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Steven Suzio

4188 Alpenhorn, apt 7 Comstock Park, MI 49321

(734) 620 7388 ste!ens"#$o%&ma$l'com

Objective( )o teach, $nsp$re, an* create l$+e lon& learners $n a secon*ar, mathemat$cs classroom' Education( Grand Valley State University, 2009 2013 Allen*ale, MI -. $n Mathemat$cs Ma/or( Mathemat$cs )each$n& 0$th an emphas$s $n .econ*ar, 1*"cat$on (12) M$nor( 1arth an* .pace .c$ence )each$n& (34) 5PA( 3'466 Schoolcraft Community College, 2007 2009 6$!on$a, MI Assoc$ates $n .c$ence Churchill High School, 2003 2007 6$!on$a, MI 4$&h school *$ploma Teaching Experience: Substitute Teacher through Professional Education Services Group (PESG 7o!em8er 2013 Present ."8st$t"te ta"&ht as o+ten as poss$8le !ong"Term Substitute #llendale High School$ .eptem8er 2013 7o!em8er 2012 )a"&ht an ent$re tr$mester o+ 9th &ra*e Al&e8ra an* 10th &ra*e 5eometr,' Student Teacher East %oc&ford 'iddle School$ 9an"ar, 2013 Apr$l 2013 .t"*ent ta"&ht +or 12 0eeks $n a 7th an* 8th &ra*e Mathemat$cs classroom' Teaching #ssistant God(in Heights 'iddle School$ 9an"ar, 2012 Apr$l 2012 Ass$ste* $n a s$:th &ra*e Math an* .c$ence classroom' )a"&ht an ent$re "n$t on pro8a8$l$t,' Tutored at #lger 'iddle School$ 9an"ar, 2010 Apr$l 2010 ;orke* 0$th 6th &ra*e .oc$al .t"*$es classes' )bserved and Tutored at Hudsonville High School$ 9an"ar, 2011 Apr$l 2011 )"tore* st"*ents $n Mathemat$cs' Taught 'ath*English to students in Ecuador$ Ma, 2010 Part$c$pate* 0$th Internat$onal .t"*ent <ol"nteers $n 1c"a*or' ;e 0orke* 0$th st"*ents $n schools teach$n& Math, 1n&l$sh, an* )echnolo&,' Coaching Gymnastics$ 2009 present 3$rector an* hea* coach o+ the 8o,=s pro&ram at 5ran* >ap$*s 5,mnast$cs' Coache* recreat$onal &,mnast$cs at 6$!on$a 5,mnast$cs Aca*em,'

Employment History: Professional Education Services Group (PESG 2013 Present Cale*on$a, MI (616) 891 0?09 ;orke* as a s"8st$t"te teacher thro"&h P1.5 Grand %apids Gymnastics, 2009 Present Casca*e, MI (616) 97? 2992 Coach all le!els o+ men=s an* 0omen=s &,mnast$cs a&es 6 18' 3$rector an* hea* coach o+ the 8o,=s pro&ram Coache* se!eral state an* re&$onal all aro"n* champ$ons The 'eado(s Golf Course at Grand Valley, 2011 Present Allen*ale, MI (616) 331 100? ;orke* ma$ntenance &ro"n*s cre0 Personal Interests: Pla,$n& an* coach$n& sports (&ol+, sno08oar*$n&, &,mnast$cs, hocke,, tr$athlons@marathons) >ea*$n& M"s$cA can pla, an* rea* m"s$c +or tr"mpet an* &"$tar Extracurricular ctivities: +nternational Student Volunteers Ma, 2010 Bo"r 0eek tr$p to 1c"a*or <ol"nteer 0ork $n a small !$lla&e teach$n& $n schools, an* 8"$l*$n& comm"n$t, centers Churchill High School Golf Team, 200? 2007 Pla,e* +or h$&h school !ars$t, &ol+ team Churchill -aith Club, 2004 2007 .mall &ro"p 8$8le st"*, Churchill Environmental Club, 2004 2007 4elpe* start a cl"8 $n m, h$&h school to ra$se en!$ronmental a0areness' 6e* se!eral en!$ronmental campa$&ns (a*opte* an$mal +rom #oo, create* a s"sta$na8le &ar*en, p"t rec,cle 8$ns $n place aro"n* the school)' !e"erences: 3enn$s .ch"lt# sch"lt*e%&!s"'e*" (616) 331 6?14 B$el* s"per!$sor *"r$n& m, st"*ent teach$n& semester 3an >emenap >emenap*an%allen*ale'k12'm$'"s (616) 892 ??8? -"$l*$n& Pr$nc$pal at Allen*ale 4'.' 3an >ott$er *rott$er%rock+or*schools'or& (616) 863 6320 8th &ra*e Cooperat$!e teacher at 1ast >ock+or* M'.' 3a!e 4o*&k$nson 34o*&k$nson%rock+or*schools'or& (616) 863 6320 7th &ra*e cooperat$!e teacher at 1ast >ock+or* M'.'

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