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February 2014 PTO Minutes February 26, 2014

Carol McDonald, Co-President of the PTO, welcomed everyone in attendance to the meeting.

Principal's Report
John Lyons, Co-Vice President of the PTO, re orted the following! -It was great to come back to Pine Glen Elementary School following my surgery. I missed the students and staff. I would like to thank the PTO for the beautiful gift basket. -The 3rd Grade s !assachusetts "iogra#hy $a% !useum was a hit today. I am &ery #roud of all the 3rd graders and the great 'ob they did researching famous #eo#le from !assachusetts. -The elementary school #rinci#als #resented their budgets to the school committee last night. $e were so a##reciati&e to the community for their su##ort #articularly in regards to class si(e and resources. -)t this years *ational Science Teacher )ssociation+s conference in "oston !rs. ,ane -ynch. !r. !usselman and a few Pine Glen students will be sharing their e%#erience in science with fellow science teachers from across the state and country as they challenge themsel&es to build water wheels of their own and bring the e%#erience back to their classrooms. -!ath !i%er was well attended on ,anuary /0th. This e&ent showed families learn easy and e%citing new ways to bring math into your home. -Second Grade Students worked really hard with !iss 1allon and their classroom teachers to create weather forecasting &ideos. They are fun to watch and are on my blog. -$e would like to say a big thank you to the Pine Glen PTO. The PTO recently #urchased new e2ui#ment for recess. The students will greatly en'oy the new e2ui#ment3 This has been #articularly hel#ful this winter with a lot of days re2uiring us to ha&e recess on the hotto#. -!rs. 4isocchi s class is #artici#ating in the "ridges5 Growing Older. Growing Together Program. This award winning #rogram has older adults and elementary students working together to gain knowledge from each other while su##orting the 6ommon 6ore 6urriculum. -$e were &ery e%cited coming back from winter break to see all new lights throughout the building. The new lights are much more energy efficient and last for a longer duration of time then the #rior lights we were using. Students and staff lo&e how much brighter they ha&e made our learning s#aces.

President's Report

6arol !c7onald. 6o-President of the PTO. reminded e&eryone in attendance that the annual Pine Glen 6arni&al will be held on !arch /0. /89:. The carni&al is the biggest PTO fundraiser of the year and the committee is currently looking for &olunteers to hel# run the carni&al. assist with the raffle #ri(es and hel# with set u# and break down of the carni&al. 7eb !ur#hy and !ichelle Grossman will chair this e&ent again this year and ne%t but are looking for &olunteers to take this fundraiser o&er. 7eb and !ichelle are ho#ing for #eo#le to get in&ol&ed this year and ne%t year so there will be a smooth transition for the new chairs. Pine Glen PTO "oard Elections are coming u# in !ay. 6arol encouraged anyone who would like to run for a board #osition to #lease consider doing so.

Co-Vice President's Report 6atherine Gilles#ie. 6o-4ice President of the PTO. announced the PTO recently had a successful fundraiser at 1lat "read Pi((a raising ;:<=. The S2uare 9 1undraiser will begin the end of !arch with deli&ery in time for !other s 7ay. Please look in your child s back#ack for future information in regards to this fundraiser. 6atherine #assed around sam#les of the S2uare 9 )rt for e&eryone in attendance to look at. )drienne !attson. Treasurer of the PTO. is currently looking into a #otential fundraiser at Orange -eaf >ogurt in "urlington. Teacher )##reciation 7ay will be held Tuesday !ay ?. /89:.

Treasurer's Report
"drienne Mattson, Treas#rer of the PTO, rovided everyone in attendance with a written # dated treas#rer$s re ort.

Carol McDonald, %inelle Davidson, Catherine %illes ie, John Lyons, "drienne Mattson, Joanne &hortell, 'eather Pec(ham, Jill McCa)e, *itsa Ovesen, +rin ,illmore

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