Course Syllabus Course Title: OMND 6020

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Course Syllabus

Course Prefix : Course Title: Credit Hours: Term: Course Start Date: Course End Date: Prerequisites: Course Location/Times: Instructors Name: Telep one: SCN! E"mail #ddress: #$aila%ilit&:

Course Title: OMND 6020

OMND 6020 01 Oriental Medicine II: Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis 2.5 Winter Quarter 201! 1"10"201# !"2$"201# Co%&letion o' Quarter 1(# )rida* +:!0 a% , 12:00a% Christo&her -edeler ../c. #$0(!00(!120 3* a&&oint%ent

Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed

7&dated: 10"1#"1!

8age 1 o' 0

!&SCN!: / 5e9site is esta9lished 'or this course on M*4CNM. :o to and clic; onto M*4CNM lin;. This course is listed under its course nu%9er. /ll students enrolled in this course 5ill 9e 'E()I'ED to &eriodicall* %onitor this 5e9site. T is *e%site *ill %e used to ma+e official announcements re,ardin, t is course- It is t e indi$idual students responsi%ilit& to c ec+ for t ose announcementsText%oo+s: <8lease chec; the .i9rar* 'or a1aila9ilit* o' e3oo;s or go to !.SCN! .i9rar* ta9= 'equired Text: <4CNM o5ns a co&* o' all re>uired te?t9oo;s=. @innong Chen Chinese /cu&uncture and Mo?i9ustion )oreign .anguage 8ress 3eiAing China. 'ecommended Text: <4CNM does not o5n a co&* o' e1er* reco%%ended te?t9oo;=. Maciocia )oundation o' Chinese Medicine Churchill .i1ingstone 1+$+ Maciocia Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine Bastland 8ress 4eattle 1++# .i 4hi Chen 8ulse Diagnosis 8aradig% 8u9lications 3roo;line Massachusetts /t er:

Biography Chris -edeler is a .icensed /cu&uncturist <../c.= in the state o' /riDona 5ith a Master o' 4cience degree in Oriental Medicine 'ro% 4outh5est /cu&uncture College. Ee also is a nationall* 9oard certi'ied Di&lo%ate in /cu&uncture 5ith the National Certi'ication Co%%ission 'or /cu&uncture and Oriental Medicine <NCC/OM= a &ro'essional %e%9er o' the /riDona 4ociet* o' Oriental Medicine and /cu&uncture </C4OM/=. Chris also is an /.C.E.B. <F 60!(!2!= 9oard certi'ied Clinical E*&nothera&ist. Chris has his 3/ in 8s*cholog* and 8hiloso&h* 'ro% Ne5 Me?ico 4tate 7ni1ersit* and also has Masters le1el training in &s*cholog* 'ro% Ne5 Me?ico 4tate 7ni1ersit* and the 7ni1ersit* o' Washington. Chris is a 'acult* %e%9er at the 8hoeni? Institute o' Eer9al Medicine and /cu&uncture <8IEM/=. Chris is o5ner o' Oasis /cu&uncture a &ri1ate acu&uncture &ractice in 4cottsdale /C. Course Description In this course 9asics o' TCM histor* and diagnosis are studied. TCM case(histor* ta;ing including the classic ten >uestions and signi'icance o' elucidated s*%&to%s are e?&lored as 5ell as TCM classic diagnostic techni>ues such as tongue and &ulse diagnosis. The s*ndro%e di''erentiation 9ased on Bight 8rinci&les is also discussed. Course Format and Summary SCN! N-D- Pro,ram /utcomes 1. De%onstrate a co%%it%ent to the &rinci&les o' naturo&athic %edicine. 2. De%onstrate ;no5ledge o' 9asic %edical sciences.

Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed

7&dated: 10"1#"1!

