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Copyrighted Materials Suecooding eyes can Ia to dy residue orto concontated solutions ‘uring operating conions which provide moisture. In the ease ofthe Scum pth a the expansion crosses ino the moisture region, the st ‘lope of water condensed om the steam will tend to contain mest ‘of the contaminants. Concettationsnhancemett factors of 100 10 Ta00 ean be tebieved. In modem chest turbines the early-moise region oceuts in one ofthe later few sages of the low-pessue soe tion, anda ight loads can occur the ost highly stesed last-tage booker Esttome cate must be exeeisa in protecting urine om chemical contamination ding installation, operation and maintenance. Any de ‘ato fom Sound feedvatr-teatmont practice during condenser leaks ‘hou be done withthe Tl realization that damage to the turbine ay res 9.5 POWER PLANT HEAT EXCHANGERS by Wiliam J. Bow, assisted by Donald E. Bolt “The power plat surface condenser i tached to the low-pressure ex aust oF steam subine (sce Fis. 9.5.1 and 9.3.2). purposes ae (1) to produce a vacuum o desired bok pressure athe turbine exhaust ot the improvement of plant heat ate, (2) to condense turbine exhaust Scam fr eese inthe sod eycl, (3) deerte the condense, and (to sccop eater dans, makeup wat, team dans, and sta and ‘emergency deat. Fig 95.1 Equipment arangsres sch. ‘An economical tune hack pressure is fom 1.0 to 3.5 inl abs. ‘The factors involved in establishing this pressure are iavolved and will not be discussed ete, “An equipment diagram ofa closed powerplant cle is shown a Fig. 95 Fora condenser to dexeras the condensts, it must remove oxygen and ther noncoadesable gases to an accxpable evel compatle with mati seletion andor chemical ueatment ofthe feedwater (conde ‘Ste. Depending oa materials and tetment, the dissolved O. level ‘ust aormaly be Kept below 0.005 em fr tubine units operating with high-peasre and temperature steam, Deaeatio ina condense is aecomplshed by aplyag Henry's law, which stats thatthe concentration of the dissolved gas in a oluon is etl proportional othe partial presse of hat gas nthe fie space hove te condensate lve inthe ot well, with the exception of hose tases (e, CO, + NH.) which unite chemically withthe solvent Ina ‘ondnser droplets of condensate are continually scrubbed with steam, Tiberating te 0 and penning i to Now tothe low-pressure are ‘moval seton, where i is discharge to the atmosphere by the ar ‘moval equipment “Ta remove the lst tres of O, from the condensate, an ammonia compound such as hydrazine is normally added. Free ammonia ibe sto inthe ecle andi either removed with the noncondensbles a 3 ft ors condensed and retained in the condensate, depending onthe ‘kale design ofthe condenser ai-zemoval scetion, the ammonia is oncontgted a a gui it can be Very carosive to cota copper base ‘Most condenser manuficturers have tabebundle conSgurationt unique wo thie design pllosoph. Basically, pressure losses fom tu bin exhaust othe ai ofake are kept to minimum and bes ate sutanged wo promot god hea-ranser rates. Small condenser af wsi- ally esladrcal, whereas large ons ae rectangular for beter utlization fof space: Most turbos exhaust dowawaed i the condense, but coa- loners ate also bul to accommodate side as wel axial exhaust turbines. Because of the iahorentsuengt af elindsical shapes as opposed to fat plates, condenser water bones ae generally made with cued su faces. This has come about becase of the increased pressure reaking fiom cooliag towers, which itu, are the result Of envionment inluenes. With a cooling tower, pressures are in the 60 1080 Ibi range, whereas with wate fom lakes, rivets, ee, whete a siphon s- tem can be employed, waterbox design pressucs ae inthe 2010 30 tbvia range. A a genoa ule, tabe selection is aso on economies; 18 BWG. aunty metal as ben sistaetory for estar service apd 90-10 opper-aickel material