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ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

1 Wave 1

Historical Materialism K............................................................................................................................................................1 1nc vs. critical affs......................................................................................................................................................................2 1NC vs. critical affs....................................................................................................................................................................3 1NC vs. critical affs....................................................................................................................................................................5 1NC v. critical affs......................................................................................................................................................................7 Lin ! "ostmo#ern$ %ost&str'ct'ralist t(eor)...............................................................................................................................* lin ! "oststr'ct'ralist of militar) ............................................................................................................................................+ lin ! %oststr'ct'ralist of militar) ..........................................................................................................................................10 Lin ! ,e-ectin. mo#ernit)........................................................................................................................................................11 lin ! /overei.nt) ......................................................................................................................................................................12 Lin ! He.emon).......................................................................................................................................................................13 Lin ! 0nti&ca%italism................................................................................................................................................................11 lin ! anti&ca%italism .................................................................................................................................................................15 lin ! Im%erialism ......................................................................................................................................................................12 Lin ! /elf&#etermination...........................................................................................................................................................17 Lin ! ,evol'tion.......................................................................................................................................................................1* Lin ! 3errorism.........................................................................................................................................................................1+ Lin ! i#entit)............................................................................................................................................................................20 Lin ! I#entit)............................................................................................................................................................................21 Lin ! I#entit)............................................................................................................................................................................22 Lin ! I#entit)............................................................................................................................................................................23 Lin ! ,ace.................................................................................................................................................................................21 Lin ! ,ace.................................................................................................................................................................................25 Lin ! ,ace.................................................................................................................................................................................27 Lin ! ,ace 4 Histor).................................................................................................................................................................2* lin ! (istorical e5am%les..........................................................................................................................................................2+ Lin ! "ost&%ostivism.................................................................................................................................................................30 Lin ! Lan.'a.e$#isco'rse.........................................................................................................................................................31 Lin ! C(ina econom)...............................................................................................................................................................32 lin ! c(ina econom)..................................................................................................................................................................33 0lt solves 4 lan.'a.e $ i#entit)................................................................................................................................................31 0lt solves 4 'n#ermines soverein.t) .......................................................................................................................................35 alt 4solves statism.....................................................................................................................................................................32 0lt 4 race..................................................................................................................................................................................37 0lt solves! %olitics ...................................................................................................................................................................3+ (ist mat e%istemolo.) .oo#$alt solves.....................................................................................................................................10 (ist mat e%istemolo.) .oo#......................................................................................................................................................11 at! mar5ism 6a# t'rns...............................................................................................................................................................12 03! comm'nism 6a#................................................................................................................................................................13 03! 7lo6al violence #ecreasin. 6c of ca%................................................................................................................................11 03! ('manism 6a# & ,ationalism (oloca'st.......................................................................................................................15 03! H'manism 6a# 4 rationalism (oloca'st.......................................................................................................................17 03! H'manism 6a# 4* 03! 8em criti9'e of (ist mat....................................................................................................................................................1+ 03! 8em criti9'e of (ist mat ...................................................................................................................................................50 03! 8em criti9'e of Historical materialism.............................................................................................................................51 .................................................................................................................................................................................................51 03! 8em 4 e5cl'sion of .en#er lin .........................................................................................................................................52 03! 0lt ills environment.........................................................................................................................................................53

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

2 Wave 1


The affirmatives rejecti ! f tr"th c#aims a$ "t the materia# r #e f act rs a!% str"ct"res i! hist r& c !f#ates a## '! (#e%)e (ith E!#i)hte!me!t rati !a#it&*this ahist rica# vie(+ i!t +rec#"%es the m st re#eva!t a!% + #itici,i!) m %es f a!a#&sis
-a#mer ./0 & Cana#a ,esearc( C(air in Cana#ian La6o'r Histor) an# Cana#ian /t'#ies : 3rent ;niversit) <=r)an D.> ?@l# "ositions$NeA Necessities! Histor)> Class> an# Mar5ist Metanarrative>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.25&72> ,7D
@n one level t(is is not %artic'larl) neA. ='t %ostmo#ernists$%oststr'c&t'ralists

(ave Ara%%e# t(eir anta.onism to (istor) in a series of intellect'all) se#'ctive ta'tolo.ies A(ic( 6e. t(e f'n#amental 9'estions of t(e (istorical %rocess. Central to t(is o'tloo is a ref'sal of %ost&Enli.(tenment s)stems of rational t(o'.(t> A(ic( are re#'ce# to a formEnarrationEan# a s'6stanceE accommo#ation of 6o'r.eois r'leEt(at rele.ates s'c( ? noAle#.e? to com%licit) Ait( vario's o%%ressions .2 It is as t(o'.( %oststr'ct'ralism> in an immense social reconstruction of t(e #ee% (istorical %ast> Ao'l# li e to see t(e entire ei.(teent(& cent'r) 0.e of ,evol'tion> A(ic( Aas> to 6e s're> a bourgeois %ro-ect> -ettisone#. In some sta..erin. lea% of i#ealism> it see s to %ole&va'lt over t(e class contents an# transformations of t(o'.(t associate# Ait( 1772>17*+>17+2> and t(e In#'strial ,evol'tion> t(e nineteent( cent'r)> t(e e5%erience of colonial revolt> an# t(e first Aor ersF state <1+17D. Get all of t(ese occ'rre# as (istorical %rocess an# (ave ric( narrative str'ct'res of meanin. in t(e %olitics an# c'lt're of mo#ern times> from =la e an# =eet(oven to Mar5 an# M'nc( to He6len an# Han 7o.(. HoAever incom%lete t(e Enli.(tenment %ro-ect> com%romise# as it Aas in its ori.ins in t(e 6o'r.eois %roclamation of e.alitarianism as a %ro%ert)&6ase# ri.(t rat(er t(an a social con#ition of f'lfillment> it Aas a revol'tionar) transcen#ence of t(e fe'#al or#er> A(ic( (a# 6een confine# for cent'ries in casteli e conce%tions of social station an# t(e incarceratin. t(o'.(t of s'%erstition> #ivinit)> an# a6sol'tism. It Aas t(e %'r%ose of Mar5ism> as t(e mat'rin. Aorl#vieA of t(e %roletariat> to materialiIe an# ra#icaliIe Enli.(tenment rationalit)> e5ten#in. its %otential not -'st to t(is or t(at %rivile.e# sector of societ)> 6't to all of ('manit). C'st as Mar)
Wollstonecraft too t(e %ossi6ilities in(erent in t(e Enli.(tenmentFs "an#oraFs 6o5 of e9'alit) an# e5ten#e# (er #efense of t(e 8renc( ,evol'tion an# 3(omas "aineFs Rights of Man to a feminist artic'lation of t(e ri.(ts of Aoman> reac(in. Aell %ast %atriarc()Fs %oAerf'l %resence in 6o'r.eois t(o'.(t an# %ractice> so too #i# Mar5 6'il# on Enli.(tenment i#ealism to constr'ct its o%%ositional c(allen.e> (istorical materialism .

"oststr'ct'ralism alloAs no s'c( rea#in. of #istinctions an# #evelo%ments Ait(in Enli.(tenment t(o'.(t> con#emnin. all %ost&Enli.(tenment mo#es of #isco'rse as (o%elessl) com%romise# Ait( t(e %ro-ect of s'6or#ination. "artic'larl) s's%ect in
c'rrent t(eor) is t(e Enli.(tenment ?metanarra&tive>? Ait( its ?e5%licit a%%eal to some .ran# narrative> s'c( as t(e #ialectics of /%irit> t(e (ermene'tics of meanin.> t(e emanci%ation of t(e rational or Aor in. s'6-ect> or t(e creation of Aealt(.? 3 3(is o6solete #isco'rse> a s'%%ose# %ro#'ct of t(e mo#ernist crisis of meta%()sical %(iloso%()> merel) mas s t(e #isinte.rations of s'c( narratives> an# t(eir #is%ersal into t(e 'nsta6le clo'#s of %ostmo#ernit)Fs loft) #isc'rsiveness.1 "ostmo#ernists$%oststr'ct'ralists t('s #isavoA> in t(eir formalist an# 'ltimatist re-ections> #iver.ences of

consi#era6le> o%%ositional im%ortance. 3(e) t(roA o't Kant an# He.el as Aell as Mar5> all of A(om rel) on metanarratives of one sort or anot(er> little consi#eration 6ein. .iven to t(e f'n#amental #ifferences se%aratin. s'c( s)stems of t(o'.(t. 0ll states are sim%l) states> an# (ence o%%ressive> an anarc(ist mi.(t ar.'e <DoAn Ait( t(e =ols(evi sJDK all Aars are to 6e con#emne#> asserts t(e %acifist <We ta e no si#es in HietnamJDK all metanarratives are s's%ect an# com%romise#> t(ere 6ein. no master cate.ories of e5%lanator) a't(orit)> %roclaims t(e %ost&str'ct'ralist <0Aa) Ait( all inter%retive %estsJD. In t(e comment t(at
folloAs I concentrate on t(e Mar5ist ?metanarra&tive>? an 'nf'lfille# %ro-ect of ra#icaliIin. Enli.(tenment rationalit) t(at m'c( contem%orar) t(eor) ref'ses in its re%'#iation of (istorical materialism. Mar5ist metanarrative is re-ecte#> ironicall)> at +recise#& the hist rica# m me!t

that it is critica##& !ecessar&> its insistence on rea#in. (istor) in class terms> as a s'ccession f i%e!tifia$#e str"ct"res a!% a)e!cies +r +e##e% $& materia# i!terests1 6ein. f'n#amental to t(e inter%retation of t(e movement from %ast to %resent> es%eciall) in t(e conte5t of contem%orar) life> A(ere ('manit) is more an# more connecte# in t(e .lo6al #imen& sions of e5%loitation an# o%%ression.5

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

3 Wave 1


The a#ter!ative is hist rica# materia#ism. Hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&sis is e+istem # )ica##& s"+eri r t + st*str"ct"ra#ism*it a## (s m re effective a!a#&ses f + (er a!% the m $i#i,ati ! f %isc "rses
La+ i!te1 2334 L3(ierr). ?=e)on# an Historicism Wit(o't /'6-ect! 0.enc) an# t(e El'sive 7enealo.ies of /tate /overei.nt)? "a%er %resente# at t(e ann'al meetin. of t(e International /t'#ies 0ssociation 1*t( 0nn'al Convention> 8e6 2*> 2007 M(tt%!$$$meta$%1*0172Nin#e5.(tmlO
3(e %rimar) o6-ective of t(is vol'me is to 6rin. social (istor) 6ac in I, in or#er to c(allen.e its a(istorical an# essentialist cate.ories as m'c( as its core %ost'lates. 0s t(is c(a%ter (as s(oAn> it (as also 6een "oststr'ct'ralist contention to c(allen.e I, selfima.e in s(e##in. li.(t in its t(eoretical role as a %ractice of for.ettin.. @'r contention is t(at #es%ite t(eir si.nificant contri6'tions in c( t(e s'%remacist %osition of mainstream I,> t(eir met(o# of anal)sis (ave im%e#e# t(eir ca%acit) to t(in a6o't I, in terms of (istorical %rocess . 0s I (ave stresse# in t(e first section> its anti&fo'n#ationalist conce%tion of %oAer> its en#eavo'r to anal)se %oAer relations on t(e 6asis of #e&centrin. of

t(e ('man s'6-ect> an# its oAn (istorical anal)sis A(ic( foc'ses solel) on moment of e%istemic r'%t'res Ait(o't a#vent'rin. into an e5%lanation of its ca'ses (ave left 's Ait( an ima.e of P(istor) Ait(o't s'6-ectQ. If t(e im%erative of t(in in. a6o't social instit'tionsEsoverei.nt)Ein #)namic terms necessitates t(at Ae a6an#on an) attem%t to fi5 meanin.s into ri.i# #efinitions> as s'..este# 6) Wal er> Ae (ave to 6rin. 6ac a.enc) at t(e (eart of o'r t(eoriIin. since it is t(ro'.( its (istoricall) s%ecific %ractices t(at ('man create an# transformEal6eit sel#om as t(e) (ave initiall) %lane#E t(eir environments. 0s I (ave so'.(t to (i.(li.(t in t(e secon# an# t(ir# %art of t(is c(a%ter> HM ma) #evelo% 6etter an# ric(er anal)sis in t(in in. a6o't t(e relations(i% 6etAeen %oAer relations> instit'tional an# s)m6olic str'ct'res of en'nciation in em6e##in. t(em in a Ai#er .eo%olitical environment. HoAever> as I (ave ar.'e#> t(e foc's on #isco'rses an# s)m6olic str'ct'res Ait(o't a %ro%er conte5t'aliIation of t(e relations an# #)namics of %oAer t(e) are an inte.ral %art of s(o'l# 6e a6an#one# . In#ee#> s'c( met(o# of investi.ation ten#s to reif) lan.'a.e in .ivin. too m'c( 'nit) to r'les$str'ct'res of en'nciation> A(ic( also ten#s to loose si.(t of t(e #ifferent Aa)s in A(ic( #ifferent a.ents ma) mo6ilise #isco'rses Ema e references to similar s)m6ols
an# 'se# t(em in folloAin. t(e same <%ro%erD r'les of en'nciationEin or#er to ac(ieve 9'ite #istinctive sets of o6-ectives an# re%ro#'cin. 9'ite #ifferent set of social %ractices.

O"r criti5"e t"r!s a## f their im+acts. The a#ter!ative is a +re*re5"isite t a! "!%ersta!%i!) f + (er as c !ti!)e!t r the "se f c "!terhe)em !ies as resista!ce
-a#mer ./0 & Cana#a ,esearc( C(air in Cana#ian La6o'r Histor) an# Cana#ian /t'#ies : 3rent ;niversit) <=r)an D.> ?@l# "ositions$NeA Necessities! Histor)> Class> an# Mar5ist Metanarrative>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.25&72> ,7D
It is Aort( reiteratin. t(e o6vio's> since t(e o6vio's is %recisel) A(at %oststr'ct'ralism$%ostmo#ernism often o6f'scates> or even #enies. Mar5ist

an# (istorical materialist criticism of contem%orar) t(eor) an# its insistence on t(e %olitics an# (istoricall) central %ractices of class #o not rest onl) on a series of #enials. 3(e si.nificance of t(e noAle#.e$%oAer co' %lin.> for instance> A(ic( is associate# Ait( 8o'ca'lt> is (ar#l) alien to t(e Mar5ist met(o#. Mar5ism (as alAa)s 6een attentive to t(e relations(i% of i#eas> #ominance> an# social transformation. ,e%resentation>> #isco'rses> an# te5ts can (ar#l) 6e sai# to 6e 'n#erstate# in t(e t(eor) an# %ractice of (istorical materialism> A(ic( (as consistentl) .ra%%le#> sometimes for 6etter> sometimes for
Aorse> Ait( t(e problematized meanin. of t(e 6ase&s'%erstr'ct're meta%(or> most evi#ent in t(e ric( 6o#) of Aritin. associate# Ait( =ritis( Mar5ist (istorians s'c( as C(risto%(er Hill> E#Aar# 3(om%son> ,o#ne) Hilton> an# H.7. Kiernan> an# t(e tra#ition of (isto&riciIe# literar) criticism associate# Ait( ,a)mon# Williams an# 3err) Ea.leton. 2 8inall)> to claim t(at Mar5ism is a metanarrative of e5%lanator) im%ortance> restin.

'nam6i.'o'sl) on t(e ca'salit) of %ro#'ctive forces an# t(e #eterminative 6o'n#aries set 6) f'n#amentall) economic relations> s'c( as class> #oes not necessitate ref'sin. t(e si.nificance of ot(er %oints of self&i#entification> s'c( as race an# .en#er. W(at se%arates Mar5ismFs metanarrative from %ostmo#ernist incre#'lit) of all master cate.ories is not> (oAever> t(is or t(at %artic'lar. ,at(er> t(ere is a critical %artin. of t(e anal)tic seas in t(e tAo tra#itionsF a%%roac(es to (istorical conte5t as a material force> Ait(in A(ic( all str'..les for emanci%ation an# all acts of s'6or#ination ta e %lace. "oststr'ct'ralism$%ost&mo#ernism sees (istor) as an a't(orial creation> a con-'rin. '% of t(e %ast to serve t(e #isc'rsive content of t(e %resent . 3('s t(e %ast can onl) 6e te5t'all) create# o't of t(e im%eratives of t(e on.oin. instance. In its insistence t(at (istor) 6e conte5t'aliIe# in t(e material Aorl# of %ossi6ilities of t(e %ast> rat(er t(an c't a#rift to float freel) in t(e cross&c'rrents of atten#in. to its o6sc're# social relations an# sit'atin. t(ose corners of s'%%resse# (istor) Ait(in t(e ensem6le of %ossi6ilities t(at Aere somet(in. more t(an t(e i#eolo.ical fiction of t(e esta6lis(e# arc(ival recor#> attentive as it .enerall) is to t(e instinct'al %reservationism of %oAer.
Moreover> Mar5ismFs metanarrative tries to 6e tr'eE6elievin. t(at s'c( a %rocess can 6e locate#> -'st as it can 6e o6sc're# or #istorte#Eto t(e actors of t(e %ast> A(atever si#e of t(e class #ivi#e t(eir feet to'c( #oAn '%on. 3('s> a ma-or (istorio.ra%(ical #ifference se%arates t(e essentiall) Mar5ist 'n#erstan#in. of class formation> str'..le> an# conscio'sness evi#ent in E.". 3(om%sonFs The Making of the English Working Class <1+23D an# 7aret( /te#man ConesFs %oststr'ct'rall) incline# rea#in. of C(artism in The Languages of Class <1+*3D. 3(om%son> A(ose %olitical %ractice an# t(eor) ran (ea#lon. into /talinist and mainstream social #emocratic containments> e5%lores t(e o%a9'e noo s an# crannies of En.lis( %o%'lar ra#icalism>

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K


1 Wave 1

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

5 Wave 1


'ncoverin. an ''n# ins'rrectionar) tra#ition t(at fleA in t(e face of constit'te# a't(orit) in t(e o%enin. #eca#es of t(e nineteent( cent'r)> as Aell as stan#in. in star revol'tionar) contrast to t(e stoli# constit'tionalism of later .enerations of Aor in.&class reformers an# t(eir 8a6ian (istorians. 3(is is a lon. Aa) from /te#man Cones> A(ose %olitics of t(e 1+*0s (a# 6een forme# Ait(in t(e conservatiIin. an# (ostile #rift of t(e La6o'r "art) aAa) from t(e Aor in. class. He rea#s C(artismFs s'ccesses a.ainst t(e %olitics of mass '%(eaval in t(e 1*30s an# 1*10s> seein. in t(e movementFs i#eas an# actions not t(e class mo6iliIations of t(e time 6't t(e (an.over of an ei.(teent(&cent'r) %olitics t(at some(oA #istance# itself from t(e class act'alities of t(e (istorical conte5t. 3(ere is no #o'6t t(at 3(om%sonFs Making is #riven 6) a commitment to t(e revol'tionar) as%irations of t(e Aor in. class> %ast an# %resent> 6't t(at #oes not 'n#ermine (is te5tFs a't(orit) %recisel) 6eca'se it is> for all of its #issi#ent commitments> en.a.e# Ait( t(e com%le5ities of t(e material Aorl# of t(e earl) nineteent( cent'r). /te#man Cones> in contrast> searc(es for Aa)s to #istance (imself from t(e s%ecificities of C(artismFs times. 3(e s'%reme iron) is t(at t(e ?%resent? of /te#man ConesFs te5t is not(in. more t(an an i#eolo.ical a#a%tation to 3(atc(erFs =ritain> a #is%lacement of t(e %ast t(at %aints a ma-or (istor) of Aor in.&class mo6iliIation into a #erivative corner of #eni.ration an# #enial. 3(om%sonFs ?%resent>? in stri in. contrast> is a moment of revol'tion t(Aarte#> a ?(eroic? c(allen.e t(at> A(atever its fail'res> remains si.nificant to 6ot( t(e (istor) of t(e Aor in. class an# t(e class content of contem%orar) left %olitics.7 It is A(en %ostmo#ernist$%oststr'ct'ralist rea#in.s of (istor) are scr'ti niIe# to see how

metanarrative is s'%%resse#> res'ltin. inevita6l) in a %artic'lar str'ct'rin. of %ast> %resent> an# f't're> t(at t(e costs an# content of a6an#onin. metanarrative are most evi#ent. W(en t(e 8renc( ,evol'tion is inter%rete#> not as a contest 6etAeen aristocrac) an# 6o'r.eoisie> me#iate# 6) t(e involvement of t(e sans-culottes, 6't as t(e 'nfol#in. s)m6olic Aill of a %o%'lation .alvaniIe# as m'c( 6) as %olitical %rinci%le> t(e con#escen#in. class #ismissiveness of contem%orar) (isto&rio.ra%(ic fas(ion is stri in.l) evi#ent.* 0n ironic conse9'ence of %ostcolo&nial #econstr'ctive Aritin.> Ait( its 'n#erstan#a6le ref'sal of t(e @rientalist metanarrative> an# its 'nfort'nate te5t'aliIation of im%erialist %l'n#er an# in#i.eno's resistance> is t(e f'rt(er silencin. of t(ose mar.inaliIe# ?ot(ers>? A(ose #ifferences are cele6rate#> 6't A(ose 'm6ilical lin to class formation on a .lo6al sale is tAiste# in t(e o6sc're# isolations of c'lt'res an# co'ntries .+ In t(e Aor#s of Davi# Harve)! "ostmo#ernism (as 's acce%tin. t(e reifications an# %artitionin.s> act'all) cele6ratin. t(e activit) of mas in. an# cover&'%> all t(e fetis(isras of localit)> %lace> or social .ro'%in.> A(ile #en)in. t(e in# of meta&t(eor) A(ic( can .ras% t(e %olitical& economic %rocesses <mone) floAs> international #ivisions of la6o'r> financial mar ets> an# t(e li eD t(at are 6ecomin. ever more 'niversaliIin. in t(eir #e%t(> intensit) an# reac( over #ail) life. 10 "ostmo#ernistic anta.onism to metanarrative t('s carries Ait( it a
%artic'lar %rice ta.> one in A(ic( t(e si.nificance of class is almost 'niversall) mar e# #oAn. 3(at t(is %rocess is em6e##e# less in t(eor) an# more in t(e material %olitics of t(e late tAentiet( cent'r)> Ait( t(eir ?retreat from class>? 11 a Ait(#raAal (astene# 6) neA offensives on t(e %art of ca%ital an# t(e state> an# con#itione# 6) ?act'all) e5istin. socialismFs? /talinist #eformations an# 'ltimate colla%se> is evi#ent in one (istorianFs confi#ent statement. "atric Co)ce claims t(at =ritis( (istor)> once e5%laine# in terms of class str'..le> m'st noA 6e #ifferentl)! 3(ere is a %oAerf'l sense in A(ic( class ma) 6e sai# to (ave ?fallen.? Instea# of 6ein. a master cate.or) of (istorical e5%lanation> it (as 6ecome one term amon. man)> s(arin. ro'.( e9'alit) Ait( t(ese ot(ers <A(ic( is A(at I meant 6) t(e ?fall? of classD. 3(e reasons for t(is are not (ar# to fin#. In =ritain> economic #ecline an# restr'ct'rin. (ave le# to t(e #isinte.ration of t(e ol# man'al sector of em%lo)ment> an# of A(at Aas> mista enl)> seen to 6e a ?tra#itional? Aor in. class. 3(e rise of t(e ri.(t from t(e 1+70s> an# t(e #ecline of t(e left> Ait( t(at of t(e tra#e 'nions> %ointe# in a similar #irection to t(at of economic c(an.e> toAar#s a loosenin. of t(e (ol# class an# Aor &6ase# cate.ories (a#> not onl) on t(e aca#emic min#> 6't also on a Ai#er %'6lic. C( .oin. on in =ritain Aere mirrore# elseA(ere> 6't t(e .reatest c(an.e of all Aas t(e #isinte.ration of Aorl# comm'nism> an# Ait( it t(e retreat of intellect'al Mar5& ism.12 3o ?#econstr'ct? s'c( a statement is to e5%ose t(e trans%arent cr'#eness of its content> A(ic( 6ears a #isa%%ointin. li eness to Time ma.aIine. Even if tren#s in t(e 1++0s Aere 'nam6i.'o'sl) of t(e sort %ointe# to 6) Co)ce> it is most em%(aticall) not t(e case t(at t(e anal)tic meanin.s of t(is %erio# of s'%%ose# c(an.e co'l# 6e transferre# A(olesale to a %ast societ) 9'ite 'nli e itEA(at %ossi6le relevance can t(e fall of a #e.enerate# an# #eforme# set of Aor ersF states <t(e /oviet ;nion> "olan#> H'> etc.D (ave on o'r e5%loration of t(e tan.i6le class com%osition of earl nineteenth-centur societ ! Is it not rat(er 'nA(olesome for s'%%ose# intellect'als to 6e 6arterin. t(eir inter%retive inte.rit) in t(e crass coin of %olitical fas(ion> t(eir s'%%ose#l) %ristine i#eas #ri%%in. Ait( t(e t(oro'.(l) %artisan %olitics of a %artic'lar (istorical %erio#S Co)ceFs Aor#s> ironicall)> confirm rat(er t(an 'n#ermine (istorical materialism. 0s Co)ce all'#es to t(e ?fall? of class as a %ro#'ct of .lo6al restr'ct'rin.> tra#e 'nion an# left #efeat> t(e im%losion of t(e /oviet ;nion an# Eastern E'ro%e> an# t(e rise of t(e ri.(t> A(at are Ae to see 6't t(e act'al confirmation of ?intellect'al Mar5ismS? Di# not Mar5 Arite t(at> ?3(e i#eas of t(e r'lin. class are in evei) e%oc( t(e r'lin. i#eas>? an# s'..est t(at at moments of ?ent('siastic strivin. for

innovation?EA(ic( is certainl) a c(aracteristic of t(e %ostmo#ernEs'c( i#eas mi.(t Aell res'lt in a ?more #ee%l) roote# #omination of t(e ol# ro'tineS?13 Historical materialism Ao'l# s'..est t(at t(ere is a %rofo'n# #ifference 6etAeen t(e tra-ector) of %olitical econom) in one e%oc(> an# its atten#ant i#eolo.ies> an# t(e act'al social relations of %ro#'ction an# contestation in anot(er (istorical %erio#. Co)ce colla%ses t(e tAo. In #oin. so (e #oes #isservice> a.ain> to 6ot( %ast an# %resent. 8or A(ile (is sim%lifie#
catalo.'e&li e listin. of t(e onAar# marc( of left #efeat (as some resonance in terms of contem%orar) %olitical economic #evelo%ment> Co)ce convenientl) 'n#erstates t(e %resence of ot(er #imensions. His acco'ntin. is one&si#e# an# #istortin.l) one&#imensional. Ges> to 6e s're> t(e /talinist economies an# t(eir r'lin. castes (ave> o'tsi#e of C'6a an# <less soD C(ina> ta en a (ea#lon. %l'n.e into t(e %rivatiIation #es%otisms of t(e 1++0s> A(ic( Mar5ists from t(e 3rots )ist tra#ition (ave 6een %re#ictin. since t(e %'6lication of The Re"olution #etra ed <1+37D. 0.ainst t(ose A(o saA in t(e 6'rea'cratic .ri% of /talinism a f'n#amental> if flaAe#> 6loc a#e a.ainst t(e restoration of mar et relations> 3rots ) Arote! ?In realit) a 6ac sli#e to ca%italism is A(oll) %ossi6le.?11 Class politics Aere #ealt a severe 6loA in t(e ca%italist co'nterrevol'tions an# /talinist im%losions of t(e %ost&1+*+ )ears. Nevert(eless> t(ere is no in#ication t(at t(is (as lessene# t(e im%ortance of class as an a.ent of social transformation an# ('man %ossi6ilit) <a master cate.or) of metanarrativeD. In#ee#> it Aill 6e t(e revival of class mo6iliIations t(at Aill retrieve for socialiIe# ('manit) A(at Aas lost over t(e co'rse of t(e 1++0s in ,'ssia an# elseA(ere> or t(ere Aill 6e no .ains force# from t(e alrea#) all&too&a%%arent losses of recent ca%italist restorationism. 0lmost a #eca#e of t)rannical Geltsin&li e 7reat ,'ssianism an# t(e 6ar6arism of small ?nation? c(a'vinisms s(o'l# (ave ma#e it a%%arent A(ere t(e %olitics of national i#entit) lea#. Class> as 6ot( a cate.or) of %otential an# 6ecomin. an# an a.enc) of activism> (as t('s reasserte# its

f'n#amental im%ortance. More an# more of ('manit) noA faces t(e of ca%italismFs (i.(l) totaliIin.> essen& tialiIin.> an# (omo.eniIin. im%'lses> an# t(ese are c'rrentl) 'nleas(e# Ait( a tra.ic ven.eance as even t(e once #e.enerate an# #eforme# Aor ersF states loo to t(e i#eolo.ical a6stractions of t(e Aorl# mar et for s'stenance rat(er t(an rel)in. on %roletarian %oAers. Mass stri es noA ro'tinel) c(allen.e ca%ital an# its states> from 8rance to Cana#a> from Korea to =raIil. @nce&

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

2 Wave 1

/oviet Aor ers> A(o saA socialism so'r in t(e stale 6reat( of .enerations of /talinism> are votin. Comm'nist a.ain> A(atever t(e %ro6lematic connotations> in t(e 1++0s. 0t t(e en# of 1++5> %olls in t(e a#vance# ca%italist economies of t(e West C@N3IN;E/R

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

7 Wave 1


C@N3IN;EDR almost 'niversall) locate societ)Fs ma-or #iscontents in t(e material failin.s of a social or#er t(at (as visi6l) Ai#ene# t(e .a% 6etAeen ?(aves? an# ?(ave& nots>? 'n#erminin. t(e m)t(ical mi##le class an# #e%ressin. t(e livin. con#itions of t(ose Aor in. %oor fort'nate eno'.( to retain some (ol# on t(eir -o6s. 3(ere are no ansAers se%arate from t(ose of class str'..le> (oAever m'c( t(is metanarrative of materiall) str'ct're# resistance intersects Ait( s%ecial o%%ressions. Class (as not so m'c( fallen as it (as ret'rne#. It (a# never> of co'rse> .one an)A(ere. $dentified as sim%l) one of man) %l'ral s'6-ectivities> class (as act'all) 6een o6sc're# from anal)tic an# %olitical vieA 6) %oststr'ct'ralismFs anal)tic e#ifice>

erecte# at -'st t(e moment t(at t(e left is in #ire nee# of t(e clarit) an# #irection t(at class> as a cate.or) an# an a.enc)> a str'ct're an# a %olitics> can %rovi#e. 3(e of Mar5ism in .eneral> an# of (istorical materialism in %artic'lar> is to c(allen.e an# o%%ose t(is o6f'scation> %rovi#in. an alternative to s'c( material misrea#in.s> 6'il#in. an o%%ositional Aorl#vieA t(at can %la) some role in reversin. t(e class str'..le #efeats an# Aea enin. of t(e international Aor ersF movement t(at (as ta en %lace as ca%ital an# t(e state (ave 6een in t(e ascen#ant over t(e co'rse of t(e last t(irt) )ears. 3(ose t(in ers A(o (ave faile# to see t(e transitor) nat're of %ostmo#ernism$%oststr'ct'ralism> man) of t(em aca#emic fair&Aeat(er frien#s of Mar5ism> an# (ave instea# investe# so m'c( in recent %roclamations of t(eir #isc'rsivel) constr'cte# i#entit) %olitics > ma& (e## $e am !) the #ast t ac'! (#e%)e the $#"!t reviva# f c#ass i! the face f c !tem+ rar& ca+ita#ism.s t ta#i,i!) materia#it&. 3(e) Aill no #o'6t fin# some variant of ?#ifference? to clin. to> t(e 6etter to avoi# t(e necessit) of s'6-ectivit) an# its o%%ressive o6-ectification 'n#er ca%italism> A(ere class > in its sin.'lar ca%acit) to assimilate ot(er cate.ories of 6ein. an# con.eal varieties of %oAer> r'les an# is r'le#> a metanarrative of e5%loitation Ait(in A(ic( all i#entities 'ltimatel) fin# t(eir level of s'6or#ination$#omination. 3(is is in#ee# an ol# Aa) of loo in. at t(e Aorl#. ='t %ostmo#ernism$%ost&str'ct'ralism notAit(stan#in.> all t(at is ol# is not alAa)s Ait(o't val'e. 0s one ?@l# Man? of Mar5ism> a lifelon. #efen#er of ra#icaliIe# Enli.(tenment val'es> once %roclaime#> in a ma5im %artic'larl) s'ite# to t(e lin e# fort'nes of materialismFs %ast> %resent> an# f't're! ?3(ose A(o cannot #efen# ol# %ositions Aill never con9'er neA ones.?

