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The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. Its footprint stretches over a wide range of industries, spanning automobiles (two wheelers and three wheelers!, home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and finance. The group"s flagship compan#, Bajaj $uto, is ran%ed as the world"s fourth largest two and three wheeler manufacturer and the Bajaj brand is well %nown in over a do&en countries in 'urope, (atin $merica, the )* and $sia. +ounded in 1,-., at the height of India/s movement for independence from the British, the group has an illustrious histor#. The integrit#, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed which are characteristic of the group toda#, are often traced bac% to its birth during those da#s of relentless devotion to a common cause. 0amnalal Bajaj, founder of the group, was a close confidant and disciple of 1ahatma Gandhi. In fact, Gandhi 0i had adopted him as his son. This close relationship and his deep involvement in the independence movement did not leave 0amnalal Bajaj with much time to spend on his newl# launched business venture. 2is son, 3amalna#an Bajaj, then -4, too% over the reins of business in 1,5-. 2e too was close to Gandhi ji and it was onl# after Independence in 1,54, that he was able to give his full attention to the business. 3amalna#an Bajaj not onl# consolidated the group, but also diversified into various manufacturing activities. The present 6hairman and 1anaging 7irector of the group, *he%ar Bajaj, too% charge of the business in 1,.8. )nder his leadership, the turnover of the Bajaj $uto the flagship compan# has gone up from 9s.4- million to 9s.5..1. billion ()*7 ,:. million!, its product portfolio has e;panded from one to and the brand has found a global mar%et. 2e is one of India"s most distinguished business leaders and internationall# respected for his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. 1

Bajaj $uto (imited, the largest two and three wheeler manufacturer in the countr#, has a dominating 50< mar%et share in scooters with 1=.8< in ungeared scooters, -8.-< in motor c#cles, 8:< in step thrush, =.:< in mopeds and a leading 4=< mar%et share in three wheelers in +>-001. Bajaj $uto has been viewed as a scooter major but with the change in the structure of demand for - wheelers the compan# has tried to ma%e its presence felt in this %e# mar%et b# steadil# ramping up motorc#cle capacities, b# introducing new models and variants and pushing up mar%eting and sales. 2owever the compan# is well behind 2ero in the motorc#cle segment and ?o.- pla#er in mopeds@ scooterettes segment after TA* *u&u%i. The compan# has a wide arra# of models both in the two stro%e and four stro%e configurations. In 1,,8 B ,. the sales were less than ,0,000 motorc#cles which was =< of the total volume of its two wheeler sales which has grown to 5,--,01. units in +>-001 accounting to 80< of its two wheeler sales. 2owever, with the implementation of the latest emission norms, it is slowl# moving awa# from two stro%e vehicles and converting them to four stro%e ones. The compan# is all set to increase its margins to double B digits through concerted cost cutting, value engineering, and gains from Total Croductive 1aintenance. The Indian two wheeler sector is characteri&ed b# largest volumes amongst all the segments in automobile industr#. Though the segment can be broadl# categori&ed into : sub segments vi&D scooters, motorc#cles and mopedsD some categories introduced in the mar%et are a combination of two or more segments e.g. scooterettes and step throw"s. The mar%et primaril# comprises five pla#ers in the two wheeler segment with most of the companies having foreign collaborations with well %nown 0apanese firms earlier. But most of the companies are now planning 100< subsidiaries in India. In the last four to five #ears, the two wheeler mar%et has witnessed a mar%ed shift towards motorc#cles at the e;pense of scooters. In the rural areas, consumers have come to prefer sturdier bi%es to withstand the bad road conditions. In the process the share of motorc#cle segment has grown from 5=< to 8=<, the share of scooters declined drasticall# from ::< to -8<, while that of mopeds declined b# -< from 1,< to 14< during the #ear -000 01.The 'uro emission norms effective from 2

$pril -000 led to the e;isting pla#ers in the two stro%e segment to install catal#tic converters. This has been replaced b# 5 stro%e motorc#cles, which do not incur the additional cost of such converters and fierce competition led to a fall in price of certain models Bajaj $uto (td has been viewed as a scooter major. ?evertheless, in the past five #ears the compan# recogni&ed the important role of motorc#cles in its portfolio. The scooter mar%et is predominantl# located in the ?orthern and 'astern India and the rationali&ation of sales ta;es to a uniform rate of 1-< pushed the price of scooters b# . =< without offering an# perceived value advantage to the customer. The compan# posted a total - wheeler sale of 9s1.08 million in -000 01 as against 9s1.-5 million in 1,,, 00. The motorc#cle sales contributed to almost 80< of the total sales volumes accompanied b# the decline in geared scooter sales, which contributed, to onl# ::< of sales volumes. The compan# has been introducing models in the middle end 9s.:., 000 B 9s. 5=,000 and high end segments vi&D 9s. 5=,000 and above but has found difficult to mar%et such models in competition to 2ero 2onda models in the similar price categor#. 2owever Bajaj $uto (imited is on its wa# to recapture the highl# differentiated product mar%et b# becoming a fle;ible and mar%et B driven supplier of various models of two and three wheelers at specific price B points.

Bajaj Platina:
Its elegant Clatinum silver color with chrome graphics is desperatel# catching the e#es of man# finic%# bi%e lovers. Graphic tint engine and transmission with blac% silencer are reall# leaving good appeal to the e#es of the viewers. To add more aesthetic value to this bi%e, it is further eEuipped with e;clusive

*trea% design side panels and slee% rear panels with fluid grab rail design. Fther mentionable features for ma%ing this bi%e more reliable are chrome heat shield and annular chrome rings housed in a sport# console.


';clusive *t#ling Cac%age. engine performance


for practical riding conditions

Best in class suspension s#stem for superior comfort. Gorld first *?* (*pring ? *pring! rear suspension with the longest travel in its class of 100 mm. )niEue strea% design side panels

Com are Bajaj Platina Hero !s "oto Cor S ort Bajaj Platina

HF Delu#e !s T$S Star

Fne of the longest and most comfortable seat ma%es Clatina a perfect famil# bi%e. Bajaj Clatina is a solid but unremar%able bi%e from Bajaj, whose design team are severel# limited b# the hardware considerations of a bi%e at the budget end of the mar%et. The Clatina appears to be inspired b# the earlier Bajaj Gind 1-8, with its distinctive fairing and panels, and the sharpl# formed tail lamp. The bi%e"s slimmer, lower and slightl# e;tended bod# isn"t particularl# e#e catching, and the design doesn"t have an# standout features B but there"s little here that will offend.

Hero "oto Cor HF

2ero 1oto 6orp 2+ 7elu;e 7rum 3ic% *po%e 2ero 1oto 6orp 2+ 7elu;e is a good beginner/s bi%e and convenient for cit# conditions. 2ero 2onda 67 7elu;e sales have grown b# -: per cent between 0anuar# *eptember -011, within which time the industr# actuall# declined b# 15 per cent in the entr# segment. Bac%ed b# the reliabilit# of the world/s largest motorbi%e manufacturer, the 2ero 1oto 6orp 2+ 7elu;e has been successful in building a robust mar%et for itself. Improving on earlier 2ero 1oto 6orp100 cc versions, the 2+ 7elu;e offers a higher ground clearance and other enhanced features including a padloc% provision for theft securit#.