ikewis fo seawater. The cure tend so wse 22BWG tuanium or one ofthe now specially formulated stainles-stel {ube material fortis application. Material ries Mutat grey, and selection ean be inlunced by Mist est Lost revenue duct downtime faused by tube leaks or other causes, articulay ia larger wis, can "sully justify the use of more exotic and expensive mara, ost qessure oder heaters ae equally loatd in the steam inlet neck of condenser. This is dae to minimize pressure drop inthe ‘traction stn piping and to wiz floorspace suounding the com Anse ater. A slfcient number of tae sapperts must be provided within the catdenset so that te tubes will not vibrate excessively, which will tase tubes to tub o ruc cicumferenialy. Ding low-water ten pate operation, the steam eaten the condenser wil ofen reach onic velctes, causing severe lewndeced vlratin and lina ube flues ite tbe support system is nada "Where once through boiler or niclea sted gonerators ae used, itis imperative to dispose of large uanttos of steam dung starting and Stopping ofa turbine unit The condonser, beeause ofits large value, has oon used as a convenient dumping place for this steam. Means ‘must be provided within the condense to accommodate the high-energy steam without damage to condenser eubing, sttursl members, othe Tow:pcssue end of the urine Cireuloting Tobe sober inlet sheet Fig, 95.2. Onc etna rice conn [A major factor in condenser perfomance i tbe cleans. Tubes «an be plugged with leaves, marin if, and eter dsbris deposited on te fce ofthe tube shove, By valving various arrangements for Back Washing, o ushing are fected to remove these materials "The isde surfaces of the tubes can also become fouled by sealing, comosion products, sik, produce of biofouling such as sles, or 4 ‘Sombinaion of thse,‘ clean the inside srtces ofthe tubes, i ‘ecessaty wo force bushes oplgs tough thm individually bythe use ‘of water or ai jets To do thi, the affected portion ofthe condenser fuse shutdown, AS an alteative, eckeulting sponge suber ball frbrush ystems are avaiable that can be weed during nora operatic, To remove scale fomations, sponge rubber alls wih abrasive coatings se effete, but her contd use wll shorten tbe if “Movement duc to temperature difrencesbetcentubine and cn dense is usually accommodated by a taialsssteo bellow oF ube beltiype expanse int For small units the condenser may Be sup ported on springs and rigidly comected othe turbine. To accommodate Aifereta expansion beeen condenser shel and tubes, a leible ‘diaphragm or tbe expasion element maybe installed The abet seet joint is usta vod But has Been welded in ‘eran installtions Proper atrial selection must be made regardless ‘of wheter he joi is lle oe welded. Cute, considerable empha heaters in condenser Drain Circulating wrotereutiet Hotell Congersate fevel goa Hotweil Stee! vacuum containing sell Ture, congensct support Congangete ates sis spaced on inward leakage of circulating water into the condenser Steam space. Double tube shovts have been supplied for same large fentrabsation condensers for nuclear unis. They are standard inthe ‘Navy's ucleaspowered ships and submarines to mininze this source ‘contamination, Condensers for some large turbine units having 1Wo oF tice lo pressure ends ae designed for mupeenare sppeatin. Ustly these til bea gsi, nthe form of thr hent-ateingroverent ora eduction ‘capt invcsinent, i a mulipessure condenser A rather complex alysis must be made foreach application before decision can be tad ‘The cent version of Standards fr Steam Surface Condensers is published by the Heat Exchange Institut in Cleveland, OH. These ate $ailbl othe public and provide guidance ia saving mos statu {nd sizing problems elated o surface condenser Performance Calculations and Siing $= condenser tbe surface ata, €.