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

* Wave 1


Their + stm %er!ism is "se#ess a$se!t a c !crete vie( at hist rica# c !te;t
C ; ./< & emerit's %rof. of %ol. sci. : Gor ;niv. <,o6ert W.> ?Critical "olitical Econom)>? in ?International "olitical Econom)! ;n#erstan#in. 7lo6al Disor#er>? E#. 6) =-orn Hette> %.31&32> ,7D
8irst of all> t(ere

is no t(eor) in itself> no t(eor) in#e%en#ent of a concrete (istorical conte5t. 3(eor) is t(e Aa) t(e min# Aor s to 'n#erstan# t(e realit) it confronts. It is t(e self&conscio'sness of t(at min#> t(e aAareness of (oA facts e5%erience# are %erceive# an# or.aniIe# so as to 6e 'n#erstoo#. 3(eor) t('s folloAs realit) in t(e sense t(at it is s(a%e# 6) t(e Aorl# of e5%erience. ='t it also %rece#es t(e ma in. of realit) in t(at it orients t(e min#s of t(ose A(o 6) t(eir actions re%ro#'ce or c(an.e t(at realit). 3(eor) is alAa)s for someone an# for some %'r%ose. We nee# to noA t(e conte5t in A(ic( t(eor) is %ro#'ce# an# 'se#K an# Ae nee# to noA A(et(er t(e aim of t(e 'ser is to maintain t(e e5istin. social or#er or to c(an.e it. 3(ese tAo %'r%oses lea# to tAo in#s of t(eor). W(at I s(all call F%ro6lem&solvin.F t(eor) ta es t(e Aorl# as .iven <an# on t(e A(ole as .oo#D an# %rovi#es .'i#ance to correct #)sf'nctions or s%ecific %ro6lems t(at arise Ait(in t(is e5istin. or#er . 3(e ot(er in# of t(eor)> A(ic( I s(all call FcriticalF
<alt(o'.( I #o not t(ere6) affiliate Ait( an) %artic'lar ten#encies t(at (ave (eretofore a#o%te# t(at Aor#D is concerne# Ait( (oA t(e e5istin. or#er came into 6ein. an# A(at t(e %ossi6ilities are for c(an.e in t(at or#er. 3(e first is concerne# Ait( s%ecific reforms aime# at t(e maintenance of e5istin. str'ct'res> t(e Fsecon# Ait( e5%lorin. t(e %otential for str'ct'ral c(an.e an# t(e constr'ction of strate.ies for c(an.e.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

+ Wave 1


- ststr"ct"ra#isms characteri,ati ! f the i!ter!ati !a# s&stem $& i!e5"a#ities i! mi#itar& + (er ver# 's hist rica# materia#ist c !%iti !s "!%er#&i!) mi#itarism a!% (ar.
La+ i!te1 2334 L3(ierr). ?=e)on# an Historicism Wit(o't /'6-ect! 0.enc) an# t(e El'sive 7enealo.ies of /tate /overei.nt)? "a%er %resente# at t(e ann'al meetin. of t(e International /t'#ies 0ssociation 1*t( 0nn'al Convention> 8e6 2*> 2007 M(tt%!$$$meta$%1*0172Nin#e5.(tmlO
It 6ecomes clearer> in t(is conte5t> t(at (ierarc(ical

relations of %oAer in t(e international s)stem ma) not solel) rest on Po6-ectiveQ ine9'alities in militar) mi.(t as (as 6een conten#e#. 0s critical a%%roac(es .enerall) ar.'e> t(ese (ierarc(ical relations are t(emselves s(a%e# t(ro'.( an# con#itione# 6) vario's instit'tionalise# str'ct'res of %oAerEmaterial an# #isc'rsiveEt(at re%ro#'ce social relations of #omination an# s'6or#ination 6etAeen ('man s'6-ects across time an# s%ace . 3(e 9'estion of t(eir
(istorical con#itions of emer.ence an# transformation a%%ears to 6e t(e f'n#amental one for an) critical a%%roac( in I, t(at see s to avoi# A(at Co(n M. Ho6son calls t(e fallac) of tem%o&centrism an# c(ronofetis(ism <Ho6son 2002D. Critical sc(olars(i% remains #ee%l) #ivi#e# on t(e Aa) in A(ic( t(e) %ro6lematiIe t(e relation 6etAeen %oAer an# soverei.nt). HoA to %ro6lematise t(e (istorical con#itions of emer.ence of #isco'rses an# %ractices of state soverei.nt) remains a 9'estion t(at still nee#s to 6e #e6ate# . In t(is> it e5ists a f'n#amental line of

fract're #ivi#in. "oststr'ct'ralism an# Historical Materialism in t(eir res%ective Aa)s to t(eorise t(e artic'lation of %oAer relations$#)namics of %oAer Ait( social #isco'rses an# social instit'tions across time an# s%ace . 3(is %a%er see s to criticall)
e5%lore t(e Aa) in A(ic( "ost&/tr'ct'ralist sc(olars in I, (ave a%%roac(e# t(e 9'estion of t(e (istoricit) of state soverei.nt). W(ile ac t(eir contri6'tions in criti9'in. t(e a&(istorical an# essentialist fo'n#ations of mainstream I, sc(olars(i%> it Aill 6e ar.'e# t(at t(e central Aea ness of

"oststr'ct'ralism is t(at 6) 'n#erstan#in. formation an# transformation in state soverei.nt) as e5%ression of s(iftin. #isc'rsive> it ten#s to evac'ate t(e s%ecific> 'neven an# #ifferentiate# social relations t(at create t(e (istorical con#itions for s'c( #isco'rses to emer.e. It Aill 6e ar.'e# t(at "oststr'ct'ralism ma.nifies t(e internal co(erence of an e%istemic %ara#i.m E#isc'rsive r'les of an (istorical eraEan# #oAn%la)s t(e variet) of Aa)s in A(ic( s%ecific #isco'rses can 6e mo6iliIe# to %ro#'ce> re%ro#'ce an# transform #ifferent sets of social relations of %oAer 6) ('man a.ents across s%ace in a .iven (istorical %erio#. 3('s> I ar.'e t(at "oststr'ct'ralism esc(eAs an anal)sis of t(e (istorical %rocess of formation an# transformation of forms of noAle#.e$social %oAer in relations Ait( #ifferentiate# forms of instit'tionaliIe# social %ractices.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

10 Wave 1


- ststr"ct"ra#isms f#a(e% e+istem # )& %e!ies em+irica#1 hist rica#1 r ca"se*a!%*effect i!vesti)ati !s i!t IR
La+ i!te1 2334 L3(ierr). ?=e)on# an Historicism Wit(o't /'6-ect! 0.enc) an# t(e El'sive 7enealo.ies of /tate /overei.nt)? "a%er %resente# at t(e ann'al meetin. of t(e International /t'#ies 0ssociation 1*t( 0nn'al Convention> 8e6 2*> 2007 M(tt%!$$$meta$%1*0172Nin#e5.(tmlO
3(ir#l)> since t(e ('man s'6-ect is 'n#erstoo# as a mere rela) in an en#less co6Ae6 of %oAer relations> an# .iven t(at as s'c( (e$s(e is contin'o'sl) in a %osition of 6ein. o6-ect an# s'6-ect of %oAer> "oststr'ct'ralists (ave reac(e# t(e ver#ict t(at t(e ('man s'6-ect m'st 6e #ecentre# from o'r t(eoriIin. <I6i#!22K Cam%6ell! 5K =artelsonD5. "oststr'ct'ralists e5%licitl) em6race 8o'ca'ltTs stance on t(e im%erative of forsa in. a t(eoriIin. of "oAer 6ase# on an anal)sis of s'6-ectTs intentionalit) <I6i#! 25K =artelson 1++5! 51&5*K Kenne#) 1+7+! 271D. 3(e anal)tical

frameAor t(at is %'t forAar# esc(eAs t(e ass'm%tion t(at %oAer is somet(in. t(at #ominant .ro'%s or class of ('man s'6-ects 'se to s'6or#inate ot(ers to t(eir Aill or 6) constrainin. t(eir ran.e of availa6le strate.ies of actions <=artelson 1++5! 1+&53D. It m'st rat(er %rocee# from t(e o%%osite ass'm%tion> A(ic( asserts t(at "oAer im%oses itself on all s'6-ects Ait( t(e en# res'lt of contin'o'sl) %ro#'cin. t(em as o6-ects. 3(is strate.ic mo#el of %oAer as a co6Ae6 of actions '%on actions involves an e5%licit retreat from t(eoriIin. social #)namics 6ase# on a %ro6lematiIin. of t(e (istoricall) s%ecific Aa)s in A(ic( a.ents #evelo% strate.ies of %oAer$action to ens're t(eir social re%ro#'ction Ait(in an instit'tional conte5t not of t(eir oAn c(oosin.. In t(at sense> "oststr'ct'ralism cele6rates t(e 9'ite %ro6lematic notion of (istor) Ait(o't s'6-ects
<=artelson 1++5! c(a%.3K 7i##ens 1++3! 232D. Lastl)> t(e im%erative of #ecentrin. t(e s'6-ectEi.e. of #evelo%in. an U(istor) Ait( no s'6-ectTEim%lies forsa in. t(e %retension of Ptotal (istor)Q t(at P<RD attem%ts to #iscover t(e overri#in. 'nit) or central %rinci%le A(ic( .ives co(erence to a civiliIation or %erio#Q <Kenne#)1+7+! 272D. 0s far as lan.'a.e is not merel) a mirror of realit) for it is constit'tive of o'r %erce%tion$e5%erience of it> evi#ences of t(e %ast #o not s%ea for t(emselves o'tsi#e t(e s%ecific #isc'rsive formation in A(ic( t(e) are an inte.ral %art of. 3('s> it (as 6een ri.(tl) ar.'e# t(at #isc'rsive an# non&#isc'rsive are not #iscrete PrealmsQ or Ps%(eresQ t(at can 6e .ras%e# in#e%en#entl) from anot(er <Cam%6ell 1++*! 2D. V'otin. Lacla' an# Mo'ffe> Cam%6ell stresses t(at PLAO(at is #enie# is not t(atR o6-ects e5ist e5ternall) to t(o'.(t> 6't t(e rat(er #ifferent assertion t(at t(e) co'l# constit'te t(emselves as o6-ects o'tsi#e of an) #isc'rsive con#ition of emer.enceQ <Cam6ell 1++*! 2D. Even t(o'.( sc(olars t(at (ave a#o%te# s'c( a stance claim to re-ect t(e i#ea of a %riorit) of t(e P#isc'rsiveQ over t(e Pnon&#isc'rsiveQ since one can not e5ist in a6straction of t(e ot(er> t(e met(o#olo.) #evelo%e# to co%e Ait( t(e relation 6etAeen "oAer an# KnoAle#.e often 6etra) an im%licit em%(asis on t(e first term of t(e e9'ation. In#ee# t(e met(o#s of in9'ir) t(at (as 6een a#o%te# to #eal Ait( t(is %ro6lemE arc(aeolo.icall) an# .enealo.icall)Eascri6e a %ivotal role to #isco'rse in t(e t(eoriIin. of I,2. 0rc(aeolo.) (as 6een 'se# as a met(o# to #elineate t(e con#itions of emer.ence of #isco'rses of tr't( an# t(e s%ecific forms t(ro'.( A(ic( are constit'te# across time an# s%ace <8o'ca'lt 1+22! 13K /(iner 1+*2! 2**D. 3(e in9'ir) into t(e con#itions of %ossi6ilit) of t(e %ositivit) of #isco'rses (as involve# #elineatin. t(eir 'nit)Et(eir re.'larit)Ein time an# s%ace. 3(e conce%t of e%isteme7 enca%s'lates t(e i#ea of 'nit) of #isco'rses in a .iven time$s%ace. It is #efine# as !P<RD t(e totalit) of relations A(ic( can 6e #iscovere#> for a .iven %erio#> 6etAeen sciences A(en one anal)ses t(em at t(e level of #isc'rsive re.'laritiesQ <8o'ca'lt 1+72! 1+1D. 3(is is A() arc(aeolo.) foc'ses e5cl'sivel) on te5ts an# %rocee#s t(ro'.( e5am%lificator) (istor). 7enealo.) (as 6een #evelo%e# as a ste%%in. stone to .o 6e)on# t(e arc(aeolo.ical foc's on t(e #isc'rsiveEt(e inner f'nctionin.> t(e Ps)stem of constraintsQ> of s)stems of re%resentationEa%%roac(e# more or less in#e%en#entl) from t(e Pnon&#isc'rsiveQ </mart 1+*2! 12*K "almer 1++0! 22&27D. 7enealo.) see s to #elineate t(e relations of %oAer t(at ma e %ossi6le t(e %ositivit) of s)stems of re%resentation*. It see s to %ro6lematise t(e Aa) in A(ic( a s%ecific econom) of #isco'rse is ma#e %ossi6le 6) a constellation of %oAer relations A(ic( arise ran#oml) from re.ionall) #is%erse# sets of social instit'tions to event'all) form a %oAer mec(anism <#is%ositif #e %o'voirD <8o'ca'lt 1+75K 1+72K /ee also =renner 1++1D. 0s /(iner %oints o't! P7enealo.) is t(e anal)sis of (oA one constellation of %oAer& noAle#.e relations is #is%lace# 6) anot(erK it atten#s to t(e 6rea s t(at %'nct'ate (istor)Q </(iner 1+*2! 3*7D. If arc(aeolo.ists an# .enealo.ists aim to #elineate > in t'rn> t(e con#itions of

e5istence of t(e inner f'nctionin. of an econom) of #isco'rse> an# t(e constellation of %oAer relations an# instit'tions '%on A(ic( it rests> t(e) nevert(eless cate.oricall) #en) t(e %ossi6ilit) of ac(ievin. ca'sal e5%lanations as to (oA an# A() t(e) are forme# an# transforme# over time <=artelson 1++5K /ei.el 1++0! 27+D. In ot(er Aor#s> A(ile it stresses #iscontin'it) in time an# s%ace> it esc(eAs e5%lanations of t(e ca'ses of c(an.e. 3(e (istorical %rocess A(ere6) ('man s'6-ects are involve# in t(e %rocess of Pma in. t(eir oAn (istor) in a conte5t not of t(eir oAn c(oosin.Q> to %ara%(rase Mar5> is ta en o't of t(e realm of %ossi6le t(eoretical investi.ation. It t(ere6) offers a mo#e of in9'ir) t(at rests '%on t(e %rimac) of (istorical contin.enc). In #ecentrin. t(e ('man s'6-ect from t(eir t(eoriIin. of "oAer$KnoAle#.eEin re#'cin. t(e ('man s'6-ect to t(e f'nction of a rela) or a s)m%tom of %oAer relationsEsome criti9'es (ave ar.'e# t(at "oststr'ct'ralism (ave not totall) mana.e# to 6ra e t(e fetters of f'nctionalism an# to a certain form of P6ac #oor #eterminismQ t(at (ave %la.'e# for so lon. social sciences in .eneral <=renner 1++1 K "almer 1++0K 7i##ens 1+*5K 1++3! 232K 3(om%son 1+7*D. 3(is cons%ic'o's a6sence of ('man a.enc) in "oststr'ct'ralist t(eoriIin. of PLRO %oAer an# noAle#.e as constr'cte# #isc'rsivel)> floAin. o't of an# %enetratin. all realmsQ <"almer 1++0!27D can easil) 6e fo'n# in t(e forms of t(eoretical interventions it (as .iven rise to in t(e fiel# of I,. In t(eir tAo most si.nificant interventions in f'rt(erin. critical t(in in. in I,EA(ic( Ae Aill 6e o'tline# in t'rn in A(at folloAsE
"oststr'ct'ralist sc(olars (ave avoi#e# to t(in a6o't t(e (istoricall) s%ecific %olitical econom)Ean# com%le5es of social relations in A(ic( ('man s'6-ects are enmes(e#E'n#er%innin. t(e formation an# transformations of t(e "oAer$KnoAle#.e Pne5'sQ. I Aill a##ress t(eir contri6'tions in t'rn in or#er to (i.(li.(t some of t(eir stren.t(s> 6't more to t(e %oint A(at I consi#er to 6e t(e f'n#amental Aea nesses of t(eir anal)sis! t(e reification of #isco'rseK a %ro6lematic <or cons%ic'o's lac of aD role ascri6e# to ('man a.enc) in t(eir conte5t'aliIin. of evolvin. meanin.s ta en 6) state soverei.nt) in #ifferent %olitical #isco'rsesK an 'n#ifferentiate# conce%tion of social %oAer an# instit'tions across time an# s%aceK an# t(e em%(asis on (istorical contin.enc) in lie' of (istorical s%ecificit) to e5%lain #iscontin'ities in t(e or.aniIation of %olitical life.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

11 Wave 1


Rejecti!) m %er!it& a!% ca#c"#ative th ")ht #"m+s t )ether ca+ita#isms %isti!ct s cia# re#ati !s a!% %ehist rici,es the s+ecific c !%iti !s e!a$#i!) racism1 c # !ia#ism1 a!% the H # ca"st
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.127&131> ,7D =) conflatin. t(e social relations of ca%italism Ait( t(e intellect'al an# tec(nolo.ical %ro.ress of Pmo#ernit)>Q t(e %ro#'ct of t(e former can 6e lai# at t(e #oor of t(e latter. 3(e s%ecific %ro6lems create# 6) ca%italist social relations 6ecome #e(istoriciIe#. In %ostr'ct'ralist #isco'rse racial t(eor)> colonialism> or t(e Holoca'st are not investi.ate# in t(eir s%ecificit)> as %ro#'cts of #istinctive ten#encies Ait(in ca%italist societ)> 6't are all l'm%e# as t(e .eneral conse9'ence of Pmo#ernit).Q In t(is Aa) t(e %ositive as%ects of Pmo#ernQ societ) 4 its invocation of reason> its tec(nolo.ical a#vancements> its i#eolo.ical commitment to e9'alit) an# 'niversalism 4 are #eni.rate# A(ile its ne.ative as%ects 4 t(e ina6ilit) of ca%italism to overcome social #ivisions> t(e %ro%ensit) to treat lar.e sections of ('manit) as PinferiorQ or Ps'6('man>Q t(e contrast 6etAeen tec(nolo.ical a#vance an# moral t'r%it'#e> t(e ten#encies toAar#s 6ar6arism 4 are seen as inevita6le or nat'ral.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

12 Wave 1

- st*str"ct"ra#ist rejecti !s f states1 the IR s&stem1 a!% %i+# mac& $sc"re the r #e f s verei)!t& as a s cia##& a!% hist rica##& sit"ate% f rce?! e+istem # )ica##& re#eva!t a!a#&sis ca! e;ist a$se!t a! hist rica##& materia#ist a++r ach
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O W(at t(ese 6roa# conce%ts of t(e Fmo#e of %ro#'ctionF an# t(e Fsocial formationF #i# entail Aas t(at anal)sis of an) area of ('man acitivit) (a# to 6e seen in t(is socio&economic conte5t> an# not in a6straction from it. 3(ere is t(erefore no state> no 6elief> no conflict> no %oAer in .eneral> or in#e%en#ent of t(is conte5t. =) e5tension> t(ere is no Finternational s)stemF> or an) com%onent activit)> 6e t(is Aar or #i%lomac)> a6stracte# from t(e mo#e of %ro#'ction. In#ee#> International ,elations is t(e st'#) of t(e relations not 6etAeen states 6't 6etAeen social formations. W(en t(is insi.(t is a%%lie# to t(e iss'es of international relations> a #efinite s(ift of foc's 6ecomes visi6le. Th"s the state is ! # !)er see! as a! em$ %ime!t f !ati !a# i!terest r j"%icia# !e"tra#it&1 $"t rather f the i!terests f a s+ecific s ciet& r s cia# f rmati !1 %efi!e% $& its s ci *ec ! mic str"ct"re. HoA far classes control t(e state> or are se%arate# from it> (as 6een one of t(e main iss'es of #is%'te Ait(in t(e fiel#. /overei.nt) e9'all) 6ecomes not a &20& .eneric conce%t 6't t(e soverei.nt) of s%ecific social forces. Its (istor) is t(at of forms of social %oAer an# atten#ant le.itimisation Ait(in a formation. Sec"rit& is rem ve% fr m the %isti!ct the retica# s+here i! (hich it has $ee! +#ace% a!% $ec mes the sec"rit& f s+ecific s cia# )r "+s a!% f r s+ecific s ci ec ! mic reas !s. 3(e (istor) of t(e s)stem is also seen in anot(er li.(t! t(e mo#ern inter&state s)stem emer.e# in a conte5t of t(e s%rea# of ca%italism across t(e .lo6e> an# t(e s'6-'.ation of %re&ca%italist societies. 3(is socio&economic s)stem (as 'n#er%inne# 6ot( t(e c(aracter of in#ivi#'al states an# of t(eir relations Ait( eac( ot(er! ! a!a#&sis f i!ter!ati !a# re#ati !s is + ssi$#e Ait(o't reference to ca%italism> t(e social formations it .enerate# an# t(e Aorl# s)stem t(e) com%rise . 27 3(e secon# central t(eme>
em6o#ie# in t(e ver) term for t(e %ara#i.m itself> is t(at of (istor)> an# (istorical #etermination. In t(e first instance> Mar5 ar.'e# t(at (istor) infl'ence# %resent 6e(avio'r. In t(e %(rase (e 'se# on one occasion! Ft(e tra#ition of t(e #ea# .enerations Aei.(s li e a ni.(tmare '%on t(e min#s of t(e livin.F. ='t it meant somet(in. more t(an t(is! Mar5 ar.'e# t(at t(e events or c(aracter of an) societ) co'l# onl) 6e seen in t(eir (istorical conte5t && one (a# to as (oA t(e o6-ect of st'#) came a6o't> A(at t(e infl'ences> of %ast events Aere> an# A(at t(e im%act of t(e %ast in s(a%in. t(e c'rrent sit'ation mi.(t 6e. 2* C'st as (e ar.'e# t(at societ) (a# to 6e seen in its socio&economic conte5t> so (e 6elieve# t(at t(e con#itions of .eneration an# a reco.nition of t(eir contin.ent location> Aere central to an) anal)sis. 3o 'n#erstan# contem%orar) ca%italist societ)> one (a# to see (oA it ori.inate# an# A(at t(e %ro6lems an# ten#encies con#itione# 6) t(e %ast Aere> (oA it limite# A(at %eo%le t(o'.(t of as 6ein. t(eir o%tions> an# le# t(em to 6e infl'ence#> or A(oll) #etermine#> 6) %assions> ill'sions> i#entifications #erive# 's'all) 'nAittin.l) from t(e %ast.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

13 Wave 1

He)em !& creates a fa#se "!iversa#it& $ase% ! materia# % mi!a!ce a!% fa#se#& c !f#ates this % mi!a!ce (ith the !at"ra# c "rse f hist r& t create a c here!t visi ! f ( r#% r%er
C ; ./< & emerit's %rof. of %ol. sci. : Gor ;niv. <,o6ert W.> ?Critical "olitical Econom)>? in ?International "olitical Econom)! ;n#erstan#in. 7lo6al Disor#er>? E#. 6) =-orn Hette> %.13&11> ,7D 3(e 9'estion of cons'm%tion mo#els is closel) lin e# to t(e 9'estion of (e.emon). In t(e terms I (ave 'se#> an in#icator of (e.emon) Ao'l# 6e a %re%on#erant ontolo.) t(at ten#s to a6sor6 or s'6or#inate all ot(ers. @ne inters'6-ective 'n#erstan#in. of t(e Aorl# e5cl'#es all ot(ers an# a%%ears to 6e 'niversal. It is often sai# t(at alt(o'.( ;nite# /tates economic %oAer in t(e Aorl# (as e5%erience# a relative #ecline> t(e 0merican Aa) of life (as never 6een a more %oAerf'l mo#el. 0n 0merican&#erive# F6'siness civiliIationF> to 'se /'san /tran.eFs term> c(aracteriIes t(e .lo6aliIin. elitesK an# 0merican %o% c'lt're (as %ro-ecte# an ima.e of t(e .oo# life t(at is a 'niversal o6-ect of em'lation E a 'niversaliIe# mo#el of cons'm%tion. 3(is constit'tes a serio's o6stacle to t(e ret(in in. of social %ractices so as to 6e more com%ati6le Ait( t(e 6ios%(ere. 0 co'nterc(allen.e to t(e 'niversaliIin. of 0merican %o% c'lt're is t(e affirmation of ot(er c'lt'ral i#entities. 3(e most evi#ent> an# t(e most e5%licitl) ne.atin. of 0merican c'lt're> is in IslamK 6't ot(er c'lt'res are also affirmin. alternative Aorl#&vieAs. 3(e (e.emonies of t(e %ast an# %resent (ave 'niversaliIe# from one national c'lt're or one tra#ition of civiliIation. 0 %ost&(e.emonic Aorl# or#er Ao'l# no 6e t(e .lo6al reac( of one %artic'lar form of civiliIation. It Ao'l# contain a %l'ralit) of visions of Aorl# or#er.
In or#er to avoi# s'c( an or#er la%sin. into m't'al incom%re(ension an# conflict> it Ao'l# 6e necessar) to move 6e)on# a %osition of %'re relativism in or#er to ac(ieve a in# of s'%ra&inters'6-ectivit) t(at Ao'l# %rovi#e a 6ri#.e across t(e #istinct an# se%arate s'6-ectivities of t(e #ifferent coe5istin. civiliIations.

3(ese vario's tra#itions of civiliIation are not monolit(ic an# fi5e#. 3(e) #evelo% #ialecticall) li e an) (istorical str'ct're. C(an.e ma) come 6ot( from internal contra#ictions E for e5am%le> .en#ere# %oAer relations an# social ine9'ities can 6e so'rces of conflict an# m'tation in all c'lt'res. C(an.e can also come from 6orroAin.s an# reactions to t(e %ractices of ot(er c'lt'res in a Aorl# t(at is 6ecomin. ever more closel) nit. /elective a#a%tation rat(er t(an (omo.eniIation Ao'l# c(aracteriIe c(an.e in %ost&(e.emonic %l'ralism.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

11 Wave 1

Tra%iti !a# rev #"ti !s are %ee+#& c !servatisi!)?a strate)& $ase% ! c !sci "s!ess a!% c "!ter*he)em !ies %erive% fr m the re#ati !shi+ f s"$jects t hist r& is !ecessar& t c m$i!e + #itica#1 ec ! mic1 a!% i%e # )ica# str"))#e
McNa##& ./0 & %rof. of %ol. sci. : Gor ;niv. <Davi#> ?Lan.'a.e> Histor)> an# Class /tr'..le>? in ?In Defense of Histor)! Mar5ism an# t(e "ostmo#ern 0.en#a>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.32&3*> ,7D 3(e contra#ictor) c(aracter of Aor in. class conscio'sness is a (i.(l) #)namic %(enomenon. 3o Ait(> t(ere is no (omo.eneo's conscio'sness Ait(in t(e Aor in. class. 0mon. a sin.le .ro'% of Aor ers> some Aill veer toAar#s near&total acce%tance of t(e i#eas of 6osses> s'%ervisors> (ea#s of state> an# so on> A(ile ot(ers Aill ten#s toAar#s an almost t(oro'.(&.oin. o%%osition to s'c( fi.'res. =etAeen t(ese tAo %ositions one Aill fin# t(e ma-orit) of Aor ers. ='t t(eir conscio'sness Aill not 6e fi5e#. 7reat eventsEmass stri es an# #emonstrations> 'nion #rives> an# so onEco'%le# Ait( t(e or.aniIe# %ro%a.ation of o%%ositional i#eas can contri6'te to si.nificant ra#icaliIationsK A(ile #efeats> set6ac s> an# t(e #ecline of o%%ositional #isco'rse can (ave a %ee+#& c !servati,i!) effect. ='t A(atever t(e e5istin. state of affairs at an) one %oint in time> 7ramsci is clear t(at t(e contra#ictor) nat're of Aor in. class conscio'sness cannot 6e eliminate#. It is an intrinsic feat're of ca%italist societ) t(at t(e r'lin. class tries to Ain i#eolo.ical consent to its r'le <an# t(at s'c( efforts are 's'all) s'ccessf'l to a si.nificant e5tentD> and t(at t(e life e5%eriences of Aor ers> t(eir resistance to e5%loitation an# #omination> .enerate %ractices A(ic( #o not fit Ait( t(e #ominant i#eas an# A(ic(> in fact> entail an im%licit Aorl#vieA t(at c( t(ese i#eas. In#ee#> one of t(e cr'cial f'nctions of a revol'tionar) socialist %art) for 7ramsci is t(at it tr) to #raA o't an# s)stematiIe t(e Aorl#vieA A(ic( is im%licit in s'c( %ractices of resistance . 3(is
vieA ena6les 7ramsci to a%%roac( t(e 9'estion of revol'tionar) %olitics in terms of t(e contra#ictions A(ic( %erva#e t(e e5%erience> activit)> an# lan.'a.e of o%%resse# mem6ers of societ). ,evol'tionar) %olitics 6e.ins> 6e ar.'es> Ait( t(e common sense of t(e Aor in. class. 3(is common sense contains all t(ese> lar.el) im%licit> o%%ositional attit'#es. 0n# since socialism> as Mar5 insiste#> is t(e self&emanci%ation of t(e Aor in. class> revol'tionar) i#eas cannot 6e some forei.n #isco'rse in-ecte# into t(e Aor in. class movement. @n t(e contrar)> t(e connection 6etAeen revol'tionar) i#eas an# t(e Aor in.

class m'st 6e or.anicK it is t(e tas of Mar5ists to s(oA t(at socialism is t(e lo.ical an# consistent o't.roAt( of %ractices of Aor in. class resistance. 3(e revol'tionar) %art) m'st t('s 6e a livin. %art of t(e Aor in. class move mentK it m'st s(are t(eir e5%eriences an# s%ea t(eir lan.'a.e. 0t t(e same time> it m'st also 6e t(e force t(at .eneraliIes e5%eriences of o%%osition into an increasin.l) s)stematic %ro.ram> t(e force A(ic( c( t(e tra#itional an# #ominant i#eas in(erite# 6) Aor ers <%atriotism> se5ism> racism> etc.D 6) s(oAin. (oA t(e) conflict Ait( t(e interests an# as%irations im%licit in resistance to e5%loitation an# o%%ression. Contrar) to certain i#ealist ren#erin.s of 7ramsci A(ic( (ave ma#e t(e ro'n#s in recent )ears> (e is insistent t(at t(e 6'il#in. of s'c( a mass co'nter&(e.emonic movement #oes not ta e %lace on a strictl) c'lt'ral %lane or as some rarefie# intellect'al %rocess of i#eolo.ical #issent. Co'nter&(e.emonies > (e ar.'es> are create# t(ro'.( %olitical str'..le> movements in A(ic( economic resistance an# i#eolo.ical com6at .o (an# in (an#. 8or t(e o%%resse#> in ot(er Aor#s> ?critical 'n#erstan#in. of self ta es %lace t(erefore t(ro'.( a str'..le of %olitical (e.emoniesF? <%. 333D. 0n# ?%olitical %arties>? (e insists> o%erate as t(e ?hist rica# #a$ rat r&? of co'nter&(e.emonic Aorl#vieAsK t(e) are ?t(e cr'ci6les A(ere t(e "!ificati ! f the r& a!% +ractice1 "!%erst % as a rea# hist rica# +r cess1 ta'es +#ace? <%. 335D.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

15 Wave 1

The c !ver)e!ce f the state a!% mar'et is the r t ca"se f )# $a# ca+ita#ism
va! A+e#% r! 233@ L=astiann> %rof of %olitical science at Hri-e ;niversiteit 0mster#am> P3(eoriIin. t(e transnational! a (istorical materialist a%%roac(> Co'rnal of International ,elations an# Develo%ment> 2001> 7> <1124172D> e6sco(ostO
It is from t(is %ers%ective t(at Ae ma) also 'n#erstan# t(e #evelo%ment of transnational relations into relations of ca%italist %ro#'ction. 3(e

Aorl# mar et itself .enerate# transnational commercial an# financial netAor s ena6lin. t(e formation of transnational social forces.HoA ever> it Aas onl) A(en> e5%an#in. from t(e En.lis( state&societ) com%le5 o'tAar#s> ca%italism transforme# t(e Aorl# mar et into a ca%italist mar et 6ase# on t(e im%erative of contin'o's e5%ansion an# #ee%enin. t(at ca%italist social relations starte# to #evelo% across t(e 6o'n#aries of t(e neAl) esta6lis(e# territorial 'nits calle# states . It Aas t(erefore onl) on t(e 6asis of t(is ca%italist Aorl# mar et E an# t(e internationaliIation #rive of ca%ital it in#'ce# E t(at a %rocess of transnational <ca%italistD class formation co'l# #evelo% <class relations E an# (ence class formation E %res'%%osin. %ro#'ction relationsD.
3(e comin. into e5istence of a transnational 6o'r.eoisie Aent 6e)on# earlier transnational str'ct'res of socialiIation inasm'c( as it create# a transnational s%ace for t(e e5ercise an# re%ro#'ction of ca%italist class r'le./'c( a transnational s%ace first arose in t(e 1*t( cent'r) in t(e form of A(at Han #er "i-l <1++*! es%eciall) c(a%ter 3D (as calle# t(e Loc ean (eartlan#> forme# t(ro'.( t(e e5%ansion of t(e =ritis( state&societ) com%le5 to incl'#e %arts of Nort( 0merica an# ot(er re.ions t(ro'.( settler colonies> an# in its commercial an# %olitical e5%ansion confrontin. <sometimes res'ltin. in AarD so&calle# Ho66esian conten#er states.It is t('s t(at t(ro'.( t(is e5%ansion Ae can Aitness E t(o'.( via man) crisis an# fits an# starts E a

.ra#'al Ai#enin. of t(e area of state&societ) com%le5es s'6-ect to t(e im%osition of ca%italist #isci%line an# a concomitant <#ee%enin.D commo#ification of social relations. It Aas Ait( t(e in#'strial revol'tion t(at t(is e5%ansionar) #)namic of ca%italism set in for
.oo#.3(i s #evelo%ment reac(e# a neA clima5 A(en in t(e 1+t( cent'r) 'n#er t(e "a5 =ritannica t(e internationaliIation of ca%ital #ee%ene# an# t(e li6eral internationalist fraction of a 0n.lo&/a5on 6o'r.eoisie 6ecame more an# more cosmo%olitan in o'tloo .

A"esti !i!) ec ! mics (ith "t atte!ti ! t the re#ati !shi+ $et(ee! str"ct"res a!% act rs i! the + #itica# ec ! m& fai#s
C ; ./< & emerit's %rof. of %ol. sci. : Gor ;niv. <,o6ert W.> ?Critical "olitical Econom)>? in ?International "olitical Econom)! ;n#erstan#in. 7lo6al Disor#er>? E#. 6) =-orn Hette> %.32&32> ,7D
3(e ne5t 9'estion is! c(an.e in A(atS W(at is %olitical econom)S I s'..est t(at %olitical

econom) is #ifferent from 6ot( %olitical science an# economics as t(e) are commonl) 'n#erstoo#. We sometimes (ear international %olitical econom) #efine# as t(e %olitics of international economic relations. 3(is s'..ests an or rapprochement of t(e tAo fiel#s. Get t(ere is a met(o#olo.ical #ifference 6etAeen %olitical science an# economics> on t(e one (an#> an# %olitical econom) > as I Ao'l# li e to #efine it> on t(e ot(er. "olitical science an# economics are actor&oriente# st'#ies. 3(e) ta e off from some rat(er fi5e# ass'm%tions a6o't t(e frameAor or %arameters Ait(in A(ic( actions ta e %lace E t(e instit'tional frameAor of %olitics> or t(e conce%t of t(e mar et. Wit(in t(ese %arameters> t(e) can often .ive 9'ite %recise ansAers to s%ecific 9'estions. "olitical scientists can anal)se %olitical %rocesses
Ait(in e5istin. str'ct'res an# %ossi6l) .ive 'sef'l a#vice to %oliticians a6o't (oA to .ain or retain office or A(at %olic) o%tions are feasi6le in terms of %'6lic s'%%ort. Economists 'se t(e relations(i%s #erive# from t(e rat(er a6stract conce%t of a mar et to %re#ict o'tcomes

'n#er #ifferent con#itions. =ot( %rovi#e e5am%les of t(e a%%lication of %ro6lem&solvin. t(eor). "olitical econom)> 6) contrast> is concerne# Ait( t(e (istoricall) constit'te# frameAor s or str'ct'res Ait(in A(ic( %olitical an# economic activit) ta es %lace. It stan#s 6ac from t(e a%%arent fi5it) of t(e %resent to as (oA t(e e5istin. str'ct'res came into 6ein. an# (oA t(e) ma) 6e c(> or (oA t(e) ma) 6e in#'ce# to c(an.e. In t(is sense> %olitical econom) is critical t(eor).
Historical str'ct'res

3(ere is> of co'rse> no a6sol'te #istinction 6etAeen actors an# str'ct'res. It is not a 9'estion of sacrificin. t(e one or t(e ot(er. /tr'ct'res are forme# 6) collective ('man activit) over time. /tr'ct'res> in t'rn> mo'l# t(e t(o'.(ts an# actions of in#ivi#'als. Historical c(an.e is to 6e t(o'.(t of as t(e reci%rocal relations(i% of str'ct'res an# actors. 3(ere is a #ifference> (oAever> 6etAeen t(in in. of t(is actorE
str'ct're relations(i% as a %rocess confi.'rin. str'ct'ral c(an.e> an# t(in in. of actions as confine# Ait(in fi5e#> .iven str'ct'res in t(e manner of %ro6lem&solvin. t(eor).

