A Simple Guide For Getting Free Crypto Coins and Starting An Empire

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Free Crypto Coins Empire

A Simple Guide for Getting Free Crypto Coins And Starting An Empire

Another Quick and Easy Guide By Jack Sinclair 2014, All Rights Reserved

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Bitcoins and the Alt Coin Phenomenon

Soon, everyone (maybe even your mom and grandma) will know about bitcoin. Its a digital coin that is created by solving math problems using a computer. As more bitcoins are made, the problems get harder and take longer to solve. Sadly, or fortunately (depending on how you see it), someone discovered that special computer chips, ASICs, could be made that solve these math problems and earn bitcoins faster than ever. The end result is, it is darn near impossible to earn even $1 in bitcoins using a computers cpu, or even its graphics card. Its just too difficult. I should know, because I bought some ASICs and started mining bitcoins, and soon found my earnings dwindling week after week with the result that the ASICs didnt even pay for themselves. That led me on a six month search for other ways to get these crypto coins. Long story short, I found an easy way to earn another type of coin and get paid every day. Let me tell you how to do that.

Earning Free Crypto Coins Daily

This adventure started when I heard about a ripple. https://www.ripple.com is an exchange system that tries to make commerce easier. What I discovered was, they pay you free ripples if you help the world solve some big problems. Heres how: Go to http://www.computingforgood.org And register for a free account. Next, youll want to get an account at the World Community Grid. Let me show you the cool and hip way to do that. Go to http://bam.boincstats.com and sign up there.

Follow the arrow above and register an account with boincstats.com. Confirm your email if they ask, and then login to the boincstats website. Navigate to the left side of the screen, and click on Sign Up For Projects

Look for the World Community Grid and click on it once. If it fades away, it has signed you up for the project. We use BAM the Boinc Account Manager because later, it makes it real quick to add all projects and settings with one command. For now, do not join or attach any other projects only World Community Grid is paying crypto coins. Next up, youll want to join the Ripple Team. You do that by clicking on Teams on the left menu bar, and on the screen that pops up, select World Community Grid and then click on the green Change/join Team.

Be sure to search for Ripple Labs and choose it as your team.

Next, youll want to download and install BOINC the grid computing application. You can install it on a Mac, a PC, or Linux. If you happen to have a good graphics card, you can get even better results. (if you dont have any computers available, use the free computers section below to get some free computing time). To download BOINC, head on over to http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download_all.php and choose the Recommended version for your operating system. If you are on Linux, and especially Ubuntu Linux, you can just run apt-get install boinc-client (easy as pie!)

6 Next, we want to install Boinc and connect it to your BAM account manager. If your BOINC program is running a simple view, you can click on the menu item View and choose Advanced View. Then choose menu item Tools and pick Add Project. Then choose Use account manager and click Next.

Enter your BAM username and password. Retry it if it fails the first time. If you are on Linux, then run boinccmd join_acct_mgr bam.boincstats.com <username> <password>, where <username> is your BAM username, and <password> is your BAM password. Note: all projects get created with the same username/password and you can always login to the project specific website and check your status/performance. Next, you need to sign up to https://www.ripple.com - go get yourself an account there. Then sign in to Ripple and click on Receive. You should see a public address like this:

We are almost ready to get paid. Head over to http://www.computingforgood.org and click on Register. Youll need your wcg username (thats your BAM username), your wcg verification key, and your Ripple receive address.

You should have everything except your WCG verification now. To get your WCG verification, you need to login to http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org using your boincstats/BAM credentials (the username and password of boincstats). Do that, and then click on this link and copy down your WCG verification as shown below:

You should now have your Ripple Receive address, your WCG username (same as your BAM/boincstats username), and your WCG verification code. Pop that info into the computingforgood.org registration page, and youll be all set to receive Ripples. What can you do with Ripples? Well, surprisingly, much!


Ripples To Riches
At the time of writing this report, ripples are worth about 2 cents each. Whats way cool about ripple.com is its ability to almost instantly convert ripples to USD and Bitcoin. Its that latter one, the BITCOIN, that I want to tell you about. Heres how I take a few bucks here and there, and launch it into a 100% profit system. First, you need a bitcoin receive address, and a way to play the new crypto coins. To do this, we use a site called cryptsy. Go ahead and register yourself there. Then click on Balances. Over a hundred crypto coins will be listed. Scroll down until you see bitcoin, and then hover over BTC until you see a Deposit/Autosell and click on that. On the popup that appears, click on Generate new address. You should see a big long string of code appear in blue copy it into your clipboard Ctrl/Command+C. Go over to Ripple and add this address to your contacts as your Cryptsy BTC Receive address. You do that by visiting https://www.ripple.com and logging in, and clicking on Contacts on the left side, and then clicking the green Add Contact on the top right. Add the name and the BTC receive address you got from Cryptsy. If you ever want to withdraw cash, your best bet, if you live in the USA, is coinbase. Coinbase lets you withdraw bitcoins as cash to your bank, and lets you instantly buy bitcoins using cash from your bank accountso either way, coinsbase is a good account to have. Overstock and others use coinbase to clear their bitcoin purchases, too. The way you can double the value of your crypto coins is by putting them into one of the emerging coins.

