentation. Since cutting is a heavy duty opera-

~ ,,:,,a ,’, ol 7 he J,/]r,.5 .llanut..;uring Co,

Figure 22 -- A coal cutting machine.


tion, severe loads are imposed on the chains, gears bearings of the solar gear pinions. The grease for
and bearings of these machines. this service should be heat resistant, possess suitable
Some cutting machines can be lubricated with a shear stability and have antiwear characteristics so
soft grease or a mediumheavy oil, ranging in vis- as to properly protect tile gear teeth. Positive lubri-
cosity from 300 to 600 SSU at 100°F. On equip- cation at proper intervals will help overcome the
ment where both the gears and bearings are lubri- adverse effects of heat and contamination.
cated by the same system, a somewhatheavier prod-
uct is generally used, such as a mediumviscosity
mild EP gear oil, a compoundedresidual oil or a
semi-fluid grease.
The cutter normally operates on tracks driven
through a wormand gear, with chain connections
to the wheels. Chain lubrication usually presents a
problem, as the chains are exposed to the abrasive
effects of dirt and rock dust. Therefore, cleaning and
regular periodic lubrication are important. Both ob-
jectives can be accomplished by soaking the chains
in oil at regular intervals.

Courtes) o/Vulcan-Denver Corporation

Figure 23 -- A cutaway of a double drum slusher hoist. Courtesy ol The Eimco Corpor.mon
Figure 24 -- An overcast shovel loading ore.

Slusher Hoists Overcast Loaders

In certain types of hard rock mining, loading Overcast shovels are used extensively in hard
involves use of slusher hoists to muckthe loosened rock mining operations. The loaders fill the shovels
material into bins which load the hauling equip- in forward movementsand then for overcasting, the
ment. Slusher hoists are open end scrapers draxvn by loader moves back and the shovel is elevated and
wire cable threaded through a series of properly pulled backward. Thus, the ore is cast backward in
located sheaves and operated by one, two or three an overhead motion into conveyors or mine cars.
drum hoists, depending t,pon the requirements. These loaders usually operate on rails or crawler
Figure 23 is a cutaway view of a double drum hoist tracks and are pneumatically or electrically powered.
shoxving the liberal use of gears and ball bearings Figure 24 shows an overcast shovel at work loading
in these devices. The cable is kept tight at all times ore. A general view of another type of shovel
and the drums are operated together or separately loader appears as Figure 25.
as required to pull the scraper through the ore and Air motors can be lubricated satisfactorily xvith
accumulate it in bins or chutes. The slushers are SAE 20 grade motor oil. SAE 80 grade mild EP
powered by electric or air motors as large as 150 gear oil is suitable for the chain reel drive assembly
horsepower. Under adverse conditions, considerable and traction motor gears. A suitably selected multi-
heat may be generated in the hoists throt,gh use of purpose grease can serve as the wheel bearing and
drum brakes and from clutch slippage. The hoists chassis lubricants. The primary problems in lubrica-
are also subject to severe contamination with abra- tion of overcast shovels and loaders arise through
sive dust and dirt. contamination with abrasive dirt and dust. Hence,
The lubrication requirements of slusher hoists it is goodpractice to drain and flush lubricants reg-
can be adequately met by using a mediumviscosity ularly to avoid excessive bearing and gear wear.
mild EP gear oil for the gears and a grease for the
bearings. For simplification, someoperators stand- Scroll Type Loaders
ardize on a single grease to lubricate the antifriction The modern machine used primarily in loading
bearings, solar gear teeth and the bushings and softer materials is a combination gathering, con-


Courtvty o] Goodman
Di~,ition, I[/estingbouJe Air Brake Compan:,
Figure 25- A shovel loader.

veying and handling device, as Figure 26 shows. machines move on crawler treads under their own
The gathering and scraping mechanism digs into power. They are equipped with movable cutting
the loosened coal or mineral deposit and directs it heads that can rip relatively soft materials from the
onto a conveying unit. This, in turn delivers the mine face without drilling, cutting or blasting. The
material to shuttle cars, belts or other hauling units. mined ore, coal, etc. is loaded onto a conveyor
These mechanismsmust ft, nction in direct contact built into the machine by scrolls or gathering arms.
with abrasive materials and frequently under ad- The material is then discharged into hauling equip-
verse temperature and water conditions. Accord- ment, thus completing the fragmentation and load-
ingly, gears, chains and bearings must be properly ing ~vith one machine and in one operation.
maintained and lubricated at all times. The continuot, s miners are built to different
dimensions to accommodate the various size seams
Continuous Miners and production rates which must conform with the
During recent ),ears, great advances have been mine operators’ reqt, irements. These machines are
made in the design and performance of large con- generally electrically and hydraulically powered.
tinuous miners to handle coal and other soft They are provided xvith water sprays to lay dust
materials like potash, salt, and gypsum These and can be equipped with drilling devices for in-
stalling roof bolts. These ma-
chines are highly productive,
and a single machine can mine
as much as several thousand
tons per shift. Three of these
remarkable machines are il-
lustrated in Figures 27, 28 and
Continuous miners are com-
plex, expensive equipment and
represent a major investment
to the mine operators. Main-
tenance and lubrication care
must be at high levels, because
when these machines are in-
operative, the production of
the entire mine is affected.
Their compactness and design
are xvell suited for simplifica-
tion of lubrication require-
Courtesy o/Joy Manu[acturing Compan) ments, and some of these ma-
Figure 26-- A modernloading machine. chines have been operated on


Figure 27-- A continuous miner.

Figure 28-- Anothertype of continuousminer in operation.

virtually nnc oil and one

grease’. Due to the environ-
ments in which they work,
contamination of the hydraulic
and lubricating systems is a
majnr factor. Intelligent lubri-
carton practices and good
maintenance can do much to
minimize contamination and
extend the useful service life
of this equipment.

Figure 29-- Anothertype of contlnuousminerin service.

The next issue of this publication will conclude REFERENCES

this article with descriptions of underground min-
7. Magazine LUBRICATION, Volume 52, Number 5,
ing transportation equipment, drills, compressors 1966. "Hydraulics."
and pumps, and mining machinery components 8. Magazine LUBRICATION, December, 1962. "Fire
commonto both surface and underground mining. Resistant Hydraulic Fhlids."

For men who run companies, Texaco has ideas that keep
things movingmore efficiently, moreeconomically,
more profitably. Andmore ideas are on the way
all the time for companiesof every kind.


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