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

12 Wave 1

C !fi!i!) %isc"ssi !s f ca+ita#ism i! IR t im+eria#ism is m& +ic
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O If realism can #etac( itself from its co'sins && social DarAinism> racism an# Machtpolitik && so can an inter%retive Mar5ism 6e #istin.'is(e# from its instr'mental com%anion. /'c( a #istinction involves a6ove all an e5amination of A(at Mar5 an# En.els t(emselves
Arote> an# of t(e Aor of in#e%en#ent Mar5ists A(o> t(ro'.(o't t(e Leninist an# ort(o#o5 comm'nist #omination of t(e s'6-ect> so'.(t to %rovi#e an alternative inter%retation to t(at of t(e #o.matists. 1 C'st as in sociolo.)> (istor) an# ot(er social sciences t(is in#e%en#ent> 6roa#l) FWesternF> Mar5ist c'rrent (as 6een a6le to esta6lis( a reco.nise# an# anal)ticall) fr'itf'l 6o#) of Aor > so t(ere e5ists t(e %otential for it to #o so in t(e realm of I,. It is t(is claim A(ic( t(e folloAin. c(a%ter see s to e5%lore> Ait( to a %otential interaction of International ,elations an# t(e Mar5ist tra#ition. Des%ite man) #eca#es of %otential interaction> t(e esta6lis(ment of a relations(i% 6etAeen (istorical materialism an# t(e #isci%line of international relations is still at an initial sta.e. 0t vario's in t(e (istor) of t(e #isci%line> t(ere (ave 6een s'rve)s of t(e im%lications of Mar5ism for International ,elations in A(ic( alrea#) constit'te# %oints of contact (ave 6een i#entifie#. 2 /ince t(e 1+70s a n'm6er of Ariters (ave a#vocate# f'rt(er t(eoretical Aor > 6e it t(e ela6oration of a .eneral Mar5ist a%%roac( to International ,elations> or t(e #evelo%ment of #omains in A(ic( t(e International ,elations #isci%line> as %resentl) constit'te#> can stren.t(en its anal)tic en#eavo'rs 6) #raAin. on s%ecific elements Ait(in (istorical materialism. 3 In an innovative an# -'#icio's st'#)> 0n#reA Lin later (as e5amine# t(e im%lications for I, of FcriticalF Mar5ism> A(ile stressin. t(e constraints A(ic( t(e international s)stem im%oses on an) emanci%ator) %ro-ect. 1 HoAever> in contrast to s'c( ot(er areas of t(e social sciences as &1*& sociolo.)> economics or (istor)> (istorical materialism (as never occ'%ie# a sec're %lace Ait(in International ,elationsK t(ere are man) A(o see to limit its a%%lication> 6e t(is e5%licitl)> as Aas t(e case Ait( t(ose A(o #enie# its relevance> s'c( as Martin Wi.(t an# Hans Mor.ent(a'> or im%licitl)> 6) rele.atin. it to a minor %lace> or 6) %resentin. it in a selective inter%retation> s'c( t(at its %ertinence is constricte#. 5 3(is is ac(ieve# a6ove all 6) 6loc in. o't t(e main t(eoretical 9'estions of Mar5ism. 3(e fact t(at I, is almost A(oll) silent on A(at for Mar5ism is t(e central cate.or) of mo#ern social anal)sis> namel) ca%italism> is itself in#icative. E9'all)> as #isc'sse# in C(a%ter *> t(e #e.ree to A(ic( t(e Col# War em6o#ie# not -'st com%etin. strate.ic interests> 6't #ifferent socio&economic ones> (as 6een i.nore# in most I, literat're . 3(e so'rces of t(is fail're lie on 6ot( si#es of t(e relations(i%. International ,elations as a #isci%line (as arisen %rimaril) Ait(in =ritis( an# 0merican 'niversities> an# as a t(eoretical #erivative of ot(er #isci%lines in t(e social sciences. Neit(er instit'tional conte5t> nor t(eoretical infl'ence> (ave 6een ones in A(ic( Mar5ism (as (a# a %rominent or .enerall) reco.nise# %lace. @n t(e ot(er (an#> (istorical materialism (as not itself #evelo%e# t(e t(eoretical foc's nee#e# for a com%re(ensive an# .enerall) intelli.i6le contri6'tion to International ,elations . M'c( of A(at Aas %ro#'ce# in t(e name of Mar5ism> 6) comm'nist re.imes or t(ose folloAin. t(em> Aas v' %olemic> a re%etition of certain stan#ar#> form'laic> rea#in.s of Mar5ism itself an# concentrate# aro'n# a -'stification of %olitical interests. 3(e confinin. of Mar5ist #isc'ssion of t(e international to t(e 9'estion of Fim%erialismF> an# a one&si#e# an# 6anal inter%retation of t(e %(enomenon at t(at> Aas as m'c( t(e res%onsi6ilit) of t(ose es%o'sin. Mar5ism as of t(ose o%%ose# to it. 2 3(ose A(o> Ait(in t(e in#e%en#ent c'rrents of (istorical materialism> (ave so'.(t to ela6orate a Mar5ist a%%roac( to International ,elations (ave la6o're# 'n#er t(e t(eoretical #iffic'lties t(at confront t(ose A(o see to anal)se %olitics> an# i#eolo.ical factors> Ait(in t(e confines of s%ecific states t(emselves.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

17 Wave 1

Hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&sis sh (s that se#f*%etermi!ati ! serves as a shie#% f r im+eria# acti !s1 j"stif&i!) vi #e!t im+eria#ist i!v cati !
K! ; 13 & M"(il$"(D Can#i#ate Lon#on /c(ool of Economics <,o6ert C.> P3(e De.ra#ation of t(e International @r#erS 3( e ,e(a6ilitation of LaA an# t(e "ossi6ilit) of "olitics> =ill =oArin.>Q Historical Materialism Hol'me 1*> Iss'e 1> E=/C@> ,7D
It is not sim%l) t(e case t(at =oArin. 'n#erestimates t(e #e.ree to A(ic( rival %ositions are .en'ine attem%ts at co(erence an#> as s'c(> all e9'all) Ule.alT. It is also t(e case t(at t(e tenets of =oArin.Ts oAn %osition 4 revol'tionar) conservatism 4 (ave> at vario's times> 6een 'se# to le.itimate an# %romote im%erial actions on t(e Aorl#&sta.e. 0 %artic'larl) 'sef'l e5am%le in t(is res%ect is self&#etermination . W(ilst =oArin. is certainl) ri.(t to note

t(e im%ortant role self&#etermination %la)e# in anticolonial str'..le> (e is c'rio'sl) silent as to its invocation 6) vario's im%erialist %oAers. 3( e most o6vio's e5am%le of t(is in recent times Aas t(e ,'ssian invasion of 7eor.ia 'n#er t(e rationale < ot(ersD of #efen#in. t(e ri.(t to self&#etermination of 06 (aIiaTs et(nic ,'ssians. 3( is itself is Ai#el) vieAe# as a res%onse to KosovoTs 'nilateral #eclaration <an# t(e atten#ant s'%%ort of vario's Aorl#&%oAersD of in#e%en#ence> itself -'stifi e# in terms of self&#etermination.12 @ne can fi n# f'rt(er e5am%les of t(is in =olivia> A(ere t(ose ric( re.ions le# 6) t(e ,i.(t t(reatene# to sece#e17 an# in claims of IsraelTs #efen#ers t(at its actions can 6e -'stifi e# oAin. to t(e nee# for t(e self&#etermination of t(e CeAis( %eo%le.1* 0s 3on) Cliff note#> Israel fre9'entl) a%%eale# to t(e i#ea t(at it Aas a Ulo)al little CeAis( ;lsterT in or#er to .ain s'%%ort.1+ In#ee#> t(e ri.(t of ('manitarian intervention A(ic( =oArin. #ecries (as its mo#ern .enesis in t(e ri.(t of U%ro&#emocratic interventionT artic'late# #'rin. t(e Col# War> A(ic( Aas itself roote# in ar.'ments from self&#etermination .20 Earl) on in t(e
6oo > =oArin. attem%ts to c't t(is off > ar.'in. t(at! Intervention or interference> (oAever t(e) are c(aracterise#> an# in t(e name of A(ic(ever (ono'ra6le motives> (ave never 6een 4 an# most certainl) are not noA 4 %art of t(e str'..le of in#ivi#'als or collectivities. <%. 2.D ='t t(is ar.'ment sim%l) cannot Aor for =oArin.. 8irstl)> 6eca'se later in t(e 6oo (e %ositivel) notes t(at UL tO(e ;//, . . . fo'n# itself o6li.e# to .ive ver)

consi#era6le material s'%%ort to self&#etermination str'..lesT <%. 3*D> t(is of co'rse incl'#e# militar) %rovision> A(ic( m'st 6e co'nte# as a form of Uintervention or interferenceT. More tellin.l)> vario's co'ntries t(at forme# %art of t(e 3(ir#&Worl# movement Aere ent('siastic a#vocates of militar) intervention in t(e name of anticolonialism an# self&#etermination. 3(is can 6e seen %artic'larl) clearl) in t(e case of 7oa> A(ic( In#ia inva#e# to li6erate from "ort'.alTs colonial occ'%ation.
Here> In#ian ;N am6assa#or C(a ar.'e# t(at 0rticle 2<1D of t(e C(arter Ao'l# not 6e 6reac(e# 6) its invasion of 7oa> since t(e Aave of #ecolonisation (a# transforme# its am6it> s'c( t(at anticolonial violence co'l# not 6e co'nte# as a..ression.21 3( is ar.'ment> 6ot( in terms of its content an# str'ct're is startlin.l) similar to ,eismanTs. 0s one can see> there is a %irect #i!ea)e $et(ee! the Thir% B r#%s i!v cati ! f se#f* %etermi!ati ! a!% the im+eria#ist i!v cati ! f Ch"ma!itaria! i!terve!ti !. 22 It seems #iffi c'lt to ar.'e t(at t(ese invocations can 6e meanin.f'll) #iff erentiate# in law. W(ilst t(eir %olitical content co'l# not 6e more o%%ose#> t(e a6stract nat're of claims Ao'l# com%el a %rinci%le# a#(erent to t(e laA to s'%%ort 6ot( <or at least refrain from criticisin. t(e latter on .ro'n#sD. It seems es%eciall) #iffi c'lt for =oArin. to esca%e t(ese o6-ections.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

1* Wave 1

Their aff ca!t access the rev #"ti ! D the rev #"ti ! is ! t a sim+#e m me!t i! time D their 9t +ia! a#ter!ative fai#s t e;ami!e c"#t"ra# a!% + #itica# hist r& a!% th"s % es!t achieve tr"e s cia# cha!)e
=ames ! ./0 & (ea# of t(e Lit. %ro.ram : D' e <8re#ric> ?8ive t(eses on act'all) e5istin. Mar5ism>? 0%ril> 1++2> (tt%!$$$%$articles$miNm1132$isNn11Nv17$aiN1*205121$Sta.WcontentKcol1> ,7D
='t s'c( ar.'ments in t(eir t'rn %res'%%ose t(e ta in. of a %osition on A(at is s'rel) t(e central conce%t in an) Mar5ian ?'nit)&of&t(eor)&an#&%ractice>? namel) ,evol'tion itself 3(is is t(e case 6eca'se it is t(e 'ntena6ilit) of t(at conce%t t(at is t(e %rinci%al e5(i6it in t(e %ost& or anti& Mar5ian arsenal. 3(e #efense of t(is conce%t> (oAever> re9'ires a n'm6er of %reliminar) %re%arations! in %artic'lar> Ae nee# to a6an#on to iconolo.) ever)t(in. t(at s'..ests t(at revol'tion is a %'nct'al moment rat(er t(an an ela6orate an# com%le5 %rocess. 8or e5am%le> man) of o'r most c(eris(e# iconic of t(e vario's (istorical revol'tions> s'c( as t(e ta in. of t(e Winter "alace an# t(e 3ennis Co'rt @at(> nee# to 6e set asi#e.

/ocial revol'tion is not a moment in time> 6't it can 6e affirme# in terms of t(e necessit) of c(an.e in A(at is a s)nc(ronic s)stem> in A(ic( ever)t(in. (ol#s an# is interrelate# Ait( ever)t(in. else. /'c( a s)stem t(en #eman#s a in# of a6sol'te s)stemic c(an.e> rat(er t(an %iecemeal Freform>? A(ic( t'rns o't to 6e A(at is in t(e %e-orative sense ? ;to%ian>? t(at is> ill'sor)> not feasi6le. 3(at is to sa) t(at t(e s)stem #eman#s t(e i#eolo.ical vision of a ra#ical social alternative to t(e e5istin. social or#er> somet(in. A(ic( can no 6e ta en for .rante# or in(erite#> 'n#er t(e state of c'rrent #isc'rsive str'..le> 6't A(ic( #eman#s reinvention. ,'s f'n#amentalism <A(et(er Islamic> C(ristian> or Hin#'D> t(at claims to offer a ra#ical alternative to cons'merism an#
?t(e 0merican Aa) of life>? onl) comes into si.nificant 6ein. A(en t(e tra#itional Left alternatives> an# in %artic'lar t(e .reat revol'tionar) tra#itions of Mar5ism an# comm'nism> (ave s'##enl) seeme# 'navaila6le.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

1+ Wave 1

Terr rism is the res"#t f hist rica# a!% materia# %e+rivati !1 ! t f"!%eme!ta#ism D (e have t +"t it i! the c !te;t f str"))#es a)ai!st Bester! ca+ita#ism
M "ssea" .E & 0ssociate %rof of I, : Koc ;niv in Istan6'l> 3'r e) <Mic(ael> ?Mar et CiviliIation an# Its Clas( Ait( 3error>? International /ec'rit)> 27<3D> %.5&2+> "ro-ect M;/E> ,7D 3(ose on t(e loAest r'n. of t(e economic la##er are t(e most v'lnera6le to t(e ne.ative conse9'ences associate# Ait( .lo6aliIation. 3(ose Ait( t(e most to lose> (oAever> are %atrons an# t(eir lie'tenants A(o (ol# %rivile.e# %ositions in t(e ol# clientalist (ierarc(ies. 3(is is A() lea#ers of terrorist or.aniIations fre9'entl) come from %rivile.e# 6ac .ro'n#s. 3o maintain t(e clientalist str'ct're t(at carries Ait( it (i.(er social stat's> t(ese lea#ers see to rall) t(eir client 6ase 6) a%%ealin. to some antimar et i#eolo.). =eca'se it is in a LEn# "a.e 1+O clientFs interest to (ave a %oAerf'l %atron> lea#ers attract an# maintain folloAers 6) #emonstrations of stren.t(. In t(is Aa)> t(e mass m'r#er of Westerners serves tAo %'r%oses! It reflects t(e lea#erFs %oAer> an# it ta%s into Ai#es%rea# antimar et f'r). Is#am itse#f is ! t res+ !si$#e f r the s cia# a++r va# f terr r . "atrons fearin. t(e loss of t(eir %rivile.e# stat'sEs'c( as @sama 6in La#enEfin# an antimar et i#eolo.) 'sef'l to attract folloAers. 3(e) mani%'late Islam to serve t(eir oAn en#s> -'st li e t(eir co'nter%arts in E'ro%e #i# a cent'r) a.o 6) contortin. C(ristianit) to -'stif)
terror an# mass m'r#er. 51 In fact> Islam emer.e# in Mecca> t(e center of si5t(&cent'r) Me#iterranean an# /o't( 0sian tra#e> an# t(e Koran stress t(e mar et val'es of 'niversalism> e9'it)> contract'al e5c(an.e> an# a #e.ree of tolerance toAar# o'tsi#ers <non&M'slimsD. 52 3(e mar et econom) in

t(is re.ion #ecline# 6efore mar et normsEan# li6eral c'lt'reEintensifie# an# e5%an#e# t(ro'.(o't t(e Islamic Aorl#> 6't t(e li6eral ori.ins of Islam #emonstrate t(at reli.ion can 6e inter%rete#> an# mani%'late#> to s'it an)oneFs %'r%oses. In
societies stee%e# in mar et val'es> it is #iffic'lt to com%re(en# (oA an)one can en.a.e in t(e mass m'r#er of o't&.ro'%s> or (oA an)one can s'%%ort it. In#ivi#'als Ait( mar et val'es 6elieve t(at eac( %erson is res%onsi6le onl) for (is or (er actions . C'st as t(ose A(o are not %arties to contracts cannot 6e ma#e o6li.ate# to t(em> in#ivi#'als cannot 6e ass'me# to 6e res%onsi6le for an) an# all 6e(avior of ot(er mem6ers of t(eir a%%arent in&.ro'%. It t(erefore seems a6s'r# to 6lame in#ivi#'als for t(e alle.e# 6a# 6e(avior of ot(ers> an# t(is is t(e social of t(e %res'm%tion of in#ivi#'al innocence in mar et societies. 8rom t(e clientalist %ers%ective> in contrast> no one is innocent!

In#ivi#'als s(are res%onsi6ilit) for t(e actions of ot(ers Ait(in t(e in&.ro'%K if folloAers #o not s'%%ort t(eir lea#ers> t(en t(e) are 6etra)in. t(e entire in&.ro'%. 8rom t(e clientalist %ers%ective> all in&.ro'% mem6ers are %rivile.e# an# all o't&.ro'% mem6ers are enemies or> at 6est> o'tsi#ers 'nAort() of em%at(). LEn# "a.e 20O 0 %a'cit) of em%at() is necessar) for #oin. (arm to> an# toleratin. t(e s'fferin. of> all o't&.ro'% mem6ers. 3(is is A() international ('man ri.(ts are a concern %romote# mostl) 6) mar et #emocracies. It is also A() Ai#es%rea# social s'%%ort for 6ot( terrorism an# sectarian violence fre9'entl) arises in #evelo%in. co'ntries 6't not in co'ntries Ait( #ee%l) inte.rate# mar ets. 53 Clientalist val'es also lie at t(e core of t(e social a%%roval of s'ici#al mass m'r#er. 8rom t(e mar et %ers%ective> all 6e(avior s(o'l# (ave some imme#iate 'tilit) for t(e %arties to a contract. It is t('s #iffic'lt to com%re(en# t(e efficac) of s'ici#e. ='t in c'lt'res A(ere t(e in#ivi#'al is less im%ortant t(an t(e .ro'% an# t(e a6sence of science increases #evotion to ins'lar 6eliefs> s'ici#eE'n#er con#itions of e5treme socioeconomic #isr'%tionEma) emer.e as a sociall) a%%rove# Aa) of e5%ressin. 'ltimate lo)alt) to t(e in&.ro'%. In t(is Aa)> c'lt'ral ins'larism> c(aracteriIe# 6) t(e a6sence of a mar et econom)> is a necessar) con#ition for t(e social a%%roval of s'ici#al mass m'r#er an# sectarian violence. C'lt'ral ins'larism com6ine# Ait( a %artic'lar .rievanceEs'c( as t(e ne.ative conse9'ences associate# Ait( .lo6aliIationEcan create a #ea#l) mi5 for 0mericans an# ot(er Westerners. 0lt(o'.( latent anti&0mericanism an# anti&Westernism e5ist t(ro'.(o't m'c( of t(e #evelo%in. Aorl#> t(ese are most li el) to rise to t(e s'rface #'rin. economic crisesEA(en nascent mi##le classes lose t(eir stat's an# t'rn a.ainst li6eral val'es. 3(is is A(at is (a%%enin.> for e5am%le> in In#onesia A(ere t(e recent colla%se of t(e
local c'rrenc) (as eliminate# t(e savin.s of t(e mi##le class> -'st as ()%erinflation #evastate# t(e savin.s of 7erman)Fs mi##le class sevent)&five )ears a.o. ,ecent terrorist acts a.ainst In#onesian C(ristians <as s)m6ols of t(e WestD an# Westerners #irectl) <t(e Novem6er 2002 6om6in. of a #isco in =aliD are reminiscent of 7erman)Fs mi##le class t'rnin. a.ainst t(ose it i#entifie# Ait( mar et val'es> s'c( as E'ro%ean CeAs an# t(e West. 3(e West> in t(is sense> means mar et civiliIation. LEn# "a.e 21O

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

20 Wave 1

Rejecti!) i%e!tit& as a s cia# c !str"cti ! ta'es it "t f hist rica# a!% s cia# c !te;t1 ma'i!) it a++ear !at"ra# a!% j"stif&i!) $i # )ica# the ries f race
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.112&117> ,7D ?"oststr'ct'ralist t(in in.>? sociolo.ists Davi# =aile) an# /t'art Hall (ave ar.'e#> ?o%%oses t(e notion t(at a %erson is 6orn Ait( a fi5e# i#entit)Et(at all 6lac %eo%le> for e5am%le> (ave an essential 'n#erl)in. 6lac i#entit) A(ic( is t(e same an# 'nc( It s'..ests instea# t(at i#entities are floatin.> t(at meanin. is not fi5e# an# 'niversall) tr'e at all times for all %eo%le> an# t(at t(e s'6-ect is constr'cte# t(ro'.( t(e 'nconscio's in #esire> fantas) an# memor).? 1 3(e remin#er t(at o'r i#entities are not nat'rall) .iven 6't sociall) constr'cte# is a 'sef'l anti#ote to t(e i#ea t(at ('man #ifferences are fi5e# an# eternal. ='t 6) insistin. t(at societ) is in(erentl) an# irre#'ci6l) (etero.eneo's an# #iverse> an# 6) re-ectin. an) i#ea of ?totalit)? t(at mi.(t alloA 's to see t(e commonalities or connections amon. (etero.eneo's an# #iverse elements> %oststr'ct'ralist #isco'rse (as "!%ermi!e% its (! ca+acit& t cha##e!)e !at"ra#istic e;+#a!ati !s f %iffere!ce. 3(e %ara#o5ical res'lt> I s(all ar.'e> is a conce%tion of i#entit) scarcel) #ifferent from t(at of nineteent(&cent'r) racial t(eor). 3(e
%ro6lem can 6e seen in t(e ver) conce%t of ?anti&essentialism? as 'n#erstoo# 6) %ostmo#ernist t(in ers. / 0li ,attansi (as #escri6e# anti& essentialism as a ?manoe'vre c'ttin. t(e .ro'n# from conce%tions of s'6-ects an# social forms as re#'ci6le to timeless> 'nc(> #efinin. an# #eterminin. elements or ensem6le of elementsEF('man nature,% for e5am%le> or in t(e case of t(e social> t(e lo.ic of t(e mar et or mo#e of %ro#'ction.? ,attansi seems at first to #efine anti&essentialism sim%l) as o%%osition to an a(istorical 'n#erstan#in. of social %(enomena> (ostile to t(e i#ea of timeless or 'nc( social forms. ='t (e sli#es from t(is re-ection of a(istorical e5%lanation to a re%'#iation of social ?#eterminants? He

re-ects an) i#ea t(at social forms can 6e e5%laine# 6) reference to forces or %ress'res li e t(e ?lo.ic of t(e mar et? or t(e ?mo#e of %ro#'ction? A(ic( %ermeate an# s(a%e t(e social or#er> even if t(ese #eterminants are con ceive# as (istoricall) s%ecific. 0 non&essentialist 'n#erstan#in. of societ) is a%%arentl) one t(at #enies an) 'nif)in. %atterns or %rocesses amon. t(e #iverse an# constantl) s(iftin. fra.ments t(at constit'te societ). In ot(er Aor#s> ,attansi i#entifies anti&essentialism Ait( an insistence on in#eterminac). In t(is (e reflects m'c( %ostmo#ern t(in in. A(ic( fin#s t(e meanin. of social forms not in relations 6't in differences& ='t t(is in# of in#eterminac) is %recisel) t(e fo'n#ation of a(istorical e5%lanations. HoA> for instance> can Ae 'n#erstan# t(e hist rica# !at"re f ca+ita#ism as a s+ecific s cia# f rm Ait(o't i#entif)in. t(e s%ecific #eterminants t(at #istin.'is( it from ot(er social forms> in ot(er times an# %lacesS We co'l# ar.'e a6o't A(et(er t(e ?essence? of ca%italism s(o'l# 6e seen in t(e lo.ic of t(e mar et> in t(e %artic'lar mo#e of %ro#'ction> in some ot(er as%ect> or in some com6ination of t(ese. ='t 'nless Ae can c(aracteriIe t(e f'n#amental s%ecificit)Et(e ?essence>? if )o' AillEof ca%italist societ)> its #istinctive ?laAs of motion? or s)stemic lo.ic> Ae cannot #istin.'is( it from ot(er t)%es of societies. HoA> t(en> s(o'l# Ae anal)Ie race in mo#ern ca%italist societiesS If (e treat race as j"st a! Fi%e!tit&F %etache% fr m a!& s+ecific s cia# %etermi!a!ts1 the! race $ec mes ! t a hist rica##& s+ecific s cia# re#ati ! $"t a! eter!a# feat"re f h"ma! s ciet& Ej"st as it is i! reacti !ar& $i # )ica# the ries of race> in A(ic( racial #ivisions are a nat'ral an# %ermanent necessit). 3(is ma) seem an o## concl'sion to
#raA from %ostmo#ern anti&essentialism> 6eca'se its roots lie %recisel) in a (ostilit) to nat'ralistic e5%lanations of social %(enomena> %artic'larl) %ositivism> A(ic( re#'ce social laAs to nat'ral laAs> treatin. t(e laAs t(at .overn ('man relations as 9'antifia6le an# %ermanent> -'st li e t(e laAs of nat're. =eca'se t(e %ositivist vieA of societ) 'n#er%inne# nineteent( cent'r) racial t(eories> o%%onents of racial t(eor) (ave

alAa)s 6een (ostile to nat'ralistic t(eories of societ).

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

21 Wave 1

S cia# c !str"ctivism rejects a## ca"sa#it&1 "!%ermi!i!) a!& hist rica# a!a#&sis f i%e!tit&
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.112&117> ,7D
='t in its (aste to #is%atc( nat'ralistic t(eories> %oststr'ct'ralist

#isco'rse <an# in#ee# m'c( of mo#ern sociolo.)D ta es '% arms a.ainst not sim%l) nat'ralistic e5%lanations of societ)> 6't a.ainst any ca"sa# e;+#a!ati !> or at t(e ver) least> an) e5%lanation t(at assi.ns %riorit) to certain ca'ses over ot(ers. 0n) i#ea of #eterminationEeven in its non&re#'ctionist sense> (avin. to #o Ait( A(at E.".
3(om%son often calls t(e ?lo.ic of %rocess? or ,a)mon# Williams <in Mar'ism and Literature L1+7*OD #escri6es as ?a com%le5 an# interrelate# %rocess of limits an# %ress'res?Eis consi#ere# to 6e essentialist an# t(erefore ille.itimate . "ostmo#ern anti&essentialists (ol# t(at t(eor) can (ave no reco'rse to #eterminants 6e)on# em%iricall) .iven %(enomena. Essences an# forces> A(et(er nat'ral or meta%()sical> s%irit'al or (istorical> are fictitio's. 0t 6est social ?laAs? are convenient fictions t(at allocate an or#er to em%irical %(enomena. 0t Aorst t(e) are self&servin. ill'sions A(ic( #is.'ise some sinister interest or %oAer. 8or %oststr'ct'ralists> t(en> social %(enomena cannot 6e e5%laine# 6) reference to anot(er %ro%ert) t(at

6estoAs meanin. on t(em. 3(is in# of anti&essentialism ren#ers all #eterminate relations contin.ent> 6ereft of an) inner necessit).3 "oststr'ct'ralists #en) t(e conce%t of an ?essential? i#entit) an# stress instea# ?t(e %(enomenon of m'lti%le social i#entities.? 0s ,o6in Co(en %'ts it> ?t(e mo#ern st'#) of i#entit) (as ... #is(e# t(e ol# FessentialismsFE for e5am%le t(e Mar5ist i#ea t(at all
social i#entit) co'l# essentiall) 6e re#'ce# to class i#entit).? Instea# it (ol#s t(at ?t(ere are com%etin. claims for affiliation t(at cannot 6e re#'ce# to e%i%(enomena? an# t(at ?.en#er> a.e> #isa6ilit)> race> reli.ion> et(nicit)> nationalit)> civil stat's> even m'sical st)les an# #ress co#es? are all ?ver) %otent a5es of or.aniIation an# i#entification.?1 3(e reco.nition t(at ('man 6ein.s are s'6-ect to conflictin. claims an# i#entities is clearl) im%ortant. 3(e %ro6lem arises> (oAever> A(en all ?i#entities>? of A(atever form> are treate# as e9'ivalent> so t(at %ersonal lifest)le

%references s'c( as ?m'sical st)les? are .iven t(e same Aei.(t an# si.nificance as %()sical attri6'tes s'c( as ?#isa6ilit)? or social %ro#'cts s'c( as race an# class> A(ile> at t(e same time> eac( i#entit) is conceive# in isolation from s%ecific social relations. In fact> t(ere is alrea#) a %ro6lem in conceivin. race or class as an ?i#entit)? in t(e first %lace. /ocial relations s'c( as racial o%%ression 6ecome not social relations at all 6't %ersonal attri6'tes > or even lifest)le c(oices. W(en race is e9'ate# Ait( ?m'sical st)les? or ?#ress co#es>? t(e ?social? seems to mean not(in. more t(an a %artic'lar #ecision t(at an) in#ivi#'al ma) ma e> an# ?societ)? is re#'ce# to t(e of in#ivi#'al i#entities. 3(e conse9'ence of t(e %oststr'ct'ralist notion of societ) is t(at man) contem%orar) Ariters treat social #istinctions as %ersonal or %olitical c(oices . 3(ere is a scene in Woo#)
0llenFs film #ananas, in A(ic( o'r l'c less (ero> %la)e# 6) 0llen> 6emoans t(e fact t(at (e #ro%%e# o't of colle.e. ?W(at Ao'l# )o' (ave 6een if )o' (a# finis(e# sc(oolS? someone as s (im. ?I #onFt noA>? si.(s 0llen. ?I Aas in t(e 6lac st'#ies %ro.ram. =) noA I co'l# (ave 6een 6lac .? 3(is seems to 6e t(e essence of t(e contem%orar) vieA of i#entit). 0s ,o6in Co(en o6serves> %ostmo#ernists seem to 6elieve t(at ?an in#ivi#'al constr'cts an# %resents an) one of a n'm6er of %ossi6le social i#entities> #e%en#in. on t(e sit'ation. Li e a %la)er concealin. a #ec of car#s from t(e ot(er contestants> t(e in#ivi#'al %'lls o't a naveEor a reli.ion> or an et(nicit)> a lifest)leE as t(e conte5t #eems a %artic'lar c(oice #esira6le or a%%ro%riate.?5 In t(is s%irit an increasin. n'm6er of Ariters noA vieA racial #ivision as t(e res'lt of a #eli6eratel) c(osen c'lt'ral e5cl'siveness. Winston Cames> em%lo)in. =ene#ict 0n#ersonFs notion of an ?ima.ine# comm'nit)>? ar.'es t(at> ?Li e all nations> nationalities an# et(nic .ro'%s> 0fro&Cari66ean %eo%le in =ritain (ave erecte# 6o'n#aries in relation to t(ose Ait( A(om t(e) i#entif).? 2 3(e s'..estion is t(at 0fro& Cari66eans (ave c(osen to esta6lis( #istinctive c'lt'ral %atterns> t(at t(e) (ave asserte# t(eir ri.(t to 6e #ifferent> as a Aa) of confirmin. t(eir ?ima.ine# comm'nit)>? of esta6lis(in. A(at Cames calls a ?neA sense of felloAs(i%.? If t(is Aere tr'e> (oAever> racism Ao'l# not 6e a %ro6lem. If Ae co'l#

c(oose i#entities in t(e Aa) Ae c(oose o'r clot(es ever) mornin.> if Ae co'l# erect social 6o'n#aries from a c'lt'ral Le.o %ac > t(en racial (ostilit) mi.(t 6e no #ifferent from #isa.reements 6etAeen lovers of MoIart an# t(ose A(o %refer C(arlie "ar er> or6etAeen s'%%orters of #ifferent foot6all cl'6s. In ot(er Aor#s> racial #ifferences Ao'l# not 6e social relations A(ic( e5ist a%art from t(e %references of an) .iven in#ivi#'al. 3(e) Ao'l# sim%l) re%resent %re-'#ices 6orn o't of a %l'ralit) of tastes. ='t Ae noA t(at in realit) racial #ivisions are social relations> t(at t(e) are not sim%l) t(e %ro#'ct of %ersonal %references > an# t(at
6lac ness amo'nts to more t(an a semester on a 6lac st'#ies %ro.ram. It is not 0fro&Cari66eans> or an) ot(er racialiIe# .ro'%> A(o (ave ?erecte# 6o'n#aries? se%aratin. t(em from t(e rest of societ). 3(ese 6o'n#aries are sociall) constr'cte# not -'st in t(e sense t(at t(e) are c'lt'rall) s%ecific> li e %ersonal tastes in m'sic or clot(es> 6't in t(e sense t(at societ) (as s)stematicall) racialiIe# certain social .ro'%s an# si.nifie# t(em as ?#ifferent?Eas Cames (imself ac A(en (e notes ?t(e %oAerf'l centri%etal forces of =ritis( racism.?7 =lac )o't( in =ri5ton or t(e =ron5 (ave no more ?c(osen? t(eir #ifference t(an CeAs #i# in NaIi 7erman). Certainl) o%%resse# comm'nities (ave often reacte# to racial #ivision 6) a#o%tin. %artic'lar c'lt'ral forms. In (is a'to6io.ra%()> Miles Davis reco'nts (oA 6lac -aII m'sicians in t(e forties res%on#e# to racism 6) #evelo%in. 6e6o% as a st)le t(at Ao'l# e5cl'#e A(ite %la)ers. * /imilarl) man) CeAs to#a) contin'e to o6serve CeAis( c'lt'ral rit'als less o't of's fait( t(an in res%onse to anti&/emitism an# in memor) of t(e victims of t(e Holoca'st. ='t s'c(

c'lt'ral assertion is not t(e ca'se of racial i#entification> it is its %ro#'ct. 3(is is one of t(e f'n#amental contra#ictions at t(e (eart of %ostmo#ernism. Insistin. on t(e ?#isc'rsive? or ?social constr'ction? of all noAle#.e an# i#entit)> 'n#er t(e cover of ?anti&essentialism? it en#s 6) effectivel) #en)in. #eterminate (istorical relations an# t('s effectivel) a6an#ons its ori.inal %rinci%le t(at i#entit) an# t(e ('man s'6-ect are sociall) constr'cte#. "oststr'ct'ralist #isco'rse re#'ces <or #econstr'ctsD societ) to t(e acci#ental interaction of in#ivi#'als an# removes t(e s'6-ect from t(e terrain of t(e social. Determinate social relations are re#'ce# to in#ivi#'al> %ersonal attri6'tes or at 6est to contin.ent relations 6etAeen in#ivi#'als. 3(ere can 6e no ?social constr'ction? A(en t(e ?social? itself (as no e5istence a%art from ?#isc'rsivel) constr'cte#? in#ivi#'al i#entities.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

22 Wave 1

A!ti*esse!tia#ist criti5"es f i%e!tit& c ##a+se $ac' i!t themse#ves a!% #i!' t a## f the %isa%s t + sitivist e+istem # )&
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.117&121> ,7D
3(e %ara#o5 of %oststr'ct'ralist anti&essentialism> t(en> is t(is! it

is an o'tloo t(at arises from a #esire to o%%ose nat'ralistic e5%lanations an# to %'t social facts in a social conte5t. ='t 6) cele6ratin. in#eterminac) an# 6) o%%osin. t(e i#ea of totalit)> all in t(e name of anti&essentialism> it (as 'n#ermine# its oAn a6ilit) to e5%lain social facts (istoricall) . 8acts Arenc(e# from t(eir livin. conte5t are a%%re(en#e# onl) in t(eir isolation. The ir !& is that this meth % # )& resem$#es ! thi!) s m"ch as the ra%ica# em+iricism f the + sitivists1 the ver& the r& f '! (#e%)e that a!ti*esse! tia#ism s ")ht t vert"r!. 3(is is not t(e %lace to resolve all t(e #iffic'lt e%istemolo.ical 9'estions involve# in t(e #e6ate 6etAeen %ostmo#ernism an# its critics. /ome
of t(ese 9'estions are #ealt Ait( elseA(ere in t(is 6oo . ='t Ae are entitle# to as A(et(er %ostmo#ernists can s'stain an anti&racist %ro-ect on t(e 6asis of t(eir oAn> s'%%ose#l) anti&racist> ass'm%tions. Can t(eir e%istemolo.ical ass'm%tions s'%%ort t(eir oAn %rofesse# o%%osition to racial o%%ressionS HoA> for e5am%le> Ao'l# t(e) #istin.'is( 6etAeen a racist (istor) an# a non&racist oneS @n %ostmo#ernist %remises> eac( Ao'l# 6e vali# in its oAn conte5t. 3(e ca%acit) of %ostmo#ernists to c(allen.e racist #isco'rse is 'n#ermine# 6) t(eir oAn 6elief in t(e relativit) of meanin. .

