G. Craig Lewis

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Craig Lewis
2010 is here. Throughout the Internet and other forms of media, G. Craig Lewis is
prominently showing his views. He calls himself a crusader against immorality
with his blog (which he doesn't allow for comments on. I've witnessed his
presentations on the Internet that are highly emotional and controversial. I
don't agree with Lewis’ policy of not allowing people to respond in his blog since
free speech is a paramount idea to embrace) and a pod cast. His allows
comments to be placed in his pod cast though. I first heard of him from 2007 and
people then warned me of his false doctrines from the jump. Today, new
information make manifest of Lewis' errors regardless of how right he is on some
issues. His Ex Ministries is based in Texas where G. Craig Lewis is from. Lewis sells
his many videos on moral and musical topics. He is right on numerous subjects.
These issues that he's correct on are that nihilistic music is wrong plus it
promotes wickedness, Secret Societies exist in the world presently, abortion is
wrong, some churches have gone apostate (or they have compromised in terms
of dealing with biblical doctrines), STDs and AIDS are serious issues in our
communities that should be addressed, etc. Some of these religious leaders
compromising with the elite include Rick Warren, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn,
Kenneth Copeland, and many others. Rick Warren is not only an Ecumenical
leader, but a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He in July 4th, 2009
went into a meeting of 8,000 Muslims at the ISNA’s 46th annual convention in
Washington, D.C. The ISNA stands for the Islamic Society of North America. Some
accused the ISNA of being involved with promoting Wahhabi Islam. They were
named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case in 2007. Hamza
Yusuf [Hanson], publicly declared his own extremism at an ISNA convention. In 1991,
he reportedly delivered a speech titled “Jihad is the Only Way” to the Islamic Circle of
North America (ICNA), which is an arm of the radical organization Jamaat-i-Islami in
Pakistan. Warren has intentionally ignored the obvious. In 2006, Rick Warren went to
Syria and met with Bashar Assad commending him for his pleasant treatment of
Christians. That’s a lie since Christians are treated as 2nd class citizens in Syria. Warren
supports Islam so much that he signed a document with 100 “Evangelical leaders” asking
forgiveness from Muslims for the evil deeds done against them by “Christians.” I
wouldn’t sign a thing since Christians have nothing to do with harming Muslims. Real
Christians would never harm Muslims in an immoral way, only Papists or fake Christians
(or those of other faiths) would enact that wickedness. Rick Warren told the ISNA
that: “You know as an evangelical pastor, my deepest faith is in Jesus
Christ,”“…But you also need to know that I am committed not just to
what I call the good news, but I am committed to the common
good.” Notice that Warren didn’t talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ explicitly in that
meeting as we are required to show as Christian. Rick Warren talked about loving your
neighbor as yourself, which is true. He wants Christians and Muslims to unite for the
common good, yet the NT forbids religious fellowship with unbelievers. Rick Warren is
apart of the larger Emergent movement that deals with Ecumenicalism and with the
Roman Catholic Church as well.

Ecumenicalism is even more real or apparent today. The Anglican Church

have made steps to unite with the Roman Catholic Church spiritually and
politically. Pope Benedict XVI admitted that the ultimate goal of Romanism is
rule over the Protestants and Baptists in his version of "unity," which is a fake,
unscriptural unity. He told the Vatican’s Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
(formerly called the Office of the Inquisition) that the objective is to bring about
the: “full and visible communion” of all Christians (“Pope Defends Invitation to
Anglicans,” AP via Richmond Times-Dispatch, Jan. 15, 2010). This "full and visible
communion" is of course the Pope as the head of the Papacy. Some people are
surprised by this, but this isn't unusual. Rome has never claimed to back down
from its supposed claim of superiority and supremacy over people. The Second
Vatican Council stated that,

“…the sole Church of Christ ... subsists in the Catholic Church, which is
governed by the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion
with him…” (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, chap. 1, 8, p. 329),
and, “…it is through Christ’s Catholic Church alone ... that the fullness of
the means of salvation can be obtained” (Decree on Ecumenism, chap.
1, 3, p. 415), and, “…the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of
Christ ... has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a
power which he can always exercise unhindered…” (Dogmatic
Constitution on the Church, chap. 3, 22, p. 344). That’s silly by the
Vatican since no where in the Scriptures outline the Pope being
called Holy Father, the concept of a Pope, a wafer in communion,
Mary being classified as an Ever virgin or the Queen of Heaven,
Rosary, Purgatory, the Scapular, Ave Maria, Penance, the last rites, celibacy
that’s mandatory onto all clergy, Papal infallibility, veneration of images &
statues, and the list goes on an on. Let’s keep it real for a minute and
realize that Romanism embraces a whole list of heresies.

