Escaped ... : Bewildered. Still Tired, But Thankful

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Bewildered. Still tired, but thankful.

Escaped ...


The HDB had a seemingly never-ending corridor. It would take me from the house past the everfriendly neighbour who liked to sit by the gate to stare out into the world, and the lovely and cheery neighbours with the three children. There was also the Major with many dogs and the family who preferred to keep to themselves. And in that second-to-last house in the corridor, farthest from the lift, was where I was running around the house trying to get myself ready.


Note to readers: Housing Development Board (HDB) flat government subsidized housing.


You are the master of your house.

Which part of the house would you prefer to be in right now? Mark the spot with an X and name it.

Which part of the house have you dreamt you were in before? Mark those areas with Z and name them. Refer to page 168, House.


It seemed that everyone else was done getting dressed ages ago, and here I was still looking for a matching pair of socks, combing my hair, doing a second take on the outfit I was wearing, getting my make up right ... Everyone had already gone down to wait for me in the car. I dashed out of the house and ran down the corridor. At the first corner, I stopped in my tracks. Amidst the many pots of plants was a pair of cold-blooded eyes staring back at me. *Gulp* Run! I told myself instinctively, urging my legs to move. There was no way I was going to be able to make it past that scaly, green reptile.


Write down 10 things you would absolutely hate to do and why.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


What in the world was a baby alligator doing there? I thought, as I made a dash for the staircase to my left.
Two floors down with six more floors to clear, I made my way through the corridor to the other staircase near the elevator lobby and continued on my journey. Hoping the alligator was not following me, I hastily pressed the buttons of the elevator, willing the elevator doors to open quickly; all the while hopping from one foot to another so that I would be ready to break into a run if the alligator appeared.


With a sigh of relief, the elevator door finally opened just as I saw the alligator appear at the top of the flight of stairs. I leapt into the elevator that was mysteriously filled with yelping dogs and pressed the button, willing the elevator door to shut in time. The scene within the elevator was hilarious and uplifting, with heaps of fur all over the place, each crying for attention from this stranger that had entered the lift.


What do you think the smaller dog is saying to the bigger one?

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Do items 1, 3, 5, and 10 as written on your list on page 50. Have you done them? If you have done them, share your experience and how you feel. If not, what excuse(s) are you giving yourself? List them below.

If you have completed the items, go to page 125. If you are having problems with this task, go to page 77.


*Ding* finally ... the sound of the bell announcing that we had arrived at our destination the first floor. I stumbled out of the elevator, still in awe at the number of dogs. Hey! What took you so long? A familiar voice rang out. I ran towards my family and explained the ordeal that I had just been through. After I had relayed my experience, they looked at me incredulously and said, Are you sure? We just ran into the Major. He said that he had an alligator as a pet before but it had died some years ago. There cannot be another alligator in the estate ...


. Only The whole of life is just like watching a film s after its as though you always get in ten minute tell you the big picture has started, and no-one will yourself the plot, so you have to work it out all by from the clues.
Terry Pratchett,Moving Pictures


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