If Ae Aant to ar.'e t(at a racist an# a non&racist inter%retation of (istor) are not e9'all) vali#> Ae are re9'ire# to c(oose 6etAeen t(em> to #eci#e A(ic( is tr'e an# A(ic( is not> an# t(at means Ae are o6li.e# to acce%t t(at t(ere is some stan#ar# a.ainst A(ic( Ae can -'#.e t(em. W(at %ostmo#ernists #ismiss as ?totaliIin.? t(eories #o not re9'ire 's to encom%ass ever) %ossi6le ?fact>? as some %ostmo#ernists maintain> 6't t(e) #o .ive 's some 6asis for c(oosin.. 0nti&essentialism is s'%%ose# to 6e t(e ver) fo'n#ation of %ostmo#ernist anti&racism> 6't anti&essentialism as %ostmo#ernists #efine it en#s 6) #isa6lin. an) anti&racist %ro-ect . 0ntiracism> for e5am%le> s'rel) re9'ires some commitment to e9'alit). It is certainl) tr'e t(at ?e9'alit)? is a (istoricall) s%ecific i#ea> A(ic( (as (a# #ifferent meanin.s in #ifferent social conte5ts. ='t t(e (istoricit) of t(is i#ea #oes not c(an.e t(e fact t(at a commitment to e9'alit)> an# es%eciall) racial e9'alit)> %res'mes t(e e5istence of a ?('man essence.? Wit(o't s'c( a common essence> e9'alit)
amon. #ifferent ?i#entities? or social .ro'%s Ao'l# 6e a meanin.less conce%t. If ('manit) #i# not constit'te a sin.le cate.or)> if in 8o'ca'ltFs Aor#s ?Not(in. in manEnot even (is 6o#)Eis s'fficientl) sta6le to act as t(is 6asis for self&reco.nition or for 'n#erstan#in. ot(er men>? 11 t(en e9'alit) 6e& tAeen #ifferent ('man in#ivi#'als an# .ro'%s Ao'l# 6e as meanin.less as e9'atin. a%%les an# or> to 'se Levi&/tra'ssFs analo.) in (is criti9'e of /artre> s'c( ?#ifferent #omains? as ?nat'ral an# irrational n'm6ers.? 12 3(e %ostmo#ernist mi.(t re%l) t(at t(e %rinci%le of ?#ifference? im%lies a tr'l) ra#ical e.alitarianism> 6eca'se it reco.niIes no stan#ar# 6) A(ic( one in#ivi#'al or .ro'% can 6e -'#.e# as 6etter t(an anot(er. ='t t(e %oint is t(at t(is %rinci%le of #ifference cannot %rovi#e an) stan#ar#s A(ic( o6li.e 's to res%ect t(e ?#ifference? of ot(ers. 0t 6est> it invites o'r indifference to t(e fate of t(e @t(er. 0t Aorst> it licenses 's to (ate an# a6'se t(ose A(o are #ifferent. W()> after all> s(o'l# Ae nor a6'se an# (ate t(emS @n A(at 6asis can t(e) #eman# o'r res%ect or Ae #eman# t(eirsS It is ver) #iffic'lt to s'%%ort res%ect for #ifference Ait(o't a%%ealin. to some ?total iIin.>?

'niversalistic %rinci%les of e9'alit) or social -'stice. We can ac noA le#.e t(at t(e conce%t of ?ri.(ts? is (istoricall) s%ecific an# sociall) constr'cte#K 6't an) ar.'ment in favor of e9'al ri.(ts> in A(atever form> invaria6l) 6rin.s 's 6ac to A(at %ostmo#ernists Ao'l# call an ?essentialist? e5%lanation. @nce s'c( e5%lanations> A(et(er nat'ral or social> are e5cl'#e#> t(e ver) i#ea of e9'alit) also 6ecomes s'6or#inate to t(e ?contin.enc) of %revailin. i#entities.? If t(e a%%earance of #ifference is ta en at
face val'e> in t(e a6sence of an) common ?essence? 6e)on# or 6eneat( t(at a%%earance> t(en t(e appearance of #ifference m'st 6e ta en as evi#ence t(at t(ere are in#ee# man) #ifferent cate.ories of ('manit) an# t(at t(e) (ave not(in. f'n#amentall) in common. 3(is is %recisel) t(e met(o# em%lo)e# 6) %ositivist racial t(eor)> A(ic( #e#'ce# from t(e a%%earance of #ifference <s in color> (ea# form> an# so onD t(e #ivision of ('manit) into #ifferent cate.ories or ?races.? @f co'rse> contem%orar) t(eorists of #ifference #en) t(at s'%erfi cial 6iolo.ical #ifferences #efine

cate.orical #istinctions> %referrin. instea# to em%(asiIe (istorical or c'lt'ral factors. ='t c'lt'ral formalism is in s'6stance no #ifferent from racial formalism. =ot( move from t(e a%%re(ension of formal #ifference to %osit t(e e5istence of #ifferent ontolo.ical cate.ories. 3(is is A() t(e anti&essentialist ten#encies of %oststr'ct'ralist t(o'.(t inevita6l) %'ts in 9'estion e9'alit) itself .

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

23 Wave 1

I%e!tit& + #itics are c mm %it& fetishism? "r a#ter!ative is the !#& (a& t %ea# critica##& (ith ca+ita#ism a!% ther re#ati !s f + (er
B % .4 & %rof. of %ol. sci. : Gor ;niv. <Ellen Mei sins> ?Democrac) 0.ainst Ca%italismK ,eneAin. Historical Materialism>? %.252&223> ,7D
In t(ese res%ects> t(e

neA %l'ralism (as m'c( in common Ait( anot(er ol# %l'ralism> t(e one t(at 'se# to %revail in conventional %olitical science & %l'ralism not sim%l) as an et(ical %rinci%le of toleration 6't as a t(eor) a6o't t(e #istri6'tion of social %oAer. 3(e conce%t of Fi#entit)F (as re%lace# Finterest .ro'%sF> an# t(ese tAo %l'ralisms ma) #iffer in t(at t(e ol#
ac an incl'sive %olitical totalit) & li e t(e F%olitical s)stemF> t(e nation> or t(e 6o#) of citiIens & A(ile t(e neA insists on t(e irre#'ci6ilit) of fra.mentation an# F#ifferenceF. ='t 6ot( #en) t(e im%ortance of class in ca%italist #emocracies> or at least s'6mer.e it in a m'lti%licit) of FinterestsF or Fi#entitiesF. =ot( (ave t(e effect of #en)in. t(e s)stemic 'nit) of ca%italism> or its ver) e5istence as a social s)stem. =ot( insist on t(e (etero.eneit) of ca%italist societ)> A(ile losin. si.(t of its increasin.l) .lo6al %oAer of (omo.eniIation. 3(e neA %l'ralism claims a 'ni9'e sensitivit) to t(e com%le5ities of %oAer an# #iverse o%%ressionsK 6't li e t(e ol# variet)> it (as t(e effect of ma in. invisi6le t(e %oAer relations t(at constit'te ca%italism> the % mi!a!t str"ct"re f c erci ! A(ic( reac(es into ever) corner of o'r lives> %'6lic an# %rivate. In t(eir fail're to ac noAle#.e t(at vario's i#entities or interest .ro'%s are #ifferentl) sit'ate# in relation to t(at #ominant str'ct're> 6ot( %l'ralisms reco.niIe not so m'c( difference as sim%le pluralit & 3(is latest #enial of ca%italismFs s)stemic an# totaliIin. lo.ic is> %ara#o5icall)> a reflection of t(e ver) t(in. it see s to #en). 3(e c'rrent %reocc'%ation Ait( F%ost&mo#ernF #iversit) an# fra.mentation

'n#o'6te#l) e5%resses a realit) in contem%orar) ca%italism> 6't it is a realit) seen t(ro'.( t(e #istortin. lens of i#eolo.). It re%resents t(e 'ltimate Fcommo#it) fetis(ismF> t(e tri'm%( ofFcons'mer societ)F> in A(ic( t(e #iversit) ofFlife st)lesF> meas're# in t(e s(eer 9'antit) of commo#ities an# varie# %atterns of cons'm%tion> #is.'ises t(e 'n#erl)in. s)stemic 'nit)> t(e im%eratives A(ic(
create t(at #iversit) itself A(ile at t(e same time im%osin. a #ee%er an# more .lo6al (omo.eneit). W(at is alarmin. a6o't t(ese t(eoretical #evelo%ments is not t(at t(e) violate some #octrinaire Mar5ist %re-'#ice concernin. t(e %rivile.e# stat's of class. 3(e %ro6lem is t(at the ries (hich % ! t %iffere!tiate ? a!%> )es> .+rivi#e)e.> if t(at means ascri6in. ca'sal or e5%lanator) %riorities * am !) vari "s s cia# i!stit"ti !s a!%

.i%e!tities. ca!! t %ea# critica##& (ith ca+ita#ism at a##. Ca%italism> as a s%ecific social form> sim%l) #isa%%ears from vieA> 6'rie# 'n#er a Aelter of fra.ments an# F#ifferenceF.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

21 Wave 1

Treati!) race as a s cia# c !str"cti ! i)! res (h& racism ha++e!s i! the first +#ace D !arratives f s+ecificit& #i'e the aff cr (% "t hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&sis f racia# e;c#"si !
: "!) C1 & %rofessor of En.lis( : ;niversit) of 0la6ama <,o6ert> P3(e Lin.'istic 3'rn> Materialism an# ,ace! 3oAar# an 0est(etics of Crisis>Q Callaloo> 21<1D> Winter 2001> %%. 331&315> "ro-ect M;/E> ,7D 0t t(e moment it is .enerall) acce%te# t(at race is a social constr'ction. It is also .enerall) acce%te# t(at race (as 6een constr'cte# alon. an o%%ressive a5is. 3(e consens's is #ist'r6e# A(en one attem%ts to acco'nt for A() o%%ression e5ists in t(e first %lace. 3(e contestations are even s(ar%er A(en one offers an acco'nt of race o'tsi#e of t(e %revailin. lo.ic of s'%%lementarit). Wit( t(e %ostmo#ern #is6elief in metanarrative <L)otar#D an# t(e s'6se9'ent s e%ticism toAar# conce%ts> race is seen as a tro%e> an# it is noA ver) #iffic'lt to offer conce%t'al acco'nts of race. Hence P narratives of s%ecificit)Q circ'late an# t(e e5%erience of race esta6lis(es t(e limit of intelli.i6ilit). Wit(in t(is conte5t I s(all attem%t to reclaim a conce%t&6ase# materialist 'n#erstan#in. of race. I Aill ar.'e t(at race si.nifies alterit) 6eca'se of t(e #ivision of la6or. In ot(er Aor#s race #ifference o%erates in t(e interest of maintainin. an# -'stif)in. s'r%l's e5traction.1
M) ar.'ment %rocee#s in t(ree %arts. 8irst I en.a.e t(e lin.'istic t'rn in social t(eor) an#'n# t(e im%lications for t(eoriIin. race. I criti9'e some e5em%lar) instances of %oststr'ct'ralist acco'nts of race> an# I es%eciall) en.a.e t(e Aor of Henr) Lo'is 7ates> Cr.> an infl'ential e5%onent of continental t(eor) Ait(in 0frican&0merican literar) an# c'lt'ral #isco'rses. I ar.'e t(at t(e lin.'istic t'rn ena6les Pnarratives of s%ecificit)Q an# t(ese narratives #is%lace relational in9'iries. Conse9'entl)> t(e s%ecificit) of race is #isconnecte# from 'n#erl)in. ca'sal

Ne5t> I criticall) e5amine Cornel West. West is t(o'.(t to offer an a#vance over t(e i#ealism in lin.'istic t(eor). HoAever> I Aill s(oA t(at (is P.enealo.ical materialismQ #oes not move 's aAa) from t(e i#ealism of 7ates 6't 'ltimatel) en#s '% %ointin. 's 6ac to Pnarratives of s%ecificit).Q @nce a.ain t(e Pe5%erientialQ is %rivile.e# an# t(e (istorical #eterminate con#itions of %ossi6ilit) for s'c( an e5%erience is o6sc're#. =) 6loc in. an 'n#erstan#in. of t(e (istoricit) of e5%erience> 7ates an# West limit intelli.i6ilit) to t(e local> an# I Aill s(oA (oA t(is lea#s to ver) conservative 'n#erstan#in.s of race. 8inall) I #raA '%on ,ic(ar# Wri.(tTs #lack #o > A(ic( offers an effective co'nter to Pnarratives of s%ecificit).Q Wri.(t also o%erates at t(e local level> 6't (e sit'ates it Ait(in t(e .lo6al. Wri.(t artic'lates A(at I call an Paest(etics of crisisQ 6eca'se (e #emonstrates t(at #ail) life is t(e site of contra#ictions for a raciall) str'ct're# an# e5%loitative social or#er. If race is #e%lo)e# to maintain an# -'stif) an as)mmetrical #ivision of la6or t(en its ver) #e%lo)ment in #ail) life e5%oses t(e fa'lt line of #ominant i#eolo.ies . 3(e claims of t(e Li6eral #emocratic state are contra#icte# 6) t(e #ail) life of 0frican&0mericans. Wri.(tTs Paest(etic of crisisQ not onl) 6rin.s into s(ar% foc's t(e

contra#ictions 'n#er ca%italism 6't also locates Ait(in #ail) life a 'to%ian im%'lse. M) rea#in. o%erates from t(e mo#alit) of criti9'e 6eca'se criti9'e moves from t(e immanent lo.ic an# sit'ates race an# its lo.ic in (istor)> in t(e .lo6al frames of intelli.i6ilit) t(at (el% to re%ro#'ce t(e economic> %olitical an# i#eolo.ical re%ro#'ction of a %artic'lar social formation. Criti9'e is t(at noAle#.e %ractice t(at (istoricall) sit'ates t(e con#itions of %ossi6ilit) of A(at em%iricall) e5ists 'n#er ca%italist la6or relations an# %oints to A(at is s'%%resse# 6) t(e em%iricall) e5istin.EA(at co'l# 6e instea# of A(at act'all) is. 8or e5am%le> a recent ;nite# Nations re%ort concl'#es t(at t(e Aealt( of t(e seven ric(est men co'l# com%letel) eliminate Aorl# %overt). 3(e satisfaction of ('man nee# on a .lo6al scale is (istoricall) an# o6-ectivel) %ossi6le> 6't t(is is A(at is s'%%resse# 'n#er t(e re.ime of ca%italism. It is 6eca'se of s'c( %ossi6ilities t(at criti9'e is so 'r.ent 6eca'se criti9'e in#icates t(at A(at PisQ is not necessaril) t(e real$tr'e 6't rat(er t(e e5istin. act'alit) A(ic( is o%en to alteration. 3(e role of criti9'e in materialist %ostmo#ern #isco'rse on race is t(e %ro#'ction of (istorical t(at mar t(e (istoricit) of e5istin. social arran.ements an# t(e %ossi6ilit) of a #ifferent social or.aniIationEone t(at is free from e5%loitation. Criti9'e> t(en> is a mo#alit) t(at ren#ers visi6le t(e 'nsai# in or#er to'n# t(e o%erations of %oAer an# t(e 'n#erl)in. socio&economic str'ct're A(ic( connect t(e seemin.l) #is%arate events an# re%resentations of #ail) life. In s'm> materialist criti9'e #isr'%ts t(at A(ic( re%resents itself as Pnat'ral>Q as inevita6le > as t(e Aa) t(in.s are> an# e5%oses t(e Aa) PA(at isQ is (istoricall) an# sociall) %ro#'ce# o't of social contra#ictions an# (ence s'%%ortive of ine9'alit). Criti9'e %resses t(e social contra#ictions into <aest(etics ofD crisis an# conse9'entl) criti9'e ena6les 's to not onl) e5%lain (oA race o%erates so Ae can c(an.e it 6't also to collectivel) 6'il# t(e emanci%ator) s'6-ectivities necessar) to carr) o't revol'tionar) str'..le.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

25 Wave 1

Materia# f rces f +r %"cti ! sha+e the (a& (e thi!' a$ "t race D hist r& has ma%e ++ressi ! via race !#& e;ist thr ")h ca+ita#ism
: "!) C1 & %rofessor of En.lis( : ;niversit) of 0la6ama <,o6ert> P3(e Lin.'istic 3'rn> Materialism an# ,ace! 3oAar# an 0est(etics of Crisis>Q Callaloo> 21<1D> Winter 2001> %%. 331&315> "ro-ect M;/E> ,7D
In 1+*5 #'rin. t(e (i.(%oint of %oststr'ct'ralist t(eor)> 7atesT e#ite# vol'me PRace, Writing, and (ifferenceQ is re%resentative of a #econstr'ctive %(ase> as t(e vol'me aims Pto #econstr'ct> if )o' Aill> t(e i#eas of #ifference inscri6e# in t(e tro%e of race . . .Q <2D. HoAever 6) 1++0> t(e %ostmo#ernist #eterminism is too restrictive of a.enc) an# in PCritical ,emar sQ 7ates noA criti9'es t(eor) 6eca'se Pit is not m'c( .oo# at e5%lorin. t(e relations 6etAeen social i#entit) an# %olitical a.enc)Q <323D. /i.nificantl)> 7ates asserts t(at P/tartin. Ait( t(e reco.nition t(at t(e Urefle5ive actorT is not sim%l) a .iven> a s'6-ectivit) e5istin. %rior to an# in#e%en#ent from lan.'a.e> Ae too 9'ic l) #eci#e# t(at its factitio's ma#e it an effect of lin.'istic #etermination. ='t t(at #i# not folloAQ <321D. 3('s t(e Ps'6-ect is not onl) an effect of lan.'a.e 6't a %artici%ant in an artic'late# realm of social %ractices t(at> far from constrainin. its a.enc)> are its ver) con#itions of %ossi6ilit)Q <321D. 3(e t(eoretical s't're is ma#e an# e5%erience is rec'%erate# an# 6) 1++1 Ae (ave 7atesT memoir> Colored )eopleEA(ic(> inci#entall) Pis not a stor) of a race 6't a stor) of a villa.e> a famil)> an# its frien#sQ <5viD. 7atesT tra-ector) %ro#'ces a Pnarrative of s%ecificit)Q as t(e e5%eriential is rec'%erate#. 7atesT #isco'rse 6loc s an 'n#erstan#in. of t(e

#eterminate relation 6etAeen race an# social an# economic str'ct'res. ;n#er t(e %oststr'ct'ralist eras're of race> it is not s'r%risin. t(at t(e #isc'rsive rea#in.s of race Ao'l# 9'ic l) e5(a'st %olitical$t(eoretical via6ilit) 6eca'se > as Callinicos %oints o't> P,acism remains one of t(e main feat'res of t(e a#vance# ca%italist societies Q <P,ace an# ClassQD. Callinicos contin'es! PIt LracismO is instit'tionaliIe# in t(e s)stematic #iscrimination A(ic( 6lac %eo%le e5%erience in -o6s> (o'sin.> t(e e#'cation s)stem> an# t(e (arassment t(e) s'ffer at t(e (an#s of %olice an# immi.ration a't(orities Q <3D. 3(e %ostmo#ernist eras're of race in li.(t of contin'e# racial o%%ression$e5%loitation 6rin.s to t(e fore t(e contin'e# 'r.enc) for artic'latin. %ro#'ctive acco'nts of race. Even on its oAn li6eral terms t(e erasin. of race Aas P'n&et(icalQ in li.(t of t(e Pe5%eriencesQ of raciall) mar e# s'6-ects.
E5%erience> t(o'.(> is not self&intelli.i6le an# s(o'l# not 6e %osite# as t(e limit te5t of t(e real> as is often #one. E5%erience is a (i.(l) me#iate# frame of 'n#erstan#in.. W(ile it is tr'e t(at a %erson of color> a Aoman> or .a) %erson e5%eriences o%%ression> t(is e5%erience is not self&e5%lanator)Eit (as to 6e sit'ate# in relation to ot(er social %ractices . E5%erience> in s(ort> onl) seems localK it is li e all c'lt'ral an# %olitical %ractices> interrelate# to ot(er %ractices an# e5%eriences> an# as s'c( its e5%lanation comes from its Po'tsi#e.Q 3(eor) is an 'n#erstan#in. of t(is e5%erience an# an e5%lanation of e5%erience. The r& sh (s that the G%iffere!ceH I f e;+erie!ceJ is itse#f )# $a#1 hist rica#1 a!% a#(a&s %etermi!e% $& the materia# f rces f +r %"cti !. 3(e mar in. of e5%erience co'l# (ave 6een t(e t(eoretical occasion to <reDsit'ate race in t(e (istorical series of t(e re%ro#'ction an# maintenance of s'6-ectivities in i#eolo.)E t(e %ro-ect> for e5am%le> of materialist c'lt'ral st'#ies. 3(e (e.emonic #isco'rses of race> t(o'.(> are movin. aAa) from conce%t&6ase# in9'iries an# reif)in. race$e5%erience an# settin. t(e c'lt'ral as t(e limits of intelli.i6ilit) . /ee for e5am%le a recent s%ecial iss'e of *ocial Te't in A(ic( Ariters s'c( as HoAar# Winant> 7rant 8arre#> an# LeAis 7or#on ar.'e t(e case for Pa.enc)>Q Pself&invention>Q an# Pet(ics>Q res%ectivel). 3(e limits of s'c( a vieA are evi#ent in Winant. 0fter %ositin. t(at P,ace remains a m)sterio's %(enomenonQ <2D> it is not s'r%risin. t(at (e cannot fin# ansAers to PA() societ) can remain so intensel) racialise#Q <*D. He is left Ait( a %lea to P#evelo% a racial t(eor) t(at can fin# a Aa) . . . to reco.niIe t(e %otentials of ('man a.enc)Q <10D. WinantTs te5t is s)m%tomatic of t(e i#ealism %erva#in. #isco'rses of race> 6't as I (ave 6een ar.'in. race is not a

Pm)ster)Q nor a matter of P6a#Q attit'#es 6't a <str'ct'ralD #esi.nation an# <i#eolo.icalD le.itimation of a s'6or#inate# str'ct'ral %osition Ait(in t(e relations of %ro#'ction. 3('s t(e transformation of racism is %art of t(e str'..le to transform t(e economic ena6lin. con#itions of %ossi6ilit)Et(e re.ime of Aa.e&la6or> A(ic( #e%lo)s race to maintain an# increase necessar) %rofit mar.ins. 3(e s)stemic location of race > t(o'.(> is s'%%resse# as a conse9'ence of t(e %ostmo#ernist c'lt'ralist 6ias> an# t('s t(ere is a %olitical #is%lacement A(ere6)> as /teve Hie'5 %oints o't> Pt(e foc's in %ostmo#ern t(eor) (as 6een on o%%ression> Lan#O not e5%loitationQ <2+D. 3('s for e5am%le> in PW(at is t(is U=lac T in =lac "o%'lar C'lt're>Q /t'art Hall is intereste# in t(ose
c'lt'ral strate.ies Pt(at can ma e a #ifference an# s(ift t(e #is%ositions of %oAerQ <21D. HoAever> t(ere are limits to s)m6olic reconfi.'rations. Even 7ates reco.niIes t(at P=lac %eo%le (ave not 6een li6erate# from racism 6) o'r Aritin.s Q<Race 12D an# also 7ates reveals t(e limits of et(ics! PWe acce%te# a false %remise 6) ass'min. t(at racism Ao'l# 6e #estro)e# once A(ite racists 6ecame convince# t(at Ae Aere ('man> tooQ < Race 12D. ='t even so 7ates still asserts t(at Pit is a mista e to (ol# t(at to era#icate racism> Ae m'st eliminate its most f'n#amental con#itions of %ossi6ilit)Q <PCritical ,emar sQ 327D. @f co'rse t(e most f'n#amental con#itions of %ossi6ilit) of racism> as I (ave 6een %ointin. o't> is

ca%italismEt(e re.ime of #ifferential e5traction of s'r%l's val'e from raciall) mar e# s'6-ects. 3(e reformism of t(ese #isco'rses is ver) clear an# it lea#s to an a6sol'tel) #e6ilitatin. %olitical %ractice . If Ae reco.niIe t(e limits of Aritin. an# ot(er
#isc'rsive %ractices an# et(ical #isco'rses an# )et m'st re-ect artic'latin. a .lo6al transformative %ro-ect> t(en A(at are Ae left Ait(S W(at is to 6e #oneS In t(e intro#'ction to a recentl) e#ite# vol'me 7ates an# 0%%ia( seem to s'..est t(at a Aa) o't of t(e a%oria is to merel) e5ten# t(e m'lti%lication of i#entities to P(el% #isr'%t t(e clic(Xri##en #isco'rse of i#entit) 6) e5%lorin. t(e formation of i#entities . . .Q < $dentities 1D. 8or 7ates <raceD i#entit) is a tro%e an# t(eoriIe# as a te5t'al matter! P6lac ness is %ro#'ce# in t(e te5t onl) t(ro'.( a com%le5 %rocess of si.nification>Q t('s P3(ere can 6e no transcen#ent 6lac ness . . .Q <*ignif ing Monke 237D. 0s a te5t> t(en> 6lac ness alAa)s alrea#) reinscri6es t(e ot(er as it is t(e site of interte5t'alit). If t(e si.nif)in. mon e) is a meta%(or for re%etition Ait( a si.nal #ifference an# interte5t'alit)> P6lac ness 6ecomes merel) a formal %osition Ait(in t(e si.nif)in. s)stems. 3(e <li6eralD %olitics of s'c( r(etorical #isco'rse 6ecomes clear A(en 7ates sa)s! PLest t(is t(eor) of criticism> (oAever> 6e t(o'.(t of as onl) 6lac > let me a#mit t(at t(e im%licit %remise of t(is st'#) is t(at all te5ts /i.nif) '%on ot(er te5ts> in motivate# an# 'nmotivate# Aa)sQ <*ignif ing Monke 55ivD. "'t #ifferentl)> if 6lac ness is #ifference an# all te5ts are sit'ate# Ait(in netAor s of #ifference> t(en all te5ts are in a sense P6lac >Q an# 6lac means not(in. more t(an ()6ri#it). Here> t(en> is t(e contra#iction! 7ates is see in. to constr'ct an a'tonomo's an# immanent t(eor) of rea#in. <from Ait(in 0frican&0merican literar) tra#itionD 6't in rel)in. '%on %oststr'ct'ralist %rinci%les (e is force# to re.ister t(at ever) te5t is inscri6e# Ait( its ot(erE t('s P6lac nessQ noA means not(in. more t(an a si.n of interte5t'alit). 3(e (istoricall) s%ecific content of P6lac nessQ Ait(in o%%ressive an# e5%loitative ;./. social relations is <formall)D em%tie# o't. 0n# to re%eat t(e %olitics of s'c( a formalist notion erases t(e (istoricit) of racial violence$o%%ression an# e5%loitation . 0s Ho'ston =a er correctl) %oints o't>

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22 Wave 1

7atesT vieA of lan.'a.e$c'lt're$literat're s'..ests t(at PUliterar)T meanin.s are conceive# in a nonsocial> noninstit'tional manner 6) t(e %oint of conscio'sness of a lan.'a.e C@N3IN;E/R

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27 Wave 1

C@N3IN;EDR an# maintaine# an# transmitte#> Ait(o't an a.ent> Ait(in a close# circle of Uinterte5t'alit)TQ <101D. 3(e meanin. of =lac ness is (istorical an# material an# if t(ere is te5t'al ()6ri#it) it flattens o't in t(e social A(ic( str'ct'res racial (ierarc(). Wit(in t(e racial (e.emon) of ;./. societ)> t(ere are no PA(iteQ ,o#ne) Kin.s. W(ile =a er 'sef'll) criti9'es t(e formalism of 7ates> =a er nonet(eless a6sor6s cr'cial %ostmo#ernist %rinci%les an# as a conse9'ence t(e Peconomics of slaver)Q Psemioticall)Q an# t('s (is #isco'rse is fo'n#e# on a contra#iction. /emiotic t(eor) is committe# to t(e notion of t(e #isc'rsive constit'tion of t(e realK t(is is most clearl) e5%resse# in 8o'ca'lt A(o ar.'e# t(at P#isco'rses . . . as %ractices . . . s)stematicall) form t(e o6-ects of A(ic( t(e) s%ea Q <+rchaeolog 1+D. HoAever> at t(e same time> =a er %osits a Ptranscen#ental si.nifie#QEt(e Peconomics of slaver)QEA(ic( s'..ests a commitment to materialism an# t('s an o'tsi#e to t(e #isc'rsiveK an# )et t(is commitment to materialism <a realit)

in#e%en#ent of ('man conscio'snessD is 'ltimatel) cancele# 6) (is %romotion of semiotic t(eor)> A(ic( #enies notions of (istorical o6-ectivit). In fact> for =a er> P3(ere is no s'c( t(in. as an Uo6-ectiveT (istor)Q <121D an# conse9'entl) (e m'st re-ect A(at (is Peconomics of slaver)Q e5%licitl) calls for! materialism. 3(e concern Ait( t(e mec(anics of si.nification o%erates to occl'#e t(e %olitical
econom) of si.nification> an# emanci%ation is re#'ce# to #econstr'ctin. an# refas(ionin. o%%ressive si.ns alon. a less o%%ressive a5is. In see in. to avoi# a Pv' Mar5ism>Q =a er sit'ates race as a %olitical cate.or). 3(e %olitics of sit'atin. race as a %olitical conce%t 6ecomes clearer A(en Ae'n# t(e %olitical conse9'ences of s'c( a move . ,ea#in. race as a %olitical cate.or) lea#s alon. t(e tra-ector) of %olitical$ reform <of t(e stat's 9'oD to e5%an# access of t(e <mi##le&classD Pot(erQ to t(e s'r%l's. @ne m'st 6ear in min# t(at t(is li6eral reformism is alAa)s alrea#) constit'te# '%on t(e <economicD str'ct're of Aa.e&la6orEa formation in A(ic( s'r%l's val'e is e5torte# from t(e #irect %ro#'cers. 3(e iss'e is not so m'c( to alloA a feA more to (ave access to t(e s'r%l's via le.islation for mi##le class 6lac s 6't to alter

t(e economic arran.ement of societ) so t(at t(e feA are not .iven 'nlimite# access to t(e s'r%l's at t(e e5%ense of #en)in. t(e nee#s of t(e man). If t(e relation 6etAeen si.nifier$si.nifie# is ar6itrar)> as 7ates an# social constr'ctionists %oint o't> t(en one (as to e5ten# t(e
anal)sis an# e5%lain not P(oAQ it Aor s 6't A() P6lac nessQ is s'c( a ne.ative$o%%ressive si.nifie#. If it is not nat'ral> t(en A() s'c( a #e('maniIe# constr'ctionS If it is in t(e te5t> t(en A()S @r is t(e te5t nat'rall) an# s%ontaneo'sl) artic'latin. 6lac ness as a ne.ative si.nifie#S @f co'rse %ostmo#ernists cannot en#orse an) notions of a nat'rall) artic'late# ne.ative si.nifie# 6't Ait(o't t(eoriIin. t(e

socialit) of s'c( an artic'lation>EA(ic( t(e) are %recl'#e# from #oin. 6eca'se of an in-'nction a.ainst PtotaliIin.Q narrativesEmeta%()sics sli%s 6ac into t(e ver) #isco'rses of constr'ctionism. Cornel WestTs intervention is t(o'.(t to %rovi#e a Aa) o't of t(ese
a%orias. 3(erefore> I Aant to criticall) en.a.e one of (is recent Aor s> ,eeping -aith. Li e most so%(isticate# 6o'r.eois t(eorists to#a)> West (as move# 6e)on# merel) ass'min.> as tra#itionalists #o> t(at c( 6iase# min#s Aill era#icate racism. More im%ortantl)> (e (as also move# 6e)on# l'#ic %ostmo#ernismTs Derri#ean ar.'ments <ma#e familiar in> sa)> Henr) Lo'is 7atesT Aor D t(at racism can 6e #ealt Ait( as a Pte5t.Q 3('s PL'Onli e Derri#a an# #e Man> .enealo.ical materialism #oes not rest content Ait( a (oriIon of lan.'a.eQ <225D.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

