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VOLUME 3 No. 18 - 2006 ISJFORUM.





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Hard Copy


S ERVICES The hole in the pocket of pension funds is
widening. In the past few years there has
been an increase in the number of media
Huge losses resulting from hedge fund
collapses have been headline news recently
and our panel discussion this month delves
JOURNAL stories relating to huge ‘black holes’ in
retirement assets and a lack of sufficient
into the depths of hedge fund services;
covering issues to do with risk and regula-
VOL 3 No. 18 - Dec 2006 funds in the piggybank to guarantee a com- tion whilst also looking at the future devel-
fortable retirement for today’s working pop- opments in the industry.
ulation. Yet the pennies keep slipping away. The technology revolution marches on,
Increasing life expectancy, an aging popu- with the proxy voting process moving
lation and poor performing stock markets towards electronic access. In this issue,
have all been attributed as reasons for the Giles Turner looks at the possibilities
stifling of pension monies, however, increas- behind the growth of electronic proxy
ingly aggressive investment strategies will voting and the move away from traditional
need to be employed by those at the helm voting methods.
of these funds, if they are to be dragged Seeing that Christmas is just around the
back towards the black. corner, ISJ has graciously provided a couple
A number of local authority pension fund of presents for you to unwrap. Two wonder-
chiefs have recently ordered ‘investment ful new sections have been added to the
shake-ups’, with a stronger emphasis on magazine; a Payments section, addressing
bond exposure, and while this approach issues to do with payments and the Single
protects against interest rate and inflation Euro Payments Area; and a News Analysis
risk it is anything but aggressive. Instead,it section that covers green investments, the
enforces the conservative approach that cost of MiFID, and replicated hedge funds.
fund managers are taking to manage their So it’s with a ho-ho-ho and a ding-dong
pension investments. A bolder modus merrily on high that I bid you all a merry
operandi is needed. Christmas, and Happy New Year. And
As with other European countries, pen- seeing that the festive season is upon us,
sion reforms in France have been put in please don’t be strangers, especially as we
place to stymie the ever-spiralling pension at ISJ are very partial to a warm glass of
deficits. With a number of pension funds mulled wine and a few mince pies!
changing their investment strategies, the
value-added services of the custodial offer- Alan Duerden
ing may be increasingly tapped, however,
there are gaps between pension funds and
the custodian that still need to be bridged.
Our article on French custody includes
insight from the major custodians in the
French market on the key developments
over the last year and the opportunities for
local custody providers in the years ahead. The team
We analyse how the market is embracing a congratulate
move towards a pan-European securities Alan Duerden
landscape and what strategies French on his appoinment
custodians are employing to make sure as Editor of ISJ.
they stay ahead of the pack.

Managing Editor: Mark Latham (

Editor: Alan Duerden (
2006 PPA MAGAZINE AWARDS Reporters: Giles Turner (, Vanessa Nicholson (
PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR Contributing Editor: Brian Bollen. Contributors: Keith Ford, Michelle Price, Christine Senior
MEMBER - PERIODICAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION Account Managers: Ben Katzler (, Monique Theart
( Directory Sales: Daniel Ryder (

General Manager: Kevin Lawrence (

Systems Developer: Jon Gunnarsson (
Operations Manager: Katerina Dimitrova (

TOTAL NET CIRCULATION 11,188 Publisher: Justin Lawson ( investor

Analysis for the Audit Issue Vol 3, No 14 distributed June 2006. Chairman: Mark Latham ( intelligence partners
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written permission from the publishers.
OR VISIT... WWW.ISJFORUM.COM ISSN 1744-151X. Printed in the UK by Pensord Press

VOL 3 No. 18 - Dec 2006

19 Panel Discussion Technology
- Hedge Funds 52 Analyze This
- Transfer Agency
Special Report
27 Payments 56 Proxy Voting 16 Caribbean
- Swell Times
- Thought leadership & - Dancing to the tune
SEPA of Proxy Music.

Pensions 56 Reference Data

34 Pensions Profile - Fi-fi-fo-FIMA.
36 Covered - British Airways:
France has had a chal Flying HIgh? Regulars
lenging year, ISJ looks 62 Meet the Future
back at how the
domestic custodial Custody - International talent
machine is challenging 35 Company Profile with international
France’s socio-eco
nomic make-up. - BNP Paribas: 125 aspirations.
years down under
10 News Analysis
1 Hard Copy 63 Disaster Recovery - Jolly Green Giants
- Pension Tension 36 French Custody - Giving Big Brother
4 Letters - Tower of Power. the Finger.
Dear Sir... French domination in
European custody. 64 Mandates
6 Global Snapshots 40 USA 65 Dating & Letters
- Roundup of securities - Custodial
services headlines Thanksgiving. Is the 66 People Moves
from domestic plate clean?
68 Recruitment
10 News Analysis Securities Lending
- examining the issues 44 Data Explorers 40 USA
behind the headlines. - Statistical data out- ISJ Directory - Custodial Thanksgiving
look in Securities 70 The Directory of
Funds Lending. Securities
14 Domicile Reports Services Providers
- Jersey, Bahamas and Special Report
Ireland, give us the 50 Predictions for 2007
lowdown. - Insight into Asset Hindsight/Foresight
Management, Custody, 80 Aberdeen Asset
16 Fund Regulation Securities Lending Management; Quality
- Swell times for the Technology Beef.


- Cocktails at FIMA
Letters to the Editor
With less than a year before the 2006 has seen a further widening in the
If you are affected by, implementation of the Markets in gap between the technological capabili-
or have an opinion on, any Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) ties of the front and back office. In the
aspect of investor services it is estimated that more than a third of main, this is because firms have limited
write to us... buy- and sell-side firms in the EU don’t IT budgets and need to feed a lot of have an adequate framework in place to mouths. After the front office is fed, little
meet its best execution requirements. remains for the back office.
MIFID: SETTING THE STANDARDS? One bank embarrassingly said last Compounding this is the quest to exe-
With only a year to go until the week that their MiFID plan so far cute trades in multiple asset classes –
November 2007 deadline for MiFID, I amounts to: “We’ll plan in Q4 06 and budgets get spent on areas that will
am amazed at the lack of clarity, deliver it in 07.” Nothing more. directly impact a client’s needs, so there
consistency and commitment amongst Investment firms will have to prove to is often little left over for the “behind-
investment firms. their clients that they have complied the-scenes” back-office to ensure the
This seems particularly significant in with their best execution policy, for each trades are processed efficiently.
the area of agreement to standardize or trade, for a period of five years. This rep- Having said that, a large part of the
not on protocols, message content and resents a huge challenge for technology volume growth that we see in today’s
instrument identification. The recent and workflow, as few firms hold market markets can be attributed to the ongoing
publication of the consultation paper conditions (i.e. tick data) or even post- development of operational IT (albeit at
from CESR highlights some of the differ- trade costs. a slower pace then front office technolo-
gy). The buy-side has long talked about
ences of opinion. MiFID poses both a actively trading in small sizes and now,
It is, in my view, most important that
the market recognises two things and strategic threat and because of sophisticated OMS’s and
embedded middle-office STP it can.
then forges ahead, without delay, to opportunity for The gap between front and back office
formulate and implement technical
strategies for compliance. They are; investment firms. is at its widest where products are heavi-
firstly to accept that it is very unlikely ly customized and non-exchange traded,
that pan-European agreement will be Demand for real-time trading tech- such as OTC derivatives. Certainly, in
reached on definitive standards in the nologies that are easily integrated, able the front office, technology is becoming
to aggregate information from multiple a key competitive differentiator. The rise
sources and support many publishing
MiFID could impose formats has grown significantly. 2007 is likely to be the
unmanageable loads and However, while MiFID has been a driver
year when regulators wake
for new vendor solutions, there isn’t a
may force smaller players single solution or application that is able up to operational
out of the market. to meet all its requirements and IT
efficiency issues.
systems need to be remodeled, as a
near term. Therefore, measures should result. MiFID solutions should be based
be started immediately to adapt, on Service Orientated Architecture and of electronic and algorithmic trading is
enhance and integrate existing tech- provide a best of breed approach; the clearest representation of this
nology with flexible publishing systems enabling firms to orchestrate existing through the confluence of complex tech-
from firms that will be able to respond components to deliver business services nology and diverse trading strategies.
rapidly and reliably to whatever emerges and answer questions such as: “Did that The markets in financial directive
from the MiFID melee. trade meet best execution policy?”; or (“MiFID”), due to come into force in
Secondly, notwithstanding the above, “Was that trade within MiFID or outside November 2007, has to some extent
now is a very good time to take notice of MiFID terms of business?” perpetuated the continued focus on front
recommendations, such as those put MiFID poses both a strategic threat office technology versus back office. At
forward by the MiFID Joint Working and opportunity for investment firms. the same time, many industry commen-
Group. These propose models and stan- Some will pull out of European tators believe that the directive will help
dards that could be worked towards to securities because compliance costs will to promote greater trade lifecycle pro-
reduce the complexities and costs of be too high. In turn, this will create cessing through a focus on post trade
MiFID. In time these would reduce the opportunities to acquire new business transparency.
costs of market entry and participation, and to provide outsourced trading, clear- 2007 is likely to be the year when reg-
allowing money to be spent on innova- ing and settlement facilities. While tier ulators wake up to operational efficiency
tion and adding value, rather than on one investment firms have been techno- issues. MIFID will be in implementation
complex compliance measures within a logically proactive in addressing how mode and the clearing and settlement
framework that contains no regulatory they will manage their obligations, tier industry will be in the honeymoon phase
mechanisms for monitoring. two and three firms are still burying their of its Code of Conduct. The complex and
Without such a trend MiFID could heads in the sand. It is now time to less-understood area of post-trade, pre-
impose unmanageable loads that will decide whether they will be able to con- settlement could be the next area of
increase costs and may force smaller tinue delivering services in compliance scrutiny. Let’s hope that in 2007, back
players out of the market. with the Directive, whether they will look office technology sophistication starts to
to outsourcing their business or sell up. play catch up with front office systems
Andrew Miller, Managing Director,
Arcontech Ltd. David Field, Managing Director, Tony Freeman, Director, Industry
Rule Financial. Relations, EMEA, Omgeo.
(Letters continue on page 65)
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News - Global Snapshots

on 02 November 2006 with New York - Citigroup the transaction is subject to

USD9.1 million under manage- Corporate and Investment regulatory approvals and
ment provided equally by Banking has announced the expected in the first quarter of
DSP and the management introduction of fiduciary transi- 2007.
team at Interward. DSP tion management services for
will consider closing the North American clients. New York - JP Morgan spin-off
fund once it reaches Citigroup’s transition manage- financial risk management
USD500 million. ment service currently offers firm, RiskMetrics Group, will
fiduciary transition manage- acquire Institutional
Market Infrastructure ment in both Europe and Asia. Shareholder Services (ISS),
Zurich - AIM Software, The fiduciary transition service provider of proxy voting and
provider of reference is a joint venture of Citigroup’s corporate governance solu-
data management solu- Global Capital Markets divi- tions to the institutional mar-
tions teamed up with sion and Global Transaction ketplace. Combined they will
Reuters to offer an auto- Services division. generate over USD200 million
mated reference data serv- in revenue per year with
ice for corporate treasury cus- Massachusetts - Korean finan- approximately 800 employees
tomers. Reuters Pricing & cial IT vendor, Koscom, has across 23 offices serving over
Reference Data will now feed selected the Progress Apama 2,400 clients worldwide.
Funds & Administration its foreign exchange, swaps Algorithmic Trading Platform "Corporate governance is now
London - Mellon Financial and interest rates information to enable algorithmic trading being recognized as a vital
Corporation’s Mellon into AIM Software’s proven on the Korea Exchange (KRX). fiduciary responsibility," said
Transition Management reference data management The Korean financial market RiskMetrics Group board
Services (MTMS) group has platform GAIN. community’s interest in algo- member, Arthur Levitt.
completed a successful transi- rithms has increased signifi-
tion management mandate in Helsinki - State Street has cantly. Progress and partner- Chicago - Penson Worldwide,
respect of a £680 million glob- appointed Skandinaviska ship will develop a localized securities trading and process-
al equity portfolio for the Enskilda Banken AB, Helsinki version of the Apama platform ing outfit, will acquire Chicago-
North Yorkshire County Branch as its new for distribution in Asia; making based futures broker
Council Pension Fund. sub-custodian in Finland. the Apama platform the first Goldenberg, Hehmeyer & Co
Assets were transitioned from commercial algorithmic trad- (GHCO) for an undisclosed
Hong Kong - Prudential has Nordea to SEB, Helsinki on 20 ing system available in Korea. sum. Privately-held GHCO, the
chosen Citigroup Global Nov 2006. registered futures commission
Transaction Services to provide New York - ADP Investor merchant and broker dealer,
securities services, fund London - London Fulcrum Communication Services will be renamed Penson
accounting and related fund Limited, global administrator (ICS), of Automatic Data GHCO. The firm's co-chair-
administration services to its for the hedge fund and Brokerage Services Group, men Ralph Goldenberg and
insurance funds and unit- alternative asset management launched an enhanced version Chris Hehmeyer will respec-
linked products in Asia, follow- industry, has opened a of its ProxyEdge proxy voting tively become vice chairman
ing an extensive five-month representative office in tool for institutional investors and CEO after the merger.
search. Citigroup will provide London. and investment companies,
domestic and global custodial The office will be led by Tim featuring vote recommenda- Legal & Compliance
services to the insurance funds Thornton, who has been pro- tions and research from Glass, London - A bill to be intro-
and unit-linked products of moted to Managing Director, Lewis & Co., independent duced concerning the potential
Prudential’s operations in Global Client Acquisition provider of global proxy analy- National Pensions Saving
Hong Kong, Indonesia, Group and Director of Risk, sis. It provides ProxyEdge Scheme to reform pensions in
Malaysia, South Korea, while Luke Ehgoetz has been users with a turnkey, web- the UK, has been welcomed by
Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, promoted to Director, Global based solution for the auto- the Investment Management
Thailand and Vietnam. Client Acquisition Group execution of ballots according Association. “Our view
to one or more specially remains that the NPSS holds
Luxembourg - Dalton Strategic Guangdong - Citigroup led a designed governance policies. out the prospect of significant-
Partnership (DSP) has consortium to acquire China’s ly boosting savings, but criti-
announced the launch of the Guangdong Development New York - Global agency bro- cally its success will depend
Melchior Selected Trust Bank for USD3.06bn (¤2.4 ker Instinet will become a on getting the detail right,”
Canadian Opportunities Fund bn), their biggest deal in China wholly-owned subsidiary of commented Richard Saunders,
(MSTCOF), which invests in to date, beating a rival bid Nomura, offering agency exe- Chief Executive of the IMA.
opportunities created by from Société Générale, and cution services internationally
Canada’s natural resources taking advantage of China’s to institutional clients. London - The Futures and
and healthy economy. new liberalization measures. Purchased from private equity Options Association (FOA) has
Interward Asset Management, Citigroup will own 20% of firm Silver Lake Partners in an urged the FSA to copy-out
a specialist Canadian invest- GDB, with IBM holding 4.74%, undisclosed all cash transac- MiFID’s ‘principles-based’
ment company based in keeping to within the 25% cap tion by Nomura Holdings, the approach to best execution
Toronto, is the advisor to the on foreign ownership of Japan-based global financial and allow firms the discretion
Fund. The Fund was launched Chinese banks. services firm, completion of to determine the process and


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News - Global Snapshots

industry now needs to ensure mainframe system, which Pensjonsforsikring’s (OPF)

proper implementation of the required continued and costly global fixed income portfolio,
Code and remove the customization to suit its needs. managed by investment man-
remaining barriers in the ager Rogge Global Partners.
market. And everyone Lombard - SunGard has “This is the first time we have
involved – Commission, announced that it has acquired used a global custodian,” says
Member States, infra- Integrated Business Systems, Håkon O. Wister of OPF.
structure providers and Inc. (IBSI), a NY-based provider
users – must work of software solutions and relat- Tokyo - The Japan Securities
together to enable an ed services to hedge funds. Depository Center (JASDEC)
efficient and safe post- IBSI’s primary product offering, has excluded US Samurai
trading market in the Visual Portfolio Manager bonds (yen-denominated
EU." (VPM), is a portfolio account- bonds issued by US-based
ing solution used by more than entities) from the book-entry
Technology 50 hedge fund managers and conversion, pending confirma-
New York - In a new report, processing more than USD135 tion on the treatment of with-
IT Spending Trends: A Global bn in assets. Michael holding tax of such bonds. The
Financial Services Review, Alesandro, President, IBSI, said: JASDEC has recently
the factors Celent estimates that global "As part of SunGard, we will announced that the US
relevant to measuring the information technology spend- gain an opportunity to further Samurai bonds will be convert-
quality of execution in dealer ing by financial services insti- VPM’s growth by expanding ed to book-entry form at the
markets. It also challenged the tutions stands at USD317.7 bn. into new geographic regions, depository beginning March
primacy given by FSA to price This represents an increase of continuing to enhance our plat- 2007. The decision was taken
“benchmarking” as a preferred 8% over 2005. Although the form and broadening our serv- after clarifications by the US
methodology in certain mar- US economic forecast is rela- ice capabilities. Internal Revenue Service.
kets. tively upbeat, the growth in IT
spending by financial services Custody, Clearing & Hong Kong - HSBC is not
Tokyo - Mizuho Securities filed firms is expected to curtail Settlement considering making any
a compensation claim against starting in 2007. The financial New York - The Teachers’ future acquisitions in South
the Tokyo Stock Exchange services community is antici- Retirement System of Korea or Taiwan, but is looking
(TSE) for USD350 million, fol- pated to spend USD351.2 bn Oklahoma selected JPMorgan to further expand its
lowing losses incurred in last on global IT products and Worldwide Securities Services businesses in the two
December’s infamous fat-fin- services in 2008, or a growth to provide custody–related countries as well as other
gered botched trade, when a rate of 5.1% per annum. services for its USD8 bn asset emerging markets in Asia.
trader attempted to sell one Financial services institutions portfolio. Employees of more Stephen Green, group
share of J-Com for YEN in Asia-Pacific are expected to than 600 local school districts, chairman of HSBC, in a media
610,000. Mizuho has filed a increase their investments in career technology schools, briefing, said: "I don't think
lawsuit after the exchange IT at a significantly faster rate public colleges and universi- acquisitions are necessary in
turned down any possibility of compared to firms in other ties are enrolled as members Taiwan and South Korea
compensation. TSE President, parts of the world from 2006 of the TRS. because there are other things
IT head and Managing to 2008, a compound annual that you can do that don't
Director have all been shown growth rate of 11.4%. London - ABN AMRO Mellon involve acquisitions in those
the door. The case continues. Global Securities Services B.V. two places, as well as in other
Sydney - Bravura Solutions has been appointed by countries."
Brussels - The European Limited, supplier of applica- Cambridgeshire County As China's economy grows at
Commission has welcomed tions and professional services Council Pension Fund to pro- a strong pace, the financial
the clearing and settlement to Investment Management, vide global custody, invest- sector will grow further and
industry's new Code of will acquire all AB Prodata’s ment accounting (SORP) and give better returns, and this in
Conduct, considering it an shares, marking the sixth securities lending solutions for the process will create more
important first step towards an acquisition for Bravura since assets worth £1.2bn. opportunities for investors."
integrated and efficient post- its establishment at the end of Cambridgeshire County HSBC group finance director
trading market in the EU. The 2004. AB Prodata Council appointed consultants Douglas Flint went on to say
measures detailed in the Code Luxembourg-based financial Thomas Murray to conduct a that returns on investments
aim at enhancing transparency software vendor, is a major formal review to ensure the on emerging markets, includ-
and increasing competition in provider in the automated Pension Fund would continue ing China, Brazil and Mexico
the post-trading sector. "This financial messaging market. to benefit from best market have been higher generally
new Code of Conduct shows practice in respect of its custo- compared to the group's
the clearing and settlement Geneva - TEMENOS Group, dial arrangements. investments in other parts of
industry's firm commitment to provider of integrated core the world.
transparency, interoperability banking systems, has London - Northern Trust has
and competition. It is an announced that Jih Sun has won the mandate to provide
important first step,” said gone live with TEMENOS T24. custody services to the 2,090
Internal Market and Services Previously, Jih Sun was operat- million NOK (approximately FREE NEWS DAILY AT
Commissioner McCreevy. "The ing on a locally developed US$320 million) Oslo WWW.ISJFORUM.COM


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News - Analysis

Wager Me This replicated fund will simply copy the lack of 20% profit cut usually taken by
trends of other hedge funds, The time hedge fund managers.
What influence will replicated hedge lag involved from observing the trend Increased competition will therefore not
funds have the back office? and implementing it may only lose a few allow the back office such comfortable
percent in profit. If this is true, then the salaries; it might even be able to dis-
Over the last ten years hedge fund possibility of high yield returns might be pense with front office managers alto-
investment has become extremely popu- available to more investors. gether. If the number of hedge funds
lar. Such problems as due diligence, liq- The main obstacle preventing replicat- increases, be they original or cloned,
uidity, capacity and transparency have ed hedge funds is the higher amount of then there may be a knock on effect of
been offset by double-digit returns. From capital needed to start up a hedge wages throughout the industry. Because
accountants, to lawyers to IT staff, the funds. Another problem is that once the original hedge-funds performed so
hedge funds back office employees often your money is in a hedge fund then it is well, they could afford to cherry pick the
come freshly poached from investment increasingly difficult to remove your cap- best staff. If hedge fund performance is
banks and law firms, lured by high ital and transfer it to another account. wavering, the possibility of cloned funds
salaries and a new adventure. Most of Hedge fund mangers often demand an is arising and rumour has it that there
the time, these moves are highly prof- extra 5% just to free up your capital, a aren’t any skilled fund managers left,
itable and they have to be as this new process that often takes a couple of how can you afford paying your staff
wave of employee’s has to be able to months. This however is theoretically such extravagant wages? If the cloned
deal with complex asset situations and needless. The transfer procedure is not funds ethos is efficiency and profitability,
risk management. However the comfort- as complex as it is made out to be, nor it is also unlikely they will pay their
able salaries in both the front and back should it take this long. If replicated employee’s such high wages.
offices may not last for long due to the funds start to become a viable alterna- Custodians and other firms will also no
possibility of replicated hedge funds tive, lower fees, greater liquidity and no longer have to protect their staff from
because the mystery surrounding dou- possessive fund manager’s means that poaching with high salaries and also
ble-digit returns may not be so mysteri- there will be a greater choice and there- drop their wages. Of course this trickle
ous after all. A new wave of academic fore competition amongst hedge funds. down effect in wages may not arise, but
studies has purported that hedge fund Whilst these replicated hedge funds may the possibility remains nonetheless.
returns can be replicated because it not be able to make a greater profit as Kat,HarryM.andPalaro,HelderP.,"WhoNeedsHedgeFunds?ACopula-Based
might not be all about the fund man- the original funds, the small percentage ApproachtoHedgeFundReturnReplication"(November23,2005).AlternativeInvestment
agers ability but more to do with the rise difference is more than made up for the ResearchCentreWorkingPaperNo.27AvailableatSSRN:
and fall of the markets. Put simply, a

The Cost of Compliance ness across Europe; and imposes require- ing MiFID however, is estimated at between
ments on investment firms to achieve best £870 million and £1 bn with ongoing costs
A figure has finally been put on how much execution for clients. of around an extra £100 million a year.
MiFID will potentially cost. Again, the Despite this, the legislation has received a Commenting on this, Hector Sants, FSA
questions has to be raised; Are we ready? mixed press, with many European financial Managing Director Wholesale and
firms not understanding the full nature of Institutional Markets, said: “As we have
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) the directives consequences, let alone hav- already foreshadowed, it is clear that imple-
last month published a paper setting out its ing fully planned implementation strategies mentation of MiFID represents a substan-
assessment of the overall costs and benefits (see letters page). In addition to this, a tial cost to industry particularly in the
for the financial services industry of imple- number of countries, including Germany upfront years, but it does create the poten-
menting the Markets in Financial and France, have indicated that they are well tial for revenue opportunities over the
Instruments Directive, a delicate mouthful behind meeting January 2007 target; by longer term. We would encourage firms to
known as MiFID. which time national regulators are expected focus on these opportunities.”
The paper attempts to quantify, where to have woven the EU directive into their This is all very well and good, but with
possible, the benefits of MiFID in the UK, own laws. analysts at JPMorgan last month predicting
and sets these alongside the costs of imple- Until now, the FSA have steered clear of that commercial and investment banks
mentation. engaging in exactly how much complying could see their earnings cut by up to 7%
The directive is the foundation of the with the directive will cost, with Callum next year as a result of MiFID, Mr Sants’
European Unions plan to move towards a McCarthy, Chairman of London’s Financial reassurances are a little hard to swallow.
single market in financial services and the Services Authority adding fuel to the fire last The FSA stresses that aggregate figures
catalyst behind a transformation of securi- year when he indicated that it was unclear are used in the survey and it is likely that
ties trading in Europe. Although much of whether the costs of implementing MiFD the distribution of costs and benefits will
the directive is complex and opaque, it is would outweigh its benefits. vary among firms depending on exactly how
billed as the most important piece of legis- The new paper indicates that under “cer- MiFID affects their business.
lation to ever affect the European securities tain assumptions”, MiFID could generate Good news then, considering that with
landscape; aimed to create a greater degree some £200 million per year in quantifiable just twelve months to go until implementa-
of harmonization through pre- and post- ongoing benefits, which will be attributable tion is due to be completed, a recent
trade transparency requirements; facilitate mainly to reductions in compliance and Sungard report estimates that two thirds of
cross-border business, by extending a ‘sin- transaction costs. European financial services firms have not
gle passport’ for financial firms to do busi- The quantified one-off cost of implement- yet fully budgeted for MiFID.



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News - Analysis

The Green Dream porate behaviour and good standards of

corporate governance. They recently set up
Embracing ‘greener’ types of investment. a competition together with consultantcy
Whats in it for the back- and middle firm Hewitt, Bacon and Woodrow, where
office? participants are invited to respond to
Hermes, USS and the LPFA; UK pension "Managing Pension Funds as if the Long-
fund heavyweights, are using their muscle Term really mattered."
to encourage business and governments This will become key if the Sterns Report
onto greener pastures. (in which Sir Nicholas Sterns presents an
As part of the Institutional Investors apocalyptic ecological and economic fore-
Group on Climate Change's (IIGCC) they cast) is accurate.
sponsored a statement this Autumn on Though it is unlikely custodial risk man-
global warming, joining together to urge agment will get to the point where faxes
companies and governments to cut global are shunned because of their expulsion of
carbon emissions. energy or paper, rather than their scope for
The statement adheres to the United error, all investor services will have to con-
Nations Principles for Responsible sider the risks. Climate change is the
Investment, which was signed by some of greatest environmental risk facing the
Europe's largest pension funds and asset companies that investors invest in. There
managers; BNP Paribas, Insight Invest- is an ultimate responsibility, urgently and
ment, Morley Fund Management and internationally, to safeguard funds from
Prudential Property Investment Managers crashing in the next decades, by managing
among them. funds for the long-term now and by taking
The statement includes an emphasis on responsibility for the environmental costs
governmental response to climate change of their investment strategies. Sir Nicholas
through providing emission targets and warned that the repurcussions of contin-
legislation; asset managers and invest- ued climate change would be financial
ment consultants incorporating climate meltdown as governments foot the bill of
change risks and opportunities in analysis an increasingly hostile environment.
and selection, and pension funds agreeing One area of the financial landscape gird-
to weigh environmental issues when ed for the potential changes is carbon trad-
choosing asset managers. Consultants are ing. Technology and custodians have met
seeing an increase in Socially Responsible the challenges of processing carbon trad-
and Sustainable Investment (SRSI) fund ing, and the trading of other pollutants
management, linked, no doubt, to the since the 1970s when the US decided to
environment's increasing media profile trade sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide to
that is hotting up hand-in-hand with the tackle acid rain. The Kyoto protocol was
climate. the first scheme that included global trad-
This constitues at least a symbolic move ing in greenhouse gases.
by UK pension towards greener fields eco- New legislation has been proposed by
logically, though not necessarily financially. contending government parties in the UK,
Time will distinguish the rhetoric from the to reach the Stern Report's tagets, and to
reality of commitment. The IIGCC stresses dress their parties up in shades of green.
that they take a concerned, but not cam- Funds and their asset manager may see
paigning approach. Green it appears, is in, the neo-liberal market become more puni-
but looking fanatical is not. tive in terms of ecological legislation and
The London Pension Fund Authority and prescriptive requirements.
the Universities Superannuation Scheme Whilst widespread shareholder activism
have already built the suggested IIGCC and external pressures on funds to ‘green
requirements into their investment manage- up’ are at bay, they are not impossible in
ment strategies. Environment fund mandates the foreseeable future. Asset Managers
are hot property, in terms of prestige, as well and pension funds will be relying heavily
as bulk. The Environment Agency, advised by on consultants in this area. Risk managers
Mercer Investment Consulting awarded a have and will be factoring long and short-
total of USD440 million this November to term environmental probabilities and fund
Informed Portfolio Management. structures will undergo the necessary re-
USS signed a commitment to the SRSI allocations to maintain their positions. Not
approach in 1999. They are actively all bad news for the back and middle-
engaged in the companies whose shares office; as the shifts and pressure in the
they hold and keen to use their influence front-office and pre-apocalyptic frenzies
to encourage widespread responsible cor- may prove a palleatable carcass.


