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Design and Technology Department

Controlled Assessment

Name: ____________________

Target Grade

Form: ____________________

Teacher: __________________

Flat Pack Furniture Project Summary

This project is practice for your actual GCSE Controlled Assessment which you will start in the summer term. This project will not count towards your GCSE, however, you will learn many skills required for your GCSE Controlled Assessment. In your actual GCSE Controlled Assessment your design folder and final artefact account for 60% of your final GCSE grade. The other 40% of your GCSE is a 2 hour written exam.

You will be allowed 30 hours of lesson time to complete the design folder and final artefact. It is expected that you spend 1- 1.5 hours
of homework a week to produce quality work. Just like the actual Controlled Assessment, only work that has been started in school can be taken away from school to be completed at home. Below is the page content for the 10 page folio you will produce during this project.
Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Title Context, Analysis and Design Brief Existing Products and Analysis Target Market, Client Profile and Questionnaire or Interview Results Analysis of Research and Specification Initial Ideas Initial Ideas Development of a Final Design Final Design Diary of Making including QA/QC Testing, checks, evaluations and modifications for commercial production Criteria 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 Mark

Criteria 1 (8 marks) Grade Descriptors

Marks 7-8 Grade A-A* Investigating the Design Context Discrimination shown when selecting and acquiring relevant research that will promote originality in designing. Excellent understanding and analysis of the design context. Detailed analysis of relevant existing products or systems undertaken related to design intentions. Comprehensive analysis of relevant and focused research undertaken. Clear and specific design criteria identified, reflecting the analysis undertaken. Target market identified and the intended consumer/ user profiled. Good understanding and analysis of the design context. Good analysis of relevant products or systems undertaken. Good analysis of relevant research and context. Design criteria which reflects the analysis undertaken. Target market for product has been identified. Basic understanding and analysis of the design context. Some analysis of related products or systems undertaken. Made a superficial analysis of most of the research material and the context. Design criteria reflects most of the analysis taken. Some consideration has been taken of the likely consumer/user. Limited understanding or analysis of design context. Minimal analysis of other products or systems undertaken. Provided little evidence of research and analysis of context. Design criteria is very general and lacking in any detail. Limited understanding of the target market/user evident







Throughout this framework, in all the criteria, the grades attributed to the marks are approximate and only to be used as guidance for the grade you are targeted to achieve.

Context, Analysis and Design Brief

Design Context- You have been commissioned by Glastonbury to design and manufacture a piece of flat pack furniture which is suitable for one of their Luxury Yurts. Analysis of the Context- During your analysis you will need to look at and research into the following areas. This can be laid out as a spider diagram. Target market- who could use your product? Function- what does it need to do? Materials and components- what is available to you? Manufacturing process- what is available in school? CAD/CAM opportunities Scale of production Existing products- what is currently on the market?

Design brief- I intend to design and manufacture

Your design brief needs to explain what you intend to do and what you need to do to get there. A design brief is a short statement stating what you are going to do in order to solve the design situation or problem. All design briefs start with: I intend to design and manufacture

Criteria 2 (32 marks) Grade Descriptors

Marks Grade 7-8 A-A* Investigating the Design Context Discrimination shown when selecting and acquiring relevant research that will promote originality in designing. Excellent understanding and analysis of the design context. Detailed analysis of relevant existing products or systems undertaken related to design intentions. Comprehensive analysis of relevant and focused research undertaken. Clear and specific design criteria identified, reflecting the analysis undertaken. Target market identified and the intended consumer/ user profiled. Good understanding and analysis of the design context. Good analysis of relevant products or systems undertaken. Good analysis of relevant research and context. Design criteria which reflects the analysis undertaken. Target market for product has been identified. Basic understanding and analysis of the design context. Some analysis of related products or systems undertaken. Made a superficial analysis of most of the research material and the context. Design criteria reflects most of the analysis taken. Some consideration has been taken of the likely consumer/user. Limited understanding or analysis of design context. Minimal analysis of other products or systems undertaken. Provided little evidence of research and analysis of context. Design criteria is very general and lacking in any detail. Limited understanding of the target market/user evident