T$S Star S ort

TA* *tar *port TA* *port from the house of TA* 1otors 6ompan# is a st#lish, compact and affordable 100 cc motorc#cle. Targeted at discerning urban motorc#cle lovers, TA* *port offers slee% contours and compact st#le. TA* *port with minimalist #et contemporar# features stic%s to the adage value for mone#.

Training is under ta%en aims at measuring customer satisfaction level of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e. Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e has been launched b# Bajaj 6ompan# and there is a need measures satisfaction level of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e. The benefit of the stud# is to ma%e the strategic decision about which are characteristics and factors in service li%e price of the vehicle, cost, mileage deliver# time, attitudes of service provider, and cost of spares. 6onsidering all the above points e;amining whether the customers are satisfied with Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e if the performance matches the e;pectation the customers are satisfied if the performance e;ceeds e;pectation the customers are is highl# satisfied or delighted.

Bajaj Auto
Bajaj $uto (td. is the largest e;porter of two and three wheelers. Gith 3awasa%i 2eav# Industries of 0apan, Bajaj manufactures state of the art range of two wheelers. The brand, Culsar is continuall# dominating the Indian motorc#cle mar%et in the premium segment. Its 7iscover 7T*i is also a successful bi%e on Indian roads.

Bajaj is promoted b# the highl# Eualified and e;perienced promoters having a successful trac% record of more than 50 #ears of e;perience in the manufacture of auto parts.

Bajaj Bran' I'entit(

Fur brand is the visual e;pression of our thoughts and actions. It conve#s to ever#one our intention to constantl# inspire confidence. Fur customers are the primar# audience for our brand. Indeed, our brand identit# is shaped as much b# their belief in Bajaj as it is b# our own vision. 'ver#thing we do must alwa#s reinforce the distinctiveness and the power of our brand. Ge can do this b# living our brand essence and b# continuousl# see%ing to enhance our customer"s e;perience. In doing so, we ensure a special place for ourselves in the hearts and minds of our customers.

Bajaj Bran' Essen)e

Fur brand 'ssence is the soul of our brand. Fur brand essence encapsulates our mission at Bajaj. It is the singular representation of our terms of endearment with our customers. it provides the basis on which we grow profitabl# in the mar%et. Fur brand essence is e;citement. Bajaj strives to inspire confidence through e;citement engineering. Blending together #outhful creativit# and competitive technolog# to e;ceed the spo%en and the implicit e;pectation of our customers. B# challenging the given. B# e;ploring the un%nown and thereb# stretching ourselves towards tomorrow, toda#.

Bajaj Bran' $alues

Ge live our brand b# its values of learning, innovation. Cerfection, speed and transparenc#. engineering. *earnin+H (earning is how we ensure proactivel#. It is a value that embraces %nowledge as the platform for building well informed, reasoned and decisive actions. Inno!ation: Innovation is how we create the future. It is a value that provo%es us to reach be#ond the obvious in pursuit of that which e;ceeds the ordinar#. Per,e)tionH Cerfection is how we set new standards. It is a value that e;hibits our determination to e;cel b# endeavoring to establish new benchmar%s all the time. Bajaj will constantl# inspire confidence through e;citement

Ba)- +roun' o, t.e )om an(

6ommenced operation as importing agents for Aespa scooter of paggio in 1,5=.'ntered into technical collaboration agreement with piaggio e;pired in 1,41, was not 9enewed. Bajaj $uto (imited has : plant located in 1aharashtra. The scooter incorporates piaggio Technolog# as upgraded b# Bajaj $uto (imited"s in house 9I7 from time to time. It also developed a full# indigenous model of motorc#cle in 1,=1. *ubseEuent to the opening up of the scooter for foreign technolog# and eEuit# participation in the mid =0"s it entered into a technical collaboration agreement with 3awasa%i 0apan. It started production Ff 3awasa%i 100cc motorc#cles in 1,=.. The compan# has also entered into technical 6ollaboration with 1@s %abota of japan for manufacture of diesel engines for its three Gheelers and cagiva of Ital#. Bajaj $uto (imited has also promoted 1aharashtra *cooter (td.(1*(! Gith state government bodies. 1*( assembles Bajaj scooter at its satara plant.

%rou mana+ement

1r. 0amnalal Bajaj founded the Bajaj Group in the :0s. The group now has -5 companies, Including . listed companies. Besides Bajaj $uto (imited, the major companies in the group are as +ollowsH 1u%and (tdH $llo#@ special steel, term %e# projects Bajaj 'lectricals (tdH 'lectrical eEuipment"s, fans, appliances Bajaj 2industan (tdH *ugar, industrial alcohol

Subsi'iar(/a,,iliate )om anies

Bajaj auto holdings ltd. (B$2(! is a wholl# owned subsidiar# of Bajaj $uto (imited engaged in the business of investment in shares, debentures and Fther securities. Bajaj $uto holdings (td. (B$2(! is a wholl# owned subsidiar# of Bajaj $uto (imited engaged in the business of investment in shares, debentures and other securities. Bajaj $uto +inance (td. (B2+(! has ceased to be a subsidiar# after its ICF if 5.148mn shares of 9s 10 each at a premium of 9s =0 in ma# 1,,5 Bajaj $uto (imited, along with the subsidiar# Bajaj $uto +inance (td. engages in financial service and investment activities. The compan# is planning to increase its branch networ% in the countr# b# ::< over the ne;t one #ear i.e. from 50< in the fiscal to .0<. Bajaj $uto (imited and western 1aharashtra development corporation (G?76! promoted 1aharashtra *cooters (td (1*(!, in 1,48, with a plant at satara. 1*( assembles scooter for Bajaj $uto (imited. The promoter sta%e holding in Bajaj $uto (imited is up from 5-..8< in +> -000 to 5...8< in +>-001 and the +II sta%e holding has also increased b# :< at 1-.,,< after the bu#bac% in Fctober -000 which was meant to after an attractive e;it option to small shareholder. 2owever there has been a minor fall in the sta%e holdings of public +inancial Institutions, G79s at 5..8< and 1utual +unds etc.

Plant lo)ations

Bajaj $uto (imited has two plants located near pune for A-ur'i and ).a-an plant being recentl# set up. The third plant is located at 0aluj near $urangabad. The plants incorporate state of art fle;ible manufacturing facilities that are cross sourced in increasing demand situations. $%urdi was set up in 1,.1 and Galuj in the both the plants. Besides, $%urdi plant manufactures front engine three wheeler, sunn# mopeds and 3awasa%i motorc#cles. The Galuj plant is planned to be global hub for 3awasa%i motorc#cles up to -00cc. The $%urdi plant manufactures around 1 million units, Galuj plant manufactures 1.15 million units and the 6ha%an plant has a manufacturing capacit# of 0.1= million unit"s. The compan# is successfull# implanting the Total Croductivit# 1aintenance activities at its $%urdi plant with a view to improve on efficienc#, productivit# and effectiveness. Bajaj $uto (imited has recentl# commenced its three wheeler production at its new plant in Bra&il for the local mar%et and its neighboring regions. +ounded in 1,-., at the height of India"s movement for independence from the British, the group has an illustrious histor#. The integrit#, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed which are characteristic of the group toda#, are often traced bac% to its birth during those da#s of relentless devotion to a common cause. 0amnalal Bajaj, founder of the group, Gandhi has adopted him as his son. This close relationship and his deep involvement in the independence movement did not leave 0amnalal Bajaj with much time to spend on his newl# lunched business venture. 2is son, 3amalna#an Bajaj, then -4, too% over the reins of business in 1,5-. 2e too was close to Gandhi ji and it was onl# after independence in 1,54, that he was able to give his full attention to the business. 3amalna#an Bajaj not onl# consolidated the group, but also diversified into various manufacturing activities. The present 6hairman and managing 7irector of the group, 9ahul Bajaj, too% charge of the business in 1,.8. )nder his leadership, the turnover of the Bajaj $uto the flagship compan# has gone up from 9s4- million to 9s5..1. ()*7,:. million!, its product portfolio has e;panded from one to and the brand has found a global 11

mar%et. 2e is one of India"s most distinguished business leaders and internationall# respected for his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit.