Funds - Domiciles Report

Jersey Ireland Bahamas

Jersey’s Funds sector received yet another In early October the Dublin Funds Industry In the past ten years, market volatility and
boost this month with the publication of Association (DFIA) changed its name to slowdown have created a much greater
Lipper Fitzrovia’s 12th annual Jersey Fund the Irish Funds Industry Association (IFIA), focus on wealth creation with clients who
Encyclopaedia, which recognised significant reflecting the growth of the industry nation- are more sophisticated and private clients
growth in the sector over the past year. wide. An Taoiseach (Prime Minister) and who are prepared to take informed risks.
The Encyclopaedia reported in particular Bertie Ahern, T.D., was present at the This change has occurred in both the asset
on the record level of funds under adminis- announcement alongside the IFIA chief management and estate planning character-
tration achieved by the industry. With prop- executive, Gary Palmer and the IFIA chair- istics of High Net Worth Individuals
erty and real estate funds and private equi- man, Noel Moynihan. Reflecting the (HNWI).
ty funds constituting the majority of total growth the investment funds industry has Similar to institutional investors, HNWIs
assets and Jersey-domiciled Hedge Funds experienced and as a result of provisions in are increasingly altering their investment
still on the increase, the publication illus- the Finance Act 2000, industry companies allocations to better balance their portfolios
trates how Jersey is concentrating on have started to expand their operations by and follow market movements, while contin-
remaining competitive through offering establishing secondary and tertiary offices, uing to be more diversified in their invest-
more specialised fund products alongside outside the IFSC and Dublin with firms ments –a trend that will likely becoming
its strong traditional fund base. now based across the country; AIB/BNY even more pronounced in 2007.
This recognition has been accompanied Securities Services (Ireland) Ltd and Citco They will continue to look for alternative
by a number of regulatory developments, Fund Services in Cork, BISYS Fund Services investments as mainstream investment
with the Jersey Financial Services (Ireland) Ltd in Waterford, International vehicles while demanding open architecture
Commission issuing a consultation paper Funds Services (Ireland) Ltd in Naas and from their advisors.
on the Listed Funds Guide and introducing Drogheda, PFPC in Wexford and Navan, At the same time, they are taking a much
a revised Expert Fund Guide. State Street International (Ireland) Ltd in more active role in their investments, focus-
The Listed Fund Guide, which was pro- Kilkenny, and Northern Trust in Limerick. ing on higher returns, emphasizing wealth
posed at a recent seminar held by Jersey To continue and sustain the growth in accumulation over wealth preservation and
Finance and the Jersey Funds Association the industry, the increased demand for accepting more risks to achieve their goals.
in London, intends to introduce a more resources needs to be satisfied and the Recognizing these developments, the
streamlined process to authorise listed extension of industry company activities Bahamas has taken measured steps over the
closed-ended funds. The Guide is currently outside of Dublin will assist in addressing past few years in differentiating itself from
open to consultation until mid December. this. According to the recently released fig- other jurisdictions by creating a mechanism
A Listed Fund under this Guide would be ures of the IFIA Employment and Staffing to establish different types of funds with
subject to a three day authorization Survey, there are currently about 950 peo- more flexibility for innovation and tying them
process, be closed-ended, be a Jersey com- ple employed in industry companies out- into its highly developed and well regarded
pany and be listed on a recognized side of Dublin and this figure is set to dou- private banking and wealth management.
exchange. In addition, the investment ble over the next few years. It is estimated With its innovative SMART Funds
manager and the constitution of the board that employment in the industry will grow concept introduced several years ago The
of directors would have to meet certain cri- by a further 16% over the next year. Bahamas has created an attractive risk
teria to prove their good standing. The Government recognizes the impor- based fund regime.
Meanwhile, the revised Expert Fund tance of the funds industry to Ireland as is Four SMART Fund templates were part of
Guide has now been issued following a evident in the recently published the introduction and a fifth template (for
period of public consultation. Department of the Taoiseach’s strategic lightly-regulated funds) which is particularly
Key objectives of these revisions include report on the international financial servic- well suited to family office arrangements,
clarification of the required amount of ini- es industry, ‘Building on Success’, which was introduced early in 2006.
tial investment and of the criteria that an included a number of provisions specifical- For an international financial centre like
Expert Fund must meet for listing on a ly designed to ensure the development of the Bahamas, family offices are now supple-
stock exchange and transferring interest. the funds industry, like the decision to menting traditional providers such as global
Due diligence responsibilities relating to establish a fund for specialist financial edu- financial institutions in providing independ-
the Jersey functionary and professional cation and a dedicated centre of high-level ent advice for asset management and estate
intermediaries are also updated and a training in the sector. The funds industry planning needs.
clause has been introduced recognising welcomes such provisions. The industry Bahamian asset managers and fund
that there may be cases where exceptional also participated in a Government led ini- administrators have also positioned them-
circumstances justify a degree of relaxation tiative to New York in mid-October to high- selves to meet the needs of family offices
from the Commission’s normal policy. light the growth and development of the and other HNWI investors. The country’s
These proposed and enforced changes funds industry as well as highlighting the asset managers have the experience and
will assist the Regulator in processing funds job opportunities available. global connections to provide the advice
as efficiently as possible and continue to Growth in the Irish industry continues and planning to meet investment objectives.
help promote Jersey’s Funds Industry out- apace with the net asset value of Irish There are also a wide range of global fund
side the Island, ultimately helping the Island funds recording a 17.4% increase as of administrators and specialized niche players
achieve further international recognition. September 2006 to EUR687 bn. providing services from The Bahamas.
Graeme McArthur, representative of the Deirdre Norris is Director of Marketing & Wendy Warren
Jersey Funds Association and Managing Communications, Irish Funds Industry CEO & Executive Director
Director of Northern Trust in Jersey. Association. Bahamas Financial Services Board.


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Fund Centres - Caribbean

dictions. So for instance, we would

have representatives from the
Caymans, St Lucia, Trinidad and
Tobago, Barbados, Antigua, Anguilla,
BVI, all around the Caribbean and
without exception they are at different
stages in drafting legislation to cover
hedge fund business.”
Regarding size, the Cayman Islands
are way ahead of every other jurisdic-
tion in the region, with close to 60-
70% of investment located there. The
islands open up around 35 funds a
month and close around 8. The graph
below shows the growth of funds,
Giles Turner looks at most notably registered funds.
The region now prides itself on
how the Caribbean has respectability. Investor Services
blended regulation Journal was told: “If you went the

Just Swell
Cayman Islands in 1975 and picked
with its ‘quick-and-easy’ up a dollar bill you’d soon feel pretty
good about yourself.” It is this Miami
reputation. Vice image that many of the jurisdic-
tions have worked hard to rid them-
selves of and the Cayman Islands have
Offshore financial centers (OFCs) are essentially jurisdictions made themselves into the fifth largest banking center in the
that oversee a high level of financial activity by non-residents. world. Attempting to be perceived as respectable can be a dou-
The Caribbean hosts a number of these jurisdiction; ble-edged sword however, and some have mentioned that
The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands (BVI), overstating the desire to be seen as respectable has its
Curacao, for example, yet these jurisdictions are often viewed downsides. For the Bahamas, it might be a case of the lady doth
with suspicion by those outside the industry. A recent study by protest too much.
academics Andrew Rose and Mark Spiegel entitled ‘Offshore Following closely behind the Cayman Islands are the BVI and
Financial Centers: Parasites or Symbionts?’ examines the trade- Bermuda (included regionally for convenience rather that literal
off between the positive and negative externalities of offshore truth). Interestingly, Bermuda has pursued a different path to
financial centers. They concluded that “countries identified as other jurisdictions in the region, leaning more towards a regu-
tax havens and money launderers are likely to be the OFCs, lated approach rather than a rapid fund set up approach
encouraging tax evasion and nefarious activity in neighbouring favoured by the other jurisdictions.
source countries. Nevertheless, OFCs still provide substantial But what really sets these domiciles apart from their rival
offsetting benefits in the form of competitive stimulus for their OFCs and European competitors? According to Dermot Butler,
neighbours financial sectors.” Many involved in the fund indus- Chairman at Custom House, it is about simplicity and cost.
try in the Caribbean would be too pleased with the idea that “You can still set up a fund in the Cayman Islands which is still
they encourage ‘nefarious activity’ in neighbouring countries. the most expensive island in the Caribbean for less than
However in 2000 the OECD published a report entitled USD30,000. This includes legal fees, preparation of documenta-
“Towards Global Tax Co-Operation” where the countries listed tion, incorporations, and you can do it all in a couple of weeks.
were seen as engaging in harmful tax evasion practices and given
a deadline to comply. Every Caribbean jurisdiction managed to Mutual Funds: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
comply with the new regulation and avoided sanctions. Andorra,
Liberia, Liechtenstein, the Marshall Islands, and Monaco were
the guilty parties who failed to comply.
It would have been surprising if the Caribbean fund centers
had failed to comply. The Offshore framework is not exactly
new to the region; some offshore jurisdictions have been in
place for around 50 years. There are around 70 OFCs globally
and the size of the industry ranges between USD6-7 trillion yet
the Caribbean takes into account well over a third of this
money and is well placed to be at the forefront of any global
OTC change. Ruth Chadwick, Director of Investment Business
for the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission,
who until recently Chaired the Offshore Groups Collective
Investment Scheme Supervisors commented that the scheme “is
predominantly represented by regulators in the Caribbean juris-


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Fund Centres - Caribbean

Any delays beyond a couple of weeks will and other resources. As an additional was nothing wrong with the legislation
usually be caused by the service providers benefit, electronic reporting should that provided the recognition of different
such as the prime brokers or the banks improve the quality of CIMAs data on classification of funds into private and
doing their due diligence. The fast track the funds industry and enable it to pro- professional or the requirement to regis-
system in the Channel Islands will still vide meaningful aggregate statistics on ter public finds. As expected, the jurisdic-
cost USD55,000 to USD65,000. In Ireland the industry to stakeholders, governments tion has done very well for the incorpora-
and Luxembourg it would take months and international bodies.” tion of professional funds which is what
rather than weeks. You’ve got to employ There is a keen desire to combine funds we were expecting.” said a source experi-
local lawyers and the operating cost in set up speed and regulatory efficiency. enced in the jurisdiction.
those jurisdictions are higher because the Although European jurisdictions are The main drive behind the regulation
cost of directors and auditors are greater.” attempting to copy this formula the increase has come from the anti-money
Purely from a global cost perspective, emphasis is still on high regulation. This laundering legislation following 9/11. Rob
with the interesting exception of Malta means that unless the hedge fund is of a McIntyre from Maples and Calder states
which is somewhere between BVI and the significant size, it is unlikely that you will that: "Caribbean funds have had to recog-
Cayman Islands, the Caribbean wins be willing to set up camp in Ireland for nise that the playing field has changed
hands down. example. Mr Butler states that “the big since 9/11 and every jurisdiction has to
However, being the quickest isn’t always brothers of the banking world have be seen to be cooperating with onshore
enough, and you have to keep adapting to imposed a minimum fund size they want regulators."
maintain pole Investment
position. managers and
According to “Being the quickest isn’t always enough, and you administrators
Sabrina Leacock of
Appleby Hunter
have to keep adapting to maintain pole position.” have to be regulat-
ed somewhere to a
Bailhache: “The greater or lesser
Cayman Islands Monetary Authority to handle of at least USD100 million and extent and the OTCs have taken this into
("CIMA") intends to implement an elec- often USD200 million upwards. However account. Interestingly the US still does
tronic reporting system ("E-Reporting") 70% of all hedge funds that are launched not regulate hedge fund managers despite
for all funds regulated under the Mutual are under USD100 million, if you’re run- the best efforts of lawmakers, including
Funds Law. Under the system each fund ning a hedge fund of USD50 million or Charles Grassley, the chairman of the
would be required to file electronically less then the running cost of a hedge fund Senate Finance Committee, who have
with CIMA, through its Cayman Islands will be about USD75,000 a year and in been ramping up their demands of late
based audit firm, key data about itself Ireland it will be around USD120,000. for more transparency in the hedge fund
and its audited accounts. It is expected Whilst this difference isn’t important if industry following the implosion of the
that this system will enable CIMA to your fund is around USD200 million it is Amaranth Hedge Fund.
carry out its existing supervisory respon- important if it only USD20 million.” The increased global regulation regarding
sibilities more efficiently and cost-effec- “The BVI rode a profitable wave until hedge funds has benefited the BVI, as Mr
tively and allow CIMA to regulate an the mid 1990’s when mutual fund legisla- McIntyre explains: "After the OECD start-
increasing number of regulated funds tion was introduced and the mutual fund ed scrutinising the Caribbean jurisdic-
without a proportionate increase in staff growth slowed down. Prima facie there tions, the BVI negotiated its position with
the OECD rather well and, as a conse-
quence, moved into the bracket with the
Cayman Islands and Bermuda in terms of
perception, instead of being lumped
together with many of the other
Caribbean Islands." This perception is of
vital importance due to the increased visi-
bility and efforts made in fund ‘brands’,
therefore the region has managed to turn
the difficulties of regulation into a unique
selling point. Initially, the area was
renowned for speed rather than legitimacy.
Now it offers both speed and clean bill of
moral health.

The paper “Offshore Financial Centers:

Parasites or Symbionts?” by Andrew K.
Rose and Mark M. Spiegel can be found at


Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

Hedge Fund Services Panel Debate

Black and White? Our Panel of experts from the hedge fund services
industry examine the contrasts...

Anthony Cowell Dan Moalem Kim Hoibye Greg Froese


Nicholas Butcher, Partner, Maples & Calder. Mr. Butcher

was articled in the City of London firm Speechly Bircham
and qualified as a solicitor in 1995 before joining the City of
London office of Hammonds in 1996 where he specialised
in all aspects of corporate law including mergers and
acquisitions, listings, admissions and secondary issues and
Nicholas Butcher John Burchenal Don McLean Daniel Abitbol public takeovers as well as advising on financial services
MAPLES & OMGEO UBS SOPHIS law. Mr Butcher joined Maples and Calder, Cayman Islands,
CALDER in January 2004.

Anthony Cowell, Audit Partner, Alternative Investments Practice, KPMG. John Burchenal, Managing Director, Asset Class Expansion
Mr. Cowell is a Partner with KPMG's Alternative Investments Practice in the & Global STP Partners, Omgeo. Mr Burchenal serves as
Cayman Islands where his portfolio of clients includes hedge funds, com- managing director of Omgeo's asset class expansion
modity pools, private equity funds and venture capital funds. His experience strategy and Global STP Partners. He is responsible for
in the area of capital markets includes audit and accounting services involv- driving the company's efforts to expand into additional
ing a wide variety of financial derivative products and complex structured asset classes on a global scale, beyond equity and core
investment vehicles. fixed income trade processing, to provide clients with
access to a wider variety of instruments for their post-trade,
Dan Moalem & Kim Hoibye, Lett law firm. pre-settlement operations.
Mr. Moalem is a partner at Lett law firm specialised in
securities and capital markets law providing advice to both hedge funds, Donard McClean FCCA, Head of Fund Services, Ireland,
investment funds and their management Executive Director. Mr. McClean is responsible for the
companies on capital market transactions. development and management of the Fund Services
Mr. Høibye is an associate at Lett law firm specialised in securities and business in Ireland and is a member of the Fund Services
capital markets law, focusing on Danish and international contracts. Mr. Management Board. Prior to joining UBS in May 2006, he
Høibye has, both as a private practitioner and as an in-house counsel, con- spent nine years at Fortis Prime Fund Solutions Ireland.
siderable During his career he has worked at Rudolf Wolf Fund
international experience in establishing and operating investment compa- Management Ireland, Strachans Management Services and
nies and investment funds as well as Coopers and Lybrand Jersey.
collective investment schemes (UCITS, hedge funds, etc).
Daniel Abitbol Business Development Manager.
Greg Froese, Manager, Investor Relations, Lionhart. VALUE is Sophis' cross asset, front-to-back solution for
Mr. Froese joined Lionhart in May 2006. Prior to Lionhart, he ran a Family the buy-side. Daniel brings a total of 18 years experience to
Office for ten years and before that was responsible for corporate financing Sophis. Prior to joining Sophis, Daniel co-founded Trading
vehicles at Chiron for six years. Mr. Froese has a Masters of International Screen, a trading services platform for institutional
Management (MIM) from Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International investors, and was Managing Director of Instinet, the
Management, and a BA from The Colorado College. global agency broker.


Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

Where will the next stage of growth in strategies. The broadening acceptance This will continue to grow as pension
the hedge funds industry come from? of alternative investments coupled with funds need to diversify and invest a per-
the willingness to decorrelate returns centage of their portfolio into ‘alterna-
Butcher: Institutions and high net worth from market direction and hedge tives’. As hedge funds become an
individuals. The increasing acceptance themselves against sharp market increasingly important source of capital,
of hedge funds by mainstream investors downturns is driving the demand for a number of changes may occur.
such as pensions funds is a clear trend. hedge funds amongst global institution- Hedge funds may find themselves
As the hedge fund market matures, al investors. Hedge funds are increas- subject to increased regulation which
consolidation can be expected with ingly looking at complex, innovative affects pension funds rather than hedge
single managers capitalising on special- strategies in order to distinguish funds. As pension fund trustees per-
ities and niche areas, such as tech- themselves in a crowded market. form their fiduciary responsibilities to
nology and energy. Exchange traded This explains their growing interest in ensure best value for the fund, this may
funds are also likely to become in- complex products such as equity basket lead to pension funds arranging their
creasingly common, especially for derivatives or CDOs, as well as more own managed accounts, with lower cost
funds based in Europe. varied trading strategies, for example, structures. There is an argument to say
volatility arbitrage, credit risk arbitrage, replicated funds, with transparency,
Froese: To be successful, hedge funds commodities and hybrids. liquidity and lower costs are a more
need to look beyond those strategies The industry is also facing consolida- suitable investment vehicle than hedge
that were once funds themselves
opportunistic but “There are significant opportunities to be made for pension funds
have now become
the norm. There for those managers who can capture the imagina- to achieve their
desired exposure.
will always be new
ways to make
tion of pension fund trustees.” For reasons of
independence, a
money, particularly as it becomes easier tion with hedge funds being acquired third party administrator becomes more
to find investment opportunities around by banks; therefore in order to important when institutional investors,
the globe. As new financing vehicles are continue to be successful, it’s even including pension funds, invest into
invented or evolve, they will create more critical that hedge funds hedge funds. As increasing numbers of
opportunity and funds that are willing differentiate themselves. pension funds invest into hedge funds,
to look into prospectuses will be able increased regulation will follow.
to find imbalances and value in a McLean: It is difficult to predict within
bottom up approach. the hedge fund business from where the Cowell: Insititutional investors have dif-
next alternative strategy will emerge. ferent risk and return characteristics.
Cowell: Institutional capital will ulti- We have seen large sums of capital They expect robust operational process-
mately transform the industry in the moving into emerging markets in the es with transparent front to back office
next 3-5 years. The latest research last couple of years and are currently systems, clearly defined governance and
predicts allocations by US endowments seeing an increased focus on private compliance policies and an independent
of around 9% by next year. Alternative equity and venture capital. oversight. Transparency and customer
investments are becoming mainstream It could be, however, that growth in centricity will be the buzz words for the
and I believe we will begin to see the industry is driven through increased industry in the future. Customer centric-
specialist hedge fund consultants distribution to new markets and more ity is a relatively new concept for hedge
working alongside pension fund institutional investors (including pen- funds, but its key to growth. The indus-
trustees to offer hedge fund advice and sion funds) rather than through the try as a whole is not adapting as expect-
allocations. This will be the gateway to offering of new and more diversified ed to the influx of institutional capital.
institutionalisation of the industry. investment strategies. Pension funds don’t just need alpha,
These opportunities present they need VISIBLE ALPHA – an under-
Moalem/Hoiby: Primarily, involvement challenges. As an illustration, the standing of the way in which the fund
of a greater range of asset classes. hedge fund tax reporting considerations makes money!
in Germany will have to be addressed On the other hand, pension funds
Burchenal: The evolution of hedge fund before wide-scale distribution of hedge also need to appreciate that alpha is
investors to include public and private funds into that market can be attained. never found on the street! Whilst con-
pension funds will be the biggest driver These challenges are constantly servative strategies play into the hands
of industry growth in the next few years. being tackled and the market is of institutions, small allocations to
Recent research from Greenwich beginning to open up. emerging strategies will ensure that
Associates claims that 24% of UK pension funds obtain access to ‘pure’
pension fund schemes say they Pension funds are become a primary rather than ‘diluted’ alpha. But pension
will increase their exposure to source of capital for hedge funds, how fund structures really need to change so
hedge funds by 2008. will this shape the industry? that asset allocation can be made far
more effectively. Flexible decision mak-
Abitbol: The next stage of growth in the McLean: Pension funds have, for some ing at the pension fund level is key.
hedge funds industry is in derivatives time, been investors in hedge funds. There are significant opportunities to


Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

be made for those managers who can will be necessary in order to meet these Omgeo, we have already seen the
capture the imagination of pension new standards. As a result it’s possible start of this trend with well over 100
fund trustees - it is a long term that only larger hedge funds will be able top hedge fund clients looking to
partnership which will result in a to satisfy the pension funds demands improve the automation of their
significant restructuring of the typical and smaller funds will have to rely on trade processing systems.
hedge fund model. other sources of investment.
With the number of hedge funds
Moalem/Hoiby: Above all, pension Abitbol: A recent study conducted by continually growing, the hedge fund
funds as well as other institutional The Bank of New York and Casey, Quirk administration business is becoming
investors have to abide by the place- & Associates LLC estimates that the increasingly competitive. What
ment rules under their national financial global institutional demand for hedge strategies will hedge fund service
legislation including as regulated by the funds will triple by 2010, from USD360 providers (law firms, administrators etc)
EU harmonization directives. Until now bn to over USD1 trillion. Attracted by use to keep their competitive edge?
many hedge funds have failed to realize improved investment returns and lower
that the way they are "selling" and correlation with traditional asset class- Froese: The demands from politicians
structuring their funds are making it es, pension funds will likely account for and investors will be for ever higher lev-
quite hard for such investors to invest the largest percentage increase overall. els of visibility and control. The back
considerably, since placement rules Hedge fund investment requires a great and middle office as well as administra-
will not allow tors, auditors and
more than small legal teams will
parts of the insti- “Investment in technological infrastructure will be need to become
tutional investors
assets under man-
an important differentiator for administrators.” ever more vigilant
in providing
agement to be quality, accurate
placed in such funds. deal of due diligence on behalf of pen- services and advice. Proprietary, in-
And greater transparency. Not only in sion funds as it is essential to under- house software is a tool some hedge
terms of strategy, but in terms of expo- stand the funds’ portfolio, strategy and funds are using to adapt as regulations
sure towards counterparts, markets and risk profile. This will lead to wider use of and investor requirements change.
instruments. The better opportunities to systems and controls (for position keep- High levels of compliance, bespoke risk
do an efficient due diligence of the risk ing, risk management, reporting). management, customized modelling
profile and exposure, the institutional Rating companies have an increasingly and tools for traders, coupled with
investor can get investment decisions important role to play. strong levels of oversight are possible
through their decision hierarchy with in-house solutions.
(investment committees). Butcher: The due diligence demands of
Standardized transactions - institu- the pension institutions can be expected Cowell: The development of hedge fund
tional investors spend a lot of energy to increase transparency in the hedge administration is equally as important
investigating and ensuring that funds market. Investment managers will to the industry in order to support insti-
Standardized fund structures: for the need to be able to respond to increased tutional capital, and we’re beginning to
same reasons as above: Fund structures demands for accountability. This in- see the start of the outsourcing revolu-
can help achieve greater transparency in fluence may be most keenly felt in the tion, where hedge fund managers are
evaluating risk profiles, as the mere fund of funds sector which historically able to concentrate on their core busi-
(legal) structure of funds can influence has been the preferred investment ness of making money. Having a
the risk profile profoundly. As well as it choice for pension managers. European focused business is the difference
can improve performance of certain based pension institutions seeking a between doing the business and run-
strategies considerably. local "passport" may spur the increas- ning it. Investment in technological
Liquidity: one way of the other, if neces- ing emergence of offshore exchange infrastructure will be an important
sary by placing the fund on a regulated traded hedge funds through, for exam- differentiator for administrators. In
market. if no liquidity is ensured, only a ple, a Dublin listing. Finally, hedge fund order to keep a competitive edge, some
small part of the institutional investors pension funding products may become hedge fund service providers such as
AUM can be placed in the fund. increasingly popular as pension the larger administrators will be inte-
mangers seek more imaginative ways to grated more and more into investment
Froese: Hedge funds that wish to take meet their shortfalls. banks existing capabilities, in order to
advantage of the USD1 trillion projected offer a seamless service to clients.
to come online will need to find ways to Burchenal: Hedge funds will need to
satisfy the requirements that come with invest in middle and back office technol- Butcher: The response from service
pension fund demands. These are ogy to win pension fund mandates. providers will be tailored to their role.
expected to be transparency, strict due Pension fund investors have strict due For example, administrators and prime
diligence procedures and the various diligence processes that require evi- brokers will need to ensure they are able
internal reporting and other require- dence of robust trade management and to keep pace with the technological
ments of individual pension funds. trade processing systems, that deliver development of the hedge fund busi-
Strong, often purpose-built technology, both efficiency and transparency. At ness both in terms of back office


Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

transaction management and seamless Burchenal: The key issue for service more interested in diversification rather
settlement processes and control of providers is to keep up and try to get than double digit returns – as such,
investment management strategies. ahead. By that, I mean that hedge funds the nature of products are likely to
Lawyers will need to be able to advise are innovative vehicles always looking for change to incorporate structured ele-
accurately and responsively in respect new ways of delivering alpha. Service ments, guarantees and conservative
of emerging trends as the market providers have to be able to move at the strategies. The move by some hedge
matures and becomes more competi- same pace. For example, some hedge funds into Principal Protected notes
tive. Top hedge fund lawyers will be fund administrators have struggled with is a good example.
those who can provide legally robust, the pricing of complex CDO trades. It is
but commercially viable, solutions to those providers that can evolve with the Moalem/Hoiby: Probably for some
issues such as the increasing use of hedge fund industry that will win out. investors. For larger investors
side letters and side pockets. with resources it will not have
Moalem/Hoiby: Fund structures! The significant consequences.
McLean: Retaining a competitive edge right structure of the fund for the specific
means continually remaining focused asset class, investor, strategy and type of Butcher: The question here is whether
on clients’ needs and delivering underlying transaction cannot only pro- the huge growth in hedge funds since
solutions to help them achieve their vide the best performance but also the the early 1990's has resulted in over-
financial goals. best “environment” granting easier exploitation of the markets such funds
What differenti- seek to take
ates UBS from advantage of. The
other service “Hedge funds are innovative vehicles always answer has to be
providers is client
focus delivered
looking for new ways of delivering alpha.” "yes" and "no."
"Yes" in that
through our sin- inevitably in
gle point of contact model. At UBS the access for the large investors. active hedge fund markets growth will
client is at the centre of what we do. Outsourcing of back office tasks and crowd-out newcomers as existing funds
We build solutions with and around efficient reporting – allowing investors capitalise on contradictions and mis-
the client rather than providing an to focus on the investment decisions, pricings, but "no" in that there remain
off the shelf service. tactical asset allocation and ultimately comparatively under-devolved hedge
Continuing to further develop straight their performance. This is achieved by fund markets. There are also hedge
through processing techniques is also administrators focusing on systems, fund strategies which have stood the
key to remaining a top tier hedge fund cooperation with custodians and prime test of time; equity long/short and
administrator. It is likely that, in the brokers as well as fund providers. event-driven strategies, for example.
near future, administrators will be called With $66 billion being placed under
upon to service clients differently in Has hedge fund industry growth eroded hedge fund management in the first
terms of the production of information, opportunities in the market? half of 2006 alone, there is clearly
with more clients requesting the capacity left in the market.
calculation of their NAVS on a more Froese: It has certainly changed the
frequent daily-basis. opportunities in the market. Many of Burchenal: No, it has created opportuni-
From a processing point of view, it the sectors that were available 10 years ties for service providers that can inno-
has been predicted that hedge funds ago have become overcrowded and are vate at the same speed as the hedge
will follow the mutual fund business in therefore less profitable, so you could funds. For example, as pension funds
terms of this daily processing. There describe these opportunities as having become a primary source of capital for
will always be some differentiating fac- eroded. However for those willing to the hedge fund industry, funds will need
tors between hedge funds and mutual look for new opportunities, to dig into service providers such as prime brokers
funds which prevents wholesale the nuts and bolts of a business and and administrators to assist them in
automation, such as the pricing of OTC explore new areas of investment, or to meeting the individual reporting
instruments and difficult to price securi- investigate overlooked or new sectors requirements of those clients.
ties. Recent reports in the media sug- there will always be a way to generate
gest industry participants (such as investment opportunities and income. McLean: Hedge funds of 20 or so years
investment managers and banks) are ago were very much a boutique offering
responding to regulators’ concerns Cowell: The explosive growth in the for sophisticated high net worth
regarding transparency in the OTC mar- industry over recent years has eroded investors. There were opportunities for
ket by getting together to form a quasi some opportunities at the strategy level. trading in illiquid investments, with low
exchange type mechanism referred to as However, lets be clear – hedge funds volumes, therefore arbitrage in most
‘centralised warehousing’ which will have started a chain reaction that markets could be achieved. As the
facilitate trading and pricing in the OTC extends across the fund management industry grew and hedge funds became
market. As the industry matures, or as universe and alpha is not finite. New more mainstream, the potential for
certain parts of the industry mature, products and strategies will emerge to arbitrage and boutique investment
manual processes will continue to be match the risk return profiles of diminished.
replaced by automated (STP) solutions. investors. Institutional investors appear What were considered complex hedge


Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

funds in the past have become more like governments bonds and risky assets Considering that currently there is no
mainstream today, resulting in the such as equities) and complex instru- unique electronic trading platform or
alternative investment industry having to ments like second generation credit real-time data feed offering best of breed
seek out new, more esoteric instruments. derivatives e.g. CDO and CDO_ as well service across all instrument classes, it is
With this continued development, growth as hybrids that combine equity and fundamental to use a centralised and
has not eroded opportunities in the mar- commodities derivatives. flexible portfolio system with the ability to
ket - rather opportunities are being created connect to all platforms and data feeds.
for new investors in different markets and Hedge funds are ramping up their use of The ability to manage front-to-back
the appetite for new investment types and technology. Comment on the current levels office workflow for both trade validation
strategies is never ending. of automation and STP within the industry. and enrichment.
The reconciliation of trades and
Abitbol: It is increasingly difficult to make Abitbol: Automation and STP levels are positions has to be automated between
money with long/short only strategies, very disparate in the industry. this platform and the prime brokers.
there are lots of other opportunities in the Some hedge funds run their operations
market. Successful managers are turning on Excel, whereas others are almost as Moalem/Høiby: Main rule is greater
to sophisticated strategies such as con- well equipped as banks. The more sophis- efficiency and reliability. Advantages are
stant proportion portfolio insurance (tech- ticated a hedge fund is, the more likely it the better possibilities of interfacing
niques used is to have a system to automate its with administrators, custodians,
to protect prime brokers etc.
principal on
“The use of technology is inevitable in an industry Butcher: The use
equity-based which is model driven.” of technology is
structured prod- inevitable in an
ucts by dynamically operations. In terms of automation, industry which is model driven. It is also
rebalancing cash between risk-free assets three factors are critical: appropriate to be control driven as the