= clesnlines fictor (C,= heatransfer-ate constant C= material nd gage factor C= temperature comoetion facto f= speci eat, Buub,*F = ceulating-vater quantity, glia * ‘ L = entapy Bab = heat ejected by steam, Bulb = Keng oF water wave, [NPSH = nt postive suction bead, f ‘OD = tub outside dame, eat tansfeted, Bul = temperature ris (0 — 1),°F DH = total dynamic head, 1 tube thickness, in ‘TTD = texminal temperature difrence = 1, = inletowater temperature, *F 1, outeowster temperature, *F 1 sarfation empatre in condenser, 0° = overall easter ate, Buu (2°) = water velocity, iS IW, = seam tobe condensed bh At, = logaritmie moun temperature diffrence, °F In ssng a condenser, the tam low and heat ected to the condenser fe obtined from the turbine eat balance. Table 951 gives represen tte steam Hows eat ejected to the condense i approximately 980 Bau/b of steam for noses turbines and 97 Bub for reheat 1s 1280 bing a8 Seo Lisoinins 000 au Tsoi in oar, on oo ST eet pao a 19 it ty va aay Fanaa es So chines Figue 9.5.3 shows approximate average wat emperatres for the United Stas: focal water temperature shouldbe used, when known The number of pases is usually itted by the plant aangemest, With toll Jeng of water travel and tube dimeter dictated hy economic oasdeations Nocmaly small-diameter bes, single-pass condeasers tue used where water is plentiful and largerameter tubes, worpast denser when waters scatc. The vacuum, or Back presse, it ‘kserminod by economic evaluation, but Table 95.2 gives normal fc- ‘ommended vals for average water temperatures. Table 9. is apes ‘Suctempoature conversion abl culating. Water Temperatures A cleans factr i aplod tothe hoat-ransfe at of ne clean tubes tallow for gradual dcrease by fouling. A standarizod cicnl- tes factor of &S percent is frequently use, but this can fen be mi leading and even eeoneous. The foullg is ttibuablet (1) sedimen- tation, (2) scaling, (3) stamside depots, (4) comosio, and (3) ‘ological growth. The Touling is eoteey determined by ws: in some cases the cleanliness factor may be 90 percent, whereas in othe cases i tay never tse above 7S perce ‘Velctiessxtaly used ae: Tor elan water, 7.05 for very clean water with cooling twas, 80 MS and for seawater, with eaained Sd, as Tow as 601s to minimize eosin. Prevalet velocities ate 65 18 with aluminas tubes, 7.05 with admiralty metal, nd Fig. 95.3. Aves inet tempentue of ceca wat, *F Ud Stes Teble 95:5 Pressure-Tomperature Comersion Table for Water* 4+ fs with stains sta or itaiom. Waterdemperstre ris about | The hase digtam is shown in Fig. 9.5.4, and the applicable equae TOPF for single-pass condensers and 15°F for tworpas condenses ‘with uininaum S* terminal temperature difference (TTD), MW The race area, equa tthe te Ih divided by 10 for single-pass condensers ad by 7S fortworpascondeasts. Cleat fngonater que gal mi, cg to the area, fora two-pass con denser abd tice the area Tar a single-pass condenser. Condenser ‘repeton ate piven in Table 9.54, Empty weight of an installed on ‘nme in St 6 Ibi of sure, Typical Small Condenser Proportions nis normally tedious process to caleulate the sie and performance of ‘condenser directly by use ofthe logarithmie mean temperature differ fence. But using the following formula, the sizing can readily be deter ‘mined by iteration, and performance canbe found det a +8 SOT ST T Note thatthe specific eat © normally neglected in condenser work it being considered insignia 4, ost) O= usar, 2) = S60Ge (1.1) 933) R= W,18000) sa) u,= eTee,c. 053) ‘Sd 0 aan snd abrbl y sein ews > Cenathot ware ravel tT Fig 95.4 Tempore vs water tte sce nde ‘ia ne, noir tls and cleans lator win he loc ei 3 Kms uae of 00 hs nthe pic seam lig er sch snitand sate veloiy off, Forte eo suc and wat sly Seen wl eying OS Table 258 Venting Equipment Capacities “Temperature Covrecuon Performance carves (Fig. 9.5.8 ar dean fora condenser show the ack presse for various condenser steam loads and iat water em patues maintaining a minimum TTD of The ztorlod back