Bajaj $uto is the flagship of the Bajaj group of companies. The group comprises of :5 companies and was founded in the #ear 1,-.. The companies in the group areH 1. Bajaj $uto (td. -. Bajaj 2oldings I Investment (td. :. Bajaj +inserv (td. 4. Bajaj $llian& General Insurance 6ompan# (td. 8. Bajaj $llian& (ife Insurance 6o. (td .. Bajaj +inancial *olutions (td. 4. Bajaj $uto +inance (td. =. Bajaj $llian& +inancial 7istributors (td. 9. Bajaj $uto 2oldings (td. 10. C T Bajaj $uto Indonesia (CTB$I! 11. Bajaj $uto International 2oldings BA 1-. Bajaj 'lectricals (td. 1:. 2ind (amps (td. 15. Bajaj Aentures (td. 18. 1u%and (td. 1.. 1u%and 'ngineers (td. 14. 1u%and International (td. 1=. Bajaj *evashram Cvt. (td. 19. 0amnalal *ons Cvt. (td. -0. 9ahul *ecurities Cvt (td -1. *he%har 2oldings Cvt (td --. 1adhur *ecurities Cvt (td -:. ?iraj 2oldings Cvt (td -5. *hishir 2oldings Cvt (td -8. 3amalna#an Investments I Trading Cvt (td -.. *anraj ?a#an Investments Cvt. (td. -4. 2ercules 2oists (td. -=. 2ind 1usafir $genc# Cvt. (td. 14

-,. Bajaj International Cvt. (td. :0. Bachhraj +actories Cvt. (td. :1. Baroda Industries Cvt. (td. 32. 0eevan (td. ::. Bachhraj I 6o Cvt (td 34. The 2industan 2ousing 6o. (td. :8. 2ospet *teels (td

9ahul Bajaj 1adhur Bajaj 9ajiv Bajaj Cradeep shrivastava $braham 0oseph 3 *rinivas 9 6 1aheshwari 6hairman Aice chairman 1anagement director 6hief Fperating officer 6hief Technolog# officer Cresident (1otorc#cle Business! Cresident (6ommercial Aehicle Business! Cresident (International Business! 9a%esh *harma 'ric Aas 3evin C 7"sa Cresident (9etail +inance! Cresident (+inance! *enior Aice Cresident (Business 7evelopment I $ssurance! * 9avi 3umar $mrut 9ath N3H Hin+orani Aice president (2uman 9esources! $i)e resi'ent 1Commer)ial2 $i)e resi'ent 1Cor orate So)ial 9esponsibilit#!


Boar' o, Dire)tors
9ahul Bajaj 1adhur Bajaj 9ajiv Bajaj *anjiv Bajaj 7.*. 1ehta 3anti%umar 9. Codar *he%har Bajaj 7.0. Balaji 9ao 0.?. Godrej *.2. 3han 1rs. *uman 3irlos%ar ?aresh 6handra ?anoo Camnani 1anish 3ejriwal C 1urari ?iraj Bajaj 6hairman Aice 6hairman 1anaging 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector 7irector

Current S)enario
Bajaj $uto (imited has performed fairl# in the current fiscal -011 1- with the ?et *ales going up b# :.0.< to 9s1,4-0 million 2> ended *eptember -01- from 9s1,1::.: million in the corresponding period previous #ear. The total e;penditure has gone up b# 8.:< with the material cost accounting for the major increase. The compan# has posted a growth of .,< in CBT and the ?et Crofit has increased b# 88< to 9s-.55.4 million from 9s1401.8 million in the corresponding period last #ear. 16

The ?et Crofit 1argin has also improved b# almost 80.4< from the half #ear ending +>-011 1-. The emplo#ee cost has fallen but the compan# will be charging an eEual e;penditure of 9s --.. million over the three Euarters of the current fiscal amounting to 9s .4.= million as the A9* e;penditure incurred in 0une -01-

Bajaj $uto (imited in its - wheeler segment posted volume wise sales of =4.-< of its total sales of which scooters (both geared and ungeared! accounted for 5-.:<, motorc#cles for :5.,< and around 10< in step thrush in +>-01-. $ significant increase in motorc#cle sales b# nearl# .8.5< since +>-01-. The three B wheeler sales have improved marginall# in +>-011.The 6ompan# is targeting -8< mar%et share in motor c#cle"s segment during the current fiscal as against -1< share it has cornered in +>-01-.

In the geared categor# Bajaj $uto (imited has J6hete%", /6lassic/ and /*uper/ in the old ones and the /(egend/, /Bravo/ among the newer models .The ungeared segment consists of the .066 J *unn# *pice J , J*pirit J , J +usion J and the ,-cc J*afire J . The" (egend ?KT" is a 5 stro%e geared scooter with a ,2C engine and the JBravo" being a two stro%e 180cc *cooter with a catal#tic converter designed in line with the emission norms. The compan# has launched utilit# versions of J6hete% Jand J*uper Jat reduced prices. Gith the unprecedented :=< slump in scooter mar%et the compan# faced a gradual mar%et share loss to the other pla#ers li%e 3inetic 'ngineering and TA* *u&u%i.

Bajaj $uto (imited"s motorc#cles are positioned as four stro%e fuel efficient vehicles. $mong the 0apanese ones, Bajaj $uto (imited has within its fold, the 100cc J5* 6hampion", 1-8cc J3B 1-8", 111cc J6aliber" competing with 2ero 2onda"s J 17

Cassion J and 100cc JBo;er" with a variant J Bo;er 6it# J in the pipeline, all of them at competitive prices. In +>-01- the compan# launched the new range of bi%es vi&D -00cc JBajaj pulsar J the countr#"s first sports motorc#cle and the two variants vi&D 1=0cc and 180cc JCulsar J(in the high Bend segment! These models were introduced mainl# in competition to 2ero 2onda"s 184cc 6BL and TA* *u&u%i"s $ppach. The compan# also launched in its 5 stro%e bi%es range 100cc JBajaj 7iscover" competing against 2ero *plendor and TA* $ppach , star cit#, star sports J (in the middle end segment!. 1otorc#cles in production are the K67, Clatina, 7iscover, Culsar and $venger. Bajaj also distributes motorc#cles in India for other manufacturers, such as the 3awasa%i ?inja -809, the ?inja .809 and new for -01-, the 3T1 7u%e -00. In the +> -01- 1:, it sold appro;. :.4. million motorc#cles which accounted for :1< of the mar%et share in India Ff these, appro;. -.5. million motorc#cles (..<! were sold in India and remaining :5< were e;ported.

