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SGO Candidates 2015 Platforms President Rashelle Gersh Victor Zeitoune Vice President Eli Cattan Robyn Dweck

Treasurer Sophia Chabot Michael Zalta Secretary Virginia Dweck Junie Maleh


ELI CATTAN SGO does amazing things every year but shouldnt they be there for you on a day-to-day basis??? I would like to improve your everyday life at Flatbush. I have participated in many extra curricular activities and I have gained experience with students and faculty. I am able to work well with others and succeed as a team. I understand what the students want and I have what it takes to help improve the school for you. I have fantastic ideas but I would also love to hear and listen to what you have to say. Anyone can approach me with any suggestions or requests that they have. Ill definitely consider you input and will try my best to put your ideas into effect.
Some of my ideas include: Student-Run Review Sessions- a student, who excels in a subject, will be able to give a review to the class, before a test. This will take place after school in a classroom and the student giving the review will be rewarded with chesed hours. College day- this event will give students an opportunity to meet former graduates of Flatbush to speak about college. Students will be able to choose a college they are interested in and meet with a current student of that college. The student will be able to stay in contact and find out more about the college. This will give students the real picture of the college from the point of view of a current student. Student Advisors- this committee will be there to assist

students with a variety of issues that occur in school. If a student has a conflict with another student or a teacher, student advisors can help. They may be able to give advice or even get involved. This will give the student the opportunity to have a second opinion and someone to help out. The Lounge- the lounge is supposed to be the place where the students can step away from the pressures of school and relax. If I cant walk into the teachers room then I wouldnt want teachers roaming through the lounge either. I want to bring a strong and stable Ping-Pong table back into the lounge and add an air hockey table. Breakfast- lets get some brand name cereals and keep the covered spoons. Book recycling program- every year we buy review books and after we are finished using them they just sit on our shelves. Now you can bring your old books and for every book you give us you will get a dollar. Students will then be able to purchase used review books at a low cost. Change machine- Isnt it the worst when you have a five-dollar bill and the vending machines only accept singles? I want to install a change machine to help us out on that issue. Rosh Hodesh- Why do we only have late minyan on three Rosh Hodeshes a year? Lets have late minyan every Rosh Hodesh and especially when we come back from seminar. Student/Teacher of the Month A student and/or teacher is selected who has shown outstanding spirit or has done something very admirable for that month. They are rewarded with gift certificates and

announced on the school loudspeaker.

Sophia Chabot

Sophia Chabot for Treasurer, Small Girl Big Ideas

My favorite thing to do in life is to help others. I spend a lot of my time doing chessed and helping people in need. Now that I have the opportunity to run for a spot on SGO I would like to help you! I am a very hard worker and like to get my job done fast and do it in the right and best way that I can. Being the creative person I am I think that having me on next years SGO can bring you many fun activities and programs. I am a very dedicated student and want to bring the best that I can for you to school. I want and will help you and give you the best year ever and make school a place that you will enjoy going to everyday! My Goals
1. Allow sign in and sign outs to rollover from previous semester 2. 6 interchangeable sign in and sign outs 3. Rikkudim every Rosh Chodesh 4. Late minyan for every class once a month (not only freshman) 5. Short Fridays all year round 6. Real cereal during breakfast 7. Free fruit during breakfast 8. Keurig available for use during breakfast 9. Going out for breakfast legally 10. Chessed Trips

11. Sophomore day 12. Allow 2 lunch holds to serve as a detention 13. The BEST color war yet 14. 1 study period a week per class 15. Continue the greatness of having wrapped spoons 16. Gum in the vending machine 17. Charging stations with chargers in the lounge and library 18. Flatbush sweatpants available to people not on a team 19. Late minyan after seminar 20. Lunch deals at the restaurants on Ave J 21. Change the printer in the library to wireless so you can print straight from your iPad 22. Juniors and Seniors should be allowed to go out during free periods between electives 22. Making school a place you want to go to everyday

