Capitol Update 6

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Finance: Minimum Wage: Today is the final deadline for Finance bills.

We have been meeting for 15+ hours to review, analyze and pass all of our division finance bills. A disappointing change in our financial targets made the process tough for me personally. As Chair of Higher Ed we had passed out a bill that I felt accomplished our committee objectives: reducing debt, increasing completion and preparing our students for the 21st Century workforce. Thursday I learned that the funding we had put forward for MnSCU to resolve a budget issue from last session was no longer possible within a new fiscal target. In the State budget, we have a current year target, as well as a target for the next biennium, which we call a "tails" target. Senate leadership reduced the "tails" target by $180,000,000. Higher Ed took a $37m portion of that reduction, which means that the additional funding for MnSCU of $17m is now one time money and is not funded for the next biennium. This causes a problem as ongoing commitments cannot be made with one time money. I will continue to advocate for a change in this decision in hopes of restoring these funds as I do not think this is fiscally responsible. Given the change in our financial targets, everything is in flux. Division summaries will not be available until next week. Lastly, the minimum wage conversation continues and at this point there has not been an agreement with the House. I submitted an op-ed to the Strib to present a proposal that has not gotten much consideration in this discussion - the two tier wage proposal. Keep an eye out for it next week.

Safe and Supportive Schools: On Thursday, the Senate passed the bullying bill. I voted for this bill and also supported amendments that I thought both strengthened the bill and responded to comments made by many of you. An amendment I helped craft that did go on the bill made it clear that a person accused of bullying would have a chance to defend themselves. While one can presume this, stating it clearly provides comfort. I have not been in support of the Climate Centeran amendment was passed to change the name to a technical advisory center and sunset it in 2019. In addition, language was added to clarify that the center had no regulatory or oversight function. I supported that amendment and also voted to delete the Center. That amendment didn't pass. There have been questions raised about the need to keep parents informed in all cases. The current bill states a presumption of parental notification. This had been added. I do appreciate this, yet I also voted for an amendment to require parental notification that did not go on. Our collective voices have shaped this bill so that districts, parents and students were able to make significant changes to this proposed policy. I believe it sets the right tone and it is my hope the bill we passed provides districts with enough flexibility to accomplish these goals within their own style and framework. If we find out that's not the case we will revisit it next session.

Looking Ahead: Next week, prior to break we will have the final Finance bill on the Senate floor. After break there will be Conference committees and the bonding bill left to complete. Please let me know if you have questions or comments.

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