T.ree 4.eelers
Bajaj $uto (imited continues to dominate the three B wheeler mar%et with over 4:< mar%et share and sales of 1, 88,000 units in which have fallen from around =8< two #ears bac%. The compan# is tr#ing to maintain its mar%et share b# creating environment friendl# vehicles and has alread# launched the 6?G model in 7elhi Bajaj $uto (imited also launched its 5 stro%e rear engine 6?G B auto ric%shaw model in 1umbai during the #ear. It is testing the (CG model, which will ta%e off as soon as the government regulations permit. $part from this the compan# also plans to introduce a four stro%e version in auto ric%shaw and a goods carrier in both petrol and diesel versions. It is world/s largest manufacturer of : wheelers and accounts for almost =5< of India"s three wheeler e;ports. 7uring the +> -01- 1:, it sold appro;. 5=0,000 three wheelers which was 84< of the total mar%et share in India. Fut of these 5=0,000 three wheelers, 8:< were e;ported and remaining 54< were sold in India.


E# orts
Bajaj $uto (imited is %een to e;port motorc#cles through 3awasa%i"s distribution networ% in Indonesia and $rgentina wherein the compan# planned to sell through their networ%. The compan#"s e;ports registered a marginal decline from 9s1:4= million to 9s1:81 million i.e. -<. The e;ports consisted of :0,.8- two and three B wheelers as against :-,4:0 (including 637 pac%s!. Bangladesh, 'g#pt, Ceru, Iran and *udan performed consistentl# well with lower e;ports in *ri (an%a and (atin $merican mar%ets. The total foreign e;change earned b# the compan# was 9s. 1,:,1 million. $s against 9s15:0 million.

E# ansion
The e;pansion at both $%urdi and Galuj plants has been completed during +>,, ta%ing total capacit# to -mn vehicles. Bajaj $uto (imited has also set up a third manufacturing plant at 6ha%an near Cune with a capacit# of 1mn vehicles. The compan# has planned for selling through separate channels in case of its - wheeler and : wheeler segment .It has been planning to streamline its vendor networ% b# cutting down the number of suppliers b# 80< from current =00 during the current fiscal, intended to improve the efficienc# of its suppl# chain management. Bajaj $uto (imited has been e;perimenting with higher dealer commissions on some models in a bid to loosen the stranglehold of mar%et leader 2ero 2onda in the motorc#cle segment. It introduced A9* II as a part of its manBpower planning process at all its three plant locations as the compan# is slated to bring down the wor%force to 10,000 over the ne;t four #ears. The compan# also planned to commission a -0 1G capacit# wind power plant (fourth phase with the other three being set up near *atara! with an investment of 9s1000 million in $hmed nagar district b# entering into the Cower Curchase $greement (CC$! with 1*'B during current fiscal to be completed. The compan# e;pects to source its current power reEuirements in house and also avail of the benefit of sales ta; incentives.


Bajaj $uto (imited has also been e;ploring the possibilit# of an eEuit# tie up or a mar%eting alliance with a 6hinese compan# for selling its three B wheelers in 6hinese mar%et. It has also been planning a technical collaboration on high end scooters with the Italian - wheeler major J$prilia. JThe compan# has chal%ed out a strateg# for co e;istence with 3awasa%i wherein Bajaj $uto (imited would concentrate on developing products in the price range of 9s :0,000 B .0,000 and 3awasa%i to offer a wider choice of products priced from 9s. :8000 up to 9s. -.8 la%h.

OutlooThroughout the 1,=0s and 1,,0s, Bajaj has countered competition through predator# price cutsD mar%et e;pansions moves or ta%eover threats. 2owever both 2onda and (1( have cannibali&ed the Bajaj $uto (imited mar%et share and are challenging its leadership. The compan# has remained less aggressive in its approach and idled awa# its cash reserves without proactivel# deplo#ing them in 9I7, new models, ta%eovers or other ris%# ventures. 1oreover, the management has recogni&ed the need to utili&e its surplus reserves for strengthening its presence in the mar%et b# wa# of launching new models, e;panding capacit# and penetrating new mar%ets. 3awasa%i has been developing India as an e;port hub for motorc#cles between 100 -80cc. The 6ompan# has invariabl# become the manufacturing base for 3awasa%i and accounts for .0< of the latter are global sales. Though the compan# plans to introduce some high tech motorc#cles from the 3awasa%i range, it is tr#ing to shed off its image of Mscrew driver Ncompan# b# developing its own range of motorc#cles. The TA* B *u&u%i brea% Bup is e;pected to pave the wa# for a new relationship with Bajaj $uto (imited and the new 3awasa%i B *u&u%i alliance in the two wheeler business. Bajaj $uto (imited needs to rediscover the spar% of entrepreneurship that made it the mar%et.

Finan)ial anal(sis
The ?et *ales have increased b# -.:< to 9s:0,4: million in +>-01- from 9s:0-8, million in +>-011, which was 5.-<, rise from +>-010. The Fperating profit has increased b# 54.=< to 9s:08- million in +>-011 from 9s8=54 million in +>-01though the .8< rise in motorc#cle. Bajaj $uto (imited has spent a si&eable 1:.08< 20

advertising and there has been a 8.-< increase in the ro#alt# pa#ments from 9s8,: million to 9s.-5 million in +>-01-. The current ratio has fallen onl# marginall# in +>-01- to 1.:,< from 1.:.< in +>-011 and there has been a marginal fall in the inventor# levels, which contribute to about 11 1-< of the current assets. There has not been a significant change in the inventor# turnover, which has also remained close to 11.,< from +>-011 levels. The compan# has remained b# and large debt free and has the secured loans in the form of cash credit and wor%ing capital gap finance. The unsecured loans are mainl# interest free and comprise *ales Ta; 7eferral (iabilit# on account of incentives provided for the Galuj and 6ha%an plants as well as the wind power project. The Ban% finance to Gor%ing 6apital Gap is appro;imatel# -< in +>-01- as against nil in +>-011 indicating the compan#"s increased dependenc# on ban% finance for wor%ing capital. 2owever the overall secured loan level has fallen including the cash Bcredit limit which has fallen b# around 88< in +>-01-. The long term debt to eEuit# ratio has increased to 0.1, in +>-01- as against 0.18 in +>-011. This can be attributed to the decrease in the net worth due to the bu#bac% of shares worth 9s1= million in Fctober -011. The long term debt to total assets has remained stead# at 0.15 since +>-011, which is indicates that the 15< of the total assets are financed b# debt sources. The Interest 6overage 9atio has fallen b# =0< from +>-011 indicating that the 'BIT as a percentage of interest charges has declined with the decreasing conservativeness and fall in the abilit# of the compan# to pa# finance charges due to 7ecreased 'BIT. The insignificant change in the $sset Turnover 9atio is indicative of the abilit# of the compan# to produce sales from the e;isting asset base. There has been a fall in both the ?et *ales and the capital deplo#ed in tandem with each other. Income from preta; operations has fallen drasticall# b# 88.-< to 9s:.,8 million in +>-01from 9s=-8- million in +>-011 as against =.4< growth from +>-010. 2owever, cash profits have declined b# 58.-< to 9s5-4-.5 million in +>-01- from 9s4=01.4 million in +>-01- compared to 1:< rise in +>-011 due to rise in depreciation cost.


