Carrie Taylor Portfolio

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Carrie Taylor

Carrie Taylor: 151 Viking Drive Rexburg, ID 83440 208.456.5678

Montage Logos Letterhead Business Card Brochure Flier Event Ad Web Page Photo Design

Description: Date:
2/15/14 An inspiring montage made by blending two images using photoshop.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins

Adobe Photoshop


Use the FOCUS design process with strong focal point and flow Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant message Learn to blend images together gradually, using masks. (Two or more images) Demonstrate more advanced Photoshop skills for layout with multiple elements. Use a mask to apply a filter to one part of the image (Copy the layer, then add the filter and mask it out on part of the image. If not an artistic filter, try sharpen > Unsharp mask, or Blur > Gaussian Blur.) Apply typography principles (titles, quotes, events or scripturesyour choice)


1. Went to and found two images that would go well together. 2.Put first image in Photoshop and cropped it to be 8.5 by 11in. 3. Added a filter to the first image. 4. Opened second image in photo shop, used the lasso tool with feather to crop out the area that I needed. 5. Moved picture into first pictures photoshop file. 6. Created a mask and used a large brush to make image blend into the background image. 7.Used small brush to blend in the edges of the picture. 8. Added quote and chose the font. 9. Went to draft critique and made note of what to change. 10. Made changes to picture and refined the draft.

Description: Date:
2/22/14 3 different logos for one company.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins

Adobe Illustrator


Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company or personal image that will appeal to the audience. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. Use only the tools to create and draw your logos. (No Illustrator pre-fab flares, symbols, etc.. No photos or auto livetracing. You may use an image or drawing as a guide to trace it with the pen/pencil, but delete the image before submitting.) Gather opinions from at least ten outside sources about which logo appeals most to them.


I found a company I wanted to make a logo for, my dads company new star foundation. I then followed the logo tutorial and was able to make a good logo with the initials. Then I found a picture of a star to trace with the pen tool for my other logos.After this I got some critique from classmates and was able to make some final changes.

Description: Date:
3/1/14 Stationery letterhead and business card with my own logo.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. (Dont use photos or live trace in your new logo) Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use your new logo to design two stationery items with consistent design. (Photos are okay on stationery.) Letterhead: 8.5 x 11 (full-bleed optional, but trim only .125) Business card: 3.5 x 2 (print above center on a vertical page) Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space.


I came up with the idea to make a logo, stationery and business cards for a Childrens Dinosaur Musuem. I did some research to see pictures of dinosaurs and musuem logos for some reference. I used the pen tool in illustrator and made the logo and used it. For the sationary I made the letterhead simple and added a watermark using the opacity settings in indesign to make the dinosaur blend in. After I got good critique I made changes to get my final project.

Business Card
Description: Date:
3/1/14 Stationery letterhead and business card with my own logo.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. (Dont use photos or live trace in your new logo) Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use your new logo to design two stationery items with consistent design. (Photos are okay on stationery.) Letterhead: 8.5 x 11 (full-bleed optional, but trim only .125) Business card: 3.5 x 2 (print above center on a vertical page) Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space.


I came up with the idea to make a logo, stationery and business cards for a Childrens Dinosaur Musuem. I did some research to see pictures of dinosaurs and musuem logos for some reference. I used the pen tool in illustrator and made the logo and used it. After I got good critique I made changes to get my final project.

Description: Date:
3/29/14 A double sided folding brochure.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Acrobat


Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images. (Incorporate at least four quality images (Not including the logo). One should be clipped in Photoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so the text follows the cutout shape of the image.) Write at least 250 words of original copy with at least three paragraphs. Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.


I used in design to format my brochure. Then I added some picture for my brochure. I created 250 words for my brochure and inserted them into the brochure. Then I created a logo in illustrator and then edited it in photoshop. I inserted my logo into indesign and made a title to go with the logo. I got an image and edited it in photoshop and used it for a text wrap for my brochure. After getting alot of feedback from critiques I made changes and finally printed the final copy. I used adobe acrobat to print my project. I used an x acto knife and a ruler to trim the edges of my project.

