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Bachelor of Science Hospitality and Hotel Management Part II Semester- III Session 2011-2012, 2012 - 2013

E !MI"!#I$" S%HEME No Subject code BHM20 1 BHM20 2 Subject Term Marks* Th. Food Safety & Quality 50 Pr.

Industrial Training 1! "eeks#


$ BHM20 3 ' BHM20 4 T/T012 100 3%0N( T/T01 350 250 Personalit& (e)elo*ment + ,ommunication skills -i)a. )oice Internal onl&# 50 %esearch Methodolog& Internal onl&# 50

Bachelor of Science Hospitality and Hotel Management Part II Semester- I& Session 2011-2012, 2012 - 2013

E !MI"!#I$" S%HEME Subject No. 1 2 $ ' 5 7 code 45M 205 6ood Production /*erations 45M 207 6ood + 4e)erage /*erations 45M 20! 6ront /88ice /*erations 45M209 0ccommodation /*erations 45M 20: 6ood and 4e)erage ,ontrols 45M 210 5otel 0ccountanc& Th. 100 100 100 100 100 100 Pr. 100 100 100 100 Subject Term Marks*

. .

T/T012 3%0N( T/T01

700 1000


Syllabus Bachelor of Science Hospitality and Hotel Management Part II (Semester III) Session 2011 2012! 2012 201"
BHM201 #$$% S&#'() * +,&-I() H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23 M&0IM,M M&.1S/ 20 P&SS

I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('. (he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 10mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 10 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory S'5(I$4 ; & Basic Introduction to #ood Safety! #ood Ha<ards * .is:s! 5ontaminants and #ood Hygiene MI5.$ $.=&4ISMS I4 #$$% A. General characteristics of Micro-Organisms based on their occurrence and structure. B. actors affecting their gro!th in food "intrinsic and e#trinsic$ %. %ommon food borne micro-organisms& a. Bacteria "s'ores(ca'sules$ b. ungi c. )iruses d. *arasites S'5(I$4 ; B #$$% SP$I-&=' * #$$% P.'S'.>&(I$4 A. +,'es - %auses of s'oilage B. .ources of contamination %. .'oilage of different 'roducts "mil/ and mil/ 'roducts0 cereals and cereal 'roducts0 meat0 eggs0 fruits and 1egetables0 canned 'roducts$ 2. Basic 'rinci'les of food 'reser1ation 3. Methods of 'reser1ation "High +em'erature0 4o! +em'erature0 2r,ing0 *reser1ati1es 5rradiation$ B'4'#I5I&- .$-' $# MI5.$ $.=&4ISMS A. ermentation - 6ole of lactic and bacteria B. ermentation in oods "2air, foods0 1egetable0 5ndian foods0 Ba/er, 'roducts and alcoholic be1erages$ %. Miscellaneous ")inegar - anti-biotics$

S'5(I$4 ; 5 #$$% B$.4' %IS'&S'S A. +,'es "5nfections and into#ications$ B. %ommon diseases caused b, food borne 'athogens %. *re1enti1e measures #$$% &%%I(I>'S A. 5ntroduction B. +,'es "*reser1ati1es0 anti-o#idants0 s!eeteners0 food colours and fla1ours0 stabili7ers and emulsifiers$ #$$% 5$4(&MI4&4(S * &%,-('.&4(S A. 5ntroduction to ood .tandards B. +,'es of ood contaminants "*esticide residues0 bacterial to#ins m,coto#ins0 seafood to#ins0 metallic contaminants0 residues from 'ac/aging material$ %. %ommon adulterants in food 2. Method of their detection "basic 'rinci'le$ #$$% -&?S &4% .'=,-&(I$4S A. 8ational 9 * A 3ssential %ommodit:s Act " *O0 M*O etc.$ B. 5nternational 9 %ode# Alimentarius0 5.O %. 6egulator, Agencies 9 ;+O 2. %onsumer *rotection Act S'5(I$4 ; % +,&-I() &SS,.&45' A. 5ntroduction to %once't of +<M0 GM* and 6is/ Assessment B. 6ele1ance of Microbiological standards for food safet, %. HA%%* "Basic *rinci'le and im'lementation$ H)=I'4' &4% S&4I(&(I$4 I4 #$$% S'5($. A. General *rinci'les of ood H,giene B. GH* for commodities0 e=ui'ment0 !or/ area and 'ersonnel %. %leaning and disinfect ion "Methods and agents commonl, used in the hos'italit, industr,$ 2. .afet, as'ects of 'rocessing !ater "uses - standards$ 3. ;aste ;ater - ;aste dis'osal .'5'4( 5$45'.4S A. 3merging 'athogens B. Geneticall, modified foods %. ood labelling 2. 8e!er trends in food 'ac/aging and technolog, 3. B.3 "Bo1ine .erum 3nce'hthalo'ath, .'#'.'45'S/ i. Modern ood Microbiolog, b, >a,. >. ii. ood Microbiolog, b, ra7ier and ;esthoff iii. ood .afet, b, Bhat - 6ao i1. .afe ood Handling b, >acob M. 1. ood *rocessing b, Hobbs Bett, 1i. * A 6ules BHM 202 I4%,S(.I&- (.&I4I4=

