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A Very Special Baby

Luke 2:120

Can you see the baby? His name is Jesus, and He is Gods Son. Kings and shepherds came to see Baby Jesus and His parents, Mary and Joseph. God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to teach us about love and show us the way to heaven.

Just Like You

Hebrews 4:15

When Jesus was growing up, He liked to play with His friends. He liked running and jumping and games and parties and yummy food just like you. Jesus loves you and He knows all about the things you like, because He was a child once too.

Enough for All

Matthew 14:1321

Many people came to hear Jesus talk about how much God loved them. One day there was not enough food for everyone there were only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus prayed and all of a sudden there was lots of bread and fish. There was enough for all the people to eat all they wanted.

Best Friend Ever

Luke 18:1517

Some children wanted to see Jesus, but there were too many people around Him. Jesus is too busy to talk to the children, someone said. But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me. Jesus loves children, and He loves you too. Jesus can be your best friend, if you ask Him.

Hes Alive!
Matthew 28

Jesus friends were sad. Jesus is dead, they said. Bad men have killed Him. But Jesus was not dead anymore. He came back to life. Jesus appeared and talked to His friends. He told them He was going up to heaven soon, but that He would always help them if they listened to His voice in their hearts. Where is Jesus now? He can be in your heart if you ask Him. He will always be with you.

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