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40 Dukan Diet Friendly Recipes

The Ultimate Beginners Guide to the Dukan Diet By Jenny Allan ~~~ Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 y Jenny Allan All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the cop right reserved a!ove" no part o# this pu!lication ma !e reproduced" stored in or introduced into a retrieval s stem" or transmitted" in an #orm" or ! an means $electronic" mechanical" photocop ing" recording" or otherwise% without the prior written permission o# the cop right owner and pu!lisher o# this !ook. !"ash#ords $dition% &icense 'otes This e!ook is licensed #or our personal en&o ment onl . This e!ook ma not !e re'sold or given awa to other people. (# ou would like to share this !ook with another person" please purchase an additional cop #or each recipient. (# ou)re reading this !ook and did not purchase it" or it was not purchased #or our use onl " then please return to and purchase our own cop . Thank ou #or respecting the hard work o# this author.

(ait) Be*ore +ou Continue, Are +ou -n A Diet or Just (ant .o &ose A Fe# /ounds0
(# our answered *ES ou are not alone. Almost ever one wants to lose +," -, or ., pounds. Un#ortunatel most o# us have no idea how to do it. *es dieting can work" !ut starving oursel# &ust leads to #rustration and #ailure. (# ou/ve !een searching #or weight loss tips that reall work ' ou/ve #ound the right place. 0ight now ou can get #ull FR$$ access to 1 ($234. &-!! R$/-R.! packed #ull o# weight loss secrets" m ths and hacks so ou can easil and 1uickl create the !od o# our dreams. 2lick here #or instant access.

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+3 weight loss m ths that will !low our mind. 4. smart" super'e##ective wa s to !urn o# calories. 5ow to lose +4 pounds in +4 da s and keep it o## #or good6 +3 secrets" tricks and cheats that trigger #ast #at loss almost instantl . The ultimate guide to losing #at #ast without losing our mind.

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7o part o# this report ma !e reproduced or transmitted in an #orm whatsoever" electronic" or mechanical" including photocop ing" recording" or ! an in#ormational storage or retrieval s stem without e8press writer" dated and signed permission #rom the author. D2!C&A26$R A'D7-R &$3A& '-.2C$!8 The in#ormation presented herein represents the view o# the authors as o# the date o# pu!lication. Because o# the rate with which conditions change" the authors reserve the right to alter and update their opinion !ased on the new conditions. The report is #or in#ormational purposes onl . While ever attempt has !een made to veri# the in#ormation provided in this report" neither the authors nor their a##iliates9partners assume an responsi!ilit #or errors" inaccuracies or omissions. /R-F$!!2-'A& 6$D2CA& A!!2!.A'C$ *ou must not rel on the in#ormation on this we!site as an alternative to medical advice #rom our doctor or other pro#essional healthcare provider. (# ou have an speci#ic 1uestions a!out an medical matter ou should consult our doctor or other pro#essional healthcare provider. (# ou think ou ma !e su##ering #rom an medical condition ou should seek immediate medical attention. *ou should never dela seeking medical advice" disregard medical advice" or discontinue medical treatment !ecause o# in#ormation in this !ook.

.a le o* Contents
(7T0:DU2T(:7 5:W (T W:0;S 4 <5ASES <hase =+ > The Attack <hase <hase =- > The 2ruise <hase <hase =3 > The 2onsolidation <hase <hase =4 > The Sta!ili?ation <hase @::D A(ST <E0S:7AA(BED SU<<:0T 4, DU;A7 D(ET @0(E7DA* 0E2(<ES ATTA2; <5ASE 0E2(<ES +. Garlic <rime 0i! -. <eppered 5ali!ut Steaks 3. *ogurt Carinated 2hicken ;e!a!s with Aleppo <epper 4. Ba! Back 0i!s .. Dukan :at Bran Galette D. 2heese :melet E. Fuick Garlic Shrimp G. Aemon 2hicken 2utlets H. 5er! :melet +,. (ced Tea 20U(SE <5ASE 0E2(<ES +. 2ream o# Cushroom Sauce -. :ven Denver :melet 3. Bacon and Egg Scram!le 4. 2hicken Aiver with 2arameli?ed :nion and Cadeira

.. Aemon <epper @ish Greek St le D. 0ed Wine Bee# Stew E. Smoked Salmon and Aeek Scram!le G. 5ot 2ocoa H. 2alamari Salad +,. Sour and Spic Cushroom Soup 2:7S:A(DAT(:7 <5ASE 0E2(<ES +. 5eavenl Guacamole -. Spiced 2a&un <ork 2hops 3. Garlic 2hicken 4. Eas <eas 0i! 0oast $Iersion -% .. Bacon Asparagus Soldiers D. 2hicken 2acciatore E. : sters ;ilpatrick G. <ear and 2hicken Salad with Tarragon Dressing H. Tomato Brochette +,. Tuscan <asta STAB(A(BAT(:7 <5ASE 0E2(<ES +. Whole Wheat <umpkin Bread -. 2hinese 2hicken Stir @r 3. 2rust To#u with Iegeta!les 4. Eas 2edar <lanked Salmon .. Tast 2hicken Thai Tom *um Soup D. Bacon Brussels Sprouts E. White Wine Cushroom G. Bresaola and Tomato Salad H. Shrimp 2ocktail +,. Tast Thai Basil 2hicken

W5E0E T: @0:C 5E0EJ B:7US B::; G(IEAWA*K

(# ou)re looking to lose weight without having the dreaded task o# counting calories or worr ing a!out portions" the Dukan Diet is #or ou6 This innovative program o##ers the latest and greatest in weight loss technolog designed to help ou not onl lose weight" !ut keep it o## #or good. There are two wa s to lose weightK diet and li#est le changes. When ou LdietM" ou #ocus on making temporar changes in an attempt to drop e8cess weight. The resultJ Temporar reduction o# our weight" most likel #ollowed ! the return o# ever kg ou lostNand then some. Although the Dukan Diet is called a LdietM" it)s reall a li#est le change. (t)s an eating method that ou #ollow not onl to lose the weight" !ut to keep it o## as well. The Dukan Diet was created ! a @rench doctor" <ierre Dukan" over thirt ears ago. 5owever" it &ust recentl !ecame popular in !oth the U.S. and the U.;. 7ow" over a million people have taken part in this weight loss program and have shown some prett ama?ing results. The Dukan Diet 2ook!ook even made the 7ew *ork Times Bestseller list6 What is it and how does it workJ Aet)s give ou a 1uick run'down o# the program and then" a#ter" ou)ll #ind some taste pleasing recipes that will have ou sa ing" LThis is a dietJ ( love these #oods6M

4o# it (orks
(n his medical practice" Dr. Dukan had some patients who were attempting to lose weight. As he worked to help them achieve that goal" he !egan to challenge normal weight loss techni1ues. 5e saw that eating minimal calories and small portions wasn)t working. 5e wanted to help his patients not onl lose the weight that was hurting them ph sicall and mentall " !ut also keep it o## in the long run. Thus" the Dukan Diet was !orn. The diet works on the premise that" in order to !e health and not carr too much !od #at" ou need to return to eating the wa our ancestors did. To do this" ou have to cut out the processed" chemicall enhanced #oods o# toda and trade them in #or natural" unaltered and unprocessed #oods that will give our !od the health and nutrition it needs. @ollow this wa o# eating and ou)ll not onl lose weight" !ut ou)ll keep it o## as well. The Dukan Diet also comes with the phrase" LAs much as ou like.M That means that there is no calculating portion si?es and ou don)t have to 1uit eating i# ou)re still hungr . *ou can eat as much o# the #oods on the approved list as ou like. Oust stop when ou)re #ull.

4 /hases
The Dukan Diet is set up in #our stages. When ou #ollow the progression" ou)ll continuousl lose weight without the #eeling deprived and hungr !ecause the #oods are high in protein which means the #ill ou up. The #our phases areK

Phase #1 The Attack Phase

This phase is &ust as aggressive as it sounds. *ou make a short" swi#t attack against the #at in our !od ! #ollowing a diet that consists o# E- #oods that are protein rich. This phase lasts -'E da s and can melt o## -'3 kilograms $4'D.. pounds%. (t revs up our meta!olism and puts ou in optimal #at !urning mode.

