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1 2 3 4 5 RADIO AND TELEVISION - radio and TV history and their inventions, differences between TV and radio, black and colour broadcasting history, differences between state and commercial TV and radio, cable TV, music channels, popular music channels, satellite TV. EDUCATION IN OUR REPUBLIC - musical education, your experience with local artistic schools, the system of education in our republic. Which subjects are the most important to prepare a student for real life? our experience. !as the conservatory prepared you for real life and how? MUSIC SINCE 1900 UNTIL THE 1950S - new kinds of music, the electric guitar, radio stars, first records, "len #iller, $an $e%ek, Voskovec a &urian, '.(.)vorsk*. POPULARITY - Talk about some of the most popular +,ech artists, actors or bands currently. What is it about their work that has made them so popular? What do you think will happen to them in the future? What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming famous through your work? CINEMA AND ITS HISTORY - silent film, sound film, !ollywood industry, +,ech film history -&arrandov, the sixties, the contemporary situation., the /scar (wards, famous +,ech directors, famous world directors, famous world and +,ech film stars. CLASSICAL MUSIC TO 1900 - overview since the #iddle (ges, historical periods, famous classical pieces of music, popular composers and musicians. THE C"ECH THEATRE OF THE T#ENTIETH CENTURY - influence of +,ech playwrights on +,ech culture 0 1. 2apek, #. 1undera, V3clav !avel, etc., actors, actresses. What are the spatial and functional sections of a theatre? MUSIC IN THE HOME - 4s music -or should it be. an important part of life at home? )escribe the influence of the radio, internet, and other forms of modern technology in relation to music in the home. !ow many families have instruments at home and how does this make a difference? What is the importance of passing down folk music from generation to generation? MUSIC AND TEXT - the importance of good lyrics for songs 0 strong texts. +an strong lyrics cause any changes in society? The 5678s, the 4ron +urtain, famous songwriters 0 1. 1ryl, $. 9ohavica, $. !utka, :. Vrba, #. !or3;ek, $i<= >uch*, #. !r?,a, etc. #usic and poetry 0 should lyrics always be a poem? MODERN CIVILI"ATION 0 +ompare and contrast lifestyle of your parents or grandparents to your own contemporary developed way of life. What is the same, and what has changed? What are the most pressing problems facing modern society? What in your opinion should be done about them? #any feel that the world is getting smaller as globali,ation spreads@what do you feel is the role of theatre, art and music in a globali,ed world? PRESS AND MASS MEDIA - their influence on peopleAs lives. )ifferences between tabloids -gossip. and serious newspapers. What is your opinion on gossip, and the negative impact of tabloids? )ifferences between newspapers, maga,ines, fliers and the 4nternet. +ommercials and advertisements. POLITICS - )escribe the structure of the political system of the +,ech 'epublic. )o you think the system functions well, or should changed be made? What is the current political situation? 4n your opinion, are politics important to the average citi,en? !ow important is it to be politically active -or at least aware.? GETTING A %OB IN THE C"ECH REPUBLIC - advertisements and the other ways of looking for a job. Think of a person you know who has a difficult job. What makes it so difficult? What are the job conditions like? What is the best B worst job you have ever had? The best motivation B relations between employer and employees. %AROSLAV %E&E' - >peak about $aroslav $e%ek and his work, life and legacy. +onsider his work with the Ciberated Theatre, Voskovec and Werich and other projects. What has been his greatest artistic contribution to the modern world? !as he influenced you personally in any way?






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SUPPORT OF THE ARTS - !ow well are music, arts and culture supported in the +,ech 'epublic? !ow does this compare with other parts of the world? )o you feel that the government is doing enough to subsidi,e the arts? What else couldBshould be done in your opinion? )o you feel that audiences are in general growing or shrinking? !ow do you perceive the future for music, arts and culture in this country? THE EUROPEAN UNION - +,ech roots in the FG, FG history, the executive bodies of the FG. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the FG? Various kinds of restrictions, the Furopean free market, the importance of being a member for a musician. NATURE ( ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - What role does nature play in your life? !ow important is it for you spend time away from the city and in the outdoors? )escribe the role national parks and nature reservations play for a country. 4n general, are people strengthening or losing their connection to nature? !ow can we prevent our planet from future disasters? :ower stations, waste, the "reen !ouse Fffect, the green movement, green political parties and their role in politics. B) ALCOHOL AND DRUGS - 4s there a substance abuse problem in the +,ech 'epublic? 4f so, is enough being done to fight against it? H)rinkingA is certainly a big part of +,ech social culture. 4s this a good or bad thing? #any draw a line between HhardA and HsoftA drugs, and advocate the legali,ation of the latter. Where do you stand on this issue? CONTEMPORARY ART AND LIFE IN THE C"ECH REPUBLIC - What role do art, theatre and music play in the day0to0day lives of people in the +,ech 'epublic? Would you generally consider +,echs to be enthusiastic supporters of arts and culture? 4f so, what accounts for this? 4f not, what are the conseIuences for you and your future? )iscuss some of the major cultural institutions available to the average citi,en of this country and their importance. Theatre, films and entertainment centers. :rague and other cultural centers in our country, +,ech society, cultural and social life. STRESS HEALTHY AND UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE - Would you consider your life stressful? What things in life cause you the most stress? 4f youAre feeling stress, how do you manage it? >tudy and school can be a very Hpressure0filledA experience. What advice would you give to students who are just starting at 1$$? 4n general, has life become more or less stressful than in the past? +ivili,ation diseases. Various kinds of addiction to drugs, :+s, smoking etc, how to prevent from (4)> and other mortal diseases. MUSIC SINCE THE 1950* 0 new styles, rock Jn roll, Flvis :resley, big bands, the &eatles, the 'olling >tones, famous bands, #ichael $ackson, #adonna, the contemporary situation in pop music in our republic, famous musicians and singers. GREAT #RITERS/MUSICIANS - Which great writerBmusician inspired you to follow your course of study here at 1$$? )escribe their life and work, as well as their place in the artistic world they are a part of. What has their influence been on you personally? What elements of their style do you try to incorporate into your own? PRAGUE - )escribe the history of :rague and explain its role as a centre of education and culture. What are the most important events that have taken place in :rague and what influence have they had on the +,ech nation? What is the role of :rague in todayAs Furope? TECHNOLOGY AND THE INTERNET AND ITS ROLE IN OUR LIVES - )escribe some technological advances that have developed in your lifetime. !ow have they changed life as we know it? 4n general, have their contributions been positive or negative? The rate of technological change today is extremely fast@what can one do to keep up? our favourite browser and web pages. :roblems and dangers in global communication K hackers, pedophiles. #obiles and other ways of modern communication 0 >kype, Lacebook, Twitter. (dvantages and disadvantages of social networks. MUSIC AND COPYRIGHT 0 What is a :ublic )omain, Mripping off,N MIuoting?N !ow do you feel about making copies or downloading music illegally? !ow do people use, myspace music, etc. to share music? 4s it possible to create anything totally new nowadays?

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