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Textile Sector- Overview

The share of textile industry in the economy along with its contribution to exports,
employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and value added makes it the single
largest manufacturing sector for Pakistan. It contributes around 8.5 percent to GDP,
employs 38 percent of the total manufacturing labor force, and contributes between 60-70
percent to total merchandise exports. Indeed, with exports reaching about $8.6 billion in
2004-05, Pakistan is one of the largest textile exporters in the world.

The variety of products ranges from cotton yarn to knitwear. Garment made-ups and bed
wear are the most important export products with an export value of about $1.35 billion
each. Knitwear, ready made garments and cotton yarn also have important shares in total
exports. Overall, the US and the EU are Pakistan’s largest trading partners accounting for
25 percent and 20 percent share of Pakistani exports respectively. Other major importers
include China, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Textile trade is classified into two broad
categories i.e. textile which include yarn, fabric and made-ups, and clothing which
represents readymade garments.

Investment in Textile Sector

Textile industry has made an investment of about $6.0 billion during the last six years.
This investment includes both investments through bank loans as well as own sources.
This investment has been made in the form of BMR expansion and new capacity. Textile
machinery worth US$ 0.6 billion has been imported during 2005-06. the import of textile
machinery for the last seven years are documented in Table and Sector wise Investment is
shown in figure
Table- 3.4 Import of Textile Machinery
Year Million US $ % Change
1999-2000 210.9 28.6
2000-01 370.2 75.5
2001-02 406.2 9.9
2002-03 531.9 30.7
2003-04 597.9 12.4
2004-05 700 17
2005-06 (Jul-Mar) 654.2 -6.5
Total 3472
Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Reforms in the Textile Sector

The government is providing support for the local production of textile machinery. A
wide ranging campaign to produce contamination free cotton in the country with a view
to promoting value addition has already been started. As a result, the cotton prices are
now being quoted on a PSCI grade standard basis. To ensure an abundant supply within
the country, cotton is allowed to be imported and exported freely. To stabilize prices in
the domestic market, the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) has been intervening as
and when required.

In order to prepare the textile industry in the post quota regime the government has set up
a high level Federal Textile Board with Textile Commissioner’s Organization serving as
its Secretariat. The Board has been entrusted the task of looking into the issues of clean
cotton, labor, social and environment laws, modernization of ginneries, rationalization of
tariffs, facilitation in sales tax issues and developing a package to promote garment
sector, especially by improving their competitiveness in international market.
Source: Economic Survey 2005- 06
Textile Sector – A Snap Shot
Total Number Of Units (2005)
Ginning 1221

Spinning 445

Large 140
Small 425
Power Looms 20600

Large 106
Small 625

Garments 5000
Large 600
Knitwear 700
Towels 400

Total Capacities:
Spinning: 1900 Million Kgs Yarn
Weaving: 5600 Million Sq. Mtr. Fabric
Finishing: 3500 Million Sq. Mtr
Garments: 650 Million PCs.
Knitwear: 350 Million PCs.
Towels: 55 Million Kgs.
At Present, the Ginning: More than 10 Million Bales

industry consists of large-scale organized sector and a highly fragmented

cottage / small-scale sector. The organized sector comprises integrated textile mills i.e.
spinning units with Shuttle-less looms. The down stream industry (Weaving, Finishing,
Garments, Towels & Hosiery), with great export potential, is mostly in the unorganized
sector. The following table depicts the magnitude of the textile industry.
Large Scale Mill Sector

No. Of
Sub Sector Size Production

1. Spinning 403 9.2 million spindles 1550 M. Kgs.

384 M. Sq.
2. Composite Units 50 9,876 Looms
Total 453

23,600 shuttle-less
3. Independent Weaving Units 124
4. Finishing Units 10
5. Garments Units 50 5,000 Sewing machines

Cottage / Small Scale Sector

No. Of
Sub Sector Size Production
1. Independent Weaving Units 453 50,000 Looms 3600 M. Sq. meter
2. Power Looms 20,600 175,200 Looms
Total 21053 225,200
3. Finishing 625 Cotton 2700 M. Sq. meter
4. Terry Towels 400 7,602 Looms 53 M. Kgs.
300,000 Sewing
5. Garments 2,500 600 M. Pcs.
12,000 Knitting
6. Knitwear 600 400 M. PCs.