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Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

industry competes to maintain efficiencies easily achievable. For more complex it is possible to capture the dynamics of
and to cope with higher scrutiny levels. In- products such as OTCs, automation a successful actively managed hedge
house developed or bought applications is more difficult. fund and transport those to a portfolio,
should enable both enhanced manage- However with the coming together of it is difficult to see where the demand for
ment controls and audit transparency. investment managers and investment such a product immediately arises in the
Trading systems can similarly be employed banks to provide a solution to this, the context of institutional investors seeking
to monitor data, implement investment entire hedge fund business will benefit. bespoke strategies and access to the top
strategy and police compliance with Within a fund of funds set up, it is still fund managers. However, as the
investment restrictions. With the potential largely a paper driven exercise, with the hedge fund market matures over time
to contribute to both profitability and con- investment manager reporting through and competition between managers
trol, technology solutions are a permanent to their custodian on a monthly basis. increases, investors looking for lower
fixture and can be expected to have a The custodian performs the trade as a fees and increased liquidity could form
knock on effect for service providers, espe- paper-based transaction which involves a a natural partnership with managers
cially prime brokers and administrators, paper mountain moving back and forth squeezed out from the top table of
who will also be required to increase their around the globe between custodians actively managed funds.
efficiencies in order to support their tech- and administrators. There are initiatives
nology driven hedge fund clients. currently in development to provide a Burchenal: Enabling a wider group of
solution to this, looking to bring together investors to access the alpha created by
Froese: Our fund hedge funds with
has relied heavily “There is general agreement, through research, good performanc-
on the use of pro- es can only be a
prietary technology that replicated or ‘cloned’ hedge fund returns do positive move.
and software since
our inception over
not match actual hedge fund returns.” Having said that, a
synthetic replica-
10 years ago. It has been a key part of our administrators, custodians and transfer tion undermines the whole essence of the
growth and gives us the capacity to devel- agents to put technology in place to hedge fund industry which is creating
op to more than 10 times our current size. automate this process. returns through unconstrained, unfettered
There are a number of advantages to The pricing of fund of funds is also skill. A hedge fund manager can nimbly
automation and STP. It creates a strong being addressed through vendor providers evolve his investment strategy to reflect
risk management capability by allowing specialising in this area, with the aim of market conditions and this is more
close monitoring of trading activity, creating a STP solution. The bones of a difficult for a replicated fund.
moment by moment oversight of the solution are in place and, with on-going
entire portfolio, modelling and analysis of development, this could result in a far Froese: It’s all about generating alpha.
strategies and potential strategies, ease of higher degree of automation. Synthetic hedge funds, often created as
use for back and middle office, strong Ultimately, Straight Through factor replicating portfolios, can be con-
accounting and auditing programs and Processing is the key to stability of structed, tested, and modelled readily – in
the ability to improve the system if neces- hedge fund administration. many circumstances they will accurately
sary. This is coupled with the ability to add replicate hedge funds or hedge fund index-
off the shelf packages if required. To what extent do you feel ‘replicated’ es. However, there are some values which
hedge funds are a viable option for cannot be captured or easily modelled and
Burchenal: Overall, hedge funds are investors in the near future? measured. I suspect that, like the major
sophisticated users of technology. ETFs or Index tracking mutual funds,
Most of them do not have to contend with McLean: There certainly has been much some, if not many of the investors, would
ten or twenty year old legacy debate about this topic but even strong be better off adopting a passive approach.
systems, unlike some of the traditional supporters of replicated funds agree that On the other hand, experienced managers
money funds. Having said that, there the argument is relevant only for exchange who can define, quantify, and capture the
is still a lag between the level of traded, liquid securities and does not hold edges the markets present will continue
sophistication in the front versus true for less mature markets or any ele- to outperform in a consistent manner.
the back office. ment of discretionary based trading.
Typically, the biggest investment There is general agreement, through Moalem/Hoiby: This remains to be seen
is made in front office technology research, that replicated or ‘cloned’ hedge in our market.
with the back office lagging some way fund returns do not match actual hedge
behind. Again, as pension fund fund returns. The arguments for and Looking at some of the recent hedge fund
money pours into hedge funds, robust against will continue. In the meantime blowups, what measures need to be taken
back office systems could be an investment managers will no doubt experi- to identify what should be considered early
important differentiator between ment with elements of replication for parts warnings of potential trouble?
competing hedge funds. of hedge fund portfolios.
Cowell: If you look at some of the recent
McLean: To service single manager Butcher: If by "replicated" we are talking blow ups, they have been largely a result
hedge funds which are relatively easy to about synthetic or passive hedge funds, of operational issues. It is therefore
price, STP is already industry standard and and noting the studies which predict that important that there is a three way posi-


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Hedge Fund Services - The Debate

tion and valuation reconciliation between Butcher: From a legal perspective pre- management system. For example,
the prime broker, hedge fund manager vention is better than cure, especially in the post trade space, affirming a
and administrator – this is a key control when the cure effectively means killing trade on the same day the trade is
to prevent and detect investment opera- the patient, albeit in the interests of conducted can assist a firm in the clear
tional issues. It is also important that creditors and investors. A hedge fund identification of its trading positions.
investors regularly review the strategy of does not enter into crisis when the Also, through the institutionalization of
the funds in order to be able to detect winding up petition is served, but rather hedge funds, investors such as pension
evidence of style drift. at perhaps several stages before that funds require a greater level of risk
Much has been written about the sys- when the matter giving rise to the cause management and transparency out of
temic risks of leverage. Limited leverage of action arose. Control measures are hedge funds as a means of self-policing.
in itself is not necessarily the risk – it is required to identify crises as they Technology can greatly help hedge
in the nature of the underlying securities develop and to determine mitigating funds demonstrate this.
where risk should be monitored closely. action. In the context of trading activi-
Funds which hold highly complex, ties all of the following are examples McLean: One of the most important
illiquid securities for example, with which could trigger crises and require aspects about investing in a hedge
significant leverage are far more immediate and active management: fund is making sure that comprehensive
difficult to value. Transparency of due diligence is
strategies and undertaken.
investor education
are paramount.
“One of the most important aspects about Using an external
administrator is
Independent investing in a hedge fund is making sure that a very important
administration is part of ensuring
therefore so comprehensive due diligence is undertaken.” that good
important in order controls
for the industry to continue to poor service from the investment man- and independence are in place.
develop to match the needs ager (whether or not amounting to a Undertaking due diligence on the
of institutional investors. breach of stated investment strategy or administrator, investment manager and
restrictions); significant or urgent directors of the fund, and ensuring
Moalem/Hoiby: Transparency in strategy redemption requests, disputes relating good corporate governance are all
and fund structure in order to access to side letters, significant use of side fundamental requirements.
risk profile more accurate. The funds pockets, mis-stated NAV or service Sophisticated investors need to
have an interest in raising the bar in this provider misfeasance. Early consultation observe and anticipate the expected
area as risk margins can be lowered as with professional advisers, and especial- returns of their hedge fund and have
transparency is better. ly auditors and lawyers, is vital. a good idea as to what the strategy
Also management; staying focused and should deliver. If performance is
not abandoning the agreed investment Abitbol: From a technology perspective consistently different, this could be
strategy despite the fact that quick (and there are four key elements of risk considered as a potential warning.
substantial) profits are to be made. management that can help: There are a number of factors that
could be considered potential early
Froese: I don’t think we need to take any 1. A cross-asset perspective capable warnings including changes to the
further measures. We already have a of consolidating all market exposure. investment strategy with the investment
strong academic community researching 2. A consolidated view of all trading manager investing in a new type of
new ideas for the industry; we have due activity, enabling full transparency product not historically their area of
diligence procedures in place; and we across all levels of management. expertise, investing in less liquid
have experienced managers, processes 3. The use of multiple risk method positions, trying to introduce lock-up
and regulation. But I suppose, as an off- ologies to provide a more complete periods or extended redemption notice
shoot of conflicting views in the invest- approach to risk management, includ- periods or demonstrating brilliant,
ment world, one not so obvious sign of ing stress testing, Monte Carlo and market-bucking performance when the
potential trouble is excessive profits. historical simulations. expectation is that the manager should
Profit and loss are on one axis while risk, be more in line with the market.
often correlated as it may be, is on the A risk management system must have Keeping in touch with press and
other. Large losses and profits imply (but a good reputation in the industry and industry reports is important, as is
do not guarantee) larger risks. If you have the ability to produce comprehen- ensuring that the administrator is
consider the case of some recent events, sive reports, providing investors with independent and performs robust
it seems that the profitability of certain accurate and transparent view of the risk. pricing checks and ultimately a belief
positions may have initially overshad- that the investor trusts the investment
owed the risk of obtaining those returns. Burchenal: Robust risk management manager to do what they say they are
While it’s the excess losses that catch systems are an important component doing, There is not one single warning
the attention of many, the risk levels in the early identification of problems. sign – rather a number of potential
used to generate excess profits can be of In most cases, technology provides early warnings that would need
equal interest. the backbone of an effective risk to be explored further.



Looking at back office payment processing. ISJ launches a new section ...
The Case for Portable In an initial loading of data these details easily move their accounts to benefit from
could well be the same as those for the bank improved or cheaper services. Currently, the
Account Numbers that originally issued the account number. costs and logistics of advising clients that
Ian Dunning, Founder & Managing Director, From this point on, every time that the bank account details have changed are
CB.Net. ACH processes a payment destined to the such that they constitute a major barrier to
portable account number, it checks the details competition.
1. What is a Portable Account Number? registered by the account number holder and Secondly, corporate treasurers would have
In its simplest for- routes the payment accordingly. These details more immediate control over their cash flows,
mat, a portable can now be changed by the portable account directing incoming payments to the accounts
account is very sim- number holder at any time. where the cash can be best utilized.
ilar in concept to a It is important to note that it is not neces-
portable telephone sary for the portable account number holder 5. How would ACHs benefit from portable
number. The to close the original account when the routing account numbers?
account number details are changed at the ACH. It simply The value added service would generate a
provides all the means that any payment routed for the origi- new revenue stream from the corporate
information needed nal account number via that ACH will be sent sector. SEPA is having a centralizing effect on
to allow the banking to the new bank account. At any time, the the payments industry as a whole. Portable
system to direct portable account number holder can change account numbers would facilitate the offering
payments to you. the details held at the ACH back to the of cross-border services to corporates, which
The payee has no original settings. in turn would find it easier to rationalize their
Ian Dunning need to know where banking relationships.
you hold your 3. How do Portable Accounts bring increased Furthermore, by opening up new, direct
account, in the way that anyone making a call levels of flexibility? relationships with the corporate sector, they
to your telephone has no need to know which When the filters are in place with the ACH, have the opportunity to develop other servic-
telecom company provides you your tele- allowing it to check account numbers against es and increase their revenue from this sector.
phone connection service. routing details provided by the bank account
number owner, it is a relatively trivial task to 6. How would banks benefit from portable
2. How do Portable Accounts work? increase the number of filters that the account numbers?
Portable accounts are managed through the account number owner can amend: Not all banks would benefit from portable
appropriate Automated Clearing Houses a. Currency – should the payment be in account numbers. Niche banks offering spe-
(ACHs). The owner of a bank account num- a certain currency, route to bank account cialised services would probably be unaffect-
ber enters into an agreement with their local B, if in another currency, then route to ed. Those banks which offer competitive serv-
ACH, registering the bank accounts they wish bank account A ices will find it significantly easier to attract
to become portable.The owner of the account b. Amounts – should the payment be new business away from the more inefficient,
number then has an online connection allow- equal to or less than X, then route to higher cost banks – to the benefit of the
ing them to manage the details relating to bank account D, if more than Z, then wider economy.
that account number. route to bank account E.
These details are (at the simplest level): c. Dates and times can be set for when 7. What is needed to implement portable
a. Name of bank where the account is changes should take effect account number schemes?
held. All that is needed is for an ACH to have the
b. Branch details (including local sort 4. How would corporates benefit from will and the means to implement a scheme.
code) where the account is held. portable account numbers? Indeed, local schemes have been in place in
c. The account number details of where Corporates would no longer be locked into much of Scandinavia and the Netherlands
the account is held. particular banking relationships. Portable for some time. The challenge is to widen this
account numbers would allow corporates to – and to make it cross-border within SEPA.

Changing Role of Banks in the the expansion of e-commerce with real-time age of ‘anytime’, ‘any place’, ‘anywhere’ and
access to transactions and information, the any way banking.
Evolving Payments Landscape desire for paperless While our customers’ needs are changing
Francesco Vanni d'Archirafi, Chief Executive workflows, cheaper and their adoption of new innovation is
Officer, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and faster means of accelerating, we in the banking industry con-
managing their busi- tinue to grapple with the legacy issues in our
Citigroup Global Transaction Services. ness processes, and banking systems, and focus on technology
The role of technology in the payments the integration of investments needed to meet the growing
landscape should be a core focus for all banks commercial and number of regulatory deadlines that will give
financial supply the market a safer, more robust, inter-
in the year ahead. The technological revolu- chains are putting operable banking infrastructure. This is
tion upon us illustrates the need for banks to more pressure on our burden of responsibility, but at what
change in order to compete for the future. banks to standardize, competitive cost?
Retail customers today are demanding integrate and commu- The pace of innovation and new technolo-
convenience, mobility, control, and immedia- nicate with one gy adoption is accelerating. Many of the new
cy. This same expectation applies in the cor- Francesco Vanni another seamlessly.
porate space. Corporate objectives related to non-banking players that have emerged have
d'Archirafi We are entering a new



greater agility to innovate and take advan- This raises our costs and makes meeting change, the new entrants to the broader
tage of emerging opportunities, unencum- customer expectations mission payments space will continue to lead the
bered by the burden of responsibility to impossible. In many cases, common stan- way, and it will be increasingly difficult for
ensure the underlying banking framework is dards and seamless interoperability does not banks to reclaim control of this space. We
efficient, secure, robust and a vital exist within a single bank, let alone across need to recognize that even with collabora-
control point in the battle against fraud and the industry or geographies. This is not a tion, there will be many areas of differentia-
anti-money laundering. simple problem with straightforward tion, be it in the quality of customer service
We need to re-think our end game and re- answers, but we need to apply ourselves to or product innovation or simply how we
visit our value proposition. For banks to this challenge through collaboration and deliver our services to our clients.
retain our leadership in the payments indus- partnership if we are to maintain industry We are in an environment where the only
try, we need to take a fresh look at where we control and leadership in the new age. constant is change, and that change is accel-
collaborate, and where we compete. Instead of continuing to apply erating.
Together with the market infrastructures, we proprietary fixes to the legacy deficiencies in We need to be open, creative and collabo-
must collaborate in our efforts to modernise, our systems, we should borrow from each rative as an industry in tackling our chal-
so that we can respond efficiently to our cus- other, forge partnerships to share lenges.
tomers’ rapidly changing needs. networks and capabilities, and, most impor- We cannot take the eye off the ball in
We must re-tool and re-engineer to attack tantly, reach agreement on a set protecting our client franchise and giving
fragmentation. Systems fragmentation exists of common standards and achieve far our customers – retail and corporate – what
within our own institutions: from bank-to- more inter-operability across our they need and want.
bank or bank-to-customer, from geography- backbone systems.
to-geography. If we do not collaborate and accept

SEPA Direct Debits – they need to formulate their response to disparate architectures.
Compliance is not enough SDD quickly. Banks typically fall into two This presents financial institutions with
camps; tactical-compliers and strategic- a quandary. In order to justify the business
embracers. A tactical-complier bank sees case, how can a scheme that meets the
Mark Hartley, Vice SDD as a hurdle to be overcome with the SEPA objective also embrace all the useful
President Strategy, least pain; doing the minimum to comply elements of national schemes? The only
Clear2Pay with the rules but not offering any value logical answer is that SEPA needs to incor-
added services beyond obligated function- porate all elements of the national schemes
ality. The resulting lower investment is as optional features. It is misleading to say
matched by the minimal functionality and that SDD cannot satisfy the more flexible
reflected in the corresponding low return requirements currently enjoyed by corpo-
and low uptake of any entry level rate customers under domestic schemes;
pan-European services. A strategic- the issue is that the obligatory steps for
embracer bank on the other hand fully basic compliance do not. Banks that
grasps direct debit rationalization, implement the optional SDD capabilities
recognizing its importance and the scale of are empowered to offer value added serv-
Mark Hartley the new market opportunity. ices thereby increasing corporate uptake.
Compliance is not enough in itself, the The critical elements missing from basic
Direct Debits under the Single benefits come from the potential to offer SDD compliance include sophisticated
European Payments Area (SEPA) is one of value added services. A customer perspec- Mandate Management, Aggregated Views
the corner stones of European payments tive is needed to define the service offer- on direct debits, extensive Credit Advice
standardization. It promotes the larger ings to the wider European-wide customer and flexible Notifications Management.
European harmonization process with base of corporations and individuals. The stark reality for the financial sector
simplified and value-added financial serv- Uptake of all optional elements from SDD is that legislation to augment the SDD
ices directly benefiting European enter- must be satisfied to make the business case rulebook beyond version 3 with current
prises and citizens. SEPA Direct Debits attractive and successful. Even considering national direct debit capability is not
(SDD) and parallel SEPA initiatives for the optional elements, SDD still does not expected anytime soon. Banks are forced
credit transfers, card processing and clear- match the capability of the various nation- to take the lead themselves and add
ing/settlement, facilitate direct progress al schemes across Europe. The investment optional national services. This involves
towards greater European financial inte- needed for such strategic offerings is more flexible and open infrastructure to
gration with very real benefits on the understandably higher than for basic SDD facilitate the managed inclusion of various
ground for all within the SEPA scheme. compliance alone. But, and this is the domestic standards as bank strategy dic-
The issue for the banking community is to essence of the decision, the extended func- tates. With a more comprehensive direct
define the most appropriate and profitable tional offerings to customers will offer a debit capability, banks can expect to gain a
strategy while conforming to the new stan- vastly expanded potential customer base growing international customer base;
dards. This implies meeting the obligatory across the continent with the accompany- without it their existing domestic
ompliance rules while maximising the cus- ing high return. Traditional IT customers are anticipated to dwindle,
tomer service offered, but the most impor- economies of scale benefits are also along with the revenues. Ultimately, the
tant issue remains ensuring the inevitable anticipated with the opportunity to con- winners in the SDD space will be the
costs justify the anticipated returns. solidate infrastructure into a single EU innovators; SDD is only the stating point,
Banks are currently in a position where platform, thereby centralizing diverse and not the final destination.



Equens: European focus and switch to a single integrated processing Collaboration for interoperability
decisiveness platform that can easily be adjusted to Interoperability is one of the major
suit the specific requirements of prerequisites for the success of SEPA.
Ben Haasdijk, European clients. This platform is scala- Obtaining systematic and consistent
Chairman, Equens. ble and format-independent and can access to payment institutions and
process both the current domestic and processors is important in order to
Equens is a fact. SEPA transactions. By processing all of guarantee the reachability of every
The merger our transactions via a single platform we account number within the euro zone.
between the Dutch can realise the economies of scale and Equens considers collaboration crucial
Interpay and the competitive rates that are crucial for a for achieving interoperability and
German successful future in Europe. reachability. ‘Interoperability demands
Transaktions collaboration. SEPA can only be a success
institut has Distinctions in the service portfolio if collaboration takes place in the field of
resulted in the first The product requirements for SEPA interoperability. Open standards for
pan-European full- have been set down in the EPC routing, tracking and tracing and
service payment Rulebooks and Cards Framework. There connectivity are a necessary condition. To
Ben Haasdijk are currently major differences in the this end we actively participate in inter-
service provider
with a market share of well over 10%. quality of payment processing between national standardization organizations.
Whoever wants to be big in Europe has to the various euro countries. The SEPA For example, we put interoperability on
think European, i.e. in scale and volumes. standards are based on the current aver- the agenda within the European
It is now time to concretise the European age situation in Europe. For some coun- Automated Clearing Houses Association,
philosophy with European decisiveness. tries SEPA will represent an improve- in which we hold an executive position.
Interpay and Transaktionsinstitut are ment. But there are also countries in We are also the first payment service
the first payment service providers to which the SEPA requirements fall short of provider within Europe to have
have actually joined forces in Europe. the high quality standards of their implemented a SWIFT MI-CUG in order
This has enabled Equens to claim a domestic situation. This certainly applies to be able to provide services to clients
strong position in the European process- to the Dutch market. Consequently, from the entire EU via SWIFT.
ing market, especially with regard to the Equens has compiled a modular market- Furthermore, we are a member of the
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). oriented package for both payments and Berlin Group.’
Equens provides pan-European market card processing services. ‘This enables our With a view to the future, Equens is
coverage for the processing of both euro clients to choose from various compo- casting its eye beyond 2007. 2008 is
and non-euro payments. ‘We are prepar- nents of the basic SEPA services and sup- approaching rapidly. ‘Throughout 2007,
ing ourselves for Europe by offering plement these with additional services for Equens will focus on the large-scale
extremely competitive rates, a distinctive additional quality. Our flexible approach changes that will take place during
service portfolio and collaboration in the and additional, optional services will that year. 310 million consumers and
field of interoperability.’ enable clients to maintain, or even almost 18 million corporates in 17
upgrade their current service levels with- European countries expect a smooth
Competitive rates in SEPA. SEPA must simplify payment and timely transition to SEPA on 01
Equens processes approximately 7 bn transactions, but not dismantle them.’ January 2008. Our clients must be ready
transactions per year, making it one of for that market. Our task is to ensure
the largest players in Europe. We will their smooth transition.’

Byzantium, Payments and the money and hence erally a huge time-lag between front and
Back Office gets the investment back office investment. Let me give you a
to keep on making few typical examples of the mismatches
Andrew Walton-Green, CEO, Gresham it. that will continue to occur between front
Computing plc. But while real- and back office unless and until some
time is everything basic problems with current practise, sys-
Front office trading systems have had in the front office, tems and payment systems are resolved:
investment lavished upon them and no the “Byzantine”
back office batch - If the front and back office systems are
wonder. E-Trading, prime brokerage and not on one platform or at least share
now algorithmic trading systems repre- processing practis-
es and systems are common data, multiple dealers could be
sent an easy business case and obvious doing multiple deals from a single credit
magnet for front office investment. User Andrew Walton- at best a bastion of database intraday whilst the back office
friendly real-time dealing systems ensure Green inefficiency and at are aware of a non receipt, on a different
more trade and now the latest develop- worst, a disaster database, from a specific counterparty.
ment is personalised real-time data deliv- waiting to happen. Very simply, if the Dealing should of course stop or be cur-
ered to mobile devices which is proving a front office is real-time and the back tailed, however, too often, it isn’t because
differentiator in the brokerage market. In office is batch, the potential for exposure the left had doesn’t know what the right
to discrepancies is obvious. There is gen- is up to!
essence, the front office makes the



- In an efficient organization, the front tweaking to ensure that the ever expand- market such as PvP settlement, available
and back office systems are in perfect ing list of instruments offered by the front in the FX market. However, these solu-
synch. But, on how many occasions does office have their counterpart covered off in tions tend
an ‘efficient’ treasury operation pay the back office. to be limited in scope since they only
before receipt? It shouldn’t happen in the covers a specific membership and
post Allsopp new electronic world, how-
ever, as most operations people are Poor implementation: specific currencies, for example.
aware, all to often it still does. If the systems and information are avail-
able but the dealers or treasury depart- Today, however, a huge amount of
- The round sum transaction is the norm ments are still allowed to disregard the trade is done on open account where the
when dealing with institutions and inter exposure, this is again a failure of man- reliance for payment information falls on
bank dealing. The problem occurs when agement at the operational level and as the general global banking market. There
trying to match a specific intraday pay- well as poor design. are a mixture of bespoke solutions
ment to a specific transaction. Typically, The external risks are more difficult to offered by banks but the essential prob-
the payment information received intra- address. lem is that cross border transactions tend
day is too brief to identify just which to get slowed up by multiple banks batch
round sum transaction has been Lack of real-time payment data: processing systems. Further, even when
received. Don’t worry, you will find out One of the biggest blocks to risk reduc- intra-day payment information is avail-
tomorrow when the remainder of the tion; better use of liquidity and real-time able, the level of detail on intra-day noti-
information arrives in overnight batch! account management and hence prof- fication means that too often, it is
The internal risks can be categorised into itability is the lack of real-time payment impossible to match a payment to a spe-
the following silos:- information. Internal systems can only cific trade. Over and above this, the lack
ever be as up to date as the external of common reference data is still a major
Poor Design: information delivered to them. stumbling block.
A failure to address the inherited legacy Too often payment data is neither real-
systems to enable front and back office to time nor of sufficient quality to facilitate Gresham is working with over 30 glob-
work in unison is a failure of management real-time reconciliation. al banks to try and address some of these
at the highest level. This unnecessarily payment issues. It requires a collabora-
exposes the business to risk and those risks There are exceptions. Some payment tive approach since solving it is a global
could potentially sink the whole business. exposures are dealt with through problem. However, the prize, as I think
Once built, the systems need constant bespoke solutions for the investment you will agree, is well worth the effort.

SEPA – the changing face tions. There is a need for feedback and large communities of banks, corporates,
of payments alignment between the many designs that public administrators and consumers
are created. This issue is exacerbated will, if left to their own devices, converge
Jerry Norton, when the designs are developed in differ- on the last moment for implementation
Director, Strategy, ent countries and where a different body and testing. That will lead to a great deal
Global Financial owns the migration process. of replicated effort, spent on proprietary
Services, From the European Commission per- test harnesses and test data. But it will
LogicaCMG spective national central banks and coun- also lead to a peak demand for resource
try banking associations have the respon- and help and all exactly at the same time.
sibility to manage the SEPA initial imple- Gridlock is not inconceivable.
mentation and migration. Although not To meet its monitoring responsibility,
necessarily part of its formal responsibili- the EPC itself requires transparency of
ties the EPC is expected to provide in progress of the initial implementation
essence a function to monitor and report so that the overall status of the SEPA
progress, maintain a risk register and programme can be reported.
Jerry Norton coordinate a SEPA-wide testing strategy. If that wasn’t enough financial institu-
The EPC has a roll-out committee which tions are facing many further challenges
The initial implementation of Single is examining the practical issues around in 2007. The first wave of TARGET 2
Euro Payments Area (SEPA) compliant implementation and is looking at scheme countries are expected to go live in
schemes and the migration from national testability and co-ordination. November and the Basel II regulations
schemes will affect a broad The practical responsibilities for inter- come into force. In the UK there is an
spectrum of companies from banks pretation are organized and managed at additional payment scheme to manage,
to small businesses as well as public three different levels: the European with the introduction of faster payments,
administrators, consumers and, of Central Bank, national country commu- which will also take effect in November.
course, market infrastructures. nities and individual banks or credit Aimed at making telephone and internet
A critical business issue arises when institutions, not forgetting the CSMs payments quicker and reduce the clearing
those different parties are expected to and the corporates, small and medium cycle for standing orders, this is a radical
interpret new requirements and specifica- enterprises (SMEs) and public bodies. change which banks cannot, and should
On a basic, pragmatic level, the very not, underestimate. Not only will this


SEPA Direct Debits
One of the first SEPA deliverables is the much debated SEPA Direct Debits, or
Pan-European Direct Debit as it was previously known. In the midst of heavy investments,
SEPA Direct Debit is not just that, it is much more. It is an enormous opportunity for
banks to recap some of the revenues lost, in particular by offering much needed services
to the business and governmental sector.

As a company dedicated to the delivery of innovative “best in breed” payment technology,

Clear2Pay has embarked on the delivery of key value add solutions that embrace the
European banking community’s SEPA needs. Clear2Pay’s SEPA Direct Debits (SDD)
solution is targeted to fulfill participant banks’ direct debit processing requirements and
will be available to coincide with the launch of the EBA’s extension to STEP2 for the
clearing and settlement of Direct Debits.

SEPA impacts every aspect of direct debit processing (from the processing of ‘unpaid’
transactions to the management of mandates). The Clear2Pay SEPA Direct Debit solution
mirrors that requirement, covering all aspects of direct debit processing.
Features and functions include: acquisition from customer channels; ”on-us / off-us”
routing, and processing of “on us” transactions; mandates verification, stop payment and
exception management (Returns, Reversals, Rejections and Refunds), PE-ACH interfacing
(STEP2), and verification of compliance with direct debit scheme timeline rules.

Headquarters Clear2Pay’s SDD solution is based on the Open Payments Framework (OPF). The Open
Schaliënhoevedreef 20A Payment Framework (OPF) from Clear2Pay is a library of component building blocks from
B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium which payments solutions can be derived. The Open Payments Framework is built entirely
P: +32 15 79 52 00 on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) delivering common, reusable services consisting
of a comprehensive data model, choreographed payment business processes and
F: +32 15 79 52 01
configurable services including parsing, validation, cost-based routing, warehousing,
security, auditing and many more.

We would like to invite you to start the dialogue with us today. We invest like you do; we
will have SEPA Direct Debit available as and when you turn on the tap: mid 2007. Our Early
Adopter Program enables you to begin implementation as early as January 2007, so why
Amsterdam, Brussels, Boston,
wait, contact us now.
London, Melbourne, Madrid,
San Francisco, Singapore, We would be delighted to learn about your specific requirements and look forward to
Shenzhen, Sydney, Warsaw hearing from you.

Download the SEPA Direct Debits Brochure on


represent a technological challenge for migration from existing national schemes Ultimately it is about how to offset the
banks as it requires 24/7 crediting and to the new instruments so that no nation- savings that will be made by the customer.
debiting of accounts but also a business al schemes are in use by early in the fol- In the shorter term, banks might find
challenge. How and in what volume lowing decade. The cost benefits and that they are scrambling to get ready for
customers will use these new services is overall service improvements of this may the changes ahead. If they are to main-
uncertain. What new financial products well be overwhelming for the end cus- tain competitive advantage and not lag
will be demanded is unclear. Whether tomer through the transformation of the behind their competitors, banks and
faster payments will replace existing payments leg of any business transaction financial institutions alike need to ensure
payment volumes is not known either. but, it is the bank that will face the they are fully prepared for the coming
However what will inevitably lead to cost challenge, not only of compliance, but months. Getting ready now will ensure
savings for the customer will almost also of making money in the new world. that it is not only the customer who will
definitely lead to a reduction in margins Thus banks will need to think clearly benefit from the changes. Thorough
and a drop in revenue for banks. about how to improve services whilst los- preparation is the only way for
But it doesn’t stop there - 2008 and ing margin, introduce new payment companies within the financial services
beyond brings even more challenges as products, and transform existing financial sector to ensure that payments remain a
institutions face the business fallout of products to reduce the dependency on sustainable business offering.
these changes. The SEPA requires making money from the payment element.

SEPA opportunity nering with centralised payment pro- SEPA for banks, allowing them to design
cessing providers, such as Voca, will not their payment infrastructure to suit their
Martin Wilson, come in the inter-bank clearing and set- particular needs. Banks will have a
Chief Commercial tlement space. Historically this accounts greater choice and flexibility of
Officer, Voca. for less than 15% of total payment pro- processing models and can use their
cessing costs and recent data suggests it’s chosen processor to add value or reduce
now as low as two to five per cent. cost in different parts of their payments
Getting the SEPA inter-bank space work- value chain. With a functionally rich
ing well is a step forward therefore, but payment processing capability, working
it’s not transformational. alongside or inside a bank, institutions
The real benefits will come when can start to realize economies of scale,
banks leverage the full capabilities of the reduce the overhead of maintaining
new options available to them. Every multiple correspondent relationships
Martin Wilson bank in Europe will soon have a wide and multiple memberships of central
choice of how they process their pay- infrastructures, whilst introducing
The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) ments. Up until now, they have generally new, innovative and competitive services
project will significantly reduce revenue had to adopt the processing model of to win new customers and greater
for banks while at the same time adding their national communities. If the func- market share.
new costs. Mr. McKinsey estimates that tionality of the centralized infrastructure Clearly there are a variety of factors
USD9 bn of payment-related revenue is has been limited to simply clearing and influencing bank decisions and they will
threatened and banks can no longer settling transactions (or if there is no vary from bank to bank. For example,
charge cross-border premiums. Banks in centralised infrastructure), then they if a bank does not have a fully integrated
Europe will need to adopt progressive have generally had to conduct the other platform, or has to manage its payment
payment processing and marketing elements of the payment processing business across a number of geographic
strategies to emerge as winners in this value chain in-house. regions then a partnership with a
radically changing landscape. Fifteen years ago, the situation in the provider of payment services may be a
Clearly banks will seek efficiencies in securities clearing and settlement market more attractive option.
migrating to the new environment. The was similar. The liberalization of the SEPA represents a once-in-a-genera-
changing landscape will need efficient securities market in the 1990s resulted in tion opportunity for banks to transform
and flexible payment processors to play consolidation, both vertical in the case their operating models for payments
a significant part in achieving a timely of Deutsche Borse, and horizontal, in the processing. Like MiFID in the securities
and seamless inter-bank payment system case of Euronext. The changes that markets, SEPA provides an opportunity
for SEPA. MiFID will bring next year have encour- to change the fundamental division of
So how can banks gain advantage in aged seven of the biggest investment labour in the payments industry, lower-
this evolving arena? The answer lies in banks to create a new platform for pan- ing costs for banks, enhancing profitabil-
the critical decisions they will have to European trading. In the same way, ity and introducing innovative and
make over the short and medium term. SEPA will create a competitive market- improved services. The choices banks
There is no longer a one-size-fits-all place with alternative options for pay- make around their sourcing and part-
answer but a much wider range of pay- ment processing. nering strategies will be a key influence
ments processing options. The extra choice in payments systems on how successfully they manage that
The principal benefit for banks part- will become one of the main benefits of transformation.