The ?et Crofit 1argin has fallen to =.-,< in +>-01- from -0< in +>-011 on account of decline in C$T b# .0 < to 9s-5,,.8 million. The additional e;penditure on A9* of 9s4,, million also affected the ?et Crofits. The 9F6' has also fallen to 4.,< in +>-01- from 14.-< in +>-011 on account of decrease in net income and also the capital emplo#ed. 2ence the compan# has been not been able to generate substantial profits in relation to sales and also in relation to assets. The 'arning Cower of the compan# has fallen to 10.,< in +>-01- from -:.4< in +>-011, which indicates the fall in operational efficienc#. The investment portfolio as a percentage of capital emplo#ed was :4< and the mar%et value of investments has been lower b# 9s-15 million, which can further erode due to continued uncertainties in stoc% mar%ets. The 'C* has fallen b# 8=< and the dividend pa#out b# :-< indicating that fall in percentage of total earnings paid out to shareholders in +>-01-.

Fne of the largest - and : wheeler manufacturer in the world -1 millionO vehicles on the roads across the globe 1anaging funds of overs 8,:-, cr. Bajaj $uto finances one of the largest auto finance cos. In India 9s. .,:50 6r. Turnover and Crofits after ta; of 4.4 6r. in -011 1-

Com an( Pro,ile:

Bajaj $uto (td (Bajaj $uto (imited!, the largest two and three wheeler manufacturer in the countr#, has a dominating 50< mar%et share in scooters with 1=.8< in ungeared scooters, -8.-< in motor c#cles, 8:< in step thrust, =.:< in mopeds and a leading 4=< mar%et share in three wheelers in +>-01-.


6EY PO*ICIES En!ironmental Poli)(

Towards creating and preserving a cleaner environment Bajaj $uto (td., manufacturer of two and three wheeler vehicles is committed to prevention of pollution, continual improvement of our environmental performance and compliance with all applicable environmental legislation and regulations Towards this, we shall strive toH 6reate a proactive environment management s#stem that addresses all environmentall# significant aspects related to our products and processes, 1inimi&e the generation of waste and conserve resources Through better technolog# and practices, and Cromote environmental awareness amongst our emplo#ees and motivate them to fulfill our commitments Ge, at Bajaj $uto, pledge ourselves towards creating and preserving a cleaner environment

7ualit( Poli)(
Ge at Bajaj $uto continue to firml# believe in providing the customer Aalue for mone#, for #ears through our products and services. This we shall maintain and improve In our decision ma%ing, Eualit#, safet# and service will be given as much consideration as productivit#, cost and deliver#. Pualit# shall be built into ever# aspect of our wor% life and business operations. Pualit# improvements and customer satisfaction shall be the responsibilit# of ever# emplo#ee.

TP"1Total Pro'u)ti!it( "aintenan)e2 Poli)(

Ge at Bajaj $uto adopt Total Croductivit# 1aintenance as a means of creating a safe and participative wor% environment in which all emplo#ees target the elimination of losses in order to continuousl# enhance the capacit#, fle;ibilit#, reliabilit# and capabilit# of its processes, leading to higher emplo#ee morale and greater organi&ational profitabilit#.


A4ar's Year B( FA'979IA' $wards -01: I6I6I Ban% FA'979IA' $wards -01-

Bajaj discover 1-8 ?T -01: Bajaj Culsar -00 ?*, launch of -00 cc -01bi%e, 7iscover 1-8*T, launch of 1-8 cc bi%e Bajaj 7iscover 1-8 -011 Bajaj 7iscover 180 -010 Bajaj Culsar 1:8, Bajaj K67 1:8 cc, , -00, Bajaj Culsar 1=0 7T* i )G IA, Bajaj Culsar --0 7T* i, Bajaj 7iscover 100 7T* *i, 3awasa%i ?inja -809 Bajaj Culsar 180 7T* i )G IA -00= Bajaj 7iscover 7T* i B Bi%e of the >ear -004 -004 Bajaj 7iscover 7T* i Indigenous -00.

BB6 Gorld Gheels $ward -011 I6I6I Ban% FA'979IA' -010 6?B6 $)TF6$9 $wards -00,

I6I6I Ban% FA'979IA' $wards -00= FA'979IA' $wards -004 FA'979IA' $wards -00. I6I6I Ban% FA'979IA' $wards -008 I6I6I Ban% FA'979IA' $wards -005 I6I6I Ban% FA'979IA' $wards -005 6?B6 $)TF6$9 $wards -005 Business *tandard 1otoring

7esign of the >ear -00. B$0$0 $)TF Bi%e 1a%er of the >ear -008 -008 7T* i Technolog# $uto Tech of the -005

>ear -005 Bajaj Culsar 7T* i Bi%e of the >ear -005 -005 Gind 1-8 Two Gheeler of the >ear -005 -005 Gind 1-8 Bi%e of the >ear -005 -005

Com an( Pro,ile 6HARBAS BA5A5 "OTORS3


3harbas 1otors is a Group who is e;clusive dealer for Bajaj $uto for in 0aipur and was established on $pril 5 -00= with a 6apital of 9s -8 la%h and capturing the ::< of two wheeler mar%et share. 1. Bajaj Clatina 1-8 7T* *i -. Bajaj 7iscover 1:8 7T* i :. Bajaj K67 1-8 7T* *i 5. Bajaj K67 1:8 7T* *i 8. Bajaj Culsar 1:8 7T*i .. Bajaj Culsar 180 7T*i 4. Bajaj Culsar 1=0 7T*i =. Bajaj Culsar -00 7T*i ,. Bajaj Culsar --0 7T* +i 10. Bajaj Culsar --0 7T*i 11. Bajaj $venger --0 7T* i 1-. Bajaj Culsar -00 ?*

Bajaj compan# follow the corporate identif# for the establishment of showroom. It means that the compan# has its polic# in respect of land, building, paints, and timing of showroom.

Fa)tors to be )onsi'ere' be,ore startin+ a s.o4room as er )or orate i'entit(

1! (ocationH location is ver# important because to %now the number of vehicle in that area T#pe of customer land whether the high wa# or cit#"s well 3nown road is passing through the location or not. -! account. a. ?ature of soil foundation reEuirement. b. The level of ground. BuildingsH Before constructing a building following point are ta%en into



(abourH The labors are the main pillars of an# organi&ation. The efficient Frgani&ation depends the amount of capital and the space reEuired in the building.


1achiner#H To install the eEuipment in proper place the la#out is drawn. It depends on the amount of capital and space reEuired in the building.


6omputationalH 6ompetition ma%es the organi&ation to improve Eualit# and give Better service to customer.


Gater I 'lectricit#H Gater and electricit# are necessar# for wor%shop. It helps in providing better servicing of vehicles.

Surroun'in+ Area: 3harbas 1otors is situated at such a place which is %nown for its business li%e ground nuts, - wheelers and essential commodities. $s we alread# %nown that the showroom is on the cit#"s well %nown to the main road.