M&09M&.1S 200 (1@ ?ee:s) 1$ 3#'osure to 5ndustrial +raining is an integral 'art of the 2nd ,ear curriculum. +he class !ould be di1ided into t!o grou's or as the case ma, be. +he 1? !ee/s industrial training !ould be di1ided into four(fi1e !ee/s each in the four /e, areas of ood *roduction0 ood - Be1erage .er1ice0 Accommodation O'erations - ront Office O'erations. 2$ Attendance in the 2nd ,ear !ould be calculated se'aratel, for the t!o com'onents of ininstitute training and industrial training as 'er 8%HM%+ rules. 5ndustrial +raining !ill re=uire an in'ut of 102 !or/ing da,s i.e. "1? !ee/s # 0@ da,s A 102 da,s$. A student can a1ail lea1e to a ma#imum of 1BC "1B da,s$ onl, !ith 'rior 'ermission of the hotel authorities. .imilarl,0 the institute *rinci'al can condone an additional 10C "10 da,s$ on 'roduction of a medical certificate. 3$ or a!ard of mar/s0 20C mar/s of 5+ !ould be on the basis of feed-bac/ from the industr, in a 'rescribed *erformance A''raisal orm "*A $. 5t !ill be the studentsD res'onsibilit, to get this feed-bac/(assessment form com'leted from all the four de'artments of the hotel for submission to the institute at the end of 5ndustrial +raining. or the remaining E0C mar/s0 students !ould be assessed on the basis of seminar('resentation before a select 'anel. +he 'resentation !ould be limited to onl, one /e, area of the studentDs interest. A hard co', of the re'ort !ill also ha1e to be submitted to the 'anel. 4$ 6es'onsibilities of institute0 hotel and the student(trainee !ith aims - obFecti1es ha1e been 'rescribed for adherence. B$ Once the student has been selected ( de'uted for 5ndustrial +raining b, the institute0 he(she shall not be 'ermitted to undergo 5+ else!here. 5n case students ma/e direct arrangements !ith the hotel for 5ndustrial +raining0 these !ill necessaril, ha1e to be a''ro1ed b, the institute. .tudents selected through cam'us inter1ie!s !ill not see/ 5ndustrial +raining on their o!n. @$ +here !ill be no inter change of candidates from one batch to another i.e. !inter batch to summer batch and 1ice 1ersa. I4%,S(.I&- (.&I4I4=

ObFecti1e of industrial training is to 'ro1ide to students the feel of the actual !or/ing en1ironment and to gain 'ractical /no!ledge and s/ills0 !hich in turn !ill moti1ate0 de1elo' and build their confidence. 5ndustrial training is also e#'ected to 'ro1ide the students the basis to identif, their /e, o'erational area of interest.

.'SP$4SIBI-I(I'S $# (H' (.&I4'' 1 should be 'unctual. 2 should maintain the training logboo/ u'-to-date. 3 should be attenti1e and careful !hile doing !or/. 4 should be /een to learn and maintain high standards and =ualit, of !or/. B should interact 'ositi1el, !ith the hotel staff. @ should be honest and lo,al to the hotel and to!ards their training. ? should get their a''raisals signed regularl, from the HO2Ds or training manager.

E gain ma#imum from the e#'osure gi1en0 to get ma#imum 'ractical /no!ledge and s/ills. G should attend the training re1ie! sessions ( classes regularl,. 10 should be 're'ared for the arduous !or/ing condition and should face them 'ositi1el,. 11 should adhere to the 'rescribed training schedule. 12 should ta/e the initiati1e to do the !or/ as training is the onl, time !here ,ou can get ma#imum e#'osure. 13 should0 on com'letion of 5ndustrial +raining0 hando1er all the re'orts0 a''raisals0 logboo/ and com'letion certificate to the institute. .'SP$4SIBI-I(I'S $# (H' I4S(I(,(' 1 should gi1e 'ro'er briefing to students 'rior to the industrial training 2 should ma/e the students a!are of the industr, en1ironment and e#'ectations. 3 should notif, the details of training schedule to all the students. 4 should coordinate regularl, !ith the hotel es'eciall, !ith the training manager. B should 1isit the hotel0 !here1er 'ossible0 to chec/ on the trainees . @ should sort out an, 'roblem bet!een the trainees and the hotel. ? should ta/e 'ro'er feedbac/ from the students after the training. E should brief the students about the a''raisals 0 attendance0 mar/s0 logboo/ and training re'ort. G should ensure that change of 5.+. hotel is not 'ermitted once the student has been inter1ie!ed0 selected and has acce'ted the offer. 10 should ensure that change of 5.+. batch is not 'ermitted. 11 should ensure trainees 'rocure training com'letion certificate from the hotel before Foining institute. .'SP$4SIBI-I(I'S $# (H' H$('irst e#'osure& A ,oung traineeDs first industr, e#'osure is li/el, to be the most influential in that 'ersonDs career. 5f the managers ( su'er1isors are unable or un!illing to de1elo' the s/ills ,oung trainees need to 'erform effecti1el,0 the latter !ill set lo!er standards than the, are ca'able of achie1ing0 their self-images !ill be im'aired0 and the, !ill de1elo' negati1e attitudes to!ards training0 industr,0 and 9 in all 'robabilit, 9 their o!n careers in the industr,. .ince the chances of building successful careers in the industr, !ill decline0 the trainees !ill lea1e in ho'e of finding other o''ortunities. 5f on the other hand0 first managers(su'er1isors hel' trainees achie1e ma#imum 'otential0 the, !ill build the foundations for a successful career. Hotels& 1. should gi1e 'ro'er briefing session(orientation(induction 'rior to commencement of training. 2. should ma/e a standardi7ed training module for all trainees. 3. should strictl, follo! the structured training schedule. 4. should ensure cordial !or/ing conditions for the trainee. B. should co-ordinate !ith the institute regarding training 'rogramme. @. should be strict !ith the trainees regarding attendance during training. ?. should chec/ !ith trainees regarding a''raisals0 training re'ort0 log boo/ etc.

E. should inform the institute about truant trainees. G. should allo! the students to interact !ith the guest. 10. should s'ecif, industrial trainingDs H2os and 2onDtsI for the trainee. 11. should ensure issue of com'letion certificate to trainees on the last da, of training.