The Ecumenicals need to realize that the Roman Catholic Church don't want to
have dialogue with you. They want to rule over you to control you religiously
under their authority. The Masonic Southern Baptist church is trying to use the
heresy of the Emergent approach (or use the Koran not the Bible) in order to
convert Muslims. This is called the "camel method" (which sounds very racist
against people who are Muslim or people of Arabic descent). Southern Baptist
missionary Kevin Greeson likes this methods of de-emphasizing the church.
Greeson claims that many thousands of Muslims are converting on the Arab
Peninsula and in Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Indonesia. It's useless to
convert Muslims when you don't use the Bible when the Bible outlines proper
way of evangelism instead of the emergent method. This method advocated by
the Southern Baptist Church doesn't teach people and avoids church when the
Bible calls believers to teach people about spiritual matters. The Bible even calls
the church the pillar and ground of truth without de-emphasizing it. Rick
Warren's PEACE Plan uses the phrase of "person of peace" (which Warren says
that it could be a Muslim or a Christian) that Greeson uses. Warren's
ecumenicalism isn't scriptural since we are commanded to preach the gospel, and
the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ “according to the
Scriptures…” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). The apostles didn’t try to sneak the gospel up
on people by giving them the false impression that their false religions teach the
truth. The apostles were up front with their beliefs and risk their lives to spread
the Gospel without shame or intimidation. The Scripture is the quick and
powerful Word of God that “works” regardless of whether someone accepts its
authority. You don't do that by promoted half-hearted unchurched men of peace
tactics. The Southern Baptist Church leadership have strayed from the real path of
non-compromise for a while now.

G. Craig Lewis is right to point that that KRS-One has taken the extreme position
of wanting to make a religion out of Hip-Hop in his new book. KRS-One has
bashed Christianity and other monotheist religions like Judaism and Islam as
their time being up in his own words:

"I’m suggesting that in 100 years, this book will be a new religion on the earth... I
think I have the authority to approach God directly, I don’t have to go through
any religion [or] train of thought. I can approach God directly myself and so I
wrote a book called The Gospel of Hip Hop to free from all this nonsense
garbage right now. I respect the Christianity, the Islam, the Judaism but their
time is up. ...In a hundred years, everything that I’m saying to you will be
common knowledge and people will be like, 'Why did he have to explain this?
Wasn’t it obvious?'" (KRS-One’s interview with Allhiphop)

No, Christianity was here before KRS-One was born and it will continue when he's
dead. I believe in worshipping God alone not making Hip Hop a religion at
all. G. Craig Lewis has taken a stand against Hip Hop music including Holy Hip
Hop. I call him the Alex Jones of so-called heresy exposers since like Alex Jones
he's right on some points (which is utilized as an excuse to promote their own
falsehoods). G. Craig Lewis is correct to expose apostates and deceptions like the
agenda of Steve Harvey. Harvey claims that he’s a Christians, but constantly uses
profanity on his radio shows, committed adultery (and tries to justify it), and
mocks Christians as being borderline Christians (which is wrong of course). So,
I’m not fooled by him. Steve Harvey claimed that he became a Christian by using
his Third Eye. That is why in the near future, I will write about Steve Harvey in
more detail. He wrote a book called “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What
Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment,” which
fraudulent on its face. A man should think and act like a man not a lady. A
woman should act and think like a woman. Lewis’ errors exist on many facets. G.
Craig Lewis's DVDs rarely show the entirety of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It primarily presents his reasons why he is against Hip Hop culture. Churches pay
him to speak at various congregations, which is not bad in it of itself. His 2 major
mistakes are that he is a hardcore Pentecostal and sometimes he plays fast and
loose with the facts among his myriad of presentations. For example, Lewis
believes that the phrase Hip Hop means "booty shaking" when it doesn't. Hip
Hop was created in the 1970's in New York City. DJ Kool Herc is largely credited as
the “father of hip-hop” during the early 1970’s. Jamaican influences came and help create
Hip Hop as well as experts would tell you. C. Craig Lewis falsely claimed that KRS-One
was a founder of Hip Hop when he wasn’t. Lewis claimed that he experienced a
vision wherefore he thought that God appeared to him (in the form of a Light) in
his bedroom one night to inspire him to warn people against the evils of Hip
Hop. That's strange. Lewis believes in New Testament Apostles being active today
when the apostles died by ca. 100 A.D. He pronounces people as a homosexual
sometimes without objective or conclusive evidence on many occasions. G Craig
Lewis dismisses anyone rejecting Pentecostalism (which embraces demonology,
spiritual experiences, and emotionalism). One of the fathers of the Pentecostal
Movement was a known Ku Klux Klan man. That would be the Rev. Charles
Parham. Parham has a sloppy understanding of Dispensatationism. Lewis claims
that a pierced ear is related to demon worship or demonic spirits when a pierced
ear have many meanings. In the G Craig’s video, “Behind Hip Hop” he plays a clip
from Underground DJ Danger Mouse's Gray Album, where DJ Danger Mouse
mixed a acapella version of Jay-Z's The Black Album and the Beatles' The White
Album. If you play the track Interlude normally it makes no sense; however, when
played backwards G. Craig Lewis accused the song of including the lyrics of:
"666..., Murder, Murder, Jesus." The track was made to be played backwards, and
DJ Danger Mouse simply samples Jay-Z's voice and edits it to make him say what
he wants. This was an edited work. So, The Jay-z snippet played backwards has
already been completely debunked as being a DJ remix by DJ Danger Mouse with
words jumbled and reassembled taken from the original song "Lucifer" from the
2004 Black Album. The album from DJ Danger Mouse is not made or endorsed by
Jay-Z, yet Lewis does not make this clear. I don't even agree with Jay Z's agenda
though (of Jay saying that he's Jay Hova, of believing in karma, of denying the
existence of Hell, and using anti-religious lyrics. Jay Z aligns with the globalist
United Nations) and I know this information. G. Craig Lewis bashes Africa
constantly by saying "can't nobody conjure up Satan like them Africans." That's a
disgrace since the paganism in some parts of Africa is obviously wrong. Yet, that
doesn't mean that no God-fearers live in Africa. Many God fearing, born again
human beings do reside in Africa from thousands of years ago into today in 2010.
I will never say ignorant nonsense about our African brothers and sisters at all. G.
Craig Lewis falsely called Jill Scott a 5 Percenter when she is not.
It’s easy to prove that Freemasonry is influence by the occult, Gnosticism, the
Kabbalah, and the Mysteries. They have infiltrated apostate religions plus
apostate churches as well like the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC. G.
Craig Lewis is correct to expose these things. He is incorrect to use inconclusive
accusations about people.

