Joseph Nydle: Lesson Plan: Measuring The Health of Economies

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Joseph Nydle: Lincoln High: Economics: Monday, March 31, 2014 Secondary Lesson Plan Template Grade level

and subject discipline: Length of class: Economics (11-12) 85 minutes LEARNING GOALS to be addressed in this lesson: Iowa Core 5c, d. Students will understand
how universal economic concepts present themselves in various types of economies throughout the world.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : By applying standard research practices, students will analyze economic data and patterns to make determinations and predictions about the current and future health of the economy. Description: Students are introduced to basic economic research practices. Students then research current economic indicators and analyze it to make predictions about the future health of the economy. Finally, students are asked to compare economic data in Iowa with other states to make statements about our standard of living. KNOWLEDGE: Economists use three main indicators to make determinations about the health of an economy: Gross Domestic Product, Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate. States with higher average personal income, an increasing GDP growth rate, low unemployment, and high GDP per capita tend to have a higher standard living. Economies are difficult to predict. SKILLS: Independent and Group Research Skills. The ability to form a prediction and provide evidence. Independent writing skills. Comparing data. Social skills for working with peers in research groups.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED: Measuring Economies Handouts Laptop Computers Internet access Pens/Pencils/Paper ASSESSMENT (How will I know if students achieve the learning goals/objectives?): Informal: Questioning, Observation during group work Formal: Written group report

1. In Classroom: Review Essay Assignment and Assign Groups (10 minutes) The poverty essay was handed out last class period, but I want to check for understanding of what is being assessed. I will then assign groups for the class activity. 2. In Library: Instruction and Modeling: Measuring Economies (15 minutes) After students are in their groups, I will explain the purpose of the classroom activity and model how to find basic economic research data. Using a laptop with internet, I will demonstrate how to locate key economic data and what I expect students to do with this information. Students will then be released in their groups to complete the research and assignment. 3. Activity: Measuring Economies (attached handout) (50 minutes) Students are divided into groups of 3. Each group must work together to research current economic

data on the three key economic indicators of: gross domestic product, inflation rate, and unemployment rate. To increase their understanding, students are encouraged to seek additional data on GDP growth rate, median income, population growth, and other demographic information. Students are prompted with questions that require them to use this information and provide an analysis of the current economic conditions in the United States and to then make predictions about the future. This information is provided in an informal report to be submitted as a full group. If a student group should finish this assignment before others (some higher-level groups might do this), I have an additional exercise that asks students to research data on economic indicators for Iowa and compare this with three other states. Based on this information, students are then asked to make determinations about the standard of living in Iowa.

4. Wrap-Up: If time allows, we will share results as a class. Otherwise the information from this activity will be used to open the next class meeting, which consists of review for the Unit 3 Test and independent work time to finish poverty essays.

Differentiation: Activities by level/station Collaborative work with strategic grouping by ability (heterogenous skill level). Graphic organizer for group activity.

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