%'P&.(M'4( $# ($,.ISM! H$SPI(&-I()*H$('- M&4&='M'4( P,4A&BI ,4I>'.SI()! P&(I&-&

Industrial (raining P'.#$.M&45' &PP.&IS&- #$.M (P&#)

8ame of .tudent& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 6oll 8o& JJJJJJJJJJJJJ 5nstitute&0 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2uration& 4 !ee/s "24 !or/ing da,s$ 8ame of the Hotel& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ rom&JJJJJJJJJ +o& JJJJJJJJJJJ

8ame of .tudent& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 6oll 8o& JJJJJJJJJJJJJ 5nstitute& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2uration& 4 !ee/s "24 !or/ing da,s$ 8ame of the Hotel& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ rom&JJJJJJJJJ +o& JJJJJJJJJJJ 2e'artment& -B. ( * ( HK ( O

A''earance 5mmaculate A''earance0 .'otless uniform0 ;ell groomed hair0 %lean nails - hands B .mart A''earance0 %ris' uniform0 Acce'table hair0 %lean nails and hands 4 ;ell *resented0 %lean Lniform0 Acce'table hair0 %lean nails - hands 3 Lntid, hair0 %reased ill /e't uniform0 Hands not clean at times 2 2irt, ( dishe1elled0 4ong ( un/em't hair0 2irt, hands - long nails 1 *unctualit, ( Attendance " JJJJJ da,s 'resent out of 30 da,s$ On time0 ;ell *re'ared0 6ead, to commence tas/0 Attendance 3#cellent 100C B On time0 4ac/s some 're'aration but co'es !ell0 Attendance )er, good G0C 4 On time0 .ome disorgani7ed as'ects-Fust co'es0 Attendance 6egular E0C 3 Occasionall, late0 2isorgani7ed a''roach0 Attendance irregular @0C

2 re=uentl, late0 8ot 're'ared0 re=uentl, absent !ithout e#cuse B0C 1 Abilit, to %ommunicate ";ritten ( Oral$ )er, confident0 demonstrates outstanding confidence - abilit, both s'o/en(!ritten B %onfident0 2eli1ers information 4 %ommunicates ade=uatel,0 but lac/s de'th and confidence 3 Hesitant0 lac/s confidence in s'o/en ( !ritten communication 2 )er, inanimate0 unable to e#'ress in s'o/en or !ritten !or/ 1 Attitude to %olleagues ( %ustomers ;ins ( retains highest regard from colleagues has an outstanding ra''ort !ith clients B *olite0 considerate and firm0 !ell li/ed. 4 Gets on !ell !ith most colleagues0 Handles customers !ell. 3 .lo! to mi#0 !ea/ manners0 is distant has insensiti1e a''roach to customers 2 2oes not mi#0 relate !ell !ith colleagues - customers 1 Attitude to .u'er1ision ;elcomes criticism0 Acts on it0 1er, co-o'erati1e B 6eadil, acce'ts criticism and is noticeabl, !illing to assist others. 4 Acce'ts criticism0 but does not necessaril, act on it. 3 +a/es criticism 1er, 'ersonall,0 broods on it. 2 *ersistentl, disregards criticism and goes o!n !a,. 1 5nitiati1e ( Moti1ation )er, effecti1e in anal,7ing situation and resourceful in sol1ing 'roblems 2emonstrates ambition to achie1e 'rogressi1el,. B .ho!s read, a''reciation and !illingness to tac/le 'roblems *ositi1el, see/s to im'ro1e /no!ledge and 'erformance

4 Lsuall, gras's 'oints correctl,. .ho!s interest in all !or/ underta/en. 3 .lo! on the u'ta/e. 5s interested onl, in areas of !or/ 'referred. 2 6arel, gras's 'oints correctl,. 4ac/s dri1e and commitment. 1 6eliabilit, ( %om'rehension 5s totall, trust !orth, in an, !or/ing situationM Lnderstands in detail0 !h, and ho! the Fob is done. B %an be de'ended u'on to identif, !or/ re=uirements and !illing to com'lete them. 6eadil, a''reciates0 ho! and !h, the Fob is done. 4 Gets on !ith the Fob in hand. %om'rehends0 but doesnDt full, understand !or/ in hand 3 %annot be relied u'on to !or/ !ithout su'er1ision. %om'rehends onl, after constant e#'lanation. 2 6e=uires constant su'er1ision. 4ac/s an, com'rehension of the a''lication. 1 6es'onsibilit, Acti1el, see/s res'onsibilit, at all times. B )er, !illing to acce't res'onsibilit,. 4 Acce'ts res'onsibilit, as it comes. 3 5nclined to refer matters u'!ards rather than ma/e o!n decision. 2 A1oids ta/ing res'onsibilit,. 1 <ualit, of ;or/ 3#ce'tionall, accurate in !or/0 1er, thorough usuall, unaided. B Maintains a high standard of =ualit, 4 Generall, good =ualit, !ith some assistance. 3 *erformance is une1en.

2 5naccurate and slo! at !or/. 1 <uantit, of !or/ Outstanding in out'ut of !or/. B Gets through a great deal. 4 Out'ut satisfactor,. 3 2oes rather less than e#'ected. 2 Out'ut regularl, insufficient 1 +otal JJJJJJJ( B0 .ti'end *aid& 6s. JJJJJJJJJJJ 'er month. 8ame of A''raiser& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ .ignature& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2esignation of A''raiser& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2ate & JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ .ignature of .tudent& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 2ate & JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

BHM 20" M&.1S/ 20

.'S'&.5H M'(H$%$-$=) P&SSM&.1S "23


H$,.S &--$('%/ 12

I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('.

(he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 10 mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 10 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory

6esearch Methodolog, !ill be taught in the theor, class to 're'are students on ho! to a''roach the subFect of 6esearch *roFect in the 3rd ,ear. 5n'uts can be gi1en to the students during the institute tenure but to'ics allotted onl, after return from 5+. +his !ill hel' students 'ercei1e the subFect in a better fashion !hile the 1acation 'eriod bet!een the t!o ,ears "2nd 3rd ,ear$ utili7ed for e#'lorator, research and self-stud,. inal 're'aration of the 'roFect !ill be done onl, in the 3rd ,ear under guidance. ..8o. +o'ic I4(.$%,5(I$4 ($ .'S'&.5H M'(H$%$-$=) A. Meaning and obFecti1es of 6esearch B. +,'es of 6esearch %. 6esearch A''roaches 2. .ignificance of 6esearch 3. 6esearch methods 1s Methodolog, . 6esearch *rocess G. %riteria of Good 6esearch H. *roblem faced b, 6esearches 5. +echni=ues 5n1ol1ed in defining a 'roblem .'S'&.5H %'SI=4 A. Meaning and 8eed for 6esearch 2esign B. eatures and im'ortant conce'ts relating to research design %. 2ifferent 6esearch design 2. 5m'ortant 3#'erimental 2esigns S&MP-' %'SI=4 A. %ensure and sam'le .ur1e, B. 5m'lication of .am'le design %. .te's in sam'ling design 2. %riteria for selecting a sam'ling 'rocedure 3. %haracteristics of a good sam'le design . 2ifferent t,'es of .am'le design G. Measurement .cales H. 5m'ortant scaling +echni=ues M'(H$%S $# %&(& 5$--'5(I$4 A. %ollection of *rimar, 2ata B. %ollection through <uestionnaire and schedule collection of secondar, data

