Won't Pass Dem Leadership - No I/l Obama Is Not Really Pushing Wiser 2/24/14

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Wont pass Dem leadership no i/l Obama is not really pushing Wiser 2/24/14 [BY: Daniel Wiser; February

y 24, 2014 5:00 am; Experts: Obama Not Pushing

Hard Enough for Trade Deal; http://freebeacon.com/experts-obama-not-pushing-hard-enoughfor-trade-deal/ //TonyPlayBoy] The Obama administration has not pushed hard enough for a wide-ranging free trade deal that
could yield significant economic and geostrategic benefits, experts say. Final negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposed free trade agreement involving 12 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and North and South America, resumed on Saturday in Singapore. The United States and Japan, the two largest economies taking part in the talks and vital signatories to any deal, aim to resolve the lingering concerns of Japanese farmers and U.S. automakers over increased competition. However, the

TPP could still be derailed in Congress. Bipartisan legislation that would grant President Barack Obama trade promotion authority (TPA) to fast-track the deal with a simple yes or no vote and no amendmentsa tool viewed as essential to convincing other nations to sign onhas stalled in the Senate due to opposition from his own partys leaders. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) told reporters at the end of last month that everyone would be well-advised to not push this right now, just a day after Obama urged lawmakers to pass TPA in his State of the Union address. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) joined Reid in opposition earlier this month when she told unionskey Democratic allies and fundraisers staunchly against free tradethat fasttrack authority was out of the question. Dan Blumenthal, director of Asian Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and former senior director for China, Taiwan, and Mongolia in the George W. Bush administration, said in an interview that Obama has yet to fight for the TPP. Its fair to say he has not pushed harder for it, he said. He didnt get his own leadership in line to make sure theyre coordinating this being a priority on the legislative agenda. Having the best gold-plated mass
trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific would be a great show of American engagement, he added.

Wont come up to a vote, Min wage thumps, midterms fears Bowman 2/23/14 [Michael Bowman; February 23, 2014; Washington Week: In Election Year,
Congress Unlikely to Tackle Tough Issues; http://www.voanews.com/content/washington-weekin-election-year-congress-unlikely-to-tackle-tough-issues/1857608.html //TonyPlayBoy]
On the other hand, Boehner

is urging bipartisan backing to boost the administrations ability to negotiate free trade agreements across the globe. The president says he wants to make this a year of action.
That sounds good, but if he wants to make it a year of action, let us work together to pass Trade Promotion Authority that would expand exports and create more jobs in America, said Boehner. Under TPA, trade pacts would be subject to an up-or-down vote in Congress without amendment. President Obama has endorsed expanding trade, but has not named TPA as a top economic priority. We need to work together on tools like bipartisan trade promotion authority to protect our workers, protect our environment, and open new markets to new goods stamped Made in the USA. China and Europe are not standing on the sidelines. Neither should we. Many

congressional Democrats say free trade will ship American jobs overseas. In the Democratic-led Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid says TPA is unlikely to get a vote. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says opposition runs high in her caucus. "I do not think that [TPA] would have very many votes among Democrats in the House." Instead, Pelosi is urging Congress to raise the U.S. minimum wage and to extend jobless benefits for the unemployed, which most Republicans oppose. All House seats and one-third of the Senate will be contested in midterm elections in November. During an election year, Congress usually shies away from politically-contentious votes, a tendency that could be repeated in 2014.

Wont pass - No push, has moved on House retreat proves Thune 2/25/14 [John Thune; Senator John Thune (R-S.D.) serves on the Senate Finance
Committee and is chairman of the Senate Republican Conference; FEBRUARY 25, 2014; Democrats must give Obama trade promotion authority; http://blogs.reuters.com/greatdebate/2014/02/25/give-obama-trade-promotion-authority/ //TonyPlayBoy] President Barack Obama declared in his State of the Union speech, We need to work together on tools like bipartisan trade promotion authority to protect our workers, protect our environment and open new
markets to new goods stamped Made in the USA. China and Europe arent standing on the sidelines. Neither should we.

Republicans agree. But the president has not followed through on his call for legislative action. Giving him trade promotion authority would put two large trade deals on a fast track to completion. It appears politics have intruded. The president has given in to members of his party who oppose granting fasttrack authority because the trade deals might alienate friendly special-interest groups in an election year. He reportedly did not even mention the issue when speaking to the House Democratic Caucus at its annual retreat. Then Vice President Joe Biden, addressing the same group, said the White House would be backing off the issue in deference to Democrats political concerns.

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