March 1-15 T.A

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Name : Mark Andrew I. Yu Area: Northern Mindanao , March 1, 2014 March /, 2014 CD AREA w!


Date: March 1-15, 2014

ACCOMPLISHMENT %e had a meetin& with 'ir Mike in the mornin&, and durin& the e(enin& we -i& -oi .ri**.

)*an Dr. Amer +a,er at

CD , 0 NMMC, 1M1 ,NMMC 2 Cit3 "a**4

NMMC 5 work with acti(it3 with +ir Mike, thi' i' re&ardin& hi' demon'tration that wi** ,e ha))enin& around 2)m. %e came ear*3 6or u' to arran&e a** too*' needed durin& the )re'entation. %e had a &ood initia* 6eed,ack one i' Dr. Moreno the ,ac chairman o6 in6ra. then durin& the Demo there are &ood 7ue'tion comin& 6rom the )otentia* c*ient ')ecia**3 to Dr. Chan and to the ,iomedica* de)artment. 8he demo went wi** and I wi** monitor 6or 6o**ow u)' re&ardin& thi' in(e'tment o6 our M"#-C$ . 1M1 5 'ti** work with acti(it3 with 'ir Mike, I introduce him to the chie6 nur'e +ir .eor&e and we )romoted the auto-6i** it' ad(anta&e to the )atient and to the end u'er a' we**. A*'o, we meet the admin head o6 the *a,orator3 ma9am &emma and &ot their initia* demand' re&ardin& the tie u) o6 *a,orator3 e7ui)ment' and re&ardin& a*'o with the re:med centri6u&e that the3 wi** ,e needed. Cit3 "a** 5 I 6o**ow u) and ne&otiate a&ain dra. .aane re&ardin& the am,u*ance ,ut the3 need the )icture o6 the interior 6or the ma3or to 'ee the de'i&n in'ide. +he wa' demanded on thi' one thi' i' ,ecau'e the3 are antici)atin& critic' 6rom the counci* i6 the )rocurement o6 &ood' i' not worth on it' amount. --"- check the 'tatu' o6 i&e* de*i(er3 and re)romoted the ')ina* need*e 'ince the3 are a )re(iou' u'er o6 the 'aid )roduct. -ut due to their 'tock 'tatu' the demand 'ti** on ho*d 6or u' to rein'ta**. M1."- thi' account i' ,een &ood to me ,ack 23ear' a&o, ,ut due to 'ome :-)h'' that did not take care the account I ha(e to ree'ta,*i'h the 'aid account ')ecia**3 to the )urcha'er ma9am &emma. Ca)ito* 5 'chedu*e an a))ointment to the &o(ernor thi' comin& march 1>, 2014 Monda3, 6or m3 )ro)o'a* o6 our am,u*ance ,u'. +ince the drrmc chie6 ad(ice me to o)en the 'aid (ehic*e to &o(. thi' i' ,ecau'e ,ukidnon i' know 6or it' road accident thi' wi** ,e a ,i& he*) 6or their )ro(ince. +t. ?o'e)h 56o**ow u) the co**ection, ,ut 'ti** no 6und i' a(ai*a,*e, I wi** ;u't te:t them ahead o6 time. 8hat9' wh3 I in6orm them that I wi** ,e ,ack thi' Monda3 march 1>, 2014. Don Car*o' 5 Don Car*o' Doctor', had a re)eat order o6 our )roduct ,en@o* one. 8hen I )romoted