Payments - Single Euro Payments Area

But as with all initiatives that demand

ISJ reports on how SEPA hopes to tackle the investment, as well as the irksome task of
major administrative change, SEPA is not
fragmented payments infrastructure. proving unanimously popular in all camps.
At its heart, SEPA embodies a strikingly

Helter-Skelter Payments simple and positive concept, but one

requiring a depth of long-term vision on
the part of the banking community, which,
currently, is in distinctly short supply.
Over the last four years, the European represents each Member State included in For the banks, there is little incentive to
Commission (EC) has been a hive of activ- the euro), led by the European Central whole-heartedly embrace SEPA, which
ity. Preoccupied with the economic inte- Bank (ECB). demands significant investment in their
gration of Europe, it has progressively mas- In theory SEPA, as it is currently under- payments technology architecture.
terminded a series of regulatory initiatives stood, will form a blanket of standardiza- According to a recent survey issued by
intended to forge a single, pan-European tion across the payment processes within international consultancy Accenture, SEPA
marketplace. Key to realizing this grand the euro area. This means in practice, all is expected to cost Europe’s top 90 banks
vision will be the process of cross-border European citizens (that is citizens within around EU3 billion in total – expenditure
standardization, which will enable the cur- the 25 Member States of Europe) will be that will only be rewarded with lower rev-
rent helter-skelter of disjointed systems by able to make payments in the euro area as enues, not higher. It is a cost-benefit analy-
which European financial players currently securely, quickly and efficiently as pay- sis even the most arithmetically challenged
do business, to become interoperable and ments made within national borders. As a would find unpersuasive.
more efficient. necessary consequence, consumers and And the problems are not just a question
It is within this wider context of pan- companies will no longer have to of money, although naturally, this is
European harmonization that the EC first negotiate the procedural and conceptual playing a significant role. The banks are
turned its attention to the European pay- distinction between ‘domestic’ and currently attempting to wade through an
ments infrastructure in 2002. Historically, ‘cross-border’ payments, which will ever-thickening quagmire of regulation, in
each country’s payment systems have subsequently be dissolved. an already highly regulated environment.
developed over time to serve the needs of All the above will be achieved, the EC Further initiatives, however noble and
each nation’s particular currency, banking hopes, in two neat phases. Currently, grandiose in their ultimate goal, cannot be
habits and economy. Transferring money Europe is in the middle of the first stage, welcome at this stage, and it is for this
cross-border is consequently more costly which will be completed in 2008 when the reason the EC has already had to publicly
than transferring money domestically, ‘instruments’ (as the EC dubs them) of admit that SEPA has been a slow grind.
because the administrative processes asso- SEPA compliance will be available. By this, Furthermore, fundamental business
ciated with translating the conditions of the EC means some form of direct debit, models are at stake. For many banks, it is
the payments from one country’s payment credit transfer, or card payment, by which a not just a question of dusting down their
system to another are greater. payment is transacted, that complies with technology and making more of a concert-
Following the introduction of the euro in the EC’s determined standards. The second ed effort. If they cannot provide the ‘added
2002, it rapidly became obvious that this stage will be completed in 2010, when value’ services around the payment, and by
highly fragmented European payments these SEPA payment ‘instruments’ will extension the entire supply chain related to
infrastructure would prove unworkable in replace all national payment ‘instruments’. that payment (this is all the administration
the pan-euro era. This issue was brought Evidently, SEPA will prove beneficial for that surrounds the very thing or product
into particularly sharp relief, the EC later the every day citizen, who will no longer for which the payment accounts), it is
explained, when the latter began receiving have to swallow the exorbitant fees unlikely many banks will be able to remain
letters from everyday citizens, complaining attached to the seemingly humdrum in the payments business. The ramifica-
about the costs of transferring money process of moving money. But what does tions will thus prove wide-ranging, with
cross-border, despite the fact the transac- this all really mean for the banking many banks having to outsource their
tion was now operating in a single curren- community at large? entire payment function.
cy. As the EC’s Irmfried Schwimman was As the EC has been at pains to point out, Nevertheless, the EC, despite a few
to later comment, citizens have to be ‘pretty these ‘instruments’ are not an end in them- omissions, remains undeterred. It will not
desperate’ to petition the EC. selves but are deployed to pay for some- be able, politically, to backtrack on its
In the face of popular disgruntlement, thing. It is for this potentially obvious, but initiative, the stewardship of which it
and lamentable inefficiency, it became clear crucial reason, the EC hopes the long term originally granted to the banks themselves.
that Europe’s payments infrastructure had structural and economic changes SEPA will But now it is ready and willing to flex its
to be transformed to match the economic bring, impacting as they will the banking muscles. Full-scale legislation could follow
purpose and philosophy of the single community and corporations, as well as if the banks do not get their collective act
European currency itself. As a result, the everyday citizens, will prove overwhelm- together. It is highly doubtful the latter
EC envisaged the Single Euro Payments ingly positive. If money can be transferred would want this precedent to be set, but
Area; better known as SEPA. This initiative more cheaply and quickly, this should, at a how soon, and at what pace they will
was launched in 2002 under the joint basic level, improve cash flows, free up liq- eventually grumble their ways into
sponsorship of the EC and the 12 national uidity and thus stimulate commerce and compliance, time will only tell.
central banks of the Eurosystem (which economic growth overall. ISJ


Pension Profile - British Airways

some kinds of private equity. But the

The BA Pension Scheme has garnered press review led to a decision to make a one per
coverage recently with reports of arrangements cent allocation to commodities (through
the use of derivatives or funds) and to
agreed to tackle its funding deficit. increase the property allocation to 8%
from 2006 and to 10% from 2007.
The deficit which today stands at £2.1bn, is Changes are already well under way.
“The fund has invested in commodities as
more than double its 2003 level of £928 million. well as continuing to develop the existing
alternatives programme in private equity,
Christine Senior reports. infrastructure, PFI and property,” said the
Changes to the allocation to alternative
investments have resulted in a change to
the current asset allocation policy, making
the benchmark allocation of 63% in

Flying High? equities, 14% in index linked bonds, 13%

fixed interest bonds, 8% property, 1% in
commodities and 1% cash.

In November a provisional agreement actual asset allocation was 69.1% in equi- For the year 2005-6 the scheme
was reached between the company and the ties, 9.9% in index linked bonds, 9.4% in outperformed its benchmark, returning
pension fund trustees for the company to fixed interest securities, 6.9% in property 24.94% against a benchmark figures of
pay £800m into the scheme this year, a rise and cash deposits of 4.7%. Its equity port- 24.54%, though over three years the pic-
on the £500m initially proposed, and then folio was split between 33.8% in the UK ture was less rosy, with an actual return of
to pay £50m a year for the next three and 35.3% international, while the bonds 19.33% against a benchmark of 19.51%
years, subject to two conditions, first that were split 17.1% UK and 2.2% overseas. Overseas equities performed particularly
BA’s cash balance remains over £1.8bn and The three yearly actuarial valuation took well, with returns of 37.1%. Property also
secondly, which is potentially a source of place this year, using asset liability model- did well compared to its benchmark, with
conflict with the unions, that staff accept ling to determine the right asset allocation, a 26% return against a benchmark figure
changes to the benefit structure. This but as a result of that few changes are of 21.6%.
includes a rise in the retirement age to 65, expected. “A thorough review of invest-
a lower accrual rate, inflation capped pen- ment strategy was carried out as part of Advisers and custodian
sionable pay increases and capped pension the valuation process,” said a spokesman The actuarial advisers to the scheme are
increases for retirees. for the trustees. “The ALM indicated that Greg Alexander and Watson Wyatt, and
“The £800m cash payment into New the current strategy will remain appropri- the scheme’s custodian is State Street.
Airways Pension Scheme is a very signifi- ate for the medium term and the addition- Earlier this year BA Pensions appointed
cant injection into the fund, relative to the al cash to be received from BA will be the Bank of New York to process payments
company’s market capitalisation,” said BA’s invested in line with that strategy,” to members of its pension scheme in 46
chief financial officer Keith Williams. “To- countries across the world.
gether with the benefits changes, more than Asset Management
half the deficit will be tackled immediately.” All assets are managed in-house by British SRI and corporate governance policy
British Airways New Airways Pension Airways Pension Investment Management The investment management company is
Scheme (NAPS) a defined benefit scheme, Limited (BAPIML) through a team of 40 required to maintain a dialogue with
was closed to new members in 2003, when investment professionals. companies it makes significant equity
it was replaced by the British Airways investments in. This so called
Retirement Plan, a defined contribution Securities lending responsibility discussion overlay engages
plan for new recruits. The NAPS has The fund engages in securities lending. the investment managers to raise any
33,794 active members, 20,269 deferred “With the agreements we have in place social environmental or ethical issues with
members, and 15,185 pensioners. with State Street it is a low risk activity and companies it invests in and report back to
raises modest additional funds for the the trustees on its activities on a yearly
Trustees schemes,” said the spokesman. basis. Nevertheless the overriding duty of
The board of trustees, chaired by Roger the investment managers is not to take any
Maynard consists of 12 members, six of Alternatives investment action that could diminish the
which are company appointed, the rest In 2005 the trustees conducted a detailed performance of the fund. The fund is also
elected by members. review of alternative investment classes committed to vote its shares in UK and
including private equity, venture capital, overseas listed companies where
Asset Allocation high yield bonds, hedge funds and proper- practicable, based on the NAPF frame-
At the end of March 2006 the fund was ty. Previously the alternative investment work. Voting activity is reported back to
valued at £5.85bn, and at that time, its portfolio had been limited to property and the trustees at least quarterly.


Company Profile - BNP Paribas

Paribas to combine their local and global

125 Years Down Under expertise to differentiate themselves in the

Australian market.
“We were able to establish BNP Paribas
This month marks BNP Paribas’ 125th Securities Services in the Region thanks to
the Cogent acquisition,” says Mr Pasquet
anniversary, as a presence in Australia, “Since then we have grown our Assets
Under Administration from AUD94 bn to
supporting Australian enterprises. AUD210 bn, and we expect to continue
this growth as we further leverage our
Established in Australia in 1881, BNP properties and hedge funds, and these global expertise and invest in our local
Paribas arrived as the Comptoir National trends will continue to be drivers for business.”
d'Escompte de Paris to finance the growth for the BNP Paribas business in The introduction of stricter licensing
Australia-Europe wool trade. Until the Australia. requirements has led to a number of com-
deregulation of the Australian banking The Australian financial services sector is panies have seeking to outsource the man-
industry in the early 1980's, the company also renowned for its cutting edge systems agement of their funds, especially pension
was in the fortunate position of being the and sky-high levels of STP; leading the funds, rather than meet the cost of com-
sole major foreign bank granted a banking Asia Pacific region with its Clearing House pliance.
license to operate within Australia. and Electronic Sub-register System “As an outsourcing provider we have
Historically, the Australian financial sys- (CHESS), which facilitates the transfer and experienced increased growth in the num-
tem was tightly regulated through a range settlement of market transactions from the ber of clients opting to outsource to best
of direct controls on the banking system. It Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), and the of breed service providers, choosing to
was virtually impossible for a foreign bank New Zealand settlement system focus their attention on core services that
to establish branches in Australia until, Austraclear. will drive their own growth,” says Mr
after the Campbell Inquiry in 1981, the These high levels of sophistication, and Pasquet
Australian financial industry began to the markets dedication to innovation in “We are also finding that increased
deregulate in 1983. Additional changes to financial services, have prompted the local scrutiny by Regulators is putting pressure
regulation, following the Wallis Inquiry authorities to promote the Australian on Funds to ensure that they are adminis-
Report in 1997, saw further establishment financial services community as a poten- tering members assets in a robust and pru-
of the financial industry in Australia. tial hub for the Asia Pacific region. dent manner. This has led many Funds to
“Deregulation in Banking in Australia So, in a fast moving market, how does seriously consider outsourcing as an
saw an influx of foreign banks entering BNP Paribas set itself apart from the other option, where they wouldn't have before,
and leaving the market. Our long estab- custodians who are located in Australia? and I think we will see even further growth
lished client relationships and local knowl- “During these last 4 years we have been in outsourcing over the next 10 years.”
edge were key factors in our continued sta- the fastest growing custodian,” believes Mr In Australia, unit pricing and the rela-
bility and service excellence during that Pasquet, “We differentiate ourselves in tionship that clients and investment man-
period,” explains Jean-Marc Pasquet, MD terms of client servicing, and strongly agers have with their outsourcing provider
and Head of Asia-Pacific. believe in our BNP Paribas model of ‘the is an important dynamic, and one which
A result of legislation change has been closer, the better’, which is translated in the BNP Paribas are investing in and develop-
consolidation, which has occurred in the way we organise our operations, our prod- ing. “We think that unit pricing regulation
superannuation and funds management ucts and systems.” will prompt many clients to rethink their
sector, and has caused activity in the cus- BNP Paribas has also been active in outsourcing arrangements which will in
tody space to increase. The influx of new adding to its armoury through acquisition, turn provide growth opportunities for
players into the market, taking advantage when in 2002, it acquired Cogent, the custody providers,” says Mr Pasquet, and
of regulation change, has made the market investment operations of AMP, the also considers risk and control a true part-
very competitive and areas such as super- Australian born wealth management com- nership approach and important in the
annuation funds are benefiting from very pany, and made it part of BNP Paribas outsourcing arrangement.
competitive fee structures. Securities Services. The deal brought with Today, the Australian arm of the BNP
“Compulsory superannuation has been, it an investment operations outsourcing Paribas Banking Group has offices in
and will continue to be, a key driver of platform in the UK, and Mr Pasquet Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Wellington
growth for our clients in Australia. believes that the acquisition has been an (NZ), and is the 9th largest foreign bank
Industry research shows that Australian excellent success story, allowing BNP by assets in Australasia.
pension fund assets will represent more
than 50% of total pension fund assets
Assets Under Custody & Administration at 31 Dec 2005 (AUD Bn)
in Asia/Pacific by 2012.”
The market Australian market is not
only growing in size but also in
sophistication. Pension funds and
asset managers are increasing their
asset allocation in alternative assets
such as private equity funds, direct


French Custody

It has been a challenging twelve months
for France.
A seven-week protest against the
Contrat Premiere Embauche (CPE), a
‘first job contract’ for the under 26’s,
culminated on 28 March this year, when
more that 1.5 million people took to the
streets in the largest day of demonstra-
tions that France had seen for over a
decade. While, just over a year ago,
twenty days of riots engulfed suburbs
across the country and some 10,000
vehicles were torched and 233 public
buildings set alight.
There has also been a similarly shaky
political landscape of late. With Jacques
Chirac coming to the end of his 11-year
presidency, the majority of French
nationals share the same lackadaisical
attitude towards him that they believe he
has shown to his presidency, and most are
just watching the clock tick down until he
leaves, or is pushed, out of power.
France’s socio-economic
makeup is somewhat Custodians recognize
fragmented. that they have to
consolidate to survive.
Alan Duerden looks at Politically feeble, with declining
how the country’s productivity and high unemployment
rates, does the once European leader
custodial machine is in European economic integration find
challenging this and itself somewhat punch-drunk and on
the ropes?
driving ahead in Europe. While it is easy to focus on the negative
press that France has been subject to over


French Custody

the past year, back in April, it was report- returns lie,” says Eyssautier. “Added-value hedge fund industry in the French market
ed that the Paris bourse had soared to its services also include a comprehensive can now be seen.
highest levels since 2001 with the latest reporting service for clients and investors, “We come from a very different organi-
financial results showing record profits an area in which French providers have zation of the market,” explains Etienne
for the countries CAC 40 companies in concentrating on improving quality of Deniau, Deputy Head of Investor
2005, up 50% on 2004. French companies service.” Services, Societe Generale. “Typically we
were also tipped to be the world’s third Of the largest three custodians in are a single market, because of the state,
biggest source of cross-border takeovers, Europe: HSBC, BNP Paribas and Societe and history, so the French have seen the
with the French market being character- Generale, two of these are French, and beauty of having a single market, with a
ized by different levels of consolidation. while they are doing a good job of single order book, and with much more
“Five years ago there were a dozen or so strengthening their hold on business transparency because there is a single
large players operating on the French across Europe, their domestic dominance price for the securities.”
custody market,” explains Jean-Marc is being proven also. “In the French cus- Historically, as with some other
Eyssautier, Managing Director, CACEIS. tody market, the big US custodians only European and Nordic countries, the
“Today, only three major players remain have a small piece of the pie,” states French market has developed under the
(CACEIS, BPSS, and Societe Generale), Eyssautier. “This is due, both to the effi- Continental Banking Model where this is
the others have merged into, or partnered ciency of local players, and to the protec- no distinction made between banks and
up with rivals.” tion afforded by France’s strong culture securities firms. Securities firms are seen
Custodians as banks, and a
recognise that they
have to consolidate
“I’m not sure the word ‘French’ has a meaning single regulato-
ry authority
to survive and that anymore. We are talking about European strategies oversees all
a critical size is banking activity.
needed for invest- now, so custodians need to grow, and the only way This differs
ment in new sys-
tems and strategies,
to grow is to work throughout Europe.” from the Anglo-
Saxon financial
and for the best chance of adopting new that acts as a barrier, making the market model that is seen in the United Kingdom
legislation and regulations. 2006 has been more difficult to penetrate.” which distinguishes between banks and
a busy year for French custodians in the There are two sides however, to every securities firms. The Bank of England
area of cross-border acquisition with story, and whilst France’s strong cultural supervises banks, and securities firms are
Societe Generale and BNP Paribas both identity acts as a barrier to ‘foreign’ custo- traditionally self-regulated.
wanting a piece of the action. dians entering the market, the egocentric It is easy to understand then how evo-
February saw Societe Generale acquire nature of the French financial regulators lution under different market conditions
the custody arm of Italy’s Unicredit has sometimes deprived the market of has encouraged barriers to be put up
Group for USD690 million. This acquisi- potential growth and development between countries, however, where the
tion brought Societe Generale business in opportunities. French regulators have previously been
custody, clearing and settlement, deposi- This is exemplified in the French regu- particularly egocentric, they are now are
tory bank, fund administration and lators approach hedge funds verses other realizing that they have to look further a
transfer agency for clients in Italy, domiciles such as Ireland and field than France if they want their
Luxembourg and Dublin. Luxembourg. The regulators attitudes domestic market to develop.
Also, in August, BNP Paribas acquired towards the role of the trustee depositary “Im not sure the word ‘French’ has a
the third-party securities clearing and bank in France are stringent and it has meaning anymore,” believes Deniau. “It
settlement activity of Bankhaus Carl F been hard to find suitable agreements still has a meaning for post-trade, but has
Plump in Germany, a private banking between prime brokers and the deposi- less and less meaning for the market
and asset management firm that is part of tary bank towards the servicing of hedge itself. We are talking about European
MM Warburg Group, seeing this as an funds. For a long while these issues have strategies now, so custodians need to
opportunity to expand into new markets slowed down the growth of hedge funds grow, and the only way to grow is to work
and develop new services. in the French market, and a number of throughout Europe.”
As institutional and retail investors French asset management companies that Eyssautier agrees with this saying: “A
become more aware of financial products were interested in launching hedge funds considerable challenge for France’s custo-
they can invest in that are marketed in have had to launch them abroad; in the dians is to seek growth opportunities out-
other EU states or globally, custodian Cayman Islands and Ireland. What is side of the French market by gaining
providers are looking for ways to build beginning to be seen however is the market share in Europe and further
their cross-border business, provide con- French regulators understanding that afield.”
sistent service in different countries and their point of view doesn’t necessarily Despite the historical difference
capitalize on regulatory change. favour the growth of the French funds between markets, pan-European legisla-
“French providers are increasingly shift- industry, and slowly but surely they are tion reforms such as the MiFID and
ing their focus from the basic custody re-visiting issues that were previously UCITS directives have helped open up
services to added-value services such as stranded in a no mans land of bureaucra- the market and facilitate cross border
securities lending, repos and OTC deriva- cy. Agreements have been signed with activity by creating ‘single passports’
tive processing where greater potential for prime brokers and the beginning of the allowing financial firms to do business


French Custody

across Europe. The establishment of national pension deficit.

Euronext, the European stock exchange, One can only expect, that now the mar-
and Euroclear have also aided the move ket for alternatives and hedge funds is
towards European harmonization. growing in France, institutional investors
Euroclear Settlement of Euronext-zone and pension funds will follow a similar
Securities (ESES) will provide the strategic line to those in other European
Euronext-zone market Central Securities countries and use the high alpha generat-
Depository’s (Euroclear Belgium, ing returns of these investment instru-
Euroclear France and Euroclear ments to try and manage the deficit with
Netherland) with an integrated settlement greater success.
solution and harmonised custody service French custodians also see international
for stock exchange and over-the-counter competition as a challenge to their domi-
activities. nance in Europe but believe that their
With this move towards pan-European ability to work well with one another
harmonization, French custodians are in a whilst also competing will give them the
strong position as a result of their acquisi- competitive advantage. “France’s three
tions across Europe and will be well large custody providers, despite their
placed for the future development of cus- strong business rivalry, are able to cooper-
tody services in the Euro Zone. ate by sitting around a table together and
While on a European level French cus-
todians are strategically placing them-
selves to be able to deal with a range of
The day will come
fund services for both retail and institu- when a US custodian
tional clients, on their home turf, issues
need to be addressed around institutional makes a serious effort
investment strategies, following reforms
in French pension fund policy.
to set up in France.
In 1999, the Charpin Report suggested discuss market place projects which are
that French population ageing was due to seen as a benefit to the industry as a
accelerate after 2006, and that if the whole,” explains Eyssautier.”
trends of population growth continued, Among the main challenges to French
one French person in three would be over players, one can list international com-
the age of sixty by 2040. Radical reform in petitors, and the day will come when a US
pension law was called for, and the custodian makes a serious effort to set up
defined length of pension fund contribu- in France. Custodians are also seeing com-
tion was extended from 37.5 years to 40 petition from ICSD’s (International
years, with the length of service to be Central Securities Depositories), which
revised every five years, after 2008, to keep are biting off chunks at the bottom end of
up with life expectancy. the business as their services start to com-
France’s pension deficit grew from pete with custody offer of the custodian.”
EUR75 million in 2004 to EUR 1.9 bn last It can be argued that competition is a
year and the government predicts that positive process in market evolution,
despite further pension reforms in 2003, allowing for competitive fee structures,
expenditures will grow from 12.8% of greater differentiation in the services that
gross domestic product (GDP) in 2003 to are offered and giving wider choice for the
14.4% of GDP by 2020. servicing of funds. While this is the case,
“One gap to bridge in the French market and the threat of international competi-
is on the pension fund side. If you are tion may be on the horizon, French custo-
looking at the US or the UK they have dians seem relaxed about this prospect,
had a pension fund culture for years, basking in the warmth of their continued
while in continental Europe it is quite success in Europe.
new. So we need to catch up with all of The French story seems to be a some-
this institutional investor culture,” states what Jekyll and Hyde tale. While some
Deniau. aspects of the economic, political and
In September this year, following a social system cower in shadow of develop-
report issued by the public-sector auditor ment, in custody, the market is buoyant
Cours des Comptes, the French govern- and strong, dominating Europe and
ment recommended that pension provi- marching forward into new territories.
sions for SOE (State Owned Enterprise) It has been a challenging twelve months
employees should be aligned with public for France, but the next twelve should be
pension programs to help reduce the even more so. ISJ







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USA Country Profile

US custodians are the potential implementation of costly

national schemes (like the heavyduty T+1
still the heavyweights settlement system, on ice for now), a
plethora of new asset classes hitting the
but have they licked stage or the familiar but forgotten classes
their domestic plates clean? enjoying a comeback, and more, has forced
custodial evolution.
The market looks deceptively saturated
domestically; new services provider are
Vanessa Nicholson reports. more likely to appear overnight than huge
new funds. However, look a little closer and
it is rife with new opportunities for growth
- beyond funds being passed around
providers, looking for
best service.
The nature of the administrative beast is
changing, and custodians are offering a
wider range of services, bowing to pressure
to branch into areas like record-keeping.
Jeff Conover, Head of North American
Institutional Asset Servicing for Northern
Trust, believes one of the key challenges
faced by asset servicing providers is provid-

Custodial Thanksgiving ing solutions to the investment community

that streamline and facilitate the increas-
ingly barbed investment process. “The time
for the traditional custodian has passed,” he
says. “Clients are now relying on their asset
servicing providers to play a more
integral role in their own operations
and workflow.”
Also, hedge funds, for example, no longer
America’s financial face is mature, to constitute loose change on the market, with
say the least, but a new financial wave has total hedge fund assets surpassing USD1.34
hit the States and the evolution of mar- trillion in the third quarter of this year and
ket needs have increased demands on the are set to grow 15-17% annually. They are
underlying financial services. Increas- increasingly looking to outsource their
ingly complex financial vehicles, backstage processes for expertise and inde-
particularly derivatives, are demanding pendence, and to focus on their investment
deft custody and investment services decisions and the large custodians have lept
handling. The back and middle-office is to aquire hedge administrators.
gliding into the limelight for some long American custody muscle and infrastruc-
overdue attention. ture still attracts the maturing and emerg-
“Five to ten years ago the back office ing markets, being custodians of choice this
was truly ‘the back office’- not a priority,” year to a number of large foreign funds
says Rob Mancuso, senior vice president (see table). Cross-border trading no longer
of Investor’s Bank & Trust (IBT). “Today means inter-state transactions to the
it is top of mind. It is a priority. That’s American financial world. Investors, are
globally-orientated and
The nature of the administrative beast is changing and the world favours cus-
todians who can ‘follow
custodians are offering a wider range of services. the sun’. Despite inter-
national competition,
where the issues are coming up and it has U.S custodians are still leading providers
evolved to be a much hotter issue and globally; providing services to whom barely
decision-making point.” brush with American securities.
Custodians and securities services
providers have been kept on their toes. A bee in the bank’s bonnet
New pension laws, wiser investors, “I think the U.S market is still a world
successive negative financial publicity, leader,” says the Boston headquartered Mr.


USA Country Profile

Manusco. “80% of the leaders in global Cayman Islands or Dublin, in structures would rather use somebody who has got a
custody are based in the U.S and certainly that are being sold to investors in either single platform, a single focus, and has
from our experience, not just from a cus- continental Europe or in Asia- and those already conquered the complexity of hedge,
tody standpoint, but also from an account- structures may hold securities that are private equity and loan type products.”
ing and administration standpoint, our Australian, Japanese and U.S securities The single platform is clearly advanta-
capabilities are much stronger. Looking at simul- geous, and technology investment will con-
custodians and administrators based out- taneously. It is very, very much a global tinue in the States de rigueur. This is pri-
side the U.S I think our technology is remit; a global industry.” The twenty marily to create the integrated information
stronger; our ability to handle complexity year trend towards true globalisation shows infrastructure needed, but also to accom-
and to be flexible is just more mature and no signs of abating. modate the current asset diversification and
more built out from a technology stand- Mr. Curtin believes that though the U.S is burgeoning product choice requiring more
point.” clearly still the world’s largest capital mar- immediate reporting.
Mr. Manusco is not intimidated by his ket, from the perspective of those of in the “The explosion of the use of alternative
European rivals. “I know some European securities processing and custody industry investments is a clear indicator of a major
firms like Societe General are trying to build the U.S is ‘principally a mature market with trend in the U.S market as investors look
this business - but that is just it, they are try- some pockets of very significant growth in for ways to add alpha and mitigate risk,”
ing to build it, whereas many of the it’. “We view the markets in continental says Northern Trust’s MR Conover. It has
Americans already have a very sophisticated Europe and Asia as the higher growth mar- also brought to the forefront the demand
capability.” for the daily
And today,
Even investment managers working with just the one risk and per-
is everything, custodian are having to lift the skirts of their providers reporting that
as are the tech- these asset
nological to find out how integrated their systems are. types require.
resources and “The areas
supremacy to make the complex simple kets,” he says. “That does not indicate that of growth and focus within the U.S relating
and capitalize on the breadth of opportuni- the U.S market is one to be ignored or to securities processors and custodians are
ties for investors. Mr. Manusco’s colleague underestimated, simply because of its defined contribution plans; exchange trad-
Brian Coughlin, managing director of IBT, tremendous size and breadth.” Having the ed funds, which are growing much faster in
expands: “Investment managers have oper- systems to take on the globe and its prolif- the U.S than
ations in multiple domiciles, around the eration of new financial products is vital. anywhere else in the world, and hedge
globe and they are looking for consistently Today most clients are inclined, according funds. Though very much a global
high quality from a service provider, to IBT, towards single global platform phenomenon, the majority of the
regardless of the location or product they providers, who can service the full range of larger hedge funds which are growing
structure.” needs. Many of their competitors, often quickly are based in the U.S,” says the
Pat Curtin is Executive Vice President of those that have been in business the BNY’s Mr. Curtin.
the Bank of New York (BNY) and in charge longest, have fragmented solutions; systems “There continues to be extreme pressure
of the investor services business in the split by product type and geography. Even on investment managers to hit perform-
Americas region. He agrees that the indus- investment managers working with just the ance targets,” says Mr Coughlin. “Investing
try no longer views the world regionally, as one custodian and accounting agent are exclusively in long equities or fixed income
it did a decade ago. “The world is very having to lift the skirts of their providers, markets was not giving them the returns
much looked at through a global lens,” he to find out how integrated their systems they needed, so the more sophisticated
says. “By globalization, I mean more than a are. They are having to check whether, as investment managers historically went to
U.S investor investing in UK equities or a Mr. Manusco says, ‘getting data back con- the derivatives market to drive alpha. We
UK investor investing in Italian bond. I sistently in the same format will be next to are now seeing that trickle down to most
mean global investors investing globally. impossible.’ investment management shops, and there
For example, we have many U.S domiciled “Clients are no longer interested in trying continues to be an increasing reliance on
investment managers who are running off- to manage half a dozen different providers derivative instruments and alternative
shore funds out of Luxemburg or the around the globe,” says Mr Coughlin, “but investments.
“We also recognise,” he continues, “that
Acquisitions of Key Hedge Fund Specialist Administrators while there is the potential for a saturation
of a particular type of instrument, the lead-
2001 Hedge Fund Administrators are mostly niche, boutique firms based in ing minds on Wall Street, in London, Hong
the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. Kong and Tokyo will continue to create
2002 BSG purchases Hemisphere Management Ltd. new over the counter (OTC) instruments,
Citigroup buys Forum Financial Group new synthetics, so that there is a an oppor-
HSBC Private Bank acquires Bank of Bermuda tunity to continue to expand into that
JPMorgan Chase acquiresTranaut Fund Administration space.
2006 Mellon Financial Corps acquires DPM Mellon, providers of middle and He believes many of his investment man-
back office services to hedge funds. Two independent providers remain; agement clients will put their toes deeper
Investor’s Bank & Trust, and Citco Fund Services. into the water, “and as they do I think


