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"nternational #ngineering & O$erations #%ecutive

Visionary Change Agent with over 20 years of leadership and experience converting organizational intent into action to drive revenue growth. Global Executive with wide-ranging expertise in technical and operational management, engineering, innovation, strategic planning, and product development for world renowned, multi-billion dollar corporations. ffers deep experience in instituting the processes and structure to improve both top-line and bottom-line efficiencies. Exceptional communicator able to build, develop, and motivate strong teams that deliver impressive results. &#' ()R#*G)H( +*D ,O-P#)#*,"#(
!trategic"#actical $lanning )ew $roduct *evelopment rganizational *evelopment Global $roduct (anagement $ro+ect"$rogram (anagement % % % % % &ustomer 'elationship (anagement $rocess *esign, *evelopment $erformance ptimization perational Excellence"(anufacturing &ost ptimization

Building & Leading High Performance Organizations to Drive Growth!

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Euro-Pro LLC: !r. ,ice $resident - Engineering - $rogram (anagement Takata Corporation. ,ice $resident of Global /usiness *evelopment Newell Rubbermaid. Global ,ice $resident of 'esearch, *esign and #echnology ey !a"ety !ystems. &hief #echnology fficer, General (anager, Global ,ice $resident of Engineering - perations #ederal $ogul. !r. !ales - $rogram (anager

TR%: Engineering (anager, ,0",E, Group 1eader, $ro+ect (anager

&$: $rocess Engineer

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Geographic Location. 0tlanta (etro 0rea 2 3illing to #ravel Extensively Types of Companies. 1arge - (id-!ized 456/ - 520/7 &ompanies manufacturing engineered products within a global footprint

Robert H Bloc!
International Technical Executive
3980 Little Falls Drive Cumming, GA 300 ! "ome# $%&8' (()(%%8 *o+ile# $%&8' ,3&)39&3 ro++loc-,.aol/com 000/lin-e1in/com2in2ro+ert+loc-

Desired Job Titles. ,ice $resident Engineering - perations, &hief #echnical fficer, General (anager, ,ice $resident of 8nnovation - $roduct *evelopment. Organizational Culture. 1eaders should 67 drive customer focus, innovation, profitable growth and sta9eholder value, 27 encourage ris9-ta9ing, empowerment, accountability, integrity and trust.

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'oc9#enn 0merican / 0 $orsche (c:esson #E &onnectivity :imberly &lar9 &ooper 8ndustries !eimens 1eggett - $latt 0G& Georgia-$acific $hillips Electronics

/elcan &onsolidated &ontainer (anufacturing /rands

!olvay ;itachi 'heem 0cuity

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