Computer Basics Vocabulary List

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NH Nn Computer Basics Vocabulary 1 Computer--machine that performs 4 bamsic functions: input, processing, storage, and output.

2 Hardware--physical parts of the computer that you can see and touch. 3 Software-- the programs or other "instructions" that a computer needs to perform specific tasks. Examples of software include Microsoft Office, we rowsers, or any other program!application installed on the computer. 4 Processor -- "he main ody or rain of a computer, also called the system unit. #onsists of a plastic or metal enclosure, the mother oard $main circuit oard%, and $typically% internal hard disk!dri&es, power supply, cooling fans, and whate&er circuit oards plugged into the mother oard, such as a &ideo!graphics card and '() ports. *nside is the CPU which is housed on a tiny silicon chip that contains millions of switches and pathways that help your computer interpret and execute instructions. "his is where the mathematical calculations and logical comparisons are done. +lso in the processor is the Hard dri e! "he hard dri&e is what stores all your data. *t houses the hard disk, where all your files and folders are physically located. + typical hard dri&e is only slightly larger than your hand, yet can hold o&er ,-- .) of data. "he data is stored on a stack of disks that are mounted inside a solid encasement. " #nput $e ice %%de&ices used to enter data into the computer& mouse, key oard, scanner, microphone, digital camera are input de&ices. ' (utput $e ices --de&ices used to put out data processed y the computer & monitor, printer, and speaker are output de&ices. ) Stora*e de ices-- a hardware de&ice used to record and store data, such as a hard dri&e, flash dri&e, floppy disk, #/ 0OM, memory card +,emory-- a computer1s temporary storage place, where it gets its work done. "here are 2 main types:
-.,: 0andom +ccess Memory. *t is the main memory and stores data and programs while the computer is running. 3hen the computer is turned off anything in main memory disappears. #omputer can read from and write to this memory -(,: 0ead Only Memory. + computer chip that stores specific instructions to manage the computer1s operation. 'nlike main memory, this type of memory is non-&olatile4the instructions remain permanently on the chip and cannot e changed. ,easurin* ,emory: )it: short for binary digit, a it is the smallest memory unit. 5 its 6 , yte. )yte: short for binary digits eight, , yte 6 , character $a letter, num er or sym ol% 7ilo yte: ,,-24 ytes Mega yte: ,,-45,89: ytes .iga yte: ,,-9;,94,,524 ytes "era yte: ,,-<<,8,,,:29,99: ytes

/ (peratin* System %% loads automatically and controls =ust a out e&erything on your computer. Example: Microsoft 3indows. 10 Binary -- a two-digit numerical system, which computers use to store data and compute functions. "he reason computers use the inary system is ecause digital switches inside the computer can only e set to either on or off, which are represented y a , or -.

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