2* Wave 1


Their a++r ach is )e!ea# )ica# at $est?it % es!t ta'e i!t acc "!t hist rica# "!%ersta!%i!)s f the materia# $ %ies i!v #ve% i! hist r& a!% $sc"res a + #itici,e% "!%ersta!%i!) f race
: "!) C1 & %rofessor of En.lis( : ;niversit) of 0la6ama <,o6ert> P3(e Lin.'istic 3'rn> Materialism an# ,ace! 3oAar# an 0est(etics of Crisis>Q Callaloo> 21<1D> Winter 2001> %%. 331&315> "ro-ect M;/E> ,7D
West a#o%ts instea# a variant of l'#ic %ostmo#ern t(eor)! NietIsc(e&ins%ire# 8o'ca'l#ian t(eories of materialism> not as a mo#e of %ro#'ction> 6't as Pt(e s%ecificit) of #ifference.Q West ar.'es> for instance> t(at t(e ver) %rinci%les anc(orin. Mar5ism re9'ire t(e s'%ercession of Mar5ism! Pt(e %rinci%le of (istorical s%ecificit) an# t(e materialit) of str'ct're# social %racticesEt(e ver) fo'n#in. %rinci%les of Mar5Ts oAn #isco'rseEnoA re9'ires 's to 6e .enealo.ical materialistsQ <222D. 3('s West re%laces Mar5ist notions of (istor)> A(ic('n# t(e class str'..le ens'in. from e5%loitative social arran.ements> PAit( NietIsc(ean notions of .enealo.) > Lan#O )et %reserves t(e materialit) of m'ltifacete# str'ct're# social %ractices Q <225D. The materia#1 the!1 is ! t "!%erst % i! re#ati ! t the +r %"cti ! a!%

e;tracti ! f s"r+#"s va#"e thr ")h the #a$ ri!) $ %& f the ( r'er1 $"t rather is # cate% i! ahist rica# ! ti !s f the $ %& <222D. In WestTs con-'nction of Mar5ism an# 8o'ca'lt> t(e s%ecific socioeconomic conte5t is eli#e#> an# (e effectivel) reconstit'tes Mar5ism Ait(o't (istoricall) #eterminate relations an# conse9'entl) o6sc'res t(e laAs of motion of ca%ital. WestTs rea#in. of t(e material is an i#eolo.ical 6loc in. of (istorical materialism. He ar.'es t(at .enealo.ical materialism Ps(o'l# 6e more materialist t(an t(at of t(e Mar5ist tra#ition> to t(e e5tent t(at t(e %rivile.e# material mo#e of %ro#'ction is not necessaril) locate# in t(e economic s%(ereQ <222D. 8or West> t(en> P#ecisive material mo#es of %ro#'ction at a .iven moment ma) 6e locate# in t(e c'lt'ral> %olitical> or even %s)c(ic s%(ereQ <222D. 3(is vieA is> of co'rse> %recisel) A(at t(e #ominant c'lt'ral a%%arat'ses %romote as t(e) s'%%ress (oA 0frican&0merican o%%ression an# e5%loitation is locate# Ait(in t(e material #omain> t(e effect of t(e relations of %ro#'ction. 3o %osit t(e %s)c(ic #omain> even %otentiall) as a #ecisive Pmo#e of %ro#'ction>Q erases (oA t(is #omain is (istoricall) constit'te# an# artic'late# Ait(in t(e %revailin. str'ct'res of #omination . 3(e c'lt'ral> %olitical> an# %s)c(ic s%(eres are not a'tonomo's #omains of t(e social> 6't o%erate i#eolo.icall) as P#omains of s'%%ortQ for %revailin. economic str'ct'res. Dominant economic %ractices co'l# not 6e re%ro#'ce# Ait(o't t(e %ro#'ction of s'6-ectivities> #ifferentiall) an# 'nevenl)> Ait(in t(ese #omains. 3('s> to <reDsit'ate social %ractices PAit(in t(e c'lt'ral tra#itions of civiliIationsQ <227D #is%laces t(e salient 9'estion of A() racist %ractices are %art of c'lt'ral tra#itions in t(e first %lace. 0fter s'%%ressin. t(is in9'ir)> West t(en #raAs '%on e5istentialism an# in so #oin. sit'ates (imself as an i#eolo.ical a.ent for t(e stat's 9'o
A(en (e ar.'es t(at> in a fre9'entl) 9'ote# form'lation! Pt(e ma-or enem) of 6lac s'rvival in 0merica (as 6een an# is neit(er o%%ression nor e5%loitation 6't rat(er t(e ni(ilistic t(reatE t(at is t(e loss of (o%e an# a6sence of meanin.Q <see (is Race MattersD. W() is t(ere Ploss of (o%eQS /'c( a con#ition is neit(er a Pnat'ral state of affairsQ nor a Pstate of min#>Q 6't %ro#'ce# an# re%ro#'ce# 6) e5%loitative social arran.ements. ,acism is not reall) a6o't t(e PAron.Q i#eas in %eo%leTs (ea#s. Nor is it a cate.or) t(at s(o'l# 6e erase# 6eca'se it is Ait(o't scientific cre#i6ilit) <0%%ia(D or #econstr'cte# an# reveale# as ar6itrar) <7atesD. 3(e Pe5%erienceQ of %eo%le of color clearl) in#icates t(at race (as not 6ecome o6solete> an#> even if ar6itrar)> Ae still (ave to acco'nt for t(e (istorical a#e9'ation 6etAeen si.nifier an# si.nifie# . 0s I (ave s'..este#> a

more %ro#'ctive vieA of race locates it as an economic cate.or) t(at sim'ltaneo'sl) #esi.nates an# le.itimates a s'6or#inate# %ositionalit) Ait(in t(e relations of %ro#'ction> t(ere6) maintainin. as)mmetrical access to reso'rces. =) callin. for s%ecificit) 6't erasin. .lo6al economic str'ct'res t(at inform t(e local> West %artici%ates in narroAin. t(e limits of intelli.i6ilit)> t('s %rovi#in. a cover for t(e mac(iner) of e5%loitation to contin'e Ait(o't interro.ation.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

2+ Wave 1


Their hist rica# a!a#&sis f he)em !& a!% %em crac& re%"ces eve!ts t a$stracti ! a!% % es!t ta'e a materia#ist a++r ach
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O 3(e %lace of (istor) in t(e st'#) of international relations is> as alrea#) reco.nise#> an 'neas) one. 3(is is 6ot( for t(eoretical
reasons> in t(at International ,elations see s to i#entif) a #istinct conce%t'al terrain for st'#)> an# for %ractical an# %rofessional reasons> in t(at it Ais(es to #istin.'is( an# -'stif) itself 6) contrast Ait( A(at is as t(e i#eolo.ise# a%%roac( of #i%lomatic (istor)> too often a fetis(ism of arc(ives an# #ates. 3(e 9'estion of (istorical receives less attention. W(ere (istor) is %resent> it is 's'all) eit(er as ill'stration> or> rat(er too often> as a means of intimi#atin. t(e rea#er Ait( a 6arra.e of e5am%les> evi#ent as m'c( in Cames Der Derian < @n Di%lomac)D as in Martin Wi.(t. 3(e res'lt> (oAever> is t(at man) of t(e 9'estions consi#ere# Ait(in International ,elations are to a %erilo's #e.ree a6stracte# from t(eir (istorical conte5t. 3(is a%%lies> first> to t(e lac of (istorical c'lt're of most of t(ose Aritin. a6o't an# st'#)in. t(e s'6-ect> so t(at t(e %ro%ortion an# ran.e of reference to (istor) is often a6sent. =e(avio'ralism> of co'rse> ma#e a re-ection of (istor) one of its central tenets. It a%%lies e9'all) to t(e a6stractin. of s%ecific conce%ts from t(e (istorical sit'ation 'n#er A(ic( t(e)

arose. 3(e claim> fre9'entl) ma#e an# re%eate# in t(e literat're> t(at t(e contem%orar) =ritis( an# 0merican states are e5am%les of a %eacef'l> non&revol'tionar)> %at( of #evelo%ment is one stri in. e5am%le of t(is. 3(e Fe5%ansionF of Western societ) or of international societ) Aas ac(ieve# t(ro'.( t(e s'6-'.ation > &22& %l'n#er> an# in some cases massacre> of colonial societies. 0 more recent case is t(e %revailin. #isc'ssion of t(e conce%t of Finter#e%en#enceF an# t(e relate# iss'e of F'n.overna6ilit)F! t(is
almost eli#es t(e im%ortance of t(e %artic'lar event t(at> at t(e %olitical level> 6ro'.(t t(is 9'estion to t(e fore> namel) t(e Hietnam War> an# its im%act on t(e ;/ %olitical an# social s)stems. 2+

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9si!) the c !ti!)e!c& f tr"th t ar)"e that a## tr"th is "!certai! "!%ermi!es hist rica# a!% s cia# a!a#&ses f s cia# +he! me!a
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.117&121> ,7D 3(e %ostmo#ernist cele6ration of in#eterminac) is reinforce# 6) (ostilit) to 'niversaliIin. t(eor) > or i#eas of totalit). In#ee# t(e stress on in#eterminac) arises from t(e 6elief t(at Ae cannot com%re(en# social realit) in an) (olistic sense. In %oststr'ct'ralist t(eor) all attem%ts at .ras%in. social realit) as a totalit) are re-ecte#. 0ll s'c( attem%ts are ?totalitarian>? et(no centric> an# racist> 6eca'se t(e) im%ose a sin.le vision of t(e Aorl# '%on A(at is in fact a %l'ralit). Here> %ostmo#ernists fall into anot(er conf'sion. 3(eir re-ection of 'niversalism an# ?totaliIin.? t(eories #raAs on some Aell&esta6lis(e# e%istemolo.ical %rinci%les> A(ic( t(e) ta e to e5tremeEan# illo.icalEconcl'sions. 3(ere (as lon. 6een a Ai#el) acce%te# e%istemolo.ical convention> even a tr'ism> t(at ?facts? #o not %resent t(emselves to 's 'nme#iate# > 'naffecte# 6) o'r social e5%erience an# Ait(o't
selection or inter%retation. 3(is is> of co'rse> even more t(e case A(en Ae are #ealin. Ait( ver) com%le5 social ?facts? an# A(en %oAerf'l i#eolo.ical factors intervene. 8or e5am%le> 6) conventional meas'res of intelli.ence> 0frican&0mericans as a .ro'% (ave a loAer I.V. t(an A(ite 0mericans. 3(at is a fact. ='t A(at t(at fact means is not a%%arent from t(e fact itself. 8or some a't(ors> li e ,ic(ar# Herrnstein an# C(arles M'rra) in t(eir infamo's The #ell Cur"e, t(e #ifference in I.V. is an in#ication t(at 6lac an# A(ite 0mericans are nat'rall) #ifferent in t(eir intellect'al a6ilities. 8or ot(ers it means t(at I.V. tests are a %oor meas're of intellect'al a6ilit). 8or )et ot(ers> t(e #ifference 6etAeen t(e I.V. scores of 6lac an# A(ite 0mericans is a %ro#'ct of t(eir #ifferential treatment 6) societ). 3(is o6vio's e%istemolo.ical %oint #oes not necessaril) mean t(at t(ere is no 6asis for -' one inter%retation as 6etter t(an anot(er. Man)E %ro6a6l) mostE(istorians an# social scientists (ave lon.

ac noAle#.e# t(at t(eir noAle#.e is me#iate# in vario's Aa)sK 6't t(e) (ave not neces saril) felt o6li.e# to concl'#e t(at t(ere are ! sta!%ar%s f hist rica# tr"th> or %la'si6ilit)> a.ainst A(ic( to meas're one acco'nt of (istor) or social e5%erience in com%arison
to ot(ers. /'c( %eo%le (ave commonl) reco.niIe# t(at t(ere can 6e #ifferent acco'nts> seen from t(e %ers%ective of #ifferent %laces> times> or social .ro'%s> an# t(at t(ese acco'nts can even all 6e vali# in relation to t(e %artic'lar e5%erience an# nee#s of t(ose t(at %ro%o'n# t(emK 6't t(e) (ave not necessaril) felt o6li.e# to concl'#e t(at t(ere can never 6e a common stan#ar# to a#-'#icate amon. t(ese #ifferent acco'nts> no 6asis for com%arin. t(em> or even a common vanta.e %oint from A(ic( to comm'nicate 6etAeen t(em or accommo#ate t(em to eac( ot(er. 0s E.H. Carr 'n#erstoo#! It #oes

not folloA t(at> 6eca'se a mo'ntain a%%ears to ta e on #ifferent s(a%es from #ifferent an.les of vision> it (as o6-ectivel) eit(er no s(a%e or an infinit) of s(a%es. It #oes not folloA t(at> 6eca'se inter%retation %la)s a necessar) %art in esta6lis(in. t(e facts of (istor)> an# 6eca'se no e5istin. inter%retation is A(oll) o6-ective> one inter%retation is as .oo# as anot(er> an# t(e facts of (istor) are not amena6le to o6-ective inter%retation.+ ='t %ostmo#ernists (ave in#ee# j"m+e% t s"ch e;treme a!% a$s"r% c !c#"si !s. 3(e) (ave seiIe# '%on t(e m'lti%licities of meanin. in or#er to re-ect not onl) common stan#ar#s of -'#.ment 6't t(e
%ossi6ilit) of an) commens'ra6ilit) 6etAeen #ifferent Aorl#s of meanin.. "ostmo#ernism claims to sit'ate ?facts? in t(eir s%ecific social an# (istorical conte5t> 6't t(at is %recisel) A(at it fails to #o. 3(e ver) nat're of #econstr'ctionist met(o#olo.) im%oses an eternal frameAor on its o6-ect of investi.ation. 3(e startin. %oint of %oststr'ct'ralism is t(e searc( for #ifference . 0s Derri#a (as %'t it> it is f'tile to as A(o or A(at #iffers> since #ifference is %rior to an) s'6-ect.10 ='t t(is is to sm'..le t(e concl'sion of t(e investi.ation into t(e met(o#. If )o' set o't to fin# #ifference in an)t(in. an# ever)t(in.> t(en t(at is e5actl) A(at )o' Aill fin#. If )o' Ait( t(e %remise t(at t(ere is not(in. 6't #ifference> t(en it .oes Ait(o't sa)in. t(at )o' Aill never fin# commonalities or relations 6etAeen t(in.s t(at are irre#'ci6l) #ifferent> let alone totalities in A(ic( t(ese #ifferent t(in.s are lin e# Difference 6ecomes t(e a6sol'te in (istor). It +#a&s the Fesse!tia#istF

r #e i! + ststr"ct"ra#ist %isc "rse that Nat"re +#a&e% i! !i!etee!th*ce!t"r& + sitivism.

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Criti5"i!) the s cia# c !str"cti ! f #i!)"istic mea!i!) a!% f c"si!) ! si!)#e ( r%s r s&stems $sc"res the r #e f i%e # )& a!% hist r& i! )ivi!) #a!)"a)e mea!i!)
McNa##& ./0 & %rof. of %ol. sci. : Gor ;niv. <Davi#> ?Lan.'a.e> Histor)> an# Class /tr'..le>? in ?In Defense of Histor)! Mar5ism an# t(e "ostmo#ern 0.en#a>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.3*&10> ,7D
W(at concl'sions can Ae #raA from t(is 6rief e5c'rs's t(ro'.( some Mar5ist consi#erations on lan.'a.eS 8irst> Ae (ave seen t(at Mar5ism insists '%on t(e 'nit) of life&e5%erience. Lan.'a.e> li e conscio'sness> is not a se%arate an# #etac(e# realm of ('man e5istenceK rat(er> it is an e5%ressive #imension of t(at e5istence. 0s s'c(> it is %ermeate# 6) t(e conflicts> tensions> an# contra#ictions of real life. 3(e neA i#ealism sees none of t(is. =) treatin. lan.'a.e ?as a s)stem of a6stract .rammatical cate.ories>? in =al#itmFs Aor#s> rat(er t(an 'n#erstan#in. it as ?i#eolo.icall) sat'rate#>? as ?contra#iction&ri##en> tension&fille#>? i#ealism im%ov &

eris(es o'r 'n#erstan#in. of t(e relations 6etAeen lan.'a.e> life> (istor)> an# societ). 3(e neA i#ealism ma) claim to 'n#erstan# i#eolo.)> conflict> contra#iction> an# resistance> 6't it (as in a sense .one one ste% f'rt(er t(an t(e ol# i#ealism> not -'st a6stractin. lan.'a.e 6't in effect transformin. societ) itself into a lin.'istic s)stem. 3(e Aor#> ar.'es =a (tin> ?enters a #ialo.icall) a.itate# an# tension&fille# environment of alien Aor#s> val'e -'#.ments an# accents> Aeaves in an# o't of com%le5 interrelations(i%s> Ait( some> recoils from ot(ers....? Wor#s an# 'tterances are never ne'tralK t(e) are alAa)s sit'ate#> %ositione# in a conte5t c(ar.e# Ait( tensions> str'..les> conflicts . 0s ?an a6stract .rammatical s)stem? lan.'a.e ma)6e consi#ere# 'nitar)> a close# o6-ect of st'#). ='t t(is is to treat it ?in isolation from t(e 'ninterr'%te# %rocess of (istorical 6ecomin. t(at is c(aracteristic of all livin. lan.'a.e.? Lan.'a.e is t('s social and (istorical. Meanin.s e5ist for me onl) in m) relations Ait( ot(ersK an# t(ese ot(ers e5ist in concrete> str'ct're# social relations(i%s. 0n# t(ese social relations t(emselves are #)namicK t(e) involve str'..les over #omination an# resistance> s(iftin. 6alances of force an# %oAer. Meanin.s are t('s (istorical as AellK t(e) are immerse# in a %rocess of ?(istorical 6ecomin.? in A(ic( relations(i%s are not fi5e#> an# in A(ic( %ast an# %resent interAeave in o'r orientation toAar#s t(e f't're. Lan.'a.e #oes not %resent me Ait( a sin.le str'ct're of .rammatical relations an# meanin.s. @n t(e contrar)> m) involvement in lan.'a.e entails m) immersion in a social an# (istorical fiel# of t(emes> accents an# meanin.s A(ic( are alAa)s conteste# an# never close#. 3(e Aor#s I c(oose> t(e 'tterances I conve)> involve a %ositionin. Ait(in t(at fiel#. 3(ere are alAa)s alternative Aa)s
of e5%ressin. an# artic'latin. m) e5%eriences> m) %ositions> m) as%irations. 3(is is A(at it means A(en =a (tin Arites t(at ?conscio'sness fin#s itself inevita6l) facin. t(e necessit) of ha"ing to choose a language&.

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Criticisms f Chi!ese mar'et #i$era#i,ati ! ass"me that Bester! ca+ita#ism is the !at"ra# hist rica# traject r& f r mar'et ec ! mies D "r hist rica# a!a#&sis revea#s that mar'eti,ati ! is ! t s&! !&m "s (ith ca+ita#ism
Chase*7"!! 13 4 "rofessor of /ociolo.) an# Director of t(e ;niversit) Honors "ro.ram> t(e Instit'te for ,esearc( on Worl#&/)stems an# Co&#irector of t(e "ro.ram on 7lo6al /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of California&,iversi#e> =.0. in "s)c(olo.) from ;C&=er ele)> "(D in /ociolo.) from /tanfor# ;niversit) <C(risto%(er> P0#am /mit( in =ei-in.! 0 Worl#&/)stems "ers%ective>Q Historical Materialism> 1*<1D> Winter> E=/C@> ,7D
0rri.(i conten#e# t(at

tAo #istinct %at(s of economic an# %olitical #evelo%ment> A(ic( (e calls Uca%italismT an# Umar et societ)T> (ave alloAe# some mo#ern national economies to esca%e t(e Malt('sian tra% of %o%'lation&%ress're an# economic sta.nation. Ca%italism is t(e %at( t(at t(e West folloAe# an# mar et&societ) is t(e %at( t(at (as 6een folloAe# 6) C(ina. He also conten#e# t(at t(e C(inese ,evol'tion (el%e# to create t(e con#itions 'n#er A(ic( t(is in# of mar et&societ) an# %aternalistic state co'l# re&emer.e in t(e #eca#es since MaoTs #emise. 0rri.(i saA t(e recent rise of C(ina as a %ro.ressive #evelo%ment t(at mi.(t (el% to facilitate t(e emer.ence of a more la6o'r&frien#l) an# less environmentall)& #estr'ctive Aorl#&societ). 3( ere is a lot at sta e (ere. 0rri.(i Aas a##ressin. t(e ('.e social&scientific an# %olitical iss'es t(at are 6ro'.(t '% 6) t(e East$West&com%arison an# 6) t(e contin'in. #ecline of ;/ (e.emon) an# t(e rise of t(e "eo%leTs ,e%'6lic of C(ina. He %ro#'ce# a com%ellin. Aorl#&s)stemic anal)sis t(at s%ecifi es 6ot( t(e similarities an# t(e im%ortant str'ct'ral #iff erences
6etAeen t(e =ritis( (e.emonic tra-ector) of t(e nineteent( cent'r) an# ;/ (e.emon) of t(e tAentiet( cent'r). 3( e anal)sis in +dam *mith in #ei/ing of %rocesses of financialisation> neoli6eralism an# neoconservative Uim%erial over&reac(T as eff orts to %rolon. ;/ (e.emon)> 6'il# on 0rri.(iTs oAn earlier Aor an# on st'#ies 6) ,o6ert =renner an# Davi# Harve).2 +dam *mith in #ei/ing is #e#icate# to 0n#re 7'n#er 8ran an# 8ran Ts infl 'ence is o6vio's t(ro'.(o't. 0rri.(iTs foc's on C(ina> an# (is re&rea#in. of 0#am /mit(> Karl Mar5 an# Cose%( /c('m%eter> Aere ins%ire# 6) 8ran Ts last 6oo > Re0rient> in A(ic( 8ran trie# to overcome E'rocentrism 6) re&e5aminin. Aorl#&(istor) from 1100 to 1*00.3 0rri.(iTs last 6oo not onl) reconsi#ers t(e classics 6't also ma#e .reat 'se of a lar.e cor%'s of recent sc(olars(i% t(at (as 6een %ro#'ce# 6) a .ro'% of economic (istorians A(o Aere also ins%ire# 6) 8ran <Kaor' /'.i(ara> 3a es(i Hamas(ita> =in Won. an# Kennet( "omeranID.1 3(ese close st'#ies of C(inese economic (istor) s(oA t(at there has $ee! a %isti!ctive a!% %&!amic East*Asia! +ath f %eve# +me!t . 3( is revieA Aill o'tline t(e similarities an# #iff erences 6etAeen 0rri.(iTs an# 8ran Ts anal)ses of t(e East$West&com%arison in Aorl#&(istorical %ers%ective. 0rri.(i s(oAs t(at t(e 'se of Th e Wealth of 1ations as a totem of neoli6eral nostr'ms a6o't t(e ma.ic of mar ets> t(e Aon#ers of ca%italist .lo6alisation> an# t(e evils of state&re.'lation> is 6ase# on i.norin. m'c( of A(at /mit( act'all) sai#. 0rri.(iTs contrasts of /mit( Ait( Mar5 an# /c('m%eter %ro#'ce some ver) 'sef'l i#eas for com%arisons 6etAeen t(e East an# t(e West. /mit(Ts #istinction 6etAeen Unat'ralT an# U'nnat'ralT %at(s of economic #evelo%ment is 'se# 6)

0rri.(i to 6olster t(e notion t(at C(ina folloAe# t(e internall)&oriente# Unat'ralT %at( of mar et&societ)> foc'sin. on la6o'rintensive forms of #evelo%ment an# on im%rovin. t(e #omestic econom)> A(ereas t(e ca%italist s'ccess&stories of t(e West (ave foc'se# on ca%italintensive #evelo%ment t(at em%(asise# forei.n tra#e> #reA raA materials from #istant colonies an# ma#e %rofi ts 6ase# on %rovi#in. Ufi nancial servicesT to t(e Aorl#&econom).5 /mit( also foc'se# mainl) on
t(e con#itions t(at alloAe# for national #evelo%ment> A(ereas Mar5> li e 3( omas 8rie#man an# man) of t(e ot(er 6reat(less %ortra)ers of t(e Aon#ers of

.lo6alisation> ass'me# a sin.le inte.rate# Aorl#&mar et for ca%ital an# la6o'r an# a Ufl at Aorl#T in A(ic( .lo6al ine9'alities Ao'l# soon 6e re#'ce# 6) t(e ra%i# an# even #iff 'sion of ca%italist #evelo%ment. 0rri.(i fi n#s /mit( .ivin. a#vice to le.islators a6o't t(e #an.ers of alloAin. 6i. ca%ital to #ictate state&%olicies t(at are not in t(e interest of t(e nation as a A(ole. /mit( also foc'ses on t(e #emo.ra%(ic an# .eo.ra%(ical feat'res of eac( national societ) <t(e container t(at is t(e stateterritor)D as constit'tin. im%ortant constraints an# o%%ort'nities for t(e %ossi6ilities for national #evelo%ment. W(ereas Mar5 anal)se#
ca%italism in or#er to %rovi#e a t(eor) t(at Ao'l# 6e 'sef'l to t(e Aor ers of t(e Aorl#> /mit( inten#e# to %rovi#e a t(eor) t(at Ao'l# 6e 'sef'l to %'6lic& min#e# lea#ers of nation&states a6o't t(e 6est Aa)s to #evelo% t(e Aealt( of t(eir nations. 0rri.(i #oes far 6etter t(an 8ran in seein. t(at t(ere Aas a s'6stantiall) in#e%en#ent East&0sian international s)stem %rior to t(e nineteent( cent'r). 8ran claime# t(at t(ere (a# 6een a sin.le Aorl#&s)stem since t(e =ronIe 0.e.2 /'rel) t(ere Aere some im%ortant lon.&#istance eff ects of %resti.e .oo#s&tra#e an# t(e #iff 'sion of tec(nolo.ies 6ac an# fort( across t(e sil roa#s in earlier cent'ries> 6't Eastern an# Western .eo%olitics an# statecraft #i# not 6ecome inte.rate# into a sin.le

%olitical&militar) interaction&netAor 'ntil t(e E'ro%ean states s'rro'n#e# an# trie# to %enetrate C(ina in t(e nineteent( cent'r). =efore t(at> t(ere Aas a s'6stantiall) se%arate East&0sian international s)stem . 0fter #escri6in. t(e fi rst @%i'm War in 1*11> 0rri.(i sa)s! U0fter a #isastro's Aar Ait( =ritain <noA -oine# 6) 8ranceD> C(ina virt'all) cease# to 6e t(e centre of a relativel) self&containe# East 0sian interstate s)stemT .7 3( e East&0sian international tra#e&tri6'te s)stem (as 6een Aell #escri6e# in t(e st'#ies 6) 3a es(i Hamas(ita.* C(ina> far an# more %oAerf'l t(an an) ot(er state in t(e East&0sian s)stem> (a# calle# t(e s(ots 6't #i# not en.a.e in t(e in# of e5%ansionist an# im%erialistic 6e(avio'r t(at Aas so a%%arent in t(e relations(i% 6etAeen t(e E'ro%ean %oAers an# t(eir colonies. 0rri.(i c(aracterises t(is as a %acifi c s)stem relative to t(e international s)stem of states in E'ro%e> A(ere interstate Aarfare Aas nearl) contin'o's an# ('.e Aorl#&Aars amon. t(e U.reat %oAersT 6ro e o't A(enever (e.emon) faile#. 0rri.(i conten#e# t(at t(e relativel) less contentio's East&0sian s)stem Aas a conse9'ence of t(e more inAar# oriente# an# less e5%ansive mo#e of #evelo%ment in C(ina> 6't (e also a#mitte# t(at t(e C(inese state Aas so lar.e relative to t(e
ot(er states in t(e s)stem t(at c( to C(inese (e.emon) Aere not li el) to occ'r an# Aere 'ns'ccessf'l A(en t(e) #i# a%%ear. Ca%anTs occasional eff orts to 6ecome t(e East&0sian (e.emon faile# 'ntil after t(e E'ro%eans (a# 6ro'.(t t(e Vin. D)nast) to its nees. 3( e C@N3IN;EDR

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33 Wave 1


C@N3IN;EDR neA East&0sian Aorl#&(istorians ar.'e t(at t(ere

Aas a #)namic East0sian mo#el of #evelo%ment t(at Aas #istinct from t(at of t(e West an# #iff erent from t(e 's'al E'rocentric %res'm%tions a6o't a static 0siatic mo#e of %ro#'ction. 3( e) s(oA convincin.l) t(at commo#it)&%ro#'ction> mar ets an# mone) Aere (i.(l) a#vance# in C(ina an# t(at some re.ions Ait(in C(ina 4 /o't( C(ina an# t(e Gan.tIe river&valle) 4 Aere es%eciall) #)namic in terms of economic #evelo%ment in t(e ei.(teent( an# nineteent( cent'ries. 0rri.(i s'%%orte# t(e i#ea t(at t(ere Aas an Uin#'strio's revol'tionT in C(ina in t(e ei.(teent( cent'r)> in A(ic( intensive la6o'r Aas 'se# to %ro#'ce commo#ities instea# of re%lacin. la6o'r Ait( mac(ines. 3( is in# of mar et&societ) Aas c(aracterise# 6) Mar Elvin as a U(i.( level e9'ili6ri'm tra%T in A(ic( ca%ital (a# little incentive to invest in la6o'r& savin. tec(nolo.) 6eca'se la6o'r Aas so c(ea%.+ 0rri.(i an# t(e neA economic (istorians of East 0sia em%(asise t(e '%si#e of t(is for em%lo)ment. ='t t(is #oes not e5%lain A() t(e West Aas a6le to ecli%se C(ina in terms of Aealt(> tec(nolo.) an# militar) %oAer in t(e nineteent( an# tAentiet( cent'ries. 8ran (a# conten#e# t(at C(ina Aas t(e most #evelo%e# centre of t(e E'rasian Aorl#&s)stem 'ntil 1*00>
an# t(at E'ro%e (a# a6r'%tl) seiIe# t(e '%%er (an# in t(e nineteent( cent'r). 8ran also ar.'e# t(at t(e E'ro%ean a#vanta.e Aas 'ns'6stantial an# Ao'l# 6e a 6rief interl'#e t(at Ao'l# soon 6e en#e# 6) a neA rise of C(ina. ='t 8ran #i# not #o A(at 0rri.(i (as #one> A(ic( is to s(oA A(at it Aas a6o't t(e constellation of C(inese instit'tions t(at Aas #iff erent from> an# s'%erior to> t(e instit'tional str'ct'res of E'ro%e. 8ran conten#e# t(at t(e e5istin. evol'tionar) acco'nts of t(e rise of ca%italism Aere E'rocentric nonsense. Instea#> (e saA a contin'o's lo.ic of acc'm'lation t(at Aas 6ase# 6ot( on state&%oAer an# t(e a6ilit) to ma e Aealt( 6) means of tra#e an# %ro#'ction. 0ccor#in. to t(is vieA> states an#

Aealt() Xlites (ave oscillate# 6ac an# fort( since t(e =ronIe 0.e 6etAeen a .reater em%(asis on state&controlle# economies in some %erio#s an# a .reater em%(asis on mar ets an# tra#enetAor s in ot(ers. 3( is lo.ic of acc'm'lation #i# not reall)
evolve. 8ran 'n#erstoo# it as a .reat A(eel t(at .oes ro'n# an# ro'n#. 0n#> after t(e 1+70s> 8ran #i# not see an) %ossi6ilit) of a less e5%loitative f't're mo#e of %ro#'ction. 0ccor#in. to 8ran > C(ina (a# 6een t(e centre for millennia an# t(e E'ro%ean interl'#e Aas 6r'tis( 6't Ao'l# 6e mercif'll) s(ort. He (a# .iven '% on (is earlier conviction t(at a socialist revol'tion mi.(t %ro#'ce a neA in# of f't're societ). 0rri.(iTs anal)sis %arts com%an) from t(at of 8ran in a n'm6er of Aa)s. 0rri.(i a.ree# Ait( 8ran t(at C(ina Aas more #evelo%e# in terms of tec(nolo.) an# instit'tions t(an E'ro%e Aas 'ntil t(e en# of t(e ei.(teent( cent'r)> 6't (e #i# not see t(e E'ro%ean rise as s'##en an# com%letel) con-'nct'ral. 0rri.(iTs anal)sis of t(e #evelo%ment of

ca%italism in E'ro%e Aas evol'tionar) an# in t(e fi fteent( cent'r) A(en 7enoa> "ort'.al an# /%ain com6ine# fi nance&ca%ital Ait( an e5%ansive intercontinental colonial e5%ansion .10 0n#> A(ile (is #istinction 6etAeen ca%italism an# mar et&societ) (ol#s t(e %romise of f't're %ro.ress> it seems to 6e rat(er less of a 9'alitative transformation to a m'c( more e.alitarian

in# of social s)stem t(an t(ose t(at (ave 6een #e%icte# as %ossi6le 6) ot(er anal)sts of ca%italism. 0rri.(i also s'%%orte# t(e i#ea t(at one of t(e main e5%lanations of t(e #iff erence 6etAeen C(ina an# t(e West (as to #o Ait( t(e nat're of class%oAer over t(e state. 3( e i#ea of a ca%italist state> in A(ic( merc(ants> in#'strialists an# 6an ers e5ert .reat %oAer over state&%olic)> Aas t(roAn o't 6) 8ran as so m'c( E'rocentric 6a..a.e. In Th e Long Twentieth Centur > 0rri.(i (a# c(aracterise# t(e C(inese #)nasties as tri6'tar) em%ires t(at Aere 6ecomin. increasin.l) commercialise#. In +dam *mith in #ei/ing> (e %resente# t(e Vin. D)nast) as a relativel) 6enevolent Aelfare&state t(at Aas tr)in. to %rotect %easants from e5%loitation 6) local lan#oAners an# 6) merc(ants. 0 e) #iff erence 6etAeen t(e C(inese #)nasties an# t(e rX.imes of E'ro%e (a# to #o Ait( t(e .reater infl 'ence in E'ro%e t(at ca%italists (a# over state&%olic) in t(e lea#in. (e.emonic core&states. 0rri.(i Arote! U 3( 's /mit(Ts P'nnat'ralQ %at( #iff ers from t(e