Count on Someone Who Can Count

Sophia for Treasurer


Michael Zalta: SGO Treasurer Candidate Platform

Hey Flatbush! I'd first like to say that I am super excited to be running for SGO treasurer and I am so happy that my campaign is helping me form new friendships with so much of the Flatbush student body. You are all so awesome! For those who may not know me and for those who do, I'd like to reintroduce myself. Many of you may think of me as "that boy in all the plays" or "Michael Zalta, that kid whose always singing", but I'd like to share a different way to look at who I am. Over my almost 3 years in Flatbush, I learned to realize something about myself that I never thought possible. I found that above everything else I have an aching passion for making people feel good about themselves, making people feel happy, and most of all making people feel important. That is the same passion that is driving me to run for a spot in office, so it can be my responsibility to better the school lives of the amazing student body of Flatbush! During my short time in Flatbush I have already established myself as a facet of the school. I formed strong relationships with the entire faculty and administration. I proved my abilities to handle extra curricular activities while upholding a 96+ average in honors. I worked and starred in countless drama productions and assemblies for the school. I proved my enthusiasm for everything I do from Color War to Chumash class (#werk). I expressed ideas of humanitarianism throughout the school with my constant acts of kindness and chesed (freshman- hope your remember when I "fed the deed" in breakfast! Lol). I constantly tried to be a genuine and compassionate friend and a person who is extremely sociable and eager to form new relationships. And most important to me, I formed and managed the Traveling Troupe, a commission committed to giving students an opportunity to shine and do an act of chesed while expressing themselves. I'm sure there will be more in store if I were elected for SGO Treasurer!

"Let Mi-Key Unlock Your Awesome Year" #MZ4Treasury

The Plan:
If I were elected Treasurer, I would see it as my job to make every member of Flatbush shine. I will make sure that I can help every unique student find their niche where their passions, interests and talents can shine most brilliantly. My goal is to establish a diversified student body in which I will grant as much opportunity as possible for each student to involve themselves in what they love and what they want for the school. To make this a reality I designed the S.W.A.G. Plan.

The S.W.A.G. Plan (Students With A Goal): 3 steps toward an integrative SGO
Step 1: the SGO suggestions box
Your first step at having a say in the SGO's decision making! Every week a new short survey will be available in the lounge asking your opinions on SGO's matters at hand to be submitted in a box. I know that the SGO cant always know what is in the students best interest; therefore I will strive to hear it from you!

Step 2: "Treasure Tank"

Inspired by the TV show "Shark Tank", this program will be my effort to support the ideas of the student body and lift them off their feet. It took me till my junior year to establish the Traveling Troupe, an idea that I developed in the end of my freshman year however I struggled finding the connections and help I needed to get the ball rolling. Treasure Tank will be a program in which I will meet discuss and promote any appropriate and innovative idea

suggested to me by a member of the student body. Ideas can include but are not limited to trips, commissions, tournaments, fund-raisers, assemblies, concerts etc.

Step 3: the SGO Involvement Commission

This is the ultimate step of involvement in SGO for the student body. I will form a commission for the students who feel passionate and dedicated to their involvement in all of school affairs and SGO decisions. The commission will meet weekly during your lunch to discuss new ideas and allow all members to have a real say in what the SGO does. This commission will grant more opportunity for students to take leadership positions in SGO matters such as color war, and the Chanukah and Purim fairs.

Additional Ideas
1- Change Machine in the Lounge: Tired of asking everyone for change for a $5 bill when Leiby is not around? With a new change machine there will be no more struggle to use the vending machines. 2- Reinstitute Battle of the Bands and Winter Concert (during school)- not only are these events both an extreme amount of fun and a great chance to socialize, but they also promote confidence and support yours or your friends passions. 3- Annualize the Purim Carnival- the current SGO was extremely successful in brining back the Purim Carnival. I will try to make sure that the Purim carnival is incorporated annually into the Flatbush schedule. 4- Rollover Minyan Points, Sign in/outs, Friday Absences- your adherence to the attendance policy of Flatbush should not go unrewarded, therefore if you have minyan points sign in/outs or Friday absences left over in one term, they will carry over to the next. 5- Girls Choice of Minyan- many girls find it a problem to connect to god in the way they believe suits them best as the current minyan system is filled with girls who approach praying differently. With a choice of minyan for girls ranging from an AP minyan with torah reading to a more personal minyan, girls will be able to build their ever so important relationship with Hashem every morning in the way that suits them best. 6- More Trips- Candidates for SGO promise more trips every year but never have the right springboard forcing them to keep this promise. With the implementation of my S.W.A.G Plan, YOU will make the trips actually happen.