8age 2 o' 0

!. De%onstrate clinical ;no5ledge s;ills and attitudes in the care and treat%ent o' &atients. Diagnose health conditions 9ased u&on the collection anal*sis and inter&retation o' &atient data. De1elo& treat%ent &lans and %anage%ent strategies 'or health conditions utiliDing the thera&eutic %odalities. De1ise strategies 'or disease &re1ention and 5ellness 'or sel' and 'or &atients. #. De%onstrate a co%%it%ent to ethics and &ro'essionalis%. De%onstrate the a9ilit* to achie1e &ro'essional success. De%onstrate &ro'essional honest* and integrit*. 5. De1elo& s;ills 'or scholarshi& and li'elong learning.

Course /utcomes /t the conclusion o' this course the student 5ill 9e a9le to: 1. 6ecogniDe &rinci&les and &hiloso&h* o' )our Diagnostic Methods o' Traditional Chinese Medicine as the* a&&l* to collection and e1aluation o' clinical dates 'ro% &atients </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; # through the use o' a >uiD= 2. Descri9e indications o' a9nor%al changes o' 4hen <1italit*= Color 8h*si>ue and De%eanor o' general 9od* and local areasG a&&l* techni>ue o' Ins&ection o' TCM to collection and e1aluation o' clinical data </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; # through the use o' a >uiD= !. Descri9e indications o' a9nor%al changes o' 1oice sound and s%ell 'ro% &atients according to theor* o' Traditional Chinese MedicineG a&&l* techni>ue o' /uscultation and Ol'action o' TCM to collection and e1aluation o' clinical data </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; # through the use o' a >uiD= #. /&&l* techni>ue o' Interrogation o' TCM to collection and e1aluation o' clinical data such as chie' co%&laint histor* current illness etc. Descri9e traditional Ten Questions o' TCM and a&&l* the% to collect and anal*De &resent s*%&to%s o' &atients </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; 0 through the use o' a >uiD= 5. Descri9e indications o' a9nor%al changes o' the tongue 9od* and coatingG a&&l* techni>ue o' Tongue Diagnostics o' TCM to ins&ection and e1aluation o' &atientsH conditions </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; + through the use o' a >uiD= 6. Descri9e conditions and indications o' a9nor%al &ulsesG a&&l* 8ulse Diagnostics o' TCM to e1aluation and assess%ent o' &atientsH conditions </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; 11 through the use o' a >uiD= 0. Descri9e %ani'estations and &athogenesis o' 8atterns o' Bight 8rinci&lesG a&&l* Bight 8rinci&les o' TCM to assess%ent and diagnoses o' &atientsH conditions </ligns 5ith 8rogra% Outco%e F2G assessed during Wee; 12 through the use o' an e?a%= Course #ssessments 1.QuiD 1 <used to assess Course Outco%e F1 F2 and F!= 2.QuiD 2 <used to assess Course Outco%e F#= !.QuiD ! <used to assess Course Outco%e F5= #.QuiD # <used to assess Course Outco%e F6= 5.)inal B?a% <used to assess Course Outco%e F1 ( F0=

Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed

7&dated: 10"1#"1!

8age ! o' 0

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine ncorporated into this Course: 1.8ri%u% Non Nocere , Causati1e 'actors o' disease 5ill 9e discussed as the* relate to the courseHs su9Aect %atter to e%&hasiDe the &h*sicianHs &ledge to Ido no har%.J 2.-is Medicatri? Naturae , 4tudents 5ill disco1er and re&ort on 1arious naturo&athic a&&roaches to treat%ents o' illnesses discussed in the course. !.Tolle Causa% , 4tudents 5ill gain and understanding o' conce&ts 5hich 5ill allo5 the% to see; out the root cause o' an i%9alance and 'or%ulate and understand o' ho5 to correct the% using TCM. #.Tolle Totu% , 4tudents 5ill learn the great di1ersit* that e?ists 5ithin the hu%an race necessitating treating each &erson as the uni>ue indi1idual that the* are and thus treating the 5hole &erson. 5. Docre , Through the understanding o' TCM conce&ts students 5ill learn ho5 to recogniDe &atterns o' i%9alance 5hich can 9e easil* understood 9* their &atients and 'a%ilies.