Or+ani8ation: To provide better service 3harbas motors has made 5 sections. The# are section. 1! -! :! 5! *ales section. General insurance. $ccountant. Gor%shop.


a! 6ustomer visit to show roomH Ghen a customer visit the show room to ta%e Euotation 2is name is entered in the customer follow up formsD these are stored in the file. b! +ollow up beginsH the customer follow up forms stored in files are %ept in the rac%s which are divided in : parts. The forms in the fists part are opened to third da# from the dose of Euotation and attractive letter is written to customer. $fter writing the letter the forms are shifted to second part. The forms are shifted to third part. The forms are opened after 11 da#s at this time show room will send one person to meet customer directl#. 1. *alesH the person intending to purchase the vehicle will visit the show room is ma%e the selection of vehicle. $fter he has selected the vehicle for sales manager writes the customer"s name is address in MinvoiceQ and receives the amount. 2e also arranges for insurance of vehicle, registration of the vehicle is left to customer. -. $fter filling the Minformation couponQ he sends the vehicle for pre deliver# inspection. If it founds F3 in pre deliver# inspection report the %e# of the vehicle is handed over to few customer. :. BillingH on the da# when the vehicle is for cash both original and duplicate cop# is given to customer. But if there is h#pothecation in ban% then original cop# of invoice and one %e# is given to ban%. 7uplicate cop# given to customer and third cop# is retained with the showroom. 5. InsuranceH Before giving the deliver# of the vehicle it should be insured. The Insurance polic# is called as comprehensive polic#" it means if the vehicle met with an# accident or fire the vehicle owner will be indemnities b# the insurance compan#.


In showroom the finance section performs the following functions. 1! 1aintenance of different registers li%e a. stoc% boo% b. 1aterial account. c. 6ash boo%. d. (edger account. -! :! 5! 'ntries have to be made in material account in case of sales of vehicle. To ma%e adjustments in the stoc% register when vehicle are received from To maintain proper account about spares part.

the 6ompan#.

"ar-etin+ Se)tion:
1ar%eting section of the showroom involves the distribution of vehicles and spares parts purchase from the compan#. 3harbas motors ma%e the purchase of vehicle from the 0aipur branch office and distribute the vehicle, so here there is no production of an# goods. 3harbas motors ultimatel# ma%e the sales to customers.

Resear). "et.o'olo+(
93: Title o, Stu'(
M6ustomer satisfaction (evel of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%eQ


93; Duration o, t.e Trainin+

The stud# has been underta%en for a period of 58 7$>*. In the month of 1a# to 0une

939 Obje)ti!es o, t.e Stu'(:

To *tud# the 6ustomer *atisfaction level for the Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e. To %now the features influencing the customer during the purchase of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e. To $scertain whether the 6ustomer are satisfied with e;isting service from the *how 9oom. To *tud# the promotional 1i; adopted b# the show room.

93< T( es o, Resear). "ETHODO*O%Y

1ethodolog# e;plains the methods used in collecting information are as follows.

Des)ri tion o, Resear).:

1ar%eting 9esearch design specif# the procedure for conducting a research project. The surve# is conducted with the objective to %now the 6ustomer satisfaction level of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e at 0aipur 7escriptive 9esearch is used to collect various information from customer to stud# the satisfaction level Gith respect to C($TI?$ Bi%e.

93= Sam le Si8e an' "et.o' o, sele)tin+ sam le

T( es an' Sour)es o, Data:
+or the purpose of stud# the data has been collected from two sources mainl#.


Primar( Data:
Crimar# information was collected through personal interaction and Puestionnaire.

Se)on'ar( Data:
The major sources of secondar# data are as follows, 1$GLI?'*. C9'AIF)* 7$T$ 1$?)$( 6ompan# data through Internet

Sur!e( Resear).:
The method used to collect data for the stud# was through surve# research. *urve# 9esearch is the s#stematic gathering of information from respondents for the purpose of understanding and predicting some aspect of the behavior of the population of interest.

Ratin+ S)ales:
The use of 9ating *cale reEuires the rater to place an attribute of the object being rated at some point along a numericall# ordered series of categories. 9ating *cale focus on Fverall attribute towards an object. The degree to which an object contains a particular attributes ones feeling towards an attribute.

SA"P*IN% SI&E Sam lin+ Pro)e'ure:

7escriptive field studies reEuire collection of firsthand information or data pertaining to the units of stud# from the field. The units of stud# ma# include the area covered under the 0aipur 6it#. 30

MThe process of drawing a sample from large population is called *amplingQ.

Sam lin+ Pro)ess:

Po ulation: The $ggregate of all units pertaining to the stud# is called Copulation. The population of this Training is a surve# of Gal%ing 6ustomers and ';isting 6ustomer. Sam lin+ Frame: $ *ampling +rame is a means of representing the elements of the population. Sam lin+ Unit: The *ampling )nit is basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled. Sam lin+ E#tent: It is the scope of stud# *ampling ';tent Sam le si8e: The total *ample *i&e is 100 from different locations.


Bajaj is spreading its wings and widening its business hori&on to reach and serve customers at new centers in the #ear. The compan# services are bac%ed b# a highl# motivated and technolog# driven team to achieve customers need, product e;pertise and geographic reach. The stud# is oriented towards the concept of different brands offered b# Bajaj and its competitors to its customers. The compan# has endeavored to move fast in providing mar%et solution, which ma;imi&e customer needs and convenience, using multiple deliver# channels in composing the agenc# networ%, service centers, lower service cost and increased efficienc#.



$s said a basic research was conducted at the compan# to enable the compan# to assess how far the customers are satisfied with product and services of Bajaj. 7uring the course of the stud# the following limitations were observedH

The method will be unsuitable if the number of persons to be surve#ed is ver# less as it will be difficult to draw logical conclusions regarding the satisfaction level of customers. Interpretation of data ma# var# from individual depending on the individual understanding the product features and services of the compan#. The method lac%s fle;ibilit#. In case of inadeEuate or incomplete information the result ma# deviate. It is ver# difficult to chec% the accurac# of the information provided. *ince all the products and services are not widel# used b# all the customers it is difficult to draw realistic conclusions based on the surve#s


1ajorit# of the 6ustomer have purchased the vehicle b# their price and friends with :-< and :1< respectivel#. $nd friends are second motivated factors which influenced the customer to purchase the bi%e. 32

8-< of the customers are satisfied with information provided b# the mechanics while delivering the bi%e for the first time. The Bajaj C($TI?$ customers are satisfied with the price is 4-<. 'ngine and performance of the vehicle satisfaction is 58<. 8-< of the customers are satisfied with the maintenance cost :8< of them are not satisfied, with the maintenance cost level. The customers are highl# satisfied with the $esthetics (color, st#le! of the Bajaj C($TI?$. The cost of said that cost of spares are Euite affordable 88< of the customer are satisfied with the cost of spares. In the stud# I am found that .5< of the customers are not satisfied with the warrant# service provided b# showroom. The customers are satisfied with deliver# time, availabilit# of spares and attitudes of the service providers. But the customers are not full# satisfied with complaint handling procedure at Bajaj motors onl# average customers are satisfied. 2app# news for the showroom is that 8=< of the customers are highl# satisfied that with Bajaj C($TI?$ bi%e. +rom the mar%et research it has been observed that .5< of the customers are highl# satisfied with the mileage of the bi%e.