Here's another story about his errors. Pastor Hatchett was an ex-GLO member
and an ex-Freemason. Now, he is preaching the Gospel and have inspired people
leave occult inspired GLOs and the order of Freemasonry. The reasons are that
GLOs or Greek Lettered Organizations typically have swearing of oaths, some
haze, and many of them praise false gods (like Minerva, etc.) as role models or
inspiration figures. Many ex-GLO members would admit to this. An idol or a false
god ought to be never be permitted as a role model. The prophets, real religious
champions, and of course God Himself should be our role models. According to
Hatchett, Omegas teach the Universal Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of
God, which is a Masonic doctrine. Freemasons admits that fraternities and
sororities are cousins to the GLOs. Michael Hoggard have created some videos
about secret orders. His research found that Freemasons pervert the things of
God and manipulate it into a Mystery Religion-orientated focus. Freemasonry
promotes secrecy when God says shout the truth from the roof tops. The
kundalini according to Hoggard is the heretical view as found in Hinduism (&
New Age cirlces) that there is a spiritual serpent in our spine. Therefore, if man is
using rituals, people can use energy to go up the spine to awaken someone's
"Third eye." The serpent is coiled. The serpent is definitely related to that old
Serpent of Satan. Therefore, God's plan in simple and it doesn't involve the
kundalini. That plan from real spirituality is about openness, rejecting the occult,
and embracing of Truth. While, occultism is complex, prevents the common man
from knowing the truth (since the occult means secret. Secrecy is forbidden by
the book Matthew), and it's filled with compromise. The Masonic Lodge outlines
the Masonic secret of Freemasonry according to Mike Hoggard. Freemasons
show some of their secrets out in the open because most people don't
understand what these secrets are all about. Mike said that one of those secrets is
found in the New Atlantis book created by Sir Francis Bacon.

In Masonic myth, Hiram Abiff was a constructor of Solomon's Temple. He died since he
refusef to give out the Masonic word to some criminals. In the Bible, Hiram was
criticized as a corrupt King of Tyre. Albert Pike wrote in his Morals and Dogma book
that: "The Grand Arcanum...that secret whose revelation would overturn Earth and
Heaven..." Pike continues in the Morals and Dogma book that: "...It is for each
individual Mason to discover the secret of Masonry, by reflection upon its
symbols and a wise consideration and analysis of what is said and done in the
work. Masonry does not inculcate her truths. She states them, once and briefly;
or hints them, perhaps darkly, or interposes a cloud, between them and eyes
that would be dazzled by them. Seek and ye shall find, knowledge and the
truth." According to Mike Hoggard, Pike associates this Great Secret with the discovery
of the Alchemists Philosopher's Stone. One secret of Freemason is the manipulation of
concepts from the Bible and the Mysteries into apart of their rituals (as a means to get
converts to join their group). Another secret is the embrace of the concept of the Father
(or false god) merging with the Mother (or the false goddess in occult tradition) to created
the Child (or the Perfected Man. Bible Believing Christian classify this man as the
Antichrist since he follow an unbiblical pattern and he is awaited leader/Teacher of the
New Age Movement). Many co-Masons like Robert Heronimus believe that spiritual
energies are found in Sirius and other star patterns (That influenced the construction of
Washington, D.C.). So, the unbiblical view of spiritualism is a key function of these
Secret Societies and New Agers.