Point !alues for the Course "ssignments

"SS #NM$NTS 0ee+ 1 1"10 IntroductionG 1"10 Ins&ection I 0ee+ 2 1"10 Ins&ection IIG 0ee+ 3 1"2# .istening K 4%elling 0ee+ 4 1"!1 QuiD IG

R$"D N#S



C/M Cha&. 12 I. C/M Cha&. 12 I.

1"10 1"10

C/M Cha&. 12 I. K II.


C/M Cha&. 12 I. K II


1"!1 C/M Cha&. 12 I. K II 1"!1


1"!1 Interrogation I 0ee+ 5 2"0 Interrogation II

C/M Cha&. 12 I. K II


0ee+ 6 2"1# Interrogation III 0ee+ 7 2"21 QuiD IIG

Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed

C/M Cha&. 12 I. K II


7&dated: 10"1#"1!

8age # o' 0

2"21 Tongue Diagnostics IG 0ee+ 8 2"2$ Tongue Diagnostics II 0ee+ 9 !"0 QuiD IIIG !"0 8ulse )eeling IG 0ee+ 1: !"1# 8ulse )eeling II 0ee+ 11 !"21 QuiD I-G !"21 Bight 8rinci&les

C/M Cha&. 12 I.


C/M Cha&. 12 I..


!"0 C/M Cha&. 12 I!"0


C/M Cha&. 12 I-


!"21 C/M Cha&. 12 I-. C/M Cha&.1! I !"21


0ee+ 12 ;<inal Exam= !"2$ )inal Total !"2$ 220 4::

"ttendance T e #ttendance polic& is at t e discretion of t e facult& mem%erDe&art%ent o' /cu&uncture and Oriental Medicine at 4CNM re>uires that all students attend at least $0L o' all lectures in a course and +0L o' all la9oratories. )ailure to %aintain these le1els o' attendance 5ill result in a INo(8assJ grade 'or the course. In lecture there are 'our >uiDDes <50L= and one 'inal e?a%ination <50L=. 4tudents are re>uired to ta;e all the >uiDDes. I' a student %ust 9e a9sent 'or 'inal e?a%ination then the student %ust contact 9oth the instructor and the 6egistrar &rior to the 'inal e?a%ination date. 7&on &resenting ade>uate docu%entation to the 6egistrar o' the una1oida9ilit* o' %issing the 'inal e?a% and &a*ing a I.ate B?a%ination )ee J the student %a* then schedule a ti%e to ta;e a %a;e(u& 'inal e?a%ination. Note: a %a;eu& 'inal e?a%ination %a* 9e a di''erent 'or%at than the standard 'inal e?a% and it %a* 9e signi'icantl* %ore di''icult than the original e?a%ination. I' a student 'ails the course 9* recei1ing an ) grade there is no retest. The instructor reser1es the right to %a;e e?ce&tions to the a9o1e &olic* in e?traordinar* situations. #cademic Honest& /cade%ic honest* is highl* 1alued at 4CNM. / student %ust al5a*s su9%it 5or; that re&resents his or her original 5ords or ideas. I' an* 5ords or ideas are used that do not re&resent the studentMs original 5ords or ideas the student %ust cite all rele1ant sources 9oth in the te?t and in the re'erences listing at the end o' the &a&er. The student should also %a;e clear the e?tent to 5hich such sources 5ere used. Words or ideas that re>uire citations include 9ut are not li%ited to all hardco&* or electronic &u9lications 5hether co&*righted or not and all 1er9al or 1isual co%%unication 5hen the content o' such co%%unication clearl* originates 'ro% an identi'ia9le source.
Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed 7&dated: 10"1#"1! 8age 5 o' 0

