ISL Week 5

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AND CONTRAST TEXT ASPECT MAIN IDEA ARGUMENTATIVE TEXT The main idea contains one statement that needs elaboration. Giving logical reasoning. COMPARE AND CONTRAST TEXT The main idea content statement that need evidence. Giving the evidence and fact to support the statement.


Similarities: Both have structure to be followed. Both have thesis statement in the first line of paragraph. The main ideas give well-defined context area. The main idea needs statement to support the idea.

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 Example of Explanation Text Tsunami The term of tsunami comes from the Japanese which means harbour ("tsu") and wave ("nami"). A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or a sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale.

A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Such large vertical movements of the earth's crust can occur at plate boundaries.

Subduction of earthquakes are particularly effective in generating tsunami, and occur where denser oceanic plates slip under continental plates.

As the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond.

Tsunami always bring great damage. Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water behind the initial wave front, as the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods powerfully into the coastal area Example of Narrative Text; The Smartest Parrot Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano. The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word. At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. You stupid bird! pointed the man to the parrot. Why cant you say the word? Say 2

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 Catano! Or I will kill you the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; Say Catano or Ill kill you. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano. One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot. After that he left the chicken house. The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; Say Catano or Ill kill you. Notes on Narrative Text It is important to know that the social function of the narrative text is to inform and entertain. Narrative text will tell the story with amusing way. It provides an esthetic literary experience to the reader. Narrative text is written based on life experience. In literary term, experience is what we do, feel, hear, read, even what we dream. Narrative text is organized focusing at character oriented. It is build using descriptive familiar language and dialogue. There are some genres of literary text which fit to be classified as the narrative text. Some of them are:

Folktales, it includes fables, legend, myth, or realistic tales Mysteries, fantasy, science or realistic fiction

Commonly, narrative text is organized by the story of grammar. It will be beginning, middle and end of the story. To build this story grammar, narrative text 3

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 need plot. This plot will determine the quality of the story. Plot is a series of episodes which holds the reader attention while they are reading the story. Conflict is the main important element of the plot. This conflict among the characters will drive the story progress. In this conflict, readers will be shown how the characters face the problem and how they have ability to handle that problem Analysis the Generic Structure Orientation: It sets the scene and introduces the participants/characters. In that parrot story, the first paragraph is the orientation where reader finds time and place set up and also the participant as the background of the story. A man and his parrot took place once time. Complication: It explores the conflict in the story. It will show the crisis, rising crisis and climax of the story. In the parrot story, paragraph 2, 3, 4 are describing the complication. Readers will find that the man face a problem of why the parrot can not say Catano. To fix this problem, the man attempted to teach the bird. How hard he tried to teach the bird is the excitement element of the complication. Resolution: It shows the situation which the problems have been resolved. It must be our note that resolved means accomplished whether succeed or fail. In the last paragraph of the smartest parrot story, readers see the problem is finished. The parrot could talk the word which the man wanted. The parrot said the word with higher degree than the man taught the word to it. That was the smartest parrot

Between Explanation and Procedure Text Seeing the social function, both procedure and explanation texts have the similarity in which both describe how to make or done something. They give the detail description on something, phenomena, goods, product case or problem. To see the differences between explanation and procedure, we have to analyze the dominant language feature and how the texts are used.

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 Procedure, this text type is commonly called as instruction text. It uses pattern of commend in building the structure. It use the to infinitive verb which is omitted the to. It is a kind of instruction text which uses full commend verb. Procedure is commonly used to describe how to make something which is close to our daily activity. For example how to make a cup of tea, how to make a good kite, etc is the best example of the procedure text. It is such word; first boil water, secondly prepare the cup, and so on. Explanation, it is commonly used the passive voice in building the text. Explanation is such a scientific written material. It describes how certain phenomenon or event happen. How a tornado form, how tsunami works are the best example of explanation text. It uses passive pattern in describing the topic. Example of Procedure Text in Making Kite Having a kite flying is interesting and make it by self is easy. Prepare the following materials to make a kite: Butcher cord Scotch tape or glue 1 Sheet of strong paper 2 Strong, straight wooden sticks of bamboo Markers, paint or crayons After the materials have been prepared, the directions bellow is easy instruction on how to make a kite: 1. Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the longer stick. 2. Tie the two sticks together with the string in such a way as to make sure that they are at right angles to each other. 3. Cut a notch at each end of the sticks. Make it deep enough for the type of string you are using to fit in to. Cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame. 4. Lay the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on top. Cut around it, leaving about 2-3cm for a margin. Fold these edges over and glue it 5

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 down so that the material is tight. 5. Make a tail by tying a small ribbon roughly every 10cm along the length of string. Sample Descriptive Essay My Own Little World Passage taken from Theodore Johnston and James Gonzales, The Writers Advice Book, Ginn Press, Massachusetts, 1987, p. 72 The door to my study is nearly always closed. It's the place I go to read and work in tranquility. Today, however, I'm inviting you in for a visit. As you open the door, notice the Guatemalan crucifix with its bright gold and maroon flowers; it joyfully reminds me to dedicate my work to God. Although the room is small, I hope you find it cozy. A big cheerful window lets in the morning sunshine, which saturates the room with its warmth and embraces us with light. Birds chirp outside, beckoning you to enter. An old-fashioned doctor's desk with brass drawer handles sits in front of the window, its wood full of nicks from many careless moves and tow once-teething puppies. May I introduce you to Ralph, my friendly computer, who sits on top of the desk? When I turn him on, he'll crackle "hello" and blink an inviting amber command on the screen. That's my dog Chico under the desk, snoring in harmony with Ralph and the birds. Against the left wall are my book cases, sagging with the wise weight of cheap paperbacks and a few expensive gold-spined volumes interspersed. A bronzed Indian chief in a watercolor squints knowingly at us from the wall. Won't you have a seat in the tattered old green armchair nestled in the other corner? I know you smell the freshly perked coffee. I made it specially for your visit. Use my favorite cup there on the tray; it's the one with red and blued balloons around the rim.