According to Albert Pike, 3 is a number means Earth and 4 means the Heavens.
Pike writes in his Morals and Dogma book that:

"...Seven is the sacred number in all theogonies and all symbols, because it is
composed of 3 and 4. It represents the magical power in its full force. It is the
Spirit assisted by all the Elementary Powers, the Soul served by Nature, the Holy
Empire spoken of in the clavicules of Solomon, symbolized by a warrior, crowned,
bearing a triangle...and standing on a cube, to which are harnessed two Sphinxes,
one white and the other black, pulling contrary ways, and turning the head to
look backward..." Freemasonry tried to merge religion as this quote (from
Freemason J.D. Buck) shows:

"It has been found that every act in the drama of the life of Jesus, and every
quality assigned to Christ, is to be found in the life of Krishna" -J.D. Buck. Mystic
Masonry, pp. 119,138

*Freemasons have always wanted world wide influence to control society. The official
organ of the Scottish Rite The New Age in Sept. 1921 put out an article "Freemasonry as
a World Power". In this article they state by the pen of a 32° Mason, "Freemasonry
may be a 'World Power,' but all the power in the world is of little use to the man
who will not use it. The mightiest of levers may be in the strongest of hands; but if it
lie there to no conscious purpose, nothing is ever moved." After calling on its Masonic
readership to use the power of Freemasonry, they conclude, "Then 'Freemasonry as a
World Power' will stand revealed as unconquered and unconquerable." (New Age
Magazine, official organ of the Supreme Council of 33° A & A Scottish Rite, Sept.
1921, Washington, D.C.,p.389. See photocopy of this page in the scouting report,
chapter 1.1.). Fritz Springmeier in his "Be Wise as Serpents" exposes more witchcraft
ties to Freemasonry:

"...Masonic references to witchcraft abound. In Pike's Morals and Dogma page

733 he refers to the Kabalah (which he calls philosophy but could best be called
magic). In the next two paragraphs he talks glowingly of "the powers of the
human will." That is what witchcraft is all about. 33° Mason C. W. Leadbeater in
his book The Hidden Life in Freemasonry refers to the Senior Deacon in
Masonic rituals as taking on the role of Lucifer. "The S.D. is the Lucifer, who
bears the light to his fellow-men." (p. 125 plus others). And his pages 311-12
refer to gigantic "Angels" taking over 33° Masons. These are just off hand
samples of many similar Masonic references. If one really understands the
occult/Luciferian/witchcraft nature of Freemasonry (since Masonry say so mote
it be, have a sharp object hitting a person's chest in a ritual, have death oaths,
praise the Kabbalah, accept the concept of Generation, and accepts Universalism
just like Witchcraft), then it becomes clear why the power of the Lodge promotes
the revival of the Mystery Religions. In contrast with Christ, the Masonic Lodge
tries to keep its power to an exclusive clique. According to ex-High Satanic
Priestess Brown, "Demons have no loyalties. They will always go to the stronger
person. Satan's entire kingdom runs on the principle of competition; just the
opposite of God's kingdom where everyone serves each other."—He Came To Set
The Captives Free, p.48...."