March 4, 2014

-ukidnon 0 --", M1.", Ca)ito*, +t. ;o'e)h, don car*o', <+" and =."4

our under)ad' to Dr. 1ahi*an ,ut the3 are u'in& 'u))*ie' comin& direct*3 6rom mani*a. 8hat9' wh3 I can 'ee her *ike a mam *inda de*e'te t3)e o6 owner. +o I wi** ;u't )romote other )roduct that i' not mee to one'. <+"- check the 'tatu' o6 the in6ection contro* im)*ementation o6 the ane'the'ia ,reathin& circuit to ,e 'in&*e u'e, thank' &od, with their new 'trick im)*ementation with thi' now the3 are u'in& the a,o(e item to com)act II to ,e a 'in&*e u'e one, I a*'o )romoted to them our manua* re'u'citator 'ince thi' i' a*'o &ood to ,e a 'in&*e u'e one. %hi*e at the de)artment o6 'ir ,on& the )urcha'er, I initia**3 )ro)o'e a dea* to hi' de)artment that e(er3 100 )c' o6 'u)erdr3 under)ad' that we had mark u) in to 10 )e'o'. 8he 5 )e'o' )er )c wi** ,e 6or them. 8hi' marketin& 'trate&3 i' the on*3 wa3 we can &et hi' *o3a*t3 to our 'u)erdr3 and the other )roduct' wi** ,e 6o**ow. It' *ike a )era 'a ,a'ura )ro&ram to them. =."- co**ected the )endin& co**ection, a*'o )romoted to the new o.r 'u)er(i'or ma9am &race that the 'u)erdr3 under)ad' the3 are u'in& i' our', I wou*d *ike to u' he*) 6or m3 )roduct in'ta**ed in the o.r and a*'o to m3 other )roduct that I 'ti** )enetratin&. March 5, 2014 CD 0mr:uh, cumc,comc4 M#AB" 5 ma9am a*on& and ma9am necia the two kdm9' are out o6 town, the3 tra(e* to &en-'an doctor' to 'ee the actua* )urcha'in& '3'tem the3 had. +ince the two ho')ita* i' ,een mana&e ,3 +1C nun'. Check the 'tatu' o6 the item' u'ed in a** de)artment' and mo't*3 the 6eed,ack i' )o'iti(e. CBMC- 'ti** monitor the 'tock' o6 our item' in'ta**ed, 'ti** workin& out the other )roduct' *ike the ..25:120mm in the o.r de)artment, and a*'o the hme6 at the icu de)artment. 8hi' ,een )endin& re7ue't 'ince 'ti** the3 had to con(ince their )er')ecti(e de)artment doctor'. C MC- 'ti** in6orm them re&ardin& their )urcha'e 6*ow that 'hou*d ,e ,u*k one, 'ince the3 are u'in& a c*a''ic week*3 order' with 'ma** 7uantit3. And thi' i' di'ad(anta&e 6or u' 'ince our o66ice and 'tock i' comin& 6rom ce,u cit3. that9' wh3 I a'k 6or their 'u))ort to chan&e thi' '3'tem o6 orderin&. A1MC- another )u*'e o:imeter wi** ,e order to u', an additiona* / unit' 6or their e:)an'ion u'ed. 8hat9' wh3 I noti63 the o66ice to 6a't track the 'tock' o6 our e7ui)ment. -ecau'e here in a)mc i6 3ou de*i(er3 i' 6a't then 3ou had a &ood chance to &et the other ur&ent item' the3 needed. .8=M" 5 the )rocurement '3'tem here i' 'ti** not 'ta,*e due to the new admini'tration, their ,ac 'ec that can he*) u', i' now no *on&er the head o6 the de)artment ,ut 'ti** their a' a 'ta66. %hi*e in the ho')ita* no im)ro(ement o6 their end u'er )re6erence wa3 o6 )*an to win 6or a certain 'u))*ier. IMC"- ma9am 6*or wi** ,e ce*e,ratin& her ,irthda3 thi' march 14, 2014 that9' wh3 I wou*d *ike to re*ea'e her ,cr )ro&ram. 8he recommendation i' ,een emai* in ad(ance ho)in& 6or the a))ro(a*'. AM"- 'ti** 6ocu' on the c'r ,a,aran thi' i' a e66ecti(e wa3 'ince the3 are the one can ')eci6ied a certain ,rand 6or their order a''i&ned 6rom the end u'er the c'r i' (er3 hand' on and can in6*uence the 'tock room. +t. Mar3' 5 co**ected check' and had a ).o worth 1h) 15,000.