Phase #2 The Cruise Phase

This is essentiall our main weight loss phase. *ou)ll continue to see the scale go down" &ust not to the e8tent that ou did in the attack phase. (deall " ou want to lose a ma&orit o# our weight ! aiming #or a loss o# one kilogram $-.- pounds% per week. During this period" ou)ll alternate our menu. Some da s ou)ll eat <ure <roteins $<<% and other da s ou)ll include some o# the -G permitted vegeta!les with the proteins $<I%.

Phase #3 The Consolidation Phase

The intention o# this phase is to get ou read to switch our diet to one that is more !alanced and eas to sustain long term. 2ertain #oods are added !ack into our diet $such as #ruits and !reads%. This phase is a little more rela8ed than the previous two phases !ut it still has enough structure to allow ou continued weight loss as ou approach our target weight. *ou)ll remain in this phase ten da s #or ever kg $-.- pounds% ou)ve lost so #ar.

Phase # The !ta"ili#ation Phase

This is the #inal stage o# the Dukan Diet and" in it" ou can eat what ou like. 5owever" ou do have to #ollow three essential guidelines to help ou keep o## the weight ou)ve lost. The areK +. :nce a week" have a protein da -. Eat oat !ran dail 3. 2ommit to Ltake the stairsM

Food &ist
There are +,, #oods on the Dukan Diet)s allowa!le #ood list. Appro8imatel E- o# them are animal !ased $which ou can eat in an phase% and the remaining -G are plant !ased $added in at the cruise phase and !e ond%. 0emem!er" ou can eat as much as ou want o# these #oods. Oust stop when our tumm is satis#ied. (n addition to these +,, core #oods" the Dukan Diet has recentl added ;on&ac $which aids in digestive s stem #unction% and olive oil $onl to !e taken #rom the cruise phase #orward% to the list o# approved things ou can eat. So" what are the #oodsJ *ou can check them out on the o##icial Dukan Diet we!site. As ou can see" ou have man options to tease our taste !uds and satis# our hunger. (n &ust a moment" ou)ll learn some great recipes that include &ust these #oods #or each phase o# the diet. But #irst" there)s one more thing ou should know a!out how this diet is so #ocused on helping ou succeed in meeting our weight loss goals.

/ersonali9ed !upport
:ne o# the most striking #eatures o# the Dukan Diet" is that ou can get personali?ed support. The accomplish this in a num!er o# wa s. @irst" ou can start ! taking an eleven 1uestion 1ui? to determine what weight ou should ideall !e reaching #or. This helps ou assess i# ou)ve !een tr ing to reach a weight that is too low #or our !od . Second" as each phase is dependent on our own speci#ic start weight and goal weight" the )ll calculate how long ou should !e in each phase. This takes the guess work out o# the e1uation and gives ou a time #rame #or when ou should e8pect to transition #rom one stage to the ne8t. Third" ou have access to online #orums so ou can interact with others on the program. *ou can share our thoughts" #eelings and what works !est #or ou. This is a great place to go to get and give motivation to #ellow Dukan Diet participants. There)s no point in doing this alone when ou have the a!ilit to create a huge support network6 @ourth" i# ou &oin their coaching program" the )ll create a program &ust #or ou. Each morning" ou)ll get a menu and e8ercise guide to use #or that da . And" as a !onus" ou)ll get tips and tricks and motivational support as well. At the conclusion o# our da " ou send them our #eed!ack. Tell them how ou did with the #ood and e8ercise the recommended. That wa " i# ou have an issues" the will take them into consideration when the plan the ne8t da #or ou. Also" as part o# the coaching program" ou have a special we!site where ou can share our triumphs" tips and tricks and more. *ou can see what others have posted and learn wa s to make the program e8tremel success#ul #or ou. @inall " ou can get motivated #rom Dr. Dukan himsel# ! &oining his chat sessions. These weekl meetings will allow ou to get answers to our 1uestions and learn directl #rom Dr. Dukan and others like ou who are on the program. @or more in#ormation on an o# these !ene#its" simpl go to either the U.S. we!site or the U.;. we!site and check it out #or oursel#.

40 Dukan Diet Friendly Recipes

7ow that ou)re e8cited and read to go" let)s look at some wa s ou can take the #oods ou should !e eating and turn them into satis# ing" tast meals. Each recipe !elow has a link that will take ou to the e8act place on the we!site where the recipe was #ound. Also" i# there are an tips that will help make our dish a success" the are provided as well. :# course" ou)re not stuck to &ust these recipesP ou can use our own. Oust make sure that all the ingredients are approved #or the Dukan Diet. 5ave some #un and see how ou can modi# our classics and turn them into #at !urning meals. 0ead J GoodNlet)s !egin6

Attack /hase Recipes

1. $arlic Prime %i"
:ne o# the great things a!out the Dukan diet is that ou can eat as much as ou want o# certain #oods" especiall meat. 5ere is one simple et umm recipe that makes the attack phase the success that it is. While this recipe might take + Q hours to cook" it onl takes a!out +, minutes to prepP making it one o# the tastiest dishes with the least amount o# e##ort. Another !onus with this great dish is that our entire #amil will love it. 2ngredients8 +, l!s Bee# <rime ri! roast +, cloves Garlic - t!sp :live oil - tsp Th me - tsp Salt - tsp <epper Directions8 6arinade instructions8 +. <eal +, cloves o# garlic. $*ou can use our kni#e to do this.% Alternativel " ( have #ound that simpl smashing a clove o# garlic with the !ack o# a heav spoon" not onl helps crush the garlic" !ut makes it easier to peel the skin as well. -. :nce the garlic peel is removed" #inel dice it using a sharp kni#e. *ou)ll need to ensure that the garlic is as #inel diced as possi!le as it ma otherwise !urn and turn the crust !itter while !aking. 3. 7e8t" take a small !owl and !lend in the garlic with the olive oil" th me" salt and pepper. This makes the marinade #or the prime ri!. 4. The ne8t step is to marinate the ri!s. Take a large roasting pan and place the prime ri! on it with its #at side #acing up. .. 0u! the marinade on to the #att side o# the prime ri! and leave it to rest at room temperature #or a ma8imum o# an hour. The longer the meat is allowed to sit with the marinade" the tastier it will !e. Cooking directions8 +. <reheat the oven to .,, degrees @ahrenheit. -. <lace the roasting pan containing the prime ri! in the oven at .,, degrees @ahrenheit #or a!out -, minutes" a#ter which ou turn down the oven temperature to a!out 3-. degrees @ahrenheit" cooking the meat #or an additional D, or E, minutes.

3. *ou can check whether the meat is cooked or not ! inserting a cooking thermometer into the meat towards the end o# the cooking time. @or a per#ect medium rare prime ri!" the meat should reach an internal temperature o# +3. degrees @ahrenheit. 4. :nce cooked" remove the meat #rom the oven and leave it to rest #or !etween +. to -, minutes to help the meat retain all its &uices. Cooking .ip8 Depending on our oven .,, degrees ma !e too hot and could !urn the meat in the #irst -, minutes. (# ou know ou have a hot oven then turn the oven down to 4D, degrees #or the #irst -, minutes instead.

2. Pe&&ered Hali"ut !teaks

@ish make some o# the !est dishes #or the attack phase o# the Dukan diet !ecause it)s not onl health " !ut also tastes so good that it helps cut !ack on other non'health treat options. Best o# all" it takes onl a #ew minutes to prepare. 2ngredientsK 4 8 D ounce 5ali!ut #illets + t!sp Ground !lack pepper + t!sp Aemon &uice + +9- tsp :live oil 394 tsp Sea salt 2ooking spra Directions8 +. @irst" heat the grill to medium heat. This will ensure that the grill is nice and hot when ou have the #ish read . -. (n a small !owl mi8 together ground !lack pepper" lemon &uice" olive oil and salt. 3. 0u! this marinade evenl over the #ish #illets. 4. Aeave the #ish to stand with the marinade #or a!out +, minutes. .. <repare the grill with cooking spra and cook the #ish on each side #or 4 minutes.

