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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014




Functions Precision, Display, Date, Loan, and Finance functions Calculations and formatting across multiple worksheets Concepts from previous Graded Projects


1. 2. 3. 4. Find and start Microsoft Excel 2013. Click the Open Other Workbooks, and then on the left pane click Options. On the left pane, click Trust Center and then Trust Center Settings. On the left pane, click Macro Settings. Make sure your macro security is set to Enable all macros.




PC requirements
Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013 (32 bit recommended). Downloadable from No other versions of Office 2013 are acceptable. Windows 7 or Windows 8 is recommended. MAC operating systems or MAC versions of Office are not acceptable. If you have a MAC, either: o Use BOOTCAMP to install Windows o Use an STC Windows Computer lab o Or use IUAnyWare (for help see

Always enable macros. NEVER be in possession of anothers K201 files or allow another to access your file.

Disk requirements
Do not open this graded project from an e-mail account, a zip file, or a web page; doing so may result in lost work or a damaged file. Complete this project on the local drive, opened via IU box cloud storage in the lab, opened locally from IU box sync, or USB flash drive.

Saving your work

Periodically save your file to help prevent accidental loss of your work.

Keeping a backup
When you are finished or want to stop working, close Excel. Copy the file to another drive, ensure IU box syncs, or upload to some other cloud account.

Checking your progress

There is no grader program available to check your work. You must manually/visually check your progress using the list of grading items provided on the last page of this document.

Submitting your project

When you have completed your project and checked all your work, upload your file to the K201 Web site. Submission directions are on the last page of this document. Make sure your file is closed before attempting to submit the project. No extensions are given for hardware, software, connectivity, or timeout issues. When in doubt, use a computer lab.


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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014


Before opening your file, rename your K201_GP6_Spring14.xlsm file to usernameK201_GP6_Spring14.xlsm where the prefix is your username (Example: jsmithK201_GP6_Spring14.xlsm).

2. Make sure that Microsoft Excel macros are enabled. 3. Open your username-K201_GP6_Spring14.xlsm file. The first time you open your file, you will be prompted to enter your username and lab class number, after which the Documentation worksheet will display. You must enter accurate information. 4. Unless specifically directed by the instructions, do not change any data values (e.g., products, sales dollars, dates) in your worksheets. 5. Unless specifically directed by the instructions, do not use Named Ranges within the worksheet.

6. Several problems will require you to use the results from prior formulas and functions in your calculations. Write all formulas and functions as though everything preceding them was completed correctly. All problems will be graded independently. 7. If you cannot complete a problem and it is required for a subsequent calculation, it may be easier to check the remaining calculations if you enter a value into the cell. This is not a requirement.

8. There may be more than one way to do some of the problems. If multiple functions are needed for any problem, all the functions must be written in the specified cells. Do not use other cells, rows, or columns to solve these problems. 9. Do not rename worksheets or insert rows or columns into any worksheet unless the instructions direct you to do so. 10. Parentheses are only used to alter the order of precedence and to contain arguments in functions. Use parentheses only when you need them in this project.


1. Open the Documentation worksheet. Enter your username (e.g., jsmith) in cell C4 and your lab class number in cell F4.

2. Enter your first and last names in cell C5. 3. Enter your lab instructors name in cell F5. 4. Enter a function that displays the current date in cell C6. Format it so that it appears as 14-Mar-2012. 5. Adjust the column widths so that all entries can be seen.



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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014


At the end of 2012, Happy Pfrog Inc (HP) sent out catalogs before, during, and after the holiday season. The profits from each catalogs sales are summarized in the first three holiday worksheets. You will group these worksheets and fill cell contents to summarize these profits across multiple worksheets. 1. Group all the worksheets from PreHolidayProfits to TotalHolidayProfits.

2. On the PreHolidayProfits worksheet, select the range B1:F1. Use the appropriate command to fill the contents and formatting of this range across all worksheets. 3. Ungroup the worksheets. Check each worksheet, and adjust row widths and column heights as necessary so that all cell contents are visible. 4. Group the PostHolidayProfits and the TotalHolidayProfits worksheets. 5. Select the range PostHolidayProfits B4:E20. Using the appropriate command, fill the contents and formatting of this range to the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet.

6. Ungroup the worksheets. Check the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, and adjust the row and column widths as necessary so that all cell contents are visible. 7. On the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, clear the contents and formatting of the range D6:E19. Also clear the contents of cell D4; we will not summarize margin values into the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet.


Examine the contents of the holiday worksheets. You will use the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet to summarize all the holiday profits. For the following items, do not use named ranges in your formulas. 1. Using 3-D cell addressing on the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, enter an expression in cell D2 that calculates the number of whole months between the dates in cells PreHolidayProfits D2 and PostHolidayProfits D2.

