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SAMPLE ANSWERS Practice 1 Set A 1. A man is lying under a coconut tree. 2. A lady is sitting on the mat. 3.

A girl is building a sandcastle. 4. A boy is playing with a ball. 5. A boy is swimming in the water. Set B 1. A man, who has a moustache, is lying under a coconut tree on his rectangular mat. 2. His plump wi e, who is sitting on the big mat, is loo!ing at her son who is buying an ice"cream. 3. A beauti ul girl in bunches is building a sandcastle using a spade, a or! and a buc!et. 4. A young boy is playing with a ball happily while a crab is crawling bac! to the water. 5. A cheer ul loo!ing boy is swimming in the water e#citedly while raising both o his hands. Practice 2 Set A 1. A doctor is at the ward. 2. A boy is lying on the bed. 3. A girl is carrying some oranges. 4. A boy is standing at the door. 5. $here is a %ase on the side"table. Set B 1. $he male patient, who is lying on the hospital bed, is tal!ing happily to his riends who are %isiting him. 2. A beauti ul young girl, who is carrying a plastic bag o oranges, is tal!ing to the patient. 3. A balding doctor, who is wearing a stethoscope around his nec!, is treating his patient while a dedicated nurse, who is standing behind the bed, is loo!ing at the doctor. 4. A boy, who is standing at the door, is wa%ing at his riend. 5 A pretty girl in a headscar , who is sitting on the chair, is listening attenti%ely to her riends& con%ersation. Practice 3 Set A 1. $his is a 'oo. 2. A girl is eeding two rabbits. 3. A boy is crying. 4. A girl is eating the ice"cream. 5. A girl is reading at the notice board. Set B 1. (i%e pupils are %isiting the 'oo which is clean and spacious. 2. A cute young girl in bunches is eeding two lu y rabbits while her ather is ta!ing photographs o her using his digital camera. 3. Another girl, who is in a ponytail, is lic!ing her a%ourite ice"cream as she watches the tall gira e which is grinning in awe. 4. A young boy is crying because he is scared o the gira e. 5. A short girl is reading the in ormation on the rectangular notice board. Practice 4 Set A 1. Si# people are in the classroom. 2. A teacher is loo!ing at the pupils. 3. A boy is writing on the paper. 4. A boy is cleaning the blac!board. 5. A boy is pic!ing up the paper.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Set B 1. $he beauti ul teacher, who is wearing a pol!a dot headscar , is obser%ing the pupils doing some acti%ities during the art and cra t lesson. 2. A girl in bunches is pasting the greeting card using some glue. 3. A boy, who is sitting opposite the girl, is drawing something on the )other&s *ay card while his riend is loo!ing at his wor!. 4. A hardwor!ing boy is erasing the blac!board. 5. A boy is collecting the rubbish on the loor because he wants the class to be clean and tidy. Practice 5 Set A 1. A girl is studying at the study table. 2. A lady is carrying a baby. 3. A girl is playing with a cat. 4. A man is reading a newspaper at a so a. 5. A boy is playing with his teddy"bear. Set B 1. A beauti ul young girl, who is in a ponytail, is studying at the study table +uietly. 2. A lady, who is in a bun, is sitting on the so a while carrying her baby who is suc!ing the paci ier. 3. A cute young girl, who is wearing a pair o loral ba,u !urung, is loo!ing at her mother while stro!ing the cat. 4. (ather, who is wearing a pair o spectacles, is reading the newspaper. 5. A young lad, who is sitting on the loor, is playing with his lu y teddy"bear. Practice 6 Set A 1. A man is sleeping under a tree. 2. A boy is ishing at the pond. 3. A lady is gi%ing a bowl to her son. 4. A girl is drin!ing some water. 5. A girl is loo!ing at the lowers. Set B 1. A man in thic! moustache is sleeping under the tree soundly. 2. A handsome young boy, who is sitting on a short stool, is catching a ish using his ishing rod e#citedly. 3. A woman, who is in a bun and a pair o ba,u !urung, is handing her son a bowl o ood while her son is waiting eagerly or his ood. 4. A girl in bunches, who is sitting opposite her mother on the mat, is drin!ing some water while tal!ing to her mother. 5. A beauti ul girl, who is wearing a blouse and a s!irt, is pluc!ing the lowers at the garden. Practice 7 Set A 1. $he cobbler is repairing the customer&s shoes. 2. $he man is tal!ing on the telephone. 3. $he girl is throwing rubbish into the dustbin. 4. $he man is holding balloons. 5. $he boy is pointing at the man. Set B 1. $he cobbler who is sitting on the stool is repairing his customer&s shoes nicely at the i%e" oot way. 2. $he man with a tie is tal!ing on the telephone near the pillar. 3. $he girl with a ponytail is holding the dustbin lid and she is throwing rubbish into the dustbin. 4. $he man is standing at the i%e" oot way and he is holding balloons. 5. $he boy is pointing at the man and he is as!ing her mother to buy balloons or him.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Practice 8 Set A 1. $he man is getting in the ta#i. 2. $he passenger is paying the ta#i are. 3. $he woman is stopping a ta#i. 4. $he man is reading a notice. 5. $he boy is eating an ice"cream. Set B 1. $he man who is standing near the woman is reading a notice at the notice board. 2. $he woman and the boy are sitting on the bench and the boy is en,oying his ice"cream. 3. $he passenger is paying the ta#i are to the ta#i dri%er. 4. Another passenger is seen getting into the ta#i. 5. A woman could be seen stopping a ta#i. Practice 9 Set A 1. $he man is eeding the chic!ens. 2. $he man is pushing the wheelbarrow. 3. $he boy is pic!ing up a durian. 4. $he man is collecting the eggs. 5. $he boy is helping the man. Set B 1. $he armer with a hat is eeding the chic!ens with grains at the bac!yard. 2. $he man with a cap is pushing a wheelbarrow ull o durians. 3. $he boy near the durian tree is pic!ing a durian. 4. $he man at the coop is collecting eggs into the bas!et. 5. $he boy ne#t to the man is helping him to collect the eggs. Practice 10 Set A 1. $he boys are ishing by the ri%er. 2. $he boy is digging the soil. 3. $he boy is pic!ing up a worm. 4. $he boy is putting a ish into the pail. 5. $he boy is sitting under the tree. Set B 1. $he boy with a striped"shirt is digging the soil to loo! or worms. 2. Another boy is seen collecting the worms and he is putting them into the container. 3. -ne o the boys has caught a ish and he is detaching the hoo! rom the ish mouth. 4. $he boy is putting a ish into a container and he loo!s happy with his catch. 5. $he boy is resting under a tree and he is waiting or a ish to eat the bait. Practice 11 Set A 1. $wo scouts are cutting the grass. 2. $wo scouts are carrying irewood. 3. $wo scouts are pitching the tent. 4. A scout is boiling some water. 5. $wo scouts are coo!ing rice. Set B 1. $he two scouts are seen cutting the long grass with a scythe. 2. Another two scouts could be obser%ed carrying a bundle o irewood. 3. A scout is hitting a nail while his riend is helping him to pitch the tent. 4. A scout is holding a !ettle and he is boiling water o%er the ire. 5. $he scouts are helping each other to coo! the ood.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Practice 12 Set A 1. $he two boys are watching the peacoc!. 2. $he man and his two daughters are watching the birds. 3. $he man with a hat is watching a bird. 4. $he man is ta!ing photographs o the girl. 5. $he woman is drin!ing some water. Set B 1. $he two boys who are close to the cage are obser%ing a beauti ul peacoc!. 2. $he man and his two daughters are watching the birds in the cage. 3. $he man has a pair o binoculars to watch a bird which is perching on a tree branch. 4. $he man with a camera is ta!ing photographs o his daughter who is posing near a parrot. 5. $he woman and her daughter are sitting together and they are en,oying their drin!s. Practice 13 Set A 1. $here are a ew people in the picture. 2. $he two children are sitting on the so a. 3. A man with his bag is at the counter. 4. $here are two receptionists on duty. 5. $he couple is standing at the counter. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $he receptionists are attending to the hotel guests at counter. A bell"boy is pushing a trolley ull o luggage. $he children are sitting on the so a while waiting or their parents. $he amily is chec!ing into a lu#urious hotel. $he hotel is %ery huge and well urnished. A man and a woman are on duty as the receptionists. $wo children are sitting and watching on the so a. $he receptionists are attending to the guests. A bell"boy is pushing a trolley with luggage in it. $here is a guest chec!ing what is on the card.

