Procedure CSTR Series

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PROCEDURE General Start-up 1. Two 20 L of the feed tank was fill with deionised water. 2.

300 g of sodium chloride was dissolve in tank 1. The salt was dissolve homogenously. 3. Power for the control panel was opened 4. The stirrer assembly was secured properly in order to avoid damaged to the mechanical seal. 5. Three ways valve (V3) was set to the position 2 in order to allow deionised water from tank 2 will flow into the reactor 1. 6. Pump 2 was switch on to fill up all three reactors with deionised water. 7. Flowrate (F11) was set to 150 ml/min by adjusting the needle valve (V4). It is recommended not to use high flowrate to avoid overflow. Stirrer 1, 2 and 3 was switch on. Step Change 1. Valve (V3) was set to the position 2 2. Pump 2 was on 3. Flowrate was adjust to 150 ml/min 4. Stirrer 1, 2 and 3 was on. 5. The water was let into the reactor for 10 minutes in order to have homogenous mix between deionised water and solution NaCl. 6. Valve (V3) was set to the position 1 7. Pump 1 was turn on. 8. Conductivity of each tank was record every 3 minutes 9. Conductivity of each tank was taken when the red light blow in panel. After take the conductivity of QT 1, wait 4 second before take the conductivity of QT 2. 10. Step 6 was repeated until the reading of QT 1 and QT 3 is about the same. When QT1 and QT 3 reading same, it means, it was achieve the equilibrium. 11. Pump and stirrer was switch off. Valve (V4) was closed. 12. All the liquid in the reactor was drain by opening valve V5 and V6 Pas Input 1. Pump 2 was switch on to fill up all three reactors with deionised water.

2. Flowrate (F11) was set to 150 ml/min by adjusting the needle valve (V4). 3. Stirrer 1,2 and 3 was turn on. The conductivity was taken until the QT values near to the zero. It because to avoid remaining solution of NaCl in step change experiment before. 4. Valve (V3) was set into position 1 5. Pump 1 was turn on. 6. Solution NaCl was let to flow inside reactor for 5 minutes. 7. Pump 1 was off after 5 minutes. 8. Valve (V3) was change into position 2 9. Pump 2 was on. 10. The conductivity was take after 3 minutes. 11. Step10 was repeated until the conductivity reading same to the earlier conductivity before pass through solution NaCl.

General Shut-down

1. Pump and stirrer was switch off. Valve (V4) was closed. 2. All the liquid in the reactor was drain by opening valve V5 and V6 3. Power for the control panel was turn off 4. The reactor and tubing was clean properly after the experiment

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