3. 'o(urt )arinated Chicken *e"a"s with Ale&&o Pe&&er

The great thing a!out chicken is that ou can cook it in a million wa s and it will still taste great. 5ere/s one recipe which can trans#orm a normal meal into a Cid Eastern delight. 2ngredients8

- +94 l!s Skinless and !oneless chicken" cut in + +94 inch pieces - t!sp vinegar $0ed Wine% - t!sp Sugar #ree natural ketchup 3 tsp ;osher salt 3 t!sp :live oil + tsp ground !lack pepper + +9- tsp Aleppo pepper D cloves pealed and crushed Garlic - Aemons + cup low #at Greek ogurt 2ooking spra or oil to grease the grill Directions8 +. To prepare the Aleppo pepper" ou)ll need to place it in a large !owl or !lender and !lend it with a ta!lespoon o# lukewarm water and set it aside #or . minutesP until the pepper and the water #rom a thick paste. -. To this paste" !lend in the olive oil" red wine vinegar" ketchup" salt" pepper" ogurt and crushed garlic. Set aside. This #orms the marinade #or the ke!a!s. 3. 2ut the lemons into circular disks and add them into the !owl containing the marinade. 4. 7e8t" !lend in the chicken as well and set aside #or an hour. *ou can marinate the chicken #or up to -4 hours in the re#rigerator. .. :nce the chicken and lemon slices have marinated #or an hour or so" ou can skewer the pieces o# chicken. D. 7e8t" prepare the grill ! sparsel !rushing the grill with a !it o# oil or cooking spra and heat the grill to medium high heat. E. <lace the skewers containing chicken on them. Turning them once in a while to ensure that all the sides o# the chicken are cooked. Generall it takes a!out +, to +- minutes #or the chicken to cook on medium heat. Cooking .ips8 (# ou are using low #at ogurt #or this dish" it ma not !e thick enough #or this dish. 7o pro!lem there" all ou need to do is pour the ogurt into a strainer lined with a thin cheese cloth overnight. This will help ou get thick ogurt that ou can use #or this dish. Also" i# ou are not a!le to #ind Aleppo pepper" that/s #ine. *ou can alwa s use a com!ination o# - tsp o# 5ungarian paprika and - tsp o# ground red pepper.

(# ou like our ke!a!s spicier" ou can alwa s sprinkle an e8tra !it o# paprika" salt and pepper on the chicken right !e#ore ou place the chicken on the grill.

. +a", +ack %i"s

2ngredients8 - l!s <ork !a! !ack ri!s +G :? !ottle o# vinegar !ased !ar!ecue sauce 2ooking spra 7on'stick #oil large enough to line a !aking dish. Directions8 +. Ai!erall !rush the ri!s with !ar!ecue sauce and allow them to marinate in the &uices o# the !ar!ecue sauce #or a minimum o# G hours. @or &uic ri!s" ou could even leave the meat to marinate overnight in a re#rigerator. -. Aine a large !aking dish with non'stick #oil" over which ou can place the ri!s. (# ou are not a!le to get non'stick #oil" ou could simpl use normal #oil lined with cooking spra . 3. Also" ou will need to cover the top o# the ri!s with #oil" in order to retain the &uices. 4. Bake the ri!s #or a!out - Q hours at 3,, Degrees @ahrenheit. .ips8 Some #ind that shortening the !aking time ! #i#teen minutes" trans#erring the ri!s meat side up on to a cookie sheet lined with nonstick #oil and appl ing another coat o# !ar!ecue sauce and #urther !roiling #or another +. minutes makes #or &uicier ri!s.. (# on the other hand" ou want to grill our meat at the end" !ake onl #or a!out - hours and then trans#er to a grill. (# the !aking time e8ceeds - hours" the meat will !ecome too so#t to !e grilled.

-. .ukan /at +ran $alette

:ne o# the essentials o# the Dukan Diet is to ensure that ou eat our dail ration o# oat !ran. This recipe takes all o# ten minutes to make and helps ou do &ust that. And" ou don/t have to !e on the Dukan Diet to en&o this health !reak#ast. 2ngredients8 +.. to - tsp :at !ran + Egg white + +9- t!sp Fuark or low #at #romage #rais

+ tsp :live oil Directions8 +. (n one !owl" !lend together the oat !ran" 1uark or #at'#ree #romage #rais. *ou can do this ! using a whisk until smooth or ! using a hand !lender. -. (n another !owl" whisk the egg white until #lu## . 3. Gentl #old the egg white into the !owl containing the other ingredients. Do not whisk the !atter at this stage as it will reduce the air created ! whisking the egg. This in turn will reduce the #lu##iness o# the pancake. 4. Turn the stove on to medium heat and warm a #r ing pan. .. Use a little !it o# oil to coat the pan. D. Aadle in a spoon#ul o# the !atter onto the pan and cook it #or -'3 minutes on each side on medium heat. E. 2ook until golden !rown and serve hot. :ariation8 (# ou love a more savor !reak#ast" ou can alwa s add some th me or an other her! as well as spices like paprika and pepper to #urther spice up the dish.

0. Cheese /melet
Eggs are a li#e saver in ever sense. A#ter a hard da at work" nothing comes to the stomach/s aid like eggs. Fuickl whisk and pour and ou have oursel# a heart meal. This classic omelet recipe is a winner whether ou make it #or one" or #or an entire #amil . 2ngredients8 + whole egg Egg whites o# 3 eggs 4 t!sp Shredded low #at cottage cheese - t!sp :live oil A pinch o# salt A pinch o# pepper Directions8 +. Using a !lender" simpl whisk the whole egg" egg whites" salt and pepper. -. 5eat a skillet on high heat and pour in two ta!lespoons o# olive oil until it uni#orml coats the !ottom o# the skillet.

3. 5eat the oil until ou see !u!!les appear. Don)t wait too long as it will make the egg !urn once poured on to the skillet. 4. :nce !u!!les appear" lower the heat and 1uickl pour in the whisked egg" gentl shaking the pan so that the omelet coats the !ase o# the skillet evenl . .. To #lip the egg" wait until the edges o# the egg is cooked. :ne o# the !est wa s to do this is to use a #lat spoon and gentl push it under the edges o# the egg to make sure that it does not stick. This indicates that the egg is cooked and can !e easil #lipped. D. @lip the egg over and cook #or an additional 3, seconds. E. While the omelet is still on the stove" sprinkle the cottage all over it. G. @old it in hal# and serve. Cooking .ip8 :nce ou #lip the egg" do not use the spoon to #latten out the egg as it will lose its #lu##iness.

1. 2uick $arlic !hrim&

2ngredients8 - l!s Aarge shrimp peeled and deveined D cloves o# #inel diced garlic +9- cup :live oil + pinch 0ed pepper #lakes + tsp <aprika 3 t!sp Aemon &uice + !unch @reshl chopped parsle Salt to taste Directions8 +. *ou will need a large #r ing pan #or this dish. A wok is pre#era!le. -. Toss the shrimp with garlic" paprika" red pepper #lakes and salt. Set aside #or .'+, minutes #or the #lavors to penetrate the shrimp. 3. 5eat the olive oil in the #r ing pan over a medium heat. *ou can initiall turn the temperature up until small !u!!les start to #orm" reducing the heat to medium once the prawns are added. 4. Add the shrimp to the hot oil" reducing the temperature to medium while the cook. .. 2ook the shrimp #or a!out . minutes or until the turn pink.