Pnat'ralQ> not 6eca'se it (as a n'm6er of ca%italists 6't 6eca'se ca%italists (ave .reater %oAer to im%ose t(eir class interest at t(e e5%ense of t(e national interestT.11 0n# (e Aent on to sa) t(at> A(ile t(is Aas not tr'e for all t(e E'ro%ean states> it Aas t(e sit'ation in t(ose states t(at Aere most central in t(e E'ro%ean s)stem 4 t(e (e.emons.
In Hol'me 1 of Th e Modern World-* stem> Imman'el Wallerstein note# a e) #iff erence 6etAeen C(ina an# E'ro%e in t(e Ulon. si5teent( cent'r)T t(at (a# ('.e conse9'ences.12 He %ointe# o't t(at C(ina (a# a central .overnment 4 a UAorl# em%ireT t(at co'l# form'late an# enforce a

sin.le %olic) over a ver) lar.e area> A(ereas E'ro%e Aas a UAorl#&econom)T t(at Aas %oliticall) or.anise# as a set of com%etin. core&states. In t(e same )ears t(at t(e "ort'.'ese Kin. Henr) t(e Navi.ator Aas (ea#in. a6roa#> Ait( 7enoese s'%%ort> to
circ'mnavi.ate 0frica for t(e %'r%oses of o'tfl an in. t(e Henetian mono%ol) on East&In#ian s%ices> t(e Min. D)nast) Aas a6an#onin. t(e 3reas're 8leet e5%lorations to 0frica in or#er to concentrate on #efen#in. t(e (eartlan# of t(e mi##le in.#om from ste%%e&inva#ers. Central&0sian ste%%e&noma#s (a# also re%eate#l) assa'lte# E'ro%e> 6't t(ere Aas no Em%eror of E'ro%e to tell t(e "ort'.'ese to #esist 6eca'se reso'rces nee#e# ('s6an#in. to #efen# a.ainst t(e Central 0sians. E'ro%e (a# a m'lticentric interstate&s)stem in A(ic( fi nance&ca%ital Aas 6e.innin. to %la) an im%ortant role in #irectin. state&%olic)>13 A(ile C(ina Aas t'rnin. inAar# to maintain its centralise# tri6'tar) em%ire . It Aas t(e Aea ness an# small scale of tri6'tar) states in t(e West after t(e fall of ,ome t(at alloAe# ca%italism to 6ecome t(e %re#ominant form of acc'm'lation. In C(inaTs case> a stron. tri6'tar) state> r'n 6) man#arins an# occasionall) 6) semi%eri%(eral con9'erors>

re%eate#l) s'ccee#e# in confi scatin. t(e Aealt( of t(ose merc(ants or re.ional tra#in. #)nasts A(o %ose# a %olitical t(reat to t(e control of t(e state.11 0rri.(i confi rme# t(at .roAin. E'ro%ean %oAer over C(ina Aas not %rimaril) #'e to t(e c(ea% %rices of E'ro%ean commo#ities t(at co'l# noc #oAn all C(inese Aalls. Most E'ro%ean .oo#s co'l# not com%ete for t(e (ome an# r'ral mar ets Ait(in C(ina even after t(e E'ro%ean states (a# force# t(e Vin. rX.ime to let t(em in. ,at(er> t(e ma-or a#vanta.e t(at t(e E'ro%eans en-o)e# Aas in militar)
tec(nolo.). 3( o'.( 0rri.(i conten#e# t(at t(e im%ortant #iff erences 6etAeen E'ro%e an# C(ina Aere #'e to t(e Aa)s in A(ic( %olitical an# economic instit'tions Aere com6ine#> (is anal)sis is not inconsistent Ait( t(e concl'sion t(at t(e e) 9'estion is> UW(o controls t(e stateST In E'ro%e>

ca%italists came to control> fi rst> cit)&states> an# t(en> t(e most s'ccessf'l nation&states. In C(ina> t(at never (a%%ene#>
t(o'.( it ma) 6e (a%%enin. noA for t(e fi rst time.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

31 Wave 1


Hist rica# materia#ism is a! i!%is+e!sa$#e t # f r the critica# i!terr )ati ! f #a!)"a)e a!% i%e!tit&?the affirmative ris's $ei!) a$s r$e% i!t the % mi!a!t c"#t"ra# frame
F ster ./0 & %rof. of sociolo.) : ;niv. @re.on <Co(n> ?In Defense of Histor)>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.1*5&1+3> ,7D 3(e Aea nesses of %ostmo#ernismEfrom an emanci%ator) %ers%ectiveE t('s far overs(a#oA its stren.t(s . Missin. from 8o'ca'ltFs anal)sis> li e t(at of %ostmo#ernism .enerall)> is an) conce%tion of a co'nter&or#er to t(e #isci%linar) or#ers #escri6e#. In t(e more e5treme case of ?te5t'al %ostmo#ernists?Et(ose %ostmo#ernist t(in ers li e Derri#a> as #istinct from 8o'ca'lt> A(o #en) an) realit) o'tsi#e t(e te5tEt(e %olitical an# (istorical Aea nesses from a left %ers%ective are even more .larin.. L& "!%ermi!i!) the ver& c !ce+t f hist r&Ein an) meanin.f'l sense 6e)on# mere stor)&tellin.Es'c( t(eorists (ave ro66e# critical anal)sis of A(at (as alAa)s 6een its most i!%is+e!sa$#e t #.1* 3(e #enial Ait(in %ostmo#ernist t(eor) of t(e vali#it) of (istorical criti9'e covers '% A(at is reall) at iss'e! t(e #enial of t(e (istorical criti9'e of ca%italism> lea#in. to a conver.ence 6etAeen left t(o'.(t infecte# 6) NietIsc(e an# t(e #ominant li6eral ?en# of (istor)? conce%tion . 3(e of s'c( a(istorical or anti&(istorical vieAs> as E.". 3(om%son o6serve#> is t(at one loses si.(t not of ?reason in (istor)? in some a6stract sense> 6't rat(er of ?t(e reasons of %oAer an# t(e reasons of mone).?1+ Historical materialism at its 6est %rovi#es a Aa) o't of t(is #ilemma. 3(is is not to i.nore t(e fact t(at Mar5ismEA(ic( (as sometimes .iven rise to its oAn cr'#e inter%retations an# (istorical
travesties> as in t(e case of /talinismE(as fre9'entl) 6een i#entifie# Ait( t(e in# of ?totaliIations? an# ?essentialisms? t(at %ostmo#ernist t(eorists (ave sin.le# o't. 0s 3(om%son %ointe# o't in a 1+77 essa) on C(risto%(er Ca'#Aell> Mar5ism (as sometimes relie# on ? FessentialistF tric s of min#>? t(e ?ten#enc) to intellect'aliIe t(e social %rocess?E?t(e ra%i# #elineation of t(e #ee% %rocess of a A(ole e%oc(.? 3(ese are t(in.s t(at t(e (istorian <an# social scientists in .eneralD s(o'l# .'ar# a.ainst. ='t to a6an#on t(eor) an# (istorical e5%lanation entirel) in or#er to avoi# ?essentialism? an# ?fo'n#ationalism? is a 6it li e t(roAin. o't t(e 6a6) in or#er to ee% t(e 6at(Aater clean . Mar5 (imself %rovi#e# anot(er mo#el> activel) o%%osin. t(eor) <even ?Mar5ist? t(eor)D t(at %'r%orte# to 6e ?s'%ra(istorical.? In (is Theses on -euerbach, (e %resente# A(at still ran s as t(e most t(oro'.(& .oin. criti9'e of A(at (e calle# t(e ?essentialist? conce%tion of ('man 6ein.s an# nat're. In#ee#> (istorical

materialism (as lon. en.a.e# in its oAn self&criti9'e> %recisel) in or#er to e5%el t(e in#s of ?essentialisms>? ?%ositivisms>? an# ?str'ct'ralisms? t(at (ave intr'#e# on t(e %(iloso%() of %ra5is itself E&a self&criti9'e t(at (as %ro#'ce# t(e insi.(ts of t(eorists li e
7ramsci> /artre> 3(om%son> an# ,a)mon# Williams. 20 3(ese t(in ers #istance# t(emselves from t(e %ositivistic ?official Mar5ism? t(at .reA o't of t(e /econ# International an# later t'rne# into a caricat're of itself in t(e form of /talinism. Get t(e) (el# firm to t(e criti9'e of ca%italism an# t(eir commitment to t(e str'..les of t(e o%%resse#. Moreover> t(ese %artic'lar e5am%les tell 's t(at if A(at (as sometimes 6een calle# ?t(e

%ostmo#ern a.en#a?Econsistin. of iss'es li e i%e!tit&1 c"#t"re1 a!% #a!)"a)eEis to 6e a##resse# at all> t(is can onl) 6e accom%lis(e# Ait(in a (istorical conte5t. 0n# (ere one mi.(t o%enl) Aon#er Ait( 8o'ca'lt ?A(at #ifference t(ere co'l# 'ltimatel) 6e 6etAeen 6ein. a (istorian an# 6ein. a Mar5ist.? W(en %lace# Ait(in a more (olistic (istorical materialist conte5tE a!imate% $& the c !ce+t f +ra;isEt(e %ro6lems raise# 6) %ostmo#ernism loo entirel) #ifferent. 0s Davi# McNall) sa)s> ?Lan.'a.e is not a
%rison&(o'se> 6't a site of str'..le.? W(at t(e contri6'tions in t(is vol'me (ave in common is t(e insistence t(at iss'es li e lan.'a.e> c'lt're> nationalit)> race> .en#er> t(e environment> revol'tion> an# (istor) itself are onl) effectivel) anal)Ie# Ait(in a conte5t t(at is sim'ltaneo'sl) (istorical in c(aracter> materialist <in t(e sense of foc'sin. on concrete %racticesD> an# revol'tionar). /'c( anal)ses #o not a6an#on t(e (o%e of transcen#in. ca%italism> nor of t(e notion of ('man %ro.ress as a %ossi6le o'tcome of (istorical str'..les. It is sai# t(at Nic(olas I> CIar of ,'ssia> iss'e# an or#er 6annin. t(e Aor# ?%ro.ress.? 3o#a) Ae no 6elieve> in a nineteent( cent'r) sense> in a'tomatic ('man %ro.ress> em6o#)in. some #efinite contentEt(e i#ea t(at t(e CIar fo'n# so t(reatenin.. ='t t(is #oes not mean> as t(e %(iloso%(er Mic(ael @a es(ott conten#e# Ait( res%ect to %olitical activit) in t(e 1+50s> t(at Ae ?sail a 6o'n#less an# 6ottomless sea? t(at (as ?neit(er startin.&%oint nor a%%ointe# #irection? an# t(at o'r onl) tas is ?to ee% afloat on an even eel.? Histor)Eas cent'ries of str'..le an# in#ee# %ro.ress s'..estEis more meanin.f'l t(an t(at. 3o a6an#on t(e conce%t of %ro.ress>

in t(e more .eneral sense of t(e %ossi6ilit) of %ro.ressive ('man emanci%ation> Ao'l# onl) 6e to s'6mit to t(e Ais(es of t(e %oAers t(at 6e. /'c( %olitical #isen.a.ement 6) intellect'als on t(e left in t(e %resent e%oc( co'l# onl) mean one t(in.! t(e total o6eisance to
ca%ital.21 3(e iron) of %ost&mo#ernism is t(at A(ile %'r%ortin. to (ave transcen#e# modernit , it a6an#ons from t(e start all (o%e of transcen#in. ca%italism itself an# enterin. a post-capitalist era. "ostmo#ernist t(eor) is t(erefore easil) a6sor6e# Ait(in t(e #ominant c'lt'ral frame an# (as even .iven rise recentl) to te5ts s'c( as )ostmodern Marketing, A(ic( attem%ts to 'tiliIe t(e insi.(ts of t(in ers li e 8o'ca'lt> Derri#a> L)otar#> an# =a'#illar# to mar et .oo#s Ait(in a ca%italist econom). "er(a%s t(is Aill 6e t(e final #estin) of %ostmo#ernist t(eor)Eits a6sor%tion 6) t(e vast mar etin. a%%arat's of t(e ca%italist econom)> a##in. iron) an# color to a commercial or#er t(at m'st constantl) fin# neA Aa)s to insin'ate itself into t(e ever)#a) lives of t(e %o%'lation. MeanA(ile> (istorical materialism Aill remain t(e necessar) intellect'al .ro'n# for all t(ose A(o see > not to revel in t(e ?carnival? of ca%italist %ro#'ctive an# mar et relations> 6't to transcen# t(em .22

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

35 Wave 1


A!a#&,i!) s verei)! + (er hist rica##& "!vei#s e+istem # )ica# +atter!s that +re*ce%e em+irica# c#aims
La+ i!te1 2334 L3(ierr). ?=e)on# an Historicism Wit(o't /'6-ect! 0.enc) an# t(e El'sive 7enealo.ies of /tate /overei.nt)? "a%er %resente# at t(e ann'al meetin. of t(e International /t'#ies 0ssociation 1*t( 0nn'al Convention> 8e6 2*> 2007 M(tt%!$$$meta$%1*0172Nin#e5.(tmlO 3(e confi.'rations of relations of %oAer instit'tionalise# 6) (istoricall) s%ecific forms of soverei.nt) %rovi#e > it is o'r contention> si.nificant cl'es to 'n#erstan# an# e5%lain A() a.ents #evelo% strate.ies of %oAer an# s%ecific forms of rationalit) rat(er t(an ot(ers. 8'rt(ermore> it %rovi#es 's Ait( val'a6le anal)tical tools to %ro6lematise t(e reasons A() a social formation folloAs a s%ecific instit'tional tra-ector) rat(er t(an ot(ers an# A()> in s'c( a conte5t> certain %atterns of rationalit)> t(o'.(ts an# #isco'rses #evelo% rat(er t(an ot(ersEi.e. t(e %ositivit) of #isco'rses . 3(erefore> it also alloAs for a (istoricisation of %atterns of ('man rationalit)$s'6-ectivit). 0s I Aill tr) to %oint o't in last section of t(is c(a%ter is t(at all fo'r of t(ese
factors i#entifie# a6ove Aere of si.nificant im%ortance in #eterminin. t(e #ifferent instit'tional tra-ectories folloAe# 6) 8rance an# t(e H,E in t(e conte5t of YHI&YHIIt( cent'r).

Hist rica# materia#ism e;+ ses the c !ti!)e!c& f !ati !*states that are ther(ise !at"ra#i,e% i! IR the r&
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O 0n)one familiar Ait( t(e Aor in.s of t(e international s)stem Aill> in one sense> 6e aAare of t(is && t(e i#eolo.ical s'%%ression of t(e ori.ins of t(e s)stem> a %ro%ensit) to #en) t(e violence involve# in its creation> an# t(e force Ait(in international affairs> not least t(ro'.( nationalism> of irrational factors. 3('s A(at Mar5 sai# of t(e role of (istor) in .eneral co'l# 6e sai# of an) %artic'lar co'ntr)! its #omestic an# forei.n %olicies> t(e instincts &21& of its lea#ers an# t(e res%onses of its %'6lic> t(e instit'tions t(ro'.( A(ic( %olic) Aas con#'cte#> t(e .rievances an# fears t(at #rive its %o%'lation && all reflecte# t(e %ast to a #e.ree t(an Aas often a#mitte#. More im%ortantl)> as Ait( socio&economic> so Ait( (istorical #etermination> Mar5 also saA t(ese con#itionin. factors as 'n#erminin. t(e a%%earance A(ic( all social events (a# of 6ein. in some Aa) Fnat'ralF or FeternalF! one of t(e ma-or f'nctions of %olitical socialisation in an) societ) is to ma'e (hat e;ists i! that s ciet& a++ear as i!evita$#e1 a!% "!cha!)ea$#e. 3(e same is tr'e of t(e international #omain itself> an# t(e atten#ant forms &nation> state> soverei.nt)> etc. && associate# Ait( it. Location of t(ese feat'res of a societ) in t(e (istorical conte5t of t(eir serves to contra#ict t(is a%%earance of 6ein. !at"ra# a!% eter!a#> as Aell as to s'..est t(at alternatives are also t(e more %ossi6le.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

32 Wave 1


Hist rica# materia#ism av i%s state*ce!tricit& a!% +r $#emati,es the re#ati !shi+ f the state t ca+ita#ism
va! A+e#% r! 233@ L=astiann> %rof of %olitical science at Hri-e ;niversiteit 0mster#am> P3(eoriIin. t(e transnational! a (istorical materialist a%%roac(> Co'rnal of International ,elations an# Develo%ment> 2001> 7> <1124172D> e6sco(ostO In contrast to neo&realism <an# to a lar.e e5tent neo&li6eralism as AellD> in A(ic( state %oAer is narroAl) conceive# as t(e acc'm'late# material ca%a6ilities of t(e Ustate&as&actorT> (istorical materialism see s to e5amine t(e social ori.ins of t(at %oAer. Hence Co5Ts <1+*2! 205> em%(asis a##e#D s'..estion to Uconsi#er t(e state&societ) com%le5 as t(e 6asic entit) of international relations.T Em%(asiIin. t(e ca%italist nat're of societ)> a (istorical materialist t(eor) of Aorl# %olitics Ao'l# > as Mar ,'%ert <1++3! *1D %(rase# it> ta e Uas its %oint of #e%art're t(e %ro%osition t(at international %olitics as Ae noA it is (istoricall) em6e##e# in> an# internall) relate# to> ca%italist social relations.T W(at o'r transnationalist %ers%ective Ao'l# a## to t(is is t(e claim t(at t(ese social relations (ave from t(e start 6een at least %artl) of a transnational nat're> an# t(at t(ro'.( #ifferent %(ases in t(e (istor) of mo#ern
ca%italism <t(o'.( not in a strai.(t '%Aar# lineD t(ese social relations (ave increasin.l) 6ecome more transnationaliIe#.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

37 Wave 1

The a#ter!ative is t reject + stm %er!ist %isc "rse f race a!% e;+# re the effects %ai#& +r %"ctive a!% materia# f rces have ! race re#ati !s. O!#& thr ")h e;ami!i!) ca+ita#ism ca! (e "!%ersta!% (h& the aff im+acts ha++e! i! the first +#ace.
: "!) C1 & %rofessor of En.lis( : ;niversit) of 0la6ama <,o6ert> P3(e Lin.'istic 3'rn> Materialism an# ,ace! 3oAar# an 0est(etics of Crisis>Q Callaloo> 21<1D> Winter 2001> %%. 331&315> "ro-ect M;/E> ,7D "ostmo#ernists re'n#erstan# t(e s'6-ect> not as t(e rational ca'se of social meanin.> 6't rat(er t(e effect of t(e artic'lation of vario's #isc'rsive %ractices. ,olan# =art(es ma es t(is %oint clear in *23 A(en (e sa)s> P I is not an innocent s'6-ect> anterior to t(e te5t> one
A(ic( Aill s'6se9'entl) #eal Ait( t(e te5t as it Ao'l# an o6-ect to #ismantle or a site to occ'%). 3(is UIT A(ic( a%%roac(es t(e te5t is alrea#) itself a %l'ralit) of ot(er te5t> of co#es A(ic( are infinite or> more %recisel)> lostQ <10D. Mic(el 8o'ca'lt also %oints '% t(e constr'cte#ness of t(e s'6-ect A(en (e ar.'es t(at! P3(e in#ivi#'al is not a %re.iven entit) A(ic( is seiIe# on 6) t(e e5ercise of %oAer. 3(e in#ivi#'al> Ait( (is i#entit)> is t(e %ro#'ct of a relation of %oAer e5ercise# over 6o#ies> m'lti%licities> movements> #esires> forcesQ <73&71D. "er(a%s t(e classic %oststr'ct'ralist vieA of t(e s'6-ect> t(o'.(> is fo'n# in Cac9'es Derri#a. 8or Derri#a> P3(e s'6-ect <in its i#entit) Ait( itself> or event'all) in its conscio'sness of its i#entit) Ait( itself> its selfconscio'snessD is inscri6e# in lan.'a.e> is a Uf'nctionT of lan.'a.e> 6ecomes a s%ea in. s'6-ect onl) 6) ma in. its s%eec( conform . . . to t(e s)stem of t(e r'les of lan.'a.e as s)stem of #ifferences> or at ver) least 6) conformin. to t(e .eneral laAs of #ifferenceQ <15D. 3(e vieA of t(e s'6-ect as a lan.'a.e constr'ct (as frame# %ostmo#ern #isco'rses of race. 8or e5am%le> Henr) 7ates ar.'es t(at P,ace (as 6ecome a tro%e of 'ltimate> irre#'ci6le #ifference 6etAeen c'lt're . . . Lan# t('sO ,ace is t(e 'ltimate tro%e of #ifference 6eca'se it is so ver) ar6itrar) in its a%%licationQ <Race 5D. In t(e *ignif ing Monke 7ates #evelo%s (is %ro-ect of investi.atin. r(etorical str'ct'res an# t(e mec(anics of t(e meanin.&ma in. %rocess an#'n#s t(e Pmaterialit)Q an# PAillf'l %la)Q of t(e si.nifier <5+D. 3('s for 7ates P6lac ness is %ro#'ce# in t(e te5t t(ro'.( a com%le5 %rocess of si.nificationQ an# t(erefore P 3(ere can 6e no transcen#ent 6lac ness> for it can not an# #oes not e5ist 6e)on# manifestations in s%ecific fi.'res Q <237D. 3(eoriIin. race as te5t (as le# to %roclamations> s'c( as t(e one 6) 0nt(on) 0%%ia(> t(at race is a fiction! P3(e tr't( is t(at t(ere are no racesQ <0%%ia( 35D. 3(e %olitics of s'c( a #isco'rse is %er(a%s clearest in Ko6ena MercerTs essa) PU1+2*T! "erio#iIin. "olitics an# I#entit)>Q A(ere (e> too> reco.niIes t(e meanin.lessness of race an# mar s (oA Pt(e LraceO si.nifier itself 6ecame t(e site for t(e ma in. an# rema in. of meanin.sQ <130D. 3('s %olitics 6ecomes a matter of semiotic free#om an# #emocrac) is seen as a Pstr'..le over relations of re%resentationQ <Mercer 12+D an# not t(e relations of %ro#'ction. In s(ort> A(at is offere# as emanci%ation is not e9'al access to economic reso'rces 6't t(e %leas're of #isr'%tin. #ominant an# o%%ressive meanin.s. W(ile s'c( #isc'rsive intervention is im%ortant> es%eciall) for an (istoricall) mar.inaliIe# .ro'%> it is 'r.ent to reco.niIe t(at social c(an.e Aill come a6o't not 6) emanci%atin. si.ns from totalities 6't 6) #is%lacin. t(e relations of %ro#'ction> for alt(o'.( t(e relations of %ro#'ction #o not eva#e> t(e) nevert(eless alAa)s e5cee# t(e fate of si.ns. Not onl) #o s'c( %ostmo#ern #isco'rses reif) c'lt're> in A(at Kenan Mali calls Pc'lt'ral formalism>Q 6't in t(eir anti&totalit) move an# of t(e lo.ic of in#eterminac) %ostmo#ernists s'%%ress notions of ca'salit). "ostmo#ern #isco'rses of race merel) assert t(e constr'cte#ness of t(e <raceD si.n an# 6rac et t(e %olitical econom) of race > an# conse9'entl) t(e te5t is set as t(e limit of intelli.i6ilit). In ar.'in. for

t(e Pconstr'cte#&nessQ of race 6't locatin. it te5t'all) t(ere is a t(eoretical %ro6lem in acco'ntin. for t(e te5t'al inscri%tion of race or its e5tra&te5t'al effects in #ail) life 'n#er ca%italism <an# Ae m'st acco'nt for e5trate5t'al effects 6eca'se for %eo%le of color it
is a matter of life an# #eat(D.

"ostmo#ernists are 'na6le to e5%lain A() race (as ac9'ire# its o%%ressive social meanin. in t(e first %lace an# across vario's localitiesEt(at is race is a translocal artic'lation. ,ea#in. race as essentiall) constr'cte# 6't not acco'ntin. for its %ro#'ction> race
is m)stifie# an# meta%()sics is reintro#'ce#K in fact> in a recent s)m%osi'm on race an# racism HoAar# Winant asserts t(at P,ace remains a m)sterio's %(enomenonQ<7D. ,ace is not a m)ster) as it o%erates to#a) as a material %ractice in mar in. raciall) co#e# s'6-ects for #ifferential levels of s'r%l's e5traction an# violence an# it (as an (istorical emer.ence . 0s 0le5 Callinicos in#icates> P,acism as

Ae noA it to#a) #evelo%e# #'rin. a e) %(ase in t(e #evelo%ment of ca%italism as t(e #ominant mo#e of %ro#'ction on a .lo6al scaleEt(e esta6lis(ment #'rin. t(e 17t( an# 1*t( cent'ries of colonial %lantations in t(e NeA Worl# 'sin. slave la6o'r im%orte# from 0frica to %ro#'ce cons'mer .oo#s s'c( as to6acco an# s'.ar an# in#'strial o't%'ts s'c( as cotton for t(e Aorl# mar etQ <11D. 0s Eric Williams s'ccinctl) %'t it> P/laver) Aas not 6orn of racism! rat(er> racism Aas t(e conse9'ence of slaver)Q <7D.
W(ile most %ostmo#ern #isco'rses (ave move# aAa) from ontolo.icall) 6ase# in9'iries> a recent essa) 6) Lin#a 0lcoff attem%ts to <reDconfi.'re race as an Pontolo.icalQ cate.or). Her intervention o%ens t(e %ossi6ilit) for'n#in. t(e ne5's 6etAeen race an# materialism. 3(is %ossi6ilit) is 9'ic l) close# #oAn as (er #isco'rse moves aAa) from materialism an# t('s for 0lcoff P,ace is a %artic'lar> (istoricall) an# c'lt'rall) locate# form of ('man cate.oriIation . . .Q <7D. 3(e 9'estion a.ain is A()S W() is race a form of ('man cate.oriIationS 0n# is race i#entit) reall) a matter of lan.'a.e .amesS 0n# are t(ese .ames essentiall) self&ori.inatin. an# a'tonomo'sS @f co'rse not. 3(ese P.amesQ are alAa)s alrea#) sit'ate# Ait(in an# t(e effect of t(e %revailin. economic $ %olitical $c'lt'ral $i#eolo.ical con#itions. 0s Mali %oints o't P ,acial

#ifferentiation o't of real social an# economic mec(anismsQ <10D> an# t(e) are not ontolo.icall) %re&.iven. In ot(er Aor#s> t(is ('man cate.oriIation is an (istorical artic'lation of racialiIe# #ivision of la6or str'ct'rin. as)mmetrical access to s'r%l's. 0lcoff re#'ces t(o'.(t a6o't t(e real to t(e real itself an# t(is artic'lates an em%iricist i#ealism. 3(erefore A(at is reall) at sta e
(ere is not so m'c( t(e 9'estion of ontolo.) an# t(e relate# 9'estion of o6-ectivit)EA(ic( %'ts one on t(e roa# to materialismEas m'c( as it is t(e artic'lation of A(at ,o) =(as ar (as calle# t(e Pe%istemic fallac)Q an# conse9'entl) t(e rec'%eration of e5%erience. @ne m'st remem6er 0lcoffTs ori.inal concern Aas not onl) to Pvali#ate ()6ri# i#entit) or ()6ri# %ositionalit) a.ainst %'rist> essentialist acco'ntsQ 6't also to Pta e into acco'nt t(e f'll force of race as a live# e5%erienceQ <+D. @f co'rse> as I also %ointe# o't earlier> it is %oliticall) 'r.ent to mar s'c( e5%eriences 6't an

ontolo.ical reinscri%tion of race reifies race an# as s'c( #isa6les a transformative %ro-ectEa %ro-ect aime# at ne.atin. t(e

ENDI 2010 3* Historical Materialism K Wave 1 #e%lo)ment of race as a str'ct're for e5%loitation. ;n#er Aa)> t(en> is t(e alliance of %ostmo#ern #isco'rses> A(ic( #e& essentialiIes i#entit)> Ait( t(is ('manist i#entit). 3(ese tAo a%%arentl) anta.onistic #isco'rses are act'all) coll'#in. in s'%%ressin. t(e %olitical econom) of race. 3(e tra-ector)Efrom t(e %ostmo#ernist constr'cte# i#entit) to t(e ('manist s'6-ectEma) 6e clearl)
ma%%e# o't in a series of Aor s 6) 7ates.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

3+ Wave 1


A! acc "!t f h ( s cia# f rms emer)e hist rica##& revea#s the +r cess thr ")h (hich state act rs )ai! #e)itimac& D the affirmative re%"ces + #itics t tech!ics
E%'i!s 1/// LCenn)> /enior Lect'rer in International "olitics at t(e ;niversit) of Wales 06er)stA)t(> )ostructuralism and $nternational Relations4 #ringing the )olitical #ack $n> %. 3&1O In an) formation of a neA state> t(ere are clearl) events t(at Ao'l# 6e #escri6e# as %art of ?%olitics? in t(e narroA sense of t(e Aor# t(at are nevert(eless si.nificant. L"t these ma!e"vers ta'i!) +#ace i! F+ #iticsF % ! t +r vi%e a! acc "!t i! themse#ves f h ( !e s cia# f rm rather tha! a! ther emer)es fr m a +eri % f c !testati ! a!% str"))#e. 3o ac(ieve an 'n#erstan#in. of t(e latter> Ae nee# a ?%olitical? anal)sis t(at e5amines m'tations of t(e social or s)m6olic or#er an# (oA a neA mo#el of societ) is create#. In t(e case of t(e move to totalitarianism in t(e ;//,> for e5am%le> Lefort ar.'es t(at e) to t(e A(ole %rocess is t(at at t(e level of fantas) ?A(at is 6ein. create# is t(e mo#el of a societ) A(ic( seems to instit'te itself Ait(o't #ivisions> A(ic( seems to (ave master) of its oAn or.aniIation> a societ) in A(ic( eac( %art seems to 6e relate# to ever) ot(er an# im6'e# 6) one an# t(e same %ro-ect of 6'il#in. socialism.?13 In ot(er Aor#s> A(at is si.nificant in t(e e5itmination of totalitarianism is (oA a neA s)m6olic i#eal of societ)> Ait( forms of le.itimation> Aas instit'te#> an# (oA t(is mo#el Aor s as fantas). 0n anal)sis of ?t(e %olitical? in t(e 6roa#er sense Ao'l# involve an acco'nt of (oA s'c( mo#els of t(e social are artic'late# an# (oA t(e) Aor . ZiIe s'mmariIes t(e #istinction ma#e 6) Lefort an# Lacla' as one 6etAeen ?"olitics? as a se%arate social
com%le5> a %ositivel) #etermine# s'6&s)stem of social relations in interaction Ait( ot(er s'6&s)stems <econom)> forms of c'lt're ... D an# t(e ?"olitical? Lle %oliti9'el as t(e moment of o%enness> of 'n#eci#a6ilit)> A(en t(e ver) str'ct'rin. %rinci%le of societ)> t(e f'n#amental form of social %act> is calle# into 9'estion&in s(ort> t(e moment of .lo6al crisis overcome 6) t(e act of fo'n#in. a ?neA (armon).?11 @nce it is #eci#e# <6) Aars> revol'tions> an# t(e li eD t(at le.itimate a't(orit) resi#es> for e5am%le> Ait( a %artic'lar state form> A(at folloAs is t(e 6'rea'cratic tec(ni9'e of

.overnance ela6orate# t(ro'.( reco.niIe# e5%ertise an# en#orse# in t(e contin'ance of t(e state form t(ro'.( t(e re.'lar> rit'al re%lacement of t(e %lace(ol#ers of a't(orit)> A(et(er 6) elections in a #emocrac) or t(ro'.( t(e r'les of s'ccession in a monarc() or #ictators(i%. 0s Ma5 We6er (as ar.'e#> 6'rea'crac) s'ccee#s 6eca'se of its tec(nical efficienc)> an# once in %lace it is #iffic'lt to remove.15 It re%laces t(e nee# for %olitical #ecisions! 0ctions can 6e #etermine# on %'rel) tec(nical .ro'n#s .