USA Country Profile

they’ll find that their own in-house systems under transparency scrutiny, as well as the for the community to digest, but could prove
and operations are not really geared to the desire for appropriate risk management, fruitful to opportunist service providers.
complexity of these instruments and as will see hedge funds flock to out-source all “There certainly has been a lot of regula-
they ramp up they dramatically struggle but their core competencies to the experts, tion,” IBT’s Mr. Mancuso adds. “One of the
with the volumes. compounded by their colossal growth and positive impacts is a desire to outsource more
They are continuously looking for us to the dexterity needed to negotiate and risk- of the administration work because the envi-
take more of those operational processes manage the complexity of financial ronment is increasingly complex in terms of
off their plate so they can continue to focus products on offer. regulations to comply with, and also a grow-
on the investment management and the This year American President, George W. ing interest in the underlying shareholder or
selection of those types of instruments.” Bush, signed the most radical rewrite of the partners of the fund to be comfortable with
nation’s retirement law since 1974, and the the back office or middle office administrator
The Scarlet Starlets and the law
new pension reforms that will have a far- or custodian. It means significant growth
Another new part of the American finan-
reaching effect on the pensions industry. potentially in the future.”
cial markets flora and fauna custodians are
The reforms provide fresh opportunities The land of the free continues to provide
profiting from are hedge funds. An ama-
for service providers, especially in the space opportunities for custodians. Last year, JP
ranth is a flower that (according to legend
of defined contributions. Northern Trust Morgan was awarded the record-breaking
and the Oxford Dictionary) never fades. Its
has already invested in educating its clients Freddie Mac mandate, valued at USD700 bn.
financial namesake, the hedge fund
on the changes and providing them with Whilst these nuggets are rare, sifting for and
Amaranth Advisors, had a
adapting to other oppor-
legendary fall from grace
this September, losing
Pension reforms that will have a far-reaching tunities will keep the
USD6 billion on natural effect on the pensions industry and provide mature market’s appeal.
Capitalizing on the
gas trading. Whilst many
are keen to point to the fresh opportunities for service providers. industry’s vulnerability
in the regulatory and
resilience of the U.S mar-
solutions like liability driven investing creative asset class environment and supple-
ket and the inability to create over-arching
(LDI). The Pension Protection Act of 2006 menting with emerging market horse-power
hedge fund regulation, the headlines have
and new standards issued by the Financial should keep American-based custodians in a
attracted public and political concern. The
Accounting Services Board will take a while comfortable lead. ISJ
2002 Surbanes-Oxley (Sox) Act regulates
public companies and was the result of a
series of corporate scandals. Private com-
panies, like hedge funds, are regulated dif- Custodian Client Assets Held Location
ferently; currently less stringently.
“Headline grabbing events are going to AA Mellon Depfa EUR 115bn Europe
have a reverberating impact on all aspects F&C EUR 13bn Netherlands
of the financial markets. The custody and
securities processing has been no different,” BBH US Oil Fund n/a n/a
says Mr Curtin. “We have seen a tighter
regulatory and compliance environment BNPParibas SS Man Group n/a Germany
across the landscape of investing that has Martin Currie n/a UK
manifested itself in requirements put on
the custodian that in some cases had not BNY Azerbaijan Oil n/a Azerbaijan
existed before. There is a level of risk man- Fund
agement required, not just for investment Leeds Building USD 4bn UK
managers and fiduciaries, but in what cus- Society
todians are being asked to discharge.”
Amaranth followed in the wake of the JPMorgan HostPlus n/a Europe
Enron, Tyco International and WorldCom Cazenove GBP 4bn UK & Ireland
scandals, and the growing fear was the loss
of market confidence. Congress has begun Mellon AA Mellon USD 4bn Ireland
hearings into the industry and the US Provident USD 4bn USA
treasury is holding meetings to evaluate the
risk posed by the twenty-year old industry. Northern Trust Charities Aid GBP 430mil UK
The backlash has been a flurry of proposed Foundation
regulation, to help the investors and funds San Jose USD 1.6bn USA
feel more secure and sure-footed, and, as Retirement
with all regulation, implementation will Stitching Fonds EUR 7.5bn Netherlands
place a strain on resources where smaller
operators will be cornered into consolida- State Street calPERS USD 200bn USA
tion or riskier investments to survive. The Milk Pension GBP 280mil UK
desire to cost-save and appear unblemished Fund


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Analysis of the key indicators on Rank Stock Description

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4 BNP Paribas
Group Data: Total Return to Lendable Assets has continued at a steady
pace since July, falling to just under 5%. The Securities Lending Fee has 5 Royal Dutch Shell PLC
mirrored this slight fall, dropping 10 base points from the seasonal high 6 Washington Mutual Inc
of July to around 22.5.
Utilization has also fallen although to a greater degree and although rally- 7 Telefonica SA
ing in August, it ends October 15 base points lower. 8 Banco Santander
Group Data 10 Sanofi-Aventis

Equity by Fee > 10< 100 mn

Rank Stock Description
1 Inc
2 Hythiam Inc
3 Northfield Laboratories Inc
4 Medis Technologies Ltd
5 Neurochem Inc
6 Eurotunnel SA
7 Cell Therapeutics Inc
8 True Religion Apparel Inc
9 Midway Games Inc
10 Pacific Ethanol Inc

Top 10 Corps By Total Balance Equity by Fee > 100 Mln

Rank Stock Description Rank Stock Description
1 European Investment Bank (6% 07-Dec-2028) 1 Fairfax Fiancial Holdings Ltd (Others)
2 European Investment Bank (3.625% 15-Oct-2011) 2 Fairfax Holdings Ltd (TSX Midcap)
3 European Investment Bank (5.625% 07-Jun-2032) 3 Novastar Financial Inc
4 Brazilian Government International Bond (11% 17-08-40) 4 PW Eagle Inc
5 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (3.5% 17-Apr-2009) 5 Uponor Oyj
6 France Telecom SA (8.75% 01-Mar-2031) 6 New River Pharmaceuticals
7 Telefonica SAEuropean Investment Bank (5.375% 07-Jun-2021) 7 NYSE Group Inc
8 Ford Motor Co (7.45% 16-Jul-2031) 8 La-Z-Boy Inc
9 European Investment Bank (4.625% 15-Apr-2020) 9 Odyssey Re Holdings Corp
10 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (3.5% 04-Jul-2015) 10 Fidelity National Title Group


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Risk Management Association - Composite Analysis


Risk Returns... Below is a table showing a year-on-year snapshot of the industry worldwide. Lendable assets refer to the value of loanable securities. -
On loan vs. cash collateral refers to the value of securities on loan in return for cash. -On loan vs. non-cash collateral refers to the
value of securities on loan in return for non-cash collateral.

The latest securities

lending data from the
Risk Management

Pacific Rim equities on loan increased

sharply over the past year, most notably
Australia nearly doubling. The region is
growing so maybe it wasn’t all dancing and
partying for you at SIBOS this year.
Compare this to the European market
where every country, with the exception of
the UK, sufferd a hefty fall in the amount of
equities on loan.
The US continues to be the king keeper
regarding lendable assets and especially The Survey reflects data provided by the following institutions: Barclays Global Investors; Boston Global Advisors; Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.; Comerica
Bank; Credit Suisse; Frost National Bank; Investors Bank & Trust Company; JP Morgan Chase & Co.; M & I Global Securities Lending; Mellon Financial Corp.;
anything to do with cold, hard cash with MetLife Insurance Company; Metropolitan West Securities LLC; The Northern Trust Company; PFPC Trust Company; U. S. Bank, N.A.; Union Bank of California,
USD266,647 million on loan vs. cash N.A.; The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Wells Fargo Institutional Investments


European Equities on Loan USD (mn) Pacific Rim Equities on Loan USD (mn)


Indicators - Hedge Fund Performance

Fresh Hedge Fund Cuttings....

July to September Rate of Returns
The hedge funds
industry keeps quiet
in the summer

Data from Hedge

Fund Research Inc.

The months of August and

September have lived up to their rep-
utation as being a quiet month with The Bigger Picture
perhaps the slow summer breeze
being the only factor shifting market

With the exception of the MRFI Short

Selling Index which has crashed for
the second month in a row falling to
a rate of return of around -2 from an
August high of +1.

Year to Date Increase: August/September


Asian Securities Lending

Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,

Tortoise or Hare? Thailand and Vietnam. In addition,

Citigroup will provide investment
accounting services for the assets and act
as the securities lending agent in markets
While it is undeniable that the Asia region is where it is permitted by local regulation.
Securities lending in Asia is dominated
growing, its securities lending markets are send- by hedge funds looking to implement
ing out mixed messages. Brian Bollen reports. new trading strategies, and by the major
international prime brokers who service
their requirements. Goldman Sachs,
Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Lehmans,
Asia enters 2007 in good shape, and least some are recognising that securities Deutsche Bank and UBS feature regularly
held in strong regard by participants in lending is necessary to promote stability as houses that are active on the prime
the securities lending markets there. The of pricing and liquidity.” brokerage front. “If you wanted to make
horrors, hiccups and hiatus of the late In short, then, some of the region’s reg- mischief, though, ask them why, if the
1990s are long gone, and even, whisper, ulators are beginning to see both the the- local markets are so developed, why do
gradually being forgotten. oretical and the empirical benefits of people prefer to continue booking trades
The major trends being reported by securities lending, but concerns remain not with a local entity, but with a
those intimate with the region sound and there is no sign of a western-style stronger, better capitalised unit back in
nothing if not familiar, but are worth free-for-all just yet. “A lot of countries London or New York,” suggests one inter-
reiterating, if only for the benefit of those still have foreign exchange controls but viewee. The clear implication is that only
new to the industry. “There has been an they are gradually being dismantled and when booking takes place in Asia can the
increase in supply of assets from major the future is looking brighter for securi- market be regarded as fully fledged.
financial institutions in Asia, reflecting ties lending than it has done for some “We have sought to take advantage of
the accumulation of wealth in the time. Technology is a key to getting peo- the development of securities lending on
region,” says Lawrence Komo, Asia Pacific ple comfortable with the product, and in two fronts,” says State Street’s Francesco
Region Head of Securities Finance at that respect dematerialization has had a Squillacioti, SVP, Regional Director,
Citigroup in Singapore. “We are seeing massive impact. Let’s face it, securities Asia-Pacific.
the emergence of a core middle class in a lending is an incremental, complementa- “One, by working with local regulators,
number of Asian countries, and the ry product, and if you’re having trouble and industry groups such as PASLA to
growth of domestic wealth for discre- settling your normal trades, securities discuss effective frameworks for securities
tionary consumption. In addition, there lending is not a priority, is it? Having said lending. Part of this, of course, is also to
has been huge growth in foreign exchange that, the best thing for us as a supplier of understand the needs of our global
earnings, and securities lending is one of services is the emerging markets story. clients, who are the beneficial owners of
the products to have benefited from these Korea is very active for us, and we intro- securities from those markets. As we
new funds. The broad development of duced a programme into Taiwan in the work to develop such frameworks, we
regulation on securiites lending has, in spring of 2006. These programmes have want to make sure that we do so in such a
effect, been shunned since the events of taken two years or so to bed down, but way as to safeguard our clients’ interests.
the 1997/98 period, but global multina- other markets will learn from their expe- Two, by working with local institutions
tional corporations are moving into rience, and two who may
Asia to tap into its markets, and that years is a very “Only when booking takes be inter-
movement has reached the point where short time in ested in
it’s irreversible.” the broader place in Asia can the market be lending
In this account of recent history, China,
a sleeping giant for the bulk of this writer’s
scheme of
things. The
regarded as fully fledged.” their glob-
al securi-
lifetime, has finally awoken, and is now next markets to adopt securities ties. It is equally significant to ensure
attracting long-term stable foreign direct lending will do it quicker, and will be that we are able to lend the assets of the
investment, rather than the hot money more stable.” various large institutions in the region in
which suddenly developed cold feet less We must also bear in mind, of course, ways that are consistent with regulation.
than a decade ago. “The foreign direct that even in those markets that are fur- “Our view is that the various markets
investors are creating capital, too,” observes ther down the road to full acceptance of are putting in place measures that make
Lawrence. ”And that is money than cannot securities lending (say, for example, the environment more conducive to secu-
be taken out of the country easily.” Singapore), the markets remain relatively rities lending. We see it as positive for us
“On the back of this, many exchanges small. Citigroup, incidentally, during the as well as the institutions that engage in a
are working on finding ways to attract writing of this article, was appointed by lending programme, and of course, the
and keep capital, and on developing Prudential Corporation Asia to provide markets that open up to lending. We see
derivatives markets,” he continues. “They domestic and global custodial services to this as part of a regional and market evo-
are asking how they can make their mar- the insurance funds and unit-linked lution that started several years ago and
kets more liquid, and what they need to products of Prudential’s operations in continues so, it is hard to confine it to the
do to suit foreign investors better, and at Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, South past year. Besides markets such as Korea and


Asian Securities Lending

Taiwan, there has been much discussion become easier to do business in Korea than nology is the differentiator between the larger
about markets such as Malaysia, India, just a few years ago. Supply and demand are and smaller players and we believe we will
Pakistan, Philippines, China, and Vietnam. the main driving forces, and as supply of continue to see a consolidation of the securi-
Our plans are to make sure that we are in stock to lend has risen, prices paid by bor- ties services business as a whole.” In April
position to take advantage of these opportu- rowers have fallen. We’ve also seen positive 2006, BoNY took another step into the future
nities. We need to keep an eye on what the developments in Taiwan, India and the swapping its retail banking and regional mid-
potential securities lending value of the par- Philippines, which are all moving closer to dle-market businesses in the US for JP
ticular market is, and weight that with the setting securities lending standards for both Morgan’s global corporate trust business, he
timing of that market coming ‘on-line’. We borrowers and lenders. A number of markets, goes out of his way to remind us.
plan to continue to keep a close eye on these though, the likes of India, Malaysia and Northern Trust’s Sunil Daswani, Director
markets, and to continue the work we do China, are looking more to meet the needs of for Securities Lending (Asia) and also the
with regulators, and with industry groups onshore investors, rather than offshore current chairman of the Pan-Asian Securities
such as PASLA. investors, and are not actively looking to facil- Lending Association, remains consistently
“Of course, we always like to see restrictions itate the entry of offshore lenders. The lend- bullish about the prospects for securities
on securities lending eased, and we applaud ing community would prefer to see a market lending in the region. We are seeing more
the work that the many progressive regulatory environment that enables offshore lenders as corporate actions and other events in local
bodies in Asia have done to lighten the well as onshore lenders to participate; we’d markets that create demand for securities
restrictions. We are very heartened by the certainly like to see Malaysia re-opened and lending,” he says, casting a forensic eye over
responsiveness and the bigger picture. “A
openness of some
of these regulators
“The Asia market has been buoyant this year with common theme in
Asia is that its mar-
not only to study M&A, warrants, IPOs and placements, and all of kets are in a boom
what the market cycle, which is help-
requires and to this has had an impact upon securities lending.” ing to create arbi-
speak to industry trage opportunities.
players about what measures might be effec- the industry is engaged in dialogue with vari- “Putting on my Northern Trust hat for a
tive, but by their efforts actually to implement ous participants in the market.” A key factor moment, one thing that has changed is that
some of these changes. Of course, we respect in changes affecting Asia, he believes, is the clients are actively asking why we can’t lend
deeply the different countries’ concerns and increasing migration of the trading of Asian in certain markets, whereas in the past we
we believe that they are all acting in a manner securities to Asian financial centres. Other would have to convince them of the benefits
that they feel is prudent. Each market will items of note in 2006 include the last phase of of lending. People are lending who didn’t
implement the system that fits best for it, and implementation of the agency disclosure ini- lend before.”
this process is going to take longer in some tiative was successfully completed in October. There is still a lot of work to do, though, he
places than in others. Our job is to provide “The whole exercise went well, given the cautions. “We can present the perfect model,
the assistance we can provide as the frame- enormous size of the multi-year task,” he but you can’t expect markets to change
works are being developed, and then to work comments. overnight. We are unlikely to see a securities
to implement the model in a manner that is “Our hopes and expectations for 2007? lending model adopted in countries like
optimal to our clients. And ultimately, More of the same, with the continuing estab- Pakistan and Vietnam any time soon, but the
through the successful implementation of a lishment of hedge funds driving demand for Philippines has just passed rules that could
structured SBL model, we can help to get a variety of trading strategies, and the contin- enable securities lending there, onshore and
some of the more ‘emerging market’ countries uing interest of a number of markets in offshore, while India and Taiwan are working
into a more recognised ‘developed’ status.” embracing the rules that allow securities hard to establish international standard mar-
“The Asia market has been very buoyant lending to take place,” he continues. “We kets. As they progress, they will attract more
this year with M&A activity, warrants, IPOs would expect to see further liberalisation tak- international investment, which means there
and placements, and all of this has had an ing place. There’s also aways more technology will be a greater supply of assets and new
impact upon securities lending activity,” says in the pipeline, helping to bring about an opportunities. This will help growth in Asia.
Andrew Gordon, Executive Vice President at enormous chances and improvements in the Malaysia will launch a model in early 2007,
The Bank of New York, responsible for all the industry, both in Asia and elsewhere. The allowing the local borrowing of local assets. It
bank’s business in North Asia, which includes ability to exchange large volumes of data in remains very restricted, but we are pleased it’s
Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan. an is effectively helping to transform the way moving in the right direction, and we retain a
“We feel there has been a normalization of we work, and the input from the likes of Data hope that it will open up to international
lending requirements in Korea, bringing it Explorers is delivering an element of rate players. In Korea, PASLA estimates that
closer to the mainstream; there has certainly transparency that simply didn’t exist before. there could be USD50bn-100bn of lend-
been a greater familiarity with what works, The impact of technology should not be able assets, of which 20% could be out on
and with what doesn’t work, and it has underestimated. The ability to embrace tech- loan in any one day,”he concludes. ISJ

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Predictions 2007

Industry experts comment on their predictions
for the securities services landscape in 2007.
After the market turmoil late in the first half ing Iraq edges closer to outright civil war. recent years, which have often been well below
of this year, when an abrupt (but temporary) - Yield Curves: The US, UK and Euro-zone expectations, as well as concerns about the cost
tightening of liquidity caused a pronounced yield curves are all either inverted, or are of actively-managed funds. Enhanced ETFs are
sell-off, the principal global equity indices have close to inversion, raising the possibility computer driven, using algorithms to evaluate
undergone a recovery. The Dow Jones has bro- of looming recessions. company data in order to select a portfolio.
ken above the key 12,000 point level, which is a If traditional equity indices do return to a They do not, therefore, require the expense of
comfort zone for investors, for the first time, more lacklustre trend over the next year, then analytical input by humans (at least, not beyond
while the FTSE 100 has reached its highest we can expect investors to look elsewhere, the initial development of the programme’s
level for more than five years, buoyed by a con- which should accelerate the market presence of quantitative filters), but their focus on sourcing
tinued rise in corporate earnings, falling oil enhanced exchange traded funds (ETFs). ETFs, stocks on the basis of fundamentals offers the
prices, receding concerns about inflation and in the form of tradable indices, have been oper- prospect of higher returns than traditional
the prospect of a liquidity-enhancing reduction ating in developed markets for several years. indices and basic ETFs. They also avoid the
of US interest rates during 2007. Fund managers find them particularly useful, as emotional drawbacks of fund manager-driven
Given that equities remain broadly underval- buying or selling an ETF, which often involves stock selection ( the twin evils: greed and fear).
ued in historical terms, next year could see a exposure to a broad range of sectors, offers a Enhanced ETFs represent a cost-effective and
continued rise in traditional indices. However, much more convenient and effective means of coherent proposition. The pace of uptake of
a number of factors may arrest, or even day-to-day portfolio management than continu- these products over the short term is partly
reverse, the recent rally. Key risks include: ally trimming or increasing exposure to individ- dependent upon the performance of traditional
- North Korea: October saw the regime of ual stock (or underlying fund) holdings. equity indices. However, over the medium to
reclusive North Korean President Kim Jong Enhanced ETFs, meanwhile, are a more long term, their superior attributes should
Il reportedly test a nuclear bomb. advanced proposition, in that they move beyond mean they come increasingly to the fore, espe-
Possession of a nuclear capability in such traditional indices. Rather than selecting stocks cially in a context where a number of products
unpredictable hands is a major threat. on the basis of market capitalisation, they drill already launched in this arena have been per-
- Middle East: Recent diplomacy has seen down to quantitatively assess forming well. London & Capital sees enhanced
more constructive engagement with Iran, parameters including growth, value, profitability ETFs as a major growth area for 2007.
which has been developing its own nuclear and cash flow.
capability, but risks remain of a fresh escala- The development of enhanced ETFs comes in Ashok Shah, Chief Investment Officer,
tion of tensions, at a time when neighbour- response to the returns of traditional indices in London & Capital

2006 was another great year for securities knowledgeable about the market as a lobbied to develop Securities Borrowing
lending market participants. In some respects whole.They used the various research tools and Lending facilitation.
it could aptly be named “the year of the divi- that exist to help quantify expected and real- It is difficult to predict what 2007 will bring
dend” as many corporations within developed ized returns and challenged their providers to the securities lending industry. It is highly
economies realized average yield increases as increase their service levels. They recognized unlikely that dividend yields will increase at the
high as 30%. Lenders and borrowers alike ben- that they have options and that they can safely same percentage as they did this past year. It is
efited tremendously from this increase in cor- extract maximum value from their portfolios equally unlikely that Lenders and providers will
porate dividend payouts while they also without adding incremental risk. Many of continue to enjoy all of their more profitable
enjoyed a steady rise in asset valuations. these Lenders introduced competition, expand- yield enhancement markets. That said the old
Hedge Fund and proprietary trading growth ed their collateral profile and utilized various cliché’ of when one door closes, expect another
continued to rise globally as well, along with routes to market. As a result it was a record to open should be entirely relevant. Lending
the amount of short selling activity. New trad- earnings year for many participants. and borrowing activity will undoubtedly contin-
ing structures developed and the cash markets Emerging markets continued to pique the ue to grow at a healthy pace. The market and
offered stability. As a result, loan balances interest of many providers who sought new its’ participants will also continue to evolve
were up across all asset classes as providers spread opportunities and an early mover towards a true investment management disci-
attempted to satisfy the seemingly insatiable advantage. Many believe that this will be a key pline. The days of viewing securities lending
demand of these borrowing entities. asset class next year and that it will continue to as nothing more than an expense offset are
It was a very informative year for the gain favor, particularly in the light of global tax gone.
beneficial owners of securities. Lenders harmonization. It is no surprise that Asia,
became much more involved with their Latin America and Eastern Europe are under a Christopher Poikonen, Managing Director,
securities lending programs and much more spotlight and are being aggressively Auctions & Trading, eSecLending


Predictions 2007

The industry has been talking of ‘regulatory These technologies will be drawing heavily on Improvements to the SWIFT message sets
fatigue’ in the last few years. As a result of the sophisticated algorithmic innovation and the will achieve much in the harmonization and
EU Clearing & Settlements Directive and the demands for increased flexibility in how and sophistication of inter-counterparty communi-
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive where trades are settled. cations. Due to the extensive consultation and
(MiFID) being two major pieces of legislation Corporate Actions processes have been the testing that has taken place, this project is also
now in the implementation phase, implementa- subject of much brow-beating in recent years, in set to be a key driver for technological improve-
tion fatigue may be a buzz-word for 2007. response to the need to eliminate the paper ment next year.
Regulatory implementation necessarily means processes for which this field is notorious. The A most interesting issue is the strategic
improvement of systems and processes, which quest for seamless straight-through processing aspect of “open source” developments. The
presents huge challenges. In the case of MiFID, of data from exchange (or even issuer) to back advantages of this are numerous, but chiefly it
with confusion as to scope and the gradual def- office systems integrated into front-end analysis enables universal sharing of information for the
initions leading to piecemeal interpretation, the and third party service providers continues. Key benefit of the entire industry. Moreover,
challenges (and costs) of responding to regula- to this is an agreed taxonomy to facilitate auto- regulators such as the FSA are now recognizing
tor enforcement in 2007 are likely to be consid- matic interpretation of information within and that industry codes can have an
erable. Data management, security and flows between counterparties and their various pro- anti-competitive effect.
between asset managers and their agents are cessing systems. Highlighted as ‘one to watch’ is the develop-
critical areas of technology development and Related to Corporate Actions is development ment in XBRL – eXtensible Business Reporting
competition. Back office systems to handle in company law across Europe, which will Language. XBRL has the potential to greatly
MIFID are still yet to be fully defined and improve automated communications between smooth the way for the automatic processing of
developed, which is cause for concern consider- issuers and investors. We hope to see better data which hitherto has been subject to
ing that this is work which will need to be com- facilitation of improvements to terminology and manual processes. Although it is not a single
pleted next year. process, creating maximum potential for the project, and doesn’t necessarily have a
At the exchange level, recent headlines have implementation of market-leading technology definitive target date, it is a piece of work which
signalled significant developments in trading solutions already developed: straight-through will progressively generate results in
platforms. Due to increasing market pressure electronic voting is still a long way off thanks to dismantling some of the barriers which
for exchange consolidation, combined with legislative and artificial market barriers which currently exist in the world of business and
demands for better competition in trading plat- are now being challenged. financial data processing.
forms (underlined by the Euroclear single plat- It is this kind of elective corporate action With so many regulatory challenges, develop-
form project), clearing and settlement tech- which could be much improved by automated ments and conundrums which need solutions,
nologies (and their attendant reporting sys- processes, not least with increasing demands 2007 should prove to be a hectic year!
tems) will need to become ever more flexible in for transparency and reporting (as in so
response to higher volumes of business, larger many areas) placing heavy burdens on creaking Paul Hewitt, Business Development Manager,
exchanges and multiple trading platforms. manual processes. Europe, Manifest.

Our clients themselves are changing, and the for providers to build or acquire the necessary pressure on internal compliance with the
consolidation of our industry echoes the consoli- expertise now, to be ready for when it happens. requirements of the directive, and the cost of
dation process that many of them are going Our feeling is that mid-2006 will in hindsight compliance could lead such players to exit the
through; as they evolve, they demand more and come to be seen as a turning point in the indus- market. Service providers heavily involved in
more integrated services and want a single try’s history, for three main reasons related to servicing broker/dealers will face a long period
provider to deliver them, and the value chain is custody though not restricted to it. The first is of uncertainty in the forthcoming months and
changing to meet client needs. The growth of the decision of the Commission to implement a may be forced to revisit their business model
investment in alternative assets such as hedge code of conduct imposing concrete objectives on dramatically. Interestingly, a MiFID-readiness
funds, funds of hedge funds, private equity and post-trade infrastructures that must be reached survey recently conducted in the financial serv-
real estate demands that service providers devel- by the end of 2007 (concerning transparency of ices industry by SunGard (a provider of soft-
op the ability to service these products. Any cus- prices, open access, separation of silos). The ware and processing solutions for financial
todian which doesn’t evolve accordingly will question of whether or not a directive is neces- services), and TradeTech (a conferences and
quickly find itself going backwards relative to the sary has seen a great deal of discussion within research firm) shows that 65% of firms either
competition. the industry over the past two years, but has now have no overall plan or are yet to fully identify
The increasing complexity of products being been resolved. MiFID-related budgets.
invested in by fund managers also presents The second is MiFID, the European Union’s The third is the Target 2 Securities project
new challenges, and the industry must adapt long-awaited Market in Financial Instruments announced at the beginning of July by the
to meet those challenges successfully. The abil- Directive. After one false start, November European Central Bank aimed at creating a sin-
ity to provide independent valuations of OTC 2007 has been set as the date for full imple- gle platform for settlement services for securities
products, whether for the sell-side or the buy- mentation and the authorities have made it transactions in central bank money. We have
side, is becoming essential. Looking further clear that financial institutions must be ready. long thought it vital that the European
beyond 2007 into the medium- and longer- There will be no postponement to allow strag- Commission and the European Parliament con-
term, we expect the trend for investment oper- glers to catch up. MiFID will undoubtedly have tinue to play a driving role in this respect, and as
ations to be outsourced will spread from the implications for some service providers. Target 2 Securities is supported by the European
UK and into Continental Europe. It is important Brokerage firms will face particularly strong Commission, the long-running battle between


Predictions 2007 (cont.) Analyze this... Transfer Agency

proponents of an integrated system and defenders of the interface
model would appear to have at last come to an end. The devil,
though, as the saying goes, is in the detail and we await the details
with great interest.
Alain Closier, Global Head of Societe Generale Securities Bill Hookings
Services (SGSS).