2. Using 3-D cell addressing, on the TotalHolidayProfits worksheets, enter a function in cell E6 that sums the profits for the mens outerwear for the PreHoliday, Holiday, and Post Holiday catalogs. Format this cell as currency. 3. Copy this function down the range E6:E19. Clear the contents of any cells that contain $0. It is not necessary to change the fill color of these cells. Adjust column widths so that all entries are fully visible (no ###s). The function in cell E20 will calculate the total profit for all three worksheets. 4. Enter the text Percentage Profit By Category in TotalHolidayProfits cell F4. Format cells F4:F5 in a similar manner as cells E4:E5. Adjust column widths, if necessary. 5. Using mixed cell addressing, on the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, enter a function in cell F6 that calculates the percentage of the total profits for mens outerwear. Use the ROUND function to round this value to four decimal places. Use appropriate cell addressing in the expression in cell F6 so that it can be copied, then copy the expression down the range TotalHolidayProfits F6:F19. Format this range as a percent showing two decimal places. Clear the contents of any cells that contain 0.00%. Again, it is optional to change the fill color. Adjust column widths, if necessary.

6. Rows 24 through 26 in TotalHolidayProfits will summarize profit margins for the three worksheets. Using 3-D cell addressing, on the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, enter an expression in cell C24 that returns the number of times the profit margin values in the range PreHolidayProfits D6:D19 exceeded 50%. Enter similar expressions in cells C25 and C26. 4/4/2014 Document1
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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014


Using 3-D cell addressing, on the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, enter an expression in cell D24 that calculates the difference between the smallest and the largest margin values in the range PreHolidayProfits D6:D19. Enter similar expressions in cells D25 and D26.

8. Using 3-D cell addressing, on the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet, enter an expression in cell E24 that returns the number of times the profit margin values in the range PreHolidayProfits D6:D19 are between 45% and 65%. This range should also include the values 45% and 65%. Enter similar expressions in cells E25 and E26.

Unfortunately, George Telthorst, one of HPs best river guides, lost two heavy duty river rafts, an outboard motor, 10 Timberline tents, and all his mess equipment navigating a class V rapid on the Moose River last year. Quasia and Morris estimate that the replacement costs will be $14,500. Fortunately, they had medical insurance to cover Georges injuries. They have decided to take out a loan to replace all the lost items. If no other disaster happens, they think they can repay the loan in three years.


Select the Loan worksheet and review the specifications of Loan 1. In cell C8, enter a function to calculate the quarterly payment for this loan. Check the value that you get; be sure it makes sense for a quarterly payment.

2. An amortization schedule for the quarterly loan has been started for you in cell B13. Complete the schedule calculations over the life of this loan. 3. Quasia and Morris are beginning to doubt if they can repay their loan in three years. They are considering the option to extend the life of the loan, secure a lower interest rate, and change to monthly payments. They want you to show them this alternate payment scenario and accompanying amortization table. In cell F8, enter a function to calculate the monthly loan payment for this new scenario. 4. Starting in cell B29, construct the new amortization schedule that shows the breakdown of monthly payments for this loan over the new time frame. 5. In cell I5, sum the total interest for Loan 1. In I6, sum the total interest for Loan 2. It looks like the second option has the lower interest rate and the smaller payments. However, it will cost almost twice as much in interest in the long term.


HP prides itself on having the best river guides in the business. As such, Quasia and Morris want to offer an excellent pay package to their employees. The river rafting season starts in April and ends in September. Most guides arrive to start working around the beginning of rafting season. Quasia tries to schedule the guides so that they spend an average of five days a week on the river with two days preparing for the next trip. In addition to navigating boats filled with customers over dangerous rapids, they must prepare all the meals, clean up the campsites, load and unload the rafts, and entertain the customers in the evenings. To determine their compensation, Quasia and Morris had a meeting with all of their guides to discuss how to fairly determine their pay for the next rafting season. The Payroll worksheet is the result of this meeting. To satisfy all their river guides, several factors will be used to calculate the final pay compensation in column O. They need your help implementing these suggestions. 1. Every river guide starts with a base pay as designated in column C. This is determined by years of seniority and experience. The river guides who have passed their certification exam will get an additional stipend, which is a Document1
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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014

percentage of their base pay. Enter a function in Payroll cell E5 that calculates the additional pay for certified river guides as 15% of their base pay. Uncertified guides will get $0.00. Use the ROUND function to round your answer to two decimal places. Copy this function down the range E5:E14. 2. The more customers there are, the more work that needs to be done. So the river guides serving the most customers should be compensated for their extra efforts. Enter a function in cell G5 that gives an additional $2,000.00 to each guide who will be serving 600 or more customers during the season. All the other guides will get $1,000.00. Copy this function down the range G5:G14. 3. The guides who will spend the most days on the river during the season should also be fairly compensated. Enter a function in cell I5 based upon the following conditions: a. Guides who work 55 days or less on the river get paid an additional $100.00 per day.

b. Guides who work more than 55 days on the river get paid $100.00 per day for their first 55 days and $150.00 per day for each day thereafter. Copy this function down the range I5:I14. 4. It was suggested at the meeting that the river guides who arrive earlier and stay later in the season should be paid more than those who show up in June or leave early in August. Columns J and K contain the first and last dates of the employment schedule for each river guide. Enter a function in cell L5 that gives an additional $2,000.00 to each river guide who works for 13 weeks or more. All others get $1,000.00. Copy this function down the range L5:L14. 5. The river guide who is first to arrive for the season must remove all the outfitting equipment from storage, clean everything, and make sure that all the rafts and equipment are river ready. In a similar manner, the river guide who is the last to leave must pack up all the equipment, make appropriate repairs, and return everything to storage. These two guides should be given a bonus for their extra work. Enter a function in cell M5 that checks the guides arrival date to determine if she/he is the first to arrive. If so, give this guide a $1,000.00 bonus. All others will receive $0.00. Write the function so that the bonus money is correctly allocated even if the arrival dates were to change. Copy this function down the range M5:M14.