Practice 14 Set A 1. $here are many people in the picture. 2. A man is reading a newspaper. 3. A lady is putting a letter into the bo#. 4. A postman is carrying a big bag. 5. Another man is pasting the stamp on the en%elope. Set B 1. $here are many people at the post o ice. 2. A man with a pair o spectacles is reading a newspaper while waiting or the number to be called. 3. $here is a lady with a handbag who is putting a letter into the big bo#. 4. A postman who is wearing a helmet on his head is carrying a lot o letters in a big bag. 5. A man is using his thumb to paste the stamp on the en%elope. Set . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $he man with spectacles is sitting and reading a newspaper. A boy is pasting a stamp onto an en%elope. A young lady is putting an en%elope into the collection bo#. $he postman who is wearing a helmet is carrying a sac! o letters. $he post o ice cler! is attending to a customer at the counter.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Practice 15 Set A 1. $here are se%en people in the picture. 2. $wo are sitting on the see"saw. 3. A man is reading a newspaper. 4. A boy is at the slide. 5. Another boy is at the mon!ey bar. Set B 1. $here are many people at the playground. 2. A young girl and her riend are playing happily on the see"saw. 3. $here is a man reading a newspaper while sitting on a bench. 4. $here is a little boy who is sliding down the slide. 5. A mother is loo!ing at her son who is swinging on the swing. Set . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $he two children are playing happily on the see"saw. $here is a man who is sitting on a bench while reading a newspaper. A lady is watching her child who is playing on a swing. $he boy who is wearing a t"shirt with stripes is playing on a mon!ey bar. $here are many children playing at the playground.

