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1.1 INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new with regard to the time and effort to take into account the financial risk, psychological and social. Entrepreneurship is also a business activity created by the person who interprets the environment. Identify opportunities, use of materials, exercise ideas expand wealth and promote social welfare. Moreover, entrepreneurial behavior can be summarized as a successful entrepreneur opportunities and resources available to achieve personal goals such as profit from the business is built. The aim is for the benefit of own for a long time and can help to develop the economy. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT The main purpose of research is to identify the factors that influence students' involvement in entrepreneurial activities. To achieve this study, the aspects to be studied are family background, interests, knowledge and skills to affect substantially the students in entrepreneurial activities and problems faced by the students before the start and during the trade.

1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE In order to achieve a predetermined study, a number of objectives have been established, There are: i. To identify the influence of family background on student involvement in entrepreneurial activities ii. To identify the influence of interest on student involvement in entrepreneurial activities iii.To identify the influence of luxury lifestyle on the involvement of students in entrepreneurial activities. iv. To identify the influence of experience on student involvement in entrepreneurship activity v. To identify the problems faced by students while establishing and while conducting business.

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1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION The research questions of the study are stated below: i. does family background affect students' participation in entrepreneurship activities? ii. what the interest factor influencing student engagement in entrepreneurship activities ? iii. what the factors influencing luxury lifestyle of involvement in entrepreneurship activities? iv. what the factors influencing experience student involvement in entrepreneurship activities? v. How the problems faced by students while establishing and while conducting business?

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1.5 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK Independent variable Demographic Gender Factor that influence Perception of factor influence Problem faced Dependent variable

Preference Physical Environment Emotional Entrepreneurship

Lifestyle Individual Group

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1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY The significance of study is how the student learnt entrepreneurship and gets the good result in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. Then, the result from the research can be uses by lecturer to prepare how to teach entrepreneurship in easy ways. The research can able improve the understanding of lecturer on student ability to be good entrepreneur. Then, as a student must we follow the schedule and complete the credit hour to gets diploma. By also collecting data on polytechnic, we might be able to discover students interesting in entrepreneurship.

1.7 LIMITATION The population of the present study was limited to Semester 6th grade student in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. Student receiving special education services within the school setting were not intentionally excluded from this study. This information was not collected, and it is unknown whether or not these students are represented. In addition, students were not excluded based upon ethnicity or socioeconomic status and no separate analyses were conducted examining these differences.

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1.8 DEFINITION TERMS a) Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs are a group of individuals who can demonstrate the level of confident in decision making (Teal and Carroll, 1999). According to Koehler and Lambing (2000), the word of entrepreneur comes from word of French entreprende which is medium or takers. Entrepreneurs seen as an intermediary b) Student A student is learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend university. Student also used for anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university c) Entrepreneurship The word entrepreneurship came from the word entrepreneur which means operator. Entrepreneurs may also be defined as the self-employed. Entrepreneur has their own business either small, medium or large scale business.

1.9 CONCLUSION This research focus on Commerce Department to know how to make student like to be successful entrepreneur after study. Then, we can decrease percentage of unemployment after graduation. After that, we can increase experiences in business during study or after study. Online business have many advantages from direct selling so have a student we must take an opportunity to become success person. We can be independent person because we use creativity to make a new product. Lastly, we can conclude online business the best way to make a business.

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CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION This study intends to involvement in entrepreneurial among students for the result obtained. More specifically, the study will identify student involvement in entrepreneurial among commerce department, The following section present an overview of the relevant literature related to each of the key variables proposed in the study. 2.2 INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE a) Marketing

Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers and the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to consumers. The four PS of marketing are product, place, price and promotion. b) Business Management

Management in business and organization means to coordinate the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objective using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, and controlling an organization to accomplish a goal. c) Business Finance

Finance can be defined as the application of the principles of financial economics to an inter-related set of monetary problems. Finance can also be described as the process by which money is transferred among businesses, individuals and governments via the financing and investing activities of these parties.

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2.3 CONCLUSION The primary objective of this chapter want to provide a conceptual overview of each of the key variables to be examined in the study. The information want provided concerning based on objective.

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Chapter 3 : METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Research methodology is a plan for selecting the sources and types of information used to answer the research question. It is framework for specifying the relationship among the researchers variables. It outlines each procedure from the hypothesis to the analysis data. It provided answer to questions as to what technique will used to gather data and how will time and cost constraint. This chapter is discussing about the methodology that used in this research. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the research design that implement by the researcher. In this chapter the researcher want to develop a suitable methodology for ensuring the data collection and analysis is the relevant to the relevant t to the research objective. 3.2 Research Design It is blueprint for conducting the study that maximizes control over factors that could interfere with the validity of the finding. Designing a study helps the researcher to plan and implement the study in a way that will help the researcher to obtain intended results, thus increasing the chances of obtained information that could be associated with the real situation. 3.3 Population and Sample The population of this study is involving the accounting students in Commerce Department. The questionnaire is distributed to 50 students from semester 6 in Commerce Department as sample. This study choose accounting students because our research based on entrepreneurship subjects taken by accounting students. Students in semester 6 are chosen because they will graduate and probability will not straight away get job and through this business students will have opportunity to develop their business.

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