%. 2ifference in <uestionnaire and schedule 2. 2ifferent methods to collect secondar, data

%&(& &4&-)SIS I4('.P.'(&(I$4 &4% P.'S'4(&(I$4 ('5H4I+,'S A. H,'othesis +esting B. Basic conce'ts concerning H,'othesis +esting %. *rocedure and flo! diagram for H,'othesis +esting 2. +est of .ignificance 3. %hi-.=uare Anal,sis . 6e'ort *resentation +echni=ues

BHM ; 20B

Personality %e8elopment *5ommunication S:ills ($nly >i8a 8oice) M&0IM,M M&.1S/ 20 P&SS

H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23

5ommunication s:ills/ #eatures of an effecti8e communication9 >erbal and non 8erbal 5ommunication!Barriers and filters9-istening and acti8e listening9 #eedbac:

&sserti8eness and 5onfidence building9Body language/.ole of different parts of the body in 5ommunication!4on 8erbal beha8ior9 %e8eloping an ,nderstanding of Social beha8iorC%ressing for Se8ice Industry/%oDs and %onDtDs for Men and ?omen!'thical %ilemmas (eam 7or:!=roup %iscussion!Presentation!.esume 7riting!?riting formal letters .ecommended Boo:s 1. 5ndraFit Bhattachar,a0An a''roach to %ommunication ./ills02elhi&2han'at 6ai0200E 2. %ollins %obuild 3nglish Grammar 3. )arinder Kumar0Bodh 6aF0Manocha0Business %ommunication ./ills0Kal,ani *ublishers08e! 2elhi04atest edition 4. ;h, decisions fails0*aul %.8utt0Berrett Kochler * rancisco02002 B. Business 3thics0AnuF .a#ena0>ai'ur&.ublime *ublications0200@ @. Business 3thics and Managerial )alues(..K. Bhatia08e! 2elhi&2ee' - 2ee' *ublications *1t. 4td. 4atest 3dition ?. )alues 0 3thics and Business & %hallenges for 3ducation and Management0 Ananta Kumar Giri0>ai'ur(8e! 2elhi&6a!at *ublications04atest 3dition

E(he Internal eFaminer 7ill conduct the test through >i8a >oice

Syllabus Bachelor of Science Hospitality and Hotel Management Part II (Semester I>) Session 2011 2012! 2012 201"
BHM202 #$$% P.$%,5(I$4 $P'.&(I$4S ; (H'$.)

H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23

M&0IM,M M&.1S/ G0 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('.


(he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 12 mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 20 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory S'5(I$4 & +,&4(I() #$$% P.$%,5(I$4 '+,IPM'4( 3=ui'ment re=uired for mass(1olume feeding0 Heat and cold generating e=ui'ment0 %are maintenance of this e=ui'ment0 Modern de1elo'ments in e=ui'ment manufacture


M'4, P-&44I4= Basic 'rinci'les of menu 'lanning 9 reca'itulation0 *oints to consider in menu 'lanning for 1arious 1olume feeding outlets such as 5ndustrial0 5nstitutional0 Mobile %atering Lnits . *lanning menus for .chool(college students0 5ndustrial !or/ers0Hos'itals0Outdoor 'arties0+heme dinners0 +rans'ort facilities0 cruise lines0 airlines0 rail!a, and 8utritional factors for the abo1e . S'5(I$4 ; B I4%'4(I4= *rinci'les of 5ndenting for 1olume feeding0*ortion si7es of 1arious items for different t,'es of 1olume feeding0Modif,ing reci'es for indenting for large scale catering0*ractical difficulties !hile indenting for 1olume feeding. P-&44I4= *rinci'les of 'lanning for =uantit, food 'roduction !ith regard to .'ace allocation0 3=ui'ment selection0.taffing.

S'5(I$4 ; 5 >$-,M' #''%I4= 5nstitutional and 5ndustrial - %atering0+,'es of 5nstitutional - 5ndustrial %atering0*roblems associated !ith this t,'e of catering0 .co'e for de1elo'ment and gro!th. Hos'ital %atering- Highlights of Hos'ital %atering for 'atients0 staff0 1isitors S'5(I$4 ; % .'=I$4&- I4%I&4 5,ISI4'

5ntroduction to 6egional 5ndian %uisine0Heritage of 5ndian %uisine0 actors that affect eating habits in different 'arts of the countr,0 %uisine and its highlights of different states(regions(communities to be discussed under& Geogra'hic location0Historical bac/ground0.easonal a1ailabilit,0.'ecial e=ui'ment0.ta'le diets0.'ecialt, cuisine for festi1als and s'ecial occasions. S(&('S Andhra *radesh0 Bengal0 Goa0 GuFarat0 Karnata/a0 Kashmir0 Kerala0 Madh,a *radesh0 Maharashtra0 8orth 3astern .tates0 *unFab0 6aFasthan0 +amil 8adu and Lttar *radesh( Lttaranchal. 5$MM,4I(I'S *arsee0 %hettinad0 H,derabadi0 4uc/no!i0 A1adhi0 Malbari(.,rian %hristian and Bohri. %IS5,SSI$4S Indian Breads! Indian S7eets! Indian Snac:s9 .eference Boo:s Parshad / 5oo:ing 7ith Indian Masters Professional 5hef b y &r8ind Saras7at