pres- Sure and the cto pressure ae shown in Fig. 9.56, where the eutt? 7 Ercan wae ‘team condensed, 11a Fig. 855. Repeetiveperfmance sure far #15700: oe pase Fig. 956 Cutt and za a aces Cave 4 ta (ecept where te cite per inte SF TTD) cave Bo limitation is set by the airzemoval equipment. A combined urine condenser performance curve i sometimes dawn in Which heat {ted Ws. hack pressure fora given turbine loads superimposed on ‘condenses performance Fig 95.7. Friction on fr ater ong 18 BWG bos, ew ea. (est ‘irclatng ater pumps ac usually half apacty, wi 304 percent dtlenal allowance on eich punp for miscellaneous beat exchanges ‘The total dyaumic head (TDH) is he sum ofthe condenser and water ‘bo tin (Figs. 95.7 w 9.8.11), the pipe ls, and any umecovered stsic head. Normal heade are about 20 Ry for coling-towe inal ‘ons, 60 f (Soe aso See. 14 and Fig. 95.12) “Condensate parmps ae ually fil cpacty, determined by condenser ‘ow plus any eater duns dumped into the condenser and S percent fig 95:8 in Ine water Soviets, hey Fig 959. Tenpenturecoecon fer chon ler take ose Fi. 9.67 info (on Encamp nie) tonal margin. Vertical pittype designs are commonly used bs- fause af low et psiive-ictionhead (NPSH) requirements with ‘ate atthe Boiling point. TDH ranges froma norma value of 100 on ‘al plants to 80 fon larger plants. (See See.) Fig 95.10. terior nd been lnc sngl as condense (i Fig. 95.11 Watertox and tbe end Ines, wo pus condnns (Hea Bo : SK be SS iA Fig. 95:12 conin cnfipratingselestion for » given het lon, I= {Fa85 thigh 275 nf TOG gagged ta ‘The si-cooted condense is used whete adaguate waters not available Insuicent quantities o permite use of conventional cooling wees ‘The water lat by evaportion and cooling tower blow-down is approx ‘macy equ to the stam condensed from the bine exhaus Man alsooled condenser, the steam fs condense inside tubes while cooling air lows over fins on tho exoralsurfses. These tubes are surangd inthe area where packing of ill would be aranged in a con- ‘etonal cooling tower, and propeller fans sce See 14) supply ae eros the be sts, ‘Aluminum i gently the material of choice fr tubing because of is excelent heat uansfr properties and availability. lems to be con Sidord in design ae the Overall eataransfr coefficient stamside pressure op, uniformity of steam distibtion, noacondeasibe 2as oacontation fai emoval, and, of cous, provision for fee por tection. Turbine design back posure are narmaly ia the range of in Higa when serve by air-cooled condenses ‘hon (1) low investments desied and (2) condensate cover is mote faetr, doc contact condensers ae efloctive. They are eave sa ple to Build and operat, are Limited wo sies less than 280,000 Ib of Seam per hand are built in tie types (1) barometc, (2) low-level, aad 3) je Fiawe 95.13 shows a selfsupported counerow barametre cam: emer wi ape, ho well, an it ejector Steam and cooling water ow in opposite dictions, with the eldest watt for final condenss- tion and cooing of moncondenssles. The sir pup inst handle tht part ofthe air disengage frm the cooling wae well asi eakage ‘The head equited to pump wate pipe ton pls state head, minus 275 percent approx ofthe design vacuum. The haometc condense = ‘sully placed outdoors, and the water lg must be more than $4 hh The toseel condor substiues& pun forthe war lg ofthe tomatic condenser to remove the gud rom he yacuum space. The jet eandemerulize the aspating effet fat for the eneanment of hhoncondenables and th consequent climination of separate air punp. in the usual diec-cotact condense, where sea ad aw etcula- ing water are mixed, the eecovery of pure condensate is precluded: rater fodator maeup is acessr ahd poorer vacuums ae aained than with sure condenses Direct conac-condener installation te not found in lage plants, but thors some recent intestine use ‘with dy coating oes.

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