Practice 16 Set A 1. $here are i%e people in the picture. 2. A boy is bouncing a ball. 3. A man is washing a car. 4. A woman is sweeping the loor. 5. $he girl is watering the plants. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $here is a amily at the car porch. A husband is smiling happily while washing his huge new car. His wi e is sweeping the loor using a broom and a dustpan. $heir daughter is watering the plants. $he little brother is bouncing a ball beside the car.

Set . 1. $he husband is washing his new car. 2. A boy is helping his ather to wash the car. 3. $he mother is sweeping the rubbish using a broom and dustpan. 4. A boy is bouncing a ball at the car porch. 5. $he daughter is watering the plants using a watering can. Practice 17 Set A 1. $here are si# people in the picture. 2. A man is holding a microphone. 3. A woman is writing a report. 4. A bog is arranging the bottles. 5. $here are three recycle bins in the picture. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $here are a ew people at the recycle centre. A boy is s+uatting beside the old newspaper. $he reporter who is holding a microphone in his hand is inter%iewing the o icer. $here is a woman writing down a report in a boo!. $here is three recycle bins placed beside the huge canopy.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Set . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

$he o icer with spectacles is being inter%iewed. $he reporter is inter%iewing and holding a microphone to record the inter%iew. $he two men are s+uatting and arranging the used bottles and old newspapers. $here are three recycle bins in the picture. A man is holding a bag and a bundle o newspapers.

Practice 18 Set A 1. $here are many people in the picture. 2. A man is stirring the ood. 3. A boy is watching his parents. 4. $wo women are sitting at the %erandah. 5. $he house is a wooden house. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A man is using a wooden ladle to stirring the ood. $he ladies are preparing some ood at the %erandah. $wo people are carrying a big pot care ully. A boy who is wearing a t"shirt is watching his parents. $hey were busy and wor!ing together. $he two people are carrying a pot illed with water. $here are our people sitting at the %erandah o their houses. $he boy is watching a man coo!ing in a big wo!. $he man is stirring the mi#ture in it with a wooden ladle. $he lady beside them is preparing something.

Practice 19 Set A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $he pupils are standing in rows at the assembly ground. $he headmaster is gi%ing a speech. $he teachers are standing on the stage. $wo pre ects standing beside the lag poles. $he pupils are listening to the speech.

Set B 1. $he pupils o S/ $aman )awar are standing in straight rows at the big assembly ground. 2. $he headmaster, who is standing at the rostrum, is gi%ing a speech to the pupils. 3. A sta o teachers is standing steadily on the stage while listening to the speech. 4. $he two pre ects, who are wearing their complete uni orm with bla'ers, are standing beside the lag poles. 5. $he pupils are listening attenti%ely to their headmaster&s speech. Practice 20 Set A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 0n.Ali is washing his motorcycle to !eep it as clean as a new pin. 1n.Aina, who is s+uatting, is planting some plants in a pot. 2abil, who is 0n.Ali&s son, is playing a ball with his pet cat. Amirah is riding care ully on her new bicycle around her house compound. 0n.Ali is washing his motorcycle. 1n.Aina is gardening. 2abil and his cat are playing the ball. Amirah is cycling on her new bicycle. 0n.Ali and his amily are at the compound o their house.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

5. Practice 21 Set A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

0n.Ali and his amily are doing their wee!end chores happily in the compound o their house.

$he teacher is teaching the children. A girl is crying in the classroom. A girl is swinging on the swing. Some children are listening to the teacher. A teacher is consoling the crying girl.

$he teacher, who is standing in ront o the blac!board, is teaching the children while holding a number card in her le t hand. A girl, who is sitting on the chair, is crying bitterly because she is sad. -ne o the girl who is outside is o the !indergarten, is swinging happily on the swing. Some o the children are listening attenti%ely to their teacher who is teaching in ront o them. Another teacher, who is on duty, is consoling the girl who is crying li!e a baby.

Practice 22 Set A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $wo boys are riding care ully on their bicycle along the busy road. $hree girls are wal!ing home happily along the pa%ement. $wo boys, who are standing behind their school bus, are wa%ing at their riends. A group o children, is waiting patiently or their transport to arri%e at the bus stop. A %an is waiting or the school children at the roadside. $wo boys are riding their bicycle. $hree girls are wal!ing along the road. $wo boys are wa%ing at their riend rom the school bus. $here are some children waiting or their bus at the bus stop. A %an is waiting at the roadside.