Source: Pakistan Investment Guide (Experts Advisory Cell)

Policy & Projects

Policy Incentives:
• 100% foreign equity is allowed

• Custom Duty @ 5% on import of PME (Plant, Machinery and

Equipment) (SRO:358(I)/2002 dated 15-6-2002)

• Tax relief: First year allowance or depreciation allowance @

50% of Machinery & equipment cost.

Projects in Cotton Textiles:

• Cultivation of cotton

• Ready made garments (diversified product ranges) and


• Fashion designing

• Textile technology

• Handloom Textile
Cotton is a natural fiber used primarily as a raw material in textile industry. Being a
major crop, Cotton is an economic asset of Pakistan. The cotton production has been estimated
14 million bales approximately for the year 2004-2005. Both Punjab and Sindh are the major
cotton growing provinces and their share in total cotton production is estimated at 76% and 23%

Cotton Seed Market Rate

Dated: September 29, 2006
Rupees per 40 Kgs
1) P u n j a b N/A 2) S i n d h N/A
(RYK) (Nawabshah)

Registration 2005-06: Bales, 3,46,549
01-08-05 to 15-09-2006 2005 - 2006 13,446
01-08-05 to 15-09-2006 2004 - 2005 12,143
Total 25,589
Source: Export Promotion Bureau.

PERIOD - (MY 2005-06) Qty. in Bales
Aug., 05 to June.,06 405,105
July.,06 7,129
Total- 412,234
Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Qty. in Bales
PERIOD (MY 2005-06)
of 170 Kg s
Aug,05 to April.,06 1,691,206
May., 2006 100,694
Total - 1,791,900
Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Mills Consumption of Raw Cotton

Cotton Season 2005-06
Month Bales
Aug.,05 to Dec.,05 5,383,104
Jan., 2006 1,100,035
Total :- 6,483,139
Source: Textile Commissioner's Organization


(As on May 01, 2006) Corrected by The PCGA
In Bales

Punjab Sindh Pakistan

Total Arrivals 9,849,284 2,545,505 12,394,789

Sales to TCP --- --- ---
'' to Exporters 14,850.00 59,550 74,400
'' to Mill 9,173,807.00 2,343,972 1,151,779
Unsold Stock as on 01-05-06 802,610
Source: PCGA
Cotton has been cultivated in the sub-continent over the last 3000 years. The
indigenous variety of cotton, known as "Desi Cotton" has been cultivated in the
Indus valley since the ancient period of Mohenjo Daro civilization . Genetically,
cotton plant is a perennial and flourished in cotton forests but it was adapted as a
seasonal crop for higher productivity with advancement of farming technology.

The Desi cotton contains rough fibre characteristics with a staple length of around 20mm and
micronaire count of over 5.5. These features make it suitable for a limited use for the production
of denims, tarpaulins, Khaddar cloth and other rough fabrics spun and weaved locally in the
cottage industry.

The British introduced American cotton in the subcontinent at the beginning of 20th century. The
genotypes were imported from the North American continent initially and a test-cultivation was
made in South Western Indian regions. Dr. Mohammad Afzal, a prominent cotton breeder ,
introduced the American genotype in Punjab by cross-breeding of Desi with American cotton - 3F
variety produced in 1917. Since then cotton cultivation has shifted from desi to ‘American’
varieties in Punjab and Sindh, which are primarily crosses of new American breeds with 3F

Because of its finer fibre characteristics, staple length of over 25mm and micronaire below 4.5,
American Cotton is capable of being spun at higher counts to produce finer cloth. It is also for use
in fabrics blended with man-made fibres.

Cotton has played a very significant role in Pakistan’s agro-economy because of the fact that it
provides lint for fabrics and seed for edible oil. There was a rapid expansion of cotton cultivation
during the late 50’s and 60’s and more area came under cultivation from central Punjab to the
Southern Punjab. Short-medium staple varieties like 13/26; B-557 and 4F were grown extensively
during the 60’s and early 70’s. With the establishment of the Central Cotton Research Institute in
Multan, cotton breeding process attained momentum in the country. Later, the Provincial Cotton
Research Station, Multan and Nuclear Institute of Agriculture & Biology (NIAB) at Faisalabad
launched breeding programs that produced a number of new high- yielding varieties in the late
70’s and early 80’s, which contributed to the phenomenal growth in cotton production during

Since 1991-92 when cotton leaf curl virus (CLCV) hit cotton production adversely, the focus of
cotton breeding has been on virus resistance. The new virus resistant varieties had a lower yield
potential and lower Ginning out Turn percentage (GOT) but recent developments in breeding
have managed to produce genotypes that are resistant to CLCV and have a higher GOT with
medium long fibre characteristics. Over the next few years, Pakistan, especially lower Punjab is
expected to switch over to these new varieties, which are perfectly matched to the international
industry requirements. Pakistan is favourably poised to meet the challenges of the times.