D. Drip over the lemon &uice and sprinkle some parsle . The shrimp is read to serve. Cooking .ips8 (# ou cannot get our shrimp peeled and deveined" ou can do this oursel# at home. Below are the directions to clean shrimp @irst remove the shell over the head o# the shrimp. This can !e done in one swi#t motion. Cake sure that ou do not remove too much o# the #lesh portion under it as well. The ne8t step is to turn the shrimp over" !ell side up. Using our #ingers" gentl open out the shell #rom the !ell outward. The shrimp will usuall #all out 1uite easil . 7e8t" turn the shrimp with its !ell side down and use a sharp kni#e to make an incision on the !ack o# the shrimp. *ou will #ind a !lack vein running through the !ack o# the shrimp" simpl pull this out and our shrimp is cleaned and read to cook. :vercooking shrimp is a ver common pro!lem when cooking shrimp. As long as ou stick to the #ive minute cooking time" ou should !e sa#e. Aook #or the shrimp to turn pink. This indicates that the are done. @inall i# ou are not a huge #an o# shrimp then chicken makes a great su!stitute.

3. 4emon Chicken Cutlets

Don/t !e a#raid !ecause this chicken recipe calls #or a num!er o# ingredients. Cost o# the ingredients are common ones and all ou need to do is mi8 them all up and #r out the cutlets" making it a great Dukan attack phase recipe. 2ngredients For .he &e"on !auce8 Aemon &uice #rom - lemons +94 cup :live oil +94 tsp Black pepper +94 tsp @inel diced garlic +9- tsp Dried oregano + t!sp @reshl chopped parsle Directions to "ake the sauce8 Simpl !lend all the ingredients together in a large !owl and set aside. *ou can use a #ork to !lend this mi8ture ! hand. 2ngredients *or the chicken cutlets8 4 2hicken !reast" cut in +94 inch thin pieces + cup :at !ran

+94 cup grated low #at cottage cheese + Egg +9- tsp Garlic powder +9- tsp Dried oregano +9- tsp <arsle chopped +9- tsp Basil +94 tsp Salt +94 tsp <epper +94 tsp 2a enne pepper +9- cup :at !ran #lour 4 t!sp :live oil +9- cup Water Directions8 +. (n a #lat dish mi8 the oat !ran and grated cheese. This will make the #inal coating #or the cutlets. -. (n another !owl" whisk the egg and water. This mi8ture will !e used to help the coating stick to the chicken cutlets. 3. (n a plastic ?ip lock pouch" !lend the garlic" oregano" !asil" salt" pepper" ca enne pepper and oat !ran #lour. 4. Add the chicken pieces and shake well" until the spices coat the chicken. .. Dip the spiced up chicken" piece ! piece" into the egg and water mi8ture and toss it in the #inal coating o# oat !ran and grated cheese. D. Turn the !urner to medium #lame and heat a skillet. E. <our a #ew ta!lespoons o# olive oil and cook the cutlets until golden !rown on each side. G. Serve with the lemon sauce.

5. Her" /melet
There is something a!out eggs that are so com#orting and this great omelet recipe is not onl simple" !ut a #a!ulous meal option #or all Dukan Diet !eginners. 2ngredients8 + Egg

+ Egg white + t!sp Skim milk +94 cup 2hopped her!s > ou can use an her! that ou like Salt to taste <epper to taste + t!sp :live oil Directions8 +. (n a medium si?ed !owl" simpl whisk the egg" egg white" milk" salt pepper and her!s together. *ou can either do this ! hand or use a !lender. -. :nce whisked" heat a #r ing pan to medium heat with a ta!lespoon o# olive oil. Spread out the olive oil to line the !ase o# the pan. 3. :nce the oil starts to #orm small !u!!les" pour out the egg mi8ture and gentl shake the pan so that the egg mi8ture spreads uni#orml over the pan. 4. Wait until the corners o# the egg are cooked to #lip the egg over" cooking #or another 3, seconds or so" until the egg #lu##s up. .. Trans#er the omelet to a plate and it is read to eat.

16. Iced Tea

:ne o# the important aspects o# the Dukan Diet is drinking a lot o# water. This iced tea recipe is a must have #or the attack phase o# the diet. 2ngredients8 +94 tsp Tea leaves + cup 2old water - tsp 7on #ructose !ased arti#icial sweeteners - to 3 (ce cu!es :ne lemon wedge Directions8 +. (n a stainless steel !owl" !oil one cup o# cold water. -. :nce it !oils" turn o# the !urner and add the tea leaves. 3. 2lose the !owl with a lid and let the tea release its aroma and #lavor #or a!out . minutes.

4. Use a strainer to pour the tea into a cup and to prevent the tea leaves #rom #alling into the cup. .. Ci8 in the sugar su!stitute. D. Add the ice cu!es" s1uee?e in a !it o# the lemon and en&o a nice cup o# iced tea. :ariationsK *ou could use one tea !ag instead #or a cup o# iced tea. Also" ou could use a sprig o# mint to garnish the drink" #or a su!tl mint #lavored iced tea.

Cruise /hase Recipes

1. Cream of )ushroom !auce
2ngredients8 - 2ups o# sliced mushrooms - t!sp low #at cream cheese +,, ml low #at cream + t!sp olive oil Salt to taste <epper to taste DirectionsK +. 5eat a saucepan to medium heat and add the olive oil. -. :nce !u!!les #orm in the oil" add the mushrooms and sautR #or .'D minutes. 3. 2ontinue to sautR until the mushrooms lose their moisture and are dr . 4. Add the cream cheese and stir #or another - minutes or so. .. 7e8t" add the cream and season with salt and pepper. D. 0emove #rom the stove and it)s read to eat. Cooking .ipK This sauce is great on its own" or as a dipping sauce #or grilled chicken or !ee#.

2. /7en .en7er /melet

2ngredientsK + cup shredded low #at cheese +9- cup" #inel sliced onion +9- cup low #at or skimmed milk + cup" chopped and cooked ham +94 cup" diced green pepper +94 tsp parsle

G Eggs DirectionsK +. Turn our oven on to 4,, degrees @ -. Whisk the eggs and milk together until the are smooth and air . 3. Add in the ham" green pepper" parsle " onion and cheese. 4. Grease a !aking dish with a !it o# olive oil and pour the egg mi8ture into it .. Bake #or -. minutes #or a wonder#ul meal #or the entire #amil .

3. +acon and 8(( !cram"le

2ngredientsK - slices #at reduced !acon - whole eggs + tsp water +9+D tsp onion powder Salt to taste <epper to taste + tsp :live oil DirectionsK +. 2risp the !acon in a pan over high heat. 2ool it and chop it up into small pieces. -. (n a !owl" whisk together the eggs" water" onion powder" salt and pepper" until light and #lu## . 3. (n the same pan used to cook the !acon" pour in the tsp o# olive oil. 4. 5eat the oil on medium #lame until it #orms small !u!!les. .. <our in the egg mi8ture and stir" until the eggs are done. D. Oust !e#ore ou take the eggs o## the stove" add the !acon and stir until the !acon and eggs are nicel integrated. Cooking .ipsK *ou can cook the !acon in the microwave as well. Also" ou can add a !it o# chopped parsle or an other seasoning to the eggs to make this recipe our own.

. Chicken 4i7er with Carameli#ed /nion and )adeira

2ngredientsK 3 t!sp :live oil + +94 l! chicken liver" cut in hal# and patted dr 3 thinl sliced onions 394 tsp salt +94 tsp pepper +9- tsp li1uid sweeteners +9- cup Cadeira wine - t!sp chopped parsle + hard'!oiled egg DirectionsK +. 5eat a #r ing pan with two ta!lespoons o# olive oil over a medium #lame. -. To this" add onions and sautR until golden !rown. 3. 7e8t" add in +9- tsp salt" +9G tsp pepper and sugar and carameli?e the onions ! continuousl stirring #or a!out +. minutes. 4. 0emove the onions #rom the stove and plate them. .. 5eat one ta!lespoon o# olive oil in the same pan" over high heat. D. Add the chicken livers and sautR them. E. Season the chicken livers with the remaining salt and pepper. G. 2ook the chicken livers until the )re !rown" a!out - minutes on each side. H. This will !rown the outside" however the liver will still !e pink on the outside. This is what ou want. +,. Turn the stove o## and plate the liver over the carameli?ed onions. ++. 7e8t" heat the #r ing pan again with the Cadeira wine and !ring it to a !oil" stirring continuousl #or a!out a minute and turn o## the #lame. +-. Add this sauce on top o# the livers and carameli?ed onions. +3. Serve with chopped parsle and hard'!oiled egg. :ariation8

This recipe serves #our and i# ou cannot get our hands on Cadeira wine" ou can alwa s use Sherr or <ort wine.

