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Jolted awake. Lost and uncertain.



Sit on a bench for 10 minutes. 1. Count the items around you. Refer to the list below. 2. Observe your surroundings. 3. Write down those observations.

Items you can count: - Pink obje cts - Primary colors - Checkere d shir ts - and any other item s you wish

to count!

Observing things around us helps us learn alot more about ourselves

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I am leisurely walking along the street across the Youth Park, when something suddenly catches my eye. I freeze in my tracks and stare. My heart begins to race as my body kicks into a `fight or flight mode. I hesitate. Should I cross the road? Turn back? Or walk on?

When our fight or flight response is activated, we tend to perceive everything in our environment as a possible threat to our survival, causing us to bypass our rational mind and increase the likelihood of overreacting. Observe yourself the next time you are in a fight or flight mode and see how your body responds (perspiration, shaking, numbness, drawing a blank), how long you are in that state, and what decisions you make.


I quickly realize it will not really matter which way I go; not in this instance anyway. The thing that caught my eye could decide my fate regardless of how strong a fight i put up. At least, i might have a chance of slowing it down. Around me, nobody else seems to think there is anything amiss. They are irritated that I am blocking the way. Move on, somebody says.

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Walk against the flow of human traffic.

Location: Pick a crowded area Day: Tuesday Time: 8:30 AM

Record how that made you feel.


My eyes are fixed on the form across the road. It frightens me so much that i cannot move. I am shaking badly.


What do you fear? - Draw it - Paste a photo - Write it out

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The form, which is really a Big Spotted Cat in my dream, saunters freely along the pavement. It turns to look in my direction. I gasp and hastily jerk my gaze away. I am trembling with fear for my life. What should i do?


A leopard cant change its spots. But you can define how it looks. Connect the spots. Create anything you like because you can.


Just walk on! Voices tinged with frustration yell out. It wont harm you. Somebody behind jostles me and I almost trip. I take one look at the big cat and mutter under my breath, Right ... keep walking. Quick! Get out of its sight.

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You see someone sitting on the ground. The person does not look well. There are some people around you:

A Doctor A Teacher A Housewife A Sales person A Policeman A Student

Who do you think will stop to help?

Would you?

Regardless of who or what you are, there are no guidelines when it comes to helping a person in need. The Bystander Effect refers to the phenomenon in which people are less likely to help a distressed person when there are more people around. Understanding this, and being mindful of your surroundings, would allow you to respond more readily to urgent situations.

The cat appears to be walking in my direction, but its gaze is not on me. It is eyeing the people behind me. Uh-oh, I think. What should i do?

We think that people notice us as much as we do. Since we are focused on ourselves, we assume that others pay close attention to us too. For all the reasons we give ourselves, ask yourself the question, So What?. Through persistence, we can eventually overcome our adversities.

Do one of the following:

1) Sing a song loudly to yourself while walking. 2) I n a group conversation, gesture two times more vigorously than usual. 3) R  aise both hands instead of one to ask a question of a lecturer. 4) Wear an outfit you would not normally wear out and walk down the street. 5) P  aste a small black dot on your right cheek.

Come up with your own random list of things to do.


What is this life if full of care;


we have no time to stand and stare?

~ William Henry Davies

Slowing down our pace in life may help us appreciate what we have, remember our objectives and even find the answers we need.


Stare into this space for ...


... as long as you can without blinking.



What comes to mind and how did you feel?


Marie Curie

N o th ing in li fe It is o n ly to is to b e f e a re d. b e u n d e rs t o o d.


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