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108 Prayers

I take refuge in the omnipresent Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. I wish that all those gathered here realize in body and mind the tea hings of the Buddha, and may all beings be happy and well. [Put your palms together and do a half bow] 1. Paying deep respect to all life I prostrate. 2. Being humble and letting bad habits fall away, I prostrate. 3. Putting down the selfish mind that first accords self interest, I prostrate. !. "indful of the fact that you and I are e#ually precious, I prostrate. $. %ontrolling endlessly arising greed, I prostrate. &. Patiently seeing anger in my mind as it is, I prostrate. '. (oo)ing bac) at my life with all my heart, I prostrate. *. In order to find the +rue ,elf and to increase inner growth, I prostrate. -. Putting away deluded mind and wishing wisdom to grow in me, I prostrate. 1.. Praising myself for ha/ing patiently wal)ed through the difficult path of life, I prostrate. 11. +han)ing myself for ha/ing distanced e/il and befriended the good, I prostrate. 12. +han)ing all of my relations for ha/ing made possible who I am today, I prostrate. 13. +han)ing my parents for their endless lo/e, I prostrate. 1!. +han)ing all teachers who ha/e led ne to +ruth, I prostrate. 1$. +han)ing friend and colleagues with whom I ha/e shared difficult times, I prostrate. 1&. +han)ing my ancestors to whom I owe my e0istence, I prostrate. 1'. +han)ing the infinite grace of air, water, nature and uni/erse, which are the fountains of life, I prostrate. 1*. 1eflecting on whether my immoderate greed has brought forth misfortune, I prostrate. 1-. 1eflecting on whether my obsessi/e lo/e for someone has caused suffering, I prostrate. 2.. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e antagoni2ed another in self righteous pride, I prostrate. 21. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e harmed another in blind greed, I prostrate. 22. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e misunderstood someone, I prostrate. 23. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e scared another while pursuing my own will, I prostrate. 2!. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e li/ed in unnecessary lu0ury and /anity, I prostrate. 2$. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e been wasteful with what could ha/e been sa/ed, I prostrate. 2&. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e continuously rationali2ed wrong beha/iors, I prostrate. 2'. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e bro)en promises lightly, I prostrate. 2*. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e tormented myself in fi0ating on the past, I prostrate. 2-. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e limited myself in fear of the failure, I prostrate. 3.. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e tarnished another3s honor to protect my own, I prostrate. 31. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e seen only the negati/e, neglecting the positi/e I prostrate. 32. 1eflecting on whether I ha/e been caught up in fear, thus failing to wor) through difficulties, I prostrate. 33. 4nowing that the fullest effort archi/es all, I prostrate. 3!. (o/ing and caring for myself 5ust as I treat a precious 5ewel, I prostrate. 3$. 6i/ing alms without e0pectation of return, I prostrate. 3&. 4nowing that misfortune and fear come and go, I prostrate. 3'. 4nowing that e/ery day is a fine day with good people and good e/ents, I prostrate. 3*. +o sow seeds of goodness, )nowing that all are reaped as it is sown, I prostrate. 3-. +o humbly accept what has been sown, I prostrate. !.. +o do my best e/en when it seems tri/ial, I prostrate. !1. +o be content with a life of hard wor) and honesty, I prostrate. !2. +o )eep the smallest promise without fail, I prostrate. !3. +o wal) steadily the path of truth e/en in censure and scorn, I prostrate. !!. +o li/e as a warm hearted neighbor without condemning others, differing beliefs, I prostrate. !$. +o be awa)e in the moment, unbound by the past or the future, I prostrate. !&. +o ha/e lo/ing )indness for e/eryone rather than e0clusi/e lo/e for my family, I prostrate. !'. +o ha/e a heart embracing others in warmth, I prostrate. !*. +o be passionate in each moment of wor) without delaying what needs to be done, I prostrate. !-. +o the best thing possible in each moment without wasting time, I prostrate. $.. +o go toward the goal without idleness, I prostrate $1. +o admit to faults without self 5ustification, I prostrate. $2. +o face difficulties without a/oidance, I prostrate. $3. +o face new challenges without resting in the familiar, I prostrate.