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

10 Wave 1


O"r a#ter!ative e+istem # )& ma'es the s ci ! mic a mea!i!)f"# +art f i!ter!ati !a# re#ati !s a!% e;+ ses the +r $#ematic ass"m+ti !s f their $ehavi ra# a!% cate) rica# m %e#s
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O 3(is %rominence of classes as anal)tic tools (as tAo imme#iate conse9'ences for International ,elations . 8irst> it invests t(e ma-or conflicts of international %olitics Ait( a #istinct socioeconomic c(aracter. 3(o'.( it ma) 6e 'ntr'e to sa)> %ara%(rasin. Mar5>
t(at all t(e (istor) of International ,elations (as 6een one of class str'..le> it (as certainl) 6een a ma-or an# at times #ecisive com%onent. 3(e com%etitive s%rea# of t(e E'ro%ean em%ires> t(e o't6rea s of t(e tAo Aorl# Aars> t(e .ol# stan#ar# crisis of 1+31> t(e @"EC %rice rises of 1+71&73> t(e #is%'tes over tra#e an# interest rates Ait(in t(e 0tlantic 0lliance in t(e earl) 1+*0s> ;/&Ca%anese tra#e conflict in t(e 1++0s && all noA a%%ear as> in 6roa# &23& terms> %art of conflict 6etAeen ca%italist r'lin. classes> 6etAeen ol# esta6lis(e# ca%italist %oAers an# t(eir neA rivals> t(e latter %ro#'ce# 6) t(e #evelo%ment of ca%italist social relations Ait(in t(eir oAn co'ntries . Man) of t(e #is%'tes t(at (ave mar e# tAentiet( cent'r) (istor) 6ecame inter&im%erialist an# interca%italist #is%'tes> 6e)on# t(eir s%ecific national> .eo.ra%(ic an# (istorical c(aracteristics! as alrea#) note#> t(is iss'e of conflict 6etAeen .reat %oAers> not t(e #)namics of FNort(&/o't(F relations Aas t(e main 9'estion a##resse# 6) Lenin an# ot(ers> in t(e #e6ate on im%erialism 6efore t(e 8irst Worl# War. /econ#l) > in t(is li.(t> t(e #e6ates t(at (ave flo'ris(e# Ait(in International ,elations for so lon. a%%ear to 6e fo'n#e# on some 9'estiona6le %remises . /ince t(e state is

not an in#e%en#ent entit)> 6't is rat(er locate# in a %artic'lar socio&economic an# class conte5t> t(e #e6ate on A(et(er t(e state is losin. %oAer to non&state actors c( c(aracter. 8or t(e 9'estion noA 6ecomes not A(et(er t(e state (as recentl)> i.e. since 1+15
or 1+70> lost %reeminence to non&state actors 6't (oA far t(e Fnon&stateF actors A(o (ave alAa)s affecte# t(e %oAer an# c(aracter of t(e state act t(ro'.( t(e state or t(ro'.( ot(er c(annels. 3(ese non&state actors> i.e. classes> (ave alAa)s 6een t(ere> 6't (ave e5ercise# t(eir %oAer in a

variet) of Aa)s. 3(e 9'estion of (oA far t(e 6o'n#ar) 6etAeen #omestic an# international %olitics (as 6ro en #oAn also ac9'ires a #ifferent si.nificanceK in ca%italism classes (ave alAa)s o%erate# internationall)> from t(e 6an ers an# tra#in. com%anies of t(e si5teent( cent'r) onAar#s> an# (ave in t'rn 6een affecte# #omesticall) 6) c( in t(e international economic an# %olitical sit'ation. 31 3(e %rimac) of classes t(erefore serves in a #'al sense to %lace in 9'estion t(e conce%t of t(e Fnation&stateF! it s(oAs> first> t(at t(e state itself is> to a consi#era6le e5tent> a f'nction of Ai#er social forces> an# secon#l) t(at t(e im%ermea6ilit) of #omestic %olitics is an a%%earance A(ic( conceals a %ermanent> 'n#erl)in.> internationalisation of %olitical an# economic factors. In Mar5Fs oAn Aritin.s> t(ere is an interestin. tension on t(is iss'e! (is %olitical
instincts le# (im to em%(asise t(e international c(aracter of t(e %roletariat> t(e Aor in. class> an# t(eir as%iration an# a6ilit) to or.anise on an international 6asis a.ainst t(eir class enemiesK )et (is t(eor) containe# Ait(in it anot(er s'..estion> namel) t(at it Aas not t(e Aor in. class> 6't t(e 6o'r.eoisie> A(o &21& Aere t(e most international> since t(eir e#'cation an# c'lt're on t(e one (an#> an# t(eir ver) economic interests on t(e ot(er> Aere s'c( as to lea# t(em to act more an# more internationall). 3(e s'6se9'ent (istor) of ca%italism (as> as m'c( as an)t(in.> 6een one in A(ic( t(e internationalisation of t(e r'lin. class (as %rocee#e# as fast as> or even faster t(an> t(at of t(e Aor in. class && (ence> as Ceff 8rie#en> /te%(en 7ill> Kees van #er "i-l an# ot(ers (ave s(oAn> t(e EC <E'ro%ean Comm'nit)D> t(e 3rilateral Commission> t(e 7ro'% of 7 an# man) ot(ers are e5am%les of transnational Xlite coor#ination> for t(e 6etter mana.ement of t(e econom)> 6ot( national an# international.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

11 Wave 1


Hist rica# materia#ism rethi!'s sec"rit& as a! hist rica# a!% s ci # )ica# +r $#em a!% %e$"!'s the s"++ se% !e"tra#it& f rea#ist the ries f IR
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O If t(is tenet of (istorical materialism is e5ten#e# to t(e international> t(en it s'..ests t(at t(e central concern of International ,elations 6ecomes not sec'rit)> an# t(e actions of t(e nation&state #irecte# to #efen#in. an# en(ancin. it> 6't rat(er conflict> an# t(e Aa)s in A(ic( t(is is .enerate#> con#'cte#> an# resolve# . ;n#erl)in. t(e m)ria# events of international affairs lies social conflict> Ait(in an# across frontiers> t(e %'rs'it of Aealt( an# economic %oAer as t(e so'rce of t(ese manifol# events. 33 3a in. t(e (istorical #etermination of s%ecific states into acco'nt> it 6ecomes necessar) to en9'ire A(ence t(ese came> or> more %recisel)> o't of A(at (istorical conflicts t(e) emer.e#. 3(e most a%%arentl) %acific of states ma) (ave iss'e# from e5tremel) 6loo#) %asts && t(e s'%erficiall) tran9'il Net(erlan#s (as a (istor) re%lete Ait( revol'tion> invasion an# san.'inar) internal strife. 3(e c'rrentl) smoot( Aor in.s of #emocrac) in 7erman) or Ca%an 6etra) t(e fact t(at t(is %olitical s)stem Aas im%ose# 6't tAo .enerations a.o t(ro'.( forei.n militar) intervention. 3(e s'##en arrival of close to one ('n#re# neA states on t(e Aorl# scene in t(e %erio# since 1+15 is often a##'ce# merel) as a n'merical a##ition> a com%licatin. or #il'tin. e5%ansion> of an ot(erAise contin'o's states s)stem! t(e fact t(at t(is %rocess Aas a res'lt of intense conflicts> 6etAeen colonies an# colonial %oAer an#> as a ma-or %recon#ion> #erive# from t(e Aea enin. of t(e colonial em%ires in t(e /econ# Worl# War> receives less t(an its a%%ro%riate s(are of attention. Mar5 Aas aAare of t(is in (is Aritin.s on t(e mi#&nineteent( cent'r)! Aritin. on t(e c(allen.e to t(e five&nation 6alance of %oAer> t(e %entarc()> (e Aarne# of t(e %resence of a si5t( .reat %oAer> revol'tion. 3('s > t(e #ominant %ro6lem of tAentiet(cent'r) international %olitics is seen 6) conventional international relations t(eor) as 6ein. t(at of sec'rit)! 6't for m'c( of t(at %erio# it can e9'all) 6e seen as (avin. 6een t(at of containin. inter&ca%italist conflict on t(e one (an#> an# social revol'tion on t(e ot(er. In ot(er Aor#s> t(e mana.ement of social conflict is t(e iss'e t(at (as most concerne# %oliticians an# aca#emic anal)sts of forei.n %olic) ali e. 31 0s 0rno Ma)er (as s(oAn> an a%%arentl) ne'tral international event li e t(e Hersailles "eace Conference of &22& 1+1+ Aas %reocc'%ie# Ait( t(e iss'e of co'nter revol'tion an# containin. #isor#er.
Mar5 Aas mista en to invest revol'tion Ait( t(e m)stical an# #eterministic overtones t(at came to 6e associate# Ait( it> an# e9'all) Aron. to 6elieve t(at some ra#icall) #ifferent an# emanci%ate# societ) Ao'l# emer.e from s'c( '%(eavals! 6't (e Aas ri.(t to see social conflict> over oAners(i%> %oAer> reso'rces> as a central feat're of %olitics> an# to as (oA s'c( conflict 'n#erla) t(e a%%arentl) a'tonomo's Aorl# of %olitical strife an# international conflict. 3(is (e Aas a6le to #o> in %art> 6) intro#'cin. t(e materialist an# (istorical conte5ts. W(en it is sai# t(at t(e %'rs'it of international %olitics is one of For#erF one (as to as For#erF for A(om> an# in A(ose interestsS /imilarl)> A(en it is sai#> as 6) He#le) ='ll> t(at international societ) is Fanarc(icalF> t(is 6ot( reco.nises an# avoi#s t(e 9'estion! it reco.nises it in so far as it ac t(at t(ere is conflict an# t(at it is en#emic to t(e international s)stem> 6't it avoi#s it> in so far as it #enies t(at t(ere is an 'n#erl)in. so'rce of t(is conflict> 6e)on# t(e states s)stem> an# locates t(e co(erence of t(e s)stem onl) at t(e level of t(e mec(anisms> or so&calle# Finstit'tionsF> evolve# to mana.e t(is conflict. ='t t(e assertion of anarc() conceals t(e

fact t(at t(is s'%erficiall) inco(erent conflict is itself t(e %ro#'ct of factors t(at are #efina6le an# intelli.i6le> even if t(e) cannot 6e controlle# as t(e %rinci%al actors Ao'l# li e. Moreover> for Mar5ism> it is a6ove all not t(e anarc() of t(e states s)stem 6't t(at of t(e mar et an# of ca%italism itself t(at is #eterminant. 35

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

12 Wave 1


Their Mar;ism $a% t"r!s are "!res+ !sive. O"r a#ter!ative is hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&sis ! t rev #"ti !1 a!% Mar;ism itse#f is i! a c !sta!t state f f#"; s their t"r!s are re%"ctive a!% i)! re Mar;ist c !tri$"ti !s t IR the r&
Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O
It is not %ossi6le to claim t(at t(e intellect'al instr'ments for s'c( an enco'nter are sim%l) at (an#> Aaitin. to 6e 'tilise#. Mar5ism>

as a t(eoretical a%%roac(> remains in evol'tion! A(ile t(ere is m'c( t(at it (as encom%asse# in t(e one ('n#re# an# fift) )ears of its e5istence> t(ere is also m'c( t(at remains 'nanal)se#> as t(ere is t(at is contra#ictor)> o't#ate#> conf'se# Ait(in its cor%'s . In t(is it is no #ifferent from ot(er a%%roac(es> 6e t(ese li6eralism or conventional economics. 3(e Aor of anal)sin. international relations is to a consi#era6le e5tent in t(e f't're> its com%onents not %resent in t(e Aor s of (istorical materialists A(o (ave Aritten to #ate. Get t(at s'c( an en#eavo'r is %ossi6le an# can )iel# a neA> com%re(ensive> %ara#i.m can 6e asserte#> for tAo .eneral reasons . 8irst> as is evi#ent from its im%act in ot(er social sciences> (istorical materialism is a com%re(ensive .eneral t(eor) of %olitical> social an# economic action> one t(at claims to 6e a6le to encom%ass all ma-or fiel#s of social action Ait(in its sco%e. It is in#ee# t(e m st s"stai!e% attem+t t +r vi%e a c m+rehe!sive the r& f s ciet& ela6orate# in t(e %ast cent'r). Its im%act (as alrea#)
6een evi#ent in some areas of social science! in economics> (istor)> sociolo.)> to name t(e t(ree most evi#ent. 3(e fact t(at it (as not )et 6een accor#e# a com%ara6le %lace in International ,elations> an# (as not )et res%on#e# %ro%ortionatel) to t(e &55& c( of t(e #isci%line> is a res'lt of t(e s%ecific o6stacles> t(eoretical an# (istorical> alrea#) o'tline#. Man) conce%t'al as%ects of (istorical materialism contain %otential for International ,elations> an# can 6e a%%lie# to t(e international as ot(er t(eories (ave 6een. 0s Ae (ave seen in C(a%ter 1> International ,elations (as #erive# an immense amo'nt> in#ee# t(e ma-orit)> of its t(eoretical tools from ot(er #isci%lines in t(e feA #eca#es of its e5istence! from t(e C(ica.o sc(ool t(eor) of %oAer> t(ro'.( 6e(avio'ralism> rational action t(eor)> t(e first infl'ences of laA an# %(iloso%()> an# conflict t(eories> f'nctionalism an# noA FcriticalF t(eor)> t(e infl'ence '%on it of ot(er 6ranc(es of t(e social science are evi#ent. 3(e sco%e for s'c( a t(eoretical enric(ment from (istorical materialism> even A(ere as Ait( (istor) or sociolo.) t(is enric(ment is 6ase# on Aor not #irectl) relate# to International ,elations> is consi#era6le. /econ#l)> Ait(in its cor%'s even as %resentl) constit'te#> (istorical materialism (as %ro#'ce# a 6o#) of literat're %ertainin.

to t(e conventional a.en#a of International ,elations> an# Aa) 6e)on# t(e s%ecific inter%retation of Fstr'ct'ralismF t(at Aas reco.nise# in t(e late 1+70s! on Aar> violence> t(e state> international conflict> transnational economic iss'es> t(e #evelo%ment of t(e international s)stem itself. 3(e attem%t 6) Mar5ists in t(e %erio# 1+00&20 to t(eorise t(e international s)stem aro'n# t(e conce%t of Fim%erialismF> 6) A(ic( t(e) meant inter&state strate.ic rivalr)> is one of t(e most am6itio's an# creative ever ma#e. /ince t(e 1+70s anot(er consi#era6le 6o#) of literat're on international iss'es (as 6een %ro#'ce# 'n#er t(e infl'ence of Mar5ism! a%art from co%io's st'#ies of im%erialism> t(ere (ave 6een t(e Aorl# s)stem t(eories of Wallerstein> t(e #e6ates on Col# War> an# anal)ses of inter&ca%italist relations. WallersteinFs Aor %osits a ver) #ifferent (istor) of t(e international s)stem to t(at of ort(o#o5 I,! A(ile
coverin. ro'.(l) t(e same (istorical %erio#> from 1500 to t(e %resent. 3(e Wallersteinian a%%roac( em%(asises t(e role of economic relations in constit'tin. t(e s)stem> as #istinct from t(e %olitical an# #i%lomatic anal)sis of realismK it stresses t(e creation of (ierarc() A(ere t(e ot(er foc'ses on t(e formation of an international Fsociet)F> e9'al at least in -'ri#ical claims> an# it see s to lin t(e %rocess of international conflict to internal social an# %olitical c(an.e> in &52& contrast to realismFs #enial of t(e relevance of t(e internal. 1* 0t t(e same time> WallersteinFs Aor (as> from Ait(in (istorial materialism> .enerate# s'6stantial criticism! as a t(eor) t(at la)s too m'c( stress on circ'lation rat(er t(an on %ro#'ction> as a someA(at naive es%o'sal of Fanti&s)stemicF forces even A(en t(ese are t(emselves o%%ressive> as restin. on too one&si#e# an# F#e%en#enc)F&t(eor)&oriente# e5%lanation of im%erialism.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

13 Wave 1


Hist rica# materia#ism is %isti!ct a!% i!s"#ate% fr m the hist r& f + a++r +riati !s f its the r& f hist r& r c mm"!ist

Ha##i%a& /@ L8re#> %rofessor of international relations at t(e Lon#on /c(ool of Economics> U0 Necessar) Enco'nter! Historical Materialism an# International ,elationsT in ,et(in in. International ,elations <=asin.sto e! MacmillanD> 17&73O
3o ar.'e for t(e reco.nition of t(e relevance of (istorical materialism in t(e aftermat( of t(e Col# War an# t(e colla%se of t(e comm'nist s)stem ma)> at first si.(t> a%%ear %erverse> if not forlorn. Get s'c( an en#eavo'r is %ossi6le not onl) in s%ite of> 6't in certain res%ects 6eca'se of> t(at t'rn of events. 0t t(e most strai.(tforAar# level> t(e %ertinence of (istorical materialism as an e5%lanator) s)stem (as never 6een #e%en#ent '%on

t(e s'ccess of #ictatorial movements t(at claime# to s%ea in its name> an) more t(an (as ca%italism relie# on t(e s'ccess of t(e a't(oritarian> racist an# 6elli.erent re.imes t(at it %ro#'ce#. 3(e evol'tion> se%arate from an# in conflict Ait( official comm'nism> of in#e%en#ent Mar5ism over most of t(e tAentiet( cent'r) is evi#ence eno'.( of t(at . ='t 6e)on# t(is consi#eration lies t(e %ossi6ilit) t(at (istorical materialism ma) %rove to 6e -'st as relevant as it ever Aas as an e5%lanator) s)stem> an# one t(at> in an# #evelo%ment> ta es as its startin. %oint an# foc's of anal)sis %recisel) t(at %(enomenon t(at noA more t(an ever #ominates t(e Aorl#> namel) ca%italism. Mar5ism Aas Aron. to assert t(e imminence of a revol'tionar) alternative to ca%italist societ)> an# it consistentl) 'n#errate# t(e %otential for c(an.e> an# im%rovement Ait(in ca%italism. 0s Ae s(all see in C(a%ter 10> t(e claim t(at ca%italism inevita6l) lea#s to Aar ma) t'rn o't to 6e itself (istorical> a reflection on states t(at Aere not )et f'll) #emocratic. ='t its tAin claims> t(at t(e mo#e of %ro#'ction %rovi#es t(e conte5t for t(e anal)sis of %olitical %(enomena> national an# international> an# t(at t(e ca%italist s)stem is riven Ait( conflicts> #an.ers an# fail'res> .ro'n#e# in t(ese socio&economic factors> Ao'l# seem to 6e as vali# to#a) as t(e) ever Aere.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

11 Wave 1

AT6 >LOLAL VIOLENCE 7ECREASIN> LC OF CAThe )# $a# is the (r !) sca#e at (hich t meas"re i!e5"a#it&1 vi #e!ce1 a!% the va#"e t #ife. Their research meth % # )ies are $ase% ! fai#i!) the ries f i!ter!ati !a# + #itica# ec ! m&
Ba#'er 2332 L,=C> %rofessor of %olitical science at t(e ;niversit) of Hictoria> PInternational$Ine9'alit)>Q International /t'#ies ,evieA> Hol. 1> No. 2> International ,elations an# t(e NeA Ine9'alit) </'mmer> 2002D> %%. 7&21> -storO
Moreover> 'ntil relativel) recentl) at least> most

anal)ses of ca%italism as a .lo6aliIin. #)namic Ait( a ca%acit) to #is& solve an# recast all e5istin. #iscriminations an# -'ris#ictions offere# some acco'nt of its artic'lation Ait(in t(e %olitical cate.ories an# instit'tions of t(e mo#em state. 3(is artic'lation (as 6een most fre9'entl) cast in f'nctional terms> ca%ital 6ein. 'n#erstoo# as (avin.
%olitical nee#s t(at co'l# 6e %erforme# 6) mo#ern states t(at Aere> conse9'entl)> onl) relativel) a'tonomo's> an# Ait( onl) a limite# ca%acit) to Arestle ca%italism into some sort of accommo#ation Ait( ot(er val'es. W(ile one of t(e stren.t(s of t(is form of anal)sis Aas to s(oA t(at t(ere

is a relation 6etAeen t(e ine9'alities %ro#'ce# 6) ca%italism as a .lo6aliIin. #)namic an# ine9'alit) Ait(in an) s%ecific -'ris#iction> it remaine# t(e case t(at anal)sis ten#e# to affirm t(e %olitical #istinction 6etAeen t(e #omestic an# t(e international. More recentl)> of co'rse> international %olitical econom) (as 6e.'n to .ive Aa) to vario's in#s of .lo6al %olitical econom). 3(e #istinction ma) not sa) ver) m'c( a6o't t(e c( c(aracter of ca%i& talism as a form of economic life > $"t it certai!#& + ses massive +r $#ems f r th se see'i!) t "!%ersta!% the + #itica# im+#icati !s f c !tem+ rar& shifts i! the re#ati ! $et(ee! ca+ita#ism a!% the m %er! state . 3(e official statistics still meas're %atterns of ca%ital acc'm'lation an# #istri6'tion in statist cate.ories . States ! % "$t have a! i!terest i! 'ee+i!) it this (a&. It is far fr m c#ear1 h (ever1 that )# $a# i!e5"a#ities are $est meas"re% ! a! i!ter!ati !a# sca#e. 3Ao 6asic mo#es of incl'sion$e5cl'sion>
t(en> an# tAo 6asic tensions 6etAeen a formal claim to e9'alit) an# a 9'asi&le.itimate ac noAle#.ment of a vertical (ierarc().

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

15 Wave 1


Le#ief i! h"ma!ism is 'e& t a## ema!ci+at r& str"))#es* the (h #esa#e rejecti ! f h"ma!ism a!% ar)"me!ts a$ "t rati !a#ism ca"si!) the H # ca"st treat +e +#e as ahist rica# s"$jects a!% %e!ies h"ma!it& t ! !*Bester! Others
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.121&127> ,7D W(et(er li6eral or Mar5ist> 'n#erl)in. all ('manistic stran#s is a 6elief in ('man emanci%ationEt(e i#ea t(at ('man in# can rationall) transform societ) t(ro'.( t(e a.enc) of its oAn efforts. In#ee#> no emanci%ator) %(iloso%() is %ossi6le Ait(o't a ('manist %ers%ective> for an) anti('man&istic o'tloo is force# to loo o'tsi#e of ('manit) for t(e a.enc) of salvationEif eart(l) salvation is %ossi6le at all. 0nti('manistic stran#s #evelo%e# from t(e Enli.(tenment on> lar.el) in o%%osition to t(e i#ea of rational ('man emanci%ation. C'st as t(ere (ave 6een a n'm6er of #ifferent stran#s of ('manism> so t(ere (ave 6een a n'm6er of #ifferent stran#s of anti('manism> from t(e conservatism of ='r e> t(e Cat(olic reaction of #e Maistre> to t(e ni(ilism of NietIsc(e an#
t(e NaIism of 0ll re-ecte# Enli.(tenment rationalism an# t(e i#ea of social %ro.ress 6eca'se t(e) #es%aire# of t(e ca%acit) of ('man in# for s'c( rational %ro.ress> a #es%air t(at Aas in .eneral an e5%ression of eit(er fear of or contem%t for t(e masses> A(o Aere seen as irrational> atavistic> an# a t(reat to civiliIe# societ). 0nti('manism re-ecte# i#eas of e9'alit) an# ('man 'nit)> cele6ratin. instea# #ifference an# #iver.ence an# e5altin. t(e %artic'lar an# t(e ?a't(entic? over t(e 'niversal . 0nti('manism #evelo%e# t(erefore as a central com%onent of elite t(eories. In t(e %ostAar era> (oAever> anti('manism came to re%resent a ver) #ifferent tra#itionEt(e li6eral> in#ee# ra#ical> anticolonialist an# antiracist o'tloo . In t(e (an#s of s'c( critics of Western societ) as 8rantI 8anon> Mic(el 8o'ca'lt> Cac9'es Derri#a> an# Lo'is 0lt('sser> amon. ot(ers> anti('manism 6ecame a central t(rea# of str'ct'ralist an# %oststr'ct'ral ist t(eories> an# a e) Aea%on in t(e interro.ation of racist an# im%erialist #isco'rses. Even Cean&"a'l /artre> in (is famo's %reface to 8anonFs The Wretched of the Earth, Arote t(at ?H'manism is not(in. 6't an i#eolo.) of lies> a %erfect -'stification for %illa.eK its (one)e# Aor#s> its affectations of sensi6ilit) Aere onl) ali6is for o'r a..ression.? ElseA(ere (e claime# t(at .?H'manism is t(e co'nter%art of racism! it is a %ractice of e5cl'sion.? 17 HoA #i# a %(iloso%(ical o'tloo A(ic( ori.inate# Ait(in conservative anti&emanci%ator) %olitics> an# A(ic( Aas a e) com%onent of racial t(eor)> 6ecome a central motif of ra#ical antiracist> anti&im%erialist #octrinesS 0n# (oA #i# %(iloso%(ers s'c( as NietIsc(e an#> A(ose Aor (a# %revio'sl) 6een seen as %avin. t(e Aa) for tAentiet( cent'r) racist an# fascist i#eolo.ies> 6ecome icons of antiracist #isco'rseS 3(ere Aere tAo main stran#s to %ostAar ra#ical anti('manism. @ne #evelo%e# o't of anticolonial str'..les> t(e ot(er t(ro'.( Western <an# in %artic'lar 8renc(D aca#emic %(iloso%() an# Aas s'6se9'entl) ela6orate# 6) t(e ?neA social movements? s'c( as feminism an# environmentalism. In The Wretched of the Earth, 8anon .ave voice to t(e ra.e of colonial %eo%les a.ainst t(eir in('man treatment at t(e (an#s of t(e im%erialist %oAers. 3(e ('manist i#ea of ?Man>? Arote 8anon> A(ic( la) at t(e (eart of t(e Western %ost& Enli.(tenment tra#ition> Aas ac(ieve# t(ro'.( #e('maniIin. t(e non&Western @t(er. E'ro%eans onl) 6ecame ('man> 8anon s'..este#> 6) #en)in. ('manit) to t(eir colonial @t(er. 3o maintain a 6elief in ('manism A(ile treatin. non&E'ro%ean %eo%les as animals> E'ro%eans #eclare# t(at non& E'ro%eans Aere in fact s'6('man. Herein la) t(e so'rce of racial t(eor) in ('manism. 0t t(e same time> ar.'e# 8anon> ('manists salve# t(eir consciences 6) invitin. t(e s'6('man colonial @t(er to 6ecome ('man 6) imitatin. ?E'ro%ean Man.? 3(e cate.or) ?('man? is em%t) of meanin.> t(e critics asserte#> 6eca'se it is a(istorical. 3(e invocation of a common ('man nat're (i#es t(e fact t(at ('man nat're is sociall) an# (istoricall) constr'cte#. 0ccor#in. to t(e ant( Cames Cliffor#> ?LIOt is a .eneral feat're of ('manist common #enominators t(at t(e) are meanin.less> since t(e) 6)%ass local c'lt'ral co#es t(at ma e %ersonal e5%erience artic'late.? W(en ('manists assert t(e 'niversalit) of ('man nat're> A(at t(e) are reall) tal in. a6o't are t(e %artic'lar ('man val'es e5%resse# in E'ro%ean societ). 3(ir# Aorl# critics> (oAeverEan# some E'ro%ean critics li e /artre tooE #i# not re-ect ('manism in its entiret). 8anon> for instance> reco.niIe# t(at t(e contra#iction la) not in ('manism itself 6't in t(e #is-'nct're 6etAeen t(e i#eolo.) of ('manism an# t(e %ractice of colonialism! 0ll t(e elements of a sol'tion to t(e .reat %ro6lems of ('manit) (ave> at #ifferent times> e5iste# in E'ro%ean t(o'.(t. ='t E'ro%eans (ave not carrie# o't in %ractice t(e mission A(ic( fell to t(em> A(ic( consiste# of t(eir A(ole Aei.(t to 6ear violentl) '%on t(ese elements> of mo#if)in. t(eir arran.ement an# t(eir nat're> of c( t(em an#> finall)> of t(e %ro6lem of man in# to an infinitel) (i.(er %lane.1+ 8anon calle# t(erefore for a neA ('manism stri%%e# of its racist> E'rocentric as%ects! Let 's #eci#e not to imitate E'ro%eK let 's com6ine o'r m'scles an# o'r 6rains in a neA #irection. Let 's tr) to create t(e A(ole man> A(om E'ro%e (as 6een inca%a6le of to tri'm%(ant 6irt(.20 8or 8anon> t(en> t(e ('manist i#ea of ?t(e A(ole man? Aas e) to emanci%ation. Des%ite t(e criti9'e of Western ('manism as a camo'fla.e for t(e #e('maniIation of non&Western %eo%les> ('manism remaine# a central com%onent of t(e i#eolo.) of t(ir# Aorl# li6eration str'..les of t(e %ostAar era> virt'all) all of A(ic( #reA on t(e emanci%ator) lo.ic of 'niversalism. In#ee#> Western ra#icals Aere often s(oc e# 6) t(e e5tent to A(ic( anticolonial str'..les a#o%te# A(at t(e ra#icals conceive# of as tainte# i#eas. 0s Cla'#e Levi&/tra'ss note# r'ef'll)> t(e #octrine of c'lt'ral relativism ?Aas c(allen.e# 6) t(e ver) %eo%le for A(ose moral 6enefit t(e ant(ro%olo.ists (a# esta6lis(e# it in t(e first %lace.? 3(e Aillin.ness of t(ir# Aorl# ra#icals to maintain at least a resi#'al s'%%ort for a ('manistic o'tloo stemme# from t(eir contin'e# en.a.ement in t(e %ro-ect of li6eration. "ostAar ra#icals in t(e West> (oAever> increasin.l) re-ecte# ('manism> not sim%l) in its .'ise as a cover for racism an# colonialism 6't in its entiret). 8or %ostAar E'ro%ean intellect'als t(e most %ressin. %ro6lem Aas not t(at of esta6lis(in. t(e i#eolo.ical fo'n#ations of li6eration str'..les 6't rat(er of comin. to terms Ait( t(e #emise of s'c( str'..les in Western #emocracies. Western intellect'als (a#> on t(e one (an#> to e5cavate t(e social an# intellect'al roots of t(e NaIi e5%erience> an e5%erience t(at more t(an an) ot(er Aei.(e# '%on t(e E'ro%ean intellect'al conscio'sness in t(e imme#iate %ostAar %erio#K an# on t(e ot(er> to e5%lain A() t(e %ossi6ilities of revol'tionar) c(an.e> A(ic( (a# seeme# so %romisin. in t(e earl) %art of t(e cent'r)> a%%eare# to (ave 6een e5tin.'is(e#. 8or man) t(e e5%lanation seeme# to lie in some #ee%&seate# malaise in E'ro%ean c'lt're. "ostAar ra#icals as e# t(emselves A() it Aas t(at 7erman)> a nation Ait( #ee% %(iloso%(ical roots in t(e Enli.(tenment %ro-ect an# a stron. an# vi6rant Aor in. class movement> s(o'l# s'cc'm6 so sAiftl) an# so com%letel) to NaIism. 3(e ansAer seeme# to 6e t(at it Aas t(e lo.ic of Enli.(t & enment rationalism itself an# t(e nat're of #emocratic %olitics t(at (a# .iven rise to s'c( 6ar6arism . 0s 3(eo#or 0#orno an# Ma5 Hor (eimer %'t it in t(eir seminal Aor > The (ialectic of Enlightenment, ?Enli.(tenment is totalitarian.?22 0#orno an# Hor (eimer #evelo% t(e tAo motifs Ea criti9'e of Enli.(tenment rationalit) an# social %ro.ress> on t(e one (an#> an# of mass societ)> on t(e ot(erEA(ic( 6ecame central t(emes of t(e 8ran f'rt sc(ool an# A(ic( Aere to 6ecome immensel) infl'ential in s(a%in. %ostAar #isco'rse. 3(e i#ea t(at t(e Holoca'stEan# in#ee# all Western 6ar6arismE(a# its roots in Enli.(tenment rationalism an# ('manism 6ecame a central tenet of %ostAar ra#icalism. 3(e Enli.(tenment am6ition

of masterin. nat're> of settin. ('manit) a6ove nat're> inevita6l) (a# #estr'ctive conse9'ences for ('manit) itself. 0

ENDI 2010 12 Historical Materialism K Wave 1 ('manit) A(ic( co'l# enslave nat're Aas 9'ite ca%a6le of enslavin. felloA ('man 6ein.s. 0s Davi# 7ol#6er. (as %'t it> ?/'6-'.a&
tion ... #efines t(e or#er of t(e Enli.(tenment! s'6-'.ation of nat're 6) ('man intellect> colonial control t(ro'.( C@N3IN;E/R

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

17 Wave 1


C@N3IN;EDR %()sical an# c'lt'ral #omination> an# economic s'%eriorit) t(ro'.( master) of t(e laAs of t(e mar et.? 23 Master) of nat're an# t(e rational or.aniIation of societ)> A(ic( in t(e nineteent( cent'r) Aas seen as t(e 6asis of ('man emanci%ation> noA came to 6e as t(e so'rce of ('man enslavement. 3(e i#ea t(at tec(nolo.ical an# social %ro.ress co'l# 6e t(e ca'se of 6ar6arism (as le# man) critics to fin# evi#ence not sim%l) of ('manism 6't t(e A(ole %ro-ect of ?mo#ernit)? 6e(in# t(e Holoca'st. Z).m'nt =a'&man (as s'..este# t(at t(e 8inal /ol'tion Aas t(e ?%ro#'ct? not t(e ?fail're? of mo#ernit) an# t(at ?it Aas t(e rational Aorl# of mo#ern civilisation t(at ma#e t(e Holoca'st t(in a6le?! 3(e tr't( is t(at ever) of t(e Holoca'stEall t(ose man) t(in.s t(at ren#ere# it %ossi6leEAas normal ... in t(e sense of 6ein. f'll) in ee%in. Ait( ever)t(in. Ae noA a6o't o'r civilisation> its .'i#in. s%irit> its %riorities> its immanent vision of t(e Aorl#Ean# of t(e %ro%er Aa)s to %'rs'e ('man (a%%iness Ait( a %erfect societ). 21 =a'manFs ar.'ment t(at t(e Holoca'st 6ecame t(in a6le onl) in t(e con#itions of mo#ernit) ma) fall s(ort of act'all) 6lamin. t(at (orror on Enli.(tenment %rinci%les of rationalit)K 6't (is (int t(at ?civilisation? itself ma) (ave 6een res%onsi6le for t(e 6ar6arism of t(e ?8inal /ol'tion? is ma#e e5%licit 6) ,ic(ar# ,'6instein A(o <in a %(rase a%%rovin.l) 9'ote# 6) =a'manD ar.'es t(at t(e Holoca'st ?6ears Aitness to t(e a#vance of civilisation?! 3(e Aorl# of #eat( cam%s an# t(e societ) it en.en#ers reveals t(e %ro.ressivel) intensif)in. ni.(t si#e of C'#eo&C(ristian civiliIation. CiviliIation means slaver)> Aars> e5%loitation> an# #eat( cam%s. It also means me#ical ().iene> elevate#'s i#eas> 6ea'tif'l art> an# e59'isite m'sic. It is an error to ima.ine t(at civiliIation an# sava.e cr'elties are antit(esis... =ot( creation an# #estr'ction are inse%ara6le %arts of A(at Ae call civiliIation. 25 3(is comes ver) close to sa)in. not -'st t(at mo#ernit) ma es #eat( cam%s %ossi6le 6't t(at it ma es t(em necessar) an# inevita6le . 3(is %ro%osition is #ee%l) 9'estiona6le in man) Aa)s > 6't for o'r %'r%oses> t(e first 9'estion t(at comes to min# is t(is! A(at #oes it mean to s'..est t(at 6ar6arism is a %ro#'ct of civiliIationS 3o s'..est t(at ?t(e a#vance of civiliIation? inevita6l) lea#s to ?slaver)> Aars> e5%loitation> an# #eat( cam%s? can onl) mean t(at 6ar6arism is an inera#ica6le %art of ('man nat're . Get is t(is not to %osit a conce%t of a ('man nat're t(at is as a(istorical as t(at s'%%ose#l) (el# 6) ('manistsS Con#emnin. civiliIation as forever

im6ricate# Ait( in('manit) is certainl) an ar.'ment t(at sits 'neasil) Ait( a criti9'e of ('manism A(ic( claims t(at an a(istoric notion of ?Man? (as 6een 'se# to #en) ('manit) to t(e WestFs @t(ers. 3o ar.'e t(at ('manism an# rationalism <or ?mo#ernit)?D are t(e ca'ses of t(e Holoca'st is to t'rn lo.ic on its (ea#. The %isc "rse f race (as a +r %"ct ! t f E!#i)hte!me!t "!iversa#ism a!% h"ma!ism $"t f its %e)ra%ati !. /cientific racism Aas not t(e a%%lication of science an# reason to t(e 9'estion of ('man #ifference 6't t(e 'se of t(e #isco'rse of science to .ive le.itimac) to irrational> 'nscientific ar.'ments. 3(e ?8inal /ol'tion? Aas im%licit in t(e racial %olicies %'rs'e# 6) t(e NaIis. 3o en.a.e in mass e5termination it Aas necessar) to 6elieve t(at t(e o6-ects of t(at %olic) Aere less t(an ('man. ='t to sa) t(at it Aas a rationall) conceive# %lan is to elevate t(e %re-'#ices of t(e 3(ir# ,eic( to t(e stat's of scientific noAl e#.eEin ot(er Aor#s to acce%t as tr'e t(e ver) claims of racial #isco'rse.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

1* Wave 1


Hei%e))ers rejecti ! f h"ma!ism is j"st a! e;c"se f r his Na,ism?their ar)"me!t hist rica##& j"stifies a vi #e!t +ast
Ma#i' ./0 & senior vistin. felloA at t(e De%artment of "olitical> International an# "olic) /t'#ies at t(e ;niversit) of /'rre) <Kenan> ?3(e Mirror of ,ace! "ostmo#ernism an# t(e Cele6ration of Difference>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.127&131> ,7D
3(e iron) in t(is is t(at t(e criti9'e of totalitarianism is in s'6stance a reAor in. of t(e nineteent( cent'r) criti9'e of Enli.(tenment rationalism an# of mass societ) %'rs'e# 6) %(iloso%(ers s'c( as NietIsc(e an#> A(ose Aor floAe# from t(e (ostilit) of t(e intelli.entsia to e9'alit) an# mass #emocrac). 0ren#tFs t(eor) of totalitarianism carries over t(e main t(emes of Hei#e..erFs t(o'.(t in its anti&mass c(aracter> its inci%ient anti&rationalism> an# in %artic'lar its (ostilit) to t(e Enli.(tenment as t(e em6o#iment of 6ot(. 3(e i#ea of t(e a't(oritarian %ersonalit)> an# of t(e masses as t(e ?ref'se of all classes>? (as close %arallels Ait( t(e t(emes of croA# %s)c(olo.)> s'c( as t(ose e5%o'n#e# 6) 7'stav Le=on.2+ =ot( are a cr) a.ainst A(at calle# t(e ?anon)mit) of t(e 3(e)! an en#less etcetera of in#ifference an# alAa)s&t(e&sameness ... t(e #omination of t(e in#ifferent mass ... t(at #estro)s all ran an# ever) Aorl#&creatin. im%'lse of t(e s%irit.? 30 3(e anti('manist 6elief t(at t(e tec(nical

forms of mo#ernit) arisin. from ('man master) of nat're 'n#erla) t(e im%lementation of t(e Holoca'st are also ta en from 0.ric'lt're is noA a mec(anise# foo# in#'str)K in essence it is no #ifferent from t(e %ro#'ction of cor%ses in .as c(am6ers an# #eat( cam%s> t(e em6ar.oes an# foo# re#'ctions to starvin. co'ntries> t(e ma in. of ()#ro.en 6om6s.31 Com%are Hei#e..erFs anal)sis> a6ove> of t(e 6ar6arism of t(e tAentiet( cent'r) Ait( a sociolo.ical inter%retation of t(e same> from E#m'n# /till&man an# William "faff! 3(ere is more t(an a A(oll) fort'ito's connection 6etAeen t(e a%%lie# tec(nolo.) of t(e mass %ro#'ction line> an# its vision of 'niversal material a6'n#ance> an# t(e a%%lie# tec(nolo.) of t(e concentration cam%> Ait( its vision of a %rof'sion of #eat(.32 I fin# it o#io's t(at sc(olars can in all serio'sness e9'ate mass e5termi nation Ait( t(e %ro#'ction of McDonal#Fs (am6'r.ers or of 8or# Escorts> or ma e a com%arison 6etAeen tec(nolo.) aime# at im%rovin. t(e material a6'n#ance of societ) an# %olitical #ecisions ta en to anni(ilate A(ole %eo%les an# #estro) entire societies. ='t A(at is interestin. is t(at t(e secon# 9'ote> from E#m'n# /tillman an# William "faff> comes from a li6eral inter%retation of t(e Holoca'st> A(ile t(e first 9'ote> from (imself> comes from an a%olo.ia for (is NaIi %ast. (a# 6een an active mem6er of t(e NaIi "art) 'ntil 1+13. 0fter t(e Aar (e attem%te# to re(a6ilitate (is re%'tation >
an# in t(e #oc'ment Rectoral +ddresses5-acts and Thoughts (e mars(ale# t(e ar.'ments A(ic( (e (o%e# Ao'l# #istance (im from t(e 3(ir# ,eic(.