The prime characteristic common to most Pakistani varieties is the fibre strength, which is the
best in the world. If other factors like clean picking, good ginning and elimination of contamination
can be managed, local cotton is perhaps the best in the world. Unfortunately, this quality potential
was never achieved largely due to the marketing anomalies prevalent in the cotton markets,
which impeded the incorporation of the desired technological perfections.

Source: Textile Vision 2005

Cotton is a natural fiber used primarily as a raw material in textile
industry. Being a major crop, Cotton is an economic asset of Pakistan.
The cotton production has been estimated 12 million bales
approximately for the year 2005-2006. Both Punjab and Sindh are the
major cotton growing provinces and their share in total cotton
production is estimated at 76% and 23% respectively

According to Pakistan Economic Survey 2005-06, cotton accounts for 8.6 percent of the
value added in agriculture and about 1.9 percent to GDP. The area and production target
for cotton crop during the current fiscal year were 3247 thousand hectares and 15.0
million bales, respectively. The crop was however, sown on the area of 3096 thousand
hectares – 4.6 percent less than the target and 3 percent less than last year (3193 thousand

The major cotton producing countries in the world include China, India, Pakistan, USA
and the European Union besides the central Asian and African states

Cotton, Area, Production And Yield

Area Production Yield
(000 % (000 % %
Year (Kgs/Hec)
Hectare) Change Bales) Change Change
3116 6.5 10613 -1.1 579 -7.2
2794 -10.3 10211 -3.8 622 7.4
2989 7.0 10048 -1.6 572 -8.0
3193 6.8 14265 42.0 760 32.9
3096 -3.0 12417 -13.0 682 -10.3
06 (P)
Provisional (July-March). Source: Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock
Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Pakistan is among the major global producers and exporters of textiles and
apparel. Cotton was primarily used as raw material in Yarn manufacturing
but the growing demand for blended yarn and fabrics has shifted the raw-
material source towards the Man-Made or Synthetic Fiber in Pakistan.

Pakistan is among the major global producers and exporters of textiles and apparel.
Cotton was primarily used as raw material in Yarn manufacturing but the growing
demand for blended yarn and fabrics has shifted the raw-material source towards the
Man-Made or Synthetic Fiber in Pakistan. The MMF industry in Pakistan has gradually
developed during the last decade but still Pakistan usage is currently at 74% cotton and
26% man-made fibers, whereas the world fiber mix is 45% cotton and 55% man-made

Man-made Fiber sub-sector is organized and most of the production is from the five key
players producing Polyester Staple Fiber (PSF)


(Fig. in '000' Kgs)
Period Cotton Fiber Total Cotton Fiber Cotton Fiber
1994-95 1,412,732 192,152 1,604,884 -7 6 88 12
1995-96 1,509,955 192,691 1,702,646 7 0 89 11
1996-97 1,444,368 236,692 1,681,060 -4 23 86 14
1997-98 1,471,169 318,923 1,790,092 2 35 82 18
1998-99 1,441,923 407,686 1,849,609 -2 28 78 22
1999-00 1,566,348 404,008 1,970,356 9 -1 79 21
2000-01 1,673,280 405,038 2,078,318 7 0 81 19
2001-02 1,755,669 409,557 2,165,226 5 1 81 19
2002-03 1,943,197 449,424 2,392,621 11 10 81 19
2003-04 1,938,678 468,984 2,407,662 0 4 81 19

Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing Sector

This sector has made progress in line with demand of the textile industry. Presently there
are seven polyester fiber units with production capacity of 625,000 tons per annum, two
acrylic fiber units of which one unit has started its Commercial production in December
1999 with rated capacity of 25,000 tons per annum while other unit of crescent group is
under installation. One unit of viscose fiber with a capacity of 10,000 tons has also gone
into production. Besides, import of fibers is also permissible to supplement the local
Filament Yarn Manufacturing Industry