#cademic dis onest& could in$ol$e: Ea1ing a tutor or 'riend co%&lete a &ortion o' *our assign%ents Ea1ing a re1ie5er %a;e e?tensi1e re1isions to an assign%ent Co&*ing 5or; su9%itted 9* another student 7sing in'or%ation 'ro% online in'or%ation ser1ices 5ithout &ro&er citation Ta;ing e?a% ans5ers 'ro% another studentHs &a&er 7tiliDing %aterials not allo5ed to ans5er e?a% >uestions )or additional in'or%ation &lease see the 4CNM 4tudent Eand9oo; section on integrit* and acade%ic honest*. 'eta+e Examination Polic& #- Eli,i%ilit& for 'eta+e Exam 1. / student 5ho 'ails a course in the legac* curriculu% or re1ised curriculu% 5hich %eans co%&etenc* is 9elo5 00L is eligi9le 'or a reta;e e?a% in the 'ailed course<s= i' the student %eets the 'ollo5ing criteria: a. the student is ta;ing the course<s= 'or the 'irst ti%e 9. the student 'ailed the course<s= 'or reasons other than acade%ic dishonest* c. the student has &artici&ated in the course<s= and the student has %et the course<s= re>uire%ents as outlined in the course s*lla9us d. the student has &assed the non(o9Aecti1e re>uire%ents o' the course<s= and 2. the student has achie1ed a 'inal nu%erical grade o' 60(6+.The student 5ill 9e noti'ied 9* the /cade%ic /d1ising 4&ecialist as soon as 'inal grades are a1aila9le i' the student is eligi9le 'or a reta;e e?a%<s=. I' the student chooses to ta;e the reta;e e?a%<s= the student 5ill 9e gi1en the non(negotia9le date"ti%e"&lace 'or the reta;e e?a%<s=. I' the student chooses not to ta;e the reta;e e?a%<s= the student %ust reta;e the 'ailed course<s= at the ne?t o''ering or 9egin 'ollo5ing the re1ised curriculu% &rogra% o' stud* i%%ediatel* i' the course is in the legac* curriculu% and the course<s= is no longer 9eing o''ered. >- <ee for t e 'eta+e Exam 1. The reta;e e?a% is considered a s&ecial e?a% gi1en at a ti%e di''erent 'ro% regularl* scheduled e?a%s. 2. The s&ecial e?a% 'ee gi1en in the catalog 5ill 9e charged to the student 'or each reta;e e?a% ta;en. The 'ee assessed 'or s&ecial e?a%s is not su9Aect to 5ai1ers. !. 3usiness O''ice recei&t sho5ing &roo' o' s&ecial e?a% 'ee &a*%ent %ust 9e &ro1ided &rior to sitting 'or a s&ecial e?a%. C- <inancial #id 1. )inancial aid %a* 9e i%&acted i' a student chooses to ta;e a reta;e e?a%. 8lease contact the )inancial /id /d%inistrator 'or %ore details.
#rading Formula

Grade A ! %

Description Outstanding "ery Good A&erage

Quality Points 4 # 2

Percentage 90-100 $0-$9 '0-'9

7&dated: 10"1#"1! 8age 6 o' 0

Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed

( (( /P /( 3 4

(ail ) eligi*le +or reta,e e-a. (ail /eta,e0Pass /eta,e0(ail 3atis+actory 4nsatis+actory

0 0 2 0

60-69 Not eligi*le +or reta,e e-a. '0 or 1ig1er +ollo2ing reta,e e-a. 69 or lo2er +ollo2ing reta,e e-a.

NP'$(: )*ou may refer to the appropriate pages from the blue print+

C/)'SE S.LL#>)S #PP'/?ED >.:

%1ristop1er "edeler 56Ac6 )acult* Nong Deng MD <China= .. /c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO De&art%ent Chair&erson

1"!"201# Date 1"!"201# OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Date

Co&*right 2012 4outh5est College o' Naturo&athic Medicine /ll 6ights 6eser1ed

7&dated: 10"1#"1!

8age 0 o' 0

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