With the release of Windows Vista operating system, we will see a WHAT ARE THE CURRENT CHALLENGES WITHIN THE
movement away from traditional web-based applications and toward TRANSFER AGENCY ARENA?
thin-client applications based upon newer “smart client” technolo-
gies. Companies will begin porting older browser-based applications Bill Hookings, Head of Product Development (Rufus GTA),
to the smart client media in search of the richer user functionality Bravura Solutions
available on desktop platforms – a historic weakness of browser-
based applications. The smart client technologies will also encour- The pace of change in the Transfer Agency (TA) space shows no
age companies and vendors to leverage the new media by porting signs of slowing; regulatory change, the need for increased efficiency
older Win32 applications to the newer platform where they can main- and an increasing focus on global distribution are driving the need
tain their advantage of rich user functionality while gaining the for sophisticated TA systems.
appeal of thin-client deployment. This is of crucial importance since With the introduction of the UCITS III law, product offerings have
many proprietors of Win32 systems have been thwarted in their changed to allow trading of financial instruments not previously
attempts to modernize their systems by the loss of a rich user expe- allowed in the UCITS environment. This has impacted many TA
rience imposed by moves to browser-based application platforms. systems, and many of the new products have features which
On the system integration front, we will see best of breed system traditionally have not been conducted on a TA platform.
vendors with their deep functionality further widening the gap Hedge funds have previously been administered using specialist
between single-system vendors who opt for broad functional cover- computer systems, however as the demand for these products grow
age at the expense of depth. This will be fueled by the continuing across mutual fund distribution channels, so does the need to
move away from tightly coupled straight-through-processing applica- administer these products on scalable TA platforms connected to
tions and toward the loose coupling of the same applications based electronic dealing and servicing channels.
upon the growth of web services and XML messaging interfaces While the implementation of the new MiFID directive has a
among key vendors. As the financial services industry adopts well- significant impact on financial servicing, the impact on TA appears
defined XML schema like XBRL, system vendors will adopt those minimal, as the necessary information for client classification and
schemas as de facto standards for system integration thus driving appropriateness are not necessarily available to fund administrators.
down both the return-on-investment (ROI) and total-cost-of-owner- Increasing trading activity and pressure on Fund Promoters to
ship (TCO) numbers to the gratification of CFO’s. However, while reduce costs have led to initiatives to increase STP efficiency. Within
the XML schema standards emerge, service oriented architecture the UK, deal placement via EMX has significantly increased STP rates
vendors will see continued growth in the need for their wares in the for many organisations. In Europe, many TA players have introduced
face of interim message translation and correlation needs. the ISO15022 messages to support this process and are engaged in
Finally, as the best-of-breed predominance continues to grow, the introduction of the new ISO20022 messages to harmonise fund
prospective clients interested in best-of-breed solutions but with rel- order processing globally.
atively low in-house IT proficiencies will look to best-of-breed ven- The introduction of the new message standards not only increase
dors to mitigate integration risk by offering to host complete STP the STP process, but allow for the automation of processes not previ-
solutions. In fact, 2006 has seen an increase demand for just such ously available; such as account openings, cash flow reporting and
hosting deals. We will see an increase in strategic alliances between price reporting. While the acceptance and introduction of the new
best-of-breed vendors and resurgence in ASP solutions which will message standards has been slow, market players agree on the
use more current integration and hosting technologies. Hosted importance of moving forward. Each of these solutions requires sub-
applications will span the gamut from order management and per- stantial systems development and infrastructure investment.
formance attribution in the front office to data reference manage- The biggest challenge is for the TA Administrator to expand their
ment, accounting, and reconciliation in the middle and back office. service offering from a single location to support global distribution
Coupled with the growth of ASPs to meet these demand, the walls of in multiple jurisdictions; this impacts technical infrastructure as well
the ASP data centers will become increasingly transparent as XML as staff resourcing. A key success factor for distributors of cross bor-
web services technologies enable ASP vendors to expose secure data der products into Asia is the ability to provide local servicing and
access points at the periphery of their data centers to clients. This support in Asian time zones and speak Asian languages.
will offer ASP clients an unprecedented ability to create custom Distributors may appoint sub Transfer Agents within the
reporting and analytical applications which span the breadth of their Asia region to achieve this, or have service centres with remote links
businesses in the same way that self-hosting clients have done his- to the central Transfer Agent. The need for increasingly sophisticated
torically. In short, the line between client-hosted turnkey applications computer systems, connected to an array of external services, and an
and vendor-hosted ASP applications will continue to blur as new understanding of the regulations and market practices of the major
technologies render the integration media increasingly seamless. financial centres across the world cannot be refuted. For all but the
very largest players, the only way to achieve this is to partner with an
Charlie Morris, Chief Technology Officer, international specialist software provider.
Princeton Financial Systems


Analyze this... Transfer Agency

Etienne Carmon Christophe Lentschat

Etienne Carmon, Senior Marketing & Development Manager Christophe Lentschat, Head of Sales, Product Development and
Europe, CACEIS Marketing, European Fund Administration SA
As cross-border fund distribution gathers pace largely due to The growing importance of professional buyers has certainly
open borders and open architecture, fund companies and transfer been the most spectacular trend in the European fund distribution
agents, face a strategic decision: should they centralise their landscape over recent years. Investment Funds are increasingly
business or develop a local presence where they operate? The used as building blocks in a wide array of wrapper products
decision is driven by two principal factors: Service and Profitability. including pension schemes, unit linked products, funds of funds,
A high level of service is key, but can impact profitability and if structured notes and private banking products. According to a
profitability is the main focus then service suffers. Cerulli Survey, Professional buyers, distributors and assemblers
The benefits of a local network are clear: proximity to the target that use manager selection techniques to choose best in breed 3rd
market permits a far better understanding of country-specific party managers, account for over half the accumulated business of
factors that can be the root of many problems if not effectively cross border fund manufacturers. The aggregation power makes
tackled. A local office, staffed by a team that speaks the the professional buyer a very interesting but volatile client for the
national language helps build strong relationships with the local fund manufacturer. At the same time, professional buyers are
players in the industry. much more volatile and performance driven, putting pressure on
A local presence also permits closer integration into the market, the manufacturers
as by attending meetings with local authorities and national The growing importance of professional buyers leads to the
industry working groups transfer agents can gain a greater emergence of a third register type in addition to the traditional
understanding of local taxation and regu-latory constraints. retail and the institutional closed architecture. The new type of
Finally, the local presence allows a deeper comprehension of register is characterized by service requirements that are not as
each market’s own transaction flows and cash and security straightforward as those of a traditional closed architecture
settlement processes which are in the early stages of environment. As for retail funds using third party distribution
standardisation in Europe. channels, trailer fees are an extremely important feature and the
A centralised approach however offers significant advantages TA has to be capable of processing highly customized fee sched-
too. The cost of setting up a local network in terms of office ules. By definition, trailer fees are not important in traditional
space, staff and the IT infrastructures can be daunting. The institutional funds.
centralised approach reduces costs, but also risk. For example, On the reporting side, both the fund managers and the manufac-
a decentralised client account and static data infrastructure can turers require advanced pre NAV and even pre-allotment informa-
lead to data becoming desynchronised leading to errors and tion.Transactions are sizeable because of the aggregated purchase
increased risk. power of the assembler clients and the asset manager requires
A local presence is therefore crucial yet costly, however these advance warning to adjust portfolios. The manufacturer wishes to
costs can be minimised whilst retaining the benefits that a local follow his important professional clients very closely and therefore
presence offers. Staff numbers (and conseq- needs to be informed of announced movements as soon as possi-
uently office space requirements) can be significantly reduced ble. In terms of web access and call center capabilities the function-
by centralising certain departments at a head office. Compliance al requirements of the new category lie between the retail and tradi-
and risk management, tax and legal, sales and CRM, IT tional institutional registers. Web access may be required to simplify
development and project management can all be centralised, and speed up reporting but will not be used by the end investor as
increasing efficiency and reducing the cost burden. the end investor products need to be repackaged first. On the other
Platforms for static data can also be centralised and systems hand, connectivity is of high importance compared to the other cat-
for processing, cash management and reporting can be shared egories of registers which do not operate in an open architecture
either between locations or with related business lines such as context. Again, because the investor is a professional assembler,
fund administration. language is not as important as in the retail registers, where fulfil-
An ideal business model for Transfer Agency therefore entails ment has to be processed in the end investors language.
both a local presence and a degree of centralisation for certain Finally, whereas retail registers require a performing
parts of the business. This structure makes it possible to deliver automatic reconciliation tool in order to be efficient and ensure
excellent service and whilst ensuring suitable profitability. quality in a high volume environment, the profess-
ional buyer requires the TA to accommodate flexible and
diverse settlement requirements.


Analyze this... Transfer Agency

Alec Hoffman Scott McLaren


Alec Hoffman - Associate Director, heading the retail fund services Scott McLaren - Managing Director, RBC Dexia Investor Services,
practice, Etheios Hong Kong

Transfer agency, the function that services individual investors’ ‘Global Distribution’ is one of the increasingly popular topics in the
holdings in retail funds, is seeing a reduction in the number of funds industry today – some countries which have traditionally
accounts serviced, despite funds under administration increasing. offered domestic only funds are starting to open up to offshore
This is driven by a move away from direct investor accounts to funds. Asia is a good example, where Luxembourg and Irish funds
omnibus accounts held in the name of distributors (fund super- are the norm in Hong Kong. International fund managers are
markets, wealth managers, large IFAs and more recently wrap increasingly bringing their offshore products into Singapore and
platforms). the Taiwan legislation has opened up of late to the Luxembourg
The number of transactions is also decreasing as distributors domiciled funds.
aggregate orders before placing with transfer agents (TAs). Finally, Luxembourg SICAVs (Société d'investissement à capital variable)
part of the requirement for TAs to provide the retail point of con- are today sold to investors in more than 100 countries.
tact (e.g. via call centres and postal correspondence) is also mov- Consequently, one of the pressing issues facing transfer agents is
ing to platform providers, who provide a largely internet-based how to support the growing foreign distribution channels.
investor servicing model. If you consider particular examples, such as European funds sold
How does this affect TA service providers? The reduction in in Europe, then time zone does not enter into the equation.
accounts and transaction volume coupled with the loss of direct Language, however, does. In Luxembourg, most European
investor servicing hits profitability because service fees tend to be languages are spoken, helping to make client servicing fairly
based on these activities. Reductions in fees and profitability could straightforward.
lead to consolidation in the industry as TA operations strive for However, if we look at the increasing growth of distribution chan-
economies of scale. nels in Asia for European administered funds, more complexities
It could also lead to new business models. When fund super- arise, such as time zone differences, potential language challenges
markets appeared, TA service providers introduced aggregation and even differences in the investing cultures. Given these chal-
engines to support them. With more sophisticated platforms such lenges, it might make sense to consider moving some support func-
as wraps arriving, TA service providers are broadening their propo- tions to Asian in such an example. There are a number of potential
sition (to maintain revenue) by developing outsourced administra- benefits for moving support to the distribution channel. In this sce-
tion services for platforms, or providing services for other prod- nario, the distributors would be able to speak to a local servicing
ucts such as wealth management or life and pensions. In other team in the local language and in the same time zone - a distinct
words, traditional TA service providers are evolving into broader advantage over waiting several hours for someone to acknowledge
distribution service providers based on different models. receipt of the transaction. Transfer Agency relies heavily on
The viability of platforms will be achieved through economies technology and increasing cross border distribution drives
of scale. Distribution service providers must deliver value to their the need for investment in robust systems that are able to
clients using efficient, scalable systems handling broader product handle local specifics, whether with language, tax or custom
ranges. Efficiency is gained through comprehensive interfaces and reporting.
interfacing with product manufacturers using straight through One of the key drivers in transfer agency today is the need for a
processing (STP). single platform. The convenience of having consolidated client data
However, many service providers have legacy systems that are allows you to offer a single client view across multiple jurisdictions
TA-centric and heavily customised and to adapt these systems for (e.g. via a transactional web site that can offer consolidated client
new product types and provide aggregation capabilities and the statements). A single platform also makes fee calculations, report-
additional STP required in open architecture environments may ing and interfaces easier and more efficient.
prove expensive. The rate at which transfer agency is becoming global is positive
Therefore, service providers are implementing third-party sys- news, since it drives initiatives such as automation into less mature
tems to cater for other product types and interfacing these to their markets at a faster pace. An ideal example is the automation we see
core investor record-keeping systems. in the United States and Canada compared with the more manual
Will this approach enable existing service providers to remain nature of the business in Asia. Global influence is causing a push
competitive? Maybe, but the time could be right for automation in Asia and we are seeing some positive responses
for a new breed of “super service provider” who can to initiatives such as SWIFTnet Funds, which uses XML standards.
leverage newer technology to deliver value across a much wider
range of products.
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Proxy Voting

groups; Objecting Beneficial Owners and

Proxy Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners (OBOs

and NOBO’s). If you are an OBO, no
details of the shareholders can be sent to
the issuer. However the need for trans-

Music parency, especially in the U.S means that

this situation will not last forever, and
changes are afoot.
There is a similar situation in Europe as
Rinnooy Kan of Evboxx explains, “the
issue in Holland is that for many compa-
nies is that they do not know who their
shareholders are. This is not the same as
Will the world soon be in UK, within the registrar you have the
nominee accounts and they assemble col-
dancing to the tune of lective positions on the ultimate share-
Electronc Proxy Voting? holder. If you don’t know who your
shareholders are in the area there a num-
ber of reasons why companies will take
Giles Turner reports. an increased interest in finding the share-
holders in order to communicate with
Due to the rapid increase in electronic with the Institute of Chartered Secretaries them; for example when the rights of the
communication efficiency in countries and the main service registrars in the UK. shareholders have been increased by
such as the UK, the possibility for elec- The result is a secure system supplement- those rights actually exercised.
tronic proxy voting as a viable and supe- ed by an automated time stamp and audit A serious issue regarding proxy voting
rior alternative over traditional methods trail, which reduces significantly the risk in the U.S is the ability of shareholders to
has increased significantly. A major factor of votes not arriving in time at the right get access to a vote that would allow them
that often drives development is cost effi- place because there is clear evidence that to say ‘no’ when electing a member of the
ciency. If you are an outfit like Coca-Cola the vote has been sent. If securities hold- board. Glen Good, Director, Europe &
with approximately 2 million sharehold- ers complete a paper ballot, they would Asia, ADP Investor Communication
ers, the need to need to distribute meet- then rely on the postal service to deliver it Services, “The mechanics of voting in the
ing notifications and follow-ups rapidly manually, without an acknowledgement U.S is way ahead of anybody else, it’s
increases costs. A multinational compa- of delivery.” Doing a quick survey of the some of the rules surrounding voting that
nies report can often run up 80 pages, ISJ office, I found that everyone would many are questioning. When you are vot-
and along with postage cost the costs to prefer to have their ballot form sent elec- ing a director onto the board, you can’t
the company for something that can be tronically rather than through the post. vote ‘no’. So the director only has to
sent over the Internet for next to nothing Seeing as around one million letters or receive one yes vote, and he’s in. So there
is put into perspective. parcels are ‘misplaced’ every year, it is has to be more accountability within the
In the US it is estimated that the aver- hardly surprising that electronic methods US and this is something that they are
age cost to vote online is around USD0.03 are seen as a more secure alternative, even looking to change.” This Securities and
per shareholder, whilst the postage costs with the recent press coverage of cyber- Exchange rule, known as 14a.8, is being
involved through the traditional methods fraud. Mr. Robertson continues, challenged by sixteen public and corpo-
costs around USD0.37. Whilst this may “Electronic voting instructions are rate pension fund manages from both
not seem like much when taken individu- encrypted as well, so there is a high level sides of the pond, from the UK’s
ally, when you are dealing with Association of British Insurers
two million shareholders the
company can save around
The director only has to recieve to the Ontario Teachers
Pension Plan. All have
USD680,000. It is hardly surpris- one ‘yes’ vote, and they’re in. demanded change. However
ing on this account that the pop- the most noticeable aspect is
ularity of electronic proxy voting has of security. From the point of view of not the demands for regulation change,
increased. In the UK in the six months to deadlines, we are working to the same this has been happening for as long as
30 June 2005, 42% of the FTSE 100’s deadlines as the physical proxy card, but there has been regulation, but the fact
issued share capital was voted by elec- since clients are able to vote in real time that some of the pressure for change has
tronic means, up from 22% in 2004. electronically, they can send their votes come from more than one jurisdiction.
Why make the change from traditional to that much later.” Because nearly all companies are global
electronic proxy voting methods? In an In the UK there is total transparency entities, shareholders are located from
age of increased transparency and the regarding confidentiality because the across the globe, yet shareholder regula-
need for security, electronic methods company can ultimately identify the voter tion is only controlled by one party, be it
seems to solve many of these issues. through a 212 notice. In the U.S. there is the FSA or the SEC or the various EU
Steven Robertson of CRESTCo explains, less transparency. Shareholders can be regulators. Companies are very rarely
“An electronic voting template was agreed split into two rather tribal sounding 100% domestically owned and dialogue


The Global Vote
Processing Solution
has to be good if the foreign shareholders are going to be willing
to continue their investment. The U.S might be afraid of destabi-
lizing the company with increased power going to the sharehold-
ers but in the UK many have found increased communication has
helped the balance between the boardroom and the shareholders.
Another case that is slightly more sensitive is the issue of the ten-
day broker rule. The NYSE rule allows member firms to vote in
favour of the management ten days or less before the meeting, pro-
vided that the member firm mailed proxy material to beneficial
There is also a green tinge
to voting electronically.
owners at least 15 business days before the meeting. The point of
the rule is to allow many shares to be voted that would not neces-
sarily have received. However does this not defeat the point of vot-
ing itself? A vote is the right to indicate a choice in an election.
Even if you don’t vote all, this is still an indication of choice. If the
broker is allowed to vote for you, to say that the broker is voting on
your own behalf is something of a misnomer, the broker may be
voting for their interests, not yours; where is the right of choice Complete outsource solution
here? The broker can vote on the clients’ behalf, but the broker
might vote due to their personal preference, not what the clients
might think. This leads to other issues such as ‘over voting’, the bro-
kers are not fully taking into account which of their clients has Web based convenience
already voted. So in effect some of their clients may be double vot-
ing and as a result there have been some quite hefty fines handed
out over the past few months, up to one million dollars which has All electronic investor tools
been put down to lack of control. Perhaps if the platform becomes
electronic, because you will be able to vote right up to the deadline
date, and not worry about mailing off your ballot form when a few
clicks of the mouse will do, shareholders will be able to keep an eye
Multi-custodial product
on their brokers.
There is also a green tinge to voting electronically. Every time a
large company prints out all the relevant information for its share- Comprehensive reporting
holders annual meeting, another forest is wiped out. Mr Good
informs that “In addition to the green effect, US issuers delivering
meeting notifications and associated documents , and accepting Over 90 active markets
proxy vote responses electronically, saved an estimated $101 mil-
lion in postage and document printing costs during their 2006
proxy season, up from just under $92 million saved during the
same period in 2005” Not only can issuers save a considerable Over 2600 institutional investors
amount through a quite simple electronic alternative, but they can
also increase their brand awareness through positive ‘green’ actions.
We are seeing the swift transition form traditional proxy voting Global client service
method to an entirely electronic method. However will the next
transition be the move away from a proxy altogether, into straight
through voting directly to the meeting itself? For Mr Kan “this
seems unlikely. For example, there is a need for discretionary prox-
ies. “Live” electronic voting at the AGM cannot be a substitute for a
shareholder that wishes to empower someone else to vote on his
behalf without prior instructions.” Mr Good agrees, “There are a
number of different ways of voting today in the UK. You can either
attend the meeting, mail your proxy card in, or you can vote elec-
tronically through Crest. Regarding the first two methods, you can
appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf, but if you are voting elec-
tronically you are transmitting votes to someone at the other end
and the dependency on them to cast these votes at the meeting
remains. To my mind that equates to a form of proxy appoint-
ment.” Regarding voting effectively, it seems that it will always take
three to tango. ISJ
Reference Data Management

One of the striking factors of the FIMA conferences
was the array of titles on display, from Chief Data Officer
to Global Head of Reference Data to the Imperial
majesty of Data Tsar. Srikant Sharma of Interwoven
explains that since the turn of the millennium more or
less Data Management Officers have been rising up the
ranks; “there are two factors for this rise, one is the
explosion and the complexity of products within the
financial market place. The second is that there is a much
higher degree of globalisation now, and what we are see-
ing is that there is a lot of complexity coming in from the
fact that you have multi-currency trades happening, that
you have a lot of funding coming from different pools of
capital globally; for instance HSBC has operations in
New York in Tokyo in Hong Kong in London so there is a
real need to manage data as a core asset of an enterprise.”
Compare this to ten years ago when data was managed
much more loosely. A Chief Information Officer would
be in charge of the company’s data, a somewhat hefty
task for one man. Now you have a whole team dealing
with data management, a Chief Information Officer, a
Chief Data Officer and a Chief Risk Officer, a veritable
army of acronyms who are coordinating this new wealth
of data information knowledge. Kevin Bradshaw, Global
head of Enterprise Information, Reuters, certainly agrees
that Data Management is higher on the agenda. “I think
the Data Management role is one that is being increas-
ingly seen as important and more significantly its remit
is starting to become enterprise wide which is perhaps
the biggest change. People have operated very much in
their own silos and there is a recognition that you need
someone with an enterprise viewpoint to be able to tie all
those silos together and get data management to work
effectively across an organization.”
Now that data management officers have climbed up
the greasy pole they are having to compete with the men-
tality that exists at the top of these financial institutions

“The financial industry is

defiantly short term.”
where short term gain is key. Mike Atkin, Managing
Director of the EDM Council, and a keynote speaker at
this year’s conference describes this phenomenon. “The
financial industry is short term orientated by design,
that’s how they evaluate companies and investment
Giles Turner strategies and that is how they are cultured to operate, as
a fast paced, Type-A personality within the industry.
takes cocktails However the problem of data management is not one
you can solve in a quarter, you have to have some
with some key patience. Unfortunately this has not been the financial
speakers at this years industry’s forte. They expect an immediate result because
these guys are all ‘make it happen, get it done, get in the
FIMA conference. game, make some money, take a risk! The other side of


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Reference Data Management

that is long term change is risky and ined on a quarterly basis but we do see a them will definitely be that we have to
potentially career risky. If you are trying big push towards longer cycles. Every offi- clean up the whole middle and back
to sell something that doesn’t have an cer does have quarterly goals, there is no office operations space, it is just complete
immediate ROI within an organisation escaping that in any business, but this chaos, the manual processes and ineffi-
that evaluates performance via a quarter- does not need to eradicate any form of ciencies in communications within the
ly balance sheet, you are taking a risk. strategic focus.” industry are becoming a serious drag on
Financial information professionals are The difficulties discussed at FIMA the productivity.” Interwoven’s new P2P
cautious about absorbing a long-term encompassed a wide and interesting spec- system hopes to overcome such difficul-
risk in an environment with a short-term trum, for example there are various con- ties.
orientation. Overcoming the ‘curse of the straints why the market has not evolved Mr Bradshaw agrees with the area of
short view’ is one of the core challenges towards straight through processing in difficulty; “I think there is no doubt that
for EDM success.” the middle and back office. Firstly, every- settlement in the back office is getting
Mr Bradshaw continues “In terms of a one is constrained by the notion that you harder because trading is increasingly
time dimension a lot of the data manage- have to have an existing or evolving mar- cross asset, and there has been a step-
ment projects are very long term initia- ket standard for data market communica- change in the mix of trading over the last
tives. I think the challenge is that if you tion which is something of a limiting fac- three years from cash instruments into
look two or three years ago there was a tor. The other is what Mr Sharma called derivatives. If you look at the growth of
real focus on the CDS market for exam-
looking for the “Data is worth nothing unless you have a trusted and ple, this year the outstand-
return on invest- ing CDS contracts are
ment for any attributed sources underpinning each data item.” something over $17 tril-
given project. lion, the downstream pro-
As the issue around effective data man- the three P’s of the market place “The cessing of CDS transactions is notorious-
agement started to surface people recog- Products, the Participants and the ly difficult because of the lack of industry
nised it as a problem and realised it was Processes. These are increasingly intricate wide reference data associated with those
driving operational inefficiency and high and the regulatory agencies simply can’t transactions. CDS deals are largely
costs. Institutions realised that trying to cope with this increasing rate of complex- bespoke deals between just a couple of
achieve the nirvana of one single source ity. So as a result we almost have to have counterparties so it’s not the same as
of reference data driving all applications individual global players such as trading a cash bond where you can look
and all process across the company was Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and UBS up the terms and conditions easily. The
just too big and long term a project to get and Credit Suisse and HSBC, these kinds bespoke nature of CDS trading makes it a
to, so people focused on short term proj- of players have to take the lead in trying challenging and complex.”
ects that would take them one step along to solve their own problems and eventu- However when one set of challenges are
they way. The ROI was looked at for each ally coalesce towards a common de facto dealt with, another soon arises and it is
of those short term steps and this is still standard.” What is most encouraging is important that people in the industry
in vogue, people are asking what is the the change in topics at this years FIMA keep track of the changes. Mr Bradshaw
return on incremental investment here to conference. This change in focus high- explains the possible pitfalls. “You hear a
try and move towards the point where all lights the progressive nature of Data lot of people worrying about counterpar-
data is managed across the firm.” Management at this time, as Mr ty data, and there is a push and a scram-
Yet changes may be afoot in the indus- Bradshaw explains, ‘the focus has shifted ble to ensure that the organisations have
try regarding the pressures of the quar- from instrument data towards counter the right counterparty data in place. It’s
terly model as Mr Sharma explains; “We party data. So whereas four years ago if not just the data that matters, there are a
are seeing a lot of strategic focus on man- you came to FIMA or similar conferences number of other factors that are equally
aging data, some of the largest customers the agenda would have been geared important that are geared around satisfy-
come and tell us that we are looking at a around straight through processing and ing the regulators by having trusted and
more strategic model, looking at 2007, 18 instrument data, today the focus has attributed sources underpinning each
months ahead. The fact of the matter is shifted because a lot of the problems con- data item. Data is worth nothing unless
none of these problems can be solved in a cerning instrument data has been solved. you have a trusted and attributed source
matter of three months so we are looking Instead counterparty data is now where behind it. So very often people worry
at more strategic 12 to 18 month cycles. instrument data was four years ago in about the data, but they focus less on the
For example, a major new initiative is our that it is of increasing importance to ability to integrate that data, and take a
peer-to-peer (P2P) infrastructure. This companies both from a regulatory per- rolled up view to their exposure of any
connectivity strategy represents a para- spective but also from a risk management given legal entity, so the meta-data that
digm shift to the Data Management space perspective.” comes with the counterparty data is criti-
in the capital markets which obviously There are still many challenges ahead as cal. This meta-data is linking instruments
took Interwoven well over a quarter to Mr Sharma explains, “if you ask any to entities and linking entities to their
focus on. Certainly there are some MBO’s derivatives professionals what are your parents and subsidiaries, without this
(Manage by Objective rewards) and per- three biggest challenges in Data meta-data the counterparty is fairly
formance metrics that have to be exam- Management in capital markets one of worthless.” ISJ


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Describe your experience at previuos future of it. Only then will they radically

the Job
employers / locations change the history. I would love that challenge
I have experienced many different cultures, one day.
different countries, different banks, different
businesses. I find it fascinating that organiza- We at ISJ work hard, we did hear you work
tions have such powerful cultures, I’m not sure long hours too. What is your average working
most people get that. day like?
What do you enjoy most about your cuurrent High-pressure. Intense meetings. Focusing
position at National Australia Bank? on the organization, people and structures,
Leading people through large scale change. I listening, calibrating, and connecting data
get so much motivation knowing that, while points. My days are mainly filled with talking
people resist and are adverse to change, I will to people. I like to listen to people from all
play a role in pushing them forward and that levels of the bank. I believe this is important.
they will come out of the process as different
individuals. Change is such a powerful process If you were given the opportunity to take a
and people always change – in my experience, sabbatical or year out what would you do?
for the better when they embrace it. I would love to spend a year in the United
Nations. I may not go back to work though!
Who are your mentors / role models?
A key mentor to me was Lee Ward, currently If you weree named NAB employee of the year,
the Vice President and General Manager of how and where would you celebrate?
UNISYS (Global Outsourcing and Infrastructure The Seychelles. With my husband and my
Services). She inspired the beginning of my close friends.
journey in 1993 when I joined IBM. I remember
thinking ‘she is great, I want to be like her.’ She What are your long-term goals for the future?
always seemed to go above and beyond – she The easier question is “what is not?” I don’t
spent time with the people, she listened, and want to look back at my life with any regrets.
ISJ speaks to Jacqueline she encouraged individuals. On top of her sen- Therefore, I make sure that I have a job that
Guichelaar of National ior role, she found the time to drive diversity I love (and that is leadership) and make sure I
programs and many other initiatives, she also spend enough time with my husband these
Australia Bank Group, spoke often of the importance of relationships. days – he keeps me sane - something has to!
continuing the series of I remember spending weeks of sleepless nights My long-term goals for the future are to
trying to build the courage to ask her to be my spend more time with my family and friends.
‘Meet the future’ profiles. mentor. I still remember vividly the day I walked In addition, I would love to get into profes-
up to her office door. She invited me in and sional dancing again – it is a passion of mine.
Jacqueline Elizabeth Guichelaar was born in
Uruguay, South America. Her family emigrated asked me to sit down. I proceeded to tell her
to Australia determined to provide a better that I had been thinking about a speech she THE ISJ MINUTE
future for the children, but without detaching had made in a recent event where she spoke
about the power of mentoring. I went on to tell CD or MP3? CD
themselves from their diverse cultural heritage. Books or Films? I do little of each
Taking a break before studying law at Sydney her that I would be grateful if we could form a
University, Ms. Guichelaar’s first job was at mentor/pupil relationship. She responded by Cocktails or Wine? Wine
Computer Sciences Corporation, Australia. She saying that she would be happy to, but that we Theatre or Club? Theatre
immediately discovered her passion and affinity really needed to think it through in order to Elvis or Johnny Cash? Elvis
for the IT industry and quickly immersed herself guarantee we matched from a relationship and
type point of view. These types of relationships Nightts In or Nights Out? Nights Out
professionally in the IT field. Watching or Playing? Playing
have to start with feeling right. We then met
Why did you choose your career initially? again and both agreed it could work between ISJ or FT? ISJ!
I wanted to save money to buy a car so I us. And I guess the rest is history.
could drive to university. My dream was always My belief is that the power in mentors is when
to be a lawyer. I got a great job on night shift as they can continue to inspire you throughout JACQUELINE GUICHELAAR
a Tape Operator within the data centre in your career. I am sure that is rare, and I am very
Computer Sciences of Australia. Before I knew grateful for the privilege. TITLE: GENERAL MANAGER, TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS
it I was being promoted to a Trainee Computer EMPLOYMENT: 1994 - 2000 VARIOUS MANAGERIAL ROLES, IBM
Where do you seee yourself in five years time? GLOBAL SERVICES. 2003 - 2006 CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER,
Operator – and the rest is history. Needless to I would love to run a country. I was born in DEUTSCHE BANK AG,
say that I did not study law – nevertheless, I Uruguay where economic circumstances have JUNE 2006 TO PRESENT NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK GROUP


Disaster Recovery Column

that most of us now have a photo ID card at

work that will allow us access to particular
In true Orwellian style, areas of the building. What some of us
don’t know (especially the blond Dutch
Keith Ford addresses the contingent) is that in the office this month,
security have decided to cut down on tail-
issue of identity theft. gating, the practice of following someone
into a secure area without using your card
will cease. They have amended the access
system so that if you don’t swipe in, the sys-
tem won’t let you swipe out! This is fine

Giving Big unless you follow an operator into a server

room late at night and he leaves without
seeing you or knowing you are there! Queue

Brother the sobbing employee setting off the building

alarm to be rescued by security.
There must have been times when you
have tried to use your card as official proof
Finger. of your identity, I have, both in banks to
prove my identity (usually Ok) and trying
to board cheap flight airlines when I have
Seasons Greetings from contingency towers! massive amounts of police time and money forgotten my passport (no luck so far). We
I say “Seasons Greetings” very much tongue by allowing officers to identify suspects on are happy to carry these cards every day
in cheek as we are still actually firmly in the roadside without having to take them to now, why is that different to an ID card?
November and yet the whole of London the station. Well to quote from one source: “The major-
seems to be in the Christmas Spirit already. The pilot scheme, codenamed Operation ity of sectoral (specific purpose) cards in
Certainly the parties are starting, and the Lantern, was launched in Luton by officers use in developed nations have the holders
white sweaty faces of hung-over staff have targeting driving offences. The gadget name, sex, date of birth, and issuing coordi-
started to appear later and later through the allows them to compare suspects' details nates printed on the card itself. An expiry
office door each morning. against the 6.6 million profiles on the date, and number is also embossed, along
The young blades in the office are very National Fingerprint Database, with results with a space for a signature. A minority of
excited at the two new young ladies in the back to the roadside within about two min- cards include a photograph, official cards
department. One drives a fast sports car utes. Luigi Guerriero, from Bedfordshire issued by police or Interior Ministries gen-
(very dangerously). The other is from Police, said: “We used it earlier this week erally do include a photograph, and in
Holland. Everyone assumes that she will when a man stopped in Leeds was found to many cases, a fingerprint.” Is the fuss about
have a relaxed Dutch personality and a free be wanted in Leeds for other offences”. roadside fingerprint collection a red her-
spirited, swinging approach ring? With the introduction of
to life... particularly at the
Christmas Party!
Is the fuss about roadside the ID card our prints will be
available for anyone with
They both arrived virtually fingerprint collection a red herring? authority to read.
in tears this week as Roweena, So, are these official docu-
the Fast Driver, had been pulled over by the Drivers must agree to the fingerprint test ments safe? Back in August we had
police for speeding and had been breathal- before it is carried out. If they refuse they Grunwald a German national who boned-
ysed. Apparently everyone caught speeding could be made to go to a nearby police sta- up on ICAO (International Civil Aviation
is now routinely breathalysed. This does not tion so their identity can be verified. Organisation) documentation, bought an
just happen during December. Mieka, her "Primarily, it is keeping officers on the ePassport reader and reading software, read
Dutch counterpart, was threatened she may streets. In normal circumstances it would a passport (German, but other ePassports
have to provide a sample of her fingerprints have taken four or five hours to deal with would do the trick too), then cloned it.
to the constabulary at the roadside, until them. The Big Brother issue is this; if you're Looking as far back as January 2006 we
she produced her Dutch passport and not a person involved with the police you had Dutch TV programme Nieuwslicht
ID card. have nothing to worry about." If the suspect (Newslight) claiming that the security of
We were surprised that the Dutch have has no return on the database search, all the Dutch biometric passport has already
not yet trialed this roadside fingerprinting, their details are immediately deleted from been cracked. The program reported the
having discovered that they introduced their the system, stressed Mr. Guerriero. passport was read remotely and then the
ID cards to everyone over the age of 14 back Are we sure that this is the case ? Do you security cracked using flaws built into the
in 2005. Despite fining over 50,000 citizens really have to be that cynical to believe that system, whereupon all of the biometric data
who could not or would not produce their the police, given this freedom to stop some- could be read. So, our Dutch staff shouldn’t
cards in the first 9 months, UK officers have one at will and ask for their fingerprints will be too unhappy that they were stopped
been denying the roadside fingerprinting not be abused? that they were merely stopped at the side
system was a "Big Brother" attempt to catch What about the much talked about intro- of the road.
motorists. They hope the device will save duction of the National ID card? I am sure ISJ


Mandate Update Downdate


Month Winner Client Location Assignment Mandate Size

November AA Mellon Cambridgeshire UK Custody & Accounting GBP 1.2 bn

November Mellon Financial River & Mercan UK Custody & Depositary n/a
November Northern Trust OPF UK Custody Services USD 320 million
November BNPParibas RFGP France Fund Administration EUR 4.3 bn
October JPMorgan Teachers’ Ret USA Custody Services USD 8 bn
September State Street IKANO Lux Securities Services USD 3.8 bn
September AA Mellon Hoogovens Netherlands Custody & Accounting EUR 5 bn
September Citigroup Kiwibank New Zealand Securities Services n/a
September Northen Trust Abu Dhabi UAE Custody n/a
August AXA Rosenberg Nykredit US Equities USD 60 b
August AXA Rosenberg Nykredit US Equities USD 50 bn
August Statestreet Virgin Money UK Custody GBP 2.6 bn
August AA Mellon North YorkshirePF UK Custody & Accounting GBP 1 bn
August JPMorgan WSS Freddie Mac USA Transaction Processing USD 700bn
July AA Mellon North Yorkshire UK Custody & Accounting GBP 1 bn
June JPMorgan WSS Royal Mail UK Custody GBP 2.2bn
June AA Mellon Merchant Navy UK Custody & Accounting GBP 3.2bn

Wrapping it up for this year

Christmas is coming, and a few of us are getting fat…... on
the delectable winter mandates we have been feasting on.
As the year draws to a close, a few deals have set custodians a-dancing, a-leaping, and a-milking the last of 2006’s
mandates. Here are five of the deals ringing in the change…

Mellon Financial Corporation was awarded the full administration service mandate for River and Mercantile Asset
Management; a new long only investment management boutique, initially focussing on the development of its UK
equities division. The company is initially offering two funds; UK Equity High Alpha and UK Smaller Companies and
anticipates launching several additional funds over the course of 2007/08. Global custody and depositary services will
be provided through Mellon's joint venture by ABN AMRO Mellon Global Securities Services B.V. and fund accounting,
performance measurement, fund administration and transfer agency will be provided by Mellon's asset servicing divi-

Northern Trust has strengthened its Nordic stronghold, winning the mandate to provide custody services to the 2,090
million NOK (approximately USD320 million) Oslo Pensjonsforsikring’s (OPF) global fixed income portfolio.
The portfolio is managed by investment manager Rogge Global Partners and the fund is for employees working in the
Municipality of Oslo, Norway, or companies in which the Municipality has a majority ownership interest.