-. 4emon Pe&&er Fish $reek !t,le

This ver simple and eas to cook #ish recipe is one that ou will de#initel add to our recipe collection. 2ngredientsK - @ish #illets" weighing a!out +l! - Garlic cloves crushed +94 cup :live oil + t!sp lemon &uice +9- tsp lemon ?est +9- tsp !lack pepper +9- tsp sea salt + tsp dried oregano leaves DirectionsK +. (n a large !owl" mi8 together the olive oil" crushed garlic" lemon &uice" lemon ?est" !lack pepper" salt and oregano. This #orms the marinade. -. Add the #ish and toss gentl until the marinade completel coats it. 3. 2over the !owl and re#rigerate #or +. to -, minutes" to allow the marinade to soak into the #ish. 4. Broil or grill the #ish ! placing it over a la er o# aluminum #oil. .. Broil or grill #or . to +, minutes on each side and this tast recipe is done. Cooking tip8 :nl turn the #ish once to prevent the #ish #rom !reaking apart.

0. %ed 9ine +eef !tew

2ngredients8 4 l! !oneless chuck roast" diced into small chunks 3 t!sp coriander powder + 394 tsp salt

+9- tsp pepper - t!sp olive oil + cup dr red wine - cans !ee# !roth +94 tsp #resh th me $dou!le i# dried% + !a lea# + turnip" pealed and cu!ed G :? packet o# an mushrooms" halved +D :? !a! carrots + tsp paprika DirectionsK +. <at the moisture on the meat using paper towels. -. 7e8t" toss the meat with 3 t!sp coriander powder" + tsp salt" pepper and paprika. Set aside #or a #ew minutes. 3. (n a large pot" heat a !it o# oil on medium" cooking the meat on !oth sides till !rown. This will take a!out 4'. minutes. 4. :nce the meat has !rowned" add the wine" !ee# !roth" !a lea#" th me and another +9- tsp o# salt. .. Scrape the !ottom o# the pan so it is clean and the #lavors get incorporated into the stew. D. Bring the stew to a !oil. E. :nce !oiled" reduce the #lame" cover and let simmer #or a!out an hour. G. A#ter a!out an hour o# cooking" add in the vegeta!les" carrots" mushrooms and turnip. H. 2over and cook #or another + to + Q hours on low heat until the meat is nice and tender. +,. Using a !it o# stew #rom the pot" dissolve + t!sp coriander powder and another 1uarter teaspoon o# salt. ++. Add this into the stew and simmer #or another -, minutes" until the stew thickens. Serve hot. :ariationsK Traditionall " the meat is coated with #lour to thicken the stew. 5owever" in this recipe" coriander powder is added to thicken it" making it suita!le #or an one on the cruise phase o# the Dukan Diet.

1. !moked !almon and 4eek !cram"le

2ngredientsK + cup #at #ree sour cream - tsp lemon ?est +9- tsp salt +- Eggs 394 cup low #at ogurt + tsp salt - t!sp olive oil - +94 cups sliced leeks + t!sp olive oil +- slices smoked salmon + t!sp chopped chives DirectionsK This simple recipe serves D" is reall 1uick and eas to do. +. (n a small !owl" !lend together the sour cream" lemon ?est and salt. Set aside. This can !e made up to 4 da s in advance and re#rigerated. -. (n another !owl" !lend the eggs" ogurt and salt. This can !e made up to - hours ahead. 3. (n a large #r ing pan" heat - t!sp o# olive oil over a medium high #lame. 4. :nce the oil is heated" sautR the leeks #or +, minutes with the pan covered. .. To the same pan" add the other ta!lespoon o# olive oil and heat on medium high heat. D. <our the egg mi8ture into the pan and scram!le until the eggs are done. E. Serve it with smoked salmon" chives and sour cream.

3. Hot Cocoa
Oust !ecause ou are on a diet doesn)t mean ou can)t treat oursel#. This 5ot 2ocoa recipe will help tame those sugar cravings and make ou #eel a little !it naught . 2ngredientsK + cup skimmed milk - t!sp cocoa powder" unsweetened

+ +9- t!sp sweetener A pinch o# salt +94 tsp vanilla e8tract DirectionsK +. Simpl !lend in a pan" the cocoa powder" salt" vanilla e8tract and two ta!lespoons o# milk over a medium #lame. -. :nce mi8ed well" add in the remaining milk and stir until hot enough #or our liking. 3. Add the sweetener to taste and serve in our #avorite mug. Cooking .ip8 (# ou like it cold" ou can simpl !lend all the ingredients together in a !lender and serve with ice cu!es.

5. Calamari !alad
2ngredientsK + +9- l! cleaned s1uid - t!sp lemon &uice + t!sp red wine vinegar +93 cup olive oil + Garlic clove" crushed +9- tsp salt +94 tsp !lack pepper + red onion" chopped - cups cherr tomatoes - celer ri!s in +94 inch pieces + cup chopped parsle Directions8 +. Wash the s1uid and pat dr using kitchen towels or napkins. -. 2ut the tentacles in hal#. 3. 2ut the !odies" cross wa s into rings that are a!out +93 inch wide.

4. (n a pot containing salted !oiling water" cook the s1uid #or a!out 4, to D, seconds" until it turns opa1ue. .. (mmediatel drain the water and trans#er the container with s1uid into another container with ice to stop the cooking process. D. :nce the s1uid is cool" drain an e8cess water and pat dr . E. (n another !owl" !lend the vinegar" salt" pepper" lime &uice" garlic and onion. Set this aside #or a!out . minutes. G. (n the !owl containing the s1uid" add in the tomatoes" celer and parsle . H. Then pour over the seasoning and set it aside #or at least +. minutes !e#ore serving. +,. This recipe tastes !est when re#rigerated #or a!out G hours. Cooking .ipsK @eel #ree to add more seasoning or other spices i# ou like our salad a !it more on the spic side. Take care not to overcook the s1uid. (t reall does take under a minute to cook.

16. !our and !&ic, )ushroom !ou&

2ngredients8 3 crushed shallots 3 ta!lespoon chopped galangal 3 ta!lespoon lemongrass" diagonall sliced 3 pressed !ird/s e e chilies 3 ta!lespoons lime &uice 3 +94 :? sliced Straw mushrooms 3 +94 :? sliced : ster mushrooms - +94 :? halved cherr tomatoes 4 ta!lespoons Ciso paste + ta!lespoon li1uid sweetener 3 #inel sliced ;a##ir lime leaves - cups vegeta!le stock DirectionsK +. (n a large saucepan" heat the stock" garlic" galangal" ka##ir leaves" lemon and chilies.

-. Allow to !oil and then turn the heat down and let it simmer #or 4 min and then take it o## the heat. 3. Add in the lime &uice" miso paste" li1uid sweetener and serve hot.

Consolidation /hase Recipes

1. Hea7enl, $uacamole
2ngredients8 3 Avocados" peeled" pitted and mashed +9- cup onion" chopped 3 t!sp cilantro or parsle chopped - tomatoes" chopped Ouice #rom one lemon + tsp garlic" #inel chopped A pinch o# ca enne pepper + tsp salt DirectionsK +. This is a ver simple recipe. Simpl mi8 all the ingredients $the avocados" chopped onion" cilantro" tomatoes" lemon &uice" garlic" ca enne pepper and salt% together using a #ork or !lender. -. *ou will need to store this in the re#rigerator #or at least an hour #or all the #lavors to !lend together !e#ore serving. .ips8 The lemon &uice not onl adds to the #lavor o# the guacamole" it prevents it #rom turning !rown as well" so !e sure to add it. *ou can add more spice" her!s" garlic or lemon &uice to make this recipe per#ect #or our pallet.