Development of a Final Design

In order to begin the development stage you must have finished all your initial ideas. Ensure you have annotated them fully. Choose your best design to develop further. The development section of your coursework is extremely important. In this area you are trying to identify how your ideas can be improved, tested and developed. It is suggested that you change the whole design bit by bit each time in a series of 3 or so different developmental designs. Your final development idea may look nothing like your original initial idea. All your developments should fully be annotated. Identify improvements you could make to your designs. Write short annotations round the developments regarding how and where you intend to make improvements. Improvements should be made on the following topics: Acrylic Colour Shape Manufacturing meathods (how are you going to make it?) Use of CAD/CAM
Developments should be drawn in pencil, however, you should also model your developments (coloured paper and card) and use CAD programmes where appropriate, like 2d design or Solid work. You should constantly be reviewing your developments against your specification and making reference to previous research.

Health and Safety considerations

Criteria 3 ( marks) Grade Descriptors

Diary of making including QC and QA

Criteria 4 (12 marks) Grade Descriptors

Marks 9-12 Grade A-A* Testing and Evaluation Detailed testing and evaluation as appropriate throughout the designing and making process taking account of client/user or third party opinion. All aspects of the final outcome have been tested against the design criteria and/or the product/manufacturing specification. Evaluate and justify the need for modifications to the product and consideration given as to how the outcome might be modified for commercial production Appropriate testing and evaluation evident throughout the designing and making process/ Most aspects of the final outcome have been tested against the design criteria and/ or the product/ manufacturing specification. Evaluate and justify the need for improvement or modifications to the product. Evidence of some testing and evaluation throughout the designing and making process. Limited or no testing of final outcome against the design criteria and/ or the product/ manufacturing specification. Some evidence of testing against the design criteria and/ or the product/ manufacturing specification. Some improvements or modifications to product suggested. Minimal testing and evaluation throughout the designing and making process. Limited or no testing of final outcome against the design criteria and/ or the product/ manufacturing specification. Limited mention of some improvements or modifications that could be made to the product.







Throughout this framework, in all the criteria, the grades attributed to the marks are approximate and only to be used as guidance for the grade you are targeted to achieve.

Only you have manufactured your clock, you will have to devise and conduct a series of tests of the final product to ensure all the specification points are met. You must include photographic evidence of all the tests and checks being carried out, preferably in situ by the target market end user or your client. Make sure your pictures are well composed to show off your product in the best possible way. Evaluate your clock by completing a questionnaire and getting the target market end user or client to test your product. When writing your evaluation you should write your sentences round the following areas. Explain what you have done throughout the work and test the final practical outcome how successful you were at doing the project, in particular the practical processes. Mark your final clock against your specification and comment on all the points. Explain any modifications you have made from your final design. What modifications need to be done so your clock could go into commercial production?

The final part of the evaluation should be about what you could do to improve your product. Improvements should be apart from your testing, evaluation and market feedback. These should be written about and sketched either by hand or by altering your CAD drawing. The whole evaluation should be about 2 typed A4 pages, maximum size 14 font.

Criteria 5 (6 marks) Grade Descriptors

Marks 5-6 Grade B-A* Communication (assessed throughout the folder) Design folder is focused, concise and relevant; it demonstrates an appropriate selection of material for inclusion. All decisions communicated in a clear and coherent manner with appropriate use of technical language. The text is legible, easily understood and shows a good grasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Design folder shows some skill in choice of material for inclusion but includes some irrelevant content. Most decisions communicated with some clarity and with some use of technological language. There are a small number of errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Design folder shows excessive duplication of information and a lack of brevity and focus resulting in irrelevant content. Ideas and decisions communicated at a simplistic level with a limited grasp of the concepts involved and a limited use of technological vocabulary. Numerous errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling.





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