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1. Health Sector In health sector following key activities are going on. 1.

Out of total 8 Mobile Health Vans covering entire area in PPP mode ! vans were su""orted by #airn. $. 1% &O "lants at key locations for safe drinking water. '. ()tending su""ort to government institutions *#H# PH#+ to im"rove healthcare access and health indicators *IM& MM&+. ,he re"orted reverse osmosis *&O+ ty"e desalination "lants have been installed at two location namely at -himda . /awas of block -aitu under #0& activity by #1I&20 India and PH(3. ,he sources of raw water are e)isting PH(3 tube wells and &O "lants are being installed by ,1,1 through #1I&2. ,he maintenance "art has been assigned to local 4&1M VI/10 01MI,I. ,he constitution of 4V0 is as under5 1 $ ' #hairman 0ecretary Members 0ar"anch 4ram 0ewak 6ocal PH(3 "erson along with head master and re"uted "ersons of the villages

Maintenances of &O Plant including "ower charges are being borne by 4V0. ,he "lant is being maintained by one "erson a""ointed by 4V0. Presently around 177 cans of water with $7 liters ca"acity are being su""lied by "lant at /awas *village in block -aitu+ which is recently installed. ,he &O treated water can be received by "aying &s. 89: "er $7 liters can either in cash or by card. $87:'77 cards have been made available to 4V0 initially. 0o far %7 card at /awas and 8' at -himda have been "urchased by government officials villagers and sho"kee"ers etc. ,he committee has also decided for home delivery of cans with an additional cost of &s.89:*,otal cost &s 179:+. In all 17 "lants have been installed in this way. However 1,; cards are "rovided only at $ locations namely /awas and -himda. 0imilar "ro<ects have been taken u" by PH(3 in the district and under this "ro<ect it has been "ro"osed to install &O "lants at 1=7 locations. 4OI and 0tate 4overnment finance the "ro<ect on 87587 ratio. 2ame of -lock 2umber of &O "lants sanctioned

-alotra 8

-armer 1$

#hohtan 3horimana %8 '7

0heo $!

0indhari '8

,otal 1=7

2umber of &O "lants Installed


In this "ro<ect again the source "art is of PH(3 and the desalination I(# for its utili>ation by villagers is on "art of contractor. O"erational and maintenances of these &O "lants are to be carried out by the contractor for ! years after installation. ,he &O treated water can be received by "aying &s. $9: "er can of $7 liters by villagers in cash at "lant and for home delivery the contractor can charge additional amount for hire charges on mutually agreed rate by users and contractor by consent of de"artment. ?nder =7 days "lan target $$ &O "lants are to be installed and targets will be achieved by @eb $8.1t some "laces the Auality of PH(3 water is acce"table where as at other locations it reAuires testing and further sub<ect to confirmation to the "otable "arameters. Machines are working on e)"erimental basis once they "rove worth it may be thought of re"licating. 2.Education -armer is a geogra"hically vast district of the state and "roviding Auality education level is a challenging task due to scarcity of teaching staff and infrastructure. ,o bridge the ga" I6.00 su""orted by #1I&2 came forward and they have "rovided their services to boost the Auality of education in the district. In education sector looking to the lack of availability of sub<ect teachers like Maths 0cience and (nglish the com"any with consultation of the 3istrict 1dministration have started su""lementary education to the reAuired areas. ,o im"rove the Auality of education com"any has started with certain "rivately engaged Aualified "ersonnelBs to organi>e above sub<ect classes in the s"ecified schools after or before school hours as "er suitability. ,here is no government commitment with these teaching "eo"le like MO? or any agreement. ,hey have their link with #1I&2 only. 0imilarly in some identified schools infrastructures "articularly com"uters and com"uter learning by establishing new com"uter lab or enrichment of e)isting com"uter labs they are su""lementing the ongoing education facilities.

'. Other Areas Intend to build a 1$8:bed secondary care hos"ital and an (nglish Medium /:1$ school in "artnershi" with a re"uted agency. ,he com"any a""lied

for government land and the case is under consideration with 4o&. 1s "er the information given to us they entered in "artnershi" with re"uted agencies in concerned sectors so that e)ecution can start as soon as land is allotted. Intend to make electricity available to every household in our area. 1s "er our initial survey 8777 :17777 households are living in dark : grid connection is not able to reach easily. 0olar off:grid electricity is the good solution to make electricity available. 1s "er the information given to us they a""roached to 4o& "ermission to launch this "ro<ect in "artnershi" with &&(# *&a<asthan renewable energy cor"oration+. #om"any has ado"ted 3istrict Hos"ital -armer to facilitate sanitation and man "ower. #airn (nter"rise #enter . 0atellite centers C em"loyment linked training for youthD 877 annually with 87E em"loymentD Partnershi" with 3,( and linkage to I,I. 3airy develo"ment "rogram by way of assisting local formers in animal husbandry.

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