Christmas came early for JPMorgan Worldwide Securities Services this year. The Teachers’ Retirement System of
Oklahoma selected JPMorgan Worldwide Securities Services to provide custody–related services for its $8 bn asset
portfolio. JPMorgan will provide custody, fund accounting, securities lending, performance measurement and compli-
ance reporting services.

The firm also completed an asset restructuring for one of their mandates; the £1bn Lincolnshire County Council
Pension Fund. As part of the restructuring, the pension fund has hired Alliance Bernstein to manage £100million of
equities and Threadneedle to manage £50 million of equities.


Letters (cont from page 4) / Diary

Single European Payments Area accounting scandals, it was designed to
(SEPA) increase public trust and transparency in
The implementation issues surrounding accounting and reporting practices.
the introduction of the Single European Today, the ramifications of the law are
Payments Area (SEPA) will be plentiful. generally well understood from the top Global Securities
Crucially the EU Directive, designed to down within organisations that must Services events
make Europe's banking payments sys- comply. From regulatory fines to person-
tems more equal and cost effective, has al liability, there is no doubt that the act
unexpected rigidities for corporates. has teeth. Additionally, investor aware-
Its requirement to quote Individual ness of critical statements such as the 05 December 2006, 3 days
404 report and the ultimate reaction in Hybrid Securities World Australia
Bank Account Numbers (IBANs) and Rydges Jamison Hotel, Sydney
Bank Identifier Codes (BICs) on invoices the market to material weakness disclo- T: +61 2 9005 0724
will mean that many organisations will sures is undeniable.
be locked in to uncompetitive banking The dilemma: In an environment
arrangements. A solution could be found where companies are determining that
in the introduction of Portable IBANs up to 75% of the balance sheet is 12 December 2006, 3 days
Pension Fund Investment World
and the removal of the requirement to considered “significant” for SOX Arabella Sheraton Grand Hotel,
quote the BIC of their bank. Portable compliance, how do you certify all of the Frankfurt
IBANs are not linked to BICs and can be systems and processes around these T: +44 207 092 1224
maintained by a centralised organisa- material accounts, utilising as few http://www.fundsmanagement-
tion/Automated Clearing House. This resources as possible, while still keeping
would enable the owner of the Portable customers and investors satisfied? In
IBAN to change their banking relation- addition, how do you make certain that 12 February 2007, 3 days
ship at any time and easily move from key managers, such as those in Finance, Alternative Beta - IRC Conference
one bank to another. Customers would IT, business lines and the executive The Landmark, London
no longer have to be informed about BIC suite – all with critical SOX responsibili- T: +44 (0)207 827 5972
changes leading to reduced key in costs, ty – feel comfortable with the accuracy
fewer errors and improved Straight- and completeness of the company’s
Through Processing. It would also be financial statements?
easier to redirect funds to new accounts Today, many firms are still relying on 28 February 2007, 3 days
as multiple Portable IBANs can also manual controls, Excel spreadsheets, and Hedge Funds World Australia
point to a single account, so you can paper-based methods to certify their The Westin, Sydney
financial data. This represents a real T: +65 6322 2715
use Portable IBANs to set up a sub-
accounting structure, for easy tracking challenge in their compliance efforts 007/hfw%5Fau/
of funds from different business lines or given that they must produce control
regions. A sophisticated directory behind assessments related to business process-
the Portable IBAN could also eliminate es, sub-processes and all systems 05 March 2007, 4 days
the need for third parties to maintain a involved in significant accounts. Hedge Funds World Middle East
Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai
directory of Corporate Standard Corporations that do employ more elec- T: +44 207 092 1224
Settlement Instructions (SSIs). tronic means of data management often
While many banks don't like the idea find that these systems do not have the 007/hfwme/contact.stm
of portable IBANs, as they would lead to capability to go beyond mere reactive
increased competition, a portable solu- “detection” and move to proactive “pre-
vention” of financial reporting issues. The 06 March 2007, 3 days
tion implemented throughout the CDO World USA 2007
Eurozone would (i) require significantly result: the market has witnessed several Bridgewaters, New York
less maintenance and bring reduced “material weakness” disclosures in corpo- T: +44 20 7092 1263
costs for corporates (ii) allow banks rate annual reports, putting companies’
offering cheaper more efficient services financial status and reputations at risk.
to corporates to expand more quickly. The remedy: Many organisations are
20 March 2007, 3 days
The adoption of Portable IBANs could finding cost-effective automated Investing in Infrastructure Assets
therefore provide the final key to realis- solutions that help streamline their Embassy Suites Hotel, New York
ing the spirit behind SEPA - the creation compliance efforts. Firms are investing T: +44 207 092 1224
of an efficient, low-cost, flexible pay- in systems that deliver automated
ments service within Europe. business process controls, best-practice /contact.stm
Ian Dunning, Managing Director, security measures, and integrated
CB.Net account certification functionality for 26 March 2007, 5 days
executive review. These systems can go Asset Allocation Summit 2007
SOX: Shareholders Demanding a long way toward fostering an ‘eyes Sandton, Johnannesburg
Closer Inspection wide open’ environment for the T: +27 11 463 6001
When the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was corporation and investor.
passed in 2002 in response to a num- Elizabeth Elkins, Vice President, Global
ber of well-documented major corporate Sales Strategy, CheckFree


People Moves -Moving & Shaking

Moving Lionhart Investments Ltd. (Lionhart)

has appointed Simon Quirke as Asian
Markets Trader & Asian Product
Peacock. He is an
Associate of the
& Specialist. Mr Quirke will be based in
Singapore and will help grow Lionhart's
Institute. John

Shaking business strategy in the region. He will

report to Barry McQuain, who has over-
sight for Lionhart in Asia. Commenting
Alleston, Chair of
The Pensions
Trust said:
on his appointment, Quirke said: "With “Stephen’s
a strong presence and more than 10 appointment fol-
years experience of investing in Asia, lows a rigorous
Lionhart is clearly committed to the selection process
region and to providing clients with an Stephen Nichols during which he
innovative investment approach. I am was up against very tough competition.
looking forward to making a solid con- There are some big challenges ahead
tribution to the continued success of for the Trust in the changing world of
Lionhart's Asian activities." pensions. I and all the Board, look for-
ward to working with Stephen to turn
GoldenSource Corporation has these into opportunities for the benefit
announced the appointment of Peter of all our members and employers.”
Leichsenring as Head of Sales for Stephen takes over from Richard Stroud
Central and Southern Europe. Reporting who decided to retire as Chief Executive
into the EMEA headquarters in London, after more than 25 years.
Mr Leichsenring will build on a network
of existing customers and local contacts Paul Chapman, former Head of
to grow business throughout the region, Strategic Relationships at Northern
focusing on Germany, Austria, Trust and Victoria Hornby, former
Switzerland, Portugal, Spain and Italy. European Head of Recruitment at
Initially recruited to the company in Northern Trust, have joined forces to
December 2004 to build and launch a create HornbyChapman, an executive
channel sales program, Mr Leichsenring search company focusing on senior
established the "Powered by asset servicing roles within the custody,
GoldenSource" alliance partnership pro- asset manager, investment bank and
gram, opening up the use of consultant communities. Speaking to
Goldensource’s data platform to service ISJ, Chapman said: "We marry a combi-
providers, data vendors and other non nation of credibility and discretion with
financial institutions. significant industry experience to bring
what we firmly believe is a compelling
The chairman and chief executive of UBS and different offering to the market.”
America, Mark Sutton, is leaving the com- HornbyChapman opens for business in
pany after just 18 months in the job to Middlesex Street on 01 January 2007,
spend more time with his family. He will with plans to
be replaced in the New Year by Robert open an office in
Wolf. The shock departure was accompa- Edinburgh later in
nied by a statement saying Mr Sutton the year.
also planned to "pursue other business
interests". Mr Wolf, the chief operating Dresdner
officer of UBS's investment bank, will suc- Kleinwort has
ceed Mr Sutton on 01 January 2007 but appointed Susan
retain his current position. Dingilian as new
chief executive of
The Pensions Trust has appointed the Americas. Ms
Stephen Nichols as its new Chief Dingilian will
Executive, effective 01 May 2007. Mr maintain her cur- Susan Dingilian
Nichols joined The Pensions Trust as rent responsibili-
A selection of the Deputy Chief Executive in January 2002. ties as head of global banking and also
appointments His varied pension career includes front the management committee’s
from WWW.ISJFORUM.COM spells at Express Dairies plc as Pensions
Manager, at Burmah Castrol plc as
efforts to strengthen the firm’s foothold
in both Americas, taking over from
Pensions Administration Manager and Craig Schiffer, who is leaving after five
at consultancy firm Lane Clark and years with the firm. Based in New York,


People Moves - Moving & Shaking

sible for overseeing the delivery of the

she will report to global chief operating Etheios has
Group’s business operating profit tar-
officer Baudouin Croonenberghs and announced the
gets and driving the Group’s opera-
global head of global banking, Bert appointment of
tional transformation initiatives.
Piedra. Ms Dingilian started work for Alec Hoffman as
Dresdner Kleinwort in London six years Associate Director,
ago and formerly worked for four years heading the Retail
Technologies has
at BNP Paribas where she was head of Fund Services
announced that
Latin America debt capital markets. Practice. Mr
Ken Archer has
Hoffman joined
been appointed
Credit Suisse has announced the Etheios in 2000 as
CEO. Mr Archer
appointment of Joachim Mies as Chief a Principal
assumed full
Operating Officer for Asset Consultant, spe- Alec Hoffman responsibility on
Management in EMEA. Mr Mies will be cialising in invest-
06 November
responsible for overseeing divisionally ment administration, and has worked
2006. Mr Archer
aligned support functions for the Asset on a number of consultancy projects for
has more than 25
Management business and will work the company. These include implemen-
years experience in Ken Archer
closely with the senior management tation of a fund supermarket adminis-
leading and man-
team in Asset Management and Shared tration platform and the provision of
aging large services and software com-
Services in the systems for straight through processing
panies. Having started his career with
region. He will be (STP) for clients including Mellon
JP Morgan, where he was VP of
responsible for Investment Services and Bank of New
Information Services, Archer subse-
supporting Credit York. He has worked in the financial
quently became CEO of Mercantile
Suisse's ongoing services industry for fifteen years with
Information Services and COO of The
initiatives to fur- experience in treasury, international
Savings Corporation, a subsidiary of
ther develop and banking and fund management.
AIG. Archer's most recent position was
grow its Asset
President of European Business
Management Zurich Financial Services Group have
Development at Computer Sciences
business in announced important personnel
Corporation. Commenting on the
EMEA. Mark changes affecting its Group Executive
appointment, Ron Mackintosh,
Burgess, Committee to follow the planned retire-
Executive Vice Joachim Mies ment of Chief Operating Officer Peter
Chairman said, "SmartStream continues
to be a great success stor. I'm delighted
Chairman and Head of Asset Eckert on 28 February 2007. Patrick
we've appointed a world class CEO to
Management for the EMEA region said, O’Sullivan, who currently serves as
lead the company through the next
"We are very excited about Joachim join- Group Finance Director, will assume the
stage of its corporate development."
ing our team. His vast experience of new positions of Vice Chairman of the
working in COO roles and related func- Group Management Board and Chief Obituary: Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize
tions will add significant value to our Growth Officer, while Dieter Wemmer, winning US economist whose monetarist
Asset Management business in EMEA." who currently is the CEO of Europe theorising inspired
General Insurance, will become the Margaret Thatcher
FIX CITY, software provider of FIX Group’s Chief Financial Officer. Both and Ronald Reagan,
Indication of Interest (IOI) solutions, has announcements are effective 01 March died last month at
appointed Matthew Barkway as director 2007. Succeeding Mr. Wemmer will be the age of 94.
of sales and Kate Roberts as account Annette Court, who currently leads Professor Friedman
manager, at its UK office. Barkway joins Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) won the Nobel Prize
FIX CITY’s co-founders, Paul Scott, Amy Insurance. She will also become a in 1976, his main
Muddimer and Karl Breeze, on the board member of Zurich’s Group Executive premise was that the
of directors. With almost 20 years’ experi- Committee. In his new role, Mr. Keynesian tax-and-
ence in senior trading and sales roles, Mr O’Sullivan will have responsibility for spend policies that
Barkway, previously sales manager at FIX driving a growth culture throughout the were prevalent during
CITY, will head sales strategy, lead new Group, including managing a newly cre- Milton Friedman the oil shocks and
business negotiation and oversee the UK ated Growth Council, identifying and high inflation and unemployment of the 1970’s
sales team. Ms Roberts, previously global targeting profitable growth opportuni- did not solve fiscal difficulties. Friedman argued
relationship manager with OMGEO and ties, and assuring alignment of critical that instead of seeking to increase growth, gov-
client connectivity manager with ABN business processes with the company’s ernments should be trying to control inflation
AMRO, has 14 years’ industry experience. growth targets. In his new role as CFO, through supply side economics. Friedman was
In her new role, as account manager, Ms Mr. Wemmer will chair the Group seen as the leading proponent of this train of
Roberts will focus on further reinforcing Finance Committee and oversee all thought, grouped together under the Chicago
relationships with ioinet’s buy- and sell- aspects of the finance function, includ- School of monetary economics, which regarded
side clients, and developing awareness of ing capital management, mergers and quantity of money as the main instrument of
the global solution. acquisitions, actuarial, accounting and government policy.
Group Treasury. He will also be respon-


People Moves - Securities Services Vacancies

Senior Corporate Development Specialist City to £70k

This Top Tier UK Banking Group have an opening for a Qualified Accountant.
with in-depth understanding of corporate finance principles of managing
transactions from origination through to completion.

Financial Controller West End to 65k

Rare opportunity to join this growing private equity firm. Varied project work,
strategy, analytical, business focused and board level exposure. Must be ACA
qualified. Includes bonus and benefits.

Senior Settlements Clerk City 40k

Top 3 European Bank requires a Equity Settlements clerk with strong euroclear
skills. The ideal candidate will have at least 2 years experience and be a good
team player.

Senior Corporate Actions Clerk City 40k

Major London investment Bank requires a senior corporate actions clerk with
a minimum of 5 years UK and international corporate actions experience.


Fund Accountant West End 28/35 Ph
Prestigous Hedge Fund urgently requires an experienced Fund Accountant. IN INVESTOR SERVICES JOURNAL,
Candidates should have previous Investment Management, Unit pricing
experience and exposure to Invest one. ISJFORUM.COM, OR FUND AIM
For more information on any of these positions or to apply please
email your details to: JUSTIN ON +44 (0)20 7493 9966 OR AT
Cameron Kennedy
6th Floor, 25 Bucklersbury, London, EC4N 8DA
Telephone 020 7653 1800, Fax 020 7653 1810


People Moves - Securities Services Vacancies

High profile position to supervise investment
practices, procedures and resources as they relate
to Europe, Middle East as Asia.

Responsibilities will encompass overseeing the

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relations business.

All discussions entered in to are strictly confidential.

Please forward your CV outlining your remuneration
and notice period in the first instance.

International Multi-manager
Recruitment Specialists
+44 20 7613 3915


ISJ Directory of Services

C: Professor Michael Mainelli,
Z/Yen helps organisations make better choices. Our name combines Zen and Yen -
Executive Chairman
“a philosophical desire to succeed” - in a ratio, recognising that all decisions are
trade-offs. Z/Yen’s mission is to be the foremost risk/reward management firm.
In the financial markets Z/Yen conducts numerous research projects on a variety of C: (Disaster Recovery and Project
wholesale and retail issues, as well as providing technical strategy, support and Management): Keith Ford,
prediction systems. Z/Yen’s renowned annual studies include: Senior Consultant
i. Global cost per trade benchmarks on equities, money markets and foreign E:
T: +44 207-562-9562
ii. Operational performance of broker ratings;
F: +44 207-628-6786
iii. Operational performance of client (buy-side) ratings.

Custody & Clearing

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) is one of the leading finan-
cial institutions in the Australian and New Zealand markets. We provide an extensive
range of Retail, Corporate, Institutional and Private Banking services in addition to a T: +61 03 92733563
range of specialised functions including Custody Services through ANZ Custodian F: +61 03 92732650
Services. ANZ Custodian Services is committed to our home markets and continu- C: Philip Dowman
ously seeks to provide our clients with highly competitive service through our cus- E:
tomer-focused and experienced teams, extended business hours and ongoing invest- A: Level 25, 530 Collins Street
ment in technology. Our capabilities incorporate core Custody and Clearing of securi- Melbourne Victoria VIC 3000
ties, Investment Administration Services, Cash, Foreign Exchange and Securities Australia
Lending. W:
Assets under Custody: AUD$90 billion

BHF-BANK is one of Germany's most prestigious private banks. Its roots date back to the year
1854. As an advisory, service and sales & trading bank, we offer our discerning clientele a C: Cornelia Keth
comprehensive array of customised solutions. BHF-BANK combines the strengths of a private bank T: +49 69 718 3738
with a long track record of capital market competence. Trust, an individual approach and F: +49 69 718 6050
impartiality - these qualities are at the very heart of the long-term guidance and advice we provide E:
for our clients. Our bank's activities are grouped within the divisions Asset Management & C: Moritz Ostwald
Financial Services, Financial Markets & Corporates and Private Banking. Financial Services
T: +49 69 718 6838
comprises the bank’s custody services, investment company (depotbank) services and its securities
and derivatives clearing business. The bank’s longstanding experience in the German securities E:
services market goes hand in hand with a corporate culture that values prompt acknowledge- A: Strahlenbergerstraße 45,
ments and short decision-making channels. BHF-BANK offers tailor-made custody services to 63067 Offenbach a.Main
meet its clients’ particular requirements. It’s reporting services include a comprehensive SWIFT Germany
reporting matrix as well as its Internet-based reporting tool cds@web. W:
Assets under Custody: EUR 260 bn No of funds: 232

The CACEIS Group is a partnership between the Investor Services business lines
T: +33 1 57 78 10 78
of Crédit Agricole S.A. and Groupe Caisse d'Epargne. We rank among the top 10
custodians worldwide, with EUR 1,697 billion in assets under custody C: (France)
(30/6/2006). CACEIS provides a full range of services to institutional clients in Patrick Lemuet
France, Luxembourg, Spain and Ireland. These services include, global and local E:
custody (safekeeping of listed and OTC assets) depositary/trustee services, T: +352 4767 2567
STP transactions (SWIFT), corporate actions and income collection, proxy voting, C: (International)
tax services, compliance and performance monitoring, flexible online reporting, José-Benamin Longrée
securities lending, matching, processing and settlement. We also have links to E:
200+ UCITS registrars. Our network of sub-custodians provides a secure
environment for your assets in over 70 markets worldwide.

DBS offers a full range of custodial services including securities safekeeping, settlement of
trades, corporate actions and market information updates. These services are available in T: 65 6878-1830
Singapore, Hong Kong and other selected markets. DBS offers short-term, highly liquid F: 65 6878-4166
overnight facilities for its clients’ accounts to earn daily interest on any excess funds. DBS also C: Ms Low Swee Fun
provides the value added service of tax reclamation without holding tax reductions (where local E:
regulations permit) on income arising from securities safekept with it. Proxy voting services for
A: DBS Bank Ltd
clients’ holdings at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings are also
available on request. Global Transaction Services
Securities services is an integral part of Global Transaction Services within DBS bank. With Securities Services, 6 Shenton
more than 20 years of experience in the custody business, DBS’ strengths lie in its ability to Way, 36-02, DBS Building Tower
provide quality services, in depth knowledge and expertise of the Asian markets. Its clientele 1, Singapore 068809
compromise the major global custodians, investment banks, private banks, insurance compa- W:
nies and investment managers etc.


Custody, Clearing & Settlement ISJ Directory of Services

DnB NOR is the largest and leading provider of Custody, Clearing and
T: +47 22 94 92 95
Remote Member Service in Norway In addition, DnB NOR provides a wide
F: +47 22 48 28 46
range of value added services to both Foreign and Domestic clients.
Contact: Bente I. Hoem
Through an Alliance solution with banks in Sweden, Finland and Denmark,
DnB NOR can offer seamless regional products, which can be customized to
W: our client's needs.

T: +46 8 701 2988 Handelsbanken was the first Nordic bank to provide complete custody services in the
F: +46 8 701 2990 entire Nordic region. We conduct in-house processing in each Nordic country, with
Contact: Johan Wennerberg well-experienced staff with in-depth market knowledge and access to market
E: custodyservices@handels- information. Each client is allocated an account manager fully responsible for the day-to-day activities, as well as a regional relationship manager. Handelsbanken
Address: Blasieholmstorg 12, provides specialised and tailor-made custody services including complete corporate
SE-106 70 Stockholm, Sweden action services, securities borrowing and lending for all Nordic countries, as well as settlement and clearing services to clients that are remote members of the Nordic
_custody_services stock exchanges.

New York: Christopher Lynch

T: +1 718-242-7555
JPMorgan Worldwide Securities Services provides custody and securities servicing
E: solutions to the world's leading institutional investors, including fund managers,
London: Dick Feehan insurance companies, pension funds and banks.
T: +44 (20) 7742-0102 As one of the world's leading global custodians, we have $11.7 trillion in assets
E: under custody.
Sydney: Laurence Bailey JPMorgan meets institutional investors' needs by providing extensive experience,
T: (61-2) 9250-4833 comprehensive products and advanced technology designed to optimize efficiency, enhance revenues and mitigate risks associated with global investing.

Nordea is the leading financial services group in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region
and operates through three business areas: Retail Banking, Corporate and
Institutional Banking and Asset Management & Life.
T: +47 2248 6238 - The leading financial services group
Contact: Anne-Lise Kristiansen - A world-leading Internet banking and e-commerce operation
Head of Sub-custody and - The largest customer base of any financial services group in the region
Clearing - A leading asset manager in the Nordic financial market
E: - The most comprehensive distribution network in the region
Nordea is the leading custody services provider in the region. Nordea provides high
quality, tailor-made custody services for local and foreign investors dealing with
Nordic, Baltic or global securities.

RBC Dexia Investor Services offers a complete range of investor services to institu-
T: +44 (0) 20 7653 4096
F: +44 (0) 20 7248 3946
tions worldwide. Established in January 2006, we are equally owned by Royal Bank
Contact: Tony Johnson of Canada (RBC) and Dexia. We rank among the world's top 10 global custodians,
Head, Sales & Relationship with approximately USD 2.0 trillion in client assets under custody, including in-
Management house assets of RBC and Dexia. Our innovative products and services help clients
E: maximise operational efficiency, minimise risk and enhance portfolio returns. And
Address: 71 Queen Victoria Street,
our 3,800 professionals in 15 markets offer proven expertise to enhance clients’
London, EC4V 4DE, UK
business performance.

SEB is the leading provider of securities services in the Nordic and Baltic area. We
are committed to custody and clearing processes for the wholesale market. We hold
securities worth over EUR 460 bn and provide services in more that 70 markets, 9
T: +46 8 763 5770 of them under the SEB name (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Luxembourg,
F: +46 8 763 6930 Germany, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).
We offer a full range of securities services including corporate action and
Contact: Goran Fors
information services, securities lending and services to remote members of the
E: Nordic and Baltic stock exchanges. We continuously develop new products in
W: connection with clients and partners to ensure we deliver the high-quality
products our clients demand. We always strive to make the processes more
efficient. With a history of 150 years in the securities industry; we know the market
and our clients well.


Financial Asset Services is the custody and investments-servicing division of
Standard Bank, providing a unique suite of services to sophisticated investors in A:Standard Bank
South Africa and eight sub-Saharan markets. Financial Asset Services
3rd Floor
Standard Bank has assets under custody to the value of ZAR1.56 trillion and an 25 Sauer Street
overall market share of approximately 40%. Johannesburg 2107
T: +2711 636 6615
Standard Bank's unique selling point lies in its consultative approach to E: adam.bateman@standard-
relationships combined with the bank's commitment to custody and investment
administration services. W:

Standard Chartered leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Standard Chartered has a history of over 150 years in banking and is in many of the
world's fastest-growing markets with an extensive global network of over 1,200
branches (including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) in over 50 countries C: Neil Daswani,
in the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the United Kingdom Global Head, Securities Services
and the Americas.
T: +65 6517 0022
As one of Asia's leading custodians, Standard Chartered has an impressive track E: Neil.Daswani@sg.standard-
record across the 16 Asian markets in which it provides securities services. It serves
global, regional and local custodians and broker-dealers, as well as local and regional W:
fund managers. The Bank plays a key role in promoting the development of these
markets and keeping the international investor community informed of industry
developments across the region.

Swedbank provides client-focused custody services to domestic and international

securities lending (including auto-borrow facilities), derivative clearing services,
proxy voting, full corporate actions and income service. Flexibility is an important
aspect of Swedbanks products and services. Our dedicated Client Relations T: +46 8 5859 1800
Managers and Account Managers are focused on personalized processing and F: +46 8 7237 147
reporting solutions. C: Neal Meacham, Head of
Other Features: ISO9001:2000 quality certification. Swedbank Markets Online
(SMO) internet information and reporting toolfor Custody and Securities Lending. E:
Nordic Custody alliance with DnB NOR (Norway), OKO Bank (Finland) and A: Stockholm SE 105 34
Amagerbanken (Denmark) to offer regional custody product. Sweden
Institutional Assets under Custody: USD 70 billion
No. of Institutional Clients: 110

Data Services
Capco Reference Data Services (CRDS) provides a suite of reference data
management solutions that help financial services providers to achieve C: Donna Faup Bailey
superior data integrity, solve data integration issues and transform
operational performance while lowering data management costs. These Director Business Strategy &
services include a comprehensive managed services offering - a proven Marketing, Capco
alternative to in-house management of reference data as well as index T: +212 284 8749
and ETF data solutions. CRDS also provides consulting services E:
including advisory, assessment, migration, implementation, integration,
project management, development and training. For more information, W:
please visit

Through its subsidiaries, DTCC provides clearance, settlement and information services for
equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and mortgage-backed securities and London: Richard Bustard
over-the-counter derivatives. DTCC's depository also provides custody and asset servicing for T: +44 (0)20 7444-0403
more than 2.5 million securities issues from the United States and more than 100 other coun- E:
tries and territories. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance
transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC has operating New York: Susan Spivey
facilities in multiple locations in the United States and overseas. For more information on T: + 1 212 855-4144
DTCC, visit E:
DTCC’s GCA Validation Service gathers and distributes validated global corporate actions General information
announcement information on more than 1.4 million securities from more than 150 countries T: +1 212 855-1000
in more than 16 languages, more than any other provider.