The synthetic filament yarn manufacturing industry picked up momentum during 5th
Five Year Plan when demand and hence imports increased and private sector was
permitted to make feasible investment in the rising market conditions. Following three
kinds of filament yarn are manufactured locally: Production capacity of polyester
filament yarn has increased while the demand for local synthetic weaving industry is
export sales are not feasible and local market is heavily flooded with smuggled goods.
The production of polyester filament yarn is approximately 78000 tones per annum. The
duty on filament yarn was reduced last year.

While it was helpful to the synthetic weaving units, its impact on the filament industry is
evident in the form of closure. Recently hosiery sector has started consuming synthetic
yarns for export of knitted garments, which are, both value added as well as diversified in

Capacity of Synthetic Filament Yarn

Production Capacity
Type of Yarn No. of Units
(Metric Tons)
Accetate Rayon Yarn 1 3,000
Nylon Filament Yarn 3 2,000
Polyester Filament Yarn 21 95,000
Total 100,000

Art Silk and Synthetic Weaving Industry

Art silk and synthetic weaving industry has developed over the time on cottage based
power looms units comprising of 8-10 looms spread all over the country. There are
approximately 90, 000 looms in operation of which 30, 000 looms are working on
blended yarn and 60,000 loom on filament yarn. Besides there are some mobile looms
which become operational on market demand. The major concentration is in Karachi,
Faisalabad, Gujranwala, and Jalalpur Jattan as well as in the unsettled area (Bara, Sawat,
Khyber Agency and Waziristan).

Source: APTMA, Economic Survey 2005-06

Installed/Production Capacities of Synthetic Fiber in Pakistan
Installed Capacity (Metric
A. Polyester Staple Fiber
1. Dewan Salman Fiber 265,000
2. Ibrahim Fibers Limited 209,000
3. ICI Pakistan Limited 115,000
4. Rupali Polyester Limited 23,000
5. Pakistan Synthetics Limited 27,000
TOTAL 639,000
B. Acrylic Staple Fiber
1. Dewan Salman Fiber 25,000

C. Viscose Staple Fiber

1. Chemi Viscose Fiber

Grand Total 674,000

Source: PSF Manufacturers (APTMA)

Spinning is the process of converting fibers into yarn. The fibers may be natural
fibers such as cotton or manmade fibers such as polyester. Sometimes, the term spinning
is also used for production of manmade filament yarn (yarn that is not made from fibers).
Whatsoever is the case, the final product of spinning is yarn.

Spinning is the process of converting fibres into yarn. The fibres may be
natural fibres such as cotton or man-made fibres (MMFs) such as polyester. Sometimes,
term spinning is also used for production of man-made filament yarn (yarn that is not
made from fibres). Whatsoever is the case, the final product of spinning is yarn.

Cotton value chain starts from Ginning that adds value to it by separating cotton from
seed and impurities but Spinning can rightly be called as the first process of the chain that
adds value to cotton by converting into a new product i.e. conversion from ginned cotton
into cotton yarn. The importance of spinning cannot be overemphasized. Since spinning
is in the beginning of value chain, so all the later value added processes of weaving,
knitting, processing, garments and made-ups manufacturing are dependent upon it. If
spinning industry produces sub-standard yarn, its effect goes right across the entire value

The spinning sector forms the heart of the textile industry. This sector produces yarn for
downstream sectors, namely weaving, processing and knitting. Pakistan is the third
largest player in Asia with a spinning capacity of 5% of the total world and 7.6% of the
capacity in Asia. Pakistan’s growth rate has been 6.2% per annum and is second only to
Iran amongst the major players. At present, cotton-spinning sector is comprised of 458
textile units (50 composite units and 408 spinning units) with 8.8 million spindles and 77
thousand rotors in operation with capacity utilization of 87 percent and 49 percent
respectively, during July-Feb 2005-06

Weaving sector is one of the most important textile sub-sectors. The exports of
woven fabrics and other related woven made-ups form a major portion of textile exports
from Pakistan.

