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1. Upload a video clip to introduce yourself. 2.

Share an interesting quote and big idea from chapter 1 of Making Connections in Elementary and Middle School Social Studies (A. Johnson, 2010). 3. Share and explain a video clip you would use in your classroom to support and enhance a social studies lesson. 4. Share 4 recommendations for social studies websites.

11. Explain two virtual field trips you would have your students participate in.

12. Share a five-day unit plan.

13. Explain some of the key features of a social studies series teacher's edition. 14. Explain each of the four social studies strands taught in Nevada. 15. Explain why you think social studies should or should not be taught in elementary grades. 16. If you had the ability to do it, what would you change about the social studies curriculum in Nevada? Explain your ideas. 17. Explain a strategy from 25 Strategies for K-8 Inquiry-Based Learning: Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies. 18. Based on what youve learned this semester, explain how your definition of social studies has changed. 19. Explain the advantages of collaborating with other teachers. 20. Describe your biggest a-ha moment in EDEL 453.

5. Share a geography lesson plan.

6. Share a history lesson plan.

7. Share a civics lesson plan.

8. Share an economics lesson plan.

9. Explain two traditional field trips you would plan for your students. 10. Explain two visitation field trips you would bring to your students.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2014

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 1

Bonus Items
Bonus #1: What is your opinion about one of the hot topics in education today? Choose a topic and write about it. Present the topic, information for both sides of the issue, and an explanation of where you stand. Bonus #3: Write a short description of four books (literature, picture books, or informational text) that can help Kdg-2 students learn about social studies. The books you choose should be for the different strands. Bonus #4: Bonus #2: Discuss how you will encourage family involvement in your classroom community. Write a short description of four books (literature, picture books, or informational text) that can help intermediate students learn about social studies. The books you choose should be for the different strands.

Bonus Items are offered as extra credit. You can choose to add bonus items to your wiki or you can submit revised assignments before midnight on April 28, 2014. The total points possible for this class is 850. If bonus points put you over 850 points they will not be counted.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2014

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 2

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