#$$% P.$%,5(I$4 $P'.&(I$4S ; P.&5(I5&M&.1I4= S5H'M' #$. P.&5(I5&- '0&MI4&(I$4 H$,.S &--$('% /120 M&0IM,M M&.1S 100 (Internal B0 mar:s 'Fternal H0 mar:s) P&SS M&.1S "23

(o formulate "H set of menus from the follo7ing cuisines9

I &7adh I Bengal I =oa I =uJarat I Hyderabad I 1ashmiri I Maharastra I PunJabi I .aJasthan I South India ((amilnadu! 1arnata:a! 1erala) S,=='S('% M'4,S M&H&.&S(.I&4 M'4, 01 / Masala Bhat0 Kolha'uri Mutton0 Batata BhaFee0 Masala*oori0 Koshimbir0 %oconut *oli. M'4, 02 / Moong 2al Khichdee0 *atrani Macchi0 +omato .aar0 +ilgud %ha'atti0 Amti0Basundi. &?&%H

-M'4, 01/ Na/hni *ulao0 Mughlai *aratha0 Gosht 2o *ia7a0 Badal >aam0 Kulfi !ith alooda -M'4, 02 / Galouti Kebab0 Ba/ar/hani0 Gosht Korma0 *aneer *asanda0 Mu77afar B'4=&-I M'4, 01/ Ghee Bhat Macher >hol Aloo *osto Misti 2oi M'4, 02 2oi Mach +i/oni *ratha Baigun BhaFa *a,esh M'4, 0" Mach Bha'e 4uchi .u/to Kala >amun M'4, 0B *ra!an *ulao Mutton )idalloo Beans oogath 2odol

=$&4 M'4, 01 Arro7

Galina Oacutti +oor 2al .ora/ Alle Belle M'4, 02 %oconut *ulao ish %aldeen %abbage oogath Bibinca P,4A&BI M'4, 01 6ada Meat Matar *ulao Kadhi *unFabi Gobhi Kheer M'4, 02 Amritsari Macchi 6aFmah Masala *indi %hana Bhaturas 6o! 2i Kheer M'4, 0" .aron da.aag Ma//i 2i 6oti *esha!ari %hole Motia *ulao .ooFi 2a Hal!a M'4, 0B +andoori 6oti +andoori Murg 2al Ma/hani *udinia %hutn, Baingan Bhartha .a1ian S$,(H I4%I&4 M'4, 01 Meen *ori,al %urd 6ice +horan

6asam *al *a,asam M'4, 02 4ime 6ice Meen Moilee Olan Malabari *ratha *ara''u *a,asam M'4, 0" +amarind 6ice Kori Gashi Kalan .ambhar .a1ian *a,asam M'4, 0B %oconut 6ice %hic/en %hettinad A1ial Huli M,sore *a/ .&A&S(H&4I M'4, 01 Gatte Ka *ulao 4al Maas Ma//i Ka .o!eta %hutn, "Garlic$ 2al Hal!a M'4, 02 2al Batti %hurma Besan Ke Gatte 6atalu Ki .ub7i .afed Mass =,A.&(I M'4, 01 .ar/i Bro!n 6ice .alli Murg GuFrati 2al Methi +he'la .hri/hand

M'4, 02 GuFrati Khichadi Oondhi,u Batata 8u +omato Osaman >eera *oori Mohanthal H)%'.&B&%I M'4, 01 .of,ani Bir,ani Methi Murg +omato Kut Hare *ia7 /a 6aita 2ouble Ka Meetha M'4, 02 Kachi Bir,ani 2alcha Mirchi Ka .alan Mi# )eg. 6aita Khumani Ka Meetha 1&SHMI.I +!o menus ma, be formed out of the 2ishes gi1en as under& .ice and Bread Preparations/ Mutaegen0 *ulao "Kashmiri$0 *lain 6ice0 Girdeh0 4a!as Meat Preparations& Gushtaba 06ista 0Marche1angan /orma0 Macch Kofta0 Na/hean Kali,a0 +aba/ Maa70 6ogon >osh >egetables and Potato& 6u!angan chaman0%hoe/ !angan0%haman <ali,an Alleh Na/hean0 2um Aloo Kashmiri 08ader *ala/0 6a7ma GogFi S7eet %ishes& Kongeh *hirin ".ooFi 'hirni !ith .affron$0 AaePt 'hirin ";heat lour *hirni$0Hall!a. 5hutneys& MuFeh cheten0Ganda %heten02ueen cheten0Aleh cheten"'um'/in *hirni Hall!a$ BHM20H #$$% * B'>'.&=' S'.>I5' $P'.&(I$4S ; (H'$.)

H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23

M&0IM,M M&.1S/ G0


I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('. (he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 12

mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 20 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory S'5(I$4 ; & &-5$H$-I5 B'>'.&=' 5ntroduction and definition0*roduction of Alcohol0 ermentation 'rocess02istillation 'rocess0%lassification !ith e#am'les %ISP'4S' B&. 5ntroduction and definition0Bar la,out 9'h,sical la,out of bar %. Bar stoc/ 9 alcohol - non alcoholic be1erages 2. Bar e=ui'ment S'5(I$4 ; B ?I4'S A. 2efinition - Histor, B. %lassification !ith e#am'les Q +able(.till(8atural Q .'ar/ling Q ortified Q Aromati7ed %. *roduction of each classification 2. Old ;orld !ines "*rinci'al !ine regions0 !ine la!s0 gra'e 1arieties0 'roduction and brand names$ Q rance Q German, Q 5tal, Q .'ain Q *ortugal

3. 8e! ;orld ;ines "*rinci'al !ine regions0 !ine la!s0 gra'e 1arieties0 'roduction and brand names$ Q L.A Q Australia Q 5ndia Q %hile Q .outh Africa Q Algeria Q 8e! Realand