Freemasons, the OTO, and other occult Secret Societies love the Kabbala.
The Kabbala is Jewish mysticism with 10 sepitoroh called the Tree of Life.
Kabbalists want to go into the 10 paths and 22 pathways can go into
transformation into a higher being. Freemasonry believes that going into
degrees of their Lodge can make you turn into a higher being. Even
Mormonism teaches that man can be transformed into being a god.
Freemasonry claims to have the Light, but only the Lord Jesus Christ has the
true Light of the World. The Vatican/Jesuit connection to world events are
readily being known. There is the Breakspaer Family, which isn't talked about
much unlike the Rothschilds (who are found to have been members of the
Queen's Knighthoods apparently). Pope Hadrian IV's read name was Nicholas
Breakspear. Adrian IV is the only Englishman who has occupied the papal chair.
Mark Breakspear recently worked on the Da Vinci Code movie. The Breakspear
family is an old occult family spanning over 500 years. They are one of the most
unknown elite bloodlines in the world. The Breakspears infiltrated the British
society. Also, even William Shakespeare is related to the Breakspears. There is the
Breakspear Medical Group Ltd. existing now with a caduceus and a globe as its
logo. There is another Masonic/Vatican connection found by Troy and others. The
headquarters of the Jesuits and the Scottish Rite Supreme Council 33° of the
Gran Loggia d’Italia (or the GLDI) are in the same place. That place is at the
Piazza del Gesu. The GLDI is recognized by the Scottish Rite’s US Southern
Jurisdiction (”Mother of the World”) Supreme Council 33° in Washington,
DC. The Grande Oriente Italiano obedience (founded 1975, not to be
confused with the Grande Oriente d’Italia) is also to be found at Piazza del
Gesù. If these Masonic groups had no links with the Jesuits, why would
they're headquarters be located in the same place? The truth is that the
Jesuits had connections with Freemasonry for centuries. Even their leaders
worked together in wars and other endeavors like Jesuit Edmund Walsh and
high level Freemason Douglas MacArthur. An Italian Paulist priest Rosario
Francesco Esposito even recently joined the Masonic Lodge in the Piazza del
Gesu (in Rome). This was reported by the CWN (or the Catholic World News)
in February 19, 2007. Therefore, let's expose all evil groups. Let's not cover
up Freemasonry or especially the Jesuits (as many in the "alternative media"
are trying to do).

Many Pentecostal people readily expose GLOs, yet some of their doctrines have
errors in them. Some of them believe that the same miracles and authority of the
apostles in the first century exist presently. The reality is that these things don't
exist today since the apostles have long been deceased. Many Pentecostals aren't
monolithic since some love Jesus Christ and reject the Laughing Revival
Movement like Dr. Joseph Chambers of Charlotte, North Carolina. Many
originators of the Pentecostal movement like John Alexander Dowie believed that
faith healing is promised in the atonement (without medical treatment in some
cases). Ecumenical Kathryn Kuhlman taught that healing was promised by the
atonement of Jesus Christ. That's false since atonement doesn't promise faith
healing at all. Though the Bible does teach us to pray for the sick, there is NO
GUARANTEE that everyone will be healed. These heretics that teach that Jesus
died on the cross to guarantee us physical healing are wrong. Sickness and
death are the results of sin. We cannot escape sickness and death. Though God
does sometimes heal the sick in answer to prayer, it is inevitable that sickness
and death will eventually come knocking at our door to stay. As for speaking in
tongues, the Bible does not teach tongues is the evidence for salvation, but one of the
many evidences of someone possessing the Holy Spirit. Kurt Koch was a renowned
evangelical researcher into the occult. In his book Occult ABC he describes his
research into Kathryn Kuhlman's healing ministry. He found no clear healing by
Kuhlman's organization. Kuhlman committed adultery with the married
evangelist Burroughs Waltrip. This is extremely wrong of course. Dowie was
accused of sexual irregularities and was declared bankrupt. Pentecostal originator
William Branham was another heretic. He denied the Trinity (saying that it was of
the devil) and taught the false view that Satan said sex with Eve to form Cain. He
viewed that the Mark of the Beast was denominationalism and denied the
eternality of hell. William was a false prophet by saying that the end of the world
would occur by 1977. He did a healing ministry as well claiming to resurrect a
dead fish. There are other examples of some Pentecostal ministers making false
claims and false prophecies. Today, people in this movement like G. Craig
Lewis, who is a Pentecostal person himself, are mixing truth (exposing GLOs,
evils in popular culture, evils in Secret Societies, exposing abortion) with error
(sometimes using rumor in criticizing people, believing that you must speak in
tongues as a sign of you being saved, etc.). The United Pentecostal Churches
believe that you must have water baptism is necessary for salvation in order
to get one's sins forgiven, and that one must speak in tongues in order to be
saved (which they claim is evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit). The
Scriptures in the Bible don’t teach this bondage. It teaches that man is saved
by God’s grace. The Christian researcher Ed Tarkowski found the similarity
between some actions by some Pentecostals (like Rodney Howard-Browne) and the
Hindu Kundalini serpent actions by gurus. Both Hindu gurus and Pentecostals use the
slain in the spirit, uncontrollable laughter, physical jerks, animal sounds, new revelations,
repetitive singing and chanting, anti-intellectualism, having trances, claiming to possess
mind reading, etc. None of these actions are found in the Bible at all among Believers in
the 21st century to do.
Lewis is known to saying derogatory names for people, which the Bible says we
should use no filthy communication out of our mouths: “…But now ye also put
off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of
your mouth…” (Colossians 3:8). Pastor Hatchett simply asked G. Craig Lewis to
give more concrete evidence about TD Jakes being involved in a certain sexual
orientation (which was said by "Apostle" Youngblood). Lewis and his crew didn't
provide extra evidence (yet, G. Craig Lewis & his allies responded in saying
derogatory language against homosexuals plus others). Also, they used ad
hominem attacks against Hatchet. Craig stated that GMA (Gospel Music
Association) stands for “Gay Men With AIDS”" in a December broadcast of his EX-
Cast. That isn't true. You can disagree with homosexuality as Christians and this is
apart of the First Amendment, but it's evil to use derogatory language (like Craig
using the “F” in describing people who are gay) in harming a person personally
regardless of what sexual orientation they are. We’re human beings here and all
humans ought to be treated with respect and given basic human rights (like
religious liberty, the right of free speech, the right to be secured in their persons
without restrictions, the right to petition the government, the freedom to be
protected by the Bill of Rights & Constitution, etc.) regardless of their
background. The Bible does call homosexuality a sin though, so I want to make
that clear. There’s no question about it. Inflammatory language (as G. Craig Lewis
loves to do by saying the obscene, stereotypical words of "You have a Flaming
homosexual leading the praise team, flinging AIDS on everybody, and can’t
nobody say nothing....” The truth is that AIDS is not a disease that only
homosexuals have or receive. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that can
affect anyone under certain circumstances. G. Craig Lewis made that false
statement that: "...40% of the African Americans in a high school were HIV
positive..." That obviously isn't true) is never a key way in getting your point
across in a real way. Name calling is really a sin and it's despicable in my eyes.
Therefore, Hatchett rightfully rejected that claim about TD Jakes (but realized
about Jakes' biblical errors). Even people who emailed G. Craig Lewis in desiring a
cordial debate or dialogue are told to "get a life." Regardless of what Lewis says,
miracles exist all of the time in the world, but we aren't saved by them. We 're
saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ with his grace. It’s fine to expose
apostates, but this isn’t our total job. Our real job is to save souls and build
people up. It would be better to inspire sinners to wake up, not just expose
sinners’ frails. The good news is that people like G. Craig Lewis can wake up and
correct his errors.