Hope you enjoyed reading my platform! And Dont Forget to Let Mi-Key Unlock Your Awesome Year #MZ4Treasury

Junie Maleh for Secretary I believe that I qualify for office because I am a person who is always willing to help others and make everyone's day better. I will attempt to make the school's environment a place where students want to be and a place where they can feel like they are a part of something. I get my work done ahead of time so I feel that I qualify for the specific jobs needed to be carried out in order to be secretary. If I am elected I wish/will attempt to: 1. Create programs on holidays where students can celebrate with singing, dancing, and fun activities. 2. Plan chessed trips where students can see what kind of chessed interests them, so when they do their chessed hours it would be less of a burden because it's something they enjoy doing. 3. Let a student's sign-ins/sign-outs or absentees roll over to the next term. 4. Allow students to have 6 interchangeable sign-ins and sign-outs. 5. Allow students to use an absentee as a sign-in or sign-out if they run out. 6. Create programs where students can interact with their teachers and get to know them in order to have the best teacher-student relationships! 7. Make the most memorable color war yet!! 8. Distribute candy during finals 9. If two tests are assigned for a specific day, no more than one quiz can be given

that day as well. Quizzes are still challenging and require studying just like tests do. 10. Allow students to miss 3 gyms instead of 2 11. Only allow women teachers to skirt girls 12. Create a specific emergency locker where girls can get skirts if their's is inappropriate 13. Air fresheners in the bathroom 14. 1 detention freebie 15. People on a team have one gym/swim per week 16. Tests must be scheduled one week in advance 17. Speakers in the lounge 18. Sophomore day 19. Gum in the vending machines 20. Clips and ponytails in bathroom 21. Birthday reminder board 22. Test schedule 23. Honesty box 24. Daily collecting 25. Gotcha 26. Scavenger hunt 27. Fundraising events in order to plan school events 28. Student sweatpants and beanies 29. Shabbat o grams

30. Spring concert- in the daytime! 31. Jewish History- choice to be Hebrew or English subject 32. Do everything I can to make next year unforgettable for everyone!

Hey guys! My name is Virginia and Im running for SGO secretary. Im really excited about this and have some really good ideas so here they are: -Fix up the garden in the back of the school as a place to hang out. -More lunch tables outside so that if you want there is enough room to east outside in the spring. -Ill Re-instate breakfast commission which would sell cereals, fruit cups, and black diamond coffee. -More trips: sophomore picnics. The freshmen juniors, and seniors all have these kinds of days and why should the sophomores be left out? - Amazing SGO trips like six flags and baseball games. - A suggestion box so that YOU will have a say and get a chance to give us your ideas. -More chesed trips, like travel troupe, going to old age homes and food pantries to get hours. -Flatbush reads: a program where we can sign up to read the cool books like divergent or hunger games and then after school hours can plan game activities based off of them or go as a group to see the movies. - More games and an x-box for the lounge. -Music during breakfast and lunch. -Music before ALL home games to pump up the players.

-All sports players coming home from games later than 11:30 get late minyan. -Late minyan after seminar. -Student ability to use the microwave. -An AMAZING color war. Color war is always awesome but if Im elected I promise to work really hard to make it better than ever. -Rikkudim and late minyan on Rosh Hodesh. -Inter-changeable sign-ins and sign-outs. -School mascot to raise school spirit. - New and updated sports equipment. - The opportunity to buy your school supplies from the SGO. - Flatbush sweatpants and sweatshirts. - Shampoo and soap for after swim. - A more organized aerobics system. - Charging stations in the library and lounge. These are just a few the ideas I'll implement when I'm SGO secretary. I'll work really hard to make sure YOUR voice is heard. Vote Virginia for SGO secretary!!

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