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Students Kit Given below are the templates (with some example values) for the documents related

to the project. These are just guidelines only. These can be improved/modified by the team. Requirements Specification (RS) Following is a template for the ! document. !ome example re"uirements are entered in to it to show how to use the template. #a$e sure that you enter even the smallest/most trivial re"uirements also. That would help in validating the system during testing. No. !% Requirement Essential Description of the or Requirement Desirable The !ystem should have &ssential ' egistration page a registration system accepting the (ser details li$e name) age) preferences) desired user *+ etc Remarks This enables the user to register if the desired *+ is not available the system should suggest a couple of alternates. The logins are assigned by the admin or users on registering into the system


The system should have a login


' login box should appear when the system is invo$ed.





/ompose #ail





The logged in user should be able to see the list of new mails plus existing mails in *nbox (ser should be able to compose mails and send to other users within the system !hould be able to eply to mails) Forward mail and +elete #ails

The +eleted mail will be moved to a

+elete Folder !1 2rgani3e #ails +esired (ser should be able to /reate Folders and organi3e his mails into these folders 2n no activity for more than %0 minutes the login will be invalidated &xport / *mport into the system the 'ddress 7oo$ which will contain 8ame) &mail 'ddress separated by comma 'cceptance /riteria that all the pages on the (* should come up within , !econds at a pea$ hit of ,: users.

!4 !6

*nvalidate 5ogin &xport/*mport 'ddress boo$

&ssential +esired


esponse time


!%: Database Fields Specification Valid sers !able No. % Field Name #ail *d Ran"e of #alid #alues for the field %. character in length Remarks This is the $ey field of the database as it is uni"ue. This will also serve as the login for the system 2nly allowed !pecial characters li$e dot will be accepted !pecial characters li$e underscore are not allowed. /annot be 3ero.

, . 0

8ame 'ge !ex

(p to %0 characters in length. *nteger /haracter

$ddress %ook !able No. % , Field Name 2wner#ail *d 8ic$8ame Ran"e of #alid #alues for the field %. character in length (p to %0 characters in length. Remarks (ser whose address boo$ !pecial characters li$e underscore are not allowed.


%. character in length

&i"h 'e#el(Detailed Desi"n (&'D(DD) )#er#ie* of the s+stem

#ail !erver running on 5inux 7ox

<eb !erver / 'pp !erver ('pache Tom /at /an be on the same box as #ail !erver

7rowser /lients 7rowser /lients 7rowser /lients

+7 (#>!?5)

;ere the 7rowser /lients) have an email account on the 5inux machine) i.e. they are users on 5inux machine. The idea of the project is to provide a <&7 interface to these clients. *f they do not have an email account the same can be created by registering themselves or with the help of an 'dmin. ;ere the 5inux machine is a #'*5 server on which the users actually have their accounts The <eb !erver may be again on the same 5inux !erver as #ail !erver The clients access their e=mail account on the #ail server through the <eb server

!est,-lan ( nit test,plan and inte"rated test,plan) No. !est case !itle !uccessful (ser login Description E.pected )utcome 5ogin should be successful and the user should !he Result requirement in RS that is bein" tested !% and !,

The login to the system should be tried with the login assigned by the admin on registration and

the correct password , (sers gets to see his *nbox The user should be able to see the list of mails in his inbox This feature lets users to compose and send mails to other users

/ompose and !end #ails

Forward #ails This feature lets users to forward mails to other users

eply #ails

This feature lets user to reply mails to the mails they have received.

/reate Folders This feature lets user to create logical folder

*nvalidate 5ogin

&xport 'ddress 7oo$

The logged in user does not perform any activities for %0minutes and then tries to perform a function in the (* The user should be able to export his

enter in to the system 'll the mails in the inbox should be listed The (sers to whom the mail was sent should see this mail in their inbox The (sers to whom the mail was sent should see this mail in their inbox The user who originally sent the mail should be able to see the reply to this mail in his inbox The user is able to create the logical folder for organi3ing his mails The user is as$ed to login again







(ser should be able


address boo$ outside the mail system 9 *mport 'ddress 7oo$ The user should be able import a external address boo$ into the system


esponse Time

,: users hit the server at a time

download the address boo$ into his des$top (ser should be able to upload his address boo$ into the #ail system The (* pages should come up in less than , seconds time



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