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1) a. Whats are ________names? Cuales son sus nombres? b. __________ names are Carlos and Peter. Nuestros nombres son Carlos y Pedro A) your/My B) your/Your C) Your/Our D) their/Our 2) How old _________ your sister? Cuantos aos tiene tu hermana? A) does B) has C) have D) is 3) How ___________ you spell it? Cmo se escribe? A) are B) is C) do D) does 4) Who is _____________ over there? A) this B) him C) that D) hers 5) Im sorry-I __________a dictionary with me. A) have B) havent C) have got D) havent got 6) My mother is ________aunt. A) Carlo B) Tanias C) here D) him

7) I ___________ English very well. A) speaks B) likes C) speak D) is 8) a. Do you like classical music? b. yes ______________. A) I like B) I does C) I am D) I do. 9) a. In Britain most people _________ go home for lunch A) like B) are C) dont D) doesnt 10) a. what time do you _______ lunch? b. _____________12.30 A) has/in B) have/At C) eat/On D) eat/To 11) Henry likes _____________ the guitar. A) listen B) play C) to playing D) playing 12) Mike _____________ swimming every weekand. A) go B) does C) -----D) goes

13) My Usually go to school _________ A) in car B) in bus C) on foot D) on train 14) a. in lima ________ you smoke in public places? b. No, you __________. A) does/doesnt B) can/cant C) cant/can D) are/ arent 15) a .whats on the table? b. there is __________ cheese A) a B) two C) some D) any 16) _______________ water do you drink every day? A) how many B) how long C) a lot of D) how much 17) ________________ I have a glass of wine, please? A) do B) Does C) Am D) Can 18) ________ people ____________ there in your family ? A) how many/are B) how many/is C) how much/are D) how much/is

19) a .Where _________ you born? b. I _________ in Chicago. A) is/am born B) were/was born C) was/was born D) are/am born 20) He _________ married three months ago. A) get B) is C) got D) were 21) Rock n roll first _____________popular in the 1950s. A) became B) is C) starts D) began 22) I _________ go to the cinema last night because I had to study. A) didnt B) dont C) not D) cant 23) Ferrari is _________ expensive ___________ a Honda Civic. A) more/to B) more/than C) the most/----D) as/than 24) Football is _________ exciting sport in the world. A) the more B) the C) the most D) the best

25) ________ Paul __________ a beard? A) is/with B) does/has C) has/got D) does/---26) How many people are __________ blue jeans today? A) using B) wear C) on D) wearing 27) _____________ can a cheetah run? A) does B) how fast C) how high D) is 28) How do you say 900.025? A) nine thousand and twenty five B) nine hundred thousand and twentyfive C) nine hundred and twenty-five D) nine hundred thousand on twenty five 29) a . ____________ so you go to a party? b . Every weekend A) How often B) What C) Who D) Ever 30) a . __________ stop for a breakI am really tired b . Good idea-________ I get you something to drink? A) Lets/shall B)Can/lets C) Dont/can D) Cant/lets

31) _________You ever _______golf? A) Do/played B) Have/played C) Did/played D) Are/play 32) Did you like _____ car we bought for you? A) a B) the C) an D)-----33) Ronald went ________ the stairs a few minutes ago. A) across B) over C) dow D) out of 34) You ______ smoke or eat in class. A) should B) must C) can D)cant 35) You _______ win the iotteery, said the fortune teller. A) dont B) will C) must D) not 36) I ________ go to the Alps in winter, I love skiing. A) might B) didnt C) dont D) am

37) Always ________ a walk after lunch A) like B) go to C) go for D)have 38) a .____________date in It b . Its the _____________ A) what/ fifteen B) when/two C) what/ D)who/ 39) Her birthday is-------------December A) in B) on C) at D)to 40) when did you last--------------for a drink? A) were B) went C)had D) go 41) Last month Paula----------------to Europe A) Flew B) Fly C) go D) trip 42) Lucy didn`t pass her final exam. That`s why she feels ____________ a) happy b) in a good mood c) disappointed d) relaxed

43. Ariel, when you finish your studies at university you _________take an ling language to get your degree. a) cant b) have to c) haven`t to d) have 44) a. I need to improve my English b.________practice speaking to everyone, even outside the class? a) you b) Try c) why don`t you d) why not you 45) Can I _______ you rubber, please? I made a mistake here. a) loan b) borrow c) lend d) give 46) At the moment Ryan is _________ Piano lessons at the conservatory a) take b) studying c) doing d) taking 47)Who ________ the dinner? It smells great a) cook b) cooks c) cooking d) is cooking 48) Your beat friend is iii. You say. a) Happy New Year! b) Cheers! c) hope you feel better soon d) Good luck



49) Isabel is the __________ person in my family. a) young b) youngest c) younger d) younger than 50) What ____________ he look like? a) does b) is c) has d) have 51) a. ____________is the suspect? b. He`s about 1.90 m a) where b) how tall c) how d) this 52) Gordon ___________ this first business in 2001 a) has started b) had started c)started d) have started 53) I need to go the doctor. Will need to make ________? a) an appointment b) a date c) a story d) a letter 54) I have ___________ this motorbike __________2 years. a) has/---b) bought/ago c) had/for d) had/ since

55) __________Cuba and ______ Hawaii are both islands. a) Both/the b) the/-----c) the/ the d) ------/----56) In Britain people drive---------------the left. a) In b) for c) at d) on 57) I have--------------my mind about going to the cinema. a) thought b) make c) changed d) decided 58) If they buy that house, I think they ________ live more comfortably. a) can b) can`t c) will d) wouldn`t 59) a. Are you corning to the party john? b. I`m afraid I can`t Ive got a terrible__________ a)backache b) mood c) temperature d) fever 60) As I was _________ home after school another car _______ a small dog. a) coming/crashed over b) driving/ran over c) came/hit d) going/ took


67) he had ________ asked anyone to marry him before, so he was nervous. a) al ready b) before c) just d) never 68) John my grandfather died las month John sald his grandfather _________ the ________ month. a) had died/ last b) had died/ previous c) died / lasf d) has died/ previous 69) we couldn`t talk to him because he----------air ready------------10 minutes before. a) had/left b) was/ left c)------/gone d)was/ out. 70) Hesso rich !!he-----------75,0000 pounds a year!! a) wins b) does c) earn d) makes 71) I __________call you if the plane_________on time a) will/was b) am/is c)will/arrives d)------------/arrive 72) My Uncle_________come to the party if his daughter_________ a) is /was b) would/ wasn`t c) would/is d) will/ wasnt

61) __________ planes, I am realyafrald of flying a) love b) dont mind c) cant stand d) crazy abaout 62)exprensive perfumes _______ in the most prestigious shops in the city centre a) are sold b) be sell c) they sell d) are selled 63) thePortable razor ______100 years ago. a) Has been invented b) invent c) was invented d) invented 64) Romy love _______ with children. a) be b) been c) has been d) being 65) Is still early.How _________ going out for a drink? b. Good !dea! a) If b) about c) far d) whether 66) a.How __________ is your house from the city centre? b. about 3 Km a)feat b) high c) far d) much

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