SIP Guidline

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Guidelines on Small Innovative Project (SIP) Under PEARL (Peoples Empowerment for Accessing Rights to Livelihood)

A. PREAMBLE Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS), with the support of Misereor, is responsible for undertaking a significant intervention across India through a project called PEARL (Peoples Empowerment for Accessing Rights to Livelihood). Financial assistance for Small Innovative Project (SIP) is one among the major components the project. SIP is envisaged to bring in innovative initiatives for greater development impact in accessing rights to livelihood. B. OBJECTIVE To promote and encourage innovative initiatives in peoples empowerment for accessing rights to livelihood C. FOCUS AREAS Small innovative project shall be focused on the following thematic areas of PEARL Right to food Right to work Right to Credit Right to Natural Resources D. WHO MAY APPLY Any voluntary organization (VO) who is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or a State amendment thereof or the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or the Religious and Charitable Institutions Registration Act, 1920 VO should have a valid FCRA account and comply with the requirement of Income-Tax Department (PAN, 12A) E. GUIDELINE FOR APPLICATION Six to seven initiatives shall be supported under SIP and out of which three initiatives would be direct intervention of IGSSS. The decision on the selection of intervention depends on the merit on the proposal. Focus of the proposal shall be field-based intervention and not organization of meetings, workshops, seminars etc. Proposal shall clearly state and justify the approach of being innovative, e.g. new strategy, benefits, results, or new delivery methods and services. The financial assistance under SIP shall be a one-time grant which is to be utilized as seed money / starter fund. Proposals may focus on the aforementioned four thematic areas of PEARL but special preference on the following components are also encouraged: Gender, Human Rights, Social Inclusion, Environment, Land-rights, Social Accountability

Guidelines on SIP

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In the selection of project area, extra preference shall be given to economically and socially backward areas with in the 15 states1 operational under PEARL project The project shall be envisaged with special focus on women youth and children who are socially and economically marginalized New partnerships and networks are particularly encouraged to apply Total project budget, exclusive of local contribution (20% of the total amount), shall be around Rs. 2,00,000/- (Two Lakh Rupees) for a period of six months extendable up to a maximum of one year. The decision on grant shall be made by a committee exclusively constituted for the approval of grant.

F. APPLICATION FORMAT AND INSTRUCTIONS Application format is available as per Annex-1 Applicants should submit one copy of a three page proposal, cost plan and an application cover sheet [mentioning the clause The information shared through this communication is correct and complete] and other required enclosures. The deadline for applications to be received is February 28, 2010. All applications along with the attested / scanned enclosures should be sent by post with a covering letter to the following address Indo-Global Social Service Society 28, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110 003 In addition to the hard copy, a soft copy of the application could also be sent to either on or before the deadline to expedite the process of screening. The covering letter / mail should conclude with the clause The information shared through this communication is correct and complete. Grading system for approving concept note / expression of interest under Small Innovative Project is enclosed as per Annex 2 *****

15 operational area of PEARL project: Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Orissa, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Guidelines on SIP

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Annex 1

Application format for Small Innovative Projects

Proposals shall not exceed 3 text pages and a page for the budget. The characters shall not be smaller than 11 points for Arial or 12 points for Times New Roman with single line spacing in A4 size paper Structure

A. ORGANIZATION PROFILE 1. Name and full contact details of the Organization Name the institution, contact, address, e-mail 2. Details of Registration: 1. Registration No.: _________________________ Date_______________ 2. Valid Upto ____________________________________________ 3. FCRA No: _____________________________ 4. 12 A No: _____________________________ (Attested scanned copy of the Registration Certificate & FCRA account Number, 12 A, are to be enclosed / attached) 3. Details of Bank Account 1. Name of Bank Branch __________________________________________ 2. Account Number and type of Account ______________________________ 4. Relationship with IGSSS, if any B. PROJECT PROFILE 5. Project Title 6. Location 1. State ___________________________________________________ 2. District ___________________________________________________ 3. Block & Village ___________________________________________________ 7. Thematic area Only keywords 8. Objectives 9. Target group Give a brief description on the target group 10. Need of the project Briefly describe the project, its justification and the relevance 11. Action program (max 1 page) Quantity Time required Output Sl.No Activities (Each activity to be /Number for completion given in detail with name, specification etc, in sequence of implementation) 1 2 3 4 5
Guidelines on SIP


Means of verification

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12. Methodology of the project implementation Give a brief description on the methodology of project implementation focusing on sustainability and other qualitative enhancement of the project 13. Budget Project Period : 6 months Cost Plan Item A B Staff Costs recurrent exp. Activity -1 Total Unit cost Quantity/ Number Total cost Local IGSSS Contribution contribution (20%)



Guidelines on SIP

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Thematic areas of PEARL (Peoples Empowerment for Accessing Rights to Livelihood) Right to food, Right to work, Right to Credit, Right to Natural Resources. G. GUIDELINE FOR APPLICATION Six to seven initiatives shall be supported under SIP and out of which three initiatives would be direct intervention of IGSSS. This decision on the selection of intervention depends on the merit on the proposal. Focus of the proposal shall be field-based intervention and not organization of meetings, workshops, seminars etc. Proposal shall clearly state and justify the approach of being innovative, e.g. new strategy, benefits, results, or new delivery methods and services. The financial assistance under SIP shall be a one-time grant which is to be utilized as seed money / starter fund. Proposals may focus on the aforementioned four thematic areas of PEARL but special preference on the following components are also encouraged: Gender, Human Rights, Social Inclusion, Environment, Land-rights, Social Accountability In the selection of project area, extra preference shall be given to economically and socially backward areas within the 15 states operational under PEARL project The project shall be envisaged with special focus on children, aged, women and youth who are socially and economically marginalized New partnerships and networks are particularly encouraged
Sl. No. Area of marking Supporting evidences, indicators Overall score (1-5 /10) to be given individually by each of the SIP committee member Remarks by SIP committee (if any)

Program consideration 1 Strong evidence and potential of the proposal being seed money /starter fund to an initiative/intervention (Total marks - 10) 2 Strong evidence on Gender, Human Rights, Social Inclusion, Environment, Land-rights, Social Accountability (Total marks - 5) Community field based (Total marks - 5)

Guidelines on SIP

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Extra preference on the basis of economically and socially backward areas within the 15 states operational under PEARL project (Total marks - 5) Special focus on children, aged, women and youth who are socially and economically marginalized (Total marks - 5) Proposer organizational consideration Past experience and capacity of proposer in innovative projects (Total marks -10) Proposer is new to IGSSS or has no partnership with IGSSS as of date (Total marks -5) TOTAL out of 50 marks

Scoring methodology: On receipt of the SIP proposal each member of the SIP Selection Committee shall individually grade the entire proposals received. For each of the SIP proposal these three members grading shall be aggregated, discussed and a total score made for each of the SIP proposal. Comparison Table
SIP1 Name of SIPProgramme score Organizational Score Total DECISION OF SIP COMMITTEE: SIP2 Name of SIPSIP3 Name of SIPSIP4 Name of SIP-

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