March C, 2014

Marawi-i*i&an 0A1MC, .8=M",+t. Mar3' , IMC" AM"4

March >, 2014

CD 0CBMC, M#AB", NMMC, M"C 4 and )*an da3

CBMC 5 co**ection da3 and had 'ome 1DC one' I wi** inc*ude thi' in the t.a 6or thi' week. M#AB"- ')end time to the ,i**in& de)artment 'ince 'ti** no 6und a(ai*a,*e, accordin& to them 10m 'ti** )endin& at the )hic. 8hat9' wh3 mr:uh need a *on& ro)e 'u))*ier that can cater their need'. )*an *unch with Ma9am Nanc3 and MA9am $*(ie o6 A1MC thi' two are he*)in& me 6or the re)eat order o6 our medica* 'u))*ie'. NMMC- we co**ected a check worth 1h) 1D,000 6or the i&e* we in'ta**ed to them. MC" 5 'ti** con(ince them to u'e a di')o'a,*e uder)ad' 6or their o.r and icu de)artment )er D " re7uirement'. #e)ort ca** 'chedu*e and )ick u) the ec& machine 6or c&h Ca)ito* 5 'ti** )ro,in& how can I )enetrate ,oth co**ection and tran'action to thi' admini'tration, 'ince the3 are hand' u) the on*3 wa3 6or me to &et in i' to &o to the &o(ernor. +a,a* 5 had a ).o worth 1h) 4E,D00 thank' to the C+# head +ir domin&o and crew I am )*annin& to &i(e a re)re'entation ne:t week 6or m3 thank' &i(in& to them. 8hi' i' a &ood o))ortunit3 'ince the3 can recommend a &ood 'u))*ier that can cater a** their need'. C MC- de*i(er3 o6 our item' ?ack'on ree', 'ince thi' item when ,ack to ce,u that9' wh3 the de*i(er3 &ot de*a3ed. Ne(erthe*e'' we had it on time 6or them to u'ed. AM"- 'ir Mit'u committed to me, that he wi** re)eat order thi' march 25, 2014. 8hat i' ,ecau'e the 'tock i' 'ti** there and &ood i' he in6orm' me that I &et a &ood ;o, )enetratin& the end u'er 'ince the3 are demandin& our ,rand' to ,e u'er. Merc3- )romoted the com)act II in the o.r de)artment dr. 3u ,ut the 6ina* 'a3 i' 'ti** +r. #o'e 1a*acio', that9' wh3 I had a )*an' and )ro&ram 6or her ,e6ore the end o6 thi' month. to re)re'ent 'omethin& in order to &et her. +t. Mar39' had a co**ection and I wi** 'end thi' to&ether with the t.a 'ince it' )dc. A1MC 5 with the o)*an I had *a'tweek at cdo, the re)eat order o6 the item' worth 1h) 240k i' 7uite ea'3 to )re)are. 8hat9' a&ain to our &ood re*ation'hi) with ma9am e*(ie and mam nanc3. And in e7ui)ment we are now ,een )re''ure o6 the de*i(er3, I tr3 m3 ,e't to dramati@e 'ince our com)an3 i' an im)orter that9' wh3 interm' o6 e7ui)ment it take' a month to de*i(er3. I a*'o in6orm them that we are workin& out to trou,*e 'hoot thi' kind o6 )ro,*em 'ince the3 are the ,read and ,utter account in m3 o)eration. Cit3 ha** 5 'ti** workin& out ra))ort, it' ,etter to 'tart now than to ,e *ate in the 6uture. 1C"- in6orm them that the )otentia* order o6 item' that ,een mark down i' now a))ro(e and )ick u) 6or de*i(er3 direct to their in'titution, that9' wh3 I in6orm ma9am Faren and ma9am Irene to ,u*k order u) to 1h) 50,000 )er month. 'o that the o66ice wi** a))ro(ed m3 recommendation a' 'oon a' )o''i,*e. CBMC 5 ')end time to the )urcha'er 'ir ,a,an, 6or )ro,in& re&ardin& their )urcha'in&, 'ti** he

March D, 2014 March 10, 2014

CD 0 re)ort ca** and 1ick B) 'tock4 CD 0 Ca)ito*, +a,a*, C MC4

March 11, 2014

Ii&an 0 AM", IMC", +t. Mar3' Merc34

March 12, 2014

Marawi 0 A1MC, Cit3 ha** and .8=M"4

March 1/, 2014


0 1C", CBMC, 1M1 4

ad(ice me that ma9am *inda wi** ,e hand' on in term' o6 )ricin&, that9' wh3 m3 )*an' and )ro&ram to thi' account i' to )romote uni7ue )roduct to create demand'. March 14, 2014 CD 0NMMC, M#AB", Cit3 ha**4 NMMC- had a &ood ta*k with Dr. Chan, he *ike the item' ,ut the )rice i' (er3 hi&h accordin& to him, and a*'o the3 are waitin& 6rom the D " &o 'i&na* i6 who wi** )rocure the 'aid wa'te mana&ement )ro&ram to a** re&iona* ho')ita*'. %hi*e in 'u))*3 room ma9am edit on*3 in6orm me that i6 we are not ;oinin& ,iddin&, then it' hard 6or her to he*) u'. +ince the ,ac i' (er3 'trict on the )rice'. M#AB"- 'ti** no 6und 6or co**ection, ne(erthe*e'' had a &ood con(er'ation with ma9am a*on& the )urcha'er, we di'cu'' her tra(e* e:)erience in &en'an and da(ao cit3. and what 'he *earned on the tri). Cit3 ha**- Dra. .aane wi** ;u't kee) )o'ted u' re&ardin& the am,u*ance o))ortunit3.

1re)ared ,3 : Mark Andrew I. Yu IC 5 MINDANA 1$#A8I N Check -3 : GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

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