. ood - ;ine Harmon, G. .torage of !ines H. ;ine terminolog, "3nglish - rench$ S'5(I$4 ; 5 B''. A. 5ntroduction - 2efinition B. +,'es of Beer %. *roduction of Beer 2. .torage 02 SPI.I(S A. 5ntroduction - 2efinition B. *roduction of .'irit Q *ot-still method Q *atent still method %. *roduction of Q ;his/, Q 6um Q Gin Q Brand, Q )od/a Q +e=uilla 2. 2ifferent *roof .'irits Q American *roof Q British *roof ".i/es scale$ Q Ga, 4ussac "O5M4 .cale$ S'5(I$4 ; % &P'.I(I#S A. 5ntroduction and 2efinition B. +,'es of A'eritifs Q )ermouth "2efinition0 +,'es - Brand names$ Q Bitters "2efinition0 +,'es - Brand names$

.eference Boo:s 1. SAndre!s0 .udhirS T ood - Be1erage .er1ice +raining Manual 2. SAndre!s0 .udhirS & ood and Be1erage .er1ice 3. SBagchi0s.nS & +e#t boo/ of food - be1erage ser1ice 4.SBohrmann0 *eterS +he Bartender Guide B. Scousins0FohnS

ood - be1erage mgt @. S2ha!an0 )iFa,S ood - be1erage ser1ice ?. SGlo1er0 BrianS %om'lete guide to beer E. >agmohan0 8egiS ood and be1erage la!s food safet, and h,giene G. S>uhlin0 6ichard 2000 cham'agnes 10. S4ear,0 4an O.S ;ine an introduction 11. S4illicra'0 2ennisS ood and be1erage ser1ice 12. SMA6530>A%<L3.S +H3 ;583 MA8LA4 13. S6AN0%N654S +H3 GL523 +O ;583 14. S+ha/ur0 )iFa, 6S ood and be1erage ser1ice 1B. S!alton0 .tuartS ?B0 coc/tails 1@. 6 K .ingh Bar and Be1erage Management 1?. 2ittmer *rinci'les of food0be1erage - labor cost control 1E. Andre 2omine ;ine "Konemann$

#$$% * B'>'.&=' S'.>I5' $P'.&(I$4S ; P.&5(I5&M&.1I4= S5H'M' #$. P.&5(I5&- '0&MI4&(I$4 H$,.S &--$('% /"0 M&0IM,M M&.1S 100 (Internal B0 mar:s 'Fternal H0 mar:s) %ispense Bar ; $rgani<ing Mise en place +as/-01 ;ine ser1ice e=ui'ment +as/-2 Beer ser1ice e=ui'ment +as/-03 %oc/tail bar e=ui'ment +as/-04 4i=ueur ( ;ine +rolle, +as/-0B Bar stoc/ - alcoholic - non-alcoholic be1erages +as/-0@ Bar accom'animents - garnishes P&SS M&.1S "23

+as/-0? Bar accessories - dis'osables Ser8ice of ?ines +as/-01 .er1ice of 6ed ;ine +as/-02 .er1ice of ;hite(6ose ;ine +as/-03 .er1ice of .'ar/ling ;ines +as/-04 .er1ice of ortified ;ines +as/-0B .er1ice of Aromati7ed ;ines +as/-0@ .er1ice of %ider0 *err, - .a/e Ser8ice of &peritifs +as/-01 .er1ice of Bitters +as/-02 .er1ice of )ermouths Ser8ice of Beer +as/-01 .er1ice of Bottled - canned Beers +as/-02 .er1ice of 2raught Beers Ser8ice of Spirits +as/-01 .er1ice st,les 9 neat(on-the-roc/s(!ith a''ro'riate mi#ers +as/-02 .er1ice of ;his/, +as/-03 .er1ice of )od/a +as/-04 .er1ice of 6um +as/-0B .er1ice of Gin +as/-0@ .er1ice of Brand, +as/-0? .er1ice of +e=uila

Ser8ice of -i6ueurs +as/-01 .er1ice st,les 9 neat(on-the-roc/s(!ith cream(en fra''e +as/-02 .er1ice from the Bar +as/-03 .er1ice from 4i=ueur +rolle, ?ine * %rin:s -ist +as/-01 ;ine Bar +as/-02 Beer Bar +as/-03 %oc/tail Bar Matching ?ines 7ith #ood +as/-01 Menu *lanning !ith accom'an,ing ;ines Q %ontinental %uisine Q 5ndian 6egional %uisine +as/-02 +able la,ing - .er1ice of menu !ith accom'an,ing ;ines Q %ontinental %uisine

Q 5ndian 6egional %uisine

BHM20@ #.$4( $##I5' $P'.&(I$4S ; (H'$.) H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23 M&0IM,M M&.1S/ G0 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('. (he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 12 mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 20 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory S'5(I$4 & 5$MP,('. &PP-I5&(I$4 I4 #.$4( $##I5' $P'.&(I$4 A. 6ole of information technolog, in the hos'italit, industr, P&SS

B. actors for need of a *M. in the hotel %. actors for 'urchase of *M. b, the hotel 2. 5ntroduction to idelio - Amadeus S'5(I$4 ; B #.$4( $##I5' (&55$,4(I4=) A. Accounting undamentals B. Guest and non guest accounts %. Accounting s,stem Q 8on automated 9 Guest !ee/l, bill0 )isitors tabular ledger Q .emi automated Q ull, automated 5H'51 $,( P.$5'%,.'S Q Guest accounts settlement - %ash and credit - 5ndian currenc, and foreign currenc, - +ransfer of guest accounts - 3#'ress chec/ out

S'5(I$4 5 5$4(.$- $# 5&SH &4% 5.'%I( 4I=H( &,%I(I4= A. unctions B. Audit 'rocedures "8on automated0 semi automated and full, automated$ #.$4( $##I5' * =,'S( S&#'() &4% S'5,.I() A. 5m'ortance of securit, s,stems B. .afe de'osit %. Ke, control 2. 3mergenc, situations "Accident0 illness0 theft0 fire0 bomb$ S'5(I$4 % #.'45H A. 3#'ressions de 'olitesse et les commander et 3#'ressions dDencouragement B. Basic con1ersation related to ront Office acti1ities such as Q 6eser1ations "'ersonal and tele'honic$ Q 6ece'tion "2oorman0 Bell Bo,s0 6ece'tionist etc.$ Q %leaning of 6oom - change of 6oom etc.



