Question 4)

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Question 4) how did you use media technologies in the construction and


Construction and research-web technologies

During the early stages of our production, e relied on e!" technologies to accu#ulate $no ledge on our chosen genre% I found IMD& particularly helpful in its categorisation of fil#s !y genre, hich allo ed #e to research the #ost popular social realis# fil#s, one of hich as a chosen fil# to analyse '(ain#an)% *ou+u!e as e,tre#ely helpful throughout our research and planning, e ere a!le to analyse a -ariety of different fil#s and also gain $no ledge of techni.ues that ere easily achie-ed on final cut% /or e,a#ple ithin our car crash scene e ere a!le to access a tutorial hich outlined the steps to achie-e a con-incing collision ith no danger to actors through re-erse action%

We ere a!le to use the 0anon EOS122D D3SL( 0a#era to shoot our trailer and ta$e still i#ages for our #aga4ine and poster% We ere fortunate enough to gain access to t o ca#era5s hich ena!led us to create fla less transitions !et een shots as the shot as fil#ed at the sa#e ti#e, the positioning of the actor is e,act hich creates fluidity ithin our production% We ere a!le to adapt the depth of field on #anual focus to focalise certain o!6ects ithin the production as ell as dra focus to certain #otifs, for e,a#ple the high angled close up of rain falling into a puddle is used as a reflection of our protagonists internal thought process%

Software- Final cut e press

/inal cut ena!led us as a group to achie-e -isual aesthetics that ere not possi!le on pre-ious soft are e ha-e or$ed on% +he tools a-aila!le to us ena!led us to create high .uality aesthetics% We ere a!le to use duc$ing to ad6ust the ins and outs of our soundtrac$ as ell as ad6usting the le-els in hich the actors speech can !e heard throughout the clips% We used duc$ing to create poignant #o#ents ithin the trailer, especially during the segue in hich Noah e,periences a sudden do nfall%

Using final cut

0hanging the opacity of t o clips layered on top of each other

We ere a!le to use ins and outs on final cut to achie-e a precise edit%

Software- !dobe elements photoshop

We used ado!e ele#ents photoshop for !oth the #aga4ine and poster% 7oster8 We ere a!le to create a -isually appealing poster fro# a si#plistic picture, e used the hite !ac$ground as a can-as to add e,tra effects% We used the colour palette of greys, pin$s and !lue5s throughout the poster and #aga4ine to create cohesi-e !randing% We ere a!le to use a #ocha pin$ fade to soften the star$ i#age% We ere a!le to create o-erlapping layers hich allo ed us to layer the title onto the #ain i#age of our protagonist 'Noah)% We used si#ilar tools to create our #aga4ine, e used the layering on of the tagline and title

"amboo tablet
We used the !a#!oo ta!let hilst creating our poster% We anted to #a$e the poster edgy, adhering to hat is typically seen on posters for fil#s ad-ertising social realis#% We used the !a#!oo to s$etch -ariant shades of !lue onto our #ain protagonists shirt, as ell as shades of grey on our lead fe#ales coat% We also e,peri#ented ith shading of the protagonists hair% +he !a#!oo allo ed us to achie-e a far #ore artistic feel than ould ha-e !een possi!le !y using photoshop on its o n% We ere a!le to create detailed s$etch patterns hich o-erall e feel has achie-ed the aesthetics of the poster%

#eb-technology- survey mon$ey and faceboo$

We initially conducted a screening for 9: students in hich e used a paper sur-ey to collect results% We then decided to collect .uantati-e data through sur-ey #on$ey hich analyses the results of the .uestionnaire for us hich allo s us to co#e to certain asssu#ptions a!out the success of our products% Sur-ey #on$ey allo s -ie ers to gi-e feed!ac$ at their con-enience, and e ere a!le to gain far #ore audience feed!ac$ than possi!le ithin our o n student !ody% We set up a face!oo$ page to ad-ertise our #edia production to friends and other face!oo$ users, through this page e ere a!le to gi-e audiences a step !y step account of the #a$ing of '+he Spectru#) as ell as ad-ertise our sur-ey for a greater nu#!er of audience #e#!ers to ta$e part in%

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