$!. +o apologi2e for mista)es in humility, I prostrate. $$. 7 be open minded and to be able to laugh in happy moments of life, I prostrate. $&. +o be of comfort to all I meet on the path, I prostrate. $'. +o ta)e part fully in organi2ations that help neighbors in difficulties, I prostrate. $*. +o be clear and at peace in a world of turbid chaos, I prostrate. $-. +o see in challenges and crises the steps to 5oy, I prostrate. &.. +o stay strong, focused on my goals when faced with difficulties, I prostrate. &1. +o accept tas)s naturally as they are gi/en, I prostrate. &2. +o share true and trustworthy friendship without thought of return, I prostrate. &3. +o accept in5ustice without resentment as an opportunity to reflect on myself, I prostrate. &!. +o thin) of illness as a medicine, an opportunity to bring strength to my practice, I prostrate. &$. +han)ful and lo/ing by letting go of hatred and en/y, I prostrate. &&. +o li/e fully in 5oy without feeling empty or lonely, I prostrate. &'. +o be calm and at peace without an0iety and fear, I prostrate. &*. +o behold the moments of crisis with compassionate eyes, I prostrate. &-. +o be able to accept une0pected misfortune in humility, I prostrate. '.. +o lea/e behind suffering by reali2ing the transience of power and wealth, I prostrate. '1. +o help others with tender and thoughtful action, I prostrate. '2. +o meet new people without pre5udice in true and meaningful way, I prostrate. '3. +o wor) in harmony with e/eryone and without e0cluding anyone, I prostrate. '!. +o li/e in harmony and unity with all, I prostrate. '$. +o wish for another3s glory o/er my own gains, I prostrate. '&. +o share my abilities and s)ills with all of those in need, I prostrate. ''. +o appreciate the time spend with a lo/ed one e/en when this person lea/es me, I prostrate. '*. +o see all as they are without bias, I prostrate '-. +o listen attenti/ely to different opinions, I prostrate. *.. +o be at peace, harmonious and considerate of neighbors, I prostrate. *1. +o be able to let go when it is time, I prostrate. *2. +o respect my own life as it is without self reproach, I prostrate. *3. +o do what I can do where/er I go without wishing to be ser/ed, I prostrate. *!. +o become one who spreads peace with warm words, I prostrate. *$. +o stay composed under duress, I prostrate. *&. +o be at ease e/en in face of aggression, I prostrate. *'. +o a/oid self 5ustification or finding faults with others in ad/ersities, I prostrate. **. +o encourage others with praise rather than disparagement, I prostrate. *-. +o find the good rather than faults in others wishing for their success, I prostrate. -.. Praying for the happiness of others, )nowing that their suffering is mine, I prostrate. -1. +o grie/e o/er another3s failure and congratulate another3s success, I prostrate. -2. "ay all who suffer from sic)ness be free from ill, I prostrate. -3. "ay all who are lost find their way, I prostrate. -!. "ay all who are destitute o/ercome po/erty, I prostrate. -$. "ay all beings be free from hunger, illness and war, I prostrate. -&. "ay al beings grow in wisdom through the right teacher, I prostrate. -'. "ay all beings meet right guidance in wor) and community, I prostrate. -*. "ay all beings li/e in the comfort and harmony of family, I prostrate. --. 8ishing that the hopes of those pursuing good will be fulfilled, I prostrate. 1... 8ishing that all those in search of a 5ob find fulfilling wor), I prostrate. 1.1. 8ishing that the youth find a path leading to true happiness, I prostrate. 1.2. 9eeling the grace of the uni/erse in a droplet of water, I prostrate. 1.3. ,eeing the labor of million in a grain of rice, I prostrate. 1.!. +oward the wide open 7ne :eart that transcends ;ou and I, I prostrate. 1.$. 6rateful for o/erwhelming happiness of this moment of bowing, I prostrate. 1.&. +oward the true nature shining forth from deep within, I prostrate. 1.'. +oward the true nature shining forth from all beings, I prostrate. 1.*. 8ishing that my 1.* prostrations be the seeds of wisdom and freedom for all beings toward the true nature shining forth from deep within, I prostrate. I dedi ate all of my !irtues and merits to the word, so that all sentient beings will be well and safe, and full of happiness and wisdom. I pray with all my heart.

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