6. Write a similar function in cell N5 to give a $1,000.00 bonus to the guide who is the last to leave. All others get $0.00. Write the function so that the bonus money is correctly allocated even if the departure dates were to change. Copy this function down the range N5:N14.

The guides have been taking an investment class and are ready to test their skills. 1. Carlos saw that a finance company advertised in a newspaper that it shall pay a lump sum of $100,000.00 at the end of 5 years to investors who deposit annually $15,000.00 for 5 years. Brant saw a similar advertisement, but it would pay a lump sum of $95,000.00 at the end of 5 years to investors who deposit annually $13,000.00 for 5 years. Determine the interest rate implicit in these offers so Carlos and Brant can determine the best one. Enter a function in G5 to calculate the interest rate of the annuity Carlos found. Copy this function to cell G6.

2. Karen and April have money to invest for 5 years at an interest rate of 10% per year. Enter a function in cell F9 to calculate the amount Karen will have accumulated at the end of that time period. Copy this function to cell F10 to determine the amount April will have accumulated at the end of the same time period. 3. Gipsi has a brand new baby girl! She is planning to send her daughter to college in 18 years. Furthermore, assume that she will need $100,000 at that time in order to pay for tuition, room and board, and party supplies. Gipsi thinks she can earn an average annual rate of return of 6% per year. Enter a function in F13 to calculate how much money she would need to invest today as a lump sum to achieve her goal. Copy this function down the range F13:F15. 4/4/2014 Document1
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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014

4. Cindy has $1,250 today and wants to know how long it will take her to double her money to $2,500. Assume that she can earn 4% per year on her investment. Round the value to two decimal places.

Close the workbook and exit Excel. Be sure to make a backup copy of your file .


After you have completed your project, you need to submit the file through the K201 Web site. Complete the following steps to ensure that your file is correctly submitted so that you will receive the grade you have earned. NOTE: Do not wait until the very last minute to submit your file. The system will automatically shut down at the time the project is due. Files cannot be submitted after this time. Be sure to keep a copy of your project file! 1. CLOSE your graded project file, and take note of where you have saved it.

2. Go to the K201 Web site or Oncourse, log in, and click the Graded Project Upload link. You will be asked to enter your username and passphrase to access the server. 3. Read the upload instructions, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select the appropriate graded project number. 4. Click the Browse button, and select the drive and directory where your file is located. Next, select the username-K201_GP6_Spring14.xlsm file. (This will display the drive, directory, and file name in the box to the left of the Browse button.) 5. Verify that the page has your username and your section number correctly. If your username is incorrect, restart your computer and log in to the Web site again. If your section number is incorrect, you should still submit but email your instructor about the issue.

6. Click the Submit button. 7. When the submission process is complete, you should receive a message and a confirmation number. You can upload your graded project as many times as you desire before the deadline. The last file you upload will be the file that is graded.

8. To protect your uploaded graded project, close all browser windows once you have submitted your file. Your file is at risk of being overwritten by someone elses file if you do not do this.


Use the following list to help you check your work before you upload your graded project. Remember: Unless specifically directed by the instructions, do not change any data values (e.g., products, sales dollars, dates) in your worksheets. Several problems require you to use the results from prior formulas and functions in your calculations. Write all formulas and functions as though everything preceding them was completed correctly. All problems will be graded independently. If you cannot complete a problem and it is required for a subsequent calculation, it may be easier to check the remaining calculations if you enter a value into the cell. This is not a requirement. Document1
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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014

There may be more than one way to do some of the problems. If multiple functions are needed for any problem, all the functions must be written in the specified cells. Do not use extra cells, rows, or columns to solve these problems. Do not rename worksheets or insert rows or columns into any worksheet unless the instructions direct you to do so. Parentheses are only used to alter the order of precedence and to contain arguments in functions. Use parentheses only when you need them in this project. Check points in the Documentation worksheet: Username, lab class number, first name, last name, and lab instructors name entered into the appropriate cells. A function for the current date is in cell C6. C6 is correctly formatted. Check points in the TotalHolidayProfits worksheet: Header is filled across all the holiday worksheets. Completed worksheet should look like the following picture. Changing the cell fill color is optional.



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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014

Check points in the Loan worksheet: Completed worksheet should look like the following picture.

Check points in the Payroll worksheet: Completed worksheet should look like the following picture. All payroll values must be numeric. Verify that the Total Pay column numbers are correct.



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Kelley School of Business IUB K201

Graded Project 6

Spring 2014

Check points in the Finance worksheet: Completed worksheet should look like the following picture.



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