Hebrew Bible

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1:1 BEREISHIT bara Elokim et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz.

IN THE BEGINNING G-d created the heavens and the earth. 2 Veha'aretz hayetah tohu vavohu vechoshech al !e"ei tehom veruach Elokim merache#et al !e"ei hamayim. The earth was unformed and desolate, and darkness covered the surface of the deep. The spirit [wind of G-d hovered a!ove the surface of the water. $ Vayomer Elokim yehi or vayehi or. G-d said, "#et there !e li$ht," and there was li$ht. % Vayar Elokim et ha'or ki tov vayav&el Elokim bei" ha'or uvei" hachoshech. G-d saw that the li$ht was $ood, and G-d divided the li$ht from the darkness. ' Vayikra Elokim la or yom velachoshevh kara lailah vayehi erev vayehi voker yom echa&. G-d called the li$ht da%, and the darkness He called ni$ht. It !ecame evenin$ and it !ecame mornin$, one da%. ( Vayomer Elokim yehi rakia betoch hamayim vihi mav&il bei" mayim lamayim. G-d said, "#et there !e a canop% in the midst of the waters, and let it divide !etween waters and waters." ) Vaya'as Elokim et harakia vayav&el bei" hamayim asher mitachat larakia uvei" hamayim asher me'al larakia vayehi che". G-d made the canop%, and divided the waters which were !eneath the canop%, from the waters which were a!ove the canop%, and it was so. * Vayikra Elokim la rakia shamayim vayehi erev vayehi voker yom she"i. G-d called the canop% heaven. + Vayomer Elokim yikavu hamayim mitachat hashamayim el makom echa& vetera'eh hayabashah vayehi che". G-d said, "#et the waters !eneath the heavens !e $athered into one place, and let the dr%ness, !e seen." It was so. 1, Vayikra Elokim layabashah eretz ulemikveh hamayim kara yamim vayar Elokim ki tov. G-d called the dr%ness, "Earth," and the $atherin$ of waters, He called "&eas," and G-d saw that it was $ood.

11 Vayomer Elokim ta&she ha'aretz &eshe esev mazria zera etz !ri oseh !eri lemi"o asher zar'o vo al ha'aretz vayehi che". G-d said, "#et the earth sprout $rass, seed-%ieldin$ her!s, fruit trees !earin$ fruit of its own kind, with its seed within it, upon the earth." 'nd it was so. 12 Vatotze ha'aretz &eshe esev mazria zera lemi"ehu ve'etz oseh !ri asher zar'o vo lemi"ehu vayar Elokim ki tov. The earth !rou$ht forth $rass, and her!s %ieldin$ seed of its kind, and trees !earin$ fruit which has in it seeds of its kind( and G-d saw that it was $ood. 1$ Vayehi erev vayehi voker yom shlishi. It !ecame evenin$ and it !ecame mornin$, the third da%. 1% Vayomer Elokim yehi meorot birekia hashamayim lehav&il bei" hayom uvei" halailah vehayu leotot ulemoa&im uleyamim vesha"im. G-d said, "#et there !e li$hts in the canop% of heaven to divide !etween the da% and the ni$ht, and the% will serve for si$ns for seasons, for da%s and for %ears. 1' Vehayu li meorot birekia hashamayim leha'ir al ha'aretz vayehi che". The% will !e for li$hts in the canop% of heaven to illuminate the earth." 'nd it was so. 1( Vaya'as Elokim et she"ei hameorot ha-&olim et hamaor ha-a&ol le memshelet hayom ve'et hamaor hakato" le memshelet halailah ve'et hakochavim. G-d made the two $reat li$hts, the lar$e li$ht to rule the da%, and the small li$ht to rule the ni$ht, and the stars. 1) Vayite" otam Elokim birekia hashamayim leha'ir al ha'aretz. G-d set them in the canop% of the heaven to illuminate the earth, 1* Velimshol bayom uvalailah ulehav&il bei" ha'or uvei" hachoshech vayar Elokim ki tov. to rule in the da% an the ni$ht, and to divide !etween the li$ht and the darkness( and G-d saw that it was $ood. 1+ Vayehi erev vayehi voker yom revi'i. It !ecame evenin$ and it !ecame mornin$, the fourth da%.

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