2. !&iced Ca:un Pork Cho&s

(# ou)re in the mood #or spic and &uic chops" this is one o# the !est recipes around. Best o# all" the hardl take an time at all to cook. !er;es8 -'4 2ngredients8 4 center cut pork chops + +9- tsp :live oil +9- tsp garlic salt

+9- tsp cumin powder +9- tsp !lack pepper powder +9- tsp ca enne pepper powder + tsp paprika +9- tsp dried sage Directions8 +. (n a small !owl" !lend together the garlic salt" cumin" !lack pepper" ca enne pepper" paprika and dried sage. This #orms the marinade. -. 2oat each pork chop with the marinade and set aside #or +, to +. minutes #or it to soak in. 3. 5eat a large pan with olive oil on high. 4. :nce the oil starts #orming small !u!!les" reduce the heat to medium and place the pork chops in it. .. 2ook them #or a!out G'+, minutes" or a!out 4'. minutes on each side. D. 2heck whether the meat is cooked ! inserting a cooking thermometer in it. The internal temperature o# the meat should !e +4. degrees @ or D3 degrees 2 #or a per#ect medium rare pork chop. .ip8 *ou can leave the pork to marinate overnight in the re#rigerator. This makes cooking easier and e##ortless the ne8t da .

3. $arlic Chicken
Garlic chicken is an all'time #avorite and here/s one recipe that can help ou sta on the Dukan Diet #or ears without craving #ood ou can/t have. !er;es8 - ' 4 2ngredientsK 4 chicken !reasts without !one and skin + tsp salt + tsp onion powder - tsp garlic powder 3 t!sp olive oil DirectionsK

+. (n a !owl or ?ip lock !ag" !lend together the salt" onion powder" garlic powder and chicken" until all the spices coat the chicken. -. (n a large skillet" heat the olive oil over a high #lame. 3. :nce the oil starts !u!!ling" lower the #lame and add the chicken pieces. 4. 2ook #or +,'+. minutes on each side until the chicken is nice and tender. .ipsK Traditionall " !utter is used to cook the chicken !reasts" !ut (/ve #ound that using olive oil is not onl a healthier option" !ut a tastier one as well. Serve with some #resh lettuce #or a wholesome meal.

. 8as, Peas, %i" %oast ;<ersion 2=

0i! roast is one o# the most com#orting #oods around. This recipe is e8tremel eas " !ut it works ever time. @ollow these !asic steps and ou)ll #ind oursel# making these ri!s ever time ou have compan to cook #or. 2ngredients8 + standing !ee# ri! roast" a!out . l!s - tsp salt + tsp !lack pepper powder + tsp garlic powder DirectionsK +. Be#ore ou use the !ee# ri! roast #or cooking" allow it to stand at room temperature #or an hour. This will help the meat cook more evenl . -. <reheat the oven to 3E. degrees @ or +H, degrees 2. 3. Take a large oven dish and place the !ee# with its ri!s down. 4. (n a small !owl" !lend the salt" !lack pepper and garlic. This makes the seasoning #or the meat. .. 0u! the seasoning li!erall over the meat" ensuring that the meat is uni#orml coated. D. 2ook the roast in the preheated oven at the same temperature #or + hour. E. 7ow" here/s the important part ' a#ter one hour" turn o## the oven !ut do not open the oven door. G. Aet the meat sta inside the o## oven #or 3 hours.

H. A!out a Q hour !e#ore serving" turn the oven !ack on to the same temperature and heat the meat until it reaches an internal temperature o# +4. degrees @. *ou can check this using a cooking thermometer. +,. :nce the internal temperature is reached" take the meat out and let it rest #or +, minutes. ++. Then" carve the meat and plate it.

-. +acon As&ara(us !oldiers

Asparagus is not something that ever one en&o s" however health it ma !e. But this !acon wrapped treat goes down real well" proving that something health can taste good too. 2ngredientsK + l! asparagus G'+, slices #at reduced !acon DirectionsK +. 2lean the asparagus well and trim the edges. -. 2ut the !acon strips in hal# lengthwise. 3. Wrap each o# the cut !acon strips around the asparagus to #orm a sort o# spiral around the asparagus. 4. Aeave the tip o# the asparagus e8posed. .. <lace the asparagus covered with !acon on to a cookie sheet. D. Bake at 4,, degrees @ #or -, to -. minutes. E. Serve hot. .ipK @eel #ree to sprinkle a !it o# pepper on top o# each asparagus wrapped in !acon #or a spicier treat.

0. Chicken Cacciatore
This mouth'watering recipe serves D and takes under an hour to !oth prep and cook. !er;es8 D 2ngredients8 D !oneless and skinless chicken !reasts + onion" chopped - garlic cloves" #inel chopped

- 8 4,,g $,.Hl!% tins o# cherr tomatoes 4 t!sp #at #ree cottage cheese @ew !asil leaves - t!sp :live oil Salt to taste Black pepper to taste Directions8 +. <reheat the oven to +H, degrees 2 or 3E. degrees @. -. (n a medium si?ed pan" using one ta!lespoon o# olive oil" sautR the chopped onion over medium heat. 3. Add the garlic and #r until the onions are so#t. 4. 7e8t" add the tomatoes and cook until the are so#t. This will take a!out +,'+. minutes on medium #lame. .. Add salt and pepper to our taste. D. :nce the tomatoes are cooked" turn o## the stove and trans#er the contents o# the pan into a !owl. E. Add in the cheese and the !asil leaves. Set aside. G. 5eat - ta!lespoons o# olive oil in the same pan and #r the chicken !reasts until golden !rown on each side. H. Trans#er the chicken to a !aking dish. +,. <our the sauce on top o# the chicken and !ake #or -.'3, minutes at 3E. degrees @ ++. Serve hot" garnished with a #ew !asil leaves.

1. /,sters *il&atrick
(# ou are #eeling a !it special or have #riends coming over impress them with this Dukan diet #riendl dish. This great o ster recipe takes under +. minutes to prepare and serves 4. 2ngredientsK -4 o sters" shucked - cups" sea salt - t!sp Worcestershire sauce +E. grams #at reduced !acon" chopped - t!sp chopped parsle

Aemon wedges DirectionsK +. Be#ore ou do an thing else" ou will need to preheat the grill to medium to high heat. -. (n a large !aking tra " place the sea salt so that it #orms a thick la er. 3. :n top o# the salt" arrange the o sters in their shells. 4. Drip a !it o# the Worcestershire sauce over the o sters. .. <lace a !it o# !acon over each o ster. D. <lace the !aking tra with the sea salt on top o# the grill and grill #or .'G minutes until the !acon gets nice and crisp. E. :nce the o sters are done" sprinkle a !it o# parsle over each o ster and serve with a wedge o# lemon.

3. Pear and Chicken !alad with Tarra(on .ressin(

This health and tast recipe is great #or the consolidation phase as it includes a portion o# #ruit which is recommended at this stage. 2ngredients8 :live oil spra - chicken !reast #illets" a!out .,, grams each + !unch watercress" cleaned and leaves picked + lettuce" cleaned and torn + ripe pear" pealed" pitted and thinl sliced. ., grams onion sprouts +9- cup parsle " chopped - t!sp lemon &uice + t!sp white !alsamic vinegar + t!sp olive oil + t!sp #resh tarragon" chopped - tsp mustard" whole + tsp li1uid sweeter Black pepper to taste

Salt to taste DirectionsK +. Season the chicken !reasts with salt and pepper. -. 5eat a #r ing pan on medium heat" spra ing a !it o# olive oil to line the pan. 3. 7e8t" add in the chicken !reast #illets and cook #or a!out 3'4 minutes on each side" ensuring that the chicken is thoroughl cooked. 4. :nce cooked" let the chicken rest #or . minutes !e#ore slicing thinl across the grain. Set aside. .. (n a small !owl" whisk together lemon &uice" !alsamic vinegar" olive oil" tarragon" mustard" sweetener" salt and pepper to taste. This makes the dressing #or the salad. D. (n a large !owl" toss together the watercress" lettuce" pear" onion sprout" chopped parsle and sliced chicken. E. <our over the dressing" and the chicken and pear salad with tarragon dressing is read to eat.

