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P o rHtaflo l i o e y H u f f a k e r

Haley Huffaker
6 4 9 S . 2 n d W. Rexburg, ID 83440 480.559.0216

Ta b l e o f Contents
Brochure Business Cards Letterhead Montage Flier Logos Event Flier Imaging Webpage

Description: A two sided (duplex) full bleed, folding brochure. Date: March 26th, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided folded document. Learn how to wrap text around an image. Process: I set up the gateway fold in Adobe InDesign. I started by making sure my measurements were exactly where I wanted them to be. I then made my shape layouts and picked a color scheme. Next I added my logo in the front center of the brochure, along with some circles to give it shape and repetition throughout the brochure (mimicking the cookie shape). I added the text wrap on the back with the business slogan.

Description: Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo. Date: April 4th, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Objectives: Create a new logo for a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.Use the basic tools o Illustrator & InDesign.

Business Card

Process: I used the rectangle tool to create the front and back outline of my business card. I then copied/pasted the logo and contact information onto this page. I kept the logo and contact information about the same size as the information on the letterhead. I made sure that no important information came any closer than 1/8 from the edges. I also brought the dashed line into the business card to help unify the stationery pieces. Finally, I enlarged the umbrella and put it on the back of the business card.

649 S. 2nd W Rexburg, ID 83440 (480) 559 0216

Description: Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo. Date: April 4th, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Objectives: Create a new logo for a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.Use the basic tools o Illustrator & InDesign. Process: I decided to make my first page a letterhead. I positioned the placed logo in the top left corner of my letterhead. I made sure to keep it at least .5 away from the edges. I then typed my contact information into a text box and positioned it on the right hand side of the letterhead. I made my name 12pt font to contrast with the 8pt contact information. I added in a quirky design to unify the information and to get some repetition. I also added a large umbrella as a watermark in the bottom left corner. I took the opacity down to about 13%.

649 S. 2nd W

Rexburg, ID


(480) 559 0216

Description: An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or more images, and the use of typography. Date: February 15, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: Adobe Photoshop Objectives: Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography. Process: I cropped the background image to 118.5. I selected the sheet music and moved him to the background image. Then I added the hands playing the piano and toned down the saturation of the image, I then added a mask. I did not lasso the piano first, I just dragged the entire image to the background image and started masking it until it was a gradual blend. With black paint and a 100% opacity, softedged brush, I painted away the hard image edges. I then added the zebras and with a larger black brush at 30% opacity and 30% flow, I blended the image into the background, so it looks like they are melting into the scene. I repeated the process with the paisley doodles on either sides of the zebra picture. I added some type and tried to keep it pretty simple, to look as if it were the title of the sheet music to make it overall symbolic of the theme.

Description: Black and white promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference. Date: January 24th, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: Adobe InDesign Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic fier layout.Create a project older with image, logo and InDesigndocument to keep links intact Process: I found it useful to first create some sketches of the ideal layout. Then I used my sketch as a guide to create this flier in Adobe InDesign. I used arrows to add a sense of flow and finish. I also emphasized one word in my title for more contrast, and to create a good focal point. I left white space and kept my body copy small. I was given the image, logo, and content for this flier.

Do you want to have competitive edge in business?

Graduate Leadership Conference

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 + 8am - 5 pm Lincoln Convention Center

Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three day semi nar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss bre akthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market any employer. Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

Registration and more information available at

Description: Three logo variations for the same company Date: February 22nd, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: Adobe Illustrator Objectives: Create a variety of logos for a company or personal image.Use the basic tools of Illustrator. Process: This was really fun to create a logo in Illustrator. I used the ellipse tool to create the basic shape of the cookie. I then used the distort and transform effect to create roughness. This gave the shape a more cookie look. I then used the paint brush tool to make shadows and cracks inside the cookie, finishing it up with the rectangle tool to create chocolate chips, and a drop shadow. in addition, I made a ribbon using the rectangle tool and then deleted an anchor point to create the triangle points at the end. I made sure to choose fonts from contrasting categories to capitalize on the contrast. I also tried getting some more contrast by changing the sizes of the words.

Cookiez for College

Cookiez for College

Cookiez College

Event Ad
Description: A colorful event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scanner. Date: February 1st, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program/Tool: Microsoft Word Epson Scanner Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality image.Create a ull-bleed designUse text boxes or layout in Word.Insert and edit images in Word. Process: I scanned the sandwich image, and then used a Word image effect to delete the background. Then I added a second picture of the scanned sandwich to balance everything off. I repeated the blue stripe on the top and on the bottom of the flier for repetition and organization. I chose two fonts with contrasting weights for simplicity. I was surprised at how much I could do with all of the features on Microsoft Word. Now I know that I could use it in a pinch. Programs I used: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter).

Description: Demonstrate good photography and image editing skills. Incorporating color into a poster layout whit iriginal photo. Also to feel more comfortable with Photoshop. Date: February 8th, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program/Tools: Canon PowerShot Camera Adobe Photoshop Objectives: Learn basic photography skills.Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it.Size and crop the image.Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels.Use a selection tool to isolate a portion o the image.Desaturate the selected portion o the image.Use a lter or colorize a portion o the image. Process: I decided on Complementary color scheme. I went and capture a quality photo with good light, sharp focus, and nice composition (LSC). I used my Nikon Coolpix P90. I then brought the photo into Photoshop and used these specific editing techniques: levels, sharpness, saturation, and color balance. Then I design an 8.511 layout that including my photo, text, and repeating design elements. I incorporate my color scheme title, color swatches, and color names into my design. I used the eye dropper tool and adjusted the color in the color picker to match a little more accurately. I loved the lines I created using the shape tool. Now my whole piece has the flow I hoped I could create.

Web Page
Description: A wev page designed to showcase a personally created logo Date: March 18th, 2014 Course/Instruction: Comm 130 Section 8 Julie Peterson Program: TextWrangler Adobe Photoshop Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png or a web page.Write content to describe the process of creating your logo andhow it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display a logo and content.Acquire a working knowledge o HML and basicunderstanding on CSS.Identiy hex colors or web design.Compress multiple fles in a zipped folder to attach as one fle. Process: I created this web page using only TextWrangler. I had never seen or written any HTML/CSS. It was interesting to see how you can make a web page by only using a simple text editor. It was also interesting to use the HTML validator. It was useful to have something check to see if I had any problems with my code. After I marked up all my content and inserted my image, I attached a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the brown color from the chocolate chips and the teal color from the ribbon on my logo as the colors for my webpage. I found these colors by opening my logo in photoshop and using the eye dropper tool.

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