You simply send to your Cryptsy BTC Address an amount of bitcoin (BTC) that is paid from your Ripple (XRP) account balanceand it arrives at Cryptsy in about 40 minutes. Here is my current way to pick a crypto coin that is going to appreciate in volume (number of coins trading daily) and value (value of each coin): First off, I make my list of to watch by watching the twitter feed of cryptsy http://www.twitter.com/cryptsy but also on their dashboard pageand look for when they add new coins to the system. Next, I google the coins they add, and look for the entry in bitcointalk.org the biggest crypto coin forum. What Im looking for is an announcement less than 90 days ago. Dont want no old coins at this point! So, if its older than 90 days old, it means the coin has slow momentumbut enough momentum for cryptsy to let them trade (which is good)but what I go for is coins with solid and fast momentum. Next, I look up their hash rate. For the new coin, I want to see lots of people mining it. I do this by joining a site like http://www.trademybit.com - because it is a multimining site, meaning they mine whatever coin is most profitable right nowand if the new coin is trading there, thats a good thing it adds momentum when the difficulty lowers. So this is the triad of likely to profit quickly: 1. new on cryptsy. 2. New coin, under 90 days according to bitcointalk forum. 3. Good hashrate, 1GH/s is awesome (but 500 MH/s is good enough). Hashrate. What the heck is that? Its a measure of how many computers are working to solve the problems that create the crypto coins. The more computers and computing power working on the coin, the higher the hash rate is, and a higher hash rate means the coin is more popular. (Bitcoin has the worlds highest hash rate). Next, I watch it on cryptsy. You see there is a trend, where a new coin is trading, and everyone that has been mining it cashes out their coinsprices are high, but slowly descend to a flat or stable trading price.usually this is 5-15 day after the coin going live on cryptsy. I wait until I think the price is at its low, and then convert my XRP to BTC on Cryptsy using Ripples Send function (just enter the name of the contact for your Cryptsy

12 BTC address)..it will calculate paths and give you a quote of XRPs to pay for the BTC transfer (note: you need to keep 25 XRP in your account to keep it active). So send off some BTC to cryptsy, and then buy whatever crypto coin meets your criteria for buying. Personally, I buy and hold for investment. I know some friends of mine sell off some of their coins to recoup their spend, so that might be something you do once the coin price rises quite a bit. The financial forecast for crypto coins is very strong, and its likely in a few years, many crypto coins will be used in the marketplace. This means a number of them will likely appreciate very significantly. If youd like to join my coin alerts service, drop me a linetheres no guarantees of always getting into profit, but so far, its been very lucrative.

Free Computing
Maybe you dont want to run BOINC on your computer. Thats ok. There are lots of offers for free computing time in the cloud. For instance, go to http://www.hpcloud.com and choose free 90 day trial, and you can get 2 standard-small Ubuntu 12.10 servers free for 90 days. If you get those, just login and do: sudo i apt-get install boinc-client boinccmd join_acct_mgr bam.boincstats.com <username> <password> and youll start earning XRP daily. (be sure to do it for both servers). Another one is http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/ They give you $200 to try them out, which is good for getting a 2 core server running for a month. Just download boinc for windows 64 bit, attach your account manager, and let it run. Of course, http://aws.amazon.com also has a free tier, but Ive found it doesnt run well to generate XRP.

Feel free to google around for free cloud computing offers, and make use of it to install boinc and generate some credits and crypto coins.

Summing It Up
Using the method outlined in this report, you can quickly begin to ramp up your stash of crypto coins. If you have computers lying around doing nothing, even better put boinc on each of them and get $5 or more a day in XRP. Now that many new crypt coins are being launched each month, you can use the method I use to pick which of the new coins you want to accumulatethese emerging coins, new crypto coins, could rise in value significantly over the coming year(s). By the way, if you want to just use cash to get into the emerging crypto coins, use an instant BTC buying service like coinbase (if you live in the USA), or one of the local bitcoin services in your country. I find picking and holding onto the hot new crypto coins is a very exciting way to accumulate wealth, and I hope you do. Just be sure to pick wisely, as not all crypto coins succeed. I wish you all the best in your adventure, and again, if you wish to join us in our crypto coin trading, contact me for details. Happy Rippling! Jack


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