Many folks are talking about the preacher James Manning from Atlah Ministries.
James Manning is a very controversial man. His Atlah Ministries is based in
Harlem, New York. Is he real or fake? I really took the time to think about this
question. Here's my take on him. Manning is similar to Sean Hannity. Sean
Hannity’s role is to mislead well meaning conservatives to ignore real issues
going on in the world as well to embrace the unconstitutional neo-conservative
agenda (that includes evil racial & religious profiling of Muslims without due
process, wars of aggression, the scapegoating and stereotyping of the poor,
policies that attack our fundamental civil liberties, and invasive DNA unzipping
highly dangerous X-Ray scanners in airports nationwide), which furthers the
Left/Right Paradigm. Both are Ecumenical and both criticize Barack Obama on
many legitimate points like his radical abortion agenda, the radicalism of
Obama's Czars, and his other policies. Yet, Manning like Hannity won't cross that
line and expose the bigger picture. The bigger picture is Barack Obama is a
puppet of the establishment (i.e. He was funded by Wall Street corporations
during his Presidential campaign, he supports both banker takeover bailouts, and
he has many Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, & lobbyists in his own cabinet) in order
to con people to accept imperialism in a slick fashion. It's giving the new world
order or imperialism a slick "face lift" (or “left wing cover”) when the policies of
the war on terror, rendition, the Patriot Act, no fly lists given unto innocent
citizens even, and other evil policies will continue forward just like in the previous
administration. Also, Manning used silly, racially charged rhetoric against his own
people to stir up support among the neo cons, but a lot of his statements are
false. Numerous neo-cons love it when black people or minority citizens in
general are demeaned and stereotyped in a sick way. It is immoral to demonize
your fellow man in other to make yourself look “good” when no human is truly
perfectly good in God’s eyes: “…As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not
one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They
are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none
that doeth good, no, not one…” (Romans 3:10-13). Regardless of what Manning
says, Barack Obama isn't a pimp and Obama didn't support a commercial with a
woman (named Amber Lee Ettinger) loving Obama in a lustful manner. Barack
Obama's mother wasn't white trash despite Manning calling her that. I wonder if
Manning would be happy if someone disrespected his mother in an evil way by
calling her trash? Of course, he will not. Only a coward would disrespect a man's
mother (and Manning claims to be a preacher) as an excuse to disagree with the
man. If you want to disagree with a man, then do that. You don’t have to slander
a man’s mother in the process. Manning's legitimate criticism about Barack
Obama are overshadowed by his unfair ad-hominem attacks against Obama &
others. Also, James Manning omits how many in the black community have made
great contributions in their area (that is why he constantly uses negative
connotations toward black Americans, because he wants to omit the strong, God-
fearing heritage of tons of black people throughout history). There was the
African American Bishop Daniel Payne of the AME Church. He went into
Charleston, SC in April 1865 with nine missionaries. By the end of Reconstruction,
AME congregations existed from Florida to Texas. Their missioners and
preachers had brought more than 250,000 new adherents into the church.
While it had a northern base, the church was heavily influenced by this
growth in the South and incorporation of many members who had different
practices and traditions. During the Civil Rights Movement, famous pastors
include Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph David Abernathy, Bernard Lee, Fred
Shuttlesworth, Wyatt Tee Walker, and C. T. Vivian.
Barack Obama is a puppet enacting a myriad of policies that I don’t subscribe to,
but it’s bigger than Barack Obama. It’s time to expose the real players in the new
world order not just one man. Although, Barack Obama’s errors ought to be
exposed. Alex Jones had so-called “Pastor” Dr. Manning on his show. Alex Jones
(who is pro-JBS, which is a group that’s Vatican-infiltrated) is something else.
Manning is ironic to believe in some Papal doctrines. Dr. Manning has have quite
a following on You tube. Manning is someone who needs to be prayed for to
wake up.

