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The objectives of an efficient port watch are a) To ensure the safety of life, ship, cargo and port. b) To observe international, national and local rules. c) To maintain order and the normal routine of the ship.

To this end the following points will serve as a guideline and a reminder of things to be checked. Keep in mind however that this list is by no means exhaustive and there is no substitute for prudence, thoroughness and sound professional practice.

eference should always be made to !"#$%&'( % #")*+ ) $&'+&, #"-$. /uidelines and -0/#TT1.


&ll officers should familiari3e themselves thoroughly with the on board operational procedures for, a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. "argo operations 4which includes ,ine up, starting 5 stopping of "argo pumps). 6allasting 7 *eballasting operations 4which includes ,ine up, starting 5 stopping of 6allast pumps). ,ocation 5 operations of all the /auging systems used while "argo #perations. ,ocation 5 operations of all the /auging systems used while 6allasting 5 *eballasting. &ppropriate use of "argo 5 6allast tank sounding gauges 4$$" Tapes). +se of "alibration tables for the "argo tanks 5 6allast tanks. .eeding in the basic data into the loadicator computer and verifying the stresses. #pening 5 "losing of 8ydraulic 9alves including )mergency opening7closing procedures. ,ocation 5 #peration of %ower 0witches for various machinery and $ooring winches. %roper +se 5 #peration of -/ system including alarm settings and ,ocking arrangement of valves. ,ocation of )mergency 0tops for &ll "#%s 5 procedures to activate same.

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*uty officer should ensure that appropriate communication is maintained at all times with the 0hore terminal during vessel;s stay along side the berth. &ppropriate entry should be made in the port logbook of timings of all the activities related to cargo operations, ballast operations, 0afety 5 0ecurity related matters and all other activities related to ships routine 5 )mergency operations in %ort.. #fficer #n >atch should ensure that cargo is being ,oaded 7 *ischarged in accordance with the agreed "argo %lan. &ny deviation from the plan without chief officer;s knowledge should not be allowed 5 if re?uired to do so please do not hesitate to call me at any time. *uty officer should ensure that 6allasting 7 *eballasting of the tanks is being carried out in accordance with the cargo plan and should maintain appropriate log of the soundings in the port log book.




*uty officer should immediately inform Terminal 5 me if the ,oading 7 *ischarging process has caused *amage to the 0hip and7or has created ha3ardous situation. eport is re?uired to be made of such a situation. -t should be ensured that all possible assistance is given to the #fficial visitors on board and entry should be made in the visitor;s logbook of the same. *uty officer should explain to the visitor about the safety procedures followed on board. %lease ensure that 9essel is securely moored to the berth at all times and %osition of the access ladder 4/angway, &ccommodation, >harf ,adder) is checked fre?uently to avoid damage to the same due to 0hip or 0hore structures. )nsure that *uty &6 takes .ire rounds on deck at regular intervals and also attends to the mooring rope and accommodation ladder at regular intervals. %lease $ake sure that .ire >ire is %roperly rigged at all times and height above water level is adjusted as re?uired.




2E. %lease make sure that appropriate lighting is provided to all locations on the vessel at all times during hours of darkness. +se of only intrinsically safe lights is to be permitted. &ny defects with lighting system should be immediately rectified. 22. *uring "argo 5 6allast operations monitor the +llage70oundings of all the tanks at regular intervals in order to establish leakages if any. $onitor the 6allast overboard *ischarge at all times for accidental escape of oil through same. -n such case immediately stop the 6allast #peration without any hesitation. 2:. *uring ,oading 5 *ischarging operation duty officer should inspect the manifolds at regular intervals , especially the seaside $anifolds for detection of undesired pressure in the line 5 any other abnormalities. "argo 0ide $anifolds to be manned at all times during vessel;s stay in port. 2<. *uring "argo operations do not 0olely rely on emote gauges and manual double check is vital. -n case of activation of 8igh ,evel and7or #verfill alarm treat same as an urgent situation. *o not assume .alse &larm 0ituations. 2=. 8ose handling crane to be used with proper care. #nly )xperienced "rew member should handle it. "are should be taken as not to damage ,ight posts 5 "rane itself while operating same. -n case of lifting hose more than B tons weight "all me immediately. &lways confirm the >eight of the ,ift prior commencing the operation. 0>, 2E Tons not to be exceeded at any time. 2@. *eck scuppers to be plugged at all times and should not be left unattended during hours of rain. 0#%)% )?uipment to be properly rigged and should be ready for use at all times. 2A. &ccommodation )ntry to be restricted to 0ingle point )ntry. &ir "on must be operating on internal "irculation $ode. 2B. %lease ensure that 0moking, 'aked ,ight, -ntrinsically safe )?uipment regulations are followed in strict manner at all times. +se of "amera;s and $obile phones to be strictly %rohibited on *eck. -nform me immediately, if you find non-compliance on behalf of shore personnel or ship;s crew. 2C. &ppropriate 0ignals should be displayed at all times such as 8oisting flag F6ravo; during day or ed light during night. 8ouse .lags 4,iberian) must be .lown as &ppropriate .rom 0unrise to 0unset. 2D. %lease make sure that >alkie Talkie sets are used with proper care and special care should be taken during rains. &lso ensure that sufficient nos. of spare batteries are on charging at all times. 0hore walkie talkie must be tested at regular intervals and should not be left un attended at any given time. :E. %lease ensure that all the ,0& 5 ..& e?uipments are in continuous state of readiness at all times. -f you detect any deficiency please inform me immediately. :2. %lease note down all the cargo related operations 4no matter how small it appears) in the port logbook along with time. These operations include but are not limited to, a. b. c. d. $anifold "onnection 7 *isconnection times, Times when rate of "argo intake 7 %umping increased 57or *ecreased with substantial amount., 0toppages due to weather factor, "ommencement 5 "ompletion of /auging, 0ampling etc.. :

::. 0imilarly, all the relevant operations during 6allasting 57or *eballasting to be noted down in the port log book along with their appropriate times, such as a. b. c. "hange over of tanks, 0tarting or 0topping 6allast pumps "ompletion of the tanks

:<. -f you think its necessary, *# '#T hesitates to call additional deck hands for assistance at any time of the day. -n port the *eck crew is at your disposal unless specifically told by me. :=. -n case of %otential %ollution Threat 0T#% T8) "& /# #%) &T-#'0 -$$)*-&T),( >-T8 &%% #% -&T) "&+T-#', K))%-'/ -' $-'* 08#"K >&9) *&$&/) T# %-%),-')0 -' "&0) #. 0+**)' ",#0) #. 9&,9)0. :@. -' "&0) #. %#,,+T-#' -'"-*)'") &-0) &,& $ &0 0##' &0 %#00-6,). :A. *o not hesitate to call me if you are in slightest of doubt regarding any of the above or any other operational matters pertaining to *eck or "argo work. :B. %lease check 5 sign the night instruction book for any additional instructions.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG "apt. $d .6.Kamal $aster, $.T. /lenda $elanie *ateH E=th 'ov :E2E

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