1.SBhatnagar0s./ 0I ront office mgtI 2. SAndre!s0 .udhirS Hotel front office training manual 3. SAggar!al0 6a1iS Hotel front office & s,stems - 'rocedures 4. SAbbot0 *eter - 4e!r,0 .ueS S ront office& 'rocedurres0 social s/ills ,ields and managementS

#.$4( $##I5' $P'.&(I$4S P.&5(I5&M&.1I4= S5H'M' #$. P.&5(I5&- '0&MI4&(I$4 H$,.S &--$('% /"0 M&0IM,M M&.1S 100 (Internal B0 mar:s 'Fternal H0 mar:s) P&SS M&.1S "23

A. Hands on 'ractice of com'uter a''lications related to ront Office 'rocedures such as Q 6eser1ation0 Q 6egistration0 Q Guest Histor,0 Q +ele'hones0 Q House/ee'ing0 Q 2ail, transactions B. ront office accounting 'rocedures o Manual accounting o Machine accounting o *a,able0 Accounts 6ecei1able0 Guest Histor,0 Nield Management %. 6ole *la, 2. .ituation Handling .LGG3.+5)3 45.+ O +A.K. O6 6O8+ O 5%3 O*36A+5O8 .N.+3M

+o'ic 1 Hot function /e,s 2 %reate and u'date guest 'rofiles 3 .end confirmation letters 4 *rint registration cards B Ma/e 5+ reser1ation - grou' reser1ation @ Ma/e an Add-on reser1ation ? Amend a reser1ation E %ancel a reser1ation-!ith de'osit and !ithout de'osit G 4og onto cahier code 10 *rocess a reser1ation de'osit 11 *re-register a guest 12 *ut message and locator for a guest 13 *ut trace for guest 14 %hec/ in a reser1ed guest 1B %hec/ in da, use 1@ %hec/ 9in a !al/-in guest 1? Maintain guest histor, 1E Ma/e sharer reser1ation 1G Add a sharer to a reser1ation

20 Ma/e A(6 account 21 +a/e reser1ation through +ra1el Agent(%om'an,( 5ndi1idual or .ource 22 Ma/e room change 23 Ma/e chec/ and u'date guest folios 24 *rocess charges for in-house guests and non-resident guests. 2B Handle allo!ances and discounts and 'ac/ages 2@ *rocess ad1ance for in-house guest 2? *ut routing instructions 2E *rint guest folios during sta, 2G *rocessing foreign currenc, e#change( che=ue e#change 30 *rocess guest chec/ out b, cash and credit card 31 %hec/ out !ithout closing folio-./i''er accounts 32 Handle 'a,master folios 33 %hec/ out using cit, ledger 34 *rint guest folio during chec/ out 3B %lose ban/ at end of each shift 3@ %hec/ room rate and 1ariance re'ort 3? +all, Allo!ances for the da, at night 3E +all, 'aid outs for the da, at night 3G +all, fore# for the da, at night 40 %redit chec/ re'ort

BHM20G &55$MM$%&(I$4 $P'.&(I$4S ; (H'$.) H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23 M&0IM,M M&.1S/ G0 P&SS

I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('. (he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 12 mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 20 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory9

S'5(I$4 & -I4'4 .$$M A. Acti1ities of the 4inen 6oom B. 4a,out and e=ui'ment in the 4inen 6oom %. .election criteria for 1arious 4inen 5tems - fabrics suitable for this 'ur'ose 2. *urchase of 4inen 3. %alculation of 4inen re=uirements . 4inen control-'rocedures and records G. .toc/ta/ing-'rocedures and records H. 6ec,cling of discarded linen 5. 4inen Hire S'5(I$4 ; B ,4I#$.MS

A. Ad1antages of 'ro1iding uniforms to staff B. 5ssuing and e#change of uniformsT t,'e of uniforms %. .election and designing of uniforms 2. 4a,out of the Lniform room S'?I4= .$$M A. Acti1ities and areas to be 'ro1ided B. 3=ui'ment 'ro1ided

S'5(I$4 ; 5 -&,4%.) A. %ommercial and On-site 4aundr, B. lo! 'rocess of 5ndustrial 4aundering-O*4 %. .tages in the ;ash %,cle 2. 4aundr, 3=ui'ment and Machines 3. 4a,out of the 4aundr, . 4aundr, Agents G. 2r, %leaning H. Guest 4aundr,()alet ser1ice 5. .tain remo1al S'5(I$4 ; % #-$?'. &..&4='M'4( A. lo!er arrangement in Hotels B. 3=ui'ment and material re=uired for flo!er arrangement %. %onditioning of 'lant material 2. .t,les of flo!er arrangements 3. *rinci'les of design as a''lied to flo!er arrangement 582OO6 *4A8+. .election and care .eference Boo:s 1. SAggar!al0 2.KS 0House/ee'ing management 2. SAndre!s0 .udhirS0Hotel house/ee'ing training manual 3. Hotel House/ee'ing O'erations and Management G.6aghubalan and .mritee 6aghubalan

&55$MM$%&(I$4 $P'.&(I$4S P.&5(I5&-

H$,.S &--$('% /"0 M&0IM,M M&.1S 100 (Internal B0 mar:s 'Fternal H0 mar:s) P&SS M&.1S "23

4a,out of 4inen and Lniform 6oom(4aundr, 4aundr, Machiner, and 3=ui'ment .tain 6emo1al lo!er Arrangement .election and 2esigning of Lniforms