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 Stay as long as you wish, but when you're ready to leave, be sure to close the door behind you. I like the peaceful security of this, my own little world. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY

HEALTH AND HEALING AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to people who cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis. Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective and scientifically proven. They say that there is no need for spiritual methods such as Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi. These waste our time, something which is quite precious in our material world. There is medicine that can kill our pain, xrays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that scans our brain for tumors. We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide. However, there are some every day complaints such as back pains, headaches, insomnia, which are treated currently with medicine. When you have a headache, you take an Aspirin, or Vermidon, when you cannot sleep, you take Xanax without thinking of the side effects of these. When you use these pills for a long period, you become addicted to them; you cannot sleep without them. We pay huge amounts of money and become addicted instead of getting better. How about a safer and more economical way of healing? When doing Reiki to yourself, you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical. As for its history, it was discovered in Japan in the early 1900s and its popularity has spread particularly throughout America and Western Europe. In quantum physics, energy is recognized as the fundamental substance of which the universe is composed. Reiki depends on the energy within our bodies. It is a simple and effective way of restoring the energy flow. There are no side effects and it is scientifically explained. Opponents of alternative healing methods also claim that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs. They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine. How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair because of chemotherapy, losing weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take. Actually, it is common knowledge that except for when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, drugs also cannot treat AIDS or cancer. Most of the medicine these patients use are to ease their pain and their sufferings because of the medical 7

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 treatment they undergo. Instead of drugs which are expensive and have many side effects, you can use your energy to overcome the hardships of life, find an emotional balance, leave the stress of everyday life and let go of the everyday worries. Most of the chronic conditions such as eczema or migraine are known to have causes such as poor diet and stress. Deep-rooted anger or other strong emotions can contribute to viral infections as well. Since balancing our emotions and controlling our thoughts are very important for our well-being, we should definitely start learning Reiki and avoid illnesses before it is too late. Some people may still maintain that in our material world, everything depends on time. It is even lacking time that causes much of the stress that leads to the illnesses we mentioned. How would it be possible to find time to do Reiki to ourselves and the people around us when we cannot even find time to go to the theater? This is one good thing about Reiki; it does not require more than 15 minutes of our time. There is no need for changing clothes or special equipment. It is a wonderfully simple healing art, an effective method of relaxation and stress-relief. Most important of all, it is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as well. Having said these, resistance to Reiki would be quite illogical. Reiki is natural and drug-free. What is more, it is easy to learn by anyone, regardless of age and experience. It can be used anywhere, anytime. It also enhances physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and the benefits last a lifetime. It is definitely high time to get away from the drug boxes we store in our drug cabinet!

COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY In the novel, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, there are many references made by Dickens to the French Revolution. At times some of these references can be considered questionable. The references that I have researched include the storming of the Bastille, the guillotine and the aristocracy.

The Bastille was a fortress and state prison in Paris until its demolition which started in 1789. On July 14th, 1789, between eight and nine hundred Parisians, (mostly women) gathered in front of a medieval fortress, the Bastille. They were looking for weapons and gunpowder. They stormed the prison; 98 were killed, and 73 wounded. This was a Jacquerie. Although the Bastille contained no hope 8

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 for weapons, the FALL OF BASTILLE served as a great symbol of the Revolution. When the storming of the Bastille occurred in the book, it was to get vengeance on the mercenaries whom had oppressed them, not to look for weapons and gun powder. Another difference is that there were seven newly liberated prisoners, and seven murdered men at the end of this gory siege. "Seven prisoners released, seven gory heads on pikes, the keys of the accursed fortress of the eight strong towers, some discovered letters and other memorials of prisoners of old time, long dead of broken hearts--such, and such-like, the loudly echoing footsteps of Saint Antoine escort through Paris streets in mid-July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine." (1)

The guillotine was a method of death commonly used during the French revolution. The tumbrels were the transporters of the prisoners that were to be executed by the guillotine. "Six tumbrels carry the days wine to La Guillotine."(2) After a head was severed, it would fall into a waiting basket; this was true in the novel and in fact. "Crash!-A head is held up out of the basket." (3) The sharpness of the blade was also referred to in the novel. It was said that it is better to go in the morning when the blade was sharp, rather than after a large amount of people had gone, because of how dull the blade would be then.

When the revolution began all aristocrats thought it smart to flee the country. After fleeing the country the king and queen were put into prison. In Dec., Louis XIV was placed on trial for violating the rights of his subjects. On Jan 21st, 1793 he was carried through the crowd in a tumbrel and died by guillotine. The committee of public safety assumed leadership in April 1793. The queen was put to death soon after. The peasants sentenced all aristocrats to death. "To the Guillotine all Aristocrats." (4) Every aristocrat who entered the country was taken 9

ISL WEEK 5/ SEM 2/2010 into custody; eventually tried and sentenced to death by the La Guillotine.

In conclusion, Charles Dickens portrayed many accurate facts in this novel. The guillotine was a feared method of death. The Aristocracy did leave the country for safety and every aristocrat in the country was eventually tried and executed. There were also some facts that were not exactly true. Research shows that there were more deaths at the Bastille on the night of July 14th than mentioned. As a result, while there are similarities, there are also definite contrast.


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