5. Tomato +rochette
(n the consolidation phase" ou can allow oursel# a #ew slices o# whole grain !read. This tast recipe is super health and can help ou stick to our Dukan Diet 1uite e##ortlessl . This dish serves +- and is an ideal and health dish #or the entire #amil . 2ngredientsK + loa# whole grained !read D tomatoes" #inel chopped +9- cup sun dried tomatoes" chopped 3 cloves garlic" #inel chopped - t!sp olive oil + t!sp !alsamic vinegar +94 cup !asil leaves +94 tsp salt +94 tsp !lack pepper powder + cup #at #ree mo??arella cheese" shredded DirectionsK +. <reheat the oven using the !roiler setting.

-. Slice the !read in thick pieces and place it on a !aking tra . 3. (n a large !owl" !lend together the chopped tomatoes" sun dried tomatoes" chopped garlic" olive oil" !alsamic vinegar" !asil leaves" salt and pepper. Set it aside #or +,'+. minutes until the #lavors !lend together. 4. 7e8t" !roil the !read #or +'- minutes until &ust !rown. .. Spoon out the tomato mi8ture on each slice o# !read. D. Then add a !it o# mo??arella cheese on top o# each slice o# !read. E. Broil #or another +'- minutes" until the cheese &ust melts over.

16. Tuscan Pasta

This #antastic pasta recipe" serves D and is a great meal #or the entire #amil . Add a !it o# cheese and it will go down ver well #or kids who normall #uss a!out their veggies. 2ngredients8 + can o# chopped tomatoes ' -G o? + can tomato sauce" sugar #ree > G o? - tsp garlic powder - tsp (talian seasoning +9- tsp !lack pepper powder +9- tsp salt - t!sp olive oil + l! ?ucchini" sliced G o? mushrooms" sliced + onion" #inel chopped D o? whole grain pasta" cooked and drained DirectionsK +. 5eat a skillet on medium heat and add tomatoes" tomato sauce" garlic powder" (talian seasoning" !lack pepper" salt and !ring it to a !oil. -. :nce the mi8ture !oils" turn the heat to low. 3. 2over the pan and let it simmer #or a!out -, minutes. 4. (n another pan" heat the two ta!lespoons o# olive oil over medium heat.

.. To this pan add the chopped onion and sautR #or a #ew minutes. D. Add the sliced ?ucchini and mushroom and cook until crisp. This will take a!out 4 minutes. E. :nce the ?ucchini and mushrooms are cooked" add in the tomato mi8ture. G. Stir so that the tomato mi8ture coats the vegeta!les. H. Toss in the cooked pasta and serve. :ariationsK *ou could sprinkle a !it o# shredded cheese over this tast meal to make it more #lavorsome. Also" an other vegeta!le that is Dukan sa#e can !e used in this recipe.

!ta ili9ation /hase Recipes

1. 9hole 9heat Pum&kin +read
When on the Dukan Diet #or li#e" it makes sense to make and eat our own !read. 5owever" make sure ou don)t e8ceed - slices a da . 2ngredients + packet active dr + tsp sugar +9- cup low #at evaporated milk" warmed 3 cup whole wheat #lour + tsp salt + +9- cups canned pumpkin + t!sp pumpkin pie spice + egg 2ooking spra Directions8 +. (n a large !owl" !lend together milk" east and sugar. Set this aside #or +, minutes. The east will start to act and the mi8ture will start to #roth. -. :nce the east #oams" add in the egg and pumpkin" whisk well until all the ingredients are !lended well together. This #orms the wet !owl. 3. (n another large !owl" !lend together the #lour and the salt. This #orms the dr !owl. 4. Blend in the wet ingredients into the dr and make dough. .. ;nead the dough until smooth. D. Then" dust a !it o# dr #lour on top o# the counter or cooking !oard and knead the dough #or another - or 3 minutes. E. Be#ore trans#erring the dough !ack to the !owl" line the !owl with a !it o# cooking spra . G. Turn the dough over once. This will ensure that the cooking spra coats the dough evenl . H. Using a damp kitchen towel" cover the dough and set aside in a warm area #or + to + Q hours. +,. During this time" the dough should dou!le in si?e. ++. :nce the dough dou!les in si?e" remove the damp cloth and punch the dough down using our #ist. east

+-. Take the dough out o# the !owl. +3. Cake a rough c lindrical shape out o# the dough" ensuring that the si?e will #it into the loa# tin. +4. With the seam side up" place the dough into the loa# tin" making sure that the dough touches the sides o# the tin. +.. 2over it with a damp kitchen towel and let it stand #or 3, minutes to an hour or until the dough dou!les in si?e. +D. <reheat the oven to 3E. degrees @ or +H, degrees 2. +E. Bake the loa# o# !read #or a!out 4, minutes until golden !rown. +G. 0emove the !aking dish #rom the oven onto cooling racks. +H. :nce cooled" remove the !read and let it completel cool" !e#ore slicing it. .ip8 When the !read is done" it will sound hollow when ou tap the outside crust.

2. Chinese Chicken !tir Fr,

!er;es8 4 2ngredientsK 4 skinless and !oneless 2hicken !reasts + +9- cups hot chicken !roth - 2arrots" chopped into matchsticks - Green peppers" thinl sliced + red !ell pepper" thinl sliced - t!sp olive oil - t!sp so sauce - t!sp corn starch - t!sp hot water - cloves garlic" #inel chopped + t!sp #inel chopped ginger + onion" diced 3 spring onions" sliced

+9- cup mushrooms" #inel sliced + !roccoli" divided into small #lorets +9- cauli#lower" divided into small #lorets +9- l! green !eans - celer stalks" sliced + cup !ok cho or 2hinese ca!!age" sliced. +9- l! asparagus Directions8 +. (n a large !owl" place the !roccoli" cauli#lower" green !eans" asparagus and !ok cho . -. <our !oiling hot water into the !owl containing the vegeta!les and set it aside #or + minute. A#ter two minutes" drain the water and set aside. 3. 2ut chicken into small pieces and set aside. 4. 5eat a wok on medium #lame" add two ta!lespoons o# olive oil and #r the chicken pieces #or a!out 4 minutes" until well cooked and golden !rown. .. 7e8t add carrots" green peppers and red peppers and sautR #or a #ew minutes. D. Then add the !roccoli" cauli#lower" green !eans" asparagus and !ok cho . E. Sprinkle so sauce over it. G. Stir #r the vegeta!les until the are cooked. This will take a!out 4 minutes. H. Ci8 two ta!lespoons o# hot water with cornstarch. Add this to the hot chicken !roth. +,. Add this !roth with corn starch into the wok. ++. 2over the wok and let the vegeta!les cook #or an additional 3 minutes. +-. Serve hot alone or with a !owl o# whole grained rice. .ips8 *ou can use an o# the vegeta!les that are allowed on the Dukan Diet.

3. Crust, Tofu with <e(eta"les

2ngredients *or to*u and "arinade8 + packet to#u" drained and patted dried + t!sp so sauce

+ t!sp miso paste +9- t!sp wine vinegar +9- t!sp olive oil 4 garlic cloves" #inel chopped + inch ginger" #inel chopped -ther ingredients8 - t!sp olive oil + inch ginger" #inel chopped - to 3 spring onions" #inel sliced - cloves garlic" #inel chopped + Oalapeno pepper" sliced - carrots" cut into match sticks + sweet red !ell pepper" sliced + !unch !uk cho or 2hinese ca!!age + t!sp so sauce +9- t!sp miso paste +9- t!sp wine vinegar + t!sp corn starch 3 t!sp water Directions to "arinate to*u8 +. 2ut the to#u into one inch s1uares. -. (n a medium si?ed !owl" mi8 together so sauce" white wine vinegar" miso paste" olive oil" garlic and ginger. This #orms the marinade #or the to#u. 3. <ut the to#u into a !owl" !lend well until the marinade coats the to#u evenl . Set aside and re#rigerate #or an where !etween +. minutes and overnight. Directions to cook the ;egeta les8 +. (n a large sauce pan" heat one ta!lespoon o# olive oil over medium heat. -. :nce the !u!!les #orm in the oil" add the marinated to#u. 3. 2ook the to#u #or a!out G'+, minutes until golden !rown on all sides.

