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B 5263

Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta Nru. 18,650, 28 ta Settembru, 2010
Taqsima B
B 5263
A.L. 447 tal-2010
(KAP. 12)
Regolamenti tal-2010 li jemendaw it-Tariffa K tal-Iskeda A
tal-Kodici ta` Organizzazzjoni u Procedura Civili
BIS-SAHHA tas-setghat moghtija bl-artikolu 1004 tal-Kodici
ta` Organizzazzjoni u Procedura Civili, il-Ministru tal-Gustizzja u l-
Intern ghamel dawn ir-regolamenti li gejjin:-
Titolu u bidu
Kap. 12.
1. (1) It-titolu ta` dawn ir-regolamenti hu r-Regolamenti
tal-2010 li jemendaw it-TariIIa K tal-Iskeda A tal-Kodici ta`
Organizzazzjoni u Procedura Civili u dawn ir-regolamenti ghandhom
jinqraw u jinItiehmu haga wahda mal-Iskeda A li tinsab mal-Kodici
ta` Organizzazzjoni u Procedura Civili, hawn izjed `il quddiem
I`dawn ir-regolamenti msejjah "il-Kodici".
(2) Dawn ir-regolamenti ghandhom jigu Iis-sehh Il-1 ta`
Ottubru, 2010.
Jemenda t-
TariIIa K tal-
Iskeda A li
tinsab mal-
2. Fit-TariIIa K tal-Iskeda A tal-Kodici, il-paragraIi 16, 17,
18 u 19 ghandhom jigu sostitwiti bil-paragraIi li gejjin:
"16. Drittijiet pagabbli lill-periti mahtura mill-Qorti
bhala esperti tal-Qorti, inkluzi periti mahtura mill-Bord ta`
Arbitragg skont l-artikolu 25(3) tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist
ta` Artijiet ghal Skopijiet Pubblici (Kap. 88), ghal kull
opinjoni trattata Iir-rapport ghandhom ikunu sa massimu ta`
116.47 ghal kull punt ta` dritt li jigi deciz. Kull kalkolu jew
komputazzjoni ta` ammont biex jinghata bhala danni jew
kumpens mill-Qrati ghandu jitqies bhala opinjoni, u l-massimu
taxxabbli ghal dik l-opinjoni ghandu jkun 232.94. Il-kriterju
ghandu jkun ix-xoghol involut u qatt l-ammont stmat mill-perit
Izda d-dritt pagabbli ghal kull rapport m`ghandu Il-ebda
kaz jeccedi elIejn euro (2000).
Drittijiet pagabbli lis- mahtura mill-Qorti
ghandhom jigu stmati skond il-paragraIi li gejjin izda d-dritt
pagabbli ghal kull rapport m`ghandu Il-ebda kaz jeccedi erba`
mija u hamsin euro (450):
Izda l-Qorti tista`, meta tigi mitluba, ukoll verbalment,
B 5264
B 5264
mill-perit jew surveyor jew mill-periti mahtura mill-Bord ta`
Arbitragg skont l-artikolu 25(3) tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist
ta` Artijiet ghal Skopijiet Pubblici (Kap. 88), wara li tisma`
Iil-qosor lill-partijiet interessati kollha, taghti lill-perit jew
surveyor xi dritt addizjonali jekk id-dritt kiI stmat ikun meqjus
baxx wisq, meta jitqies ix-xoghol li jkun gie ezegwit:
Izda wkoll ghandu jithallas dritt lill-periti imsemmija hawn
Iuq, inkluzi periti mahtura mill-Bord ta` Arbitragg skont l-
artikolu 25(3) tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta` Artijiet ghal
Skopijiet Pubblici (Kap. 88), mahtura bhala periti gudizzjarji
kiI gej:
(a) ghal kull seduta li ssir -
(b) ghal kull attendenza in faciem loci li ssir -
17. Perit, meta jkun ordnat mill-Qorti jew mehtieg minn
klijent biex jidher quddiem xi assistent gudizzjarju jew perit
gudizzjarju, jew ghal attendenza in faciem loci, ghandu jithallas
dawn id-drittijiet:
18. Id-drittijiet murija I`din it-TariIIa ghandhom, Iil-
kazijiet kollha, ikunu minbarra l-prezz tal-kopji ta` dokumenti,
spejjez ta` tragitt u l-ispejjez l-ohra kollha mhux ga provdut
19. L-espert nominat mill-qorti, inkluzi periti mahtura
mill-Bord ta` Arbitragg skont l-artikolu 25(3) tal-Ordinanza
dwar l-Akkwist ta` Artijiet ghal Skopijiet Pubblici (Kap. 88),
ma jkunx intitolat ghal xi dritt ghal servizzi dwar il-
prezentazzjoni tar-rapport jew il-konIerma tal-istess bil-
gurament, izda jekk, wara li jkun ipprezenta r-rapport u
kkonIermah bil-gurament, ikun mehtieg jattendi l-qorti, ikun
intitolat ghal dritt ta` attendenza skond il-partita (I) tal-Iskeda A
(i) ghall-ewwel siegha jew parti minnha 24
(ii) ghal kull siegha addizzjonali jew
parti minnha ....................................................... 24
(i) ghall-ewwel siegha jew parti minnha 32
(ii) ghal kull siegha addizzjonali jew
parti minnha ....................................................... 24.