“Pastor” James Manning also supports Bill Clinton when he was a pro-new world
order puppet himself (James certainly didn't know that Bill Clinton
supported NAFTA, was complicit in the Waco genocide, demonized real
Patriots after the OKC bombing, lied under oath, was complicit in China
gate, he passed the anti-civil liberty anti-Crime Bill & the Anti-Terrorism
Bill, and Clinton vetoed the partial birth abortion ban. These wicked
policies harmed America). Now, James Manning supports the unbiblical
concept of purgatory. Purgatory is not in a word of the Scriptures, but it's found
in various pagan religions. God's word is clear that humans after death face the
Judgment of God not purgatory: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but
after this the judgment." -Hebrews 9:27. "Corinthians 6:11 proclaims that: “…And such
were some of you: but ye are WASHED, but ye are SANCTIFIED, but ye are JUSTIFIED
in the name of the Lord Jesus..." Conclusively, the Holy Scriptures outline that: “…"We
are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with
the Lord." -2 Corinthians 5. So, James Manning is support the paganism of
purgatory. Also, James Manning is known to have Catholic clothing and Catholic
symbolism. He agrees with the pagan holiday of Christmas (which relates to the
Mass of Rome on December 25 every year). James Manning attended Union
Theological and was taught by Cornell West and James Forbes among others. He
holds both in esteem (according to Tom Freiss). James Forbes succeeded a
Bonesman named Rev. William Sloane Coffin Jr. Collin was a liberal activist who
opposed the Vietnam War, opposed the Iraq war, wanted nuclear disarmament,
and recently died in 2006. Sloane Coffine was of course a CIA agent. He worked
as a case officer in 1950 (his brother-in-law Frank Lindsay had been head of the
OSS's Office of Policy Coordination which was one of the predecessors of the CIA.

The image above is real. Homeland Security and FEMA are trying to brainwash
pastors to support the government unconditionally during times of an
emergency (even if a government policy could be immoral like gun
grabbing, forcing people into camps, and violating people’s individual
liberties). The left establishment (not real liberals) is at it again trying to
demonize people with whom they disagree with. The deal is that Chris Matthews
(a Democrat operative and former Carter speechwriter), and SPLC fear mongering
director Mark Potok ganged up on Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers the other
day on MSNBC. Matthews is a liar and tried to compare Rhodes as gun nut and a
"right wing extremist." He called Oath Keepers as a vigilante group. He tried to
connect the organization to the birthers and the shooting in the Holocaust
museum in D.C. by an old, deranged white supremacist. Matthew's tactic of
demonize a guest in an attempt to discredit a person is old. Matthews was a
former police officer, so he knows about the tactics of a bullying cop
interrogator. He slandered Rhodes and the Oath Keepers as stockpiling weapons
to be used in attacking the federal government in a plot. Rhodes emphatically
stated that the Oath Keepers are not organizing people to engage in armed
rebellion against the government. Oath Keepers are asking police officers and
military personnel to disobey orders that violate the Constitution. Matthews deny
that FEMA had camps or foreign troops are in American soil. In July, the FEMA
website admitted the presence of foreign troops inside the country when it
posted a factsheet about National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09). The NLE 09
exercise focused “on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident
response and recovery” and included the participation of troops from Australia,
Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. Even Mexican troops were used in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina giving aid to victims.