There are three different sub-sectors in weaving i.e, Integrated, independent Weaving
Units, and Power Loom Units. Investment has taken place in shuttle less loom, both in
integrated and independent weaving sector. Further investment in this sector will be
forthcoming in the medium term.

Installed and Capacity Worked in Weaving Sector

Installed Effective/ Capacity
Capacity Worked
(a) Integrated Textile Units 9050 4350
(b) Independent Weaving Units 27500 27000
(c) Power Loom Sector 295442 285442
Total 331992 316792
Source: Textile Commissioner Organization

The Power Loom Sector has modernized and registered a phenomenal growth over the
last two decades. The growth in power loom sector owes to a larger extent on the
government policies pursued this far as well as increased demand for the product. This
sector is producing comparatively low value added Grey Cloth of mostly inferior quality.
Problems of the power loom sector revolve mainly around the poor technology, scarcity
of quality yarn and lack of institutional financing for its development from unorganized
sector to an organized one. There is need for training facilities and guidance to diversify
their products, especially to cater the needs of the garment industry. However, the
performance of cloth sector remained in 2006 is far better than the year 2005.

A) Integrated Textile Mills

These are composite units with spinning and weaving operation at one premise. There
are about 50 integrated textile units with an installed capacity of about 9,050 looms.
Recent phenomenon of induction of Shuttle-less looms, viz. Projectile and Air jet
looms, in this sector is a healthy sign. As the pace of investment increases, the
number of modern looms in this sector is on increase. However, the textile millers
still prefer to set up an independent weaving unit rather than integrated ones.

B) Independent Weaving Units

This is a new segment of weaving units, which is in the process of coming up on the
same pattern as independent spinning units. Motivated by market demand and
government incentives as well as shift towards high quality fabrics, the entrepreneurs
are establishing independent weaving units with shuttle-less looms. These looms are
both second-hand and new ones and employ the modern technology of Rapier,
Projectile and Air jet looms.

C) Power Loom Sector

The power loom sector has registered a phenomenal growth over the last two decades.
New automatic cop-change looms of local origin are being added. The trend is to add
wider width looms to produce cloth for exports. The growth of power loom sector has
been due to market forces. This sector is producing comparatively low value added
Grey cloth of mostly inferior quality