(i) ghall-ewwel siegha jew parti minnha 35
(ii) ghal kull siegha addizzjonali jew
parti minnha ....................................................... 32.
B 5265
li tinsab mal-Ordinanza dwar id-Drittijiet tax-Xhieda.".
Kap. 88.
Id-disposizzjonijiet ta` dawn ir-regolamenti ghandhom
jghoddu ghal periti li jigu mahtura bhala periti gudizzjarji, inkluzi
periti mahtura mill-Bord ta` Arbitragg skont l-artikolu 25(3) tal-
Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta` Artijiet ghal Skopijiet Pubblici
(Kap. 88), Il-1 ta` Ottubru, 2010 jew wara dik id-data .
B 5266
B 5266
L.N. 447 of 2010
(CAP. 12)
Code of Organization and Civil Procedure, Schedule A, Tariff K
(Amendment) Regulations, 2010
IN exercise of the powers conferred by article 1004 of the Code
of Organization and Civil Procedure, the Minister of Justice and
Home Affairs has made the following regulations:-
Citation and
Cap. 12.
1. (1) The title of these regulations is the Code of
Organization and Civil Procedure, Schedule A, Tariff K
(Amendment) Regulations, 2010 and these regulations shall be read
and construed as one with Schedule A annexed to the Code of
Organization and Civil Procedure, hereinafter in these regulations
referred to as "Code".
(2) These regulations shall come into force on 1st October,
Amends Tariff
K of Schedule A
annexed to the
2. In Tariff K of Schedule A of the Code, paragraphs 16, 17,
18 and 19 shall be substituted by the following paragraphs:
16. Fees payable to periti, who are appointed as Court
referees, including periti who are appointed by the Land
Arbitration Board according to article 25(3) of the Land
Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, (Cap. 88), for each
opinion dealt with in the report, shall be up to a maximum of
116.47 for each legal point decided. Any calculation or
computation of an amount to be awarded as damages or
compensation by the Courts shall be deemed to be an opinion,
and the maximum fee taxable for such an opinion shall be
232.94 The criterion shall be that of the work involved and
never the amount assessed by the Court referee:
Provided that in no case shall the fee payable for any one
report exceed two thousand euro (2000).
Fees payable to surveyors appointed by the Court shall be
assessed in accordance with the following paragraphs provided
that in no case shall the fee payable for any survey exceed four
hundred and fifty euro (450):
Provided that the Court may at the request, even verbal, of
B 5267
B 5267
the perit or surveyor, or by the periti who are appointed by the
Land Arbitration Board according to article 25(3) of the Land
Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88), after
hearing briefly all interested parties, allow the perit or surveyor
any additional fee if the fee so assessed is considered too low
when considering the work that has been executed:
Provided further that there shall be paid a fee to the periti
above referred to, including periti who are appointed by the
Land Arbitration Board according to article 25(3) of the Land
Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88),
appointed as a Court referees as follows:
(a) for each sitting held -
(b) For each site inspection held -
17. Periti, when ordered by a Court or required by a
client to appear before any judicial assistant or a court referee,
or for a site inspection shall be entitled to the following fees:
18. The fees set forth in this Tariff shall, in all cases, be
exclusive of the cost of copies of documents, travelling
expenses and all other disbursements not already provided for.
19. The expert appointed by the court, including periti
who are appointed by the Land Arbitration Board according to
article 25(3) of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)
Ordinance (Cap. 88), shall not be entitled to any fee for
services in connection with the presentation of the report or the
confirming of the same on oath, but if, after he has presented the
report and confirmed the same on oath, he is required to attend
in court, he shall be allowed a fee for attendance in accordance
with item (f) of Schedule A to the Witnesses (Fees)
3. The provisions of these regulations will be applicable to
periti who are appointed as Court referees, including periti who are
(i) for the first hour or part thereof .......... 24
(ii) for each additional hour or part thereof 24
(i) for the first hour or part thereof .......... 32
(ii) for each additional hour or part thereof 24.
(i) for the first hour or part thereof .......... 35
(ii) for each additional hour or part thereof 32.
B 5268
B 5268
appointed by the Land Arbitration Board according to article 25(3) of
the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88), on or
after the 1st October, 2010.
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( Valletta Published by the Department of Information ( Valletta
Mitbug f-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riiklata Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper

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