In January of 2009, HR 645 was introduced in the House. The bill would authorize
the Department of Homeland Security to set up a network camp facilities located
on military bases to be used to intern U.S. citizens in the event of a national
emergency. “Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of
single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to
build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The
government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of
railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport
detainees,” write Dan Hamburg, a former Democratic Party Congressman and
Green Party Gubernatorial candidate from California, and Lewis Seiler for The San
Francisco Chronicle. Operation Endgame is a real government plan where KBR
camps are used to removal "aliens" and "potential terrorists." More recently, the
Military Commissions Act was passed by Congress. It permits the government
to imprison indefinitely individuals the president deems “enemy
combatants.” It also denies non-military tribunal judicial review of
detainment. Readiness Exercise 1984 is even an emergency program where
people are detained.

The DHS, and the SPLC sent millions of dollars to create Fusion Centers (to spy on
people. One Fusion center created the Missouri report that slander third party
candidates as equated to pro-terrorist people). The SPLC also train people on
hate crimes as well. Potok from the SPLC tries to equate any exposure of these
facts as "conspiracy theories" and equivalent to the view of white supremacist
racists. That's a lie. Matthews didn't allow Stewart Thodes time to speak. MSNBC
is owned by corporate war mongering machine GE. MSNBC promotes
propaganda like FOX in the left side of the left/right paradigm. Matthews is an
operative that slanders anyone who disagrees with the policies of a corrupt
government. Frank Schaeffer is a person who wants legalized abortion like a pro-
abortion extremist (while wanting to get rid of Roe and supporting Barack Obama which
is an oxymoron) that he is. Schaeffer then urges the FBI to investigate evangelical groups
and their leaders and to infiltrate certain pro-life groups like Operation Rescue. This is
certainly against the freedom of speech (and the Fourth Amendment) if the FBI
does these actions. Historically, thugs from the Pentagon, the FBI and the CIA
monitored peaceful anti-war groups, etc. for decades. See, this is what extremists
like Schaeffer really want (he stopped short of wanting Evangelical Christians and
conservatives to be shipped off to concentration camps. He's a hypocrite by
claiming to disagree with hate, yet he's showing real hate toward conservative
Christians that disagree with him). The extremists want to persecute Christians to
be intimidated and afraid to speak our minds. Sorry, I will speak my mind
strongly and without fear. Bible prophecy outlines persecution of the saints.
Revelation 6:9-12 speaks of Christians martyred during the Tribulation Period,
after the Tribulation has begun. The federal government have documents now
claiming that certain people (who believe in end time prophecies, are pro-2nd
Amendment, are pro-life, are against the new world order, etc. via the Mediggo
Report) are extremists and terrorists. I don't agree with that slander at all.
Christians are not domestic terrorists, but some people in the government are
real domestic terrorists though. Regardless of Schaeffer's lies, the pro-life
movement peacefully protest in thousands of cities and locations in America.
Every day throughout the country, hundreds of pro-life activists pray, picket and
demonstrate in front of abortion mills. Frank Schaeffer insults the memory of the
thousands of pro-lifers who are here and passed on fighting for the truth. He
should apologize (to his parents' memories as well) to those who have without
concern for self given up their time, talent and treasure to support pregnancy
centers, maternity homes, and pro-life groups that have educated young people
about the respect one should have for the lives for all people.
I’ve thought I never seen the day when cops start walking in the streets on
America everyday with highly powerful militarized weapons.

Even people like Laurence Vance (who is right on many issues) need to realize
that many Christians know the truth and the majority of real Christians don't
follow militarism at all. I don't agree with Vance's stereotyping of conservative
Christians. Honestly, tons of conservative Christians opposed the Iraq War from
the beginning and are independently minded. Vance needs to realize that reality
completely. I will never align with Homeland Security at all and neither should
pastors. Homeland Security is one of the leading advocates of the continuity of
government (or the institution of a shadow government) and the militarization of
our country. James Manning is a controlled opposition to have constant
agitation, but never proposes real solutions or expose the bigger picture in our
world. Real solutions are promoting a liberty based culture in our society, end the
war on terror, end the Federal Reserve (to allow Congress control our money
supply as written in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution), learn real history
without bigoted stereotypes about people, and go out and help people of all
backgrounds. In other words, we should help improve our world. All of these
years living in the world certainly give me insight in the uniqueness of people,
being glad to be alive, and appreciation of all human beings. I’ve got to be better
morally than I am now in fulfilling the destiny in my life. We shouldn’t fear
anything, but God alone.

By Timothy

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