Interactive Data Corporation (NYSE: IDC) is a leading global provider of Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd
financial market data, analytics and related services to financial institutions, active A: European Headquarters
traders and individual investors. The company’s businesses comprise: FT Interactive
Fitzroy House, 13-17 Epworth
Data, ComStock, CMS BondEdge and eSignal.
Street, London EC2A 4DL
FT Interactive Data provides global securities pricing, evaluations, dividend, corporate T: +44 (0)20 7825 7800
action and reference data designed to support financial institutions’ and investment F: +44 (0)20 7608 3514
funds' pricing activities, securities operations, research and portfolio management. FT
Interactive Data collects, edits, maintains and delivers data on more than 3.5 million
securities, including daily evaluations for approximately 2.5 million fixed income and
international equity issues. FT Interactive Data specialises in ‘hard-to-value’ instru- C: Brendan Beith – European
ments and ‘hard-to-get’ information from emerging markets. Sales Director


SunGard's solutions for data management provide technology for the management
and delivery of market, historical and reference data to financial services
institutions, energy and public sector organizations. SunGard also offers outsourced
T: 1-888-441-9935
data management services, as well as real-time, interactive and flat-file data feeds
F: 212-977-7144
for application integration. Aggregating market data and financial content from more
C: Marketing Department
than 100 third-party sources, SunGard's solutions for data management add value
through a range of services including cleansing, enrichment and analytics. To find
A: SunGard
out how SunGard's solutions for data management can help improve productivity,
888 Seventh Avenue
portfolio optimization and investment opportunity with predictive analytics and
New York, NY 10106
packaged data please visit

Fund Administration
Andrew Collins Managing Director Butterfield Fund Services (BFS) provides valuation, accounting, corporate secretari-
T: 441-299-3954 al, compliance, directorial and shareholder services to hedge funds, fund-of-funds,
E: and mutual funds. BFS also services international pension & insurance trusts.
Tania Kowalski Marketing Clients such as financial institutions, insurance companies, and institutional
Manager T: 441-278-6300 investors use Butterfield Fund Services to set up and launch investment funds. BFS
E: operates in Bermuda, Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and Guernsey.
A: Rosebank Centre 11 Whether a fund is just starting out or is well established, Butterfield Fund Services
Bermudiana Road, Pembroke, can provide complete solutions to help clients better service their investors. With
Bermuda HM 08 / P.O. Box HM over $50 billion in assets under administration, many alternative funds have turned
195 Hamilton, Bermuda HM AX to Butterfield Fund Services for timely and accurate administration services.

The CACEIS Group is a partnership between the Investor Services business lines of
T: +33 1 57 78 10 78 Crédit Agricole S.A. and Groupe Caisse d'Epargne. With a total of 823 billion in
C: Patrick Lemuet (France) assets under administration (30/6/2006), we are Europe’s premier third party fund
administrator. CACEIS provides a full range of services in France, Luxembourg,
Ireland, Belgium and The Netherlands. These services include portfolio valuation
T: +352 4767 2567 with multiple and automated pricing sources, NAV calculation, product structuring,
C: José-Benamin Longrée tax relevant data calculation, fees and commissions calculation, on-line client report-
(International) ing, legal and statutory investment guideline monitoring, performance measurement
and globalisation techniques such as Cloning. Our transfer agency services include
E: retail and institutional account management, Europe-wide transaction processing,
W: distribution network management, third party distribution and shareholder services.
The Fastnet Network, operated by CACEIS, undertakes some of the above services
and is a partnership venture with the Fortis Group.

New York: Christopher Lynch JPMorgan Fund Administration provides a full suite of products for all aspects of
T: +1 718-242-7555 fund administration, enabling asset managers to focus on their core business of
E: investment management. Fully integrated with JPMorgan's custody and fund
London: Dick Feehan accounting system, it also accepts automated data feeds from clients' in-house or
T: +44 (20) 7742-0102 third party accounting platforms. By automating these activities, we leverage
technology to build flexible business systems that increase efficiencies and deliver
Sydney: Laurence Bailey customer focused solutions.
T: (61-2) 9250-4833 A world-class team of experienced industry professionals provides the expertise you
W: need in fund administration services.

C: Fred W. Jacobs, III PFPC is a premier provider of processing, technology and business solutions to the
A: PFPC, 301 Bellevue Pkwy global investment industry. Our core offering includes accounting, administration,
Wilmington, DE 19809 USA investor services, middle-office services and regulatory administration services. Whether
T: 302-791-2000 your products are U.S. or non-U.S. domiciled funds, trust vehicles, limited partnerships
F: 302-791-1570 or commingled investment products, PFPC’s multi-jurisdictional, multi-fund capability
E: allows us to process your complex fund structures - from hedge funds, fund of funds
C: Fergus McKeon and private equity funds to master/feeder and multi-managed funds.
A: PFPC Riverside Two
Sir John Rogerson’s Quay PFPC offers personalized alternative investment solutions tailored to your unique
Dublin 2, Ireland needs. With more than 30 years in the fund servicing industry, our seasoned and
T: +353-1-790-3500 responsive professionals bring you the know-how, focus and dedication to deliver the
E: services you need, when and where you need them, any way you want them.

T: +44 (0) 1481 744000 Our clients have access to a broad range of value added services and tailored solu-
F: +44 (0) 1481 744529 tions including global custody and fund administration services for funds domiciled
C: Jose Santamaria in the Caribbean and Channel Islands.
A: PO Box 48 Canada Court Our services include Trustee, banking and credit facilities, treasury and foreign
St Peter Port Guernsey exchange, trade execution, financial accounting, corporate services, derivative sup-
GY1 3BQ United Kingdom port services and online access, leveraging a custody network that covers 80 plus
W: www.rbcprivatebanking. markets worldwide. Our service combines leading edge technology with professional
com/ci.html expertise and a truly integrated service delivering creative, customised solutions.


Atlanta: Peter Cohen
For over 25 years, professional advisors, financial institutions, corporations and high net T: 001-404-233-5275
worth families worldwide have relied on Trident Trust for integrity, reliability and commit- BVI: Barry Goodman
ment to client service. T: 284-494-2434
Main Services: A full range of back office administration services tailored for hedge, pri- Cayman Islands: Rick Gorter
vate equity and closed-ended funds. We offer flexibility in structuring administration T: 345-949-0880
which allows us to work closely with accounting firms and other service providers. Guernsey: Mark Le Tissier
Services include full fund accounting, NAV calculations, registrar and transfer agent, T: 01481-740-930
corporate secretarial including company formation, due diligence compliance and inter-
UK: Robin Harris
net reporting.
T: 44-(0)207-935-1503
Assets Under Administration: $13 billion * No. of Funds Administration: 185

UBS Fund Services offers comprehensive fund administration services including

fund set-up, registration and support around the world (currently 28 countries), fund W:
accounting, NAV calculation, compliance management, risk control and reporting.
We provide a flexible offering from the full range of services, including Private C: Mr Gerhard Fusenig
Labelling, to selected functions. Services are based on leading fund administration T: +41 44 235 4992
architecture, multi-source pricing and powerful compliance tools. F: +41 44 234 2840
Capabilities also extend to services for hedge funds through our teams in Cayman, E:
Ireland and Canada. A: UBS Fund Services
In times when management attention is increasingly focused on value creation, it Stauffacherstrasse 41,
may be rewarding to re-evaluate whether asset administration remains a strategic PO Box, CH-8098 Zurich
core business to you. CH-8098 Z Switzerland
Luxembourg: Jean-Paul Gennari, tel. +352-44-1010 1
Switzerland: Markus Steiner, tel. +41-61-288 4910
UK: Mark Porter, tel. +44-20-7901 5000

Hedge Fund Administration

Robert N. Chin, General Manager
T: (+) 5999 738 1351 ext 11
ATC Fund Services is a specialized hedge fund administrator who has consistently Kedi J. Chang, Managing Director
received excellent reviews from its clients. ATC provides full administration to hedge T: (+) 5999 738 1351 ext 10
funds, including daily processing of all funds’ activities, nav calculation on a daily, E:
weekly or monthly basis and registrar & transfer agency services. In addition, ATC
ATC Fund Services
takes a pro active approach in assisting start up hedge fund managers with the Bon Bini Business Center, units
incorporation of their fund in jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands, the British 2B2K & 2B2L
Virgin Islands and the Netherlands Antilles. Schottegatweg Oost 10
Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
F: (+) 5999 738 1311

Custom House Administration

Custom House is the specialist hedge fund administrator that also offers a turnkey & Corporate Services Limited
package start-up service. Custom House was the first hedge fund administrator to A: 25 Eden Quay, Dublin 1,
be awarded a Moody’s Management Quality Rating. Ireland
Custom House provides advice and assistance in the organisation of alternative
T: +(353) 1 878 0807
investment and hedge funds, together with the provision of a full administration
F: +(353) 1 878 0827
service, which covers all aspects of the day-to-day operations.
Reporting can be effected through “CHARIOT”, Custom House’s secure C: dermot.butler@customhouse-
web-reporting platform for managers and investors. Custom House Administration &
Corporate Services Ltd. is authorised by the Irish Financial Regulator under Section C: david.blair@customhouse-
10 of the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995.

DPM Mellon provides onshore and offshore alternative asset fund administration,
back and middle office outsourcing, portfolio valuation, daily NAVs, risk
administration and portfolio transparency solutions for fund managers, asset W:
allocators, institutional investors and proprietary traders. T: +1 732 667 1155
DPM Mellon’s services are designed to solve complex administrative needs and F: +1 732 662 2650
improve operational efficiency. From the most basic reports to complex portfolio C: Skander Aissa
valuations, risk analysis and daily transparency, DPM has the systems, infrastructure E:
and experience to handle your toughest administrative challenges. A: 400 Atrium Drive Somerset
DPM Mellon has a world-wide staff of approximately 200 employees. DPM Mellon New Jersey NJ 08873 USA
is headquartered in Somerset, New Jersey with offices in London, the Bahamas, and
the Cayman Islands.

For over 25 years, Trident Trust has been a leading provider of corporate, trust and
fund services to the financial service sector worldwide.
Fund Services: A full range of back office administration services tailored for W:
hedge, private equity and closed-ended funds. Flexibility in structuring a fund’s T: +44 (0) 20 7935 1503
administration allows us to work closely with accounting firms and other service F: +44 (0) 20 7935 7242
providers to offer a cost-effective administrative solution. C: Robin Harris
Services include full fund accounting, NAV calculations, registrar and transfer E:
agent, corporate secretarial including company formation, due diligence compliance A: 7 Welbeck Street
and internet reporting. Assets of Funds Serviced: $20 billion No. of Funds: 300 London W1G 9YE UK
New York: Mario Novello T: 212-840-8280 London: Robin Harris T: 0207-935-1503
BVI: Barry Goodman T: 284-494-2434 Cayman Is: Rick Gorter T: 345-949-0880
Guernsey: Mark Le Tissier T: 01481-727571 Jersey: Mike Spittal T: 01534-733401


Derivatives - Routes to Market; Investment Strategies;
Algorithmics; Fund Design & Structure; Risk Metrics; Data

Analysis; Trading Services & Outsourcing; Hedge Fund

Exposure; Prime Brokerage; Legal & Compliance; Futures;

Exchanges; Commodities; REITs/REIFs; Training & Education

Fund AIM. ISJ’s new Alternatives
Intelligence Magazine. Coming Soon...
Seasons Greetings...


PANEL - Alternatives Become Mainstream
€ 35 - Europe, Mid-East, Africa
$ 43 - Americas
£ 25 - UK, ROW


UBS Fund Services, based in the Cayman Islands, Ireland and Canada holds a lead-
ing position in the area of hedge fund administration, offering a complete range of
services including accounting, NAV computation, share holder services, banking and
Cayman Islands: Darren Stainrod,
credit facilities.
T: +1-345-914 1076
With the dedication and experience of a professional team of over 150 and our
Ireland: Don McClean,
state-of-the-art web reporting, accounting and shareholder systems, we are well posi-
T: +353-1-436 3636
tioned to provide clients with a first class service.
Canada: Pearse Griffith,
With specialist expertise in both single manager and fund of hedge fund adminis-
T: +1-416-971 4702
tration, we provide facilities for both onshore and offshore funds.
Capabilities also extend to services for investment funds through our teams in
Luxembourg, Switzerland and the UK.

Prime Brokerage
Fimat’s Alternative Investment Solutions team (AIS) is a dedicated global Prime
Brokerage team serving the alternative investment community including hedge C: Philippe Teilhard
funds and CTAs. A: Fimat International Banque SA
The AIS team offers a global range of brokerage activities on a wide range of asset (UK Branch) - part of the Societe
classes including equities, bonds, currencies, commodities, and their related listed & Generale Group
OTC derivative products. The team also provides a dedicated account management SG House, 41 Tower Hill
team, cross-margining tools between securities & derivative instruments, hedge fund London EC3N 4SG, UK
start-up services, hedge fund industry quantitative information and capital T: + 44 207 676 85 36
introductions services. F + 44 207 628 44 47
The AIS team is part of Fimat, which employs over 1,600 people in 26 markets, E:
and is a member of 46 derivatives exchanges, and 17 stock exchanges worldwide.

Payments & Settlement

The Settlements Directory for CLS removes the uncertainty surrounding which A: Exchange Tower
instructions to use, easing time pressure on query handling and investigation in One Harbour Exchange
back office operations. London
E14 9GE
T: Asia: +81 (0) 2 3517 2791
The Settlements Directory for CLS is a web-enabled application powered by
Europe: +44 (0) 20 7971 5700
SSISearch containing contact details, basic settlement information and MT300 North America: +1 212 943
preferences. It offers Settlement Members ongoing certainty of accurate settle- 2290
ments information and a fast, simple method of publishing and accessing CLS E:
static data. W:

Eiger Systems solutions are designed to be best in class and are the leading products
within their market sectors. Developed to meet the needs of organisations with complex or
mission critical payment processes, our solutions interface easily with existing business A: Eiger Point
applications and are available for all main operating systems. Swift Park
EigerPAY Gateway is a global payments platform which handles complex payment require- Old Leicester Road
ments and multiple payment channels. Already the UK’s leading BACSTEL-IP solution,
EigerPAY Gateway is ideally suited to organisations with one or more of the following:
CV21 1DZ
• a mission critical reliance on payments
• complex functional or technical requirements United Kingdom
• a requirement for numerous communication channels such as T: + 44 (0) 1788 554800
BACSTEL-IP, CHAPS, SWIFT, or PE-ACH connectivity (Sales): +44 (0) 1788 554810
EigerPAY Gateway’s flexible architecture enables organisations to integrate with the
many new and developing payment systems, with minimal change to legacy systems.
A: Europe/Asia/Africa
Fundtech's payments solutions automate all aspects of the funds transfer and cus-
42 New Broad Street
tomer notification process, enabling straight-through-processing (STP) of payments. London EC2M 1SB
Fundtech also offers payments solutions for continuous linked settlement (CLS), nos- United Kingdom
tro account management and enterprise-wide payments management. T: +44-207-588-1100
Global PAYplus - The enterprise-wide payments management solution for global F: +44-207-588-1155
financial institutions. A: Americas
PAYplus RTGS - A fully integrated, multi-currency payment system for banks resid- 30 Montgomery Street
ing in countries outside the U.S. that have established Real Time Gross Settlement Suite 501
(RTGS) standards. Jersey City, NJ 07302
T: +1-201-946-1100
PAYplus USA - The leading payments solution for financial institutions in the US.
F: +1-201-946-1313

Securities Lending .
Data Explorers Limited, a specialist and independent company, offers impartial
quantitative measurement of securities lending performance services to the global T: +44 (20) 7392 4000
securities financing industry. We help our clients monitor and understand the F: +44 (20) 7392 4004
relative performance of their lending activity and risk, and turn raw lending, borrow- A: 155 Commercial Street,
ing and collateral data into useful, actionable information. We also provide proxies London E1 6BJ United Kingdom
for short selling information. London: Julian Pittam
Working with the industry we ensure information flows are appropriate and peer T: +44 (20) 7392 5018
groups relevant. We are not involved in transactions. E:
All of our services: Performance Explorer, Transaction Explorer, Risk Explorer, Boston: Tim Smith
Index Explorer and Report Explorer are web based and available to clients T: + 1 (617) 973 5099
over the internet.


T: +1 212 901 2200 EquiLend Holdings LLC was formed by a group of leading financial institutions to
C: Carrie R. Schwartz develop a global platform for the automation of securities finance transactions.
E: carrie.schwartz@equi The EquiLend platform is designed to increase efficiency by standardizing, cen- tralizing and automating front and back office processes, while delivering global
A: 17 State Street, 9th Floor access to liquidity, reduced risk and scalability. The EquiLend platform is
New York NY 10004
designed to process equity and fixed income securities finance transactions on a
T: +44 20 7743 9510
global basis. Investors include: Barclays Global Investors; Bear, Stearns & Co.
A: 54 Lombard Street
Inc.; Credit Suisse; The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.;
London EC3V 9EX
W: Lehman Brothers; Merrill Lynch; Morgan Stanley; Northern Trust Corporation;
State Street Corporation; and UBS.

eSecLending is a global securities lending manager and a leading provider and

T: US- +1 617 204 4500 administrator of customized securities lending programs. Its programs attract
T: UK- +44 (0)20 7469 6000 some of the world's largest and most sophisticated asset gatherers, including
C: Dan Ahern pension funds, mutual funds, investment managers and insurance companies.
E: Over the past six years, the company has auctioned over $950 billion in assets
W: and has achieved significant growth in its client base, lendable assets and assets
A: 175 Federal Street, 11th FL, on loan. The firm awards principal securities lending business through a compet-
Boston, MA 02110, US itive auction process that has provided clients with higher returns compared to
A: 1st Floor, 10 King William traditional program structures and improved transparency and objective criteria
Street, London EC4N 7TW, UK upon which to make decisions. More information about eSecLending can be
found at

T: +41 (0)44 218 14 14 IFBS offers the financial industry a wide range of consulting services as well as
F: +41 (0)44 218 14 18 individual and standard software solutions. The firm supports clients along the entire
security value chain - from business modelling to change management processes.
A: IFBS AG, Buckhauserstrasse
11, CH-8048 Zurich, Switzerland IFBS’s IT solutions range from FINACE®, a Securities Finance and Collateral
W: Management Platform, to the development of tailor-made IT applications.

New York: Christopher Lynch

JPMorgan Securities Lending offers institutional investors the opportunity to earn
T: +1 718-242-7555
E: extra income on investment and pension portfolios with minimal risk and
involvement by lending their securities to qualified borrowers. With more than 300
London: Dick Feehan
lending relationships and lendable assets in excess of $1.2 trillion, JPMorgan is
T: +44 (20) 7742-0102
E: clearly committed to the market and to the value that our clients place in it. Our
resources enable you to develop programs that comply with your business
Sydney: Laurence Bailey
T: (61-2) 9250-4833 requirements and achieve your business objectives. When you select JPMorgan as your securities lending agent, you have chosen a premier provider of securities
lending services worldwide.

Nomura Group is a global investment bank dedicated to providing a broad range of

financial services for individual, institutional, corporate and government clients.
T: +44 (0) 20 7521 5672
The Group’s business activities include investment consultation and brokerage
F: +44 (0) 20 7521 2683
C: Jonathan Cossey, Head of services for retail investors in Japan, and, on a global basis, brokerage services,
Equity Finance securities underwriting, investment banking advisory services, merchant banking,
A: Nomura House, and asset management.
1 St Martin's-le Grand, London, Nomura offers a full range of Equity Finance services to institutional participants
EC1A 4NP United Kingdom in over thirty markets, through regional trading desks in London, New York,
Tokyo and Hong Kong. Identifying client needs and providing bespoke solutions
is our top priority.

ADP Brokerage Services Group is an industry leading outsourcing vendor for global
transaction processing systems, desktop productivity applications and investor
T: +44 (0) 207 551 3000
communication services to banks and brokerages worldwide.
E: -Proxy Edge – comprehensive solution for institutional global proxy voting management.
-Gloss – leading international STP system which automates the trade processing
Address: The ISIS Building, lifecycle from trade capture through confirmation, clearing agency
193 Marsh Wall, London, reporting and settlement.
E14 9SG, UK
-Tarot - a UK retail and private client stockbroking, custody and fund management solution.
-Securities Data Management – outsourced data services for securities operations.


Advent Software EMEA, established in 1998, provides trusted solutions for the front
through to back office operations, based on a true real-time fund/portfolio
accounting platform, to the investment management community throughout Europe, T: +44 (0)20 7631 9240
Middle East and Africa. Advent has an established network of offices across the F: +44 (0)20 7631 9256
region serving a growing client base of asset managers, hedge fund managers, prime
brokers, fund administrators, wealth managers, private banks and family offices who
continue to improve their businesses using Advent’s suite of integrated investment
A: One Bedford Avenue,
management solutions. Advent Software EMEA is part of Advent Software Inc. London WC1B 3AU, UK
(Nasdaq: ADVS), a global organisation that has been providing solutions to the W:
world's leading financial professionals since 1983. Firms in more than 50 countries
using Advent technology manage investments totaling more than US $8 trillion.

Progress Apama provides the next-generation Algorithmic Trading A: EMEA - Progress Apama
Platform for both the buy and sell-side financial institutions - giving 68 Lombard Street
traders full control over composing, deploying and managing algorithmic London EC3v 9LJ
trading strategies, such as VWAP, spread trading and index arbitrage. T: +44 (0) 870 3517212
Apama has customers using the Algorithmic Trading Platform in equities,
A: USA - Progress Apama
futures & options, foreign exchange and bonds and often trading multiple 10th Floor, 230 Park Avenue
assets classes within the same strategy. New York NY
T: +1 203 606 5006
Apama's platform plugs straight into any market data feeds, order E:
management systems and databases.

C: Belinda Hamer (US)

Asset Control is the world's leading provider of Centralized Data Management (CDM)
to financial industry firms. With a complete range of in-house and outsourced T: +1 212 445 1076
options, Asset Control delivers a hybrid approach to data management. The F: +1 212 445 1079
selection of developer tools, turnkey software solutions and outsourced services
enable users to optimize their investment data for efficiency, cost control, reduced C: Pascal Guignabaudet (EU)
operational risk and increased value from their data.
Address: 54 Lombard Street,
Asset Control solutions manage prices, reference data, risk factors, credit risk data, London, EC3P 3AH, UK
corporate actions and research data. The solutions support market risk, Basel II, T: +44 (0)20 7743 0320
F: +44 (0)20 7743 0321
portfolio management, trading and enterprise-wide operational coherency.

DST International is the world’s premier vendor of technology solutions to the global
T: UK +44 (0)20 8390 5000
investment management community with over 700 clients in 55 countries, and
Boston +1 617 482 8800
1500 employees in 19 of the world’s leading financial centres. Our wide range of
Hong Kong +85 225 812 880
asset management solutions meet the needs of fund managers, dealers, settlement
F: +44 (0)20 8390 7000
staff, custodians and record keepers operating as international asset managers; from
front office simulation, opinion management and modelling functions, through data
A: DST House, St Mark’s Hill,
management, dealing and settlement to custody and corporate actions. The suite of
Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 4QD
products can be used either as stand-alone applications or brought together in flexi-
ble combinations according to specific needs.

T: +1 212 922 6590

Eagle Investment Systems LLC, a Mellon Financial CompanySM, is a global provider F: +1 212 922 7677
of financial services technology, serving the world's leading financial institutions. E:
Eagle's Web-based systems support the internal straight-through processing A: 200 Park Avenue,
requirements of firms of any size including money managers, mutual funds, hedge East Mezzanine,
funds, plan sponsors, banks, corporate trusts, and insurance companies. Eagle is New York, NY 10166
committed to providing leading-edge technology, professional services, and global T: +44 (0) 20 7163 5700
support for portfolio management, investment accounting, performance F: +44 (0) 20 7163 5701
measurement, attribution, reference data management, AIMR/GIPS compliance, A: Mellon Financial Centre,
reporting, and outsourcing. To learn more about Eagle's solutions, contact 160 Queen Victoria Street,
+44 207 163 5700 or or visit London, EC4V 4LA

Interactive Technologies is a leader in developing and delivering software solutions

that support current and emerging Financial Industry needs for enterprise-level T: +1 908 273 1116
billing and revenue management. Founded in 1993, Interactive Technologies was C: Mike Donoghue
acquired by Fiserv, Inc (Nasdaq: FISV) in June 2005 and is based in Summit, N.J., E:
with additional offices in Los Angeles, London and Toronto. The company's sole A: 482 Springfield Avenue,
product - Advantage Fee System - provides banking and financial service institutions Summit, New Jersey NJ 07901
with a comprehensive solution for streamlining, automating and managing fee-based USA
billing operations. Over 60 organizations benefit from the Advantage Fee System, W:
ranging in assets managed from 5 billion to well above 1 trillion US$.


C: Paul Hewitt, Business
Development Manager, Europe Manifest offers global voting services to institutional investors encompassing 75,000
A: Manifest lines of stock around the world. We are renowned for the thoroughness,
9 Freebournes Court independence and timeliness of our services, placing company research within an
Newland Street, Witham appropriate local context. We deliver unrivalled consistency and transparency with
Essex, CM8 2BL, UK
desktop-to-meeting electronic voting through our own web-enabled platform. Our
T: +44 (0)1376 503500
D: +44 (0)1376 504502 SWIFT membership gives us direct and seamless access to counterparties across the
M: +44 (0)7884 495165 globe. With research, policy, analysis, voting and delivery integrated into a single
F: +44 (0)1376 503550 straight-through process, it's easy to see why audit and control are central to our
E: service. Manifest - big enough to deliver, small enough to care.

AIM-listed Mondas plc provides specialist software solutions to firms dealing in the
C: Harvey Colborne Global Financial Markets. Our solutions increase process efficiency, improve
E: customer service and reduce operational risk.
A: 17 - 29 Sun Street Mondas is a market-leading supplier of solutions for global corporate actions
London, EC2M 2PT, UK processing; financial research and client reporting, and management of new issues
E: and placings.
T: +44 (0) 207 392 1300 Mondas’ clients include HSBC, Credit Suisse, ING, Panmure Gordon & Co.,
F: +44 (0) 207 392 1301 Brewin Dolphin Securities, Investec, Williams de Broë, Man Financial, Stocktrade,
W: Evolution Securities and Rabobank.

peterevans is a leading independent provider of front to back office systems to the

financial services sector, providing both global solutions to major institutions and
T: +44 (0)29 20402200
highly-focused technology to smaller organizations.
F: +44 (0)29 20402213
The Company's creative, high-end solutions integrate seamlessly with existing infra-
A: New Broad Street House, 35
structures to ensure business performance is optimised.
New Broad Street, London
peterevans’ flagship products TRACS and Axim support end-to-end straight through
processing for the full range of back office automation and transaction requirements,
including SWIFT messaging. Tira, the company’s front to middle office system, links
effortlessly with the back office, providing fund and investment managers with one
of the most comprehensive tools on the market.

Princeton Financial® Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of State Street

Corporation, is a leading provider of investment management and accounting
T: +1 609-987-2400 systems and ASP services for global institutional investors.
F: +1 609-514-4794 Its flagship PAM® investment management systems provide comprehensive STP-
C: Lorne Whitmore, Vice ready functionality that can be licensed for in-house use or accessed via the
President, Global Sales & Internet. PAM® systems are currently used worldwide by over 275 leading invest-
Product Management
E: ment managers, insurance companies, mutual funds and unit trusts, pension funds,
A: 600 College Road East, hedge funds, endowments, banks and corporation, which manage combined total
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA assets over US $3 trillion.
W: Princeton Financial has offices located throughout the United States, United
Kingdom, Belgium, Australia, Singapore, Amsterdam and Canada. Form more
information, visit Princeton Financial’s website.

SimCorp Dimension is a powerful, comprehensive and truly seamless investment

management system. It can handle NAV and other calculations, with complete
T: +44 (0) 20 7651 8800 related accounting, for a huge variety of fund structures and product types, including
F: +44 (0) 20 7651 8811 regional specialities. Support for broader functions, such as performance attribution
C: Ian Crompton, sales director, and risk management, are particular strengths of the system.
SimCorp Dimension
London EC4N 8DQ, UK SimCorp Dimension has been designed from scratch as a total straight through pro-
W: cessing system, handling all aspects of the investment management process, consis-
tently. Data is recorded into a single database so that reporting is made easy, there
is no reconciliation of data and no duplication of procedures.

Training and Education

The ICMA Centre, University of Reading has an international reputation for providing
quality academic and professional programmes tailored to the capital markets indus-
T: +44 (0)118 378 8239 try. Established in 1991 with funding provided by the International Capital Market
F: +44 (0)118 931 4741 Association (ICMA) in Zurich, the Centre is housed in a purpose-built modernist
E: building with state-of-the-art facilities including two dealing rooms. Our academic
C: Samantha Heslop programmes include the MSc International Securities, Investment and Banking, MSc
(please quote ref:IS001) Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance, MSc Financial Risk Management and
A: University of Reading, MSc Investment Management.
Whiteknights, PO Box 242, Professional programmes offered:
Reading RG6 6BA - - ICMA and NASD certificate and diploma programmes
W: - - Practical finance workshops for market professionals (Market VaR, Options, Repo,
FX and Money Markets) – can be customised to company requirements
- - Simulated trading days.



“Life can only be understood backwards, Dr Nick Laxton, Head of Quantitative
but it must be lived forward.” Portfolio Strategies, Aberdeen Asset
Soren Kierkegaard Management, contributes to the last
Hindsight/Foresight of 2006.


How have investment management strategies evolved Are hedge funds still alternative?
over the past five years, with the benefit of hindsight?
Alternative to low fees? Yes. Some hedge funds are a
Changes in the pension and accounting rules have had a cost-effective source of higher return but there are an
huge impact upon what clients need and naturally invest- awful lot that aren’t. I think the new alternatives are
ment managers have had to adapt. The market has moved asset managers who can now make the same offerings as
to separate investment strategies that handle beta manage- the hedge funds and be really competitive on fees. They
ment cheaply and effectively (such as liability driven used to be the only ones offering diverse strategies in
investments and swaps strategies) and then pay a premium derivative instruments but that is just not true anymore.
for returns uncorrelated to benchmarks and liabilities The shift in investment strategy for asset managers
(alpha). That has put a lot of pressure on transparency means their style is becoming more like hedge funds
with managers needing the capability to understand the with a quest for uncorrelated sources of total return.
true nature of their investment strategies. The key change Hedge funds are not doing anything particularly new
for me is that investment managers have a stronger capa- although they tend to be in a nicer part of town.
bility to use derivatives not only to manage exposure but
solely as a means to generate additional returns. Over the next few years where will the largest returns
come from?
How have lessons learnt impacted on the development of
new and innovative strategies? Commodities will fall in the short term, but longer term
there is a limit to supply and an increase in demand as
There has always been events such as the Russian debt crisis, Asia (China) gets stronger and stronger. When someone
LTCM, the tech bubble bursting and Enron that issues water futures – buy them.
have brought more mainstream focus on risk manage-
ment. The key shift is the realization that the step forward is More mainstream investments will need to rely on port-
not to constrain managers by constantly cutting risk; the folio construction and increasing investment breadth. If
real trick is to take advantage of risk systems to manage it you increase your uncorrelated sources of return then
more effectively. By increasing investment breadth we can you can use leverage in an effective and risk managed
increase diversification and our risk systems can tell us by way to maximize your returns. I think we will see more
how much – the best managers will then go spend it on managers use these techniques in the next few years.
more strategies.

With the benefit of hindsight on market conditions and What's the biggest risk you face?
volatility, what would you do differently?
Taking ourselves too seriously and being very aware that
I would have backed a friend of mine to finish his inter- all investors can get it really, really wrong. When we are
net poker site 15 years ago and bought a lot more property working on our portfolios and how to put together
– it’s still pretty much the only mainstream investment as investment ideas in increasingly “better” ways, we have
a private investor you can borrow to invest in. For our be just as diligent in working out all the pitfalls. Too
portfolios I would have spent more time on commod- many managers believe they are infallible – that doesn’t
ities but I can’t help thinking that there will be some make common sense. Nobody throws sixes every time.
short term pain.


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