7ata collected is useful onl# after anal#sis. 7ata $nal#sis involves converting a series of recorded observations into descriptive statements and inferences about 33

relationships. The t#pes of anal#sis that can be conducted depend on the nature of the measurement instrument and the data collected method. If the researcher selects the anal#tical techniEues prior to collecting data, the researcher should generate fictional responses to the measurement instrument, these dumm# data are then anal#&ed the results of this anal#sis will provide the information reEuired b# the problem at hand. The results obtained b# anal#&ing such data ma# not be accurate due to present of dumm# data, so it is preferable to select anal#tical techniEue after collection of data, depending on data collected

:2 A+e )ate+ories:
$ge -0 -8 -8 :0 :0 :8 :8 50 Total 9espondents -5 -5 -5 -= 100 Cercentage -5< -5< -5< -=< 100<


-5< $ge 6ategories -0 -8 $ge 6ategories -8 :0 $ge 6ategories :0 :8 $ge 6ategories :8 50



Inter retation3
+rom the above graph it is evident that out of 100 samples -= customers are of between :8 50 age limits. B# seeing this result we interpret that Bajaj C($TI?$ is preferred b# middle age groups wor%ing as 6ler%s, Ban% wor%ers, *mall outlets owner Ai& 6old drin%s, Because of mileage is the main reason. 34


Follo4in+ ,a)tors in,luen)e' (ou to

9espondents :1 :-18 100

ur).ase Bajaj P*ATINA

Cercentage :1< :-< --< 18< 100<

+riends" opinion Crice $dvertisement 9elative opinion Total

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Friends opinion Price Advertisement Relative opinion otal



Inter retation3
+rom the above Graph it is found that :-< of 6ustomer is purchased Bi%e b# preferring Crice. $nd :1< of customer purchased the bi%e b# the influenced of there friends. $nd remaining --< customer are influenced b# $dvertisement 18< customer motivated to purchase the Bi%e through relative"s opinion. The majorit# of the people bought Bajaj C($TI?$ revealed the# purchase the Bi%e influenced b# the price. 35


Satis,a)tion *e!el o, t.e Customers 4it. res e)t to in,ormation

*atisfaction level 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# dissatisfied Total 9espondents -= 8: : . 100 Cercentage -=< 8:< :< .< 100<

+i!en b( t.e me).ani)s3

. -= 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied


Inter retation3
+rom the above Graph it"s clear that most of the owner of the Bajaj C($TI?$ are satisfied with preliminar# Information given b# the mechanics while purchasing the Bi%e .:<

<2 Satis,a)tion le!el o, )ustomer 4it. res e)t to t.e ,ollo4in+ ).ara)teristi)s o, t.e Bajaj P*ATINA3
a23 Pri)e o, t.e $e.i)le3 9espondents 41: 1: Cercentage 4-< 1:< 1:< -< 36

Crice vehicle Aer# good Good Bad Aer# bad




=0 .0 50 -0 0


1: Aer# good Good

1: Bad Aer# Bad *1

Inter retation3
+rom the above Graph it is found that out of 100 respondents majorit# of the 6ustomer are ver# much satisfied with the price of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e as compared to other Bi%es.4-< of the customer said price of the bi%e is ver# good.

b2 En+ine an' er,orman)e o, t.e !e.i)le3

En+ine A er,orman)e Hi+.l( satis,ie' Satis,ie' Dis satis,ie' Hi+.l( satis,ie' Hi+.l( 'issatis,ie' Res on'ents 9B <= := D ; Per)enta+e 9BC <=C :=C DC ;C






-< :=<

2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied


Inter retation3
+rom above Graph it is clear that 58< 9espondents are satisfied with the performance of the vehicle and :=< of the 9espondents satisfied and 18< of the 9espondents are not satisfied with the performance of the vehicle the reason behind this the# are facing problem 'ngine (carburetor!.

)2 "aintenan)e Cost o, t.e $e.i)le3

1aintenance cost 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 9espondents 10 .0 -0 Cercentage 10< .0< -0<


2ighl# satisfied Total

10 100

10< 100<

10< -0<

10< 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied .0<

Inter retation3
+rom the above Graph is highlighted that maintenance cost of the vehicle the ma;imum number of customer are satisfied with maintenance cost i.e. .0< hence we can sa# it is 2app# new for the compan# maintenance cost of the Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e is less.

'2 Aest.eti)s 1Color23

$esthetics color 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 9espondents -= 5= 1= Cercentage -=< 5=< 1=<


2ighl# satisfied Total

. 100

.< 100<

80 50 :0 -0 10 0 -=

5= 2ighl# satisfied 1= . 1 *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation3
+rom the above Graph it is found that out 100 6ustomer 5=< of 9espondents are satisfied with the color and st#le of the vehicle and onl# 1=< of the 9espondents are not satisfied with the color of the vehicle.

e2 Cost o, s ares3

6ost of spares. 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied

9espondents -: 88 1,

Cercentage -:< 88< 1,<


2ighl# satisfied Total

: 100

:< 100<

.0 80 50 :0 -0 10 0 -:

88 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 1, : 1 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation3
+rom above Graph it is observed that majorit# of the customers said that the cost of spares are Euite affordable and the# are satisfied.

,2 "ilea+e o, t.e $e.i)le3

1ileage of the Aehicle. 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 9espondents .5 1: 1Cercentage .5< 1:< 1-<


2ighl# satisfied Total

11 100

11< 100<

11 12ighl# satisfied *atisfied 1: 7is satisfied .5 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation3
+rom above Graph it has been observed that .5< of the customer highl# satisfied with mileage of the Aehicle. $nd customer are said that there Aehicle gives 40 =0 %m mileage per liter of petrol in cit# limits. If the# go for long ride it gives nearl# about =0 =8 %m per liter.


*e!el o, satis,a)tion o, 4arrant( ser!i)e ro!i'e' b( t.e s.o4


(evel warrant# service 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied

9espondents 1: 1-

Cercentage 1:< 1-<


7is satisfied 2ighl# satisfied Total

.5 11 100

.5< 11< 100<

=0 .0 50 -0 0 1: 1-

.5 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 11 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation3 +rom above Graph it has been observed that .5< of the customer is not satisfied onl# 1:< 9espondents are satisfied with warrant# service.

>2 Per)enta+e o, Customer +oin+ ,or ai' u ser!i)e3

Caid up service 9espondent Cercentage











:=< >es ?o .-<

Inter retation3
+rom the above graph it is clear that majorit# of the customer go for the paid up service provided in the show room. $s far as the Bajaj $uthori&ed dealer scores more in 0aipur cit# but onl# :=< of the customer are go for unauthori&ed service station li%e garage.


*e!el o, satis,a)tion ,or ,ollo4in+ ,a)tors in Ser!i)e


b( s.o4 room3
a2 Deli!er( Time3


7eliver# Time. 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# satisfied Total

9espondents 1: .8 110 100

Cercentage 1:< .8< 1-< 10< 100<

10< 1-<

1:< 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied .8<

Inter retation
+rom above Graph it"s clear that .8< of the 9espondents are satisfied with deliver# time of motors the compan# ma# provide service of deliver# as per 6ustomer convenience.


A!ailabilit( S ares3

$vailabilit# *pares.




2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# satisfied Total

10 40 15 . 100

10< 40< 10< .< 100<

=0 .0 50 -0 0 10

40 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 15 7is satisfied . 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation
+rom the above Graph it has been observed that out 100 customer 40< of the customer are satisfied with $vailabilit# of spares in showroom. Because of spare parts are genuine parts and GuaranteeD ne;t to these are long performance and Good Eualit#. C2

Attitu'es o, Ser!i)e Pro!i'er3

$ttitudes of *ervice Crovider.