Company Name Rs. in Million Rs. in Million Rs. in Million

Net Worth Net Income Net Profit
A.A. Textiles Ltd. 223.2 822.3 53.9
Ahmad Hassan Textile Mills Ltd. 209.8 659.4 101.8
Al-Abid Silk Mills Ltd. 352.3 2033.1 80.8
Al-Hamad Textile Mills 96.3 380.2 28.2
Allawasaya Textile 7 Finishing Mills 77.6 589.4 28.9
Apollo Textile Mills Ltd. 213.3 968.8 18.8
Artistic Denim Mills Ltd 321.2 917.2 55.4
Ayesha Textile Mills Ltd. 152.8 1211.6 118.2
Bengal Fibre Industries Ltd. 91.8 389.5 19.3
Bhanero Textile Mills Ltd. 325 1308.3 165.2
Blessed Textile Ltd. 215.8 693 116.4
Burewala Textile Mills Ltd. 337.9 431.1 60.5
Chanab Fiber Ltd. 108.6 478.6 47.8
Colony Textile Mills Ltd 96.4 683.3 147.7
Crescent Textile Mills Ltd 1425.9 4632.5 246
Dares Salaam Textile Mills Ltd 92.3 452.1 82.5
Dewan Khalid Textile Mills Ltd 254.7 560.6 31.9
Dewan Mushtaq Textile Mills Ltd 124.8 761.7 38.5
Dewan Salman Fibre Ltd 458.4 6723.7 514.2
Dewan Textile Mills Ltd 685.4 2282 121.6
Dilon Ltd 100.7 186.6 18.5
Faisal Spinning Mills Ltd 387.9 714.3 127.9
Fateh Textile Mills Limited 585.2 3636.2 21.9
Fazal Cloth Mills Ltd 257.5 1553 107.2
Gadoon Textile Mills Ltd 1332.5 3438.6 485.4
Gatron Industries Ltd 1709.6 4924.9 349.9
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd 1322 4516 558
Gulistan Spinning Mills Ltd 214.5 592.8 76.8
Gulistan Textile Mills Ltd 875.8 2323.6 120.2
Gulistan Spinning Mills Ltd 512.2 4373.4 99.8
Hussein Industries Ltd 276.1 1188.6 35.7
Ibrahim Fires Ltd 5138.1 6944.2 474.8
Ibrahim Textile Mills Ltd 239.9 1161.6 52.8
ICC Textiles Ltd 147 629 31.8
Ideal Spinning Mills Ltd 137.2 536.5 22.8
Indus Dyeing & Manufacturing Co 281.2 2184.7 134.6
Ishaq Textile Mills Ltd 218.7 742.8 10.8
Khalid Siraj Textile Mills Ltd 144.6 367.4 46.5
Kohat Textile Mills Ltd 96.2 532.3 27.7
Kohinoor Raiwind Mills Ltd 525.4 1372.9 132.0
Kohinoor Textile Mills Ltd 502.8 2251.8 97.7
Kohinoor Weaving Mills Ltd 741.8 2140 308.7
Landmark Spinning Industries Ltd 121.2
Lawrencepur Textile Mills Ltd 245.6 298.7 29.8
Liberty Mills Ltd 193.3 1455.7 35.1
Mahmood Textile Mills Ltd 816.1 2936 421.3
Maqbool Textile Mills Ltd 146.7 640.7 34
Main Textile Industries Ltd 114.3 807.6 51.4
N.P. Spinning Mills Ltd 155.8 922.3 61
Nadeem Textile Mills Ltd 188.5 406.7 54.4
Nakshbandi Industries Ltd 262.6 1067.2 27.6
Nayab Spinning & Weaving Mills 251.6 413.5 12.3
Nina Industries Ltd 352.3 892.4 16.3
Nishat Chunian Ltd 595.5 2367.0 357.5
Nishat Mills Ltd 4569.6 10134 700.9
Paramount Spinning Mills Ltd 286.6 830.7 3
Prosperity Weaving Mills Ltd 244 1141.1 78.5
Quetta Textile Mills Ltd 245.9 1792.9 110.4
Reliance Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd 236.1 701.3 40.3
Reliance Weaving Mills Ltd 313.4 1306.9 143.1
Rupali Polyster Limited 1374.1 2175.2 140.4
S.G. Fibre Ltd 417 808 66
Saif Textile Mills Ltd 506.1 1066 28
Samin Textile Mills Ltd 256.5 1012.9 32.1
Sapphire Fibres Ltd 1305.7 2499.6 500.9
Sapphire Textile Mills Ltd 1108.3 4128.1 650.2
Shahpur Textile Mills Ltd 161.2 416.6 24.6
Shahtaj Textile Mills Ltd 146.8 474 39.6
Sunrays Textiles Mills Ltd 91.9 861.6 87
Tata Textile Mills Ltd 223.5 793.3 120.7
Thal Jute Mills Ltd 331.2 1406.4 68.6
Towellers Ltd 384.2 1766.4 43.3
Yousaf Weaving Mills Ltd 225.9 1271.9 47.9
Yusuf Textiles Mills Ltd 122 603 89.1
Zainab Textiles Mills Ltd 261.1 991.5 61.1
Zaman Textile Mills Ltd 89.4 407.2 21.6
Source: Board of Investment
Government Departments Dealing with Textile

Ministry of Food, Agriculture & Livestock

Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan,

Minister of Food, Agriculture & Livestock

Address : B Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan

Tel : +92-51-9203307, 9210351
Fax : +92-51-9210616
Fax : +92-51-9210616

Mr. Muhammad Ali Malkani

Minister of State Food, Agriculture & Livestock

Address : B Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan

Tel : +92-51-9209214
Fax : +92-51-9210616

Mr. Muhammad Ismail Qureshi

Secretary Food, Agriculture & Livestock
Address : B Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel : +92-51-9203307, 9210351
Fax : +92-51-9210616
Trade Associations
All Pakistan Cotton Powerlooms Association

