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o i l o f t r o P

Eric Whitlock

Eric Whitlock 57 E. Main St. #4 Rexburg, ID, 83440

s t n e t n o C f o Table
Business Card Letterhead Brochure Logos Photodesign Event Ad Montage Web Page Flier

d r a C s s e n i Bus
Description: Custom made company business card Process: I made some rough sketches of directions I wanted to go with the logo. As well as experimented with color schemes. Then used Adobe Illustrator to create the stationary. We have done several projects now using Ai and each time I learn a new technique to apply to my design style. Message: This logo and stationary is for a videography company. I wanted to use a recognizable logo and give it a really clean look. Audience: The audience would be any company or private party seeking videography services Top Thing Learned: I learned how to manipulate using the pathfinder tool. Color scheme and color names: Teal (Monochromatic) Title Font Name & Category: Microsoft Yi Baiti (Sans Seraf) Copy Font Name & Category: Cambria (Seraf)

Description: Custom made company letterhead Process: I made some rough sketches of directions I wanted to go with the logo. As well as experimented with color schemes. Then used Adobe Illustrator to create the stationary. We have done several projects now using Ai and each time I learn a new technique to apply to my design style. Message: This logo and stationary is for a videography company. I wanted to use a recognizable logo and give it a really clean look. Audience: The audience would be any company or private party seeking videography services Top Thing Learned: I learned how to manipulate using the pathfinder tool. Color scheme and color names: Teal (Monochromatic) Title Font Name & Category: Microsoft Yi Baiti (Sans Seraf) Copy Font Name & Category: Cambria (Seraf)

Description: A tri-fold brochure Process: This was a two week project using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. I began by folding paper and creating sketches of possible ideas, then, from those, selected a layout and a theme. I ides Photoshop to manipulate all the images i needed and laid out the brochure in InDesign. I used comic book pages, full bleed, as the background making the inside and outside consistent with eachother Message: The message is informative of many things now commonly found in pop culture today Audience: The intended audience is everyone who is interested in nerdy pop culture Top Thing Learned: The top thing i learned was the method of printing. How to change all the settings to have it print exactly the way you need it. Color scheme and color names: I used every color. Well call it a scattered or eclectic color scheme. Title Font Name & Category: Poplar std (Sans Serif) Copy Font Name & Category: Palatino (Serif)

Description: This was an activity to better learn the program Adobe InDesign where we created three different logo for a company. Process: I began with some rough sketches of logos to start. Then I created them in InDesign while adding some changes. I then had peers review and critique the designs, which gave me ideas for my final draft. I really liked working with InDesign I found it east to use and really user friendly Message: I was going for a fruity, clean, fun message Audience: The audience would any age group. Im appealing more to people who like fruity things drinks Top Thing Learned: I learned how do use Adobe InDesign, where before i had zero skills in doing so Three Color Scheme and Color Names: Teal (Monochromatic) and Lime/Yellow/Brick/Red/Indigo (unidentified) Three sets of Title / Body Font Names & Categories: Logo 1 Logo 2 Logo 3
Optima (Sans Serif) Optima (Sans Serif) ChalkboardSE-bold (Script)

n g i s e d o t o h P
Description: An example of photography skills and Photoshop ability. Process: The project began with coming up with a concept and a color scheme first, then shooting a picture to fit in with your color scheme. I chose teal with a split complementary color scheme. Then I uploaded the images iIshot into Photoshop and did some light editing, changing the lighting and sharpness a bit. Then incorporated the touched up image into a design i also put together with Photoshop. Message: People looking for a wedding photographer Audience: I made an advertisement for my moms Photography business, who does many aspects of wedding photography. So my message is directed towards someone making wedding plans and looking for a photographer. Top Thing Learned: I mostly learned how to incorporate color scheme in with a image Color scheme: Split Complementary- Teal, Red, Gold.

Event Ad
Description: This is a flyer for a Mocktail party. An event intended to raise money for a cause. the cause i chose was Save The Clock Tower from Back To The Future. Process: First I made a rough sketch of design ideas and experimented with fundraiser ideas and organizations to which I could donate. Then I took a picture that was used as a decoration at my wedding and scanned it in using photoshop. In photoshop I was able to scan my image to the correct size and dpi. Next I layed out my flyer using Microsoft Word and created a draft. After the draft was critiqued I changed 100% of the flyer, refined my design, converted the saved PDF file to a jpeg and posted it to my blog (see above). Message: The message is that there is an event that is fun and beneficial for those who do not drink alcohol. Audience: A mocktail party is most popular for young to middle aged adults whom are alcohol free. Color scheme: I chose a complementary color scheme and used the colors blue and orange Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned what that Microsoft word has the ability to do a creative layout. It can be useful for things other than typing papers.

e g a t n o M
Description: This was a class project to learn a little more about Photoshop by making a montage. Process: The montage could be created from any picture, so I drafted an idea and then searched the internet for photos. My idea was to take images and themes you see frequently in internet pop-culture and put them all into one image. I did this with Photoshop by cutting out images and feathering them. Then used masks to fade them into the background. Message: This is meant to be for entertainment and amusement, much like the images it contains. The message would be Humor. Audience: Anyone active in internet pop-culture. Top Thing Learned: I gained a good understanding of using masks and other Photoshop processes.

e g a P b e W
Description: This is a screenshot of the webpage that i wrote to showcase a design I made, as well as practice in HTML and CSS. Process: We began the project coding the webpage in HTML, adding in image tags and creating our own content and links. Then we learned CSS coding and linked the two together. The design of the webpage was tailored to the logo. I Matched the colors to fit a contrasting color scheme. Message: This is intended to look professional and clean. Audience: The audience in mind is any company or family wanting video taken Top Thing Learned: I feel like I learned a lot about HTML coding and how to tag and code properly. Color scheme and color hex: Contrasting Teal (25a79d) and Brick (c74a2a) Title Font Families & Category: Georgia (Serif) Copy Font Families & Category: Times New Roman (Serif) Changes made to the CSS: I changed the colors and fonts.

Description: This was the first project of the semester in COMM 130; a flyer created using the Adobe software, InDesign. Process: It involved learning design elements, Learning Typography rules, creating a rough sketch, viewing tutorials on how to use InDesign several drafts, then the final copy you see above. Message: It is a flyer intended to get graduate students a seminar to help them improve their leadership abilities. Audience: Graduating college seniors interested in improving business/leadership skills. Top Thing Learned: i learned most what the program InDesign. I was completely unfamiliar with it and through doing this project i now feel comfortable navigating it. Title Font and Catagory: Minion (Serif) Body Font and Catagory: Mayaloto(sp) (Sans Serif)

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