BHM20K #$$% * B'>'.&=' 5$4(.$-S H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23 M&0IM,M M&.1S/ G0 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('. (he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 12 mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 20 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory S'5(I$4 ; & #$$% 5$S( 5$4(.$A. 5ntroduction to %ost %ontrol B. 2efine %ost %ontrol %. +he ObFecti1es and Ad1antages of %ost %ontrol 2. Basic costing 3. ood costing #$$% 5$4(.$- 5)5-' A. *urchasing %ontrol B. Aims of *urchasing *olic, %. >ob 2escri'tion of *urchase Manager(*ersonnel 2. +,'es of ood *urchase 3. <ualit, *urchasing . ood <ualit, actors for different commodities G. 2efinition of Nield H. +ests to arri1e at standard ,ield 5. 2efinition of .tandard *urchase .'ecification >. Ad1antages of .tandard Nield and .tandard *urchase .'ecification K. *urchasing *rocedure P&SS

4. 2ifferent Methods of ood *urchasing M. .ources of .u''l, 8. *urchasing b, %ontract O. *eriodical *urchasing *. O'en Mar/et *urchasing <. .tanding Order *urchasing 6. %entralised *urchasing .. Methods of *urchasing in Hotels +. *urchase Order orms L. Ordering %ost ). %arr,ing %ost ;. 3conomic Order <uantit, O. *ractical *roblems S'5(I$4 ; B .'5'I>I4= 5$4(.$A. Aims of 6ecei1ing B. >ob 2escri'tion of 6ecei1ing %ler/(*ersonnel %. 3=ui'ment re=uired for recei1ing 2. 2ocuments b, the .u''lier "including format$ 3. 2eli1er, 8otes . Bills(5n1oices G. %redit 8otes H. .tatements 5. 6ecords maintained in the 6ecei1ing 2e'artment >. Goods 6ecei1ed Boo/ K. 2ail, 6ecei1ing 6e'ort 4. Meat +ags M. 6ecei1ing *rocedure 8. Blind 6ecei1ing O. Assessing the 'erformance and efficienc, of recei1ing de'artment *. rauds in the 6ecei1ing 2e'artment <. H,giene and cleanliness of area S'5(I$4 ; 5 .+O658G - 5..L58G %O8+6O4 A. .toring %ontrol B. Aims of .tore %ontrol %. >ob 2escri'tion of ood .tore 6oom %ler/('ersonnel 2. .toring %ontrol 3. %onditions of facilities and e=ui'ment . Arrangements of ood G. 4ocation of .torage acilities

H. .ecurit, 5. .toc/ %ontrol >. +!o t,'es of foods recei1ed 9 direct stores "*erishables(non-'erishables$ K. .toc/ 6ecords Maintained Bin %ards ".toc/ 6ecord %ards(Boo/s$ 4. 5ssuing %ontrol M. 6e=uisitions 8. +ransfer 8otes O. *er'etual 5n1entor, Method *. Monthl, 5n1entor,(.toc/ +a/ing <. *ricing of %ommodities 6. .toc/ ta/ing and com'arison of actual 'h,sical in1entor, and Boo/ 1alue .. .toc/ le1els +. *ractical *roblems L. H,giene - %leanliness of area S'5(I$4 ; % P.$,5(I$4 5$4(.$A. Aims and ObFecti1es B. orecasting %. i#ing of .tandards Q 2efinition of standards "<ualit, - <uantit,$ Q .tandard 6eci'e "2efinition0 ObFecti1es and 1arious tests$ Q .tandard *ortion .i7e "2efinition0 ObFecti1es and e=ui'ment used$ Q .tandard *ortion %ost "ObFecti1es - %ost %ards$ 2. %om'utation of staff meals S&-'S 5$4(.$A. .ales 9 !a,s of e#'ressing selling0 determining sales 'rice0 %alculation of selling 'rice0 factors to be considered !hile fi#ing selling 'rice B. Matching costs !ith sales %. Billing 'rocedure 9 cash and credit sales 2. %ashierDs .ales summar, sheet

.eference Boo:s 1. S%ousins0FohnS ood - be1erage management 2. S2ha!an0 )iFa,S ood - be1erage ser1ice

BHM210 H$('- &55$,4(&45) H$,.S &--$('%/ "0 M&.1S "23 M&0IM,M M&.1S/ G0 P&SS

I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' P&P'. S'(('. (he 6uestion paper 7ill consist of fi8e sections &! B! 5 and % and '9 Section &! B! 5 and % 7ill ha8e t7o 6uestions from the respecti8e sections of the syllabus and carry 12 mar:s each9 Section ' consists of 10 short ans7er type 6uestions 7hich 7ill co8er the entire syllabus uniformly and 7ill carry 20 mar:s in all9 I4S(.,5(I$4S #$. (H' 5&4%I%&('S (he candidates are re6uired to attempt one 6uestion each from sections &!B!5 and % of the 6uestion paper and Section ' is compulsory S'5(I$4 ; & ,4I#$.M S)S('M $# &55$,4(S #$. H$('-S A. 5ntroduction to Lniform s,stem of accounts B. %ontents of the 5ncome .tatement %. *ractical *roblems 2. %ontents of the Balance .heet "under uniform s,stem$ 3. *ractical 'roblems . 2e'artmental 5ncome .tatements and 3#'ense statements ".chedules 1 to 1@$ G. *ractical 'roblems S'5(I$4 ; B I4('.4&- 5$4(.$A. 2efinition and obFecti1es of 5nternal %ontrol B. %haracteristics of 5nternal %ontrol %. 5m'lementation and 6e1ie! of 5nternal %ontrol S'5(I$4 ; 5 I4('.4&- &,%I( &4% S(&(,($.) &,%I( A. An introduction to 5nternal and .tatutor, Audit B. 2istinction bet!een 5nternal Audit and .tatutor, Audit %. 5m'lementation and 6e1ie! of internal audit S'5(I$4 ; % %'P&.(M'4(&- &55$,4(I4= A. An introduction to de'artmental accounting B. Allocation and a''ortionment of e#'enses %. Ad1antages of allocation 2. 2ra!-bac/s of allocation 3. Basis of allocation . *ractical 'roblems .eference Boo:s 1. S2ic/0 Garr,S 2. SGu'ta0 .hashiS & ront office o'erations & inancial management

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