4. 0emove #rom the pan and set aside on paper napkins to drain awa an e8cess oil. .. (n the same sauce pan" heat another ta!lespoon o# olive oil. D. :nce the oil is hot enough" add in the ginger" garlic" &alapeno pepper" spring onions and sautR #or a!out - minutes until done. E. 7e8t add in the celer " carrots and peppers. SautR #or 3'. minutes until the vegeta!les are cooked crisp tender. G. Then add the !ok cho and cook #or another 3'. minutes" until the !ok cho wilts. H. Simultaneousl in a !owl" !lend together so sauce" miso paste" vinegar" olive oil" cornstarch and water. +,. Add this sauce into the saucepan and cook until the sauce thickens. This will take a!out - minutes. ++. Add in the to#u and serve hot. .ips8 Cake sure that ou turn the to#u o#ten so that it does not !urn. Do not turn the #lame to high as the to#u will !urn 1uite easil . (# ou can/t get our hands on miso paste" not to worr " ou can alwa s su!stitute it with so sauce. *ou ma need to add a !it more so sauce in proportion to the miso paste.

. 8as, Cedar Planked !almon

This is one o# the !est salmon recipes around. (t)s eas to make" tast " health and serves D. What makes this salmon special is it)s cooked on cedar planks" giving it a uni1ue #lavor that keeps ou coming !ack #or more. !er;es8 < 2ngredients - Salmon #illets" - l!s each 3 2edar planks" +-M long and untreated +93 cup olive oil + +9- tsp rice wine vinegar + tsp sesame seed oil +93 cup so sauce +94 cup green onions" chopped + t!sp ginger paste

+ tsp garlic paste .ips e*ore cooking Be#ore using the cedar planks" soak them in warm water #or a minimum o# one hour. (# possi!le" soak the planks #or longer. Directions8 +. Simpl !lend all the ingredients $the olive oil" rice wine vinegar" sesame seed oil" so sauce" green onion" ginger and garlic paste% together in a large pan or !aking dish. This #orms the marinade. -. Soak the #ish in this marinade #or at least +. minutes. 3. Ceanwhile" preheat the grill on medium and place the cedar planks soaked in water on the grill. 4. :nce the planks start to smoke" the are read . <lace the #ish on the planks. .. 2over the grill and cook #or -, minutes" until the #ish is done.

-. Tast, Chicken Thai Tom 'um !ou&

2ngredients8 +9- clove chopped garlic 3 lemongrass stalks" sliced + chicken !reast halved and shredded 4 :? sliced mushrooms + t!sp lime &uice - ;a##ir lime leaves 3 cups chicken stock + teaspoon green chili pepper" chopped + t!sp #ish sauce A sprig o# chopped #resh coriander 4'. #resh !asil leaves" chopped + t!sp tom um paste Directions8 +. <our the stock in a large pot and !ring to the !oil. -. Add the garlic and tom um paste. 2ook #or a minute or two.

3. 7e8t" add in the lemon grass and lime leaves. 4. :nce ou start getting the aroma o# the sliced lemongrass stalks" add in the chicken pieces and cook until the pieces are nice and tender. .. 7e8t" add all the mushrooms" #ish sauce and green chili pepper. D. @inall !e#ore taking the stock o## the stove" add in the lime &uice and #resh coriander. E. Serve hot.

0. +acon +russels !&routs

2ngredients8 + +9- l!s Brussels sprouts" trimmed and halved +9- l! Bacon" chopped - cups chicken stock + ta!lespoon olive oil +94 onion" #inel chopped - garlic cloves" minced +9- cup !alsamic vinegar Directions8 +. (n a large skillet" cook the chopped !acon until it is nice and !rown. This should take a!out +, minutes. -. 0emove the !acon" making sure that ou leave the e8tra grease in the pan. 3. 0emove the grease #rom the pan and add in one ta!lespoon o# olive oil. 4. SautR the onion and garlic" until so#t. This should take a!out .'E minutes. .. Add salt and pepper to taste. D. 7e8t add in the hal# cup o# !alsamic vinegar" !ring it to !oil then reduce it to simmer until +93 o# the !roth is reduced. E. To this" add the chicken stock" !russel sprouts and !acon. Bring the !roth to a !oil on high. G. 0educe the heat to medium and let the stock simmer #or a!out +, minutes until the !russel sprouts are done.

1. 9hite 9ine )ushroom

2ngredients8 + +9- l!s white mushrooms + ta!lespoon olive oil + teaspoon (talian seasoning +94 cup dr white wine - cloves garlic" #inel chopped - ta!lespoon chopped chives Directions8 +. Turn the !urner to medium heat and heat a skillet with a ta!lespoon o# olive oil. -. SautR the mushrooms with (talian seasoning #or a!out +, minutes" stirring constantl to prevent the mushrooms #rom sticking to the !ottom o# the pan. 3. 7e8t add in the wine and garlic and cook until the wine is completel reduced. 4. 2ook until the mushrooms are done. This should take another minute or so" adding pepper and salt #or taste. .. Be#ore taking the mushrooms o## the stove" add the chopped chives and give it one last stir.

3. +resaola and Tomato !alad

2ngredients8 4, Slices !resaola G tomatoes" #inel sliced into thin circles G'Ho? low #at Bulgarian #eta cheese G to +, Basil leaves + t!sp olive oil Directions +. (n a #lat tra " arrange the cut tomatoes" side ! side to #orm a la er. -. Cake the ne8t la er using the !resaola. 3. Top with the #eta cheese. 4. Dri??le a !it o# olive oil and our !resaola and tomato salad is read to serve.

5. !hrim& Cocktail
2ngredients8 + l! devined" shelled and cooked shrimp +9- cup diet ketchup +9- cup chili sauce 3 tsp horseradish + tsp Worcestershire sauce Directions8 +. Simpl !lend the diet ketchup" chili sauce and horse radish in a small !owl. -. Serve with cooked shrimp. 'ote8 This recipe normall calls #or using a teaspoon o# Worcestershire sauce. 5owever" as Worcestershire sauce is not allowed in the Dukan Diet due to its high sugar content" it is not used in this recipe.

16. Tast, Thai +asil Chicken

This Thai chicken recipe is one o# those #unk dishes that is not reall Thai" !ut is a great tasting dish that the entire #amil will love. Eas to make and serves D" making it a great option #or Sunda meals with the #amil . 2ngredients 3 l!s chicken thighs" skinless - t!sp so sauce - t!sp #ish sauce - t!sp low #at ogurt Ouice #rom one lemon Best #rom one lemon 3 cloves garlic" #inel minced 3 t!sp !asil" #inel minced - tsp red pepper #lakes + tsp ginger paste Directions8

+. (n a ?ip lock !ag" add so " #ish sauce" ogurt" lemon &uice" lemon ?est" minced garlic" minced !asil" red pepper #lakes and ginger paste. -. Blend all the ingredients together using a spoon or simpl shake the !ag well. 3. 7e8t add in the chicken and shake the ?ip lock !ag well to ensure that the chicken is coated evenl with the marinade. 4. Carinate it #or a!out 3, minutes at room temperature. Alternativel overnight in the re#rigerator. .. <reheat the oven to 3E. degrees @ or +H, degrees 2. D. <lace the chicken on a !aking dish and !ake at 3E. degrees @ #or a!out an hour" until chicken is &uic and done. ou can marinate the chicken

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