2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# satisfied Total

.8 1, 1: : 100

.8< 1,< 1:< :< 100<

=0 .0 50 -0 0

.8 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 1, 7is satisfied 1: : 1 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation
+rom the above graph it is evident that most of the respondents are strongl# satisfied with the attitude of the service provider i.e. .8< of the 6ustomer are highl# satisfied and onl# 1:< of the customer are not satisfied with attitudes of service provider. 9emaining :< of the customer is highl# dissatisfied attitudes of service provider.

B2 De+ree o, le!el o, satis,a)tion re+ar'in+ sol!in+ o, )om laints3


6omplaints >es ?o Total

9espondent :8 .8 100

Cercentage :8< .8< 100<

:8 >es ?o .8

Inter retation
+rom the above graph it"s clear that majorit# of the customers are not satisfied with compliant handling procedure of the show room onl# :8< of the 6ustomers are satisfied. 9emaining the .8< customer not satisfied

E2 Per)enta+e o, ur).ase S are arts3


purchase *pare parts *howroom 9etail outlet Total

9espondents 4= -100

Cercentage 4=< --< 100<

4= =0 .0 50 -0 0 *how room 9etail outlets -*eries1

Inter retation
+rom the above Graph it"s clear that the 4=< of the customer purchase of spare parts $t show room. Because of branded, Guarantee, long run performance, Good Eualit# I onl# --< of the customer purchase retail outlets.

:D2 De+ree satis,a)tion about ser!i)e ).ar+e


service charge $ffordable

9espondents .,

Cercentage .,<


:1 100

:1< 100<

:1< $ffordable 6ostl# .,<

Inter retation
+rom above graph it"s clear that .,< of the customer are feel that the service charges are affordable as compared to other I onl# :1< of the customer are said service charge costl#.

::2 *e!el o, satis,a)tion o, Bajaj P*ATINA Bi-e3


*atisfaction C($TI?$ Bi%e. 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied 7is satisfied 2ighl# satisfied Total


Bajaj 9espondents


8= -: 14 100

8=< -:< 14< -< 100<

40 .0 80 50 :0 -0 10 0

8= 2ighl# satisfied *atisfied -: 14 1 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7issatisfied

Inter retation
2app# news for the show room 3harbas motors from above Graph it has observed that the majorit# of the customer some around 8=< of the customer are highl# satisfied with Bajaj C($TI?$, -:< are satisfied with bi%e and onl# -< of the customer highl# dissatisfied.



B# seeing the performance of Bajaj C($TI?$ vehicle and service provided b# the 3harbas motors, I can conclude that it has wide mar%et and bright future for its sales. $nd also in the current mar%et it is one of the leading vehicles. The distribution and availabilit# of the vehicle in 0aipur 7istrict as to be Improve Because of the 6ompeting of the vehicle li%e 2ero 1oto corp, 2onda, and TA* is ver# high mar%et share. $s per show room is concerned it is having good prospects in near feature, it is providing good service and majorit# of the people are satisfied with Bajaj compan# vehicle.



$s far as the show room satisfaction is concerned, the show room scores good percentage. $t but maintain this satisfaction level forever the show room has to do some activities. The dealer can convince the non users b# ta%ing measures li%e advertising and sales people. The 7iploma 2older mechanics should be recruited in the showroom service center 1ore I 1ore promotional measures should be ta%en to increase the sales. The warrant# service provided b# dealers should improve the# can gives better service in the time of warrant# periods. The complaint solving procedure should be improved and after service of the bi%e mechanics ma# be get feedbac% from the customers about bi%e. *how room owners have to send some gifts and greetings to customers" especiall# in festival seasons, li%e 7eepavali festival, , ?ew >ear because of attracting the customer and to build long run relationship with the customers.



B# the stud# it is found that all most all customer of Bajaj C($TI?$ are satisfied, the main reason to purchase this bi%e is because of its high mileage and low price it is ver# help full to middle income level of group of people.

The current *?* (spring in spring! suspensions provide uniEue protection to the bi%e. Improvement in the engine performance it sounds more when in use more than 40 %m speed there is no smoothness. Improvement in the )nrefined engine Improvement in the Gearbo; and sound


Dear sir / "a'amG I am pleased to introduce m#self as 1B$ student I am doing m# Training at 3harbas 1otors who are authori&ed dealer for Bajaj. The purpose of the stud# is to %now MCONSU"ER SATISFACTION *E$E* OF BA5A5 P*ATINA BI6EH. I reEuest #ou to %indl# spare #our valuable time for completing this Euestionnaire. (Clease mar% R for the relevant bo;! 1. -. ?ameH SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS $geH -0 -8 -8 :0 :0 :8 :8 50



1ale +emale


HFccupation 'mplo#ee


*tudent Crofessional Fther specif#SSSSSSSSSSSSS 8. Ghich of the following factors influenced #ou to purchase Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%eT +riend"s opinion Crice $dvertisement 9elatives opinion





9ate the following characteristics of Bajaj C($TI?$ Bi%e. 1to8 (1 Aer# good, - Good, : $vg, 5 Bad, 8 Aer# bad!

6haracteristics Crice of the vehicles. 'ngine (carburetor! I performance vehicles. 1aintenance cost. 6olor. 6ost of spares. 1ileage. of



$re #ou satisfied with the warrant# service provided b# the show roomT 1! -! :! 5! 8! 2ighl# *atisfied *atisfied $verage 7is satisfied 2ighl# 7is *atisfied


$re #ou availing an# paid up service for #our vehicle at 3harbas 1otor"sT >es a! If no then state #our reason 1! SSSSSSSSSS -! SSSSSSSSSSSSSS :! SSSSSSSSSSSSS ?o


2ave #ou e;perienced an# major problems with #our bi%eT >es ?o


$re #ou satisfied with information given (or! complaint solved b# the show room *ervice *tationT >es ?o


If no please mention in which area #ou felt need for *ervices. 1SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 57


1-. Ghere do #ou purchase spare parts reEuired for #our vehicleT a. $t show room b. $t 9etail outlets


Clease 9an% #our level of satisfaction for the following +actors in service.

C.ara)ter sti)-s 1. 7eliver# time. -. $vailabilit# spares. :. 6ost of spares. 5. $ttitudes of

Hi+.l( Satis,ie'




satis,ie' Dissatis,ie'

service provider. 8. 6ost of service. 15. >our opinion about service chargesT $ffordable 6ostl# 58


To what e;tent the Bajaj C($TI?$ bi%e has satisfied #our need purchaseT 1. :. Aer# Good $verage -. Good :. ?ot Good


7o #ou have an# specific to 3harbas 1otors to improve customer *atisfactionT

TEFT BOO6S 3otler Chilip and 3eller (ane 3evin, 1ar%eting 1anagement, Cearson 'ducation Inc. 7elhi, -010 6.9 3othariH 9esearch 1ethodolog#

"A%&INES B)*I?'** GF9(7 B)*I?'** TF7$> I?7I$ TF7$> NE0S PAPERS T2' TI1'* F+ I?7I$ '6F?F1I6 TI1'*


B)*I?'** *T$?7$97



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