P-107, Street No 5, 1st Floor, Montogomery Bazar

Phone: 612929, 613636
Fax: 613636

All Pakistan Bedsheets & Upholstery Manufacturers Associations

T-20, New Multan Colony, Masoom shah Road
Phone: 552909, 564811
Fax: 552981
Pakistan Knitwear & Sweaters Exporters Association
Room No 1014, 1015 & 1016, 10th Floor, Park Avenue, Block 6, PECHS,
Phone: 4544035-7
Fax: 4544039
Pakistan Art Slik Fabrics & Garments Exporters Association
1st Floor, Ghulam Rasool Building, 60 Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam
Phone: 636001919, 6313563, 6313854
Fax: 6316999
Pakistan Bedwear Exporters Association
405, Amber Estate, 4th Floor, Shahra-e-Faisal
Phone: 4538814, 4536164
Fax: 4536164
Pakistan Commercial Exporters of Towels Association
PCETA House, 7-H, Block-6, PECHS
Phone: 4535757, 4535759, 43887503, 4522507, 4522636
Fax: 4522372
Pakistan Cotton Fashion Apparel Manufacturers & Exporters Association
5-Amber Court, 2nd Floor, Shaheed-e-Millat Road
Phone: 4522939, 4533936, 4543183
Fax: 4546711
Pakistan Cloth Merchant Association
4th Floor, Hasan Ali Centre, Hussaini Market, Near Mereweather Tower, MA
Jinnah Road
Phone: 2444274, 2444393, 2444053
Fax: 2401423
Pakistan Canvas & Tents Manufacturers & Exporters Association
15/63, shadman Commercial Market, Afridi Mansion
Phone: 7577572
Fax: 7577572
Pakistan Gloves Manufacturers & Exporter Association
PO Box No 1330, PGMEA Building, Kashmir Road
Phone: 272959, 273870
Fax: 274860

Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers Association

37-H, Block-6, PECHS
Phone: 4522769, 4522685, 4544765
Fax: 4543774
Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association
18-A, Shaheen View Building, Block VI, PECHS, Shahra-e-Faisal
Phone: 4549073, 4547912, 44533327
Fax: 4539669
Pakistan Silk & Ryon Mills Association
Room No 44, 48 & 49, 5th Floor, Textile Plaza, MA Jinnah Road
Phone: 2410288, 2415261
Fax: 2419772
Pakistan Small Units Powerlooms Association
2nd Floor, waqas plaza, Aminpur bazar
Phone: 627992, 6808821
Fax: 633567
Pakistan Yarn Merchants Association
Room No 804-4, 8th Floor, Business Centre, Dunolly Road, Off I.I Chundrigar
Phone: 2410320
Fax: 2424896
Towel Manufacturers Association of Pakistan
12th Floor, Kashif Centre, Near Hotel Mehran, Shahra-e-Faisal
Phone: 111-360-360, 5654991
Fax: 5677132

Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association

Room No. 1118-1120 11th Floor Uni Plaza I.I Chundirigar Road
Phone: 021 - 2411406, 2411882
Fax: 021 - 2423181
Pakistan Footwear Manufacturers Association
6-F, Rehman Business Center, 32-B-III, Gulberg III
Phone: 5750051
Fax: 5750052
Pakistan Tanners Association
Plot # 46-C, 21st Commercial Street,Phase-II, Extension, Defence Housing
Phone: 021-5880180/5880184/5803468
Fax: 021-5880093
All Pakistan Textile Mills Association
APTMA House, 44-A, Lalazar, Off. Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Road
Phone: 111-700-000 (5610181, 561019-2 & 5610195)
Fax: 5611305

All Pakistan Cloth Exporters Association

30/7, New Civil lines Behind State Bank of Pakistan
Phone: 615563, 644750-1
Fax: 617985

Textile Industry Training


Textile Institute of Pakistan (TIP)

S.M.A. Rizvi Textile Institute
Pakistan Bed Wear Design Training Institute
Pakistan Readymade Garment Technical Training Institute
Fashion Apparel Design & Training Institute
Institute of Textile Technology & Management
PHMA Institute of Knitwear Technology


Pakistan School of Fashion Design

Pakistan Knitwear Training Institute
Pakistan Readymade Garment Technical Training Institute
National Textile College
Allied College of Textile Management & Administration (ACTMA)
University of Management and Technology (UMT)
Iqra University


National Textile University


College of Textile Engineering, Bahauddin Zakaria University

Man Made Fiber Manufacturers and suppliers in Pakistan

Important Addresses:

Ibrahim Fibers Ltd.,

1-A, Ahmad Block, New Garden Town,
Tel: 042-5869151F
Fax: 042-5864915
Dewan Salman Fibers,
House No. 46, Nazimuddin Road, F-7/4,
Tel: 051-111-313-786
Ph: 051-2276535