Black & White flier to promote a leadership conference for graduates.



Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins

Adobe InDesign


Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.


I started off by choosing a message and audience. Then I did four rough sketches on paper of the layout for the flier. I then put the best layout design into Adobe InDesign and added the content and arranged all of the material. I printed out my flier and got critiques in class which helped me immensely. I edited my flier and changed what my classmates mentioned. I printed out a couple of my finals and tweaked them a bit to get my final flier.

Event Ad
Description: Date:
2/1/14 A color full-bleed event ad to promote a benefit concert using only Microsoft word.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins


Microsoft Word Epson Scanner (PDF converter)


Comprehend image sizing (how pixels and inches work together) Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design. Choose a color scheme and typeface(s) that work for your message and audience. Learn to use only Word design features without using any Adobe programs, including Photoshop.


I went to walmart and searched through magazines to find a picture to use for the flier. Then I went to the library and used the scanner to scan the picture, and sent it to myself through an email. I then used photoshop to check the pixel size and resolution. Then I formatted the flier on Microsoft word. I choose to use a color scheme that used his orange hair. I used the color scheme Secondary and used Orange, Green and Purple. I used critiques from my classmates to make certain changes on my flier. I made it on my computer and had to redo it when I tried to print it on the schools computer. I redid the flyer and printed it on portfolio quality paper in the spori.

Web Page
Description: Date:
3/15/14 A web page designed to showcase the logo I made for a Childrens Dinosaur Museum.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins TextWrangler Adobe Photoshop

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page so the long side is 300 500 pixels. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. (Must include all required tags Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. (Customize the Cascading Style Sheet (css) provided Identify hex colors for web design


I created this web page using Notepad. I used an HTML validator to make sure my coding was correct and that there were no errors. I used the already formatted HTML and CSS documents and personalized them for my website. I chose childish colors and a childish decorative font. After getting feedback from my critique group, I made some font changes, color changes and I flipped my logo used Photoshop to make the dinosaur in a D shape.

Photo Design
Description: Date:
2/5/14 Photography and Photoshop designing including a color scheme.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins

Canon Rebel T3 Camera Adobe Photoshop


Learn basic photography skills. Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors, then incorporate the colors into the layout. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it. Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool on separate layers for NDE (non-destructive editing.) Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.511 page layout. Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop Print with full-bleed margins. Trim only 1/8 (0.125) from all four sides.


I went out and took pictures with my canon t3 camera and shot pictures with a color scheme in mind. I found objects around my apartment to take pictures of and to include in my design.I watched alot of tutorials on youtube so I could use the focus to take good pictures. I took alot of pictures and then went through them and chose my favorites. I then edited them with the basic photoshop tools. I then chose to use the picture I took of a book as my picture for the final project. I originally had a quote from the quote and the background behind the book cover in the draft. At the class critique I got feedback to get rid of the quote. Crop out the background of the picture and change it up a bit for a better flow. I messed around a bit on photoshop and came up with the final design.

Book Cover
Description: Date:
4/4/14 Book Cover for The Graphic Designers Guide to Colors.

Comm 130 Section 06 Joel Judkins

Canon Rebel T3 Camera Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

Objectives: Spend two hours creating a new project that incorporates the skills
learned throughout the semester.


The first thing I had to do for this project is to brainstorm ideas for a new project. I thought of a magazine cover, a book cover, a wedding announcement, or a collage. I ended up making a book cover. I decided to make the background for my poster by melting crayons in the oven and then breaking them into little pieces. I took pictures of the bits of crayons to make the background image. Then I uploaded it into photoshop, and eddited it. Then put it in indesign where I added the text. I used the eyedropper tool to select a color from the background to use for the background of the book title. I carefully chose good fonts and color schemes. Then I got an image of a book award sticker online and editted out the background in photoshop and added it to my posters. I got some feedback from my roomates and then made some final touches before saving it.

The Graphic Designers Guide to


Written by Marielle Kreutz Illustrated by Carrie Taylor

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