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Danielle Nugent Issues Portfolio About Me My name is Danielle Nugent, I am currently working on achieving my bachelors in Environmental Studies and

Elementary Education. My dream is to make learning fun and ignite a flame of interest in my future students. My ultimate dream is to be a 5th grade elementary science teacher, I will also be certified in mathematics. Before I settle down, I am looking to travel and plan on becoming involved with a volunteer organization like the Peace Corps or Teach for America. Through my own volunteering experiences and research I did for an honors paper (included within the portfolio) I have been greatly influenced and come to realize how essential volunteering is. I would like to give back and explore the world to gain more life experience and volunteer my time. I am thankful for the support of my family, friends, and the help of lifelong teachers. After graduating Kittatinny Regional High School I attended our local community college. I was involved as a school ambassador helping organize and run events. My time at Sussex County Community College help give me time to figure out what I wanted to pursue in life and also gave me the opportunity to work part time at the local Shoprite. I chose to come to the College of Richard Stockton because I simply fell in love with the school, Stockton has played a monumental part in my environmental science education. Through different courses and Stockton clubs I have had the opportunity to explore different interested. The environment has always been something close to my heart. For the past four years I have worked as a lifeguard at Swartswood State Park. One of my favorite parts of the job is being able to spend the whole summer working outside. This summer I plan on completing an internship working at Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp in Stokes State Park. I will be combining my passion for environmental science and education. Through my experiences at Stockton, I have had the chance to explore different avenues including leadership positions and volunteering. I am motivated and a hard worker. These skills will allow me to be successful and push myself to great potential. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had and look forward to an exciting future. Contained in this portfolio is a brief sample of some of the projects I have worked on in my time at Richard Stockton. There is a resume tab containing my resume. An artifacts section that contains three sample of work I have been involved with. There is a professional skills section that highlights several significant course that have made a significant impact on me. One tab is dedicated to pictures and events I have been involved in. The last tab is a reflective piece that discusses skills I have acquired over my time at Stockton. Hey, hey ho ho, Keystone pipelines got to go! This was one of the chants for the Forward on Climate rally I attended with S.A.V.E this past February. As an environmental study major this event was close to my heart. On Feb 17th I and several other Stockton students drove three hours to attend a rally in Washington D.C to urge President Obama to stick to his words about climate change and oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline. My goal for this semester is to be more involved in environmental and educational issues. This is the direction I plan on going in my career, and I believe it is vital to be involved. We made creative posters with fun sayings to spread the word. It is an exciting feeling to work on something you believe in.

Through my coursework and experiences at Richard Stockton College I have gained valuable knowledge and skills that have helped prepare me for my future career. My classes in environmental science and education have given me the fundamental knowledge in which I need for my future career. I have also had the opportunity to take classes outside of my intended major, this has given a very well-rounded education. Below is a sample of a few selected course I have taken at Stockton that have made a significant impact on me. There assortment of course ranging from environmental science, education, and miscellaneous G courses. I feel like I will be able to incorporate the knowledge I have gained into my own lessons when I am a teacher. Dinosaurs Gained knowledge to an introduction to dinosaurs and their world. Gained a understanding of the process of science, its strengths and limitation and how science works as a tool for understanding the natural world. Ecological Principles Gained understanding of the principle of ecology, including the structure and function of the biosphere. Gained knowledge on subjects involved in natural selection, energy flow nd nutrient cycling in natural communities and ecosystems. Freshwater Ecology Gained a understanding on key physical and chemical properties of freshwater. Able to explain the impact of human activities on freshwater systems.

Gained experience in taking useful field notes by going to various freshwater environments. Created a case study on Kettle Holes that included a paper and presentation to create and apply knowledge accumulated throughout the class. Honors: Economic Well Being Gained factual knowledge to terminology, classifications and methods revolving around economic well-being. Explored quantitative and qualitative measures of well-being Applied knowledge by creating a paper and presentation on the affects volunteering have on well-being Physical Geography Gained knowledge in the fundament principles of earth science. Gained understanding of processes that involve geographic distribution of heat and water, vegetation, soils, wildlife, natural resources, and their impacts on human activities. Map analysis and interpretation, an introduction to GIS Wildlife Management Gain knowledge the history and foundation of wildlife management in the U.S Gain knowledge of the major threats facing wildlife species across the globe and how wildlife management/ conservation techniques can be applied to mitigate or minimize the threats. Synthesize and apply fundamental concepts of wildlife management to real-world management scenarios.

Family and its Niche This essay was written in the spring 2011 of Ecological Principles. This was my very first environmental science class, I fell enamored with the course. This was when I knew I was supposed to be an environmental science major. The class had the opportunity to venture in the field and my eyes were open to a vast variety of different vegetation, insects, and animals. Along the way we learned facts about things I normally would have just passes by without a second thought. For our project A family and its Niche, I wrote mine on something that intrigued me, song bird swallows. The essay discusses characteristics that make the species successful and the ecological characteristic of the organisms. I put in hard work and a lot of research time for this essay and was reward with a good grade and a praising comment from my professor.

Life is a journey, not a destination. Ralph Waldo Emerson I have had the opportunity to experience a wide assortment of classes that have lead me to my current decision to become an elementary science teacher, majoring in environmental studies. Like many young adults I have struggled with my career choice. When I was younger I dreamed of traveling the world, going on expeditions, and discovering new life. I changed from biology, to geology, where I settled down to my true love of environmental science. Growing up my family has spend a tremendous amount of time outside, hiking, biking, and kayaking. I always knew nature was something I wanted to pursue and expand upon but it wasnt until I came to Richard Stockton that I had that opportunity. Through my upper level environmental science course like Freshwater Ecology, Water Hydrology, and Wildlife Management I have expanded on my knowledge of environmental science. I feel prepared to enter the work force as an educator. I am planning on pursing the Peace Corps or Teach for America after college to gain even more experience and be able to travel to different parts of the world. I want to have my own stories and adventures so I can share with the class in order to make learning fun and interest my students. I do plan on going to grad school to further my education, but not in the near future. This semester I have also been embracing new activities and pushing myself outside my comfort zone. I have continued working on native bee research with one of my professors, become involved as the treasure of SAVE, and continued to work hard on my studies. I am looking forward to the summer where I will be working at a summer camp teaching environmental science to children. Life is a journey, in which I am constantly learning. I am excited for what the future holds, and will embrace the opportunities that come my way.

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