Practice 23 Set A 1. $he pupils are cleaning their school compund. 2. (arid is carrying a garbage bag. 3. Amir is holding a dust pan. 4. /amarul is cleaning the clogged drain. 5. 0n.Amir, their teacher is carrying a bas!et. Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Practice 24 Set A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $he pupils are in the school laboratory. $he teacher is teaching. $he pupils are listening to the teacher. $hey are sitting on the stools while writing some notes. $here are science apparatus on the des!. $he pupils are doing gotong"royong acti%ity as busy as bee behind their school compound. (arid is carrying a big garbage bag illed with rubbish. Amir, who is wearing a cap, is holding a dustpan. /amarul is cleaning the dirty drain because it is clogged with rubbish. 0n.Amir, their dedicated teacher, is carrying a rattan bas!et illed with rubbish.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Set B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

$he pupils are ha%ing their class in the science laboratory. $heir science teacher is showing them how to carry out an e#periment on the blac!board. $he pupils are listening attenti%ely to the instructions gi%en by the teacher. $hey are sitting on the stools while writing some notes care ully in their noteboo!. $here are a ew science apparatus such as bea!er, tripod and Bunsen burner on the long wooden des!.

Practice 25 Set A 1. $he woman is choosing a beauti ul dress. 2. $he boy is selling some drin!s. 3. $he boy is paying his burger. 4. $he girl is holding a boo!. 5. $he boo!s are on the table. Set B 1. $he woman with a long s!irt is choosing a beauti ul dress or her. 2. $he tall boy who is standing near the receptacles is selling some drin!s. 3. $he boo!s which are on the table are thic!. 4. $he girl in a school uni orm is holding a boo!. 5. $he boy is paying or his burger while the girl is attending to him. Practice 26 Set A 1. $he pupils are cleaning the classroom. 2. $he girl is sweeping the loor. 3. $he boy is cleaning the an in the classroom. 4. $he boy is arranging the table. 5. $he boy is wiping the windows. Set B 1. A group o pupils is cleaning the classroom happily. 2. $he girl clad in a pina ore is sweeping the loor. 3. $he boy who is standing on a chair is cleaning the an. 4. $he boy is arranging the table while his riend is sweeping the loor. 5. $he boy is standing on a chair and wiping the window using a rag. Practice 27 Set A 1. $he waitress is ser%ing some ood. 2. $he couple is waiting or the ood. 3. $he man is at the counter. 4. $he man is eating his ood. 5. $he woman is holing a cup o drin!. Set B 1. $he waitress with cap and apron is ser%ing some ood or her customers. 2. $he couple who is sitting at the table is waiting or the ood patiently. 3. $he tall man is standing at the counter and waiting or the customer to pay the bill. 4. $he man in a shirt is eating his ood hungrily. 5. $he woman with a short hair is holding a cup o drin! to drin! it. Practice 28 Set A 1. $he amily is at the par!. 2. $he boy is strumming the guitar. 3. $he woman is preparing some ood. 4. $he boy is playing with a toy car. 5. $he bird is perching on the tree.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

Set B 1. $he amily is ha%ing a great day at the par!. 2. $he boy who is sitting on the ground is strumming the guitar. 3. $he woman with a pony tail is preparing some ood or her amily. 4. $he little boy is playing with a toy car while is ather is en,oying the music. 5. $he dog which is under the tree is loo!ing at the bird perching on the tree. Practice 29 Set A 1. $he teacher is gi%ing a boo!. 2. $he boy is ta!ing the boo! rom the teacher. 3. $he girl is writing on the boo!. 4. $he boy is reading a boo!. 5. $he notices are on the board. Set B 1. $he smart teacher is standing and gi%ing a boo! to his pupil. 2. $he short boy is ta!ing the boo! with his le t hand. 3. $he girl with a pony tail is writing some notes on her boo!. 4. $he boy who is sitting on the chair is reading a boo!. 5. $he notices which are on the board are arranged neatly. Practice 30 Set A 1. $he pupils are decorating the classroom. 2. $he two girls are arranging the ood on the table. 3. $he boy is i#ing the balloons. 4. $he boy is holding a streamer. 5. $he girls are li ting the table. Set B 1. A party o riends is decorating the classroom to celebrate a party. 2. $he two girls are arranging many types o ood on the table neatly. 3. $he boy who is standing on a ladder is i#ing the balloons. 4. $he boy is holding a streamer and a balloon to gi%e to his riend to i# them. 5. $he girl with a headscar is li ting the table with her riend.

Paper 2 Answers for Q1

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