Pakistan PTA Limited

Bahria Complex II, 3rd Floor,
M.T. Khan Road, P.O. Box 723
Ph: 021-5610596

Polyester Fiber Business

ICI Pakistan Limited
ICI House, 63-Mozang Road,
Tel: 042-6369383
Fax: 042-6302685

Textile Machinery Suppliers in Pakistan

Important Addresses:
Atlantic Business Enterprises
Suite: 436-A, 4th Floor,
Bhayani Medical Center,
Block "M", North Nazimabad,
Karachi-74700, Pakistan.
Tel:+ 92-21-6629756, 6649545
Fax: +92-21-6649545

Akhtar & Sons

206-Cotton Exchange Building.
I.I Chundrigar Road,
P.O. Box 4214,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-21-2416239, 2413231
Fax: +92-21-2416816, 2416723

Ali Industries
Faisalabad Road,
Sheikhupura, Pakistan.
Tel:+ 92-04931-52433, 613576
Fax: +92-04931-52915

Al-Ameen Trading Corporation (PVT) Limited

Plot # 23, Sector 24, Korangi
Industrial Area, PO Box No. 5488,
Karachi-74900, Pakistan.
Tel:+ 92-21-5055363-4
Fax:+ 92-21-5055625

Asghar Trading Corporation

P.O. Box, 10124, Room No. 66,
Liaquat Market, M.A Jinnah Road,
Karachi 74000, Pakistan.
Tel:+ 92-21 2413450-2432850
Fax:+ 92-21 2425952

AMS & Company

67-Ferozepur road, Opp Camp jail,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-42-7531536-5 Lines
Fax:0092-42-7582152, 7567812

Associated Textile Consultants

219, The Forum, G-20, Block-9,
Khayaban-e-Jami, Clifton,
Karachi-75600, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-21-5821241-6
Fax:+ 92-21-5821559, 54821247
Associated Textile Machinery Enterprises
75-K, 2nd Floor, Commercial Area
Phase-1, D.N.A,
Lahore-Cantt, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-42-5740753
Fax: 0092-42-5740754

24/28 korangi Industrial Area,
Korangi, Karachi,
Tel: +92-21-5049172-3, 5043128
Fax: +92-21-5049174

Babar Entrprises
Auriga Complex Ext., Boulevard
Apartment No: 2, 2nd Floor,
Main Boulevard-Gulberg-II,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel:+ 92-42-5757566, 5755159
Fax: +42-5755661, 5755844

(CTMTC) China Textile Machinery & Technology Import & Export

Plot # 38-A, Behind KTC Bus Depot,
Korangi Creek,
Karachi, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-21-5068226
Fax: 0092-21-5068227

Weaving Machinery Suppliers in Pakistan

Important Addresses:
Asghar Trading Corporation
P.O. Box, 10124, Room No. 66,
Liaquat Market, M.A Jinnah Road,
Karachi 74000, Pakistan.
Tel:00 92-21 2413450-2432850
Fax:00 92-21 2425952

Carina International
21/5, Al- Noor Street, Amjad
Khursheed Road,
Lahore Cantt 54810, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-42-6689280-1, 6675791
Fax: 0092-42-6689282

Gemini Enterprises
Suite # 504, Tahir Plaza, Block 7 & 8,
K.C.H.S.U., Off: Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-21-4314816, 4314817
Fax:00 92-21-4386189

Imran Enterprises
273A-1, Kashmir Plaza,
Umer Colony, Opp. Duty Free Shop,
Main Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-21-4531659
Fax:00 92-21-4543854

Intimex Corporation
25-Writers Chamber,
Mumtaz Hasan Road,
Off: I.I Chundrigar Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-21-2417129, 2411845

Madhani Assocites
Suite 2A, Falcon Arcade, BC-3,
Block 7, Kehkashan, Clifton,
Karachi-75600, Pakistan.
Tel: (92-21) 5864662, 5864665
Fax: (92-21-5864490

Room: 302, 3rd Floor,
Business Plaza, Mumtaz Hasan Road
Off: 1.1. Chundrigar Road,
P.O. Box # 5606,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092-21-2421171-73
Fax:00 92-21-2421176

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