3(e e) %iece of evi#ence for t(e #efense Aas t(e assertion t(at NaIism Aas sim%l) anot(er manifestation of t(e s%irit of mo#ernit). 0ccor#in. to t(ere e5iste# a ?'niversal Aill to %oAer Ait(in (istor)> noA 'n#erstoo# to em6race t(e %lanet>? an# t(at ?ever)t(in.
stan#s in t(is (istorical realit)> no matter A(et(er it is calle# comm'nism> fascism or Aorl# #emocrac).? It is a tellin. meas're of t(e #e.ree of conf'sion in %ostAar t(eor) A(en li6eral an# NaIi e5%lanations of t(e Holoca'st can 6arel) 6e %rie# a%art. Hei#e..erFs i#eas> A(ic( ori.inall) so'.(t to artic'late national socialism> Aent on> t(ro'.( t(e totalitarian t(esis> to s(a%e t(e inter%retation an# criti9'e of fascism after its #efeat . 3(e anti('manism of an# (is felloA t(in ers 6ecame a central t(eme of %oststr'ct'ralist an# %ostmo#ernist #isco'rse> of colonial #isco'rse anal)sis> an# of t(e t(eories of #ifference an# c'lt'ral %l'ralism. 3(ere is more t(an a to'c( of iron) in consi#erin. (oA> t(ro'.( t(e re(a6ilitation of anti('manist t(in ers s'c( as an# NietIsc(e> t(e re-ection of 6ar6arism s(o'l# %reserve t(e ver) %re-'#ices t(at .ave rise to it.

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

1+ Wave 1


Hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&sis is a +rec !%iti ! t mea!i!)f"# femi!ist criti5"e?their ar)"me!ts are mire% i! +rivi#e)e a!% mai!tai!i!ce f the stat"s 5"
Sta$i#e ./0 & associate %rof. in t(e De%t. of Mass Comm : ;niv. of Wisconsin <Carol 0.> ?"ostmo#ernism> 8eminism> an# Mar5! Notes from t(e 06)ss>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.111&> ,7D 3(e #efense of ?ri.(ts>? a6stracte# from (istorical> %olitical> an# eco nomic conte5ts> (as Aea ene# feminist %olitics an# contri6'te# to a .eneral sense t(at feminism serves onl) narroA an# %rivile.e# interests . Historical materialism offers t(e %ossi6ilit) of coalitions 6ase# on a 6roa#er 'n#erstan#in. of t(e e5%loitative nat're of ca%italist relations of %ro#'c tion> enlistin. Aomen an# men in str'..les a.ainst famil) violence> f'rt(er c'ts to alrea#) severel) #iminis(e# social %ro.rams> an#> moreover> a.ainst t(e s)stem t(at 6enefits from t(ese ills. 8'rt(ermore> it %ro%oses t(at AomenFs li6erationEif it is to incl'#e all AomenEis incom%ati6le Ait( ca%italism. Historical materialism (as t(e a#vanta.e of offerin. t(e in# of self& re&fle5ivit)Eso lac in. in %ostmo#ernism an# contem%orar) feminismEt(at IFve trie# to 'n#erscore in t(is essa). It at once forces 's to 'n#erstan# o'r t(eories> o'r %ractices> an# o'r %ositions in relation to t(e #ominant str'ct're of %oAer> an# %rovi#es a m'c( more effective 6asis for an 'n#erstan#in. of t(e %ositions of 6ot( Aomen an# men Ait(in m'ltinational ca%italism an# of contem%orar) s(ifts in t(ese %ositions. Consi#er> for e5am%le> t(e #e6ate a6o't ?famil) val'es.? 3(e conventional feminist ar.'ment is
t(at t(e NeA ,i.(tFs call for a ret'rn to famil) val'es is sim%l) a 6ac las(. @n t(e one (an#> t(is 6ac las( is sai# to re%resent an attem%t to reinstate a tra#itional version of t(e n'clear famil) in or#er to force Aomen o't of t(e la6or force an# 6ac into t(e (ome. @n t(e ot(er (an#> it is seen as a meas're of t(e effectiveness of t(e feminist movement> insofar as Aomen noA (ave t(e ?c(oice? of Aor in.. W(at #isa%%ears from vieA in t(ese anal)ses is t(e fact t(at economic con#itions (ave force# '%on mi##le class Aomen t(e #'6io's a#vanta.e of Aor in. one or more f'll&time -o6s in a##ition to #omestic la6or> an# t(at t(is social c(an.e 6enefits ca%italism> an# not in#ivi#'al men. "oor an# Aor in. class Aomen <man) of t(em Aomen of

colorD (ave lon. Aor e# o'tsi#e t(e (ome> alt(o'.( feA of t(em Ao'l# call t(eir alienate# an# often #es%erate la6or a matter of ?c(oice.? W(at is 6ein. re%resente# as a .ain for Aomen sim%l) means t(at mi##le class Aomen are noA 6ein. com%elle# 6) t(e necessities of ca%italism to ma e t(e ?c(oice? t(at (as tra#itionall) 6een availa6le to %oor an# Aor in. class Aomen. 3o ar.'e t(at t(e #e6ates a6o't famil) val'es are inten#e# to force Aomen 6ac into t(e #omestic s%(ere overloo s t(e fact t(at t(ere can
6e no ret'rn to t(e tra#itional n'clear famil) 6eca'se it is no economicall) feasi6le. 3o ar.'e t(at t(ese #e6ates a6o't famil) val'es Aere %rovo e# 6) feminist s'ccesses is to acce%t t(e i#eolo.ical m)stification t(at treats t(e economic man#ates of ca%italism as if t(e) Aere free life&st)le ?c(oices.? I Ao'l# li e to 6elieve t(at feminists are> in fact> committe# to revol'tionar) social c(an.e> 6't t(ereFs anot(er> less %leasant %ossi6ilit) to contem%lateE one t(at %oints to t(e #an.ers of i.norin. class %osition. It co'l# 6e t(at man) A(o call t(emselves feminists are intereste# onl) in maintainin. t(eir oAn class %rivile.e or in .ainin. cele6rit) stat's. 8rom t(at %oint of vieA> Mar5ism is a serio's t(reat not onl)

6eca'se it re%resents a c(allen.e to t(e t(eoretical fo'n#ations of a %ostmo#ern feminism> 6't also 6eca'se it reveals t(e (istorical> material> an# class fo'n#ations of certain forms of noAle#.e . It is fairl) clear (oA Aomen s'c( as Katie ,oi%(e> Naomi
Wolf> an# Camille "a.lia 'se feminism as a mar etin. strate.) to %romote t(eir 6oo s>> an# careers> instea# of %romotin. e9'alit) an# social -'stice. ='t as # !) as s ma!& femi!ists ref"se t ac'! (#e%)e their (! +rivi#e)e a!% the (a&s i! (hich (e a##

F$e!efitF fr m the e;+# itati ! f #ess*+rivi#e)e% ( me! a!% me!1 femi!ism i! )e!era# (i## $e i! %a!)er f $ec mi!) a +r fessi !a# strate)& rather tha! a + #itica# +r ject .

ENDI 2010 Historical Materialism K

50 Wave 1


Femi!ist a!a#&sis is i!c here!t a!% "!mea!i!)f"# (ith "t hist rica# materia#ism? "r a#ter!ative is the !#& (a& t av i% the race t the $ tt m f c m+eti!) c#aims t ++ressi !? their ( r#%vie( +er+et"ates ca+ita#ism
Sta$i#e ./0 & associate %rof. in t(e De%t. of Mass Comm : ;niv. of Wisconsin <Carol 0.> ?"ostmo#ernism> 8eminism> an# Mar5! Notes from t(e 06)ss>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.111&> ,7D In t(e en#> t(e me#ia s%ectacle tells 's not(in. at all a6o't A(at %eo%le Aant or (oA t(e) i#entif). 8eA> in fact> can affor# to 6l'r t(e #ivision 6etAeen realit) an# fiction #'rin. a time in A(ic( realit) 6ears so little resem6lance to its me#ia re%resentations. 3(ose A(o contin'e to 6elieve in t(e %ossi6ilit) of revol'tionar) social c(an.e cannot a6an#on a 6elief in t(e %oAer of critical conscio'sness an# t(e tools t(at ena6le %eo%le <%artic'larl) t(ose facin. an 'nsta6le economic f't'reD to ma e sense of t(eir sit'ation an# learn (oA 6est to fi.(t a.ainst it> an# not sim%l) ma e t(eir %eace Ait( it. If femi!ist a!a#&ses are t mai!tai! a!& c#aim t a!a#&tic a!% + #itica# c here!ce I! t t me!ti ! efficac&D> t(en Ae nee# to 'n#erstan# 6etter (oA t(e %ro-ects some of 's %romoteE%ostmo#ernist> feminist> or some com6ination t(ereofE ma& act"a##& fee% i!t a!% rei!f rce ca+ita#ism. =) re%'#iatin. t(e ver) cate.ories of anal)sis t(at mi.(t ena6le 'n#er& stan#in.> t(ese %ro-ects o6sc're o'r oAn %ositions Ait(in relations of s)stemic e5%loitation an# %reem%t an) %ro-ect of social transformation. Instea# of seein. t(e fra.mentation of i#entities as a ca'se for cele6ration> Ae s(o'l# tr) to 'n#erstan# (oA i#entit) (as 6een transforme# into a commo#it) for t(ose Ait( t(e ca%ital to cons'me it> an# (oA t(e ca%italist s)stem (as Aor e# <an# Aill contin'e to Aor D a.ainst t(e or.aniIation of socialist %olitics. In %lace of an i#entit) %olitics t(at serves onl) to %it .ro'%s a.ainst one anot(er in a never&en#in. litan) of com%etin. claims to o%%ression> Ae nee# a more co.ent 'n#erstan#in. of t(e s)stemic nat're of o%%ression. We nee# to consi#er t(e e5tent to A(ic( t(e %olitics of i#entit) re%resents not a c(allen.e to> 6't a %ro#'ct of> t(e s)stem> a manifestation of mar et se.mentation an# t(e commo#ification of i#entit) %ro#'ce# 6) t(e .lo6aliIation of ca%ital as a Aorl# s)stem. F r (hat a++ear t $e ++ siti !a# strate)ies ma& ver& (e## t"r! "t t $e the s&m+t ms f ++ressi !.

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51 Wave 1


Hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&sis is 'e& t "!%ersta!%i!) i!tersecti!) s&stems f ++ressi !*c#ass a!a#&sis ma'es this + ssi$#e
Sta$i#e ./0 & associate %rof. in t(e De%t. of Mass Comm : ;niv. of Wisconsin <Carol 0.> ?"ostmo#ernism> 8eminism> an# Mar5! Notes from t(e 06)ss>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.111&111> ,7D
7iven t(is more #irect e5%erience of economic realities> aca#emics to#a)> an# feminists in %artic'lar> s(o'l#

fin# a critical anal)sis of ca%italism es%eciall) com%ellin.> since t(e contra#ictions confrontin. t(em are 6ecomin. ever more evi#ent. ='t in t(e aca#em)> it (as 6ecome a in# of intellect'al common sense to #ismiss Mar5ism an# its met(o#s in toto as ?totaliIin.? <6eca'se it see s to e5%lain societ) t(ro'.( an anal)sis of its mo#e of %ro#'ctionEca%italismD> ? re#'ctive? <6eca'se economic str'ct'res are sai# to s(a%e> %olitical> an# c'lt'ral str'ct'resD> or ?'niversaliIin.? <6eca'se class is sai# to s(a%e conscio'snessD. 0 main feminist criti9'e (as 6een t(at Aomen an# female la6or Aere e5cl'#e# from anal)sis. 3(ese nee&-er res%onses (ave 6ecome so %ervasive t(at it is no necessar) to e5%lain A(at ?totaliIin.>? ?re#'ctive>? or ?'niversaliIin.? meanEin fact> t(e) are -'st 'n#erstoo#. 8or a )o' .eneration of sc(olars> A(ose formative %olitical e5%eriences (ave 6een in vario's feminist movements> t(e re-ection of Mar5ist&oriente# %olitical activism is 6ase# on a set of m&ths a6o't t(e masc'linist vir'lence in(erent in Mar5ism. HoA -'stifie# is t(is re-ection of Mar5ismS LetFs loo at t(e t(ree main c( levele# a.ainst it 6) man) feminists! t(at it is ?re#'ctive>? t(at it is too ?'niversalistic>? an# t(at it fails to consi#er female la6or. @n t(e first %oint> t(e .eneral claim is t(at (istorical materialism re#'ces str'ct'res of o%%ression to class e5%loitation> t(ere6) i.norin. or minimiIin. se5ism > racism> an# (omo%(o6ia. W(ile it is certainl) tr'e t(at (istorical materialism %laces relations of %ro#'ction at t(e fo'n#ation of societ)> t(ere is not(in. sim%le or re#'ctive a6o't (oA t(ese relations str'ct're o%%ressions. ,at(er> hist rica# materia#ist a!a#&ses1 i!stea% f e;ami!i!) !#& !e f rm f ++ressi !?#i'e se;ism1 racism1 r h m +h $ia?( "#% e;+# re the (a& the& a## f"!cti ! (ithi! the verarchi!) s&stem f c#ass % mi!ati ! i! %etermi!i!) ( me!.s a!% me!.s #ife ch ices. /Aeats(o% Aor ers in NeA Gor Cit)> for e5am%le> e5%erience se5ism an# racism in 9'antitativel) an# 9'alitativel) #ifferent Aa)s t(an #o mi##le class Aomen. 3(e racism #irecte# at %oor 0frican&0merican )o't(s occ'rs in a #ifferent conte5t t(an t(at #irecte# at 0frican&0merican Aomen in t(e aca#em). 3(is is not to claim t(at t(e latter forms of o%%ression #o not e5ist or are inconse9'ential> 6't 6) sit'atin. 6ot( forms Ait(in t(e material conte5t an# (istorical frameAor in A(ic( t(e) occ'r> Ae can (i.(li.(t t(e varia6le #iscriminator) mec(anisms t(at are central to ca%italism as a s)stem. Rejecti!) "r s"++ se% "!iversa#ism #eaves ! t #s f r fi)hti!) ++ressi ! a!% ma'es a!& cha!)e +iecemea# Sta$i#e ./0 & associate %rof. in t(e De%t. of Mass Comm : ;niv. of Wisconsin <Carol 0.> ?"ostmo#ernism> 8eminism> an# Mar5! Notes from t(e 06)ss>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.111&111> ,7D
3(e c(ar.e of ?'niversalism? is closel) relate# to t(at of re#'ctivism. 3(is o6-ection starts Ait( t(e criti9'e of mo#ernit) <incl'#in. Mar5ismD on t(e .ro'n#s t(at its conce%tions of tr't(> reason> an# -'stice <in fact> its conce%tion of ?('manit)? itselfD are too 'niversalistic> too insensitive to t(e man) #ifferences amon. ('man 6ein.s. 3(is criti9'e (as 6een val'a6le in c( ca%italismFs o%%ressive 'ses of conce%ts li e ?-'stice? an# ?reason>? or t(e #estr'ctive a%%lications of science an# tec(nolo.) in t(e name of rationalit) an# %ro.ress. ='t at t(e same time> it %oses some serio's %ro6lems for feminists. 8irst > if t(ere can 6e no stan#ar#s of tr't(> -'stice> or reason> Ae cannot a%%eal to t(em as criteria of -'#.ment or action. In fact> %ostmo#ernists> incl'#in. %ostmo#ern feminists> (ave often 6een criticiIe# on t(e .ro'n#s t(at> Ait(o't t(e in# of stan#ar#s t(e) are so sAift to re-ect> t(e) t(emselves can (ave no 6asis for s'%%ortin. or -'stif)in. resistance to o%%ression. /econ#> t(e %ossi6ilit) of o%%osition to o%%ression is also 'n#ermine# 6) t(e %res'm%tion

t(at t(e common interests amon. ('man 6ein.s are so narroA an# fleetin. t(at an) %olitics 6e)on# t(e most %artic'laristic an# narroA forms of resistance are im%ossi6le. 0ccor#in.l)> %eo%le can str'..le a.ainst ?%oAer? <#efine# %rovisionall) an# contin& .entl)D onl) t(ro'.( sin.le&iss'e %olitics> an# t(e 6est t(at can 6e (o%e# for is %iecemeal reform . /ince %oAer can no 6e
locate# or i#entifie#> since ?real? 'nif)in. interests are a coloniIin. fiction> a %art of a 'niforml) o%%ressive Enli.(tenment Aorl#vieA <to A(ic( Mar5ism also 6elon.sD> t(en an or.aniIe# o%%osition is neit(er feasi6le nor #esira6le. "olitics> let alone revol'tion> is re#'ce# to a t'rf Aar amon.


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The e;c#"si ! f )e!%er as a cate) r& f a!a#&sis % es!t ta'e i!t acc "!t ec ! mic cha!)es that ma'e hist rica# materia#ism a $etter (a& f "!%ersta!%i!) )e!%er i!e5"a#it&
Sta$i#e ./0 & associate %rof. in t(e De%t. of Mass Comm : ;niv. of Wisconsin <Carol 0.> ?"ostmo#ernism> 8eminism> an# Mar5! Notes from t(e 06)ss>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.111&111> ,7D
3(e t(ir# c(ar.e a.ainst (istorical materialismEt(at it (as e5cl'#e# female la6or from its anal)sisE(as alAa)s 6een #e6ata6le. 3 W(ile

it ma) 6e tr'e t(at AomenFs 'n%ai# #omestic la6or AasnFt s)stematicall) inte.rate# into classical Mar5ist anal)ses of t(e mo#e of %ro#'ction <alt(o'.( 6ot( Mar5 an# En.els #isc'ss t(e se5'al #ivision of la6orD> from t(e 1+70s on t(ere (ave 6een Mar5ist revisions of t(is conce%t> %artic'larl) Ait(in ant(ro%olo.) an# economics. In a##ition> A(ile anti&essentialist feminists (ave 6een sAift to a%%ro%riate an# revise %oststr'ct'ralist t(eories <t(at eit(er ne.lect .en#er or #eal Ait( it in %rofo'n#l) se5ist Aa)sD in or#er to f'rt(er anal)ses of .en#er> onl) Mar5ism seems to 6e sin.le# o't for re-ection on t(e .ro'n#s of t(is alle.e# omission . 0t an) rate> t(e #evelo%ment of contem%orar) ca%italism (as to some e5tent ma#e t(is 9'estion moot. Wit( t(e increase# 6l'rrin. 6etAeen t(e %'6lic an# %rivate s%(eres> t(e (ei.(tene# commo#ification of %revio'sl) 'n%ai# female la6or <care of t(e el#erl)> c(il# care> coo in.> cleanin.> etc.D> an# t(e A(olesale entr) of mi##le class Aomen into t(e la6or force> AomenFs con#itions are more o6vio'sl) #etermine# 6) relations of %ro#'ction in a ver) Mar5ist sense . N !*Mar;ist femi!ism1 (ith its #ac' f atte!ti ! t re#ati !s f +r %"cti !1 is $e)i!!i!) t # ' far m re i!a%e5"ate tha! eve! the m st )e!%er*$#i!% Mar;ism i! e;+#ai!i!) the c !%iti !s f ( me! .

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53 Wave 1


Their evi%e!ce ass"mes Mar;ism. Bere ! t the rev #"ti ! D j"st a! e+istem # )ica# criti5"e f the affirmative A!%1 Mar;ism ca##s f r av i%i!) ec # )ica# %evastati !
F ster ./0 & %rof. of sociolo.) : ;niv. @re.on <Co(n> ?Mar5 an# t(e Environment>? in ?In Defense of Histor)>? E#. 6) E. Meis ins Woo# B Co(n 8oster> %.111&120> ,7D W(at Aas clear from Mar5Fs anal)sis Aas t(at ('manit) an# nat're Aere interrelate#> Ait( t(e (istoricall) s%ecific form of %ro#'ction relations constit'tin. t(e core of t(at interrelations(i% in an) .iven %erio# . 0s (e Arote in t(e Economic and )hilosophic
Manuscripts of6788, Man li"es from nat're> i.e.> nat're is (is bod , an# (e m'st maintain a contin'in. #ialo.'e Ait( it if (e is not to #ie. 3o sa) t(at manFs %()sical an# mental life is lin e# to nat're sim%l) means t(at nat're is lin e# to itself> for man is a %art of nat're. + 8ar from 6ein. mere Aors(i%ers of %ro#'ctivism> Mar5 an# En.els Aere tAo of its foremost critics . 0s t(e )o'n. En.els Arote in 1*11> ?3o ma e t(e eart( an o6-ect of ('c sterin.Et(e eart( A(ic( is o'r one an# all> t(e first con#ition of o'r e5istenceEAas t(e last ste% toAar# ma in. oneself an o6-ect of ('c sterin..? ;n#er ca%italism all nat'ral an# ('man relations(i%s> Mar5 ar.'e#> (ave 6een #issolve# into mone) relations(i%s. ,at(er t(an a societ) r'le# 6) ?callo's Fcas(&%a)mentF? an# 6) t(e necessit) for contin'al increases in %ro#'ctivit)> (e loo e# forAar# to a social or#er t(at Ao'l# %romote t(e man)&si#e# #evelo%ment of ('man ca%acities an# t(e rational ('man relation to t(e nat're of A(ic( Ae are a %art. 3(e f'rt(er .roAt( of ('man free#om> (e Arote in t(e final %art of t(e t(ir# vol'me of Capital, consists in ?socialiIe# man> t(e associate# %ro#'cers> rationall) re.'latin. t(eir material interc(an.e Ait( nat're an# it 'n#er common control> instea# of alloAin. it to r'le t(em as a 6lin# force.? 3(e ('man comm'nit)> Mar5 6elieve#> can

no more free itself from t(e nee# to control its interaction Ait( nat're t(an it can free itself from t(e nee# to ta e into consi#eration t(e nat'ral con#itions of ('man e5istence. Get rational control of t(e relation 6etAeen nat're an# ('manit) is in(erentl) o%%ose# to t(e mec(anistic #omination of nat're in t(e interest of t(e ever increasin. e5%ansion of %ro#'ction for its oAn sa e. In a societ) of freel) associate# %ro#'cers > Mar5 ar.'e#> t(e .oal of social life Ao'l# not 6e Aor an# %ro#'ction> in t(e narroA forms in A(ic( t(e) (ave 6een 'n#erstoo# in %ossessive&in#ivi#'alist societ)> 6't t(e all&aro'n# #evelo%ment of ('man creative %otential as an en# in itself> for A(ic( ?t(e s(or errin. of t(e Aor in.&#a) is a 6asic %rere9'isite.? 3(is Ao'l# set t(e sta.e for t(e ac(ievement of a realm of free#om in A(ic( ('man 6ein.s Ao'l# 6e 'nite# Ait( eac( ot(er an# Ait( nat're. 10 3(e realiIation of t(ese con#itions> Mar5 reco.niIe#> necessitate# a ra#ical transformation in t(e ('man relation to nat're. Wit( t(e elimination of %rivate oAners(i% of lan# an# t(e #evelo%ment of a societ) of freel) associate# %ro#'cers> .lo6al s'staina6ilit) in t(e relations(i% to nat're Ao'l# 6ecome feasi6le for t(e first time. "ointin. to t(e im%erative of %rotectin. t(e .lo6e for f't're .enerations Mar5 state#! 8rom
t(e stan#%oint of a (i.(er economic form of societ)> %rivate oAners(i% of t(e .lo6e 6) sin.le in#ivi#'als Aill a%%ear 9'ite as a6s'r# as %rivate oAners(i% of one man 6) anot(er. Even a A(ole societ)> a nation> or even all sim'ltaneo'sl) e5istin. societies> are not t(e oAners of t(e .lo6e. 3(e) are onl) its %ossessors> its 's'fr'ct'aries> an# li e boni patres familias L.oo# fat(ers of familiesO> t(e) m'st (an# it #oAn to s'ccee#in. .enerations in an im%rove# con#ition.11 It Aas t(e %ro%er %'r%ose of a.ric'lt're> Mar5 ar.'e#> ?to minister to t(e entire ran.e of %ermanent necessities of life re9'ire# 6) t(e c(ain of s'ccessive .enerations?Ein contra#iction to ?t(e A(ole s%irit of ca%italist %ro#'ction> A(ic( is #irecte# toAar# t(e imme#iate .ain of mone).? 3(ere Aas t('s a #irect conflict 6etAeen ca%italismFs s(ort&si.(te# e5%ro%riation of t(e eart(Fs reso'rces an# t(e term c(aracter of tr'l) s'staina6le %ro#'ction. Economic a#vance in a societ) of freel) associate# %ro#'cers> Mar5 insiste# a.ain an# a.ain> Ao'l# (ave to occ'r Ait(o't -eo%ar#iIin. t(e nat'ral an# .lo6al con#itions '%on A(ic( t(e Aelfare of f't're .enerations Ao'l# #e%en#. 3(is is %recisel) t(e #efinition noA .iven to t(e conce%t of s'staina6le #evelo%ment> most famo'sl) in t(e =r'n#tlan# Commission re%ort> 0ur Common -uture, A(ic( #efine# it as ?#evelo%ment t(at meets t(e nee#s of t(e %resent Ait(o't com%romisin. t(e a6ilit) of f't're .enerations to meet t(eir oAn nee#s.?12 0lt(o'.( Mar5 #i# not concentrate on t(e ecolo.ical criti9'e of ca%italism in (is Aritin.s Eno #o'6t 6eca'se (e t(o'.(t t(at ca%italism Ao'l# 6e re%lace# 6) a societ) of freel) associate# %ro#'cers lon. 6efore s'c( %ro6lems co'l# 6ecome tr'l) criticalE(is all'sions to s'staina6ilit) in#icate t(at (e Aas ac'tel) aAare of t(e ecolo.ical #e%re#ations of t(e s)stem. Central to (is concerns in t(is res%ect Aas t(e effect of ca%italist in#'strialiIation on t(e #e.ra#ation of t(e soil. 3(e 6est noAn %assa.e in t(is> from Capital, vol. I> is to 6e fo'n# in t(e section on ?Lar.e&/cale In#'str) an# 0.ric'lt're>? A(ic( constit'tes t(e final> c'lminatin. %art of Mar5Fs e) c(a%ter on ?Mac(iner) an# Lar.e&/cale In#'str)? <on t(e effects of t(e In#'strial ,evol'tionD. 3(ere Mar5 ar.'es! 0ll %ro.ress in ca%italist a.ric'lt're is a %ro.ress in t(e art> not onl) of ro66in. t(e Aor er> 6't of ro66in. t(e soilK all %ro.ress in increasin. t(e fertilit) of t(e soil for a .iven time is %ro.ress toAar#s r'inin. t(e lon.&lastin. so'rces of t(at fertilit). 3(e more a co'ntr) %rocee#s from lar.e&scale in#'str) as t(e 6ac .ro'n# of its #evelo%ment> as in t(e case of t(e ;nite# /tates> t(e more ra%i# is t(is %rocess of #estr'ction. Ca%italist %ro#'ction> t(erefore> onl) #evelo%s t(e tec(ni9'es an# t(e #e.ree of com6ination of t(e social %rocess of %ro#'ction 6) sim'ltaneo'sl) 'n#erminin. t(e ori.inal so'rces of all Aealt(Et(e soil an# t(e Aor er. 13 3(ese Aere not cas'al or isolate# comments 6't reflecte# caref'l st'#) of t(e Aor of t(e 7erman a.rarian c(emist C'st's von Lie6i.> often noAn as t(e fo'n#er of soil c(emistr). ;ntil t(e earl) 1*20s> Mar5 t(o'.(t t(at t(e %ro.ress of ca%italist a.ric'lt're mi.(t 6e so ra%i# t(at it Ao'l# o't%ace in#'str). =) t(e time (e Arote Capital, (oAever> (is st'#ies of t(e Aor of Lie6i. an# ot(er a.ronomists (a# convince# (im ot(erAise. ?Lar.e lan#e# %ro%ert)>? (e e5%laine# in t(e concl'sion to (is most im%ortant c(a%ter on ca%italist a.ric'lt're <?3(e 7enesis of Ca%italist 7ro'n# ,ent?D> re#'ces t(e a.ric'lt'ral %o%'lation to a constantl) fallin. minim'm> an# confronts it Ait( a constantl) .roAin. in#'strial %o%'lation croA#e# in lar.e cities. It t(ere6) creates con#itions A(ic( ca'se an irre%ara6le 6rea in t(e co(erence of social interc(an.e %rescri6e# 6) t(e nat'ral laAs of life. 0s a res'lt> t(e vitalit) of t(e soil is s9'an#ere#> an# t(is %ro#i.alit) is carrie# 6) commerce far 6e)on# t(e 6or#ers of a %artic'lar state <Lie6i.D. Lar.e&scale in#'str) an# lar.e&scale a.ric'lt're 'n#er ca%italism t('s (a# t(e same res'lts! 6ot( contri6'te# to t(e r'inin. of t(e a.ric'lt'ral Aor er an# t(e e5(a'stion of ?t(e nat'ral %oAer of t(e soil.? 3(e ?moral of (istor)>? Mar5 o6serve#> is t(at t(e ca%italist s)stem Aor s a.ainst a rational a.ric'lt're> or t(at a rational a.ric'lt're is incom%ati6le Ait( t(e ca%italist s)stem <alt(o'.( t(e latter %romotes tec(nical im%rovements in a.ric'lt'reD an# nee#s eit(er t(e (an# of t(e small farmer livin. 6) (is oAn la6or or t(e control of t(e associate# %ro#'cers. 8or Mar5 ?t(e rational c'ltivation of t(e soil as eternal comm'nal %ro%ert)? Aas ?an inaliena6le con#ition of t(e e5istence an# re%ro#'ction of a c(ain of s'ccessive .enerations of t(e ('man race.?11 Mar5 an# En.els #i# not confine t(eir #isc'ssions of ecolo.ical limits to t(e iss'e of t(e soil> 6't also e5%lore# n'mero's ot(er iss'es of s'staina6il&it)> in relation to forests> rivers an# streams>

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t(e #is%osal of Aaste> air 9'alit)> environmental to5ins> etc. ?3(e #evelo%ment of c'lt're an# in#'str) in .eneral>? Mar5 Arote> ?(as ever evince# itself in s'c( ener.etic #estr'ction of forests t(at ever)t(in. #one 6) it conversel) for t(eir %reservation an# restoration a%%ears infinitesimal.? Wit( to in#'strial Aaste> (e ar.'e# for ?econom) t(ro'.( t(e %revention of Aaste> t(at is to sa)> t(e re#'ction of e5cretions of %ro#'ction to a minim'm> an# t(e imme#iate 'tiliIation of all raA an# a'5iliar) materials re9'ire# in %ro#'ction.?15

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