Engelking Dino Database

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Dinosaur Database

Use this Excel workbook to create a database of information about 10 dinosaurs.

This workbook contains four worksheets (look for the tabbed pages at the bottom of this window). The Data worksheet contains the names of 10 dinosaurs and columns for the types of information you need to find about each dinosaur (this could be an author, a sporting event, etc.). As you search the two references for information you should try to copy and paste a picture of each dinosaur into the Pictures worksheet. Finally, the Questions worksheet contains some follow-up questions for you to answer by searching your database. All of your data and responses should be contained in this file (please rename the file with your name).



Name Pterosaurs Ichthyosaurs Tyrannosaurus Rex Dilophosaurus Stegosaurus Triceratops Achelousaurus

Diet insects, fish, Squids, octopus, fish reptiles and other dinosaurs dead or alive meat-plant eating dinosaurs dead or alive soft vegatation Foliage and woody growth of trees plants

Height (ft) 10 6 40 7 13 7 8

Dimetredon Psittacosaurus

reptiles , possibly fish/shellfish/carrion tough, low growing plants

6 3




Weight (lbs) Mode of Transportation 25 walk, run, fly 200 swim 14000 walked/ran on hind legs 990 walked/ran on hind legs 4000 walked on all fours 18000 walked on all fours 12000 walked on all fours

550 walked on all fours 110 mainly used two legs, sometimes used all four

6000 walked on all fours

Time Frame Jurassic and Cretaceous 251 million to 65.5 million years ago late Cretaceous 99-65 million years ago Jurrasic Period 206-180 million years ago Late Jurrasic 154-144 million years ago late Cretaceous 99-65 million years ago Cretaceous Period 83 and 74 million years ago

Genus Name
Pteranodon Isfjordosaurus Tyrannosaurus



Permian 290-248 million years ago Early Cretaceous 144-99 million years ago

Dimetrodon Psittacosaurus

Late Cretaceous 70 million years ago


Species Name Description several different species beak, winged, several different species gigantic eyes, Large, strong legs, large head for bashing, tail Tyrannosaurus rex for balance, 55 teeth, large claws Megalosaurus wetherilli Fast, two large head crests, sharp claws Large, wall of bony plates along back to end of Stegosaurus armatus tail, spikes on the end of tail T. prorsus Three horns,
Achelousaurus horneri

Huge arching sail, large razor-sharp teeth (believed by some to change color like a Dimetrodon limbatus chameleon). Sharp parrot-like beak, tail for balancing when Psittacosaurus mongoliensis on two legs Also called nedoceratops= Two horned skull, (may have actually been a deformed triceratops, nedoceratops meaning "insufficient horned face")
N. hatcheri

Try to paste on this worksheet page a picture of each dinosaur species. Pterosaurs Ichthyosaurs

Tyrannosaurus Rex


aur species. Stegosaurus



Triceratops Diceratops Dimetredon



Respond to each of the following questions in the space provided. (The idea is more to focus on sorting the data, not knowing everything about dinosaurs).

ach of the following questions in the space provided. more to focus on sorting the data, not knowing everything about dinosaurs).

List the dinosaurs in order from shortest to tallest. Select all of the data (including the column title). Choose Sort from the Data menu and sort based upon Height). Copy and paste the results from the name column below. Name Psittacosaurus Ichthyosaurs Dimetredon Dilophosaurus Triceratops Achelousaurus Pterosaurs Stegosaurus Diceratops Tyrannosaurus Rex List the dinosaurs in order from weighing the least to weighing the most. (sort again using the same procedure, just a different variable) Name Pterosaurs Psittacosaurus Ichthyosaurs Dimetredon Dilophosaurus Stegosaurus Diceratops Achelousaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops Which weigh more, herbivores or carnivores? Justify your answer based upon the data. Herbivores, with the exception of the Tyrannosaurus, weigh more. The Diceratops, Achelousaurus, and Triceratops are amoung the top four in greatest weight; each of these dinosaurs were herbivores.

Weight (lbs) 25 110 200 550 990 4000 6000 12000 14000 18000

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