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Toby is writing a letter. Tobys voice is heard (voice over) and the audience are able to hear Tobys thought process. Toby, clearly upset, explains that he cannot handle his disorder anymore. TOBY (V.O.) Im really sorry, but I cant take this anymore. I feel isolated. I cant stand the mood swings. I cant live a normal life. I cant control my future. Im so sorry I did this. Im a coward. Im sorry, but I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Cut to titles INT. EXAM HALL, SCHOOL, MORNING, DAY 1 Its the morning of Tobys Maths exam, and he is evidently extremely anxious. He repeatedly taps his feet and his pen and constantly looks around him, appearing clearly paranoid. Although the other students are not staring at him, he believes that they are, heightening his sense of paranoia. Toby (V.O.) I really want to do well. I want to succeed. I want to be like everybody else. But I cant. I cant control it. I cant control it. As he reaches boiling point, he throws his desk away and storms out. INT. COMPUTER ROOM, SCHOOL, MORNING, DAY 2 Toby is sat in the computer room opposite his love interest. They begin sending flirtatious emails to each other, and he arranges to go on a date with her, showing Tobys happier side to his personality. Toby (V.O.) And sometimes I want to be better. I have hopes. I have possibilities. I have a future. INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR, MORNING, DAY 3 Toby is seen walking towards his locker. He then looks into his locker and takes out an NHS letter that had been previously torn up. Toby then rips the letter up again and chucks it back into his locker. Toby then received a text message from the NHS, reminding him of his doctors appointment, which he does not reply to. INT. BOYS TOILETS, SCHOOL, MORNING, DAY 4 Toby is seen in the toilet, splashing his face with water. He looks into the mirror and has an emotional breakdown, and eventually begins to cry. Toby then has flashbacks of his past where he is isolated and depressed.

FLASHBACK TO: INT. SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM As his friends are sat enjoying sitting together and talking, Toby is sat in the middle of the table, clearly isolated and alienated as he is blanked face and is staring into the distance. BACK TO PRESENT: Toby continues to cry in the bathroom. FLASHBACK TO: INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR DAY Toby walks through a corridor, looking blank faced and isolated. He pushes into a boy walking his way, completely unaware of his presence. BACK TO PRESENT: Toby falls to the ground, crying more heavily. FLASHBACK TO: INT. HALL Toby is standing completely in the middle of a hall. Everything is blurry as the camera circles him. BACK TO PRESENT: Toby is sat on the floor, still crying. INT. BENCH Toby is sat far away from two other students on a bench. The other two students are talking somewhat enthusiastically whilst Toby is sat, looking upset and, again, isolated. The scene cuts between a close-up of Tobys face in the toilet, crying, and a close-up of his face on the bench, looking depressed. BACK TO PRESENT: Toby is sat on the bathroom floor covering his face. The camera eventually zooms out, with Toby on the floor.

Fade to black EXT. BUSY ROAD AFTERNOON, DAY 5 As Toby is walking home from school, he receives a phone call from the NHS. Toby answers the phone. TOBY (On the phone) Leave me alone. I said leave me alone. Why are you doing this?! Stop phoning me! Im not going! Theres nothing wrong me, go away! Toby begins crossing the road, but is shockingly hit by a car. Fade to black TOBY (V.O.) You are so low. Theres nothing no pain, no tears